How to properly prepare a bed for carrots. How to grow productive carrots. Carrot beds. What and when to feed

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Maria Mukhina 11/15/2014 | 14171

To grow a high-quality carrot crop, you will need loose, deeply tilled, settled soil. Therefore, the beds need to be prepared in the fall. How to do it right?

Bed sizes

For convenience when caring for plantings, we make the rows up to 1 m wide, and the length is at your discretion. You definitely need a edge around the edge to prevent water from running off when watering. It can be made from any suitable material, including from the ground.

Composition of soil for growing carrots

The soil must be loose - crooked, ugly root crops will grow on hard soil. Loamy or very sandy soil is best. It should contain approximately 4% humus and be water- and breathable. We dig up the rows on the bayonet of a shovel. We carry out the work in the fall, because by the time the seeds are sowed, the soil must have settled thoroughly. We dig up medium-heavy soil with sawdust or pre-dried peat (3 kg per 1 sq.m.).

A good addition for acidic soil would be a glass of fluff lime. Suitable dolomite flour, and regular chalk. In early spring, sprinkle the ground with ash (0.5 liters per 1 sq.m.), add a specialized mineral complex fertilizer, for example, “Beets, carrots” (40 g of the drug per 1 sq.m.). In areas with low fertility soil or in newly developed areas, the proportions are different: 70 g per 1 sq.m. After applying the fertilizer, we loosen the soil with a Fokin flat cutter. We remember that you cannot dig up the soil before sowing seeds. When preparing soil for growing carrots, do not use fresh manure, use only compost or humus.

Additives for various soil types

  1. To peat soil (1 sq.m.) add half a bucket of coarse river sand, about 5 kg of compost or well-rotted manure, and a bucket of turf. We apply mineral fertilizers in the following quantities: 1 tbsp. l superphosphate powder, 1 tsp. sodium nitrate or urea.
  2. Mix a bucket of peat and river sand and 3 to 5 kg of humus into the alumina. We also add mineral fertilizers: 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska and superphosphate, crushed to powder.
  3. We add the same components to light loam (clay and sand) as to alumina, with the exception of sand.
  4. Add 2 buckets of turf and peat, half a bucket of humus and a tablespoon of Agricola-4 to the sandy soil.

Place for sowing carrots

Beds for carrots are placed on flat ground or with slight slope sunny areas. When growing crops in shady places the yield is greatly reduced, and the root crops are short. When groundwater is close, in order to avoid diseases of the root system, the beds are made high (from 35 cm). Carrots grow well where tomatoes, cabbage, and potatoes were previously grown. But it can be sown in its original place only after 4 years.

Carrots are a cold-resistant vegetable and germinate at a temperature of 4-6°C. Therefore, the seeds are sown quite early. The seeds need to be pre-treated: wrap them in cloth and rinse for 20 minutes under running water. hot water(50°C). Using this procedure, they are washed off essential oils, slowing down seed germination. Then you need to immerse the bag in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) for 25 minutes, then rinse well. Afterwards, soak the seeds in the Ecopin biostimulator for 3 hours (3 drops per 50 ml of water). Once the seeds have dried, they can be sown in the prepared bed.

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Despite its apparent simplicity, growing carrots on garden plot- a process that is very responsible and requires a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Preparing a bed for carrots in the spring is of particular importance. Experienced gardeners start planting carrots in mid-April or early May (depending on the region). The optimal period is when the daytime air temperature stops falling below +10-12 degrees, and the night temperature stops falling below +5 degrees. In the beds sown at this time, the harvest will ripen in July.

What should the soil be like?

Preparing a bed for carrots in spring

Before planting the crop, you should understand what kind of soil carrots like. Practice shows that each carrot variety, without exception, is very demanding in terms of conditions such as soil. Firstly, the soil should not contain anything unnecessary: ​​no pebbles, no roots, no solid debris. The soil should not be acidified under any circumstances. The acidity level should not go beyond the normal range. If the soil is clayey, or planting is carried out in black soil, it is recommended to add sand to the soil for carrots at the rate of 1 kilogram per 1 square meter beds. If the soil is too sandy, humus, manure or potato peel. Still, it is sandy soil that is considered more preferable for carrots. This is due to the high breathability of sand and its unique ability to absorb moisture.

