How to paint a heating radiator with your own hands. How to paint heating radiators so as not to bite your elbows later? Why do batteries need painting?

It is very difficult to find a person who has never held a brush in his hands. Therefore, many people do not think about how to paint a battery, believing that there is nothing special in this process. In fact, without some attention, the radiator will become the same as before the repair: rusty, with peeling and swollen paint. That is why many are forced to update almost annually appearance heating elements, instead of learning how to paint the battery correctly. But then you can return to this task no more often than once every five years or even ten.

Which batteries can and should be painted?

Traditionally, any painted radiators, especially cast iron ones, need updating, as the paint on them begins to chip off over time, and open places rust appears. It not only stains curtains, but also destroys equipment.

Aluminum or factory enamel coated steel batteries They usually don’t paint a new sample, especially because they don’t like the color or want to change it. Otherwise, their appearance will be spoiled, and the heat transfer from them will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is better to disguise them with a suitable decorative screen.

Review of paints for radiators

The most common options are enamel paints . They can be acrylic or alkyd. The first ones were created using organic solvents. They allow you to create a beautiful, glossy finish. The latter are very durable, easy to clean, and practically indestructible. Alkyd enamels also have a huge advantage- wide color scheme. Their disadvantage is that they include white spirit, which has a strong odor.

Traditional paints and varnishes containing harmful substances are gradually being phased out. Although they are quite effective - they give a long-lasting color, are applied evenly and are durable. In addition, the cost of such materials is affordable.

However, they can be replaced with more environmentally friendly materials- the same water-soluble paints . They are absolutely safe, dry quickly, apply smoothly and do not emit carcinogens. However, when purchasing, you should be careful - not all such products are suitable for use, since water causes metal corrosion. It is better to choose paints from it acrylic base, keep in mind that radiators will still require careful surface preparation. The disadvantage of these materials is also that they are not wash-resistant and can stain the curtains.

Alternatively you can use enamel in spray cans , intended for radiators. Although it is not entirely safe, it can get the job done in a matter of minutes. True, it will only allow you to refresh the surface without penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Choosing what paint to paint batteries with is not difficult. When purchasing, you just need to make sure that it is designed specifically for radiators. This must be indicated on the packaging.

Required tools and materials:

  • brushes small size with soft bristles or foam roller;
  • for hard-to-reach places you need to take brushes with a curved handle;
  • drill with an attachment in the form of an iron brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • film;
  • putty knife;
  • paint, primer, solvent.

Fast surface preparation

When choosing what paint to paint batteries with, you should keep in mind that their preparation will be different in each case. Also, a lot depends on what kind of result you want to get in the end: to refresh the surface or give the radiator the appearance of a new factory product.

First you need to clean all surfaces from dust, dirt, and cobwebs. If you are short on time and want to complete the procedure faster, then just clean off the loose paint with a spatula, sand down any uneven areas and remove the rust. sandpaper. Next, all the resulting recesses should be treated with a primer that protects the metal from corrosion and puttied. All these steps are carried out for painting with enamel.

To prepare the surface for acrylic paint, you need to completely coat the radiator with an adhesive primer and let it dry. Otherwise, the metal will quickly begin to rust.

Careful surface preparation

In this case, the remaining paint is completely removed. This is done like this:

  • the radiator is heated using a gas burner;
  • then large pieces of paint are chipped off with a spatula;
  • the surface is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper, or better yet, with a drill with an iron brush attachment.

After these procedures, the radiator is wiped damp cloth, in order to degrease and get rid of dust. If you paint it properly after this procedure, it will definitely look like new.

By the way, in order for it to work as if it had just been brought from the factory, an additional procedure must be performed. Namely: you need to remove it, drain the water, heat it up very much, let it cool, then disassemble it and clean it of accumulated debris and rust inside. Then, carefully assemble it back, using rubber cut from ordinary tires as spacers.


Now let's look at how to actually paint the battery. First of all, you need to dilute the paint to 1% kefir. That is, very liquid, but not watery, but so that the brush can be pulled at least 30-40 cm at a time. Next, you need to carefully apply the first layer, starting with inside batteries.

After this, you need to wait a day or in some cases 7-8 hours, depending on the quality of the product. Then you need to paint the radiator again in the same way. By the way, the second layer acrylic paint(if you use it) can be applied immediately, without waiting for it to dry.

Is it possible to paint hot batteries?

