How to sow flowers for seedlings correctly. When to plant seeds and flower seedlings in open ground? Video - what can be sown in February and early March

At first glance, it may seem that floriculture is a simple process, because for germination beautiful flower from an ordinary seed you need the most simple conditions created by nature. This is fertile soil, irrigation by rain and warmth from the sun. However, in fact, growing different varieties eustoma, pelargonium, aster, kochia, lavender, kobea, mirabilis and other crops seem to be a labor-intensive task that requires from the grower not only enthusiasm, but also knowledge of the technologies for competent sowing of seeds and practical skills in caring for grown-up seedlings.

But summer residents who do not have this knowledge should not be upset. They can try their hand at floriculture, armed with practical recommendations and tips from this review. It will reveal information about what pitfalls are present in growing specific varieties of popular flower crops from seed.

So that the grown seedlings of perennial flowers are different high quality, during production planting material you need to create ideal conditions. Perennial crops planted from seeds germinate optimally in nutritious soil, so the gardener needs to prepare the appropriate soil mixture in advance and take care of the choice of containers or trays. It is also important to resolve the issue of heating and lighting. Most plants in the best possible way develop in the presence of a constant source of daylight and temperature environment from 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. You can read about how to choose a llama for better lighting of seedlings.

The technology for sowing seeds varies depending on the type of flower, however, some common features can be identified. IN general view sowing seeds in the ground is carried out as follows - planting material is laid out in a moistened and compacted soil mixture. Then it is embedded in the ground and covered with a lid or plastic film in order to save optimal level soil moisture during seed germination. It takes time for flower seedlings to produce the first shoots, so the summer resident should be patient.

Thus, the average germination time for perennial flowers is from three to five weeks.

It is also important to take into account the fact that some seeds germinate faster than others, so germination may be uneven. It is worth highlighting one more point - the level of seed germination. For perennials it is about fifty percent. Compared to the almost one hundred percent germination rate of annual flower seeds, this indicator is critical.

To increase the chances of success in growing seedlings from seeds, a gardener can use the following tricks:

  • soak the seeds before sowing;
  • use seeds from healthy plants;
  • follow the rules for storing seeds in the off-season.

It is important to know when to plant flower seedlings in a particular region. Perennial flowers grow more slowly than their annual counterparts, so it is recommended to sow seeds 10-12 weeks before the planned date of transplanting seedlings into open ground. During this period, the seedlings will get stronger and be ready for new conditions. To ensure good survival rate of planting material, it is recommended to harden the seedlings before planting them in the soil.

As you can see, flower seedlings can be grown independently by a summer resident with any skill level. However for best result he will need to take into account the specific growth of specific crops. It will be covered in the following sections.

Osteospermum is an ideal flower for flower beds, grown with your own hands

Self-sowing osteospermum for seedlings is simple and effective. This plant quickly produces the first shoots and will not cause the gardener any hassle associated with preparing the soil or purchasing special trays. The seeds of this crop are large, with a good level of germination. A summer resident can see the first results after sowing them in just a couple of weeks. As for the specifics of sowing, experts recommend planting osteospermum seeds in light peat soil to a depth of 5 millimeters.

Concerns about when to sow osteospermum seedlings can also haunt the gardener. It is necessary to look for an answer to this question based on the approximate timing of planting seedlings in the ground. So, in order to see the flowering of this perennial at the beginning of summer, the seeds should be sown in peat in March.

Gardeners who are interested unpretentious perennials, may attract another ornamental crop - morning glory. It grows in open ground and does not require special care. When growing this crop, summer residents are interested in only one question - when to plant morning glory seedlings using seeds? On average, planting time in temperate climate zones is at the end of April. Residents of warmer regions can sow seeds as early as March, and by May they will receive strong and hardened seedlings of this beautiful, bright vine.

How to grow elegant pelargonium?

Growing pelargonium is also not difficult. A gardener just needs to know when to plant pelargonium seedlings and how to choose the right one for this crop. optimal soil. Professional gardeners advise planting seeds in peat mixed with perlite. Seeds are planted in well-moistened and compacted soil to a depth of several millimeters. At good quality You can avoid long soaking of seeds in water; you just need to irrigate them with water from a spray bottle immediately before planting. This flower will produce its first shoots on days 5-8, and then it will delight the summer resident speed dial vegetative mass.

Exotic eustoma and spectacular salvia - secrets of growing seedlings

The question of when to plant eustoma seedlings worries lovers of exotic flowers. It is recommended to plant this crop in containers at the end of February. Seedlings grown during this period will bloom in the garden quite late - at the end of July or at the beginning of August. To plant seeds, you need a sterilized substrate, a plastic container and film. You can find out how to choose the right pot for planting seeds. The seeds do not need to be planted deep into the soil - just spread them over the surface and press down with your finger. Next, they should be covered with film until the first shoots appear.

