How to properly sow strawberries from seeds. Propagation of strawberries by seeds according to the rules. Planting strawberry seedlings

Growing strawberries own plot- an exciting activity that will provide the family with tasty and useful product. Excess harvest can be preserved or sold. Growing strawberries from seeds at home gives you the opportunity to taste new, unusual varieties of berries. To get a good harvest, you need to follow the rules of caring for this crop.

Deadlines preparatory work and planting seeds for seedlings depend on the farming region. When starting work, they take into account the experience accumulated by gardening enthusiasts and climate change in recent decades.

  • In Kuban, strawberry seeds are planted at the end of February or early March.
  • IN middle lane Russia - in early or mid-February.
  • In Siberia - in early February.

Strawberry seeds are very small, similar in size to a poppy seed. The amount of seed material in packages purchased in a store varies significantly. This is due to the rarity of the variety and production costs.

Seeds can be sown in mid-January so that by the time they are planted in open ground The seedlings have grown well. Big problem Winter sowing requires short daylight hours. In low light, the sprouts do not develop, many of them die. Early plantings require high-quality light for 10-12 daylight hours. The sprouts are “extra-illuminated” with lamps that provide a good luminous flux, but do not overheat the plants. At night the lamps are turned off.

A month or a month and a half before sowing strawberry seeds, they are subjected to stratification.

Stratification of strawberry seeds

Seeds stored in the fall contain substances that block their development and prevent the activation of growth mechanisms until spring. If germination inhibitors were not blocked, the seeds of many plants would rot after thaws that occur in late autumn and winter.

To start the growth mechanisms, you need to place the seed material in conditions that simulate winter. This is done and a stratification procedure is carried out.

During stratification, seed material is stored in a humid environment, at a temperature from zero to plus four degrees, after which chemical processes are activated to ensure growth. Seeds that have a low percentage of germination and a hard, durable shell are kept at low temperatures. For strawberry seeds, this period ranges from 2 weeks to one and a half months. Seed material that has not been cooled takes a long time to germinate, has low germination rate and weak sprouts.

How to stratify in the refrigerator

Keeping seeds in a home refrigerator - reliable way activation of strawberry growth. For stratification you will need a small food container with a lid, a plastic bag with a lock, a sheet of white paper, two cotton pads, a plate with cold water and a bag of seeds. The work is carried out in the following order:

IN household refrigerator operating temperature is 2-10 degrees. Before planting seeds for stratification, the temperature should be adjusted so that in the storage location (top shelf, door) it is no more than plus 4 degrees Celsius. You can measure the temperature using a thermometer designed for the street or room.

Dried seeds cannot be subjected to stratification.

Planting seeds

The soil for planting is prepared different ways. This can be garden soil (1 part), mixed with humus (2 parts) or soil purchased in a store. Has proven itself well ready mix Terra Vita, it does not need to be diluted with garden soil.

What kind of soil do you use for seedlings?

From the gardenI'm buying

The planting soil is crushed well, poured into a plastic container no more than 4 cm deep and lightly compacted. Compaction must be done so that small strawberry seeds do not sink deeply, in which case they will not sprout.

Several holes are made at the bottom of the container for aeration.

Before planting, the soil is disinfected. There are several methods of disinfection:

  • freezing outside at minus 15 degrees or in the freezer;
  • roasting on a baking sheet in the oven;
  • steaming with hot water;
  • treatment with solution (1.5 g per liter of water);
  • treatment with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (3-5 crystals per liter of water).

Calcination, steaming and freezing destroy fungal spores and insect larvae, but also kill microflora. You can add Fertika Lux to the soil (2 grams per liter of water). Before planting, the soil should be well wetted.

Gardeners plant both stratified and dry seeds. Seeds are transferred to the soil layer in two ways:

  • pour onto a sheet of white paper and shake it slightly, scattering the seeds onto the surface of the soil;
  • With the rounded wet end of the handle, toothpicks take each seed and transfer it to the soil.

The second method allows you to distribute the seed evenly.

In order for small seeds to be clearly visible, it is recommended to pour a layer of snow into the container. After the snow cushion melts, the seeds will firmly attach to the soil.