Important! Carrots grow more evenly if they are grown in loose soil. In hard soil, crooked and deformed root crops often ripen.

When choosing soil for carrots, you should pay attention, first of all, to: sunny areas. Not a single crop variety will produce an extensive harvest if planted in the shade. Likewise, the following are categorically excluded:

  • soil with a high dryness index;
  • sloping areas;
  • areas overgrown with wheatgrass.

Generally speaking, the optimal soil for carrots in open ground should have excellent oxygen and moisture permeability, not contain weeds and remnants of the root systems of other plants, and be rich in nutrients.

How to prepare a bed

After choosing the soil, it’s time to find the answer to the question of how to properly prepare a bed for carrots in the spring. The process of preparing the soil for planting carrots begins with a mandatory check of the site for its ability to pass moisture. To do this, you need to do the following: pour about 8 liters of water onto the not yet dug soil for carrots measuring 50x70 centimeters. If spots are visible on the surface an hour after watering, it means that the soil is unsatisfactory (too dry and with a high acidity level), and carrots most likely will not take root in it. If there is no stain, and the condition of the soil is such that you can make a lump out of it without any extra effort, then everything is in order, and you can start sowing the crop without hesitation.

Having figured out what kind of soil carrots love, it’s time to start spring work on open ground. It is most advisable to do this just half a month before the start of planting work. You must first remove all weeds from the garden bed and leave it to “rest” for a couple of weeks. Then the area will need to be dug up twice, or even better, three times, while simultaneously saturating it with useful substances. During the digging process, pebbles should be removed and earthen clods should be broken up.

If the soil is poor enough, it requires fertilizing with humus and careful additional digging, despite the fact that experts recommend fertilizing organic fertilizers in the autumn

Advice. Every time you apply fertilizer, you need to dig up the soil. This is necessary so that useful substances and microelements are at a depth of at least 15 centimeters. Otherwise, they may burn root system plants.

Applying fertilizers to the soil

The main answer to the question of what kind of soil is needed to successfully grow carrots refers us to the fertility indicator. Accordingly, applying fertilizers to the soil is one of the necessary steps towards obtaining a good harvest.

As already mentioned, it is best to apply organic matter in the autumn, after harvesting. But mineral fertilizers in the spring will be most appropriate. Correct deadline fertilizing - two weeks before planting the seeds in the garden. In this case, it is very important that the technology for preparing the fertilizer composition is followed (as a rule, all necessary instructions fertilizers are available on the factory packaging).

If crops are grown in small quantities for personal use, it is quite acceptable to limit yourself to organic matter. IN in this case Ordinary humus or manure will do.

In spring, it is allowed to treat the soil with fertilizers based on nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. All of the above is chemistry, but it in a positive way affects the growth of carrots. If the soil is acidic, it must be additionally treated with any alkaline component, for example, lime. After this treatment, the acidity of the soil quickly normalizes. As with growing onions, carrots should not be over-dressed with manure. Otherwise, you can forget about the carrot bed for at least a couple of children.

How to land

Typically, the width of the bed is made from 90 to 100 cm, and the height is from 15 to 20 cm

Anyone who has grown onions at least once will also cope with planting carrots without any problems. In addition, making a bed for carrots is not particularly difficult. The most important thing you need to do is calculate right size and prepare the ground for carrots in advance.

Typically, the width of the bed is made from 90 to 100 cm, and the height - from 15 to 20 cm. If the planting area is located close groundwater, it is strongly recommended to increase the height of the bed to 35 centimeters (to its lower border). The length can be completely arbitrary, it all depends on the wishes and needs of the gardener, as well as the size of the plot. You will definitely need to make a wooden side that will prevent water from draining and washing out the bed during watering.

To place the seeds, it is necessary to form special grooves, the depth of which will not exceed three centimeters. It is imperative to maintain a gap of 20 centimeters between them. As for the distance between root crops, it can vary from two to four centimeters.