In a similar way, salvia is planted from seed. The only difference is the need to deepen the seeds into pre-made holes by several millimeters. The first salvia shoots appear in 3-4 weeks. During this period, the substrate with plants must be regularly irrigated using a sprayer.

The subtleties of growing fresh and original aster

Only professional gardeners know how to plant asters for seedlings. This section will provide recommendations for beginning summer residents. They will be given advice on how to plant aster seedlings with their own hands. First of all, the gardener must decide when to plant asters, taking into account the climatic characteristics of his region. Based on the fact that seedlings should be planted in open ground at the age of one month, it is best for residents of temperate zones to sow seeds in early April. In the future, they will be able to transfer the seedlings to open ground with the first warm days of May. Sowing seeds is carried out in small containers filled with light soil.

It may contain the following components:

  1. peat;
  2. ash;
  3. humus;
  4. sand and other components that provide good drainage and aeration.

The planting depth should be about a centimeter, and the distance between the holes should be about 2-3 cm. If the planting technique is followed, the plant sprouts in a few days.

Rose - a royal flower for the garden, grown with your own hands

This flower occupies one of the first places in the ranking of popular ornamental plants. It is not surprising that gardeners are interested in the issue of growing planting material on their own, because having mastered it, they will be able to open up a reserve for significant cost savings by refusing to buy expensive seedlings in nurseries.

So, rose seedlings are grown by cuttings from healthy adult bushes. It is recommended to carry out the rooting process of cuttings in small pots treated with potassium permanganate or steam. For a better rooting process, the soil must have a loose structure. It is also important to take care of its nutritional value. Having planted the cuttings in a container, the gardener can cover it plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect. Subject to temperature regime at a level of 25-27 degrees, you can expect rooting of the cuttings on the 30th day.

Primrose, lobelia and verbena - unpretentious flowers for the garden

Primrose seeds need to be awakened before planting. Experienced summer residents It is recommended to use one of the following methods for this - soaking in water, treatment with manganese solution, etc. Then you should plant the seeds in wet soil to a shallow depth. After planting primrose seeds in the soil, the first shoots appear on the tenth day. The summer resident must decide when to plant primrose seedlings individually. Thus, the average time for sowing seeds is from the end of February to mid-March.

Lovers of creeping flowers may also need knowledge on how to grow lobelia and verbena seedlings with their own hands. Having received information on how to plant primrose seeds, gardeners will also understand how to plant lobelia seedlings and how to grow verbena in the garden, since the agricultural technology of these crops is similar. But gardeners must answer the question of when to plant verbena seedlings for better results on their own, taking into account the climatic characteristics of their region and relying on the average planting time for this crop in Russia, which falls in March.

Growing bright hollyhocks with your own hands

Stockrose is rightfully considered one of the most noble and beautiful flowers. It has luxurious buds that delight gardeners for quite a long flowering period. Having mastered the intricacies of how to carry out proper landing rose stock for seedlings, the summer resident will be able to grow the number of seedlings of this amazing flower necessary for landscaping the site.

The main advantage of this culture is its unpretentiousness. Seeds can be planted directly in open ground without worrying about their preliminary germination. It is recommended to plant seeds in the last days of May, when the weather outside is warm, but not yet hot.

Seeds should be planted in shallow holes dug at a distance of 20 to 30 centimeters from each other.

Next, you should water the soil and wait for the emergence of seedlings, which usually occurs on the 14th day. To prevent the soil from drying out and the young seedlings from dying, you can organize. You can grow lupine in a similar way. This plant is more heat-loving (like kochia, lavender, kobea) than stockrose, therefore, when deciding when to plant lupine seedlings, the farmer must take into account the climate. Approximately, the plant can be planted in open ground in late April - early May.

The temptation to plant beautiful perennial flowers in the garden seizes many summer residents who strive to create a harmonious and aesthetic space on their site. Indeed, the decision to use perennial flowers has many advantages, because the owner of the plot does not have to re-decorate the flower beds every year, look for seeds in garden centers and fuss over boxes of seedlings. But in order to be able to appreciate these benefits, you need to go a long way and know everything about how to grow flower seedlings from seeds. Growing perennials is more labor intensive, so the gardener needs to have a little patience and enthusiasm in order to see a positive result of his work.

Already from the beginning of the new calendar year, the long-awaited time of activity begins in the life of every gardener. And although the gardening season itself is still very far away, you won’t be bored: the period of growing seedlings begins, which will take the entire second half of winter and spring. He is responsible, pleasant, and incredibly interesting. After all, from tiny seeds proper care and careful care (and minimum costs) you can grow healthy, strong seedlings of ornamental plants that will become a true decoration of the garden. During the seedling season, the main thing is not to forget about anything, since many important little things affect the development of plants that are completely dependent on their owners.