Many professionals do not recommend painting radiators during heating season. However, using alkyd enamel, resistant to high temperatures, or sprays, it is quite possible to paint hot batteries. You just need to do this carefully, carefully and quickly, so as not to get burned and so that the paint lays evenly. The latter is quite difficult to do, since on a hot surface from 50°C it dries almost instantly.

If you doubt that you can quickly and accurately complete the procedure, it is better to wait until the end of the heating season. Or, if time is running out, do not immediately paint hot batteries, but first turn on the heated water supply to them. Moreover, if you cannot do this yourself, you can contact the Housing Office.

To avoid getting dirty during work flooring, baseboards and wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to carefully isolate the areas using film, which it is advisable to attach pointwise with stationery tape so that it does not move. Newspapers are worse in this regard - they tear in the process when paint gets on them.

If there is a need to paint the battery more thoroughly, then it is better to remove it, since otherwise this will not be possible. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to start painting from the inside, where access is difficult, so the likelihood of getting dirty is reduced.

If you have never used paint, keep in mind that at first you will do it very slowly, you will be uncomfortable, everything will get in the way. Such is the specificity of this matter. Therefore, beginners should not paint hot batteries, since with a 90% probability the result will not be very good: stains, drips may remain, and the enamel will lie unevenly.

The heating radiator goes well with the decor in the apartment if it is painted with a uniform layer of shiny emulsion. Old batteries, the coating of which has faded and began to bubble, spoil the interior. Therefore, it is important to update them from time to time, painting them in a color identical to the tone of the walls in the room. True, this process can be difficult to do with your own hands.

Difficulties in painting a battery in an apartment

Often, when updating heating radiators, problems arise, but they all have a solution:

  • It happens that the color emulsion is spread unevenly. In this case, work must be interrupted. When the already applied emulsion dries, the process must be resumed, starting from the forgotten stage - removing the old layer and treating the battery with a solvent;
  • Some elements of the heating radiator are often not painted over. This problem can be encountered by using the wrong tools. Hard to reach places coated not with a foam roller or a regular brush, but with a special small curved brush. More for coloring internal elements A simple toothbrush is suitable for batteries;
  • Renewing the coating of a heating radiator is always inconvenient. To make the task completely easier, it is worth dismantling the object to be painted. This trick will allow you to get a brush dipped in paint into absolutely all places that seemed inaccessible. But this does not mean that the battery must be removed from the wall. In this matter, you should focus on the shape of the radiator and the complexity of dismantling;
  • The paint may not adhere to the surface in a neat layer, forming streaks, or bubbling. This problem is often caused by staining a hot radiator. To ensure that the new coating is even, you only need to update the cold battery. If the repair of the heating radiator took place in the winter, you need to shut off the access of heated water to it and wait until it becomes cold.

It should be immediately noted that it does not always make sense to cover the battery with a new layer of color emulsion. It is worth upgrading a heating radiator if it is made of cast iron. Being peeling and faded, such heating equipment will negatively affect the quality of heat transfer. It is also recommended to periodically paint convectors that look like a rounded pipe supplying hot water with ribbed elements added to it.

You should not start painting the battery if it is aluminum. The coating on a heating radiator made of such metal is unlikely to be updated accurately. The factory method of painting heating equipment is not comparable to applying the emulsion with a regular brush. That's why aluminum radiator heating, the paint on which has cracked and faded over time, it is more advisable to cover it with a decorative element.

Nuances of choosing paint and calculations

The quality of the paint significantly influences how the heating radiator will look after updating its surface. Therefore, it must be resistant to high temperatures (up to 100 degrees), resistant to abrasion and not emit toxic substances.

The type of color emulsion also affects the result of painting the battery. Each has its own characteristics:

  • Acrylic paint is easy to pick up with a brush and does not flow down the surface being treated, since its consistency is the same as sour cream. The battery coated with it acquires a uniform glossy tint that does not wear off or turn gray for a long time. While this dye is drying, there may be a faint odor of acetone in the air;
  • Alkyd paint is chosen by many of those who decide to update their heating radiator. It has such advantageous characteristics as high thermal stability, wear resistance and a huge range of shades. But such a color emulsion dries out for more than one day and smells of something pungent, since it contains Stoddard’s solvent;
  • Water-dispersion paint. It is so named because it requires the addition of water when applying the first coat. This emulsion dries on the battery within a day, and most importantly, it does not emit a pungent odor;
  • Oil paint. It is considered a relic of the past, which is why almost no one uses it. This coloring substance is not suitable for coating heating radiators, as after some time it becomes faded, loses its shine and is riddled with cracks.