Important! The seed groove should never be too shallow or too deep. In the first case, there is a high probability that the seeds will be carried away by a gust of wind, and in the second, that they simply will not be able to break through to the surface through the thickness of the earth.

Ideally, seeds should be sown in such a way that there is no need for thinning later. Achieving this is quite difficult, but you should still try. Otherwise, the smell of tops when pulling a root crop out of the ground will inevitably attract the attention of such a person. harmful insect like a carrot fly.

Immediately before sowing carrot seeds, each furrow should be thoroughly moistened. Because the planting material carrots are very light, often mixed with sand for convenience. In those places where the seeds lie too thickly, experts recommend spreading out the contents of the groove with a brush.

After planting the seeds is completed, the furrow is sprinkled with mulch:

  • humus;
  • vermicompost;
  • compost;
  • coconut substrate.

After the sprouts emerge through the mulch, it must be removed and the seedlings must be watered.

Important! Until the seedlings appear, it is not recommended to water the sowing site to avoid washing away the seeds.

Carrots grow quite slowly; in addition, as already mentioned, they do not like excess moisture. If you organize ridge beds by raising the planting area by 30-35 centimeters, the problem can be solved. If the soil dries well, simple furrows are sufficient.

Before planting, the seeds should be soaked, and after planting and abundant watering, cover plastic film. This step is necessary in order to preserve the heat and moisture necessary for seed germination in the soil. If all manipulations are performed correctly, the first shoots will appear in less than a week. It is very important not to forget to remove the film after the very first shoots appear.

Planting in narrow beds

Planting in narrow beds

IN last years A very popular method among gardeners is planting carrots in narrow beds, also known as the Jacob Mittlider method. Such beds have significant difference from standard options. They are distinguished by raised side edges and relatively wide aisles. The task of narrow and raised beds is to protect the sown carrots from weeds and winds as reliably as possible. In addition, purely visually, such a bed looks just perfect.

To arrange a narrow bed you will need:

  • two containers that will be used for mixing fertilizers;
  • narrow rake (no more than 30 centimeters wide in the area of ​​the working part);
  • wooden pegs;
  • hoe;
  • shovel;
  • wooden boards for making sides.

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Mark the beds and use pegs to mark their boundaries. The optimal width of the bed will be no more than 45-50 centimeters, the length can be any (usually gardeners choose in the range from 3 to 9 meters);
  2. Make fairly wide (about 1 meter) passages between the beds;
  3. Nail wooden boards around the perimeter. The height of the resulting sides should be 10 centimeters and the width – 5 centimeters;
  4. Cover the paths between the beds with gravel or carefully compact them in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of weed growth and the appearance of moles to zero.

Important! It is best to place a narrow bed in the direction from the east to the west. This will make it possible to constantly receive carrots required amount sunlight.

Proper use narrow beds allows you to get a much larger harvest (about twice) than when using standard methods landings.

Secrets of experienced gardeners

Here are some tips to help you properly prepare the soil, build a garden bed, and ultimately grow an excellent carrot crop. experienced gardeners who have been cultivating this crop for several years and have managed to achieve certain successes in this field. Let's consider the most interesting recommendations in details:

  1. If you grow carrots after cucumbers, for each square meter of the bed you will need to add at least one and a half kilograms of cow manure and 5 kilograms of crushed corn leaves. When growing carrots on chernozem, you will need to add potato peels and river sand to the indicated amount - 1 kilogram per square meter of planting;
  2. It is important to track and remember how previous crops grew in the selected area. So, for example, if cabbage grew there before carrots, and the harvest was not pleasing, the likelihood that a similar thing will happen with carrots is quite high. Abundant fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers will help correct the situation;
  3. If the tomatoes previously grown in the area for carrots turn black during the growth process, there is no point in planting carrot seeds. It is better to sow the area with parsley or beets;
  4. To get rid of carrot fly It will be useful to plant carrots as early as possible and in the same bed with onions. Such a move would be beneficial for both cultures;
  5. To distribute the seeds evenly, it is more effective to mix them with closter rather than sand. If you add a certain amount of mineral fertilizers to the latter, the benefits (and, accordingly, germination) will be much higher. It is most convenient to place this mixture in the grooves using a pastry syringe;
  6. Soil that is too wet will promote carrot diseases. Therefore, stagnation of water on the site should be avoided by all means;
  7. If the farm has a sufficiently large amount of compost and physical strength, you can prepare the beds for carrots in a fundamentally different way: dig a trench at least 30 centimeters deep, fill it with compost mixed with fine river sand, and seeds are poured into this fertilized soil.

