When is it better to divide peonies in spring or autumn? When is the best time to replant peonies? When to replant peonies

Peonies can grow in one place for many years, but sooner or later gardeners are faced with the question of replanting the bushes. At first glance, this is a troublesome matter, but in practice everything is different. You just need to remember the timing and choose the right transplant method.

Suitable time to transplant peonies

Features of transplanting peonies in spring

In early spring Peonies are replanted as a whole bush; division is not done during this period. The survival rate of plants is good, since there are many suction roots on the roots. But success depends not only on this - it is important to constantly maintain the soil in wet. It’s good if the weather is damp, but in a dry spring you will have to water the plantings regularly.

You need to start replanting when the snow has completely melted from the flowerbed, but the bushes have not yet begun to grow. The soil in a new place is prepared in advance: it is loosened, fertilized with sand, humus, and compost.

Important! Fresh manure cannot be used.

Transplant instructions:

1. The old bush is completely dug out of the ground, trying to preserve the lump.

2. Water the planting hole abundantly, install a peony bush and sprinkle it with soil.

3. The soil is compacted, watered and mulched with organic matter.

If in landing hole mineral fertilizers were applied, they must be mixed with soil. Peony roots are fragile and can burn.

Best time for replanting peonies in the summer - the month of August. The heat is no longer so intense, the bushes will tolerate the procedure more easily and adapt to the new place.

The planting pit for summer transplantation is prepared six months in advance. It must correspond to the size of the root system, its width is at least 50 cm, and its depth is about 80 cm. The bottom of the hole is well drained, filled halfway with compost or humus, watered abundantly and left until the end of summer. By the time of planting, the soil will have completely settled, and the roots will not be exposed after watering.

In August old bush peonies are dug up, divided into parts, thinned out. New divisions must have at least 6 buds each. Before planting, the divisions are washed under running water and kept in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! If the root needs to be divided with a knife, then the tool is disinfected in advance.

During planting, the roots are buried 5 cm into the ground, after which they are sprinkled with fertile soil and watered. Planting depth is very important, otherwise the plant will refuse to bloom. In the future, the peony is cared for as usual.

How to replant peonies in the fall

Peonies transplanted in the fall will bloom next spring. Over the winter the bush will rest and gain strength. The transplant is planned for warm days, when there are still two weeks before the expected frost. This is exactly the period needed for rooting bushes in a new place.

In each region, the timing of transplantation is different. In the Urals and Siberia, the time for planting is from mid-August to mid-September. In the Moscow region and middle lane planting must be completed by September 25. In the south of the country, the procedure can be extended until the end of the month.

Instructions for replanting in autumn:

1. Prepare a hole measuring 40 x 50 cm, at least 20 cm deep.

2. Trim old shoots to a height of 15 cm.

3. Dig up the bush with a pitchfork so as not to damage the roots.

4. Remove rotten or dry areas of roots, divide into parts if necessary.

5. Plant the plant in a new place, deepening the buds by 7 cm. Planting deeper will lead to rotting of the roots.

Use a mixture for planting fertile soil With mineral fertilizers or humus.

Instructions for replanting peonies to bloom

In order for a newly transplanted bush to bloom, you need to plant it correctly. First, choose a place where the peony will be grown. This should be a well-lit, dry area without drafts. It’s good if the sun hits it in the first half of the day, and in the midday heat the bush will be in partial shade. This will extend the flowering period. The eastern side of the site is best suited.

Important! Peonies are planted away from trees or shrubs, as they block the plant with their shadow. Full development the bush will be disturbed, flowering is out of the question.

Peonies develop well only in loose, loamy soil. They grow poorly in heavy soil. The depth of rooting depends on the soil on the site. If the soil is heavy, then the cuttings are buried only 3–5 cm. On light soils, the planting depth is increased to 7 cm. If planted deeper, the peonies will not bloom.

When transplanting peonies, you need to properly plan the flower bed. Distance between bushes for low-growing varieties make about 80 cm, for others up to 110 cm. Tree peonies are planted at a distance of 1.5 m.

Caring for peonies after transplantation

The next year after transplant experienced gardeners It is recommended to pick off the buds so that the bushes get stronger. Then next season the flowering will be abundant.

