How to tell time without a clock. How time used to be determined

Time can be determined by the sun, moon, stars and their movements.

If there is no sun, moon or stars in the sky, telling the time becomes difficult.

In this case, plants and birds, which tend to begin their active life at certain hours, will help.

Determining time by the sun

Sun at:

  • 06:00 - in the east;
  • 09:00 - in the southwest;
  • 12:00 - in the south, the shortest shadow;
  • 15:00 - in the southwest;
  • 18:00 - in the west.
  • 24:00 - in the north (the sun is not visible “at night” everywhere). In the polar regions, at midnight it occupies the lowest position above the horizon.

In equatorial regions the opposite is true. Determining west or east at sunset or dawn is very simple. But at noon it can be both in the north and in the south.

Determining time using the sun and compass

The sun moves across the sky at a speed of 15°/hour. In order to determine the time using a compass, we measure the azimuth to the sun, let’s say it is 90°. Then 90° must be divided by 15°/hour, we get 6 hours.

For Russia, it is necessary to take into account maternity time, i.e. add 2 hours and we get 8 hours. Or, for example, the azimuth to the sun is 180°, which means the time will be 12 hours + 2 hours (maternity time) = 14 hours.

Determining time using the moon and compass

Let's say the moon is waxing. Let's point north on the compass dial to the moon (with the letter “C” to the moon), count the degrees from the northern end of the magnetic needle to this direction. We get the azimuth of the moon (for example, 270°) then divide it by 15° (270° / 15° = 18) and add 1 (18 + 1 = 19).

We determine that the visible part of the moon is 5 shares of its diameter, based on the calculation that the full disk is 12 shares. Then we add them (19 + 5 = 24) - this is the time we are interested in. If the sum is greater than 24, then you need to subtract 24 from it.

During the full moon you should do the same. For example, azimuth = 90°. Next 90° / 15° = 6, 6 + 1 = 7; 7 + 12 = 19 - i.e. It's 19 o'clock now.

If the moon is waning, you need to do the same thing, but the count in fractions of the visible disk of the moon must be subtracted.

Determining time by stars

Determining time by the constellation Ursa Major

Each star and any point in the sky makes a full circle in 23 hours 56 minutes.

The sidereal day is the basic unit of time, and its duration remains constant all the time.

To determine the time, you need to imagine a dial where its center is the North Star, and 12 o'clock is clearly above it.

The direction of the “clock hand” is set by mentally drawing a straight line from the center of the dial to the edge of the “bucket” of the constellation Ursa Major. For example, the edge of the “bucket” of the constellation Ursa Major is located below (under the Polar Star) - this corresponds to 6 o’clock.

Since all the stars rotate in the sky not exactly 24 hours, but 4 minutes faster, the sidereal clock readings decrease by 1 hour every month.

Therefore, the hand of the sidereal clock shows at midnight:

Let's say that a traveler decides to find out when it is midnight on November 7th. The table shows that November 7 is between October 22 and November 22, and on this day the hand of the sidereal clock should show 4 hours 30 minutes.

Another way to define time according to the constellation Ursa Major

Let’s assume that the “hand” of the sidereal clock shows 6 hours 30 minutes (6.5 hours). Let's find the serial number of the month from the beginning of the year with tenths passed from the beginning of this month (every 3 days counts as 1/10th of the month), for example, September 12 is equal to 9.4, i.e. September is the 9th month of the year, the 12th day is equal to 0.4 (every 3 days is equal to 0.1).

The resulting number is added to the sidereal clock readings and multiplied by 2: (6.5 + 9.4) · 2 = 31. This number must be subtracted from some constant for the “celestial hand” (the constellation Ursa Major has 55.3), i.e. e. 55.3 − 31 = 23.5 or 23 hours 30 minutes.

If after subtraction the result is a number greater than 24, then you need to subtract 24 from it.

You can take another “celestial arrow”, for example, the constellation Ursa Minor (the brightest star) - its constant number is 59.1.

Determining time by the culmination of the North Star

The climaxes of the North Star occur at different times of the year at different times:

  • January 15 and July 5 - 7 and 19 hours;
  • February 15 and August 15 – 21:00;
  • March 15 and September 15 - 23 hours;
  • April 15 and October 15 - 1 hour;
  • May 15 and November 15 - 3 hours;
  • June 15 and December 15 - 5 and 17 hours.

Definition of timeabout plants and birds

Flowers can be used to give an approximate estimate of time on clear summer days. Below is a table showing the times at which some of the most common ones open and close. middle lane Russian flowers.

