How to waterproof a strip foundation with your own hands. Horizontal foundation waterproofing Device for strip foundation insulation

Very often, inexperienced builders, after constructing a foundation, neglect its waterproofing, considering this operation minor.

As a result of further exploitation load-bearing walls, built on such a basis, begin to come to disrepair due to constant exposure to moisture in the form of atmospheric precipitation And groundwater.

What is waterproofing and is it necessary?

Waterproofing means protection various materials and designs from harmful effects liquids on them. Main The material for construction and foundation is concrete.

This material, despite its apparent solidity, has porous structure, therefore it is easily saturated with water (you can find out what kind of concrete should be used for strip foundation).

Without waterproofing such a foundation, load-bearing walls begin to dampen and gradually collapse. Application of a protective layer increases service life of buildings and structures and significantly reduces the cost of their current and major repairs.

Types of foundation waterproofing

By purpose foundation waterproofing is usually divided into two type:

  1. Horizontal. Surfaces located horizontally are protected, for example, the base of the foundation, the base of load-bearing walls;
  2. Vertical. Apply to vertical surfaces, for example, the outer part of the base;

Depending on the used material protective coating distinguish the following kinds waterproofing:

  • Bituminous. Bitumen is used as an insulating material various types depending on the weather conditions in the geographical area of ​​construction;
  • Ruberoid. Insulation is carried out using sheets of roofing felt, which are laid in several layers. When laying protection, not only roofing material can be used, but also isoplast, glassine or roofing felt;
  • Liquid rubber. This material is made on the basis of bitumen. It has a liquid consistency and high elasticity, which is why it got its name.

By method of application Waterproofing can be of the following types:

  • Pasting;
  • Penetrating;
  • Roll;
  • Plastering;
  • Spraying.

Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is used for guard walls and foundation bases. If you plan to insulate a foundation made of concrete mortar, then the protective layer is laid before it is poured.

To protect the foundation, waterproofing is laid before installation concrete blocks after backfilling and its special layer of cement.

To protect the walls, a layer of waterproofing is laid throughout the perimeter of the foundation plinth after its final setting.

Horizontal waterproofing applies in almost any construction, in contrast to vertical, which is sometimes neglected. This is explained by the fact that horizontally arranged protection effectively protects the walls of the building from exposure not only ground, but also surface waters.

There are various styling methods horizontal waterproofing. Depending on the creation of the required degree of protection and the cost of construction, they are used in its manufacture. special Construction Materials.

Bitumen waterproofing

Bitumen waterproofing is used to protect concrete and metal structures. Before installation mastics, the foundation is thoroughly dried, otherwise when bitumen comes into contact with water, it will form bubbles and the waterproofing will peel off.

To make bitumen waterproofing material, first melted and then applied to work surface using a brush or brush. The thickness of the applied layer must be at least 2 mm.

It is best to use construction grades of bitumen that contain special additives that prevent the destruction of the material at low temperatures.

Attention! Molten bitumen cools down literally in minutes, so when working with it it is necessary to observe time intervals, avoiding premature cooling of the composition. Insufficiently melted bitumen does not clog concrete pores well. For waterproofing work, bitumen grades BN-3, BN-4, BN-5, BP-5, DH-1V are used.


Roofing felt coating is a highly reliable waterproofing, but such protection requires quite a lot of material costs. Before laying the sheets, a layer of mastic is applied to the surface.

There must be an overlap between adjacent sheets, at least 15 centimeters.

Attention! Before laying sheets of roofing felt, it is necessary to carefully level the surface for laying them! On uneven surface it will be difficult to ensure the necessary overlap of adjacent sheets, and the waterproofing will be unreliable!

Plaster waterproofing

With this method of protection, the surface is covered with a special plaster solution, which contains water-repellent additives, for example, asphalt mastic.

The solution is applied hot to ensure better adhesion to the surface to be protected. The solution is applied using the same technology as for precise leveling of walls, using lighthouses.

Liquid rubber

The use of this material in the manufacture of waterproofing requires both special tools and specialists high qualifications. This method produces protection that has high strength and wear resistance, which can be applied even to hard-to-reach places.

A special place in this technology is occupied by Preparation surface, which takes about a third of the total time of applying insulation. The main brands of liquid rubber used for foundation waterproofing are "Profix", "Slav", "Ultramast" And "Mastic No. 33".

The equipment with which such protection is applied are special sprayers, operating both from electric drive and gasoline engines.

