What is the speed of the motor for making cotton candy? Cotton candy machine. Types, design and principle of operation of devices. Pros and cons of cotton candy equipment. Is it worth the bother?


Where did she come from?

It is believed that cotton candy appeared in the 15th century. The ancient Romans had specially trained people who prepared this delicacy for various holidays. But in this case, this technology is one of the lost ones, since new mentions of cotton candy date back to the 18th century. In Europe, there were mechanical machines that prepared a delicacy similar to modern cotton candy. But the cooking process was very labor-intensive.

Cotton candy is a delicacy made from thin fibers of sugar or sugar syrup wound around a thin base. That’s why cotton candy is so airy and voluminous. Technological process will be discussed below.

Composition and production process

In order to prepare cotton candy, you need the following raw materials:

  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Dyes

The production process begins with melting sugar in a special machine. Then water is supplied with a very small concentration of vinegar. This is how sugar syrup is prepared. If desired, dyes and preservatives are added to it.

The prepared raw material is fed to a centrifuge, which spins the syrup and delivers drops of it under pressure through tiny holes. As the droplets fly out, they begin to cool and solidify. At this moment, they are wound onto a base in the form of a thin stick, which allows the formation of long and thin fibers from the hardening syrup. The fibers are wound on each other to the desired volume of product and the process ends. The product is then packaged in a special machine.

Devices and their cost

It is believed that the first cooking device cotton candy invented in 1987 by William Morrison and John Wharton. They presented to the public a device that prepared a new delicacy automatically. This device consisted of:

  • Gas burner that melted sugar
  • Centrifuges with mesh for feeding syrup
  • An air compressor that distributed the fibers onto the base and formed cotton candy

The device discussed above was mechanical, but progress did not stand still. Already in 1903 it was invented electric car for the production of cotton candy, and the industry received a big boost in development.

The range of modern cotton candy machines is very wide. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Gold Medal - Econo Floss
Its height is 40 centimeters and its diameter is 65. It weighs only seventeen kilograms, which makes it excellent for beginners. In terms of electricity consumption, it is comparable to a kettle and is powered from a regular 220 volt network.
In an hour of work you can make about two hundred portions of 15 grams each, and these are medium-sized balls.
35-39 thousand rubles.
Gold Medal - Tornado
The second device is called TORNADO, and is also produced by GOLD MEDAL. It is much more productive and larger than the first model. It is 85 by 60 centimeters, and its height is sixty-five centimeters. Weight is 35 kg. Productivity is maintained at 600 medium-sized portions (15 grams) per hour. The cost on the Russian market is about 60 thousand rubles.60 thousand rubles.

For street trading There are also a huge number of domestic devices. They have a low productivity of 60-80 portions per hour. You can buy them for around 10 thousand rubles.

DIY cotton candy

At home, you can make cotton candy either with or without a machine. You can buy a special cotton candy machine, which will cost about 1,500 rubles, or make it yourself.

Manufacturing algorithm homemade typewriter for cotton candy:

  1. Prepare metal lids from baby food or make blanks similar in size.
  2. File or sandpaper delete protective covering and paint. They should not get into the cotton wool when used.
  3. In one of the lids, make a large hole for adding sugar, and in the other there are many small ones for serving the finished syrup.
  4. Connect the lids together with wire or another method so that there is a space of 5 centimeters between them.
  5. Attach the motor from a mixer or hair dryer to a rigid base, and then to a lid with small holes. Connect the battery.
  6. Cover the area around the lids with cardboard.
  7. The device is ready! Now you can add sugar and collect the melted syrup from the walls.

You don’t always have the desire to do homemade crafts, but you still have the desire to make cotton candy at home. You can try to do it without a machine:

  1. Mix sugar and water in a ratio of 3 to 1.
  2. Add 3 drops of 6% vinegar (you may need up to 7 drops if cotton wool does not work out)
  3. Prepare sugar syrup on the stove. Make sure it doesn't burn.
  4. Then you need to cool the syrup to 35 degrees. Make sure it doesn't freeze.
  5. You need to heat and cool the syrup about 6-7 times until it becomes homogeneous and viscous.
  6. Once the syrup is ready, you need to create threads from it. To do this, take a lot of thin sticks and wind the syrup between them in different sides until you get it required quantity.