After autumn replanting, the bushes are mulched with a thick layer of humus to prepare the peonies for winter. If this is not done, the roots may die. In spring, the soil under the bushes is loosened.

When caring for peonies, do not forget about pruning the shoots. Many gardeners do it wrong. The shoots are pruned in late autumn, from mid-October to early November. After two weeks, the bushes are fed with phosphorus and potassium.

Important! Early pruning of shoots weakens the bush; it does not tolerate winter well.

When pruning a bush, the shoots are cut completely level with the soil. If there is no rain during this period, then the soil around is watered abundantly. The cut areas are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. All plant residues are removed from the flowerbed and burned; they can cause diseases.

Peonies are unpretentious flowers that are easy to grow. If you follow all the instructions, then abundant flowering is guaranteed every year.

Peonies satisfy two main needs of amateur gardeners: they are incredibly beautiful and easy to care for. It is known that these bushes can live in one place for ten years without problems. But, sooner or later, transplanting peonies becomes actual problem– an overgrown bush needs to be rejuvenated, or you decide to move the plant to a new place.

Doesn't seem to be capricious peony. Replanting this plant to a new location However, it must be carried out competently: peony is sensitive to changes in place of residence. A lot depends on when to replant peonies, how to replant them, and how to care for peonies after replanting. We will talk about the main nuances of this floriculture business.

Replanting peonies: when is the best time to do it?

You should think about replanting a peony when the bush reaches 6-7 years of age.
Ideal period for transplanting peonies - from late August to mid-September. At this time it is still warm, there are rarely long rains, so replanting peonies in autumn passes almost painlessly, and next spring the bush will delight you with fragrant blooms. Over the winter root system The bush will have time to get used to the new soil, by spring it will begin to actively grow and begin to absorb moisture.
However, if you did not have time to transplant the bushes by the end of September, it is better to postpone this event until spring (March-April). Spring transplantation of peonies does not go so smoothly, so it will require maximum effort from the grower. To avoid diseases of peonies, in the spring after transplantation, its rhizome is not divided for propagation.
Transplanting peonies in summer will cause the roots of the plant, extracted from the ground, to receive sunburn. And in conditions of heat and moisture deficiency, it will be difficult for the plant itself to adapt to new living conditions. Summer transplantation of peonies is advisable only when the flower is sick and requires immediate movement to new ground(usually, we're talking about about root rot of peonies).

Replanting peonies in autumn

Before, how to replant peonies in the fall, you need to decide on a place. For peonies, a well-lit area protected from the winds is suitable. This plant prefers loose garden soil, flavored with rotted manure or peat. But what the peony does not like is waterlogged, swampy soils, in which the root system quickly rots.

The hole for replanting is prepared before digging up the peony. Its depth is 0.7-0.8 m, width – 0.5x0.5 m, the distance between neighboring bushes is about 1 meter. To the bottom of the planting hole you should add humus, a little sand and about a glass of superphosphate.

It is better to prepare the planting hole for peonies in advance, about a week before planting.

Peony bushes are removed from the ground as follows: the bush is dug up in a circle, then the soil is raked off from all sides and from the roots without haste. Do not pull the plant by the stem to avoid damaging the buds. No matter how hard you try, you cannot do without damage to the roots.

After removing the bush, it is washed with water so that the roots for separation are better visible, and checked for the presence of wounds.

Next, they are divided into several parts so that each part contains flower buds and young roots. The stems in each division are cut off, leaving no more than 10-15 cm. However, it is up to you to decide whether to cut the stem after digging or before.

It is advisable to soak the root system of peonies in a fungicide solution for 30 minutes (especially if there is a lot of damage). Autumn replanting should be carried out so that the buds are buried 4-6 cm. If the peony is buried deeper, the bush may not bloom in the spring; smaller - the peony may not survive the winter.

After replanting, the peony should be thoroughly watered and mulched.