Penetrating waterproofing

Application of this protection does not require thorough surface preparation and special tools. The materials used in its manufacture fill pores in concrete, making it moisture resistant. Penetrating waterproofing significantly increases term foundation service and is considered most reliable and durable.

Technology making insulation is simple - purchase a dry mixture, for example, "Penetron", which is mixed with water according to the preparation instructions, and then applied to the protected surface using, for example, a roller.

After a few hours, the mixture acquires its final properties. Penetrating waterproofing, along with its advantages, has only one drawback - high price.

Roll waterproofing

Roll materials are often used for waterproofing a building without a basement. This insulation is made on the basis of bitumen.

Materials and the concrete surface itself previously heated with gas burner, then carefully lay it down and, lightly pressing, smooth it out. Adjacent sheets are laid with overlap 15-20 centimeters.


This type of moisture protection is applied using special construction installations, with the help of which a thin insulating layer is laid on the surface.

Waterproofing by spraying allows you to reliably protect concrete structures from moisture and can be used in severe frosts and heat. The material used for spraying is synthetic polymers - polycarbamides.

Foundation waterproofing: general rules

Today, to protect the walls of a building from groundwater and other types of moisture, two types of insulation are used - vertical waterproofing and horizontal.

They are also building additional structures, for example, install water collectors that drain moisture into special containers or channels.

Before applying the waterproofing layer, the surface must be leveled and cleaned of dirt and dust. For the best special primers are used to bond the protective material and concrete.

Look video lesson how to make vertical waterproofing of a foundation with your own hands:

At the construction stage of a building, many craftsmen make a gross mistake, which subsequently leads to a violation of the building's structure. This mistake lies in the insufficient and poor-quality arrangement of the foundation. This means waterproofing the strip foundation and basement, if any.

It is extremely necessary to complete this stage of work, since the impact of groundwater on outside the grounds are quite destructive. Especially considering that chemical composition groundwater can vary dramatically depending on the location of the house in relation to chemical or metallurgical industry facilities, agricultural activities, etc.

The lack of waterproofing on the external walls of the basement can lead to at least dampness in it

Important: the lack of waterproofing on the outer walls of the basement can at least lead to dampness in it. In the worst case, constant flooding and the resulting destruction of the premises will be its fate.

Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to understand the principles and technologies of performing work, and also to know about all possible types and types of waterproofing. About this in our material.

It is worth knowing that you can choose a different group of materials to complete the work. They are:

Depending on the type of materials chosen, waterproofing technology is also used.

Coating type insulation

For waterproofing the foundation belt type and basement, including in this case, bitumen-based materials or bitumen mastic are used. According to the type of materials, it becomes clear that the waterproofing of the strip foundation in this case is carried out by spreading mastic along the entire perimeter of the base.

To carry out work using mastic, it is necessary to perform a number of such actions:

  • Free the foundation (basement walls) from debris, dust and dirt;
  • Primer deep penetration coat the surface of the outer and inner walls of the foundation;
  • After the primer has dried, use a special brush (mastic brush) to apply the mastic in an even, continuous layer so that there are no gaps in the waterproofing.

The advantages of waterproofing using the coating method include:

  • Low cost of materials;
  • Ease of work;
  • Good elasticity of the finishing coating;
  • Excellent waterproofing properties of bitumen;
  • High adhesion of the coating to concrete.

However, such waterproofing also has disadvantages. The main one is the low service life of the material. Yes, layer bitumen mastic remains elastic and intact for only 6 years. Then it begins to crack, as a result of which groundwater still penetrates to the walls of the foundation. The problem can be solved by purchasing coating waterproofing materials with the addition of softening polymers.

In addition, the integrity of the coating layer may be damaged during backfilling of the foundation. Small pebbles can scratch the coating and depressurize it. They solve the problem by laying a protective layer of roofing felt or geotextile over the applied layer of bitumen.

Roll type waterproofing (adhesive)

Here, materials in the form of a roll are used to protect the foundation from moisture. It can be roofing felt, geotextiles, Aquaizol, Isoplast with Helastopley. Most often, such materials are used if it is planned to build a house without a basement. In this case, both horizontal insulation is used (coating the foundation plane before its contact with the walls) and vertical (applying rolled material to the base walls).

Roll materials are attached to the base of the building in two stages:

  • Adhesive (using bitumen mastic as an adhesive);
  • Floating (using a gas burner to melt the material and make it pliable).