Flower seedlings. © The Garden of Eaden

Planting calendar by month:

Planting dates by plant:

What to plant for seedlings in January?

The first month of the year, despite the short daylight hours, is usually considered the start of the seedling growing season. Ornamental plants with the longest growing season must be sown as early as possible so that they have time to bloom at the usual time.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in January:

Carnation Shabo


Perennials, the seeds of which are sown in January for preliminary stratification:

  • clematis;
  • gentian;
  • aquilegia;
  • perennial violas;
  • bells;
  • irises;
  • spring bulbous;
  • lavender;
  • delphinium;
  • primrose;
  • swimsuit;
  • rutovnik;
  • jeffersonia;
  • breaker

This month it is also worth sowing perennials, which prefer later sowing, but still need scarification. It is better to have time to sow coleus in January if you want to decorate your flower beds and ridges with its bright leaves.

It is advisable to provide additional lighting in January for any seedlings. It is necessary to closely monitor the seedlings and take immediate action at the slightest sign of lack of light.

Care that seedlings will need in January:

  1. Daily ventilation of crops - temporarily removing film or glass.
  2. Very careful moistening: spray young seedlings carefully, only when the soil dries out, make sure that the soil moisture is light but constant.
  3. Do not fertilize this month.
  4. Don’t rush into diving: stick to the deadlines, but watch the plants themselves, let them get stronger and adapt.
  1. Continue preparing the substrate for sowing seeds and planting seedlings.
  2. Disinfect the soil - heat it, pour boiling water - in advance.
  3. Take time to prepare containers for seedlings.
  4. Keep the areas where you place containers with seedlings clean.
  5. Organize your sowing tools and equipment to make it easier to work.

What to plant for seedlings in February

Active planting of seedlings begins in February. And although most summer residents are still expecting an increase in daylight hours, this month we must remember to sow some of the main favorites among beautiful flowering crops. Quality preparation in February guarantees a reduction in your workload in March.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in February:







Salvia splendor

In February, you can sow lavender and other perennials for seedlings, the seeds of which have completed stratification or do not need it.

Throughout the month, you can continue sowing “January” plants - Chabot carnations, coleus and flowering begonias.

Additional lighting in February is desirable for any seedlings. It is still advisable to compensate for the insufficient amount of natural light additional installation lamps, extending daylight hours or increasing lighting intensity. You need to continue to monitor the seedlings and adjust the lighting if there are signs of stretching.

  1. Daily ventilation of containers with sown seeds.
  2. Careful adaptation of seedlings to non-greenhouse conditions or temperature changes (it is better to extend the process of removing glass or film over several days).
  3. Adding substrate to the elongated seedlings (along with additional lighting will help to avoid many problems).
  4. Gentle moistening by spraying for seedlings. For strong January seedlings that have undergone a dive, you can switch to gentle drip or classic watering.
  5. Apply the first fertilizing for seedlings that have undergone diving no earlier than a week after the diving procedure.
  6. Pinch the shoots to thicken the shoots after producing 5-6 leaves.

Other chores that are important not to forget:

  1. Take care of timely replenishment of the substrate and its pre-treatment.
  2. Continue to prepare containers and equipment for diving in advance.
  3. Prepare a place for planting seedlings after diving, consider its placement and methods rational use window sill areas.
  4. Take time to keep a sowing diary; don’t be lazy to write down information, because in the rush of spring you can easily forget about something important.
  5. Prepare tags, tags or other means of identifying the variety and type of plants in advance so that you don’t lose sight of anything in the coming months and don’t waste precious time later.

Seedlings of annual and perennial flowers. © Anya

What to plant for seedlings in March

First calendar month Spring is, of course, the main month for sowing almost all ornamental plants. There is so much to do in March that it is easy to forget about the little things. Active sowing should not distract from caring for seedlings and constantly monitoring their condition.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in March with pre-treatment of seeds:

Castor bean


Crops that are sown this month without seed treatment:


Phlox Drummond

Decorative cabbage






Fragrant tobacco

Also in March, snapdragons, levkoy, coleus, kobeya, carnation grass, venidium, alyssum, azarina, brachycoma, cleome, and penstemon are sown for seedlings.

Plants that can continue to be sown in March:

  • lobelia (first decade);
  • petunia (first and second decade);
  • pelargonium;
  • other annuals sown in February, whose flowering they want to postpone to a later date.

Perennials that prefer March sowing: iberis, cornflower, echinacea and all plants for which the stratification period ends in March.

In the southern regions, in April you can begin to plant seedlings of annuals and perennials in the soil, with the exception of the most heat-loving species.

Additional lighting in March is desirable, but not required. If the weather does not indulge in sunny days, and the seedlings show signs of insufficient lighting, then it is better to start providing additional lighting to the plants in a timely manner. It is advisable to pay special attention to this issue at the beginning of the month.

