How to insulate plastic windows: step-by-step instructions. What is the best way to insulate plastic windows? How to insulate plastic windows in winter

As winter approaches and the weather gets colder, you notice a draft moving through your apartment. Placing your hand near the window on a windy night, you find a source of painful coolness. Stop putting up with this and sleep under three blankets! There are many ways to insulate windows. They range from simple to complex, from practically free to quite expensive, from "old-fashioned" methods to modern technologies. In this longread we tried to collect the most effective methods.

Before taking drastic action, let's consider possible reasons draft coming from the windows. It would seem that wooden windows, due to their material, retain more heat, and plastic ones - a relatively new achievement of science and technology - are simply designed for heat and sound insulation. Then why can they allow a draft into our house?

  1. Unfortunately, poor-quality window installation is quite common. Sometimes workers installation companies Those who call themselves professionals have a very superficial understanding of the installation of window units.
  2. The second reason may be partly related to the first - an attempt to save money on installing plastic windows. Companies often reduce the price by saving on insulation, foam, and the installation itself. Subsequently poor quality windows are much more expensive due to the need to additionally insulate them.
  3. Even if cold air doesn't leak through the gaps, the windows themselves may be to blame, like the old "single-pane" windows that provide only a thin glass barrier between the house and the outdoors, but not cozy warmth.
  4. Window distortion and loose fit window frame to the wall also threatens heat loss. Sometimes this occurs due to deformation of the building, which especially often happens in old wooden houses.

It's wise to start by diagnosing the situation. Determine the most critical places from which the wind blows. Where does the cold come from: from the window sill or window sashes? Maybe the problem is a worn-out seal or poor-quality slopes?

To determine the exact location from which cold air is blowing, you can simply run your hand over the surface of the window unit. If you cannot identify the problem in this way, light a candle or lighter and move it around the frame - the fire is more sensitive to drafts.

Look at the windows when it rains. Moisture accumulated in a certain place will indicate gaps and cracks. When moisture accumulates in the corner of a window or along one of its edges, the problem is likely in the joints. Moisture that accumulates in the middle of the window panel may indicate some type of crack in the glass.

Perhaps the wind is blowing due to a poor-quality seal. Try investing in open window sheet of paper and close the window completely. If the paper pulls out easily as soon as you pull the corner of the sheet, it means that the seal is not pressed well against the frame.

Before you choose an insulation method from among those available, it is worth thinking about the goals of the insulation. It's clear that temperature control is a major concern, but what compromises are you willing to make? Will you be able to refuse in favor of cheapness? beautiful view, limit the flow of light or block access to a window?

You also need to consider cost. Some materials cost almost nothing: say, sealant can be bought for a couple of hundred rubles. More reliable and durable solutions will cost more and may require specialist help, but in the long term they may be a worthy investment.

Should I ask for help or insulate the windows myself?

To insulate your windows, you basically have only two options: do all the work yourself or turn to a professional. With your own hands, you can simply insulate a window sill, frame contour, window opening indoors, or replace the seal. If any defect appears during the warranty period, the installer company will have to eliminate all problems. In addition, it is worth resorting to the help of installers if external insulation work is required, and the window is located at a significant height - its replacement or renovation work may be associated with an increased risk, and experts know exactly how to properly insulate plastic windows outside.

It is worth remembering that it is better to insulate windows before the onset of winter - then the working conditions will be more comfortable. In addition, sealants and some others Construction Materials can only be used in a certain temperature range, otherwise they lose their properties.

How to insulate plastic windows with your own hands

If you need to insulate a window opening, then polyurethane foam will do. As it expands, it fills the voids in the opening and prevents air movement. However, foam is a short-lived material that is susceptible to low temperatures and is suitable for small gaps. Mineral wool, which has thermal and sound insulation, is also a popular insulation material. It is resistant to high temperatures and easy to install.

Insulating window frames will also help. silicone sealant. When working with it, it is best to use an inexpensive tool - a lever syringe. The sealant also blocks moisture, making the windows resistant to mold and mildew. It is also worth choosing a transparent sealant - this way it will not be noticeable if it accidentally gets on the glass.