The technology for installing waterproofing is as follows:

  • The foundation walls are cleared of debris and treated with a deep penetration primer;
  • After drying, the walls are coated with bitumen mastic and cuts are applied waterproofing material, pressing them well;
  • The waterproofing joints are overlapped by 15 cm, and to ensure a good fit, a torch is used to fuse the cuts together.

To the benefits roll waterproofing include:

  • Long service life;
  • Excellent waterproofing ability;
  • Easy installation;
  • High resistance to any type of mechanical impact;
  • Reliability of the entire structure.

But it is worth remembering that rolled materials for waterproofing based on fiberglass or fiberglass have less resistance to deformation in contrast to materials based on polyester.

Penetrating waterproofing

This type of waterproofing of foundation and basement walls is considered one of the most effective, but also expensive. Here, the waterproofing material is based on a special mixture of cement, quartz sand and special plasticizing additives. The result is a plastic material that is applied by coating to the walls of the base and penetrates into all pores of the base, forming crystalline solidification in the voids. They will push water away from the underground part of the building.

Penetrating waterproofing is widely used for treating the walls of basements and other underground tanks, and for treating foundations of any kind.

The advantages of this type of waterproofing include:

  • High quality insulation from groundwater exposure;
  • Excellent ductility during application;
  • High wear resistance of the finished coating;
  • Durability of the entire structure;
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.

The technology of waterproofing using penetrating mixtures is as follows:

  • The walls are completely cleaned and treated with primer;
  • After the primer has dried, the insulating mixture is applied with a special brush or from a spray bottle;
  • The coating is allowed to dry completely.

Spray insulation

This method of waterproofing a strip foundation is one of the most modern. The method of applying insulation by spraying is widely used in roofing work, at repair work old waterproofing coating or to create a new first layer. In comparison with the mass of advantages, the sprayed mixture has one significant drawback - high cost.

The technology for creating a waterproofing layer by spraying is as follows:

  • The walls of the foundation or basement are cleaned of debris, dust and dirt;
  • The moisture protection agent is applied to the finished surface using a construction sprayer, forming a seamless, even coating;
  • For greater reliability, the sprayed mastic is reinforced with a layer of geotextile.

The advantages of this method of waterproofing are:

  • Long service life (50 years or more);
  • High adhesion properties of the material to concrete;
  • Simplicity of work, which saves labor costs and time on the construction site;
  • Absolutely smooth coating without seams or joints, which prevents the slightest ingress of moisture onto the surface concrete base;
  • Environmental friendliness and absolute non-toxicity of the material;
  • Excellent elasticity that resists any small inclusions in the soil;
  • High resistance to ultraviolet rays.

If the house is built without waterproofing the foundation

Important: waterproofing the base new construction should be carried out during the construction stage. However, it happens that a house is purchased, but there is no insulation from moisture. In this case, it is possible and necessary to save the house. In this case, you need to act like this:

  • The house or basement is completely excavated along the entire perimeter of the foundation. Moreover, you need to start from the corners, moving towards the walls of the base, so as not to disturb the strength of the building.
  • Now you should clean all the walls around the perimeter from dirt and dust. This should be done exclusively without the use of moisture. It is important to free all recesses, cracks and pores of the base from soil, earth and dirt.
  • All cleaned cracks should be filled special glue For tiles or cement mortar.
  • After the walls of the foundation or basement have dried, they should be treated with bitumen mastic.

Important: under such conditions it is better to combine vertical and horizontal insulation.

  • Rolls of roofing felt or other insulation material are cut into pieces the right size and using a special gas burner is applied to the walls of the structure with overlapping joints. The pieces are placed horizontally.
  • Now you need to apply another layer of material in the same way, but with a vertical orientation.

Important: at the corners of the building it is worth wrapping the rolled material and making overlaps. But, under no circumstances should you cut the waterproofing. This installation method will break the tightness of the foundation winding.

  • Lastly, a drainage system and a blind area for water removal are formed.
  • All that remains is to backfill the base with good compaction of the soil.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation

Review of types of waterproofing material for strip foundations. Coating, roll, penetrating and other types of waterproofing.

Proper protection of its foundation will help extend the service life of the building. To do this, waterproof the strip foundation with your own hands. Before you begin, you need to decide on the type of waterproofing material and study the technology for its installation. Construction market offers 4 options for horizontal or vertical application, each of which is worth learning about in more detail.