Care that seedlings sown in January will need:

  1. Daily ventilation of seedlings under glass or film.
  2. Accurate watering with soil moisture control. If you accidentally overflow, do not hesitate and immediately take measures to sand the substrate and reduce soil moisture.
  3. Fertilizing to strengthen seedlings and stimulate growth (carried out only after complete adaptation of the picked plants).
  4. Pinching and other shaping methods for bushy plants.
  5. Adding soil when the seedlings are stretched out or there are signs of compaction.
  6. Carefully inspecting plants and responding to the slightest signs of detected problems.

Other chores that are important not to forget:

  1. Continue preparing the substrate and containers in your free time.
  2. Do not forget to systematize the information and carefully note the procedures performed.
  3. Prepare a place on the balcony or where you plan to take the seedlings on warm days for pinning.
  4. Start preparing containers and means of transporting seedlings to the site, think about what and how you will transport them.

Marigold seedlings. © pegplant

What to plant for seedlings in April

April is considered the month of active care for ornamental plants and the start of hardening, but you shouldn’t forget about sowing. It is in April that seeds of plants with a short growing season and crops intended for the second half of the season are sown.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in April with pre-treatment of seeds:


Seed treatment soaking until biting (in a damp cloth)
Sowing dates first half of April
Sowing depth 1 cm, immediately in peat pots or individual cells
The soil standard
Lighting standard bright
Temperature 22-24 degrees
Shoots from 2-3 days when soaking
Dive do not carry out; when pulling out seedlings, they are buried
Hardening at the end of May, at least 10 days
Planting in the soil first half of June
Landing distance 30-35 cm
Difficulties does not like transplantation, adventitious roots are easily injured


Seed treatment love preliminary germination on a damp cloth
Sowing dates early April
Sowing depth 0.5-1 cm, not thick
The soil standard, drainage is placed at the bottom of the containers
Lighting standard bright, shaded before emergence
Temperature 22-25 degrees before germination and 18-22 degrees for seedlings
Shoots from 3-7 days
Dive only thickened seedlings, deepened to the cotyledons
Hardening 10 days before disembarkation
Planting in the soil late May - early June, with a depth of several centimeters
Landing distance from 20 to 40 cm
Difficulties when thickened, suffers from blackleg


morning glory

Crops that are sown for seedlings in April without pre-treatment of seeds:









Plants that can continue to be sown in April:

  • asters (first decade);
  • dahlias (beginning of the month);
  • summer bloomers whose flowering they want to delay until the second half of the season.

As a rule, seedlings of ornamental plants do not need additional lighting in April. The exception is extremely unfavorable cloudy weather, which can damage young seedlings. For them, when pulling, it is better to organize additional lighting.

Care that seedlings will need in April:

  1. Daily removal of film or glass from crops.
  2. Start of active watering for growing seedlings (but you still need to control the soil moisture and focus on the rate of its drying). Gentle moistening of young shoots continues this month.
  3. Feeding for dead plants and weakened seedlings.
  4. Carefully ventilate rooms and increase seedlings’ access to fresh air.
  5. The first hardening procedures, placing the seedlings of the first sown plants on Fresh air V warm days(start with a few hours and then leave the plants for increasingly longer periods until nighttime temperatures allow the plants to remain outdoors permanently).
  6. Continuation of formation for plants with a bushy growth form and a large number of shoots.

Other chores that are important not to forget:

  1. Keep the areas where the seedlings are located clean.
  2. Make sure there is enough soil and containers to support all plants.
  3. Organize convenient ways transferring seedlings to fresh air, think about its movement and placement.
  4. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and temperature indicators so you don't miss the opportunity to start hardening early.

What to plant for seedlings in May

May is the month when most plants undergo the hardening procedure and finally get the opportunity to take their place in the garden. True, active planting for most plants is possible only in the second half of May. In many ways, work this month depends on the weather and its vagaries. An individual approach is the best guarantee that you will not lose seedlings as a result of negligence.

Crops that are planted in open ground in May in the middle zone:

  • Chabot cloves, gillyflower, cineraria, sweet peas, all types of violets, as well as other annuals that are cold-resistant crops;
  • seedlings of herbaceous perennials, cereals and other perennial plants;
  • seedling herbs and ground covers;
  • plants for potted gardens, containers, ampels.

Crops that are planted in open soil in May in the southern regions:

  • all ornamental annuals;
  • all ornamental perennials.

Care that seedlings will need in May:

  1. Reduce watering, do not apply fertilizers to prepare plants for planting (but do not deviate from individual recommendations for plants).
  2. Start or continue hardening the seedlings by bringing them to open air, and when warm weather- leaving it there even overnight, approximately 10-12 days before planting in the soil. In the third ten days of the month, begin hardening off the seedlings of heat-loving ornamental plants that you plan to plant in June. By this time they should be outdoors. Watch out for returning frosts and bring plants indoors on cold nights.
  3. Provide shade and stable soil moisture for ornamental plants planted in the ground.