How to calculate the required amount of material

How much color emulsion is required to treat the surface of a heating radiator depends on its area. One section of a cast iron heating radiator is equal to 0.254 m2. Manufacturers always indicate the approximate paint consumption per 1 m2 on the label of the can, because each emulsion has its own consistency. A battery of 9 ribs usually requires more than half a can weighing 0.9 kg.


Except thermal insulation paint, for the upcoming work you need to prepare the following tools and tools:

  • A soft and narrow brush to cover visible areas of the heating radiator;
  • A small and curved brush that makes it easier to paint the internal elements of the battery;

The size of the brush is very important, since the process of painting a heating radiator requires special care. This tool indicator can correspond to half the width of one battery section. A brush that is too narrow will make the job take a long time and will poorly coat many areas of the heating system equipment.

  • A grinder, which is not difficult to hold in your hands, with an iron brush attached to it;
  • Hand brush for cleaning metal;
  • A primer intended for treating heating radiators;
  • Solvent to degrease the battery surface.

Instructions for correct application of paint with your own hands

In the process of covering a heating radiator with a new layer of paint, you must perform the following steps:

  • Clean the surface from the previous layer of emulsion, using a grinder with an iron brush on the outer areas, and a hand-held metal brush on the inner areas;

Removal old paint carried out with protective glasses and a respirator worn on the face. This is necessary to avoid inhaling large amounts of rising dust.

  • Moisten a small piece of cloth and wipe the scraped heating radiator with it until it is completely clean;
  • Treat the surface of the battery with a solvent to degrease and protect the metal from corrosion;
  • After a few hours, when the solvent is absorbed, it is necessary to apply a primer to all sections of the heating radiator, which is heat-resistant and prevents rust. Without it, it will not be possible to mask all the stains formed due to metal corrosion, even after treating the battery several times;

If desired, in hardware store You can find a paint emulsion that already contains both a regular primer and an anti-rust liquid. When using it, the previous point can be omitted.

  • Place cardboard from a cut-up box or film under the heating radiator to prevent drops of paint from falling on the floor. You can also protect the wall from emulsion stains by placing paper behind the radiator;
  • Stir the coloring matter to loosen any lumps that have formed;
  • Start painting the battery, starting with its internal elements. If you first start processing the external areas, then later, when applying the emulsion to hard-to-reach areas, you can get dirty and ruin the already painted areas with the brush handle;

The paint will adhere to the surface perfectly if you first apply the emulsion to the top of the battery and then to the bottom. Heating equipment should not be coated with a thick and thick layer of paint, because this will cause unevenness to appear on it.

Discussions about how to paint a heating radiator and how to do it correctly with your own hands can be observed, it seems, since the beginning of the mass spread of the Internet in our country. Let's add a little more chaos: the author will try to express his experience and opinion on this long-suffering topic.

When you need it

Of the widespread heating devices Painting is needed only in two cases:

  1. If you have one, the old paint on which has faded and peeled off.
  2. If the builders have blessed you with convectors of the early 90s type, which are a coil of riser with a few pressed-on fin plates.

Useful: in the second case, of course, you only paint decorative screen and a swing flap on top. The fins between the plates can be painted only by immersing the convector completely in paint; besides, narrowing the gap between them would mean a decrease in heat transfer.

Painting radiators more modern types, especially with aluminum fins, is a bad idea. You will reduce the heat transfer of the heating device and worsen its appearance: a layer of paint applied with a brush will hardly be perfectly even and certainly will not compare with extremely resistant powder paint applied at the factory.

Plate radiators and heating devices in general with large area It is better to paint the front surface, made in the form of one panel, in a horizontal position on the floor, using a sprayer or can. Then the paint layer will be as close to ideal as possible.

However, we repeat, the product will not become more beautiful than its original state, and in order to fit the device into the changed color scheme of the room, it is better to use.

How to paint

Really, how to paint radiators?

It all depends on priorities. Let's consider a couple of options:

Without smell

Odorless paint for radiators must be water-soluble. All synthetic varnish based paints will smell as they dry.

Of the water-based emulsions sold, two types of paint are quite resistant to abrasion:

  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone.

At room temperature paints applied to a cold battery will dry within 4-8 hours.

However: these paints will still not be absolutely resistant to abrasion. There may be white marks on curtains and clothing.


How to paint heating radiators if we need the longest and most trouble-free operation?