Despite the fact that carrots are an integral part of the daily diet of a large number of our compatriots, growing them with your own hands is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But if you prepare the bed properly, avoid mistakes when sowing seeds and provide the crop with proper care, decent harvest will not keep you waiting.

Potatoes that are usually sold are grown industrially using mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Real gardeners will never purchase such a product, but will try and grow excellent carrots in their own garden plot. If you strictly follow the recommendations given, there should be no problems with cultivating the crop.


Spring is the time to prepare the land for planting crops. From proper care and soil preparation depends on the entire future harvest. You cannot neglect such an important process as preparing the soil for planting in the spring, because if you miss something, you can forget about great harvests.

Carrots and their healing properties

Of course, oh healing properties oh, we have known carrots since childhood. This is what we are strongly recommended for improving vision, improving lung function and many others. preventive measures. Carrots contain a set of vitamins and substances necessary for a person - carotene, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine, chromium, as well as vitamins B, C, E, PP and K. Truly, the owner of such incredible beneficial properties can rightly be called queen of the garden beds. This is the most accessible source of beta-carotene, necessary for the retina, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. It would take a long time to list the magical properties of carrots, but in this article I would like to introduce the reader to the basics proper cultivation this priceless culture.

In addition to medicinal properties, carrots have another excellent property - they are stored for a long time, providing a person with essential vitamins and minerals during the cold period of the year when there is no fresh fruit. If stored properly, carrots remain fresh for many months. This is a valuable quality that is possible not only due to the natural qualities of this root vegetable, but also thanks to proper cultivation.

Preparing the soil for planting carrots

The basis of an excellent harvest is proper preparation soil for planting carrots in spring and autumn. Preparation activities include digging the soil and fertilizing it. To understand what exactly your soil needs, you need to distinguish between its type. All your further actions will depend on this.

The first stage of preparing land for carrots begins in the fall, after harvesting. During this period, the earth is dug up and fertilized depending on the type - deep digging with a full bayonet shovel with the addition of sawdust and aerated peat. The amount of sawdust and peat depends on the severity of your soil, but on average three kilograms of the above mixture are used per square meter.

And if the soil has high acidity, then in the fall during digging, lime or chalk is added at the rate of one glass per square meter. Over the winter, all these additives will be absorbed and have the most effective effect. Spring rains and melting snow will evenly distribute and absorb the necessary elements.

For chernozem, two tablespoons of perphosphates are enough. Organic fertilizers can be applied in the spring, when it is time to re-cultivate the soil before planting.

Soil types

Carrots, though unpretentious plant, loves loose loamy and sandy soil. Such soil gives carrots the sweet and juicy taste that we all appreciate so much. The soil should not be acidic, ideal acidity (pH) is 5.6-7.

A better composition is achieved by adding the missing elements. First, you need to determine the type of soil; for this, let’s remember a simple rule: take a handful of soil and soak it. Next we try to form a ball from the resulting mush. If the mass crumbles in your hands, then such soil
considered sandy. Sandy loam soil does not roll into a ball, but it can be rolled out in your palms into a cord. Clay soil with this method of determination it becomes very plastic and amenable to “sculpting”. Loam also turns into a ball, but nothing more.

How to Make Soil Suitable for Growing Carrots

Once the soil type is determined, it becomes clear what needs to be done next. If your site consists of fertile black soil, except for regular fertilizers, you don’t need to do anything else. Peat soil will require sand, clay soil will require sand with peat.