Before you apply caulk or expansion foam, it's worth checking exactly how much it expands - to determine this, apply a small drop to the corner of the window.

Another “cheap and cheerful” method is to plug the cracks in the windows with technical wool and then seal them masking tape. Previously, instead of tape, they used fabric or paper strips with a paste made of laundry soap. But when using this option, its fragility is obvious, and it will not completely get rid of blowing.

A good and inexpensive insulation for plastic windows is foam rubber: the financial costs will be minimal. Remove the film from the adhesive surface of the insulation and press the foam rubber insulation for windows into the required places. With the onset of warming it is very easy to remove. However, if moisture gets in, the insulation may lose its seal.

How to insulate the slopes of plastic windows

To insulate the slopes of plastic windows, you can use the most different materials– sandwich panels, plasterboard, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. However, polystyrene foam is the most fragile of the listed materials and tends to accumulate moisture. If it is necessary to insulate a window from the outside, dry mixtures for finishing slopes will help.

First, you need to carefully treat the cracks - eliminate possible contamination and remove old mounting foam. If you have chosen drywall to insulate the slopes, then the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We cut out blanks of the required sizes from plasterboard and treat them with a moisture-resistant primer, wait until the blanks dry;
  • insert plasterboard sheets into the slots;
  • fill the small gaps remaining between the drywall and the wall with polyurethane foam;
  • after the foam has hardened, we finish redecorating primer and paint.

External insulation work is carried out at temperatures up to +5 ° C, otherwise building materials may lose some of their properties.

You can use a special heat-saving film to insulate windows. It transmits light into the room and at the same time does not “release” infrared radiation. Such a film not only protects the warmth of our home, but also helps to get rid of the effect of “crying windows”, that is, from. Also, windows on which heat-saving film is glued are characterized by greater strength. Before starting work, it is important to wash the glass, treat it with a degreasing agent and wipe it dry. Next, you need to stick the film so that its “metal” side faces the street. The film is glued not only to the glass itself, but also with an overlap to the frame. Some manufacturers make films on a self-adhesive basis, but some types of film require adhesive tape. To prevent bubbles and wrinkles on the film, use a household hair dryer.

A simple and inexpensive life hack that will help cope with drafts is to attach bubble film to the window. Choose film with larger bubbles as it tends to handle cold air better. Trim the bubble wrap so that it extends slightly over the window frame. Spray the window with water from a spray bottle, then “glue” a sheet of cut wrapping film onto the wet glass. You can reinforce it with double-sided tape. The “bumpy” side should face the glass. The film should adhere easily and remain in place for several months. If desired, you can apply a double layer of film for better thermal insulation. The only negative is that this method blocks the view from the window, but light will nevertheless enter the room.

Sew a plain fabric to fit the width of the window. Fill it with some loose, dense substance such as sand, rice or polyester, then place it along the bottom of the window. Heavy materials (denim, corduroy) in in this case will retain cold air more effectively than lightweight materials (cotton, knitwear, etc.).

Replace the seal

If the problem is a worn seal, you can replace it yourself by selecting a suitable one hardware store. It is also better to choose a black sealant: black is the natural color of rubber, and impurities of other colors can spoil the quality of the product. After the old seal is removed, you need to clean the grooves from dust and dirt, treat the corners of the frame with glue and trim off the excess with scissors. The resulting joint also needs to be treated with glue.

People have been using wooden windows for a very long time, so the question “How to insulate old wooden windows?” there are many answers.