From domestic paints for household use definitely the best optionalkyd enamels PF-115 and their imported analogues. These paints are extremely resistant to temperature changes and are intended for home and outdoor use. Their price will not seem ruinous: it does not exceed 200-300 rubles for a can weighing 2.6 kg.

Another viable option is auto enamels.. However, their gloss will look good only on an ideal surface and will highlight all the irregularities. They are applied from a spray can; If the radiator is not removable, then, of course, you will have to put a screen made of cardboard or hardboard between it and the wall.

How to paint

How to paint radiators? The instructions depend on how much time you are willing to spend on painting and generally bringing the radiators to normal condition.

Easy way

  • The surface of the battery is prepared in two stages: first, the paint layers are heated construction hairdryer or gas burner and removed with a hard spatula; then the surface is cleaned with a wire brush.

Useful: in articles on the topic of painting, it is often recommended to clean the radiator before painting with sandpaper. The author has serious doubts that the people giving such advice have ever tried to do this work. Sanding at least 7 sections clean is VERY tedious.

The photo shows an attachment for a drill, which can simplify the work even more.

  • Dust and rust residues are removed with a damp cloth.
  • Then the paint, diluted to the state of rich milk, is applied in two thin layers, allowing each of them to dry completely (usually at least 24 hours).

There are few subtleties here, and, from the author’s point of view, their importance is exaggerated.

  • Do not try to paint the radiator in one go if the paint layer is visible. It is better to spend a day drying and apply another layer, otherwise you will encounter sagging and uneven coloring. However, if this does happen, it’s not a disaster; it’s enough to selectively clean the surface area again and apply another THIN layer on top.
  • Is it possible to paint hot radiators? Advice based on personal experience: Can. But putting VERY little paint on the brush at a time, QUICKLY rubbing it as much as possible thin layer and well ventilating the room.

In this case, you will not be poisoned by quickly evaporating paint thinner, and you will not paint the radiator with untidy streaks (paint dries very quickly on a hot surface).

The right way

How to paint a heating radiator, completely returning it to the appearance of a new one, removing all the stains between the sections and the flaws of previous paintings?

The painting itself is done in the same way as in the previous case - with a brush, in two thin layers.

But the preparation of the radiator will be different:

  • After dropping the risers, remove the radiator and drain the remaining water from it.
  • Unscrew all the plugs - blind and straight. Remove the flushers.
  • Burn the radiator for at least an hour over a regular fire in the yard. Annealing with a hairdryer or blowtorch will be tedious and ineffective.
  • Disassemble the cooled radiator into separate sections using a radiator wrench: after annealing, this is easy to do.

  • Tap each section with a mallet. At the same time, the rust that has accumulated over many years will spill out of it, cleaning the channels inside.
  • Clean sections with a wire brush. After annealing, the procedure will be quick and easy.
  • Reassemble the radiator using regular rubber gaskets. They are easy to cut from an old car inner tube. Outer size- slightly less than the end of each section. In this case, the compressed gasket will not protrude beyond the edges.
  • Mount, press by simply filling the riser and paint. You have a radiator that is free of contaminants and in factory-new condition, with the highest possible heat output and impeccable appearance.


As usual, the video at the end of the article will offer you an alternative view of the problem. Warm winters!

Many people renovate their apartment in winter, and the question often arises: is it possible to paint hot radiators?

Modern paints have a number positive qualities, which allow you to paint your radiator at any time.

Heating appliances in an apartment play the role of not only a source of heat, but they are also part of the interior, which means they should always look good.

In this article you will learn how to paint heating radiators with your own hands.

Radiator paints and necessary tools

Many people believe that only the front part of heating radiators should be painted, but, unfortunately, this conclusion is erroneous.

Often, especially with Soviet batteries, rust spots begin to appear, and if they are not eliminated, the corrosion can spread further.

Helps get rid of unwanted corrosion good paint. To find out what paint to paint the heating with, you need to find out the characteristics of this product.

The purchased paint must be resistant to elevated temperature, because radiators get very hot in winter, and maintain a natural color for a long time.

For the right choice paint material, you need to know what types are available for sale.

Acrylic paint has a natural color over a long period and is famous for not having a strong odor.

This option is well suited for painting radiators in winter time, because you don’t really need to ventilate the apartment.

Alkyd paint is resistant to high temperature, therefore ideal for radiators. One of the disadvantages is the increased smell, so it is better to use it in the warm season, and not during the heating season.