We will show you how you can make cotton candy at home and make a device for it with your own hands from regular fan. To work, we will need 2 CDs, cut out two “washers” from them:

They are made easily and simply, you put something round on the disk, for example a coin, and trace it with a marker. After that we heat it up stationery knife and easily cut out all the excess. A hole in the center can be made using something also heated on the stove.

To begin with, we take the remaining disk we have and glue our washers to it, we need to do this strictly in the center, if we neglect this rule, our disk will vibrate, and in the end nothing will work.

Our attachment for the cotton candy making machine is ready, now let’s move on to the fan. Lay it on the floor and remove it protective cover, then remove the propeller. Take the middle box and make a round hole in its bottom:

Our machine for making cotton candy is ready, as you can see, everything is done with your own hands, very simply and at home. Now all that remains is to prepare the syrup.

DIY cotton candy machine

It is done very simply, put a large metal mug of water or a small saucepan on medium heat, add 50/50 sugar and water, mix everything thoroughly. The syrup will be ready when a yellowish tint appears, but under no circumstances should it be dark brown. Now you can proceed directly to making cotton candy, turn on our machine and begin pouring syrup into the “disc” in small drops:

The result is excellent cotton candy, no worse than the one you could try in parks and at public events. After making cotton candy, the fan is easily put back together.

Video on how to make a cotton candy machine with your own hands:

Backup video lesson on how to make a cotton candy machine at home with your own hands:

Do-it-yourself cotton candy making machine

We are pleased to present you with the drawings of the device and the technology for preparing “FESHMAKA”. It won’t take you much time to make a simple device for preparing it.
Feshmak is a caramel-type product, popularly called “cotton candy”, usually in the form of a bundle of elongated thin white threads.
One kilogram of sugar produces up to 80 servings of the finished product.

The simplest design for preparing feshmak at home with a capacity of approximately 160 servings per hour consists of a 220 V electric motor with a power of 50 to 300 W with a rotor speed of 1250 - 1500 rpm and a disk made of sheet aluminum with a diameter of 170 - 180 mm and a thickness attached to its shaft 0.2 - 0.3 mm. To make a disk, you can use tin from a herring can. At a distance of 350 - 400 mm from the center of the disk, a fence made of plastic, linoleum, etc. is installed.

Homemade cotton candy

If you seriously decide to start making a feshmak, we recommend using the design shown in Fig. 1.
For its manufacture it is necessary to use materials specified by GOST for the food industry.

Rice. 1
1- electric motor;
2 - working disk;
3 - container made of material recommended by GOST;
4 - bushing;
5 — stand on wheels (4 pcs.)

Rice. 2
Apparatus for preparing “feshmak”:
1 - electric motor;
2 - power cord;
3 — disk fastening bolt;
4 - the resulting layer of cotton candy.


The design of the device we propose reflects only the basic principle of the production of “cotton candy”; it is elementary and easy to manufacture. If you wish, you can improve the device yourself by mechanizing some of the manual labor.

Method for making cotton candy.

First you need to prepare the caramel mass. It is prepared without making molasses, which simplifies the cooking process. The mass is not candied due to the formation of invert sugar under the influence of vinegar essence added in the middle of cooking. So, in small quantity water (about 3 parts sand to 1 part water), dissolve granulated sugar and boil for 10 minutes, after which vinegar essence is added (3 ml of essence per 1 kg of sugar) and the mass is boiled again for 10 - 12 minutes. After this, the mass is heated over very low heat for 25 - 30 minutes. until a strong caramel sample is obtained with a moisture content of 1.5 - 1.7%. Humidity is determined by the boiling point of the mass. At the beginning of boiling it should be 100 - 105?, and at the end - 135 - 145?. Without allowing it to cool, pour the finished mixture in a thin stream onto the edge of the rotating disk (2 - 4 mm from the edge). To do this, it is convenient to use a small enamel ladle. Hot syrup, breaking into thousands of thin threads, hardens at room temperature, forming a layer of “cotton wool”.
At high humidity ambient air cannot obtain the product High Quality. In this case, you can close the device with a lid with a hole for pouring caramel mass. Turn off the electric motor and separate the threads from the body. Cut the finished product along the diameter line and roll the resulting semicircle into a tube on the table. Do the same with the second semicircle. Then cut the cotton wool into the required number of servings. The product must have White color and a pleasant sweet taste. When using food coloring, the product takes on a more attractive appearance.
To maintain the high quality of the “cotton wool”, it is necessary to clean the disk from adhering syrup after each working cycle. Feshmak cannot be stored for a long time. outdoors- this is its significant drawback. Sealed packaging and refrigeration will keep it for a day or more.
Do not despair if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product the first time. The main condition for success is the accuracy of each operation.