Since seedlings of most plants must be transported to the site this month, do not ignore organizational hassles and think about transportation and handling in advance. Make sure you have enough pallets and shipping boxes, research how many plants you can transport at one time, and create a work schedule. The better prepared you are, the easier it will be to deal with any problems.

Do not forget that the places for planting seedlings need to be prepared in advance. Improve the soil in a timely manner, add organic and mineral fertilizers, take care to prepare drainage materials. Store tools and utensils so that at a convenient moment you do not waste extra effort and time searching.

Aster seedlings © Crazy Gardner

What to plant for seedlings in June

Biennials begin to be sown for seedlings in June (on seedling beds and in greenhouses). But the main area of ​​work in the first month of summer is related to the transfer of the most heat-loving plants to the garden.

Crops that are planted in open soil in June:

  • the most heat-loving summer fliers;
  • plants with lush flowering for quick decoration of the area.

The care that seedlings and planted plants will need this month should be enhanced. After transferring to permanent place To adapt the plant, it is necessary to provide additional watering and monitor soil moisture. The most sensitive and capricious crops may need short-term shading. Do not start fertilizing right away, even for lush flowers: let the plants adapt and use soil resources. Do not forget to promptly install supports and tie up plants that need it.

Get a container with drainage holes. If you want to grow several flowers, you can purchase a fairly spacious container or box. Make sure it contains drainage holes, since soil oversaturated with water adversely affects plant growth.

  • If you don't want to buy a container for indoor plants, you can drill holes in the bottom of an egg carton and use it.
  • Place a cloth under the container to prevent water from spreading from under it.

Fill each section with a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. Mix three various types soil in equal proportions - the result is well-drained soil rich in organic materials. Fill the container ¾ full with this mixture.

Bury in upper layer soil or simply scatter seeds over its surface (depending on the type of flowers). Harder seeds need to be covered organic material such as vermiculite or peat moss, while soft seeds should be left on the surface of the soil. Read the directions on the seed packet to find out whether they should be planted in the ground (and how deep) or left on the surface of the soil.

Water the seeds. Lightly spray the soil with water. Don't water the seeds too much to avoid washing them away. You can sprinkle water from your palm or slowly pour it into a container from a small saucer. Be that as it may, it is necessary to moisten the soil, but not to touch the seeds.

  • Cover the container with plastic wrap. Plastic film or a tight-fitting lid will retain moisture, which will help the seeds germinate. Punch a couple of holes in the top of the film to allow the plants to breathe.

    • You can also wrap the seed container in a plastic bag.
  • Place the container in a warm place at home. Seeds germinate best at temperatures of 18–24°C. Place the container in a warm place that gets plenty of sun. You can also place the container near an artificial heat source, such as on top of the refrigerator or near the oven.

    • Remove the container before turning on the oven, as the heat from the oven may damage the seeds.
  • Harden off the shoots before transplanting them into open ground. If you are going to move the seedlings into open ground, leave them outside in shady place for 7–10 days. This will allow the plants to get used to temperature changes. Some flowers do not tolerate cold well and should be kept indoors.

    • The seed packet should indicate what temperatures are suitable for this type of flower.
    • If the flowers tolerate cold well, the bag may indicate that they are cold-hardy.
    • Delicate flowers tolerate cold less well; they should be kept at temperatures not lower than 4°C.
  • Flowers decorate our lives, and there is no need to prove how important it is for flowers to bloom in the garden. The timing of planting flowers for seedlings depends on what kind of plant you are planting. Cold-resistant perennials can be planted in different term, but for bulbous and flowerbed plants, planting time is limited. Be sure to take into account favorable landing days so that planting flowers for seedlings in 2020 is effective and blooming.

    What flowers are sown for seedlings in January

    1. Aquilegia (catchment)
    2. Delphinium perennial
    3. Bluebell Carpathian
    4. Pelargonium
    5. Begonia everblooming
    6. Verbena is beautiful
    7. Lobelia heliotrope
    8. Primrose
    9. Petunia
    10. Turkish cloves

    The best days for sowing flowers for seedlings in January 2020 are January 11, 14, 17 and 18 at important condition: You can sow flower seeds only if it is possible to provide additional light to the seedlings.

    There is one secret in how to plant flowers for seedlings: if the seeds are very small, such as for example, then they are laid out on top of compacted, moist soil and covered with plastic film or glass. As soon as the seeds germinate, the glass is removed.

    Larger flower seeds, when planted as seedlings, are buried.

    What flowers to sow in February for seedlings

    In February we start planting flowers and, as a rule, we plant flowers with a long growing season and perennials.

