How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands: video, photo, diagram and step-by-step instructions. Furniture made from old tires. Other interesting tire installations

The use of car tires in the countryside is just as justified as the use plastic bottles. It's cheap and pretty practical material to create the most various items and things that may be needed for work, relaxation and even designing the landscape of a dacha.

Just recently we talked about crafts in the countryside using improvised means, created TOP lists of the most interesting things and determined rating and exclusive ideas using old and used things to create something new. We used wood, metal, plastic and glass bottles, but today it’s the turn to pay attention to an equally interesting material – car tires. It is very easy to get tires for use in the country, and working with them is not at all difficult. Therefore, we suggest taking a little time and exploring new ideas. Also, we immediately ask you to actively participate in the discussion of the article, because the opinion of each reader is very important to us!

Soft ottomans

For comfortable seats in the countryside while relaxing, you can use car tires. To do this, they are wrapped in ribbons of fabric or belts that are simply intertwined. There is nothing complicated in such a technique, and practical method we have established that for registration soft ottoman It literally takes an hour out of a tire.

You can use tires of almost any diameter and size to produce “country furniture,” but try to choose ones that are not very dilapidated, so that the reinforcing fibers from the base material do not cause you trouble in the form of scratches and cuts.

Donkey with a cart made of tires

Remember, not so long ago we studied in detail the original works of some summer residents - wooden horses in the country? They were made of timber, logs, branches and other materials that you don’t have to buy, but simply find at the dacha. Today we propose to consider the horse model in a new light. It will no longer be a horse, but a donkey made from a car tire.

The production of such a creature takes only two tires, which simply take up space in the garage or shed. Using a sharp knife, a little knitting wire and imagination, you can build a nice decoration for your dacha lawn within a few hours. In addition, it is quite possible to create not only a small donkey, but also a cart, and, for example, install in it flower pots, thereby creating a mobile flower bed.

Tire parrots

When we start talking about exotic birds, we immediately present you with an image of such a masterpiece.

It looks like real art, the hand of a professional. But if you take a closer look, there are no difficulties in producing such birds. If you systematize your work, make a simple drawing and pick up a quality tool, all you have to do is follow our instructions:

  • Cut the tire on both sides, leaving only a small strip of the inner circumference. That is, you get a solid small radius of the product, and divide the large one in half;
  • Next, make a cut along a small radius, on both sides, due to which you get the required form, with which you can carry out decorative works;
  • Along the edges of the cut you should make the head of the parrot and its tail. We spread the original material into several strips and sharpen them at the end, and also cut out the resemblance of a parrot’s head from rubber, only in shape;
  • They do the rest bright colors, with the help of which a piece of black rubber acquires the desired shade and a clear image of a beautiful bird.

Frog princess made of wheels in the country

Do you have some old tires? Then, on the territory of the dacha, you can create a very pleasant and cheerful picture - a frog sitting on the edge of the lawn.

The whole process takes several hours; in terms of costs, you only purchase paint for decoration.

First, two tires are laid on the ground, next to each other, close to each other. A third is laid on top of them, so we get a garden figure that is somewhat reminiscent of a pedestal.

We fill the tires with soil from the inside and proceed to the design:

  • Two shorter and thicker branches and two longer but thinner ones form the legs of the frog;
  • Special shape wooden blocks, which can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw, are complemented by paws;
  • We cut out eyes and a crown for our cute “princess” from plastic bottles, and simply paint on the rest.

DIY tire crafts (video)

Flower beds made from tires

Some time ago when we were talking about interesting ideas for the dacha, we stopped at creating flower beds from tires. Today we only have a reminder, as well as a call to use not only the rubber part, but also metal rims from wheels, on the basis of which you can build reliable and durable stands for flower beds.

Bird figures

Decorations for gardens and lawns can also be made from old tires. Today we have before us a rather cute white goose, the production of which took only one car tire.

As you can see, it is laid on its side and cut off, its main part forms decorative design slices, and the cut part forms the neck and head of the bird.

It is very difficult to make a head out of rubber alone, so wood is used for stability and shape.

After the image is formed, the new garden figure is painted.