This material was taken from the site http://freeseller.ru

Today we will tell you how to make a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands.

Now we'll talk like cotton candy. The first thing you need to do is make a cotton candy machine.

To make a homemade cotton candy machine we will need:

  • bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • engine from any;
  • scissors;
  • jar lid;
  • power unit;
  • box.

The power should be from 6-12V, anything from . We insert the motor into the bottle cap, securing it with screws.

The main thing is that the engine holds tightly, for this you can add a couple of drops of glue. At the top, on the rotor, we attach the lid from the jar.

We connect the power supply, its wire should pass through the bottle and connect to the engine. Now he's ready.

All that remains is to prepare the desired mixture.

To prepare the mixture we will need:

  • metal;
  • sugar;
  • plate.

First you need to lubricate the lid of the jar with oil. This is necessary so that the mixture does not stick to the lid. Next, pour one tablespoon of sugar into a metal ladle and add water.

There shouldn’t be a lot of water, just enough to soak in the sugar. Put it on the fire and stir constantly. It is necessary for the water to evaporate and only thick caramel remains. Once the water stops boiling and begins to take on a brownish appearance, the mixture is ready. After preparing the mixture, you need to do everything quickly so that the mixture does not have time to harden. We start the miracle unit and drop a small stream of the mixture onto the lid of the jar. The caramel will fly in different directions and shoot cobwebs.
Author of the article “Do it yourself: a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands” Dima

We present to you blueprints homemade apparatus for making cotton candy(“Feshmak”) and the technology of its preparation. You won't need much time to make it.
Feshmak is a caramel-type product, popularly called “cotton candy”, usually in the form of a bundle of elongated thin white threads.
One kilogram of sugar produces up to 80 servings of the finished product.

The simplest design for preparing feshmak at home with a capacity of approximately 160 servings per hour consists of a 220 V electric motor with a power of 50 to 300 W with a rotor speed of 1250 - 1500 rpm and a disk made of sheet aluminum with a diameter of 170 - 180 mm and a thickness attached to its shaft 0.2 - 0.3 mm. To make a disk, you can use tin from a herring can. At a distance of 350 - 400 mm from the center of the disk, a fence made of plastic, linoleum, etc. is installed.
If you seriously decide to start making a feshmak, we recommend using the design shown in Fig. 1.
For its manufacture it is necessary to use materials specified by GOST for the food industry.

Drawings of a machine for producing cotton candy

Rice. 2 Apparatus for making cotton candy “feshmaka”:
1 - electric motor; 2 - power cord; 3 - disk fastening bolt; 4 - the resulting layer of cotton candy.


The design of the apparatus we propose reflects only the basic principle of the production of “cotton candy”; it is elementary and easy to manufacture. If you wish, you can improve the device yourself by mechanizing some of the manual labor.

Method for making cotton candy.

First you need to prepare the caramel mass. It is prepared without making molasses, which simplifies the cooking process. The mass is not candied due to the formation of invert sugar under the influence of vinegar essence added in the middle of cooking. So, granulated sugar is dissolved in a small amount of water (about 3 parts sand to 1 part water) and boiled for 10 minutes, after which vinegar essence is added (3 ml of essence per 1 kg of sugar) and the mass is boiled again for 10 - 12 minutes. After this, the mass is heated over very low heat for 25 - 30 minutes. until a strong caramel sample is obtained with a moisture content of 1.5 - 1.7%. Humidity is determined by the boiling point of the mass. At the beginning of boiling it should be 100 - 105?, and at the end - 135 - 145?. Without allowing it to cool, pour the finished mixture in a thin stream onto the edge of the rotating disk (2 - 4 mm from the edge). To do this, it is convenient to use a small enamel ladle. Hot syrup, breaking into thousands of thin threads, hardens at room temperature, forming a layer of “cotton wool”.

With high ambient humidity, it is impossible to obtain a high-quality product. In this case, you can close the device with a lid with a hole for pouring caramel mass. Turn off the electric motor and separate the threads from the body. Cut the finished product along the diameter line and roll the resulting semicircle into a tube on the table. Do the same with the second semicircle. Then cut the cotton wool into the required number of servings. The product should have a white color and a pleasant sweet taste. When using food coloring, the product takes on a more attractive appearance.
To maintain the high quality of the “cotton wool”, it is necessary to clean the disk from adhering syrup after each working cycle. Feshmak cannot be stored outdoors for a long time - this is its significant drawback. Sealed packaging and refrigeration will keep it for a day or more.
Do not despair if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product the first time. The main condition for success is the accuracy of each operation.