When using this type of insulation, bitumen mastic and bitumen-based building materials are used for work. It has its pros and cons.

Advantages of coating waterproofing:

  • Affordable price;
  • High level of hydrophobicity, adhesion and elasticity;
  • Easy installation process that does not require special knowledge.

The disadvantages include a short service life. Bitumen mastic loses most of its protective qualities after 6 years. To extend the service life, various additives are included in the composition of this coating material.

Application technology

A process consisting of several successive steps is available for self-execution:

  1. Clean the surface from debris, dust and loose elements;
  2. Apply a deep penetration primer to the foundation;
  3. After the primer has dried, apply the insulating material in a continuous layer using a paint brush.

Waterproofing materials should cover the surface in a single layer without gaps. Otherwise, the work done will not bring the desired result.

This method involves the use of roll building materials: roofing felt (for protecting shallow foundations), isoelast, aquaizol, helostopley, etc. They have a wide range of applications, including protecting the base from damage by groundwater. The method is relevant for waterproofing buildings without a basement.

Work can be performed in two ways:

  1. By gluing the material onto an adhesive or self-adhesive base;
  2. Application of the material followed by melting with a gas burner. The second method is more labor-intensive and requires additional equipment.

Advantages of roll insulation:

  • Easy installation;
  • Long service life;
  • High water resistance;
  • Reliability.

The basis of roll waterproofing directly affects its resistance to deformation and impact chemical substances. A fiberglass or fiberglass base has a significantly lower level of stability than a polyester base. It is allowed to use this type of foundation wall insulation in conjunction with the coating method.

Application technology

General instructions for installation work:

  1. Clean, level and dry the surface;
  2. Apply a layer of bitumen mastic;
  3. After drying, cover the mastic with roofing material using the floating method;
  4. Rolled sheets must be overlapped (15 cm), followed by processing of the joints with a gas burner.

The material can be applied vertically or horizontally. When choosing this insulation method, cope with the work without outside help will not work.

To independently carry out waterproofing of a strip-type foundation, the spray method (liquid rubber) can be used. It is used to protect the surface, or to reconstruct previous material. It's comparative new method in the construction industry, which has many advantages:

  • No seams or joints;
  • Long service life;
  • High level of adhesion and elasticity.;
  • Short hardening time;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Environmentally friendly, no toxic emissions;
  • Resistant to direct sunlight.

Installation technology

The quality of waterproofing depends on compliance with the application steps:

  1. Prepare the base by cleaning and treating with an antiseptic;
  2. Apply the coating using a special sprayer;
  3. Perform reinforcement using geotextiles.

The easy installation process allows the work to be completed in a short time, but the material cannot be called economical.

This method is one of the most expensive, but the quality justifies the cost. For the manufacture of waterproofing material, quartz sand, additives and cement are used. Step-by-step instruction installation consists of applying the material in three ways:

  1. Spraying;
  2. By analogy with plaster;
  3. Using the coating waterproofing method.

With this treatment, the composition penetrates into all microcracks of the surface, filling them and forming crystals that prevent the penetration of moisture. The method is used for penetrating insulation of foundations in the ground.

In case of violation of the integrity of the foundation, waterproofing of surfaces is carried out from the inside of the house. This method is relevant for houses with a basement in which water can accumulate. In addition, the penetrating mixture serves as an additional seal. The only but significant drawback of the technology is its high cost.

Horizontal insulation aimed at protecting walls from capillary suction should be installed above the moisture splash level by at least 0.3 m.

Video: Foundation waterproofing technology

Nuances when arranging foundation waterproofing

A foundation without waterproofing is susceptible to moisture and external destructive factors. If necessary work were not completed before the construction of the building, it will have to be done after construction. At the same time, thermal insulation of the base can be installed, if there is such a need. This greatly complicates the process, since you will have to dig out the entire base, acting with extreme caution. If the instructions are not followed, the house, or rather its stability, may suffer. Installation rules:

  1. The optimal treatment option is one that combines vertical insulation with horizontal insulation. In this case, the first layer is applied in the horizontal direction, and the second in the vertical direction;
  2. Having dug out the foundation, it should be cleaned of dirt and debris using a dry method, including seams and recesses;
  3. Fill all unevenness and cracks with cement mortar or tile adhesive, covering the top with bitumen;
  4. Using a gas torch, fix the roofing material. The roll insulation sheet should be carefully pressed, applying the strips horizontally with an overlap;
  5. The second layer is attached in a similar way, only the material must be laid vertically;
  6. When processing corners, roofing material must be rolled up and not cut.