Preparing the soil for planting carrots in spring

As already mentioned, the soil is cultivated twice a year - in the fall, after harvesting, and in the spring before planting. In the fall, the soil is thoroughly dug up to the entire depth of the spade bayonet in order to saturate it with oxygen and prepare it for wintering. Deep digging is also necessary to ensure that winter low temperatures destroyed pathogenic bacteria from the soil surface.

In spring, it is enough to loosen and level the soil.

It is very important to choose the site itself, because carrots love the sun and do not like excess moisture. The best place- This flat area, which is well accessible sun rays. If you plant carrots in lowlands where moisture accumulates, the tubers will grow small and deformed.

In spring, the soil is saturated with organic matter - humus or compost. The soil should be loose and as light as possible, and the beds should be arranged so that moisture can drain freely.

Carrots are not afraid if they are planted after other crops, such as potatoes, cucumbers or tomatoes. The main thing is that there is nothing foreign in the ground, such as weeds.

How to ensure comfort in the garden beds

Carrots grow slowly and, as already mentioned, are afraid of excess moisture. If the soil has the ability to accumulate water, then organize ridge beds - raise the soil by 25-35 centimeters. If the soil dries well, then simply make grooves with a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other. Before planting, the ground is leveled and loosened a couple of days before planting, then watered. You can cover it with film so that the earth “steams”. The seeds are soaked before planting. Plant the prepared seeds in stripes at a distance of one and a half to two centimeters from each other. Then the top is covered with a mixture of organic fertilizers or peat with sand, depending on the prepared soil.

After this, the bed is covered again with film. This is necessary to save heat and moisture; if everything is done correctly, then with this method, seedlings appear already on the sixth day after planting. As soon as the first green shoots appear, protective film cleaned up.

Carrot planting dates

In Russia, carrots traditionally begin to be planted at the end of April, when the likelihood of night frosts is minimal.

For the southern regions, other dates are mid-March and mid-June for the second landing.

Cultivation care

Carrots, although unpretentious, require attention. Firstly, it grows slowly, and weeds quickly, so weeding is a constant need. Secondly, the process of planting seeds itself means an uncontrolled amount of seeds in the furrows. In this case, after the seeds sprout and grow by 10-15 centimeters, the bed should be thinned out. In order for roots to be large and developed, they need space to grow. Dense planting without thinning will produce weak, unedible root crops.

Watering should be done according to circumstances. If the summer is rainy, then you need to make sure that the crop does not rot - you need to drain the area in time. During a drought, it is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out; nevertheless, the carrots should be juicy and plump. Long, regularly shaped carrots grow in non-dry soil, and gnarled and short roots are a sign improper preparation soil or poor choice of site.

The secret of tasty and healthy carrots is in your hands

So, in order to keep a supply of tasty and delicious food in your basement during the winter. healthy carrots, you must adhere to simple rules for preparing the soil for planting in autumn and spring, as well as properly care for the future gorgeous harvest:

  • prepare the soil twice a year - in the fall, carefully dig up the soil, adding necessary fertilizers depending on the composition of the soil. In spring, loosen and fertilize before planting.
  • prepare the seeds by soaking them in water a day before planting.
  • plant the seeds correctly, avoiding excess moisture in the beds or cold.
  • thin out the seedlings and maintain sufficient distance between growing root crops.
  • Timely water or dry the area where the carrots grow. Remember, she loves warmth and sun!

We hope these tips will help you grow an excellent harvest of tasty and, most importantly, very healthy carrots that will supply you with vitamins and minerals all winter!

Spring is the time to prepare the soil for planting agricultural plants. The entire future harvest will depend on proper preparation and care of the land. You should not neglect such an important process as preparing the land for planting in the spring, since if you miss something, then you can forget about great harvests.

Healing properties of carrots

Naturally, many people have known about the healing properties of carrots since childhood. It is this vegetable that we are strongly advised to improve lung function, improve vision, as well as many other preventive measures.

Carrots contain a set of minerals and vitamins necessary for the human body:

The owner of these useful and incredible properties can actually be called the queen of the beds. This is the most accessible source of the required beta-carotene for the retina, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. List the healing properties of carrots It could take a long time, but in this article I would like to talk about the basics of proper cultivation of this invaluable crop, and what kind of soil is needed for carrots.