Replanting peonies in spring

This event is not fundamentally different from the autumn transplant, but has its own characteristics. So, a bush from an old place is dug up with a large lump of earth, but not washed with water and not divided for propagation, otherwise the flower will not have time to take root before hot days. Spring transplantation of peonies should not be accompanied by the introduction of fresh manure or mineral fertilizers into the planting holes. It is best to fertilize the bush with a mixture of rotted compost and soil.
Peony after transplantation in spring requires special attention.In the first year, the formed buds are torn off, so that the plant spends energy on adapting to a new place, and not on flowering.
In any case, spring replanting of peonies is less desirable than autumn replanting. At autumn planting the bush is less capricious regarding the quality of the soil and takes root more easily in a new place. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, postpone this procedure until the end of summer.

And if you have any questions about peony transplantation, we hope this detailed video will give all the answers to them:

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

They can only be replanted in the fall, this makes it easier for them to take root in a new place, and in the spring strong, healthy bushes will grow. But practice shows that transplanting peonies to another place in the spring also gives positive results, only the plants will require more attention: changeable spring weather can complicate survival.

It should be taken into account that peonies generally do not like to be transplanted, especially at the wrong time for this, so we must try to create all the necessary conditions for them in the new place.

When choosing, pay attention to some key factors.

Where to choose a place to transplant a peony in the spring?

The gardener should carefully consider the choice of site so that the transplanted peony bush can become powerful and durable, pleasing its owner for a long time abundant flowering.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the site is chosen to be sunny or slightly shaded in the evening (lighting by morning rays is especially favorable for peony);
  • groundwater should not be less than 1 m deep, since peony roots grow up to a meter long;
  • Digging of the soil is done deeply and thoroughly, all perennial weeds are removed;
  • most best composition the soil is loam, so heavy, dense soil must be diluted with sand, and clay must be added to the sandy soil, and a nutrient composition must also be added;
  • It is advisable that there are no buildings near the growth of peonies, the walls of which, when heated, will contribute to overheating of the flowers;
  • there should also be no trees or tall shrubs nearby that would take away moisture and nutrition from the peonies;
  • plants do not tolerate acidic soil; ash will need to be added when preparing the hole, or dolomite flour.

It is preferable to choose an area protected from the wind, so that when there are gusts, large buds do not break and fall off prematurely.

Preparing to transplant peonies

You can begin replanting peonies in the spring to another place after the snow has melted and the night temperature has reached no lower than zero, and the daytime temperature has reached 10 degrees.

Experts say that a hole must be dug deep and wide enough, 60x60, to add a drainage layer, and on top add enough lung amount 3-4 year old humus (10 l), compost (5 l), bone or dolomite meal (300 g), superphosphate (100 g).

A layer of structured soil (peat, turf soil, clay or sand, compost in equal quantities) is poured on top, compacted, and watered abundantly. The peony root system develops slowly; for the first 3-4 years it will obtain food in the surface layers of humus. It is recommended to prepare the hole for planting 2 weeks in advance so that the soil settles and compacts well.

The process of replanting peonies

Peony roots are very fragile; you will have to dig very carefully so as not to damage them. It is better to do this with a pitchfork, digging up the ground around the bush at some distance without damaging the overgrown tubers. The earth is loosened with a pitchfork near the root so that it can be pulled out without resistance.

When replanting in spring, the rhizome does not need to be washed under running water and disinfected; the bush also cannot be divided - this is a feature of spring replanting. The dug up plant is carefully transferred to a new place, placed in a hole, covered with a layer of earth, simultaneously compacting it. You should make sure that the buds are buried no more than 4-5cm, otherwise they will not bloom. The transplanted plant needs to be watered abundantly.

Along with replanting, old bushes are rejuvenated by slightly pruning the rhizome, especially the upper part. This procedure is optional; the gardener needs to determine from the condition of the bush whether there is such a need.

A distance of one to one and a half meters is maintained between the bushes so that they have enough space to grow. Since transplanting peonies to another place in the spring is stressful for the plants, they may not bloom this year.

Along with replanting, old bushes are sometimes rejuvenated by slightly pruning the rhizome, especially the upper part.

Caring for peony bushes transplanted in spring

It doesn’t take much time to care for the flowers; they need infrequent but abundant watering and loosening the soil around the bush. By making care easier, the gardener can achieve moisture retention, the soil remains loose, the root system does not overheat, and weed growth is suppressed.

The first year there is no need for fertilizing if fertilizers have been added to the planting hole.