It is also noteworthy that as a result we get not just a garden figure, but also excellent flower bed for planting ornamental plants.

Pool made from an old tire

Of course, in order to make even the smallest pool, you will need to take a large tire, for example, from a tractor or a large loader, and so on.

It is difficult to work with dense material, but there will be no need to cut it, because we have a ready-made mold that can be filled with water. All that remains is to make a reliable bottom so that when such a pool is filled, the water does not immediately drain away.

Initially, you should choose a place for installation, cover it with dense material that will create a base. It can be screenings or clay, but it can also be ordinary lawn soil with grass, the main thing is that it is well-established.

Now we spread a piece of awning or special film at the installation site that is used for the device artificial reservoirs at the dachas. Along the perimeter of our wheel we degrease the awning and generously lubricate special glue. This could be rubber glue or even universal Velcro.

A wheel is placed on the awning, presses the awning with its weight, and remains in this position for a day. After this, the glued seam should be additionally treated with sealant from the inside and outside. After another day, you can pour water inside and use a completely sealed tire from special equipment in the form of a country pool.

Path at the dacha

If there is a slight slope, descent to water or crossing a ravine, used to provide maximum comfort On the way of movement you can use tires. With their help, strong and durable steps are created that are comfortable and safe to walk on.

Original garden figures

We have already explored some options, but now let's move on to the real ones. fairy tale characters, which can appear at any dacha.

First of all, we present bears made from car tires, which are organically formed and installed, decorated and endowed in a special way. As you can see, next to them are the cute flowers made from plastic bottles that we talked about recently.

Next up is the caterpillar, which really couldn’t be simpler. It's a nice shape made of vertically mounted tires that fit tightly together at slightly different heights. Painting and simple decoration help complete the look.

At the very beginning of the article we mentioned wooden horses and showed you a donkey made from tires, but now we have come to a horse made from an old tire, the construction of which was full registration It will take you no more than a couple of hours. Agree, this is not much to create a favorite country toy for children or grandchildren. The shape is formed very simply - a tire is installed in a small hole and concreted. Next, it is decorated and tinted, complemented by a head and mane, and immediately after that it becomes a nice object in the exterior of the dacha.

Furniture made from tires

Oddly enough, but tires can play a role not only original jewelry for landscape dacha area, but become and really practical furniture. We already looked at one such example at the beginning of the article, but here we came across several more very good ideas.

We present to your attention a good dacha kit, for the production of which tires and metal carcass. But as you may have noticed, this is not simple, but wicker furniture, and therefore interest in it has increased.

A similar set and a little lower, but this is already cushioned furniture for the dacha. Naturally, not the most practical option and far from the ultimate dream, but very cute!

Using tires for practical purposes

Finally, we present to you the idea of ​​the device cesspool, homemade septic tank or a special pit for country toilet from old tires. We will not talk in detail about the construction of a toilet or cesspool, since the site already has thematic material, but we will simply present you with another useful area in which you can use car tires.

What can be made from car tires (video)

Human imagination has no limits, and the desire to achieve maximum practicality in a summer cottage is often the main goal. This is exactly what we consider a reason to develop new opportunities and implement even those ideas that initially may not seem very practical. Today we have presented you with a considerable list of decorative items, furniture and even sewer elements from old tires, and therefore we are waiting for your reaction to the material below, in the comments.

Crafts for the garden from car tires (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

(4 ratings, average: 3,62 out of 5)

Lydia 03/20/2014

Yes, of course... But all car tires and tubes cannot be disposed of this way. Tires must be recycled. First for heating oil, and then for gasoline or diesel fuel and cord. We can help with the purification of heating oil into gasoline.

Sasha 10/04/2014

By the way, I saw a bunch of fakes made from tires at other dachas, but I never thought of doing something like that myself, because I was lazy, and I didn’t want to do something like that, but now I’ll make myself a couple of interesting fakes in order to decorate my own a little country house)

Igor 07.12.2014

The flight of fancy, of course, pleased me. And yet, I have a cool attitude towards this use of tires - this kind of aesthetics is still questionable. It is interesting only in cases of a completely unexpected and original type or application.