Cotton candy is quite a tasty delicacy, but the apparatus for making it is very expensive and therefore it should be purchased for home use not advisable.

However, almost everyone can make a homemade cotton candy machine at home. To do this, you will need a simple saucepan and some accessories that are likely to be found in every pantry. Manufacturing home device It won’t take much time, but it will cost mere pennies. With a little work, you can make cotton candy from simple sugar at any time and in any quantity.

For successful work To use the machine, you will need a container that will be filled with sugar. This container will be heated, causing the sugar to melt and rotate. As you rotate, thin strands of melted sugar will be ejected through the holes in the container. The container must be placed inside a large pan to contain the ejected threads.

First you need to select everything you need to make the device. These include components and tools.
Prepare the following tools:
- Drill and several drills. A thin (no more than one millimeter) drill is required.
- Soldering iron.
- Set of files.
- Tin scissors and a can opener.

Device components:
- Jet lighter. These lighters are characterized by a blue flame and produce heat that is higher than the temperature of conventional lighters. At the same time, no soot is released during combustion. The lighter must be able to burn on its own, this is due to the fact that placing your hand with a lighter in a pan with flying sugar threads is somewhat inconvenient.
- Electric motor direct current powered by low voltage (for example, nine volt).
- The power source for the electric motor can be a simple battery.
- A small tin can, preferably a tall one, for canned vegetables.
- Small cap for installing lighter, you can use milk cap.
- Large saucepan or bucket.
- A relatively long stick, longer than the width of the pan. Any will do wooden plank or metal rod.
- A rod or tube about fifteen centimeters long.
- Small bolt, nut and washer.

After completing the configuration, we proceed directly to production:
1) We secure the lighter.

We prepare a stand for the lighter. It is necessary to wrap the lighter with cling film in at least two layers. Then mix up some epoxy glue, pour it into the milk cap and place the lighter in the cap. After the glue has hardened, you need to remove the lighter and clean it from the film. The removable lighter stand is ready.

2) Installation of the motor and rod.

The motor is connected to the tin can by a short rod or tube. One hole must be drilled at the ends of the rod. One hole is intended for connection to the motor shaft, so the drill is selected accordingly. After drilling, insert the shaft into the hole and secure it with a drop of superglue. You can also use a locking screw to secure the shaft in the hole, but this will require drilling another hole and tapping threads, although it will provide the ability to remove the motor if necessary. Think for yourself what you like best.

After this, we drill a second hole to attach the tin can. The can will be secured with a bolt, so the drill must match its diameter.

Finally, we attach the engine to cross bar. This is quite simple to do; drill two holes in the center of the bar and secure the engine with two screws.

3) Installation of the can.

The tin can is the container in which the sugar will be melted. To do this, you need to pour sugar into it, hang it over a fire source and spin it, and sugar threads will begin to fly out of the holes in its sides.

You should start by cutting a hole along the top edge of the can. Using a can opener, remove the top lid of the can completely and file the edges to remove any burrs. This will prevent wounds during the cotton candy making process.

After this, you need to drill a series of holes on the sides of the can, at its bottom edge. The holes should be as small in diameter as possible, even with holes one millimeter in diameter, some sugar can pass through them without having time to melt. So use the smallest diameter drill you can find. Drill holes at a height of approximately one centimeter from the bottom seam of the can.

4) Securing the can

Drill a hole in the can to attach it to the rod. Secure the can with a bolt and nut. In principle, the can can simply be soldered to a metal rod or nailed if the plank is wooden. But the mounting option with a bolt and nut is better, as it allows you to remove or replace the can.

Pay special attention to the fact that the can, attached to the rod, is conveniently located above the fire source inside the bucket or pan.

Making cotton candy

The installation is ready. Let's start preparing cotton candy. Light the lighter, place it in tin can a little sugar and start the engine.
Place the lighter inside the pan. Once the jar is warm enough, the sugar will begin to melt and fly out of the holes in the sides of the jar in the form of cotton candy. After a certain amount of cotton wool has formed, collect it with a bamboo stick.