Transplanting peonies in spring sometimes leads to wilting lower leaves, it is advisable to pinch them immediately before they are affected by diseases.

If, however, buds appear on the bushes during the year of planting, it is better to cut them off, giving the plant the opportunity to fully take root and grow stronger.

VIDEO: how to plant peonies in spring?

In this video you will learn about general rules spring planting of peonies, including the preparation of the hole, which is necessary before transplanting:

If your peonies do not bloom well, then the problem is most likely due to improper planting. A peony can live in one place for 10-20 years, develop and bloom profusely, if only it was planted in the right place and with all the conditions met.

Let's figure out how to plant peonies.

Peony roots should not be buried when planting. The depth for the rhizome is no more than 5 cm from the soil surface, or even better, reduce the depth to 3 cm. Peonies love slightly acidic soil (pH 5-6).

Peony transplant

Peonies are replanted at the end of summer. The bush is dug up using a fork, a large shovel or even a crowbar - depending on the quality of your soil and the size of the plant.

After digging, the peony root is cleared of the soil. If the soil is too wet and the lump is not shaken off from the roots, then you need to wash them with a garden hose. Then cut the stems (it is more convenient to do all previous manipulations with the plant without cutting the top part of the plant).

Peony can be propagated when transplanted, dividing its rhizome. Young plants cannot be divided; the peony must be at least 2-3 years old. Count the buds on the peony root - in order for it to be divided, the number of buds must be at least 10.

Disinfect the knife and cut the peony rhizome into several parts. The knife should be sharp, you need to cut from top to bottom, trying not to touch the kidneys. Each division should have 2-3 buds. If you leave only one bud on the new root, then the young peony will not bloom for a long time (usually young plants bloom in the second year after planting).

Immediately after division, the peony roots are planted on the right places.

The root of an adult plant is divided into parts with a sharp, clean knife. Each new part must have at least 2 buds.

The divisions are buried no more than 5 cm. If you have not prepared the holes for planting peonies in advance, then do not bury the roots, but lay them on the surface and hill them up.

As we said above, When planting a peony, the buds of the rhizome should be no deeper than 5 centimeters.

Holes for planting peonies need to be prepared 10-14 days in advance - then the soil in them will have time to settle. Usually a hole 0.5 meters deep is sufficient, but if the soil in your garden does not have natural drainage, then you should add another 20 cm for a drainage layer. Drainage can be made of coarse sand or expanded clay.

The basis of the soil for the peony should consist of a mixture of turf soil with river sand, humus and peat (in equal parts). For each bush, you additionally need to add superphosphate (60-100 g), bone meal (300-400 g) and wood ash(300-400 gr.). Mix all ingredients well.

If you did not have time to prepare holes for planting peonies in advance, then do not bury their rhizomes at all, but place them with the buds up on the surface of the earth with which you just filled the hole, and hill them up by 3-5 cm. After 1-2 weeks, the soil will naturally shrink and the peony tubers will be at the desired depth.

When to replant peonies?

Owners of private houses, country cottages and give it to everyone flowering bushes They prefer peonies, as they are unpretentious, bloom for a long time and emit a subtle aroma, creating a cozy atmosphere in the garden. Peony buds come in different colors, ranging from white to dark burgundy. Caring for the bushes is simple, it consists of timely feeding and constant watering, but the time of transplanting and planting seedlings must be strictly determined so that the plant can delight you with lush color all season long.

The best time to transplant peonies

When to replant peonies?

In order for the plant to survive the winter well, the roots must take root completely and produce small shoots, so peonies can be replanted no later than mid-September. If you were unable to replant the plant, it is better to do it in the spring, otherwise the roots will die during the first frost.

Choose time by lunar calendar. It is important that the planting is carried out on a waxing moon, when the weather is rainless, dry and warm. Usually at the end of August there are several days that are considered the beginning of the velvet season; at this time it is best to put flower beds in order. When you replant in the fall, the plant will bloom as usual the next year, even with larger flowers. After planting, do not forget to water the bushes intensively and feed them with mineral fertilizers for better growth root system.

Spring replanting is fraught with diseases of the bushes; all summer the peony will take root and react with yellow foliage to summer heat. The plant will bloom only in the next season, even if you do not divide the rhizome into several parts.