Some gardeners sprinkle a layer of fine sand 3-5 cm thick on top of the soil. The seeds are applied to the sand and germinate, their roots easily reaching the soil. The sand cushion prevents the growth of fungi.

The container is closed with transparent plastic cover and placed on the windowsill in the southern part of the house. The lid is opened daily for ventilation.

Until the seeds have sprouted, direct sunlight should not fall on the container. Lamps are installed next to the container for “additional illumination”. With good, uniform lighting, strawberry sprouts will not stretch, and resistance to disease will increase.

The soil in the container should be moist. For watering, use a small watering can or syringe.

Strawberry seeds germinate slowly. From planting to emergence of seedlings it takes from 2 to 4 weeks. Gardeners note that 30% germination is considered very good.

Seeds can be germinated in peat tablets. The tablets are filled with water and left until they swell. Place a seed on the surface of the peat and lightly press it down. The tablets are placed in a plastic container and placed in a well-lit place.

Picking strawberry sprouts

The sprouts are planted as soon as 2 true leaves appear. Some gardeners do this even earlier - when the cotyledon leaves have opened. You can plant a seedling in a flat, wide container made of thin plastic, in single cups or in peat tablets. The composition of the soil for replanting sprouts is similar to that in which the seeds were planted (garden soil with humus, soil mixture Terra Vita).

Diving is done as the sprouts emerge, since seedlings often lag behind each other in growth.

The roots of the seedlings must not be damaged, so replanting is done with the utmost care. Used for work homemade instrument. These can be thin flat sticks, a pen for writing with ink, a plastic straw for juices cut diagonally at an acute angle, and other items. Diving is carried out in the following order:

Planting in open ground

The seedlings are transferred to open ground when the strawberry seedling has 4-5 leaves and the height of the plant reaches 5-6 cm. Planting is carried out in soft, loose soil, well fertilized with rotted humus. On the garden bed you can scatter the soil purchased in winter for germinating seeds. The transplant is carried out in the following order.

The seedlings remain under the containers for one to one and a half months. The containers are cleaned daily to ventilate and adapt the plants (first for two to three minutes a day, then the time increases). After a month and a half, shelter will only be needed at night.

A shading screen is built near the seedling bed, which will protect the strawberries from direct sun rays. The screen is covered with white film, light fabric, agrofibre. Strawberries are protected from hot direct rays of the sun for a month or more.

Remontant varieties When sown with seeds, they will have time to produce a harvest in the first season. Regular strawberries will bear fruit the following summer.

In mid-July, when the strawberries have grown stronger and produced 5-6 new leaves, the protective containers are removed completely. By mid-August, the garden bed will be covered with a thick, bright green carpet of young strawberries. Remontant varieties will gain color.

In most cases, strawberries are summer cottages appears by purchasing ready-made seedlings in nurseries or on the market. However, there is not always a choice and often gardeners have to be content with the varieties that are on sale. But if you can grow tomato seedlings at home, then why not do the same with summer berries? Thus, you can not only choose a variety that suits local climatic conditions, but also take into account your taste preferences.

Preparing seeds for sowing

2.5 weeks before sowing, you need to prepare the seed. Strawberry seeds must be treated with potassium permanganate, soaking them in a pink solution for 30 minutes. Then rinse clean water and place on a damp cloth, covering the top with a second wet piece. Roll the fabric into a tube, place in a tray with a lid and leave in a warm place for 2 days. Then place the tray in the refrigerator, where it should remain for about 2 weeks until the seeds swell. Periodically, you should moisten the fabric and ventilate the tray.

Immediately before sowing, dry the seeds a little.

What soil is best to use?

The soil for sowing should be light and nutritious, it is easy to prepare it yourself, using one of the options to choose from:

  • sand, garden soil and humus in a ratio of 3:1:1;
  • compost, garden soil and wood ash in a ratio of 3:3:0.5;
  • peat, sand and vermiculite in a ratio of 3:3:4.

The prepared soil mixture must be disinfected. To do this, spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcine it in the oven. Place the disinfected substrate in a warm room for 2 weeks.

In order for strawberries to produce a harvest already in the year of planting, the seeds must be sown already in February. Seedlings from April sowing will be able to bear fruit only in the next season.