Dmitry Belokonny 21.09.2015

Very original, I learned a lot for myself, I liked the idea with ottomans, not only cute, but also functional, better than dragging chairs from the house, or putting up an old bench. And the steps made of tires are also interesting, there is a descent to the garage, and you have to go around it behind the yard (it’s very sharp), now I’m thinking about making a descent with tires to save time and not make a huge detour!

Alla 03.10.2015

In these photos, the figures made from tires look interesting. I saw several similar figures among my neighbors, and I didn’t really like them: they look a little clumsy. But the idea of ​​steps made from tires is interesting and functional. We can do this down to the river. True, I don’t know where to get so many tires.

Elena 10/14/2015

And in our city, such decorations have been implemented on playgrounds in kindergartens! Cartoon characters: Krosh, Nyusha, Cheburashka, Masha and the Bear! And the kids really like it, including my Ryo.
During my childhood in kindergartens, old tires were used only for flowerbeds or buried sideways halfway in the ground, like sports equipment. (((Was there really not enough imagination for more? After all, no supernatural materials are required for such crafts?
I haven’t seen anything like this at our dachas yet. I think people don’t want to put up such structures, because on 5-6 acres of land there is barely enough land for planting. Alexander 11/27/2016

I have always liked making crafts with my own hands. My garage is fully equipped for one purpose only - making crafts. Some time ago, I began to notice how in my city I am starting to place such crafts in flower beds, in kindergartens and other cultural places. I liked this idea and I started making all sorts of crafts from tires, etc. I think that now I will make black swans from tires. When everything is ready, I will post what happened.

Karrina 01/16/2017

And please tell me which one better paint use for this " folk art"?) So that it doesn't leak from the rain and doesn't have a strong smell, there are a lot of options to choose from now, I would like it to not peel off in a month or two, I don't know anything about this, but there are tires left over from my father's old car, the children want to experiment) I want so that they are not poisoned while wearing respirators and there are no consequences...

Vova 02/14/2017

Class! We are looking forward to the continuation of the digest of tire products!

Masha 03/22/2017

We made four of these swans with tires and placed them in the garden. It turned out very nice, and the process itself is simple. But we didn’t bother so much with the wings; it turned out rougher. And in the photo I was simply captivated by the parrots, but this is a very delicate work both in terms of cutting out of rubber and in terms of painting. My husband and I’s team of Crazy Hands is not yet capable of this)

Masha 08/15/2017

I have never seen crafts that really look beautiful on a summer cottage; in my opinion, it’s better to plant more flowers or have a smooth lawn than to litter the area.

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Swans have long chosen not only ponds and lakes; they are increasingly found on personal plots. On green lawns you can see entire flocks of swans made from tires car tires. Designers called this trend trash art (from the English trash-art) - art that involves old trash.

The name is new, but the idea of ​​creating beauty from waste appeared a long time ago. Extraordinary miracle birds have decorated more than one yard or garden. If you like this kind of art, we suggest you get acquainted with the technology of making swans in more detail.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the site can be made from scrap materials, but you must understand that this is work, not pampering. In order for miracle tire swans to bloom in your garden, you will need:

  • Old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder (grinder);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, pliers;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • Metal rod;
  • Dye.

Which tires to choose

For swans, old, well-worn tires from passenger cars. Moreover, the rubber should be as worn out as possible, worn down to the limit. Such tires are called bald. The worse the material looks, the easier it is to work with. Do not take studded tires, especially imported ones.

If you have the opportunity to choose, it is better to take rubber with a nylon cord. Such material can be cut simply with a knife. Tires with metal cords are more difficult to process; in this case, you cannot do without special tools.

Alternatively, in search suitable materials You can contact your nearest tire shop. Usually, in such places they are happy to give away unwanted tires. One swan needs one tire. If you want to experiment with the shape of birds, take several. Before starting work, the rubber must be washed and dried. It is better to carry out all work on outdoors.

Marking the diagram on the tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the marking scheme. During operation, the tire will need to be turned out. The difficulty of this process will depend on how you make the cuts.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands is described.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan with your own hands

Tire markings for making a garden swan.