  • Very old way which our grandparents used - sealing wooden windows newspapers. They were soaked in water and plugged into cracks. The space between the glass and the frame was sealed with paper strips. Of course, “paper will endure anything,” and you can survive the winter with it, but removing newspaper particles in the spring will be very problematic. In addition to the banal inconvenience, there is also a risk of damaging the window covering.
  • If old windows need to be insulated quickly, and the aesthetic side of the issue is not very important to you, ordinary paper is also suitable. To make paper putty, you can shred old newspapers, soak them in water, add clay or crushed chalk and seal the cracks with the resulting composition. To secure the window putty, simply use tape. However, this method is short-lived and will most likely last only one season.
  • Foam rubber – regular or tubular – can be used as insulation for wooden windows. It will be effective if the wooden doors have already dried out and do not fit tightly to the frame. Previously, foam rubber was nailed down with small nails, but now you can use regular masking tape. This material can serve faithfully for a couple of years, then it will begin to deform and will need to be replaced.
  • When insulating wooden windows, you can also use sealant. It is necessary to remove the wooden beads holding the glass using a screwdriver, apply sealant and install the beads back - preferably new ones, since old ones often break during dismantling.
  • Wood tends to crack. Therefore, the frame is often covered with a network of small cracks through which heat can escape. To seal them, you will need to clean the double-glazed windows from decorative covering, fill the cracks with melted paraffin, homemade putty, sealant or special putty, and then cover the frame again with paint or varnish.

Here. The issue of insulating plastic windows seems strange, to say the least, because the manufacturers of these products assure that the home will be protected from sounds and cold, and the process of insulating windows is a thing of the past.

But, unfortunately, after a couple of years, citizens notice that insulating plastic windows for the winter is an extremely necessary external and internal process.

If the operation was not carried out, then you can turn to specialists for help and order additional insulation, or resort to independent thermal insulation.

The second option will be cheaper, but will require certain skills and abilities, which you will learn about after reading the article.

What you need to know about plastic windows?

Plastic windows replaced wooden ones in the 90s and immediately gained wide popularity.

And this is not surprising, because its cost is several times cheaper, it attracts excellent thermal insulation and noise insulation, ease of operation, fire resistance and environmental friendliness of plastic, high level letting in fresh air.

Just think: plastic windows do not need painting or various cleaning procedures - you just need to wipe the frame and glass with a soap-water solution. Not windows, but a dream!

But it is known that ideal materials do not exist in the world; everything has its drawbacks, and plastic windows are no exception. How to avoid mistakes and install high-quality windows in your home? Let's figure it out.

Plastic windows are arranged in the same way; the elements include a profile, a double-glazed window and fittings. The quality of the window directly depends on the quality of the materials used.

Seals and proper installation play an important role.

The key to high-quality and durable service of a plastic window is the correctly selected profile.

Easy to operate, attractive appearance, made from natural ingredients, sufficient width - these are the criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a profile.

Experts advise not to skimp on the profile, since thermal insulation largely depends on this element.

The choice of double-glazed windows is also worthy of attention. It is he who protects the house from sun rays, retains thermal insulation properties, prevents glass from fogging, and reduces energy consumption.

The number of glasses in a window varies. Although double glazing they weigh more, require professional installation, are more expensive than single glazing, and are more popular.

Double glazing is very warm and makes your home comfortable all year round.

The fittings are metal parts, serving as sash assistants during opening and closing of the window.

It's important to choose high-quality fittings, which promotes a tight fit of the sash to the frame, is designed for a large number of window openings, and has a presentable appearance.

Don't forget about the seals. It seems like a completely inconspicuous detail, but it is one of the most important functions of the window - protective.

The seal protects the home from moisture, drafts, noise, and dust. Therefore, the choice of this part should be given due attention.

Over time, window seals wear out. In this case, it is necessary to replace them with new ones.

An important criterion for the high-quality and long-term service of a plastic window is proper installation. Installing a structure is a complex and responsible procedure.

You should not try to do this yourself; it is better to seek help from the installation team, which will guarantee that the issue of thermal insulation will be resolved in good faith for a long time.

So, the quality of plastic windows depends on the materials used to make them. It is important to be careful and prudent when choosing a plastic structure, because this will help make living in the house warm and comfortable.

Do-it-yourself insulation of plastic structures from the outside

If the thermal insulation system of plastic windows fails, it is worth increasing their insulation.