In parallel with the implementation of waterproofing work, it is advisable to provide a device drainage system and fill the blind area around the perimeter. Such a complex but important process will extend the life of the building several times, so during construction there should be no doubt whether waterproofing of the foundation is necessary.

Main enemy building structures- moisture. Both atmospheric and ground water pose a danger to foundations. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation prevents problems during the operation of the building.

Why is insulation needed?

The concrete surface of the foundation must be protected from exposure to liquid. This is necessary to achieve the following results:

  • preventing water from entering the basement or ground floor of the house;
  • protection of concrete from washing out particles and aggressive environments;
  • preventing the harmful effects of cold.

The simultaneous action of water and negative temperatures is dangerous for the material. Capillary moisture penetrates into the thickness of the foundation and freezes there. Water is a unique substance, only it expands when it freezes. Thus, the pressure inside the underground wall increases, which leads to its destruction.

Types of waterproofing

Waterproofing a strip foundation prevents the harmful effects of various types of moisture on the structure. At the same time, a system of three types of insulation is used:

  • Horizontal. Prevents capillary rise of moisture. The first layer is provided in the wall of foundation blocks just below the basement floor level. The second layer is performed higher, along the edge of the foundation. It is designed to protect materials of different properties (for example, a concrete foundation and a brick wall).
  • Vertical. It can be external (in most cases) or internal (in special circumstances).
  • Blind area. Necessary for removing rain moisture from foundations. It reduces the load on the vertical insulation. Made from various materials with observance of slope. Recommended width is 1 m.

Waterproofing a monolithic strip foundation involves installing vertical protection along the entire height. A horizontal layer at the sole level is not provided. To protect the base from moisture, use concrete preparation from skinny concrete(class B7.5—B12.5).

Drainage will be an additional measure to protect the structure from moisture. It plays the role of waterproofing the base of the strip foundation and is provided 30 cm below the edge of the structure. The horizontal distance from the building is no more than 1 m. For drainage, pipes with a diameter of 110-200 mm (depending on soil moisture) are used, which are laid with a slope of 0.003-0.01.

All of the above methods are suitable for deep groundwater (more than 0.5 m from the base). If the groundwater level is high, it is worth thinking about using a different type of foundation, since measures to protect the structure in this case (water reduction, caisson construction) can be very expensive.

Building without basement

Insulation from moisture must be provided regardless of the presence of a basement. Here it is worth returning to the previous question “why is insulation needed?” Its purpose is to protect concrete and extend the service life of foundations; this is necessary for buildings with and without a basement.

Waterproofing a strip foundation without a basement includes the following measures:

  • vertical insulation outside the building;
  • insulation between the foundation edge and the building wall;
  • waterproofing of the floor on the ground, which is connected to the previous one (together they form closed loop);
  • foundation cushion insulation (for prefabricated type designs).

When making a foundation from concrete blocks, the foundation pad is insulated from moisture using a reinforced concrete joint 50 mm thick. The use of other materials here will lead to deformation of the foundation.

Waterproofing materials

Depending on the location of the insulation, they are used different materials. Liquid bitumen compounds are most often used as vertical protection. Such coating waterproofing applied in two layers and used when soil moisture is low. It is characterized by low cost and simplicity of technology. Disadvantages include fragility.

There are also other options for vertical insulation of foundation walls:

  1. Plastered. At the same time it levels the surface and protects it from moisture. Such insulation can last 10 years; over time, cracks appear on the surface into which moisture penetrates.
  2. Pasting. Various roll materials are used. The most inexpensive and unreliable option would be roofing felt. Also more common among builders modern materials: technoelast, technoNIKOL, linokrom and hydroisol. Effective membranes are used less frequently due to relatively high prices. For reliability, the adhesive insulation of the foundation is performed in two layers.
  3. Penetrating. This type of insulation not only increases the resistance of concrete to moisture, but also its strength and durability. The compositions are able to penetrate to great depths and provide protection from water in any direction. This type has become widespread in the repair and restoration of old foundations.
  4. Liquid rubber. Applied to the surface by spraying. It is characterized by high elasticity and the absence of seams. The disadvantage is the high cost.