It should be noted that the table below is only valid for good, stable weather. Those. During or before inclement weather, flowers may not bloom, but this does not mean that the sun will not rise that day.

Plant name

Flower opening time

Closing time of flowers

Meadow salsify

Field rose


Field sow thistle

Field flax

Umbrella hawkweed

White water lily

Violet tricolor

Field carnation

Field marigold


Sweet tobacco

Night violet

You can also approximately determine the time in the summer morning hours by the awakening of birds and their first songs.

You can determine the current time quite accurately. When making calculations, be guided by the following considerations: at six in the morning the sun is in the east, at nine in the morning - in the southwest, at noon - in the south (the shadows at this time are shortest), at three in the afternoon - in the southwest. At six in the evening the sun is in the west.

If you happen to find yourself in a subpolar region, where the solar disk is visible even at night, then to determine the time, remember that at midnight the sun occupies its lowest position above the horizon.

Having a compass with you, you can also quite accurately determine the time from the sun. First, remember that the sun's disk moves across the sky at a speed of 15 degrees per hour.

Measure the azimuth to the sun. To do this, first orient the compass by setting the zero division in the direction the compass needle is pointing. The angle between the zero division and the direction to the sun, measured in a clockwise direction, will be the azimuth to the sun.

Divide the resulting azimuth value by 15. For example, the azimuth to the sun was 90 degrees. Dividing 90 by 15, you get 6 hours. When making calculations in Russia, take into account maternity time. To do this you need to add one hour. In addition, many countries are switching to summer time, so you need to add another hour to the result.


  • Orientation
  • Timeframes of Tarot cards

Today, many people cannot imagine their lives without a weather forecast. This is understandable: you always want to know what the weather will be like during the day. And if you need to know the weather while on a camping trip where there is no radio or Internet, what should you do? They will help folk signs, which are based on observations of surrounding natural phenomena and the behavior of living organisms and plants. Such observations have been carried out since time immemorial.


Information about expected weather conditions, which many representatives of the flora can give us, are quite accurate. So, for example, swifts fly over, almost gliding along the surface of the water when rain is approaching, even if there is not a single one in the sky. This can be explained simply - the humidity increases, midges with heavy wings accumulate near the water. And they follow her.

The information about expected weather conditions that many representatives of the flora can give us is quite accurate. For example, swifts and swallows fly low above the ground, almost skimming the surface of the water when rain is approaching, even if there is not a single cloud in the sky. This can be explained simply - the humidity increases, midges with heavy wings accumulate near the water. And the birds follow her.

Bees are also very sensitive to weather changes. When bees become lethargic and fly as if reluctantly, beekeepers immediately make a “diagnosis” of bad weather.

Black-headed and river gulls can become unique barometers for the observant. If the weather is good, they can be seen on the water. But when the seagulls suddenly begin to walk along the sand near the shore, the fish goes into the depths, sensing the approaching bad weather. The seagulls have nothing else to eat on the water, so they move to the sand.

Black-headed and river gulls can become unique barometers for an observant person. If the weather is good, they can be seen on the water. But when seagulls suddenly begin to walk along the sand near the shore, this means that the fish is moving to the depths, sensing impending bad weather. The seagulls have nothing else to eat on the water, so they move to the sand.

But here are a few signs that indicate that the weather will be clear, warm and dry: if the day was clear and the night is cold, the weather will change for the better. If there is heavy dew, the wind increases during the day and subsides at night, daylight is coming. High sky of deep blue, golden, yellow or even pink color dawn, cumulus clouds following the wind, as well as night fog are signs of good and dry weather. It will be warm and dry even if the spider begins to intensively weave a web.

But here are a few signs that indicate that the weather will be clear, warm and dry: if the day was clear and the night is cold, the weather will change for the better. If there is heavy dew in the morning, the wind increases during the day and subsides at night, a clear day is ahead. High sky of dark blue, golden, yellow or even pink color of dawn, cumulus clouds following the wind, as well as night fog are signs of good and dry weather. It will be warm and dry even if the spider begins to intensively weave a web.

Worsening weather foreshadows a sharp warming towards night, after a clear and cold day. The crowns around the solar disk indicate impending rain. If the sparrows are sitting pompously, this also indicates imminent rain. When crows rise under the clouds and swifts fly low, it means bad weather. Warming immediately after rain predicts a cloudy day. If the night is light, quiet and there is no dew in the morning, the day will be rainy.

Cold weather is heralded by a red fire in the stove, clearing closer to night after cloudy weather. When sparrows hide in brushwood - it means cold, when a bullfinch whistles