    Planting flowers in February for seedlings:

    1. Petunia
    2. Lobelia
    3. Carnation Shabo
    4. Begonia everblooming
    5. Lavender angustifolia
    6. Salvia (sparkling sage)
    7. Viola (Wittrock violet)
    8. Heliotrope

    Favorable days for planting flowers in February 2020

    The dates for sowing flowers for seedlings from seeds are 7, 8, 12, 14.

    Bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous flowers - 22 - 25.

    Unfavorable days for planting flowers in February 2020 - 5, 17 - 19, 27.

    The most better days in February, for planting any plants - 13-16, 28.

    Viola or pansies

    What flowers to sow in March for seedlings

    March is the month when we plant a lot of different seedlings. These include vegetables, herbs, and flowers. To decide which flowers to plant in your dacha, we provide a list for planting flowers in March.

    What flowers are planted in March for seedlings?

    1. Echinacea (Rudbeckia)
    2. Fragrant tobacco
    3. Lobularia (annual alyssum)
    4. Verbena
    5. Azarina climbing
    6. Iberis
    7. Cleome
    8. Kobeya climbing
    9. Coleus
    10. Dianthus grass
    11. Brachycoma iberisolifolia
    12. Snapdragon
    13. Phlox annual
    14. Summer gillyflower (matthiola)
    15. Petunia is annual, double and hanging.

    Planting days in March 2020 for flowers

    When to plant flowers for seedlings in 2020 when growing from seeds - 1, 2 (before 22.00), 15, 16, 23, 28.

    Favorable days 2020 for planting bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous flowers are 23, 24, 28, 29.

    The best planting days for flowers are in March 2020, they are also suitable for planting any plants - 8–9, 12 (after 19:00) – 14, 17–20.

    The following work is also carried out in the flower garden in March:

    • purchase of flower seeds and equipment: 8, 21
    • sowing of drought-resistant crops and picking: 17–18
    • sowing flowers for seedlings: 8–9, 12 (after 19:00) – 14, 17–20
    • picking seedlings: 3–4, 17–18, 21–22, 25–26, 30–31
    • unfavorable days in March 2020: 2 (after 22:00), 3–7, 23–26, 29–31
    • watering on any day except: 5–7, 12 (after 22:00), 13–14, 21–22
    • fertilizing with watering: 1, 2–4, 8–11, 12 (until 22:00), 19–20, 23–28, 30–31
    • fertilizing with dry fertilizers: 5–7, 12 (after 22:00), 13–14, 21–22
    • laying beds and working with soil: 1–4, 8–9, 15–20, 27–28
    • treatment against diseases and pests: 1, 2–4, 8–11, 12 (until 19:00), 17–20, 25–28

    Fragrant tobacco

    Planting flowers for seedlings in April

    April is a warmer month, and some cold-hardy flower seeds can be sown in open ground, but it is safer to grow through seedlings. Here, the timing of planting flowers for seedlings can be adjusted to a trip to the dacha and sowed on an auspicious day 2 weeks in advance. Or simply, if you don’t have time to start seedlings, and the planting days have already arrived. So it will be possible to do this according to the plan and guess what are the best days for planting flowers in April 2020 to start growing flowers.

    Names of flowers for planting seedlings in April:

    1. Aster annual
    2. Ageratum
    3. Kochia (summer cypress)
    4. Aquilegia (catchment)
    5. Amaranth
    6. Limonium Suvorov
    7. Venidium
    8. Annual dahlias
    9. (perennial)
    10. Daisy
    11. Scabious
    12. Tritoma berry (kniphofia)
    13. Celosia
    14. Zinnia graceful

    Planting days in April 2020 for flowers

    The best days to plant marigolds for seedlings in 2020 and sowing flower seeds for seedlings in April 2020 are April 6 - 17.

    The best days for planting flowers in April 2020 - bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous flowers are best planted on April 25, 26, 29.

    Work with flowers in April:

    • purchase of annual seeds and perennial seedlings: 7
    • planting drought-resistant crops in the ground (purslane, young, katran, etc.): 13–14
    • sowing of annual and biennial crops: 7–8, 13–18
    • unfavorable planting days in April 2020 for working with flowers (planting, dividing, replanting): 19–23, 26–28
    • watering on any day except: 1 (after 19:00), 2–3, 29–30
    • fertilizing with watering: 4, 6–8, 17–18, 20–27
    • treatment for diseases and pests: 4, 6–8, 13–14, 21–25

    Dahlia annual

    What flowers to plant in May

    May is a rather capricious month in terms of weather. It can be very hot, but it can also be cold. Therefore, annuals that have short term vegetation. In addition, until they germinate, they will lie in the soil for 5-7 days, so they are not afraid of frost. In May, with peace of mind, you can plant seeds in the ground, under the film:

    1. Gypsophila
    2. Nasturtium
    3. Marigold
    4. Daisies
    5. Nivyanyk

    When to plant flowers in May 2020

    Flowers from seeds - 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.