Use chalk to divide the tire in half. Then outline the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be more than half the circumference of the tire. The R13 wheel has a circumference of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For a proportional head you need 10 cm, the beak length is 9 cm.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The tire must be cut along the marked lines. A knife can handle old-style tires with a nylon cord. To make the job easier, prepare a soapy solution and dip the cutting object into it from time to time.
  • Metal cord will not yield to a knife. You can use grinder. You should work exclusively outdoors, and do not forget to wear closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Please note that working with tires increases the consumption of laps. You will need about 3 disks per swan. In addition, heated rubber does not spread the most best smell around, smoke and soot are guaranteed. The grinder cuts quickly, but is not environmentally friendly.
  • It's more pleasant to work with a jigsaw. To wind the file you need to make a hole. You can use a chisel or drill. Wear on jigsaw blades increases when working at high speeds. The best option– work at lower than average speeds using a saw with a reverse tooth. This way you can saw through the metal cord without any problems: the reverse stroke of the saw will simply tear it, and the low speed will prevent the rubber from heating up too much.
  • For adherents hand tools A metal file will do. It will also cope with steel cord, but the speed will be lower. What paths made from plastic bottle caps are is described.
  • The splint should be cut along the contour of the neck and head; transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, the biggest mistake that beginners make is to completely cut out one side of the neck. If you cut the tire on one side, it will be quite difficult to cut the other.

  • The next stage is the tail. Its length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and will make it easier to turn the tire out. It is cut out in the same way.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is labor-intensive and looks like this: the workpiece is placed with the cut part down, it is pressed down with a foot and pulled, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be pushed through.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. The side half rings need to be lowered down. If you took a tire with a metal cord, then the edges need to be processed with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to completely smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made from steel cord tires are suitable only for decoration, but not for children's playgrounds. Touching sections with protruding wires is unsafe for adults, let alone children. Find out more about crafts made from tires for the playground.
  • In order to give the swan the desired shape, the neck should be strengthened. For fastening, you need to drill two holes along the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They need to be located along the center line. Brackets made of thin soft wire are inserted into the holes. Use staples to secure thick steel wire. It will need about 1.50 m. The lower end is fixed with inside neck, at the base of the splint, the upper one - at the level of the head.
  • The swan is almost ready, you just need to bend its neck appropriately and make eyes out of rubber. They can be fastened with screws. For decoration, the edges of the wings are cut, then the notches resemble the plumage of a bird. If you want to have a swan princess in your garden, make a crown from a plastic bottle.

Painting tire sculptures

In order for the birds to look extraordinary and aesthetically pleasing, they need to be painted correctly. For swans, the color usually chosen is white or black. Silver and gold sculptures look good. Any durable paint for exterior use will do.

Rubber can be painted well with oil, enamel and nitro paints. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean, dry surface. Correctly applied paint adheres well to the sculpture, does not deform and lasts quite a long time. Leftover car paint aerosols will do. Then the work will go quickly. An evenly painted surface can be decorated using acrylic paints. Draw the head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.

It’s always nice to make something useful out of a junk item, and if the craft turns out to be beautiful, it’s double the pleasure. One example is crafts made from tires. They are used to make decorations for the country house or garden plot, various flowerpots and flower beds, build children's attractions and even make country furniture- tables and chairs.

Flower beds and flower beds made from tires

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest flower beds and flower beds. Do you think it’s difficult to make a multi-tiered one? Maybe, but not from tires. Take a few pieces different sizes, paint in bright colors and stack them in a heap - one on top of the other. To prevent your slide from falling apart, fasten the tires from the inside using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Two per connection will be enough. You fill the soil inside and plant the plants. To prevent the soil from spilling out, you can cover the inside of the tire with a piece of . It will remove excess water, but will not allow the soil to spill out. A beautiful tiered flower garden is ready.