A properly carried out procedure will help correct window installation errors (if any) and solve the problem of thermal insulation.

To insulate plastic windows you can use:

  • mineral wool (fireproof, safe);
  • polystyrene foam (cheap, but not bad);
  • foam for installation;
  • sealant (reliable, inexpensive);
  • construction tape (improves insulation);
  • heat-saving film (excellent insulating material for glass);
  • so-called “warm” mixtures in the form of a primer.

To choose the right insulation, you should know its properties, operating conditions (inside or outside), and installation features.

Polyurethane foam is convenient to work with, but it is subject to negative influence sunlight and temperature fluctuations, therefore it is often used for internal insulation.

Suitable seasons for insulating plastic windows for the winter with your own hands are spring and summer. It is advisable to carry out the procedure on a quiet, warm day.

Insulation of plastic windows from the outside implies insulation of street window slopes.

If the external slopes are not insulated, then carry out insulation procedures internal slopes pointless: drafts and cold will be frequent guests of your home. Ignoring external insulation will lead to the formation of fungus.

It is possible to insulate the slopes of plastic windows from the outside yourself, but not in all cases.

If you live above the second floor and there is no balcony, then you shouldn’t risk it: turn to the experts for help. If the situation allows and all precautions are taken, then get down to business yourself.

If the window was recently installed, you should plastering work(remove dried foam, treat slopes with a primer).

Then install the corner and glue the fiberglass mesh onto the tiles. After allowing it to dry, then you need to use glue again, then level it with a spatula. At the end of the procedure, water-based paint must be used.

The insulating material must cover the installation seam and cover part of the frame.

External insulation plays an important role in the thermal insulation system, and its absence can lead to dire consequences and reduce all other efforts and efforts to nothing.

We insulate PVC openings inside

Insulation inside plastic windows includes insulation of slopes, window sills, double-glazed windows, adjustment and replacement of seals, adjustment of fittings.

Insulation of PVC window slopes from the inside consists of the following steps:

  • removal of excess polyurethane foam;
  • treatment of slopes with antibacterial primer;
  • leveling the surface using plaster mortar;
  • re-priming;
  • gluing a suitable foam board to the surface;
  • installation and putty of the corner;
  • fixing the platband;
  • final surface coating to suit your taste.

To insulate the window sill you will need polyurethane foam. Simply eliminate the old foam and foam the problem areas with new material. Silicone sealant will work better for small cracks.

Now let's look at the technology of insulating double-glazed windows. If you decide to install a single-chamber double-glazed window, then you should think about the insulation process at the stage of window installation.

You can try to insulate the glass unit yourself. To do this, you will need energy-saving film.

First of all, we take the glass out of the frame. Now use the desired side (you will see marks on it) to glue the film onto the glass using water.

Use a plastic spatula to smooth out the film, making sure to prevent bubbles from forming underneath. We cut off the excess parts of the film and install the double-glazed window in place.

Adjusting and replacing the plastic window seal is part of the insulation process.

The procedure should be carried out every few years, since seals lose their properties over time under the influence of moisture and various temperatures.

When replacing a part, try to distribute it evenly along the window frame and sash. When making adjustments, ensure that the fit is properly adjusted. window sash.

You can purchase a sealant at any hardware store.

The process of adjusting the fittings of plastic windows is quite simple. To do this, open the window and find the location for installing the awnings.

We return the lock to its original position and check the level of fit of the window sash. It is done!

The correct decision regarding the insulation of plastic windows would be to carry out this process at the stage of installing the frame. Although this will raise the total cost of work by 20-30%, it will ultimately have a positive impact on indoor comfort. If for some reason it was not possible to combine repairs and insulation of plastic windows in the room, then you will have to spend time doing the work yourself. It's not difficult, but it requires following certain rules.

Choose the right time

The preferred time for insulation is the summer and spring seasons. To do this, choose dry and windless weather. You should not delay insulating plastic windows for the winter with your own hands if the following signs appear:

  • noticeable heat loss;
  • small drafts;
  • drops of condensation in the window area.