    Flowers are bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous - 23, 28, 29.

    • purchase of seeds, perennial flowers, equipment: 5–6
    • sowing drought-resistant and picking: 10–11
    • sowing summer plants in the ground (calendula, nasturtium, etc.): 6–7, 15–16, 21–22
    • planting bulbous and corm plants (crocosmia, gladiolus,
    • freesia, acidanthera, etc.): 5, 12–14, 26
    • picking biennial seedlings: 17–18, 24–25
    • dividing and planting perennials (phlox, astilbe, geranium, primrose, etc.): 6–7, 12–14
    • sowing of climbing varieties (sweet peas and beans): 15–16
    • unfavorable landing days in May 2020: 24–25, 27–28
    • watering on any day except: 6–7, 15–16, 26–28
    • fertilizing with watering: 1–4, 19–22, 24–25, 29–31
    • weeding: 21–22, 29–30
    • fertilizing with dry fertilizers: 6–7
    • cannot be fed: 12–13
    • treatment for diseases and pests: 1–5, 10–11, 19–22, 29–31


    What to plant in a flower bed in June

    In the first half of June, seedlings of heat-loving ornamental plants can be planted in open ground:

      • amaranth,
      • balsam,
      • begonia,
    • Coleus

    You can also start sowing biennial seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. This:

    • viola,
    • forget-me-not,
    • daisies,
    • Turkish cloves,
    • hesperis.

    In the second half of June you can replant into a flowerbed and into open ground for the rest of the late flower seedlings, sprouted dahlias, tuberous begonia.

    Days to plant flowers in June 2020

    Flowers from seeds - 1, 6, 9 - 15.

    Flowers are bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous - 18, 22, 23.

    Unfavorable planting days in June are 24–25, 27–28.


    Planting flowers in the country

    After the question of when to plant flower seedlings in 2020 has been resolved, you need to decide on the correct planting of flowers. Plants are planted in mature soil. Squeeze a handful of soil in your hand - it should be wet enough to form a clump, but at the same time it should crumble if you drop the clump onto a hard surface.

    Most often, we plant flowers at home in the spring, and then transplant the flower seedlings into the garden, into a flower bed. Compared to buying seedlings, growing summer and biennial plants has two advantages: this method is cheaper, and the choice of types and varieties of seeds is much wider.

    Try to purchase flower varieties designated as F1 hybrids - these are first-generation hybrids that have greater vitality than regular varieties and more attractive flowers. Some perennials can also be grown from seeds, but this requires a lot of time and certain skills.

    When landing small plants The planting hole is filled with soil taken from the same hole. To cover the roots more large plants It is better to prepare a planting mixture of 1 part turf soil, 1 part wet peat and 3 handfuls of bone meal per wheelbarrow.

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    Vladimir Marchenko 03/26/2015 | 7335

    Landowners rarely think about the fact that problems with growing crops begin with improper planting. We have collected for you tried and true methods of sowing seeds for seedlings, which are guaranteed to help you get a rich harvest.

    What could be more amazing than gorgeous and colorful flowers that grow from a few small seeds? Plus, it's much cheaper than buying seedlings .

    Many gardeners don't even try sow seeds, considering it a difficult and thankless task that is unlikely to bring results. Others are afraid that the plants will not germinate, and the seedlings will not rise and die. Well, this happens even to experienced gardeners. However, several simple rules will help you avoid becoming a seedling specialist.

    How can you sow seeds?

    There are four main ways to sow flower seeds for seedlings:

    1. sowing in small pots;
    2. sowing is very small seeds;
    3. sowing in trays with cells;
    4. use of seedling boxes.

    Planting in containers You can start at the end of February - beginning of March. For each specific type of plant, you should choose your own method (we will discuss this below).

    We didn't mention greenhouse– it is certainly suitable for growing flower seedlings, but is not a necessary component of them successful growth. A window sill, which receives a sufficient amount of heat and sunlight, completely replaces a small greenhouse.

    You can start germinating seeds in a window, and then move the young plants outdoors. Any plastic packaging or cap available at any garden store will do as a “home” for them. Ideally, you should combine both methods - greenhouse and home.

    Where to start sowing seeds?

    To successfully sow seeds you will need:

    • several clean small pots with a diameter of 7 cm;
    • trays with cells;
    • boxes for seedlings;
    • plant labels;
    • pencil or marker;
    • plastic bag vermiculite ;
    • a bag of fine sand for plants (selected depending on the type of seeds you plan to sow);
    • fungicide– to combat fungal diseases that affect seedlings, and a spray bottle for spraying the drug solution;
    • clean plastic bags and a small container with a plastic lid.