If you like regular shaped flower beds, you can make these too. For example, making a flower bed in the shape of a chamomile out of tires. First, the tires in the lower tier are laid out and fastened together. Fill the middle of the tires with earth, as well as the free space inside the circle. For better drainage, you can place broken bricks or other construction debris there, sprinkle a little earth on top and compact it. On the prepared surface, stepping back from the edge by more than half the diameter of the tire, lay out the second tier. They are also fastened together, the middle is covered with soil, and the core is placed on top. You can plant tall flowers at the very top, and border or low-growing flowers on the lower tiers.

Another option for a flowerbed made of tires in the shape of a chamomile - in one tier. To do this you will have to cut the tires.

How to cut tires

In general, when making crafts from tires, they often need to be cut. This is far from easy. Can be cut off more or less easily lateral surface from the tread. People with strong hands and with good knives they do it manually. By the way, a good workout for the hands and the entire shoulder girdle. If you are going to cut with a knife, lubricate the blade with grease: the rubber constantly “jams” the metal, and the blade covered with grease slides out well.

You can also cut off the sidewall with a jigsaw or grinder. Cutting with a grinder is relatively quick, but the stench is wild. Therefore, with a grinder, even if there is one, only the first cut is made so that the jigsaw file can be inserted. Then they work with this tool. To cut rubber, take a blade with a reverse tooth made of good steel.

If you have to cut the tread, doing it with a jigsaw or, especially, with a knife is useless. At least with a regular knife. Blades made of special steel can even cut iron cord, but it is unlikely that anyone would want to disfigure such a tool about old tire. That’s why they most often work with an angle grinder. To avoid any troubles, the protector is secured: always think about safety. If the sidewalls have already been cut off, the tread tape is quite elastic and can be compressed with a clamp. Once cut, it will not spring back.

Flowerpot from a wheel: turning the tires out

If you have a tire with an old rim, you can use it to make a flowerpot with a leg.

To do this, cut one sidewall along the tread. And they turn it inside out. This is not an easy task: considerable physical strength and perseverance are required. The rubber is elastic and it is impossible to turn it out the first time. If absolutely not, then outside make notches across the tread. They should be quite deep, but not through. It will also help if you make cuts along the edge with a depth of at least 5-7 centimeters. They will look like fringe on an inverted tire.

Why do they turn it inside out? Inner surface smoother, and the shape may turn out to be more interesting, especially if the edge is made not linear, but jagged. The result will be a gracefully bent decoration.

For details on how to turn out a tire, watch the video.

In a similar way, you can turn out a tire without rim. The sequence of actions is the same. First, cut off one of the sidewalls - straight or zigzag. To ensure that the “petals” are even, it is advisable to mark them. It is convenient to do this with chalk. The mark is then cut with a jigsaw or knife (if the cord is synthetic).

They turn it like this: they step on inner part tires, grab the edge with your hands and pull up and towards you. It is important to achieve the first result: when at least some part is bent. If the tire looks like the photo below, it's already a success. It is developed by successively turning the edge inside out and standing on the already turned part so that it does not turn back.

Watch the process again in the video. This time they turn out the tire without the wheel (they cut it, by the way, with a knife).

Even by itself, such a tire turned inside out looks good. If you paint it, it becomes even better. If desired, they can be combined - different colors, sizes, installed differently: on the bus or on the legs.

A tall flower bed always looks beautiful. Especially with hanging plants. It can also be made from tires, and there are several possibilities. The photo below shows two ways to secure cut tires to different levels. The first is to use stumps for this, to which flowerpots are attached with nails or screws. The second is to use reinforcement - three or four rods on which to put rubber. Having set the tier at the desired level, it needs to be secured; on metal this can only be done with the help of clamps.

It is not always possible to place a flowerpot on the ground: some areas are so developed that even one square meter it is problematic to single out. For this occasion, people came up with various hanging flowerpots, also made from old tires. Only a small part of the whole tire remains, so you have to cut a lot... be patient. For example, you can do hanging planters in the form of a dolphin, parrot, rooster and other strange birds. For some ideas, see the photos.

Tire planter - parrot, rooster and dolphin

All these crafts made from tires. Only a small part of them - the heads - are often made of dense foam. Having cut and sanded the part of the desired shape, it is attached using self-tapping screws coated with glue (this is a secret, remember), and then painted. Watch the video to see how to make a parrot from a tire.