How to sow strawberry seeds?

The container for seedlings must also be disinfected by wiping it with a sponge soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Pour soil into the container, compact it a little with your hands and spray generously with a spray bottle. Place the seeds directly on the ground, leaving a distance of at least 3 cm between them. Cover the container with a lid or film and place on a light, eastern or western windowsill.

Since small strawberry seeds germinate in the light, there is no need to sprinkle them with soil on top.

Caring for strawberry seedlings

The nursery needs to be ventilated daily. The emerging shoots should not be sprayed, otherwise they may darken. It is better to water them directly at the root using a regular syringe. 7-10 days after all the seeds have sprouted, it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 15 degrees Celsius so that the seedlings do not stretch out. For the same purpose, it is established additional lighting. The cover can be removed when the seedlings have 2 true leaves.

To prevent diseases, water the seedlings once a month with a solution containing Trichodermin.

It is time to plant the seedlings after the formation of 4 leaves, removing the seedlings by the cotyledon leaves. Simultaneously with transplanting, pinch the root to stimulate the active growth of branches. 2-3 days after transplantation, feed the strawberries with potassium-phosphorus preparations. Repeat fertilization every 10 days until planting in the ground, which is done no earlier than mid-May.

Video about planting strawberries with seeds

Growing any berries from seeds is sufficient complex process, strawberries in this case are not any exception. However, this technique has a number of advantages, including the possibility of independently preparing seeds and their long-term storage, which is the main advantage over the use of seedlings. All the features and main nuances of such cultivation will be discussed in detail in this article.

The best varieties to grow

The main feature of this process is correct selection suitable planting material, the most suitable options The following varieties are considered:

  1. "Mutofavourite" is a variety with a medium ripening period, very different from most others large berries. The procurement of planting material begins in the first half of the winter period.
  2. "Gourmand" It is distinguished by early and fairly rapid ripening, but this variety is mainly designed for cultivation in southern regions where there are no severe frosts. “Gourmand” begins to bear fruit at the end of spring.
  3. "Sakhalinskaya" Strawberries are very popular and widespread due to their versatility and unpretentiousness. Is different high level yield, you can pick berries from summer until the onset of the first hard frost.
  4. "Bogota", on the contrary, is very different late ripening, so seedlings are grown in the middle or second half of winter. The berries are quite large in size.

Self-harvesting seeds

There are many ways to obtain seeds for germination, such as purchasing them at a specialty store or mailing them to professional breeders, but many people prefer to obtain them themselves. This is done mainly if there is a desire to re-grow a bush that has already satisfied both its yield and the taste of the berries.

The procurement process itself looks like this:

  1. Initially carried out visual inspection all the bushes growing in the garden, this is necessary to detect the strongest and healthy plant, while still undamaged and large enough berries should be preserved on the bush.
  2. Large and whole berries are collected, they must be fully formed and ripe.
  3. Each selected berry is cut into two halves, after which it is laid out on napkins to wait until it dries completely.
  4. From berries whose pulp has already completely dried, you can carefully collect the seeds., after which they are suitable for long-term storage and further germination.
  5. Seeds obtained in this way must be stored in low temperatures nal modes, it is also recommended to keep it for several weeks on the lower shelves of the refrigerator.

It is not always possible to obtain seeds yourself; in such cases, you need to purchase them; the average cost can vary from 30 to 150 rubles. depending on the specific variety. At the same time, it is best to purchase at breeding institutes or specialized stores, since products are often sold via the Internet. planting material Low quality.

  1. Features of the variety and the possibility of growing it in certain climatic conditions. If you are not sure that it will be able to successfully develop and bear fruit in a particular region, it is best to request this information from a specialist.
  2. The number of seeds also has great importance: the more there are, the better. This is due to the reduction of possible risks in case of poor germination of seedlings or purchase poor quality material, since it increases the likelihood that at least a few seeds will grow into full-fledged bushes.
  3. Price also plays a significant role, since novice gardeners are advised to purchase inexpensive varieties. Usually in such cases the bag contains large quantity seeds, and cultivation is simpler, which is very important in the absence of experience.