Effective insulation of plastic windows outside and inside is easier to carry out in the warm season, since some materials lose their plasticity when they cool significantly. Sealants also require a certain temperature range at which they will take on the desired consistency.

According to the warranty technical specifications, sealants are applied at temperatures above +5°C

It should be taken into account that during frosty and windy weather it is easier to identify problem areas and mark them, and later it is worth addressing them.

In windy weather, the quality of installation of plastic windows is also checked. With the doors completely closed, the candle flame should be motionless when it is drawn around the perimeter of the window.

Identification of cold bridges

The main problems with double-glazed windows are improper installation, worn seals and unbalanced locks.

Before insulating plastic windows for the winter, it is worth identifying areas where heat leaks occur. Such areas may include slopes, window sills, double-glazed windows, and fittings. Detection is carried out using tactile methods and using a lighter (matches). Running your palm around the perimeter of the window or passing a flame can help identify leaks. Visual diagnostics are carried out. Common reasons include the following:

  • worn seal;
  • glazing bead coming out of its seat;
  • misaligned clamping mechanisms (locks);
  • construction foam has lost its performance characteristics;
  • poorly installed window sills.

It is necessary to pay attention, among other things, to slopes, since they can also become a conductor of cold into the room.

In order for the seal to remain intact for a long time, it is lubricated once every year and a half. special compounds. These can be universal silicone lubricants or professional kits for comprehensive care of PVC windows, but this is not only a product for caring for rubber bands, but also for other elements.

Ensuring tightness

The main task that is solved when insulating plastic windows with your own hands is to increase the isolation of the room from external environment. To implement this strategy, in most cases it will be necessary to use technical design features. Actions will be feasible even for specialists who do not have great experience in repair work.

  1. Often the glazing bead protrudes from its seat. This may occur due to its deformation. Replacement is carried out using a thin spatula, with which we pry up the element for removal. In the vacated space we install a new part, which can be ordered from a manufacturer of a similar profile.
  2. Built-in sealing tape for insulating plastic windows requires more time. Having determined that the part has lost the plasticity necessary for effective use, we are replacing it. We remove the bead from its side and, having pulled out the linings, remove the double-glazed window. We dismantle the worn strip. We measure the length and cut a new ribbon 2-4 cm longer. We lay it in the technological groove using an auxiliary roller. We cut off the excess tape and return the dismantled parts of the window in the reverse order of disassembly.
  3. High-quality insulation do-it-yourself plastic windows as in the video, impossible without reliable operation clamping mechanisms. If they provide insufficient pressure between the frame elements, then gaps with drafts will form. There are a pair of adjusting screws in the plumb bob mounting area. The first is responsible for the position of the valves, and the second provides the pressing force. For self-adjustment the clamp is completely loosened, and the adjuster should be tightened clockwise. It will be possible to determine the quality of such work using the flame of a lighter, which should not fluctuate when brought to the joint.
  4. A few years after installing a modern profile, in some cases it is necessary to insulate the slopes of plastic windows. Cracks may appear in them, which are a source of cold. They are usually caulked with foam rubber or pieces of rags. If visually it was not possible to detect gaps, then it is necessary to lightly tap the surface of the plaster to identify voids. Next, we open up this area and also caulk it with available materials. We apply a layer of plaster on top of the insulation. If necessary, cover the surface with decor.
  5. It is necessary to insulate the window sill of plastic windows. In this situation, work is carried out with the joining seams, and not with the slab itself. It is necessary to fill them construction foam and then carry out the final finishing. Since a radiator is traditionally located under the window, the surface behind it up to the window sill is sealed with heat-insulating material.
  1. External work can be carried out without outside help only for the first or second floors. Otherwise, it is necessary to call the appropriate specialists. They will seal the seams concrete mortar or plaster.

VIDEO: Plastic windows. Quick sealing of joints and seams

Insulation film

Conducting thorough construction work in demand after a long period of use. Then it would be appropriate to use such advice. However, there is often a desire to improve the current situation without using any construction technologies. To do this, manufacturers recommend using effective improvements. One of them is film for insulating plastic windows. The high-tech device is designed to reduce heat loss.