There is another type of acrylic paint that is used in conjunction with a solvent. This material has good performance, firstly, the paint can be used without additional primer, and secondly, the coating is different good view and glossy surface.

Everyone knows Oil paint used to be a popular product, but with the development technological process faded into the background.

This is the main list paint and varnish materials For cast iron radiators, which can be purchased. For panel radiators can be used aerosol paints(better auto enamel).

It is no longer fashionable to have white batteries, so do not be afraid to experiment with colors, the main thing is that the coating fits into the design of the apartment.

In a children's room, you can decorate radiators brightly, especially panel radiators, on which you can reproduce the whole landscape.

So how to paint radiators and in what style is up to you.

But it should be remembered that in order for the coloring material to adhere well, you must have a special tool, such as:

  • sandpaper for pre-cleaning;
  • a sharp object or knife to remove old paint;
  • several types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • unnecessary rags for cleaning the room.

This entire set will be needed for high-quality work and will help transform old and ugly radiators into a luxurious piece of furniture.

Preparatory work and process of painting batteries

To understand how to paint a heating radiator, you need to know the principle of the work being performed.

Like all types of construction work, the painting process begins with the preparation of batteries. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate contaminated areas and check the product for corrosion areas.

Once the old paint and dirt have been removed, heating radiator should be wiped with a damp cloth for cleaning.

Swollen areas must be cleaned with sandpaper, and if rotten areas are found, they must be eliminated.

On finishing stage the radiator should be covered primer mixture, but you just need to take into account the characteristics of the further material, because some types of paint and varnish products do not require a primer layer.

Several types of cleaning are used to clean heating devices from dirt and old paint. The first method is called chemical, and the second method (which involves using a special tool) is called mechanical.

To remove dirt chemically, solutions consisting of acids and solvents are used. You can prepare this mixture yourself or purchase it at the store.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sodium carbonate (soda ash), about one kilogram;
  • slaked lime, in the same proportion;
  • water, about five liters;
  • large capacity, more than ten liters.

The solution is prepared as follows. Soda is dissolved in hot water, the water temperature is about 60 degrees, after which lime is added in small doses. This is done to prevent strong foam.

The mechanical method involves the use of a special tool or regular sandpaper.

The process is long and dusty, but to speed it up you can use a special drill attachment or use a grinder.

In this case, it is necessary to follow safety rules and carry out such work carefully so as not to damage the radiator.

As for the painting process itself, no special skills are needed, the main thing is to know how to paint a heating device correctly.

Before starting work, you should arrange workplace, cover the floor with paper (or other material), protect the walls with a gasket (you can put large leaf cardboard), prepare the necessary tools.

Apply paint to radiators with a brush, preferably from top to bottom - this way there will be no drips. The layer should be thin and uniform. After the paint has dried, you need to apply a second coat.

The internal parts of the radiators must be painted first to avoid getting dirty in the process. Small parts And difficult places need to be painted using a sponge or roller.

That's the whole principle of painting radiators.

You can do the job efficiently and beautifully yourself, you just need to take into account all the nuances and follow the rules.

Here are a few more useful tips from the professionals:

  • the painted radiator should not have drips - to do this, apply the paint in a thin layer and with smooth movements;
  • It is better to paint the back of the heating device using a curved brush with a long handle;
  • if used to clean radiators chemical method, then it is necessary to use personal protective equipment;
  • after finishing painting works the room must be well ventilated. If the work is carried out in winter, then you should use paints without a strong odor;
  • pipes and hidden elements do not need to be painted, which will help preserve heat transfer;
  • To understand which paint is best to paint, you need to study all the characteristics of the product.

There is nothing complicated in this type of work, therefore, you can paint the heating system yourself.

You just need to listen to the advice of experts, and your radiator will be as good as new.

If you play with your imagination and change the color of the radiators, they will become even better than new ones.

New shades of the restored battery should be chosen based on the interior of the room: if it is a children's room, then it is better to choose light colors, and the radiator in the bathroom should be made in a neutral color.

What paint to paint the radiators in the kitchen or in other rooms is up to you personally to decide.

It should be remembered that new bimetallic radiators very capricious, and to paint their surface you should contact a specialist (preferably a service station), in case self-repair It is necessary to use auto enamel in the form of an aerosol.

For panel radiators, both aerosols and regular paint, just take into account that it is necessary to paint the grille, and not just the panel itself.

Restoring radiators is a primitive job, so feel free to update the design of your heating devices and enjoy the results.