Step-by-step instructions for growing strawberries from seeds

To ensure that the process of growing strawberries from seeds does not cause significant difficulties, below is a detailed step-by-step description the entire algorithm of necessary actions:

Sowing time

The timing of sowing depends on many factors: the availability of other seedlings, the selected variety, climatic conditions or the possibility of providing necessary conditions for development.

The basic rules to follow are given below:

  1. Traditionally, sowing begins at the end of winter or early March., but if for some reason it is necessary to obtain formed seedlings in a shorter time, more is allowed early boarding seeds
  2. Planting can be done earlier than February, but in this case the seedlings will need additional lighting due to the lack of natural lighting. If it is impossible to create such conditions, it is not recommended to sow before March.
  3. It is possible to carry out late sowing, for example, in April. In most cases, this happens when there are a large number of other seedlings, which does not allow for quality care or provision normal conditions for development. However, it must be taken into account that with such sowing dates the plant will begin to bear fruit much later.

Selection of containers and soil for growing

The correct choice of soil and containers for growing is of great importance for obtaining a strong and healthy seedlings, as well as its subsequent development:

As for the choice of containers, there is nothing complicated here, since you can use the following containers:

  1. Food packaging, it is recommended to choose plastic options, since cardboard packages have an additional film layer, which negatively affects the microclimate and air exchange. Before using such containers for planting seeds, you must first make holes in them in the bottom.
  2. Special pots for seedlings, which can be purchased at gardening stores. This option is more expensive, since seedlings will have to be repeatedly transplanted into containers large sizes. It is recommended to pre-treat purchased containers with boiling water or soda solution to minimize the risk of infection of strawberries.


An important condition for the development and further growth of strawberry bushes is the implementation proper care after them. To obtain a rich harvest, it is recommended to do it as follows:

  1. In the first season after planting, cut off all the inflorescences, postponing harvesting until next year. Such measures will allow the bush to significantly strengthen and gain strength.
  2. It is necessary to water not at the root, but by spraying water from a spray bottle. This must be repeated until a small puddle forms under the bush. After rooting, this procedure must be carried out weekly.
  3. Can be used for feeding purchased fertilizers , which were originally designed for strawberries, or prepare them yourself by mixing magnesium, potassium and phosphorus base in equal proportions.
  4. The soil in the beds must be loosened periodically, which will allow the root system to receive the required amount of oxygen.

Basic mistakes

Various mistakes are made for the most part when storing seeds, which makes them unsuitable for further propagation. The most common of them are discussed below:

  1. Ensuring air access to the container where the seeds are stored. This should not be allowed; if the sealed packaging has been opened, it must be closed as tightly as possible, and then stored only in the refrigerator.
  2. Storing seeds in the freezer. Planting material prefers coolness, but exposure to too low temperatures is detrimental to it, so the temperature should not fall below +5°C.
  3. Storing different varieties under the same conditions, although each of them may have its own characteristics and environmental requirements.
  4. Storing seeds in paper bags. It is recommended to do this in bags made of natural materials, and when stored in paper packaging, it should have an additional aluminum or polyethylene layer.

  1. After the seeds germinate in a closed container, you need to start opening the lid gradually. This will allow the sprouts to get used to new conditions, primarily dry air.
  2. Often green or green mold appears on young shoots. white , you can eliminate it with a match or toothpick, and from reappearance Ventilating the seedlings will help.
  3. It is recommended to harden off the seedlings, for this purpose, starting from April, you can start taking it out for several hours every day. glass balcony or a covered veranda.
  4. When growing in a closed container, you need to constantly wipe the lid to remove condensation from it. Like drip irrigation has a good effect on seed germination, but not on the development of young shoots.

Growing from is a feasible task even for a novice gardener, you just need to know some of the subtleties of the process.