From the outside it seems like a normal polyethylene film, and far from being the densest. In fact, it is polyester, which is used in the creation of heat-saving and sun-protective structures.

How film works on windows

Taking into account the special manufacturing technology, the canvas has a special structure, due to which light easily enters the room, and the heat emanating from the inside is reflected and returned back. In fact, such a film allows you to create a thermos effect in a house or apartment, in which heat loss will be reduced by 25%. It is not removed in the summer, since it also reflects heat, but now coming from outside. The indoor temperature remains stable. The film is designed for 3-5 years of operation.

The usage procedure consists of the following points:

  1. The glass and frame are thoroughly washed with soapy water and left until completely dry (do not wipe with towels, as lint may remain).
  2. The frame, and it is on it that the film will be glued, is degreased with any alcohol composition.
  3. Along the edge adjacent to the glass, stick double sided tape around the entire perimeter.
  4. Lay out the film, align it and cut it off construction knife the required size for the double-glazed window with an allowance of 20 mm on all sides on the tape.
  5. Gluing the film to the tape, for which it is first glued along top bar, then, pulling. Fix it on the sides and at the very end, carefully stretching it, glue it to the bottom.
  • Fingerprints may remain on the canvas, so it is advisable to carry out work with gloves;
  • If folds remain during gluing, they can be removed using a hot stream from a hairdryer. When exposed to heat, the film shrinks and the folds disappear;
  • You cannot stretch the film too much - it may burst;
  • the film should not touch the glass - it is glued directly to the frame of the double-glazed window.

VIDEO: Nuances of insulating windows with film. detailed instructions

It is very important to prevent heat loss from the building. The main leaks occur through the weakest points - windows and doors. The problem with doorways solved by installing two doors or installing a vestibule.

This is not possible with windows. The most popular window fillings - plastic - can provide reliable protection, but if the technology is violated or the service life is long, the thermal protection characteristics may decrease. The way out of this situation is to insulate plastic windows.

Choosing the time for insulation

Most materials and technologies require compliance with a certain temperature and humidity regime. Most good choice It will be a warm time of year. Of course, the lack of protective function becomes noticeable only in winter period, but it's better to wait until spring.

The advantages of insulation at positive outside temperatures include:

  • convenience for the employee;
  • compliance with the technology of using materials;
  • no risk of freezing the heating system;
  • maintaining comfortable living conditions in an apartment or house.

It is worth checking the weather forecast in advance and making sure that no rain or strong winds are expected. This will ensure long term insulation services.

Determining the location of the leak

The weakest points of any structure are always the joints of the same or different materials.

In the case of window fillings, such details include:

  • the junction of the glass unit and the profile;
  • connection of the profile to slopes, walls, window sills;
  • accessories;
  • opening points of the valves.

Independently determine the place through which warm air leaves the room in several ways.

  1. The flame reacts to the slightest air movements. The most convenient way is to use a lighter. To find air leaks, the flame is slowly drawn along all weak points of the structure. If fluctuations are noticed, it is necessary to take measures for additional sealing and thermal insulation of the area.
  2. Human skin is able to react to the slightest air movements and temperature changes. The largest number of receptors are located on the hands. If you run your palm along the perimeter of the profile, you can feel the weak spots. This method is less reliable and is only suitable for checking in cold period of the year.

Choice of insulation

Once the scale of work and the location of insulation have been determined, it is necessary to think about the correct choice of thermal insulation material. To protect plastic windows, you should choose modern, effective heat insulators. The insulation material can be one of the following.

  1. Foam has good thermal insulation characteristics and relatively low cost. It is important to prevent moisture from getting on it, then it will last long enough.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam is similar to polystyrene foam, but has greater strength and moisture resistance.
  3. Mineral wool insulation is not afraid of fire, temperature changes and damage by various microorganisms. It is worth remembering that mineral wool absorbs moisture well, and in a damp state its heat-protective characteristics are greatly reduced.
  4. When using polyurethane foam, it is necessary to protect it from severe temperature changes and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Silicone sealant can reliably protect windows from leaks. Construction tape is glued on top of it, which will improve the protective properties. A special sealant is produced for external use; this is important to consider when purchasing the material.
  6. Special transparent window film will reduce heat loss through the glass. In most cases, its use is unjustified, since mass-installed double-glazed windows in most regions of the country it is quite enough.
  7. Can be used as insulation of slopes and walls building mixtures with increased heat-protective characteristics. “Warm” compositions are presented in an assortment on the market facade paints, plaster solutions and primers. They are perfect for insulation window openings outside.

DIY insulation technology

The goal of the work is the tightness of the window filling. For small volumes of sealing in abutment areas, a sealant is ideal. This type of material does not require special knowledge, you just need to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Before you begin carrying out more serious activities yourself, you need to consider the following points:

  • after insulation with your own hands, the warranty on the window is void;
  • it is best if the work contractor already has experience in insulation;
  • Insulating windows from the outside on your own is almost impossible.

It is important to think through the decision beforehand. If in doubt, it is better to consider contacting a professional. If there is no doubt, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Dismantling of finishing, slopes, ebb, window sill if necessary.
  2. Removing failed sealant or insulation.
  3. Surface cleaning.
  4. Treating the window sill and slopes with a cleaner to remove grease.
  5. When using polyurethane foam, the surface is moistened with water.
  6. Filling cracks with insulation.
  7. Carrying out a protective finish (plaster or putty is suitable for polyurethane foam; construction tape is suitable for sealant).
  8. Insulation of slopes using mineral wool or expanded polystyrene (you can purchase a ready-made insulated slope).
  9. If necessary, insulate the window sill and ebb.
  10. Checking the quality of insulation and finishing if necessary.
  11. Optional heat-saving film sticker on glass.

Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam are conveniently attached to special glue or polyurethane foam.

Insulation of slopes and window sills

There shouldn't be any problems sealing the cracks. It is worth taking a closer look at the insulation of slopes and window sills.

You can insulate slopes using polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam. The foam is fixed on the outside, and the finishing is done on the inside plasterboard sheets or plastic panels. An additional layer of mineral wool can be laid between the wall and such a panel.

Manufacturers also offer ready-made sandwich panels, which combine both a finishing layer and insulation.

To insulate a window sill, polystyrene foam is cut out the required form, which is glued using special glue or polyurethane foam.

How to avoid window fogging

Fogging of a window indicates that it is not working properly as a barrier to cold air. Condensation forms on the surface when the internal glass has a low temperature and the warm air in the room falls on it in the form of moisture. In addition, fogging of windows can be caused high humidity in the room.

In the second case, regular ventilation will be the way out. If the reason is the low temperature of the glass, condensation occurs in the following cases:

  • insufficient thickness of the air layer in the double-glazed window;
  • the window sill is too wide, which prevents heat from the radiator from reaching the window;
  • installation errors.

To prevent windows from fogging, you must choose a trusted installer, do not skimp on double-glazed windows and do not over-install wide window sills. If the problem has already occurred, the solution may be periodic ventilation or the use of a dehumidifier.

Electric heated windows

Glass with electric backing is produced completely transparent. Usage additional source heat will avoid low room temperatures and the appearance of condensation on the translucent surface.

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Plastic double-glazed windows are considered one of the most airtight types of home windows, but even they begin to let cold air into the house over time. In this article we will look at how you can insulate plastic windows indoors for the winter with your own hands. This will increase the indoor temperature by several degrees and save a lot of money on heating.

Identifying draft locations

For effective insulation windows, it is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the draft. Otherwise, all procedures aimed at insulation will not give the desired effect. For search problem areas You need to check all the critical nodes of the window yourself:

  • Glass holders.
  • Seal.
  • Hinges and handles.
  • The junction of slopes, walls and window sills with window frame.