When to replant peonies to ensure vigorous flowering and large and bright buds? Rejuvenation of bushes should be carried out only in the fall, so that by winter fragile buds appear that can begin to grow in the spring and produce flowers. In summer, all growth processes are aimed at powerful flowering, and not at maintaining the bush and the growth of its rhizomes, therefore both planting and dividing the bush should be carried out at the end of the growing season.

How to replant a peony correctly?

The process of transplanting perennials is the same.

14 days before the actual planting of peonies, holes are prepared where the rhizome could fit.

Approximate dimensions: 50 cm in diameter and the same in depth.

Usually several bushes are planted side by side, the distance between them should not be less than 1 m.

When the soil is clayey, artificial drainage is poured into the hole, so you need to dig even deeper by 20 cm to cover the bottom with pebbles and expanded clay.

Before planting directly, pour a lot of water into the hole and let it dry: only in well-moistened soil can the rhizome be planted. In addition to drainage, the soil is fertilized with minerals, humus and manure; after planting, you can sprinkle a little ash on top, which will gradually go into the ground with each watering.

How to get an old bush out of the ground without damage? First, we cut off the tops, leaving about 20 cm from the ground, and then carefully dig up the rhizomes with a shovel, pulling them along with the soil by the “tail.” It is difficult to dig up a bush without damaging the roots if it is old: underground part will be highly branched, so you can chop the rhizomes with a shovel.

Wash the roots with running water, inspect them carefully: if there are rotting shoots, cut them with scissors, remove all dried parts of the root. Treated surfaces must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with ash.

Before planting, the roots must be completely dry, so it is better to leave them in the house for a day, spread out on newspaper. If you replant in the fall, the root is divided into 2-3 parts, and full-fledged peonies of the same variety are obtained.

Spring planting does not require such precautions. The roots are not separated or washed, but are immediately dug up and replanted with soil into a prepared hole. As long as it lasts summer season, they will be able to settle down on their own.

What peonies are suitable for propagation?

Too old peony bushes, which are more than 8 years old, must be destroyed.

You need to replant 4-5 year old bushes, and choose those where each division grows at least 3 buds.

Several sections are separated from the common rhizome with a knife, and the cut is treated with potassium permanganate and ash.

The buds should not be covered with soil; they will be located at a distance of 3-5 cm from the soil.

When the buds are in the ground, the peony does not bloom in the first year; if it is planted shallow, it can freeze in winter, so the optimal planting depth is important condition plant growth and survival.

Why don't peonies bloom?

  • The first and most common problem is wrong depth landings. Peony does not like deep planting. The optimal depth is when the soil level is approximately 3-4 fingers above the root bud. If you plant it deeper, the peony will bloom over time, but it will take time until it gets closer to the surface, growing a new root system.
  • If you plant a peony section too small, the buds may freeze in winter and there will be nothing to bloom.
  • The second reason may be the landing site. If a peony is planted in deep shade, it is unlikely to want to please its owners with abundant flowering. It is better to find him a ventilated place somewhere on a hill, in open sun or light openwork partial shade.
  • Third reason. The peony bush has been growing in the garden for a very long time. Old bushes can reduce the intensity of flowering, so the peony needs to be dug up, the root examined, dead and unhealthy parts removed, divided into small sections that will have from 3 to 5 buds, and planted in a new place.
  • Fourth reason. Too small divisions, which have a root with 1-2 buds, will grow for several years and will bloom later. But if, for the best reasons, you planted a large section that has more than 5 buds, then it is better to dig it up and divide it into smaller ones so that the plant can develop normally.
  • Fifth reason. Do not replant peonies too often. They don't like it. To gain strength, the peony must grow stronger and grow over the course of five years. So, after replanting the peony, leave it alone.
  • Sometimes it happens that a peony throws out buds, but it does not have enough strength to open. This is a signal that the peony is starving. Feed it, fertilize the soil around it.
  • In addition to the above reasons, watering greatly affects the flowering of peonies. Moreover, abundant timely watering in the summer, in July-August this year, will affect the abundance of flowering not only next year, and a year later.
  • Peony doesn't really like being disturbed in the spring..