The best varieties

Varietal diversity berries allows you to select a crop with the best combination characteristics: taste, yield, resistance to weather conditions and diseases. Let's look at the most interesting varieties for planting strawberries with seeds:

  • "Diamond". The variety is high-yielding, the berries are not juicy, but sweet, and produces abundant harvests in one place for up to 3 years. Has immunity to fungal and viral diseases, tolerates transportation well, frost-resistant.
  • "Ducat". Sweet juicy fruits with a delicate aroma, compact bushes that produce high yield. The variety is mid-early, not afraid of drought and frost, resistant to diseases, and transportable.
  • "Queen Elizabeth II". The variety is popular for seed cultivation. The fruits are large, juicy and sweet, the weight of the berries reaches 100 g. The variety is winter-hardy with good fruiting, but requires replanting after two years.
  • "Clery." Large, juicy, sweet and aromatic berries. The culture is resistant to root and foliar fungal diseases, drought and frost. The berries are universal in use: fresh, canned, frozen, candied fruits.
  • "Olvia." The variety is adapted to sudden changes weather conditions, not afraid of drought, resistant to diseases, transportable. The berries are large, hard, but juicy, with high sugar content.
  • "Kent". Soft, sweet and juicy berry. Long fruiting period, not afraid of frost, tolerates transportation well, is not difficult to care for, and is resistant to most crop diseases.

Growing conditions

Strawberries from seeds are grown mainly by seedlings at home. Keep under a film covering with daily ventilation. Be sure to ensure that the crops are not exposed to a draft.


During germination temperature regime- from 23 to 25 degrees Celsius. After emergence, so that the sprouts do not stretch too much, the temperature is lowered to 18 degrees, gradually accustoming the seedlings to coolness, removing the film. During adaptation, the seedlings are not watered.

Lighting requirements

Seedlings are demanding on lighting, since the sowing time is early and daylight hours are still short, the crops need to be provided additional light. Artificial lighting is turned on in the absence of daylight, so that the seedlings are illuminated for at least 12 hours a day.

You can purchase a socket with a timer that will automatically turn the light on and off at a set time.

Soil requirements for planting (container, peat tablets)

Two soil options are suitable for sowing in a container:

  • sand, peat and vermicompost in a ratio of 1:3:1;
  • sand, peat and turf soil 1:1:2.
You can grow strawberries in peat tablets: this will save time on cultivating the soil and picking seedlings. The tablets are placed in a container, filled with water to increase in size, and the prepared seeds are laid out. The container is covered with a lid or film.

Did you know? Strawberries turn out to be not really a berry; their fruit is called polyhazel. This is because it is the only berry crop whose seeds are located not inside the fruit, but outside.

Features of sowing strawberries

Seeds can be used from berries grown by yourself or purchased. Please note that the seeds hybrid varieties do not retain maternal characteristics.

Selecting seeds for planting

When purchasing seeds for the first time, it is advisable to enlist the support of more experienced gardener, but if you buy it yourself, then follow these rules:

  • same-year varieties are more tasty, but the berries can be eaten all summer (decide on the type of berry);
  • seeds of elite varieties are expensive and there are few of them in the package; for the first time it is better to focus on a simpler option;
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the seeds;
  • You need to buy planting material in a specialized store, not on the street.

Sowing time

Today, most gardeners determine the dates of sowing, planting and other gardening work, focusing on moon calendar gardeners. Strawberry seeds begin to be sown in February, in which case the seedlings will have to be supplemented with light, but the berries can be seen in the coming summer. You can sow strawberries in April, in which case the harvest will be only a year later.

How to plant a plant

Strawberries from seeds are not difficult to grow, but it is advisable to know a few country tricks that allow you to grow good harvest. The subtleties begin before sowing with the preparation of the seeds themselves and the soil for them.

Soil and seed preparation

Prepared soil mixture calcined in the oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees or, conversely, frozen, exposing it to the cold, preferably sub-zero temperature for a week. Then they put it in a warm place so that the earth “comes to its senses.”

To disinfect seeds, they are soaked for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, rinsed and placed on a damp cloth, covered with another, also moistened, rolled up into a tube and left in a tightly closed container for a couple of days. Then the roll of napkins is placed in the refrigerator for two weeks, moistened daily, and slightly dried before sowing.

Sowing rules

One more nuance: before filling the container for sowing with soil, you need to thoroughly wipe it with a solution of potassium permanganate. There should be drainage holes at the bottom of the container excess moisture. The seeds are not planted in the soil; in order for them to hatch, they need light; the seeds are placed at a distance of 3 cm from each other.

Features of berry care

For strawberries from seeds best place growing seedlings will be on a western or eastern window sill.

Behind the shoots

The seedlings are ventilated daily, monitoring the amount of condensation on the film: if there is none at all, then the seedlings need moisture; if there are too many drops on the film, watering should be reduced and the condensation wiped off.

Important! If mold appears on the surface of the soil, it must be carefully removed and the area and around it should be sprayed with a solution of a fungicide preparation.

The seedlings are watered at the root using a regular medical syringe. This will protect the leaves of the sprouts from getting water and darkening during evaporation. Watering is carried out once a week, in the morning or evening, using purified or settled water.

Once every three weeks, the seedlings are watered (Trichodermin, Planriz) according to the instructions for prevention against fungal diseases.
After the formation of 3-4 strong leaves, the sprouts dive, pinching the root. A nuance: the sprout is taken out not by the stem, but by the cotyledon leaves, and the seedlings are pre-watered. A few days after picking, you can feed it with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Fertilize strawberries once every ten days before transplanting into open ground with water-soluble preparations containing a small amount nitrogen

After planting in open ground

Planting in open ground can be done when the soil has warmed up to 12 degrees, and there is no threat of return frosts. Planting is carried out either in the evening or in cloudy weather, having previously dug up and cleaned the soil. The bushes are placed in holes, straightening the roots, leaving the root collar at the level of the soil surface. The distances between bushes are 30 cm, between rows - 50 cm. After planting, the bushes are watered.

Important! Keep an eye on the mustache that the crop produces for almost the entire period. If you are not going to propagate it with mustaches, then it is better to remove these shoots. Overgrown mustaches thicken the planting, which leads to the proliferation of insects and bacteria.

Strawberries do not like waterlogging; water the plantings as the top layer of soil dries out. It is advisable to water in the morning, pouring water under the bush, trying not to get on the foliage. In order not to waste time on frequent weeding, strawberries

Bright and juicy fruits of strawberries and wild strawberries are a real delicacy. For those new to gardening, the best method for growing these crops is from seeds. However, seedlings of strawberries and strawberries are expensive, and the sprouts are so fragile that one mistake during planting can result in great disappointment. To prevent this from happening, read our tips.

Growing strawberries

Strawberry fruits are round, rich scarlet-violet in color. A pleasant musky aroma harmonizes with the rich taste. She can withstand cold weather and boasts good immunity. Strawberry cultivation is a rare phenomenon. Perhaps because its variety, called Shpanka, is a dioecious plant that will require a lot of space.

For fruiting, part of the site will be occupied by male barren flowers. More compact alternative– Milanese strawberry. It is capable of self-pollinating, but produces much less fruit. However, growing strawberries from seeds is a good option, especially if winters are severe.

Seed selection and preparation

The first stage is selection the right seeds. Trusted stores will come in handy. However, if possible, it is better to make the blanks yourself. To do this you need:

  • choose the most attractive berry;
  • if necessary, leave it to lie for a while - let it ripen a little;
  • Carefully remove the layer of seeds and place in a container with water;
  • carefully separate unnecessary pulp;
  • leave the seeds to dry on a paper towel or newsprint.

In this form, the raw material will be suitable for germination for several years.

Before sowing selected strawberry seeds, you need to be patient and proceed to the next step. For this you need plastic container with a tight-fitting lid, cotton wool and rainwater(or melted snow). The task is to soak the workpiece. This should be done this way:

  • soak the cotton wool with water and place it on the bottom of the container;
  • spread the seeds;
  • cover with a second layer of damp cotton wool;
  • close the container tightly, making several holes in the lid in advance;
  • leave for two days.

To germinate swollen seeds, they are placed in the cold. They must stay there for at least two weeks. This technology allows you to harden future sprouts under the influence of low temperatures. This is called stratification. Ideal place- fridge. However, it is important to regularly check the condition of the seeds by ventilating them and preventing them from drying out.

What should the soil be like?