In addition to its healing properties, carrots have another excellent property - this vegetable can be stored for a long time, providing a person with all the required minerals and vitamins throughout the cold period of the year, when there are no fresh fruits. When properly stored, carrots remain fresh for many months. This valuable property , which can be obtained not only from the natural qualities of a given root crop, but also through proper cultivation.

Soil for carrots in open ground

The basis of a good harvest is the correct preparation of the land for planting carrots in autumn and spring. open ground. This preparation activity includes digging up the soil and fertilizing it. In order to understand what exactly your land needs, it is necessary to distinguish its type. All your subsequent actions depend on this process.

The initial stage of soil preparation It's autumn when carrots are harvested, after harvesting. IN given time the soil is dug up and fed taking into account the type - deep digging using a full spade with the addition of aerated peat and sawdust. The amount of peat and sawdust will depend on the severity of your soil, but on average 3 kilograms of the above mixture are used per 1 square meter.

And if the soil is highly acidic, then in the fall, when digging, you need to add chalk or lime at the rate of one glass per square meter. Over the winter, all these additives will be absorbed and begin act as efficiently as possible. Spring melting snow and rains will distribute them evenly and absorb the required substances.

Chernozem needs 2 tablespoons of superphosphates per square meter. Organic bait can be added in the spring, when it is time to re-cultivate the soil before planting.

Types of soil

Carrots, although an unpretentious plant, love loose sandy and loamy soil. This soil gives carrots the juicy, sweet flavor that most people appreciate. The earth should not be acidic, optimal acidity (pH) is 5.7-6.9.

The best composition can be achieved by adding the missing substances. First you need to find out the type of soil; for this you need to remember a simple rule: take a handful of soil and soak it. Then we try to form a ball from this paste. When the mass crumbles in your hands, then this soil is sandy. Sandy loam soil does not roll into a ball, but it can be rolled out in your hands to the shape of a cord. Clay soil with this method of determination it becomes quite elastic and can be easily “molded”. Loam can also be molded into a ball, but no more.

How to make the soil suitable for planting carrots?

If the type of land is identified, then it becomes clear what needs to be done in the future. When your garden plot consists of fertile black soil, then in addition to the usual bait, you don’t need to do anything else. Clay soil will require peat with sand, peat soil will require sand.

Preparing the land for planting carrots in spring

As mentioned above, the land must be cultivated 2 times a year - in the autumn, after harvesting, and in the spring - before planting. In the fall, the earth is thoroughly dug up to the full depth of a bayonet shovel in order to enrich it with air and prepare it for winter. Deep digging it is also required to ensure that low winter temperatures destroy pathogenic microorganisms from the soil surface. In spring you only need to loosen and level the ground.

The most important thing is the choice of the site itself, since carrots do not like excessive moisture and love the sun. The best site- This is a flat place that is well accessible to sunlight. If you plant carrots in lowlands, in places where moisture accumulates, the fruits will grow deformed and small.

In spring, the soil must be saturated with organic matter - compost or humus. The soil must be as light and loose as possible, and the beds are arranged in this way so that the water drains freely.

Carrots are not afraid when they are planted after other types of crops, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers or potatoes. The most important thing is that there is nothing foreign in the soil, like weeds.

How to ensure comfort in the garden beds?

Carrots grow slowly and, as mentioned above, are afraid of large amounts of moisture. When the soil tends to accumulate water, it is best to organize ridge beds - raise the soil by 20-30 centimeters. When the soil dries well, it is simply enough to make furrows with a distance of 22-27 centimeters between each other.

Before planting, the soil is loosened and leveled a few days before planting, and then watered. You can cover it with film so that the soil “steams”. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked. Prepared seeds are planted in strips with a distance of 1.5-2 centimeters between each other. . Then the top is treated with peat with sand or a mixture of organic fertilizers, taking into account the prepared soil.

After which the bed is covered again with film. This is required to preserve moisture and heat, when everything is done correctly, then when this method Shoots begin to appear already on the sixth day after planting. As soon as the first green shoots form, the protective film must be removed.