Below are posted step by step photos, which depict the main stages of creating a table or ottoman from a tire. You will need two more circles of plywood or fiberboard of a suitable diameter; hemp rope is used for finishing. From available materials you will need glue and a glue gun, as well as varnish and a brush for applying it. To connect the circles to the tire you will also need self-tapping screws - 8-10 pieces on each side.

Next we take glue gun and after heating the glue, apply it to the sidewall. If you don’t have such a luxury on your household, take the glue that’s in the tube bigger size, like " liquid nails" It's easier for them to work with mounting gun. Apply a stripe to the side and glue the hemp rope. So - all the way to the top.

Using the same technology, we decorate the lid of the table (ottoman). You need to start laying from the middle: apply glue, lay the rope.

Finishing the work - applying varnish. We do it slowly, soaking it well. This is what should happen as a result. If you made a table, you can put glass on top - a rope, even coated with varnish, is not the best best coverage for the table, although beautiful...

Variety can be achieved through the cover. It can be sewn from the dense material you like.

Cute ottoman...

You can knit it - large knitting looks interesting.

Large knitted cover - looks interesting

If you don’t want to sew or knit, you can use old knitted items cut into strips. They are cut into long strips 3-5 cm thick, rolled into balls and then wrapped around the ottoman. It turns out interesting, especially if several colors are combined.

If you need a taller ottoman, screw the two tires together with self-tapping screws and continue working with them in this form.

Another option, see the video

Decorating your garden using improvised means is not only easy, but also enjoyable. After all, such an activity can bring the whole family together, and everyone will find something they like and can handle. Today we will tell you how to make a swan from a tire with your own hands, and look at several forms of these figures and ways to use them in the garden and flowerbed.

Materials, tools, basic concepts

You've probably seen outside private houses in rural areas or at summer cottages these figurines are in the form of swans. And perhaps they wanted to do something similar near their home. So why not, if you have a pair of old, outdated tires lying around in your barn? Even if they are not there, you can find several at any auto repair shop.

I won’t say that making a tire swan is a very simple task. The rubber is quite hard and elastic, so you will have to make some effort, as well as be careful and careful.

But the activity will not take you much time, only about an hour per swan. And you will see that it was worth it!

  • So, what we need in our work:
  • old car tire;
  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • wire for fixing the shape;

paint, white or black - for the swan, red - for the beak.

Old tires are an excellent material for using your imagination In some cases we will use Additional materials

and tools. But we will dwell on them during the description.

Please note: try to immediately decide what you will use to cut the tire - a grinder or a jigsaw. Using a grinder will help you get the job done faster, but the smoke and smell of burnt rubber can be very harmful.

Where can such swans be used? You can install the figurine anywhere in your garden. The swan will simply serve as a toy and decoration; it can be used as a flower bed and even the basis for a small country fountain.

Now let's look at several options separately.

Small flower bed

This is perhaps the simplest option, and at the same time functional. In order to make a swan flowerbed, use a simple diagram, applying it to the tire in advance.

  1. Diagram of a swan flowerbed made from a tire
  2. Using a jigsaw, cut along the black lines along the head and neck. The red lines in the diagram indicate the tail, the blue lines the wing plumage. Make cuts along them.
  3. Now comes the hardest part: you need to turn the tire inside out. Do this carefully and turn it out carefully so that the tire is not damaged.
  4. The main work is done, only little things remain. Make a beak (from plastic, plywood, or a piece of another tire) and paint it red.
  5. Place the two halves of the head together. To do this, you need to bend the rigid cord, insert the beak and secure the entire structure with self-tapping screws. They need to be screwed in place of the eyes.
  6. All that remains is to paint your structure white or black, depending on your imagination and desire. The screws in place of the eyes can be painted over black paint, or better yet, cover it with circles of electrical tape.

This flowerbed in the shape of a swan can be made from a tire

Now install your mini-flowerbed in the planned location, fill it to the top with prepared soil and plant flowers inside. It can be pansies, marigolds, matiola, begonias or any other low plants.