The bushes will take root well on loose, fertile soil. Despite the fact that this plant loves moisture, it should be avoided in excess. If the soil intended for sowing is predominantly sandy, it needs to be enriched with a mixture of peat and humus. In case of increased density and clay content, on the contrary, add sand.

The soil necessary for the germination of the first leaves of seedlings can be either purchased or prepared at home. The best option there will be a mixture of sand from two types of soil: forest and garden.

Young shoots prefer warmth and moderate moisture. This means that the room temperature should be within 20 °C. To prevent mold, you need to control the amount of water. This includes timely ventilation and removal of excess condensation. It is also unacceptable for the soil to dry out - it is moistened with water from a spray bottle room temperature. Soft daylight is another necessity that should not be ignored.

Planting and further care

You need to sow strawberries carefully, with pinpoint precision. The hatched “babies” are placed into a wide container filled with moistened soil using tweezers. The distance between them is at least 2 cm. It is important not to press the sprouts or sprinkle them with soil. The container is covered with a transparent perforated lid or film. Thus, it is easy to track the condition of the seedlings. If all the preparations have been made and the conditions are met, then green potential will soon burst out of the earth.

As soon as there are 3-4 leaves, the young strawberry family will need to be picked. Each seedling will have a separate living space in the form of plastic container with a diameter of 5 cm or more. The most commonly used cups are disposable cups.

In the next few months, the young animals will need Special attention. In addition to regular watering, hardening procedures will become necessary. Gradually, in order not to drive the plant into stress, it will need to be introduced to the sun and fresh air. When the seedlings get stronger and turn into a miniature bush, night walks will be relevant. The main thing is that there is no frost.

Timing and planting in the ground

On average, seed preparation occurs from late January to February. Given the hardiness of strawberries, they can be planted in the first half of spring and harvested in late summer. It is advisable to plant the bushes in a semi-shaded area, as strawberries do not tolerate heat well.

Growing strawberries

This berry can be sweet and sour, large and small, creeping and curly. Growing strawberries with seeds is a labor-intensive process, because they are tender and whimsical. It is not for nothing that this berry is closely related to strawberries.

Seed selection and preparation

There are so many varieties of strawberries that it’s easy to get confused. This species can be planted in a pot from which you can grow a giant berry. You need to approach the choice thoroughly. For example, trying to grow hybrid strawberries from seeds is a thankless task. Their germination rate is low, and the entire reproduction function is taken over by the antennae.

Light-loving strawberry seeds should be stratified and, if necessary, dried in advance. By the way, you can do without water and just leave the material to dry, and then remove the seeds.

What should the soil be like?

Light, loose soil, without the presence of significant fertilizers - this is what the berry likes. A combination of sand, forest turf and garden soil is also appropriate. You can replace the last point with peat. The culture will take root well in this mixture:

  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts of turf.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

Soil sterilization is an integral part of creating a favorable microclimate for strawberries. The process is the same as with strawberries. Caring for both types of plants is almost the same. The main differences are that:

So, for maximum natural development, strawberries require:

  • stable temperature from +18 to +22 °C;
  • high, sometimes artificial lighting;
  • regular humidity checks and ventilation;
  • inspection of the plant, identification and timely elimination of problems.

Planting and further care

When immersing the sprouts in the soil, you should work gently and carefully. Some experts make a snow cushion on which the seeds are laid. After a few days it gradually melts. This moistens the soil and settles each seed in the most natural way possible.

After picking, the seedlings are still for a long time stays at home and begins to harden only in April.

Timing and planting in the ground

There are varieties that cope even with dense clay soil. However, you should refrain from planting crops on steep slopes and with close occurrence groundwater. Optimal time It is the end of spring for relocation of seedlings. It is advisable to meet the deadline, since you can plant strawberries at the end of summer, but then you will have to build a greenhouse and wait a whole year for the harvest.

  1. Strength is in tablets. They are made from peat or coconut fiber. They have excellent protective and moisture-absorbing properties. In addition, the washers can and should be placed in the ground along with the plants, without disturbing them during the next transplant;
  2. If you want berries, work as a bee. Flying is not necessary, but you can help green pets with pollination using a soft artistic brush;
  3. And most importantly, love what you do.

Video “Secrets of growing strawberries from seeds”