At high groundwater levels, the screen method of vertical insulation is used. For this purpose, clay-based bentonite mats are used. Also in this case, an internal protection device is possible.

Horizontal waterproofing along the edge of the foundation is made from roll materials. The most common were roofing felt, linochrome, waterproofing, etc. Laying rolled materials at the sole level is not allowed. Instead use:

  • reinforced seam 50 mm thick between the foundation pad and blocks in prefabricated technology;
  • preparation (from lean concrete) for the base of the foundation in monolithic technology.

There are five types of blind area around the perimeter of the building. Depending on the material, the slope in the direction from the foundation is selected:

  • concrete 3%;
  • asphalt concrete 3%;
  • from crushed stone 5%;
  • from paving slabs 5%;
  • membrane (hidden) 3%.

The choice of material for the blind area depends on aesthetic considerations and financial capabilities. The most affordable option considered concrete or asphalt concrete.

Proper waterproofing of the foundation protects it from premature destruction. To guarantee reliable protection, all measures are carried out in a comprehensive manner.

Waterproofing a strip foundation helps prevent Negative influence moisture on the load-bearing parts of the house. Since the cement base has high capillarity, moisture penetration will lead to oxidation of the reinforcement, which can lead to distortions and shrinkage of the entire structure. In the article we will look at the structure of a strip foundation, as well as methods for waterproofing its main parts.

What is a strip foundation?

The structure of the strip base is quite complex, since the structure is a closed concrete contour located on a sand and gravel bed. To strengthen the base, a reinforcing mesh is used, which consists of metal rods. The structure can be located directly on the ground or on piles, which take on the static load created by the building.

For what purpose is waterproofing a strip foundation done with your own hands? It should be taken into account that the strength of the concrete base during operation will be destructively affected by sedimentary, ground and capillary water. To prevent damage to building materials, it is necessary to implement a number of measures to drain water from the building. These include:

  • installation of a drainage system;
  • laying a waterproofing cushion;
  • hydroprotection of load-bearing parts of the structure (support piles, plinth, formwork).

Main types of waterproofing

After installing the strip base, it is important to ensure that moisture is “cut off” from the structure. To do this, use various waterproofing materials, namely:

  • Coating - insulation occurs using polymer or bitumen compounds that prevent moisture from penetrating into the foundation;
  • Rolled - materials with good water-repellent properties are suitable for finishing the base, pile-strip base (load-bearing supports), as well as waterproofing the foundation under monolithic slab. The most popular among roll moisture insulators are roofing felt, polyethylene film, geotextiles;
  • Sprayed - waterproofing agents are applied to concrete structures using spray guns. Liquid solutions based on bitumen and polymer additives are used as a spray mixture;
  • Impregnating – mixtures of liquid consistency that easily penetrate into the structure concrete covering, filling all the pores. Thus, it is possible to prevent moisture from entering the foundation and destruction of the reinforcing mesh.

Horizontal waterproofing

Horizontal moisture insulation – complex construction work, which prevents moisture from penetrating into concrete structures from underground. This type of water protection is needed when constructing any type of foundation:

  • tape;
  • monolithic;
  • pile;
  • pile-tape.

How is horizontal insulation done? To provide reliable protection structures from the negative impact of groundwater, horizontal water protection is used. It literally “cuts off” moisture, which rises to concrete structures due to soil capillarity. To ensure quality work, you must do the following:

  1. Take care to lay a waterproofing cushion of sand and gravel. The layer thickness must be at least 25 cm;
  2. Do concrete screed with a thickness of about 10 cm, then postpone work until the cement has completely hardened (at least 12 days);
  3. Then they make calculations for breeding required quantity bitumen mastic, with which you need to treat the concrete strip;
  4. After this, the base is covered with roofing felt in several layers;
  5. Next, the formwork is installed to fill the second layer of screed;
  6. The final stage involves insulating the floor and laying the finishing coating.

To understand how horizontal waterproofing is done concrete structures, you can watch a video clip that describes the sequence of performing all the necessary work.

Vertical water protection

Vertical insulation of a structure from moisture involves treating exclusively the vertical parts of the structure, in particular the base, piles, etc. This procedure is recommended for use if there is a basement in the house. In this way, it is possible to prevent excess moisture from entering the underground room, from where it can penetrate into the floor base of the first floor of the building.

How is vertical waterproofing of concrete structures done? IN in this case to ensure water-repellent properties of the foundation, you can use various methods processing:

  • plastering;
  • pasting with roll insulators;
  • spraying with bitumen compounds.