Carrot planting time

Traditionally in our country carrots They begin to plant at the end of April, at which time the likelihood of night cold snaps is minimal.

  • mid-season varieties - until May 7;
  • early varieties of carrots - from April 21 to 27.

For the southern regions, the dates are different - the end of March and the end of June for the second planting.

Caring for carrots

Although carrots are an unpretentious vegetable, they still require attention. To begin with, it grows slowly, and weeds grow quickly, so weeding is a regular necessity. Also, the actual process of planting seeds is an uncontrolled number of them in the furrows. In this case, after the seeds germinate and grow by 12-17 centimeters, the bed must be thinned out. In order for the roots to be developed and large, they need space to grow. Dense planting without thinning can produce frail, unsuitable root crops.

It is necessary to water as needed. When the summer is rainy, you need to be more careful that the crop does not rot - it is necessary to drain the area in a timely manner. In case of drought, you need to prevent the soil from drying out; nevertheless, the carrots must be well-fed and juicy. Correctly shaped and long carrots grow in not overdried soil, but short and gnarled root vegetables are a sign of poor site selection or improper land preparation.

How and when to harvest carrots?

Carrots are harvested in a number of stages. To begin with, when the root crops just grow, they can be selectively pulled out for food. This will make the remaining plants in the beds freer, and they will receive more nutrition.

Then the crops from the beds are harvested taking into account the variety, so early varieties are ready for harvest in July, mid-season varieties are harvested in August. And we harvest late varieties at the end of September. There is no need to rush into harvesting, as the fruits grow rapidly at the end of August. But you shouldn’t be late either, since carrots that have been frozen are very poorly stored.

After pulling out, we sort the root crops: we leave healthy and whole ones for storage for the winter, for quick processing we put aside damaged ones, and it is advisable to throw out sick and small ones. After those root crops that we put aside for storage, cut the tops all the way to the head.

When you liked the grown variety and decided to get seeds, then select the best fruits (testes), from which you need to leave tops of about 2-3 cm. After processing the carrots, we dry them under a canopy (but not in the sun) and send them for storage .

Preparing soil for beets

Successful cultivation of beets can be ensured by loam, which is saturated with humus. However, you can remember what kind of soil carrots like, provided they are properly fed - its growth and development can be on any soil with suitable conditions. The same thing happens in the case of beets. The only type of soil, which makes it difficult to grow, is clayey, heavy soil. Without good watering The fruits will be very bitter, so it is necessary to control the level of humidity.

In general, beets are not very demanding on the soil - a moderate addition of bait is enough for them, provided the soil acidity is not very high. For example, good harvest possible on slightly acidic soil.

To prepare the land, you need to dig it deep in the fall. Moreover, the treatment must be carried out in several stages: first, disking, and after a month, plowing. By spring it is necessary to level and loosen the soil. Floodplain soil for beets and carrots will require additional surface digging. In this case, the beds also need to be made high due to the proximity of groundwater.

Fertilizers for soil for beets

Nutrient enrichment of the soil is also done with the help of mineral baits in the spring. For one square meter you will need approximately 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 30 grams of powdered superphosphate and the same amount of potassium chloride. Poor soil also needs to be replenished with organic fertilizers, but this has already started in the fall. This bait is long-lasting, so it will be possible to plant beets only after two years. Otherwise, the fruits will not receive the necessary nutrition.

Considering what what kind of soil do beets and carrots like?, it is necessary to note the differences in approaches to feeding these root crops. So, in the case of carrots, one of the main components of fertilizer is manure. For beets, such bait is undesirable. But this vegetable, like carrots, does not like shade and prefers moderate lighting.

The secret of healthy and tasty carrots and beets

So, in order to keep a supply of healthy and tasty carrots and beets in your cellar in winter, you need to follow simple rules preparing the soil for planting in spring and autumn, as well as to properly care for a gorgeous future harvest:

We hope that these recommendations can help you grow a good harvest of tasty and, most importantly, very healthy vegetables, such as carrots and beets, which will supply you with useful minerals and various vitamins throughout the winter.