    You will also need special soil for growing seedlings of your chosen crop or, as a last resort, universal substrate. But it's better to have both. Seeds of capricious and finicky flowers should be sown in specially prepared soil. For everyone else, general store soil will do just fine.

    What else should you consider before sowing?

    Absolutely all seeds - even the hardiest ones - require a small amount of heat in order to germinate and enough light (but not direct light). sun rays) after they emerge. Nice place for growing seedlings there is a window sill with a window curtained with thin tulle.

    Not worth growing more plants, than you can plant in your garden. Some packets contain over a hundred seeds. Do you really need, for example, a hundred asters, petunias or marigolds? Of course, you should sow a little more seeds, taking into account possible losses, but no more than a quarter of the expected volume.

    Method 1. Sow seeds in a small container

    This method works best for medium-sized seeds, about the size of a pinhead (0.5-2mm in diameter). They are small and easy to handle. Among flowers, large seeds are found, for example, in calendula And cosmos.

    Step 1. Fill a small pot with the soil and compost mixture to the brim, being careful not to compact it, but not to leave any air pockets. Gently shake the pot by the base to distribute the mixture evenly.

    Step 2. Take a second similar pot and use its base to compact the filled mixture until the surface becomes flat and uniform.

    Step 3. Place the seeds on the surface of the substrate. You can, of course, pour them out, but make sure that they are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the soil.

    Step 4. Now sprinkle a handful of vermiculite on top. It is possible to use sifted soil, but it is not always sterile, so it is better to use vermiculite.

    Step 5. Write on a small sign or tag the name and variety of the plant and the date you sowed it. If nothing comes up within 3 weeks, something has gone wrong.

    Step 6. Before watering, place the pot in a special tray and fill it with water so that the substrate gradually absorbs the water.

    Do not water the soil in the pot from above. Together with water, the seeds will go deep into the soil and may not germinate.

    Step 7. “Pack” the pot in a transparent plastic bag and place it on a windowsill out of direct sunlight. Check every three days to see if shoots have appeared.

    Step 8. As soon as the shoots become noticeable, remove plastic bag and let the seedlings grow as usual for 1-2 weeks, periodically turning the pot to the light in different directions.

    Method 2. How to sow small seeds?

    Some seeds are so small that they look more like dust particles or pollen (for example, seeds tobacco, lobelia And petunias). They are quite difficult to sow evenly, but there are a couple of tricks that will help you get excellent results.

    Step 1. Fill a small pot (7cm diameter) with a mixture of soil and compost and shake it lightly at the base to settle the mixture.

    Step 2. Compact the composition using a second similar pot, as in the first method described.

    Step 3. Carefully open the packet of seeds and pour the amount you need onto your hand.

    Step 4. Now pour some dry sand into your palm and mix it thoroughly with the seeds.

    Step 5. Spread the mixture evenly over the surface of the soil - the sand will help you see the boundaries of the area you have covered.

    When sowing small seeds, never cover them with soil or vermiculite.

    Step 6. Write the name of the plant, variety and date of sowing on the label.

    Step 7. Place the pot on a tray and fill it to the brim with water. The water will be absorbed by the composition gradually, so do not make it “rain” and do not pour the seeds from above.

    Step 8. Using a spray bottle, spray the soil surface with a solution of any fungicide that will prevent the development of infections.

    Step 9. Place the pot in a mini-greenhouse or cover it with cellophane and place it on a well-lit windowsill. After a few days, the seeds will germinate and you can remove the “shell” or start ventilating the mini-greenhouse.

    Method 3. How to sow seeds in trays with cells?

    Honeycomb trays are great for large seeds (2mm or more in diameter) because they allow you to freely plant one seed per cell. It is best to use universal soil as a substrate because it is more fibrous and retains moisture better.

    Step 1. Sift the soil through a coarse sieve and fill all the cells with it. Shake the tray lightly to evenly distribute the substrate.

    Step 2. Use your finger to make shallow holes in each soil-filled cell. This is necessary for small seeds like calendula, and larger ones can simply be placed on top.

    Step 3. Pour into your palm required amount seeds

    Step 4. Carefully drop one seed into each cell or spread them over the surface.

    Step 5. Now sift a small amount of compost over the cells to cover the seeds thin layer fertilizers

    Step 6. Lightly compact the compost with the palm of your hand, lightly tapping each cell from above.

    Step 7. Write on the labels what was sown, the variety and the date and stick the labels in the tray with the crops. If desired, you can label each cell (if they were sown with different plants).

    Step 8. Place the tray with cells in a bowl filled with 2.5 cm of water. Do not water the cells from above.

    Step 9. Place the tray in a heated propagator or in a special greenhouse for seedlings.

    Step 10. Place the tray in bright warmth indoors, for example, a greenhouse or greenhouse. However, any window sill on which sunlight falls will do.