Decoration figurine

This swan is of aesthetic value only. Making it is no more difficult than the previous one, but you will have to work a little on the shape of the bends. But such a figurine will decorate the site no worse than an antique statue!

When choosing a tire for a swan, make sure that it does not have a metal cord - it will be much easier to cut. In order to subsequently fix the neck, take aluminum wire or an elastic iron bar. Arm yourself sharp knife

and a jigsaw for cutting very dense areas. To attach the iron bar to the tire you will need a drill.

Scheme of the garden swan Please note: for processing it is better to take “bald” tires domestic production

  1. . They are softer and easier to cut.
  2. Use chalk to divide the tire into two equal parts. On one side there will be the beginning of the tail and head, and on the other - the base of the neck. Outline the silhouette of the head and the lines of the wings.
  3. Cut the tire along the marked lines. If you use a knife, soak it in soapy water to make the process easier.
  4. Now you need to turn the tire inside out. You will need a helper to do this, but you can do it yourself by stepping on the outer rim of the tire. The frame of the future swan is almost ready. Secure the neck: drill paired holes in the tire and attach the neck with a thin wire to an iron bar with outside

. Once you paint the swan, the fastenings will be almost invisible.

Paint the swan's body with white paint and its beak with red

A flexible iron plate will help give the neck the desired bend shape. The plate should be slightly longer and narrower than the neck itself. Make holes in it with a drill and secure it into the desired shape.

Now you know how to decorate your site with beautiful homemade swans. And you can make them from an old, worn-out tire. Perhaps you know a few more schemes and methods. Please share your experience with us in the comments. Good luck!

In our article we will talk about DIY garden tire crafts. In the photo in the first part of the article - useful crafts that will make life is more convenient any summer resident. In the second part we have collected for you the most bright decorative crafts made from tires- flowerpots, swans, hanging pots for hanging flowers and master classes on making them.

Part I. Useful DIY crafts from tires

Non-slip tracks

Number one in our hit parade is tire tracks. Firstly, you will no longer have to deal with grass growing on your walkways. Secondly, Reliable protectors will prevent you from slipping. Thirdly, with such paths you will not bring dirt into the house.

Tire tracks are durable, and they are not difficult to make: cut off the treads and use nails (or better yet, self-tapping screws) to attach them to several cross sticks.

Reliable steps

Anyone who has ever fallen from a ladder will appreciate the reliability of the coating on these steps.

Textured border

Tires most often have quite beautiful drawing. It can be used to decorate the lower part of a small utility room. At the same time, you will protect the walls from the inevitable dust and dirt.

Before making such a craft from tires It is important to make sure that the length of the protectors with the same pattern is enough to decorate the entire room.

Cheap tire seat

Who would have thought, but tires are convenient to use as garden “ottomans” - however, they are quite hard. These DIY tire crafts are easy to make, the only drawback is that they are quite heavy and not very convenient to drag.

Convenient bike parking

Do you have a family of avid cyclists? Make a bike rack out of tires for the whole family. And most importantly, when a new cyclist arrives, it will be very easy to expand.

Part II. DIY decorative crafts from tires

Ground flowerpots

A “daisy” is cut out from the top of the tire, then the tire is turned inside out. All that remains is to paint it, and the flower container will be ready. If the tire is not removed from the base, you can make a flowerpot with a leg.

The most labor-intensive operation is turning the tire out. There is a little trick: when you turn the tire about halfway out, press on it to make an oval - then the work will become easier.

Combine several tires, experiment with the shape of the petals and coloring, and your crafts - flowerpots made from tires - will be unlike others.

Tire swans

Swans are a classic craft made from tires. The technology is about the same. The photo shows instructions for this DIY garden tire craft.

1. Draw a cutting diagram on the tire.

2. Cut the tire according to the pattern (first the head, then the tail and feathers).

3. Turn the tire out.

4. Make a beak and paint it red.

5. Place the 2 halves of the head together, insert the beak between them, and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

6. Raise your head and press it down a little. Secure the resulting fold with self-tapping screws.

7. Color the swan and decorate the eyes to cover the screws.

Tire cutting options may vary slightly. Choose the one you like best.

Exotic birds made from tires