The appearance of technical faults in one of these places can lead to the appearance of drafts, which in cold weather greatly affects the temperature inside the room.

To determine the exact location of the heat leak, the following methods are used:

Causes of drafts

You should also have basic information about the causes of drafts. Having basic knowledge, you can avoid such unpleasant situations in the future.

If you evaluate in detail all the causes of drafts and heat leaks, you can divide them into two categories, if possible, eliminate them - with the help of window installation specialists and independent decision problems.

It is best to use the services of professionals to solve the following problems:

If the work is done from the inside, then most of it can be done independently.

Insulation of a plastic window

Depending on the identified location of the heat leak, the work performed will be different. Let's look at each direction in more detail, and also determine how to insulate plastic windows for the winter.

Insulation of slopes

If a draft was detected in the cracks between the window frame and the wall, then the cause of this phenomenon should be considered poor thermal insulation. It could have become unusable over time, or there were technology violations during the installation process.

The most correct option would be to completely reinstall the thermal insulation materials. To do this, you need to remove the slopes and do the following:

If the cold weather has already set in, and there is no way to complete replacement thermal insulation materials, then you can take temporary measures and treat the cracks with sealant. This will save you from cold penetration into the house for a while, but in the future it will be necessary to carry out a more thorough reconstruction.

Important! Many sealing compounds have a clear temperature range within which they can be used. Violation temperature regime may affect the main qualities of the composition. Be sure to check if you can use sealant.

Window sill insulation

In case of loss of tightness in the window sill area, it is necessary to accurately determine the location of the leak.

Such measures will be enough to insulate the window sill and eliminate any drafts in these places.

Insulation by adjusting windows

The reason for the appearance of drafts may be an insufficiently tight fit of the locking elements to each other. To eliminate this, you need to know the basic principles of operation of plastic window sashes.

If the windows were initially installed correctly and closed tightly enough, then the problem can be eliminated by slightly moving the sash. How to adjust a window at home yourself is described in detail in this video:

Most brands of windows have a system for switching to winter or summer mode. To determine what position the windows are currently in, you need to pay attention to the locking pins. Depending on the window manufacturer, the current condition of the window is marked on them. If the mark is turned inward, then the windows are in the “summer” mode, and in winter mode, if the trunnion is turned in the opposite direction.

When installing the window in summer mode, when the sash is closed, it does not fit tightly enough to the frame. This allows you to maintain microventilation in the premises.

In winter from such ventilation more problems than good, so the window needs to be switched to winter mode. To do this, rotate all the trunnions to the desired position.

The average state represents a balance between micro-ventilation and heat retention. It is also called spring or autumn mode.

Important! Windows in winter mode are designed to press the sash against the frame as much as possible, which means fogging of the glass will be almost guaranteed. To avoid the appearance of fungus, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, even on winter days.

Replacing sealing material

Another way to insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands is to replace the rubber seal between the window frame and the opening sashes.

Important! It is worth replacing the seal only if it has become unusable. With regular care and treatment with softening compounds, it can last more than 5-8 years without losing its qualities.

First you need to determine whether the seal can be replaced. If you are the happy owner of a window with a replaceable rubber seal, then you can proceed to the next steps.

You can get acquainted in detail with the procedure for replacing the seal using the example of the work of one of the installation companies:

Attention! If you are not sure of the correctness of performing the work listed above, and also doubt your own abilities, we recommend that you seek help from professionals. Most vinyl window installation companies can provide additional customization and minor restoration work for an appropriate fee.

Insulation with additional means

Sometimes a plastic window is in perfect order and does not create drafts, but in itself is a place of heat loss. In this case, it needs to be insulated additional funds. Let's look at a few simple ways additional insulation window.

The use of improvised means used for, in the case of correctly installed and configured double-glazed windows, shows minimal effectiveness. Their main purpose is to eliminate drafts, but does not work with hermetically sealed plastic windows.

Now you know how you can insulate plastic windows in your home for the winter and can put most of the methods into practice. Also remember that windows are not the only place where heat is lost. You can get maximum heat retention after and..