But before you make a calculation of the materials required for insulation, it is worth choosing best option for waterproofing. Experts recommend using two methods of waterproofing at once: coating and gluing. How to do it? If there is a feeder in the building, the work progress will be as follows:

  1. First of all, the working surface must be coated with bitumen mastic;
  2. After this, cover the ground floor for the basement with technoelast (a type of roofing felt);
  3. When calculating rolled materials, keep in mind that they must be overlapped with a margin of at least 15 cm;
  4. To ensure the seams are sealed, melt them with a gas torch, causing adjacent sheets to stick together.

The structure and nuances of treating a strip foundation with vertical waterproofing are shown in the video material.

Features of foundation and basement insulation with roofing felt

Waterproofing monolithic foundation most often done using roofing felt. It can be used either independently or in combination with bitumen solutions. When covering a concrete structure with roofing felt, several important rules must be followed:

  1. Moisture insulation under the slab begins with the application of a bitumen solution;
  2. The required amount of roofing material is calculated taking into account an overlap of 15 cm;
  3. After this, using a gas burner, the insulator is softened and placed on the working elements of the structure;
  4. When carrying out waterproofing work to finish the foundation under a monolithic slab, you can use special mastics to seal the seams.

Moisture insulation of the structure with roofing felt should be carried out using only quality materials. Ezoelast and tehnoelast insulators are considered optimal for protecting concrete bases. The process of laying materials is clearly demonstrated in the video clip.

Moisture insulation of pile-tape foundation

How to properly insulate when installing a pile-strip foundation? The absence of a filing does not imply additional processing ground floor structures, and the load-bearing concrete parts themselves - piles. They take the maximum static load created by the weight of the structure itself.

Why is protection needed? support pillars? Under the influence of moisture, the supports begin to collapse over time due to corrosion processes occurring in the reinforcement of the pillars. To prevent distortion and subsidence of the base, additional water protection of the load-bearing parts is required. How to protect a pile-strip foundation without a basement?

  • Bored piles. Bored supports are concrete pillars reinforced with metal reinforcement. As a rule, they are installed in casing pipes, which do not provide the proper level of protection from moisture. During the construction of the structure, it is advisable to insert roofing material into the wells for the racks, which will play the role of formwork and waterproofing;
  • Screw piles. The elements of the concrete structure are represented by steel screws that are screwed into the ground. To protect them from corrosion, the spiral legs of the piles are treated with hydrophobic anti-corrosion solutions;
  • Driven piles. The supports in this case are reinforced concrete or. To protect them, antiseptic and anti-corrosion treatment is required. Special impregnation and coating with bitumen will not be superfluous.

Do you need moisture protection for a sand cushion?

What are the functions of a sand-foundation cushion? A mound of sand and gravel that is often created during the laying process strip bases, performs two tasks at once:

  • Cuts off water from the structure;
  • Helps to distribute the load evenly.

Laying the pillow is prerequisite when constructing a basement in a house. As a rule, it is in this room that it is quite damp, which creates all the conditions for the accumulation of condensation under the floor and the growth of fungus. Is it necessary to waterproof the pillow in this case?

If the building itself is installed on soil with strong heaving, in the process of laying the sand cushion it is necessary to make a calculation required quantity waterproofer. It is laid on a layer of sand and gravel, which disrupts capillarity and the flow of moisture from underground into the concrete structure.

Moisture insulation of formwork

To answer the question whether waterproofing is needed for formwork or not, let’s consider its main functions. The design is intended to limit the space into which it will be poured. concrete mortar to form the foundation. In other words, main function formwork - the design of a liquid solution, which, when hardened, forms the required geometric shape.

To assemble formwork, as a rule, use wooden boards, which are hygroscopic. Because of this, structural elements may become deformed, leading to distortion geometric shapes poured concrete base. In this case, the answer to the above question becomes obvious: waterproofing for formwork is really necessary.

What types of insulators are used for finishing formwork? For guard wooden elements formworks can be used:

  • bitumen solutions;
  • hydrophobic impregnations;
  • water-repellent varnishes;
  • roll insulators.

When calculating the required amount of waterproofing agents, it is worth noting that for formwork processing the most budget option will be painted with bitumen.

Is insulation necessary for a strip foundation?

Why do they insulate concrete structures? There are three main reasons why it is necessary to insulate strip bases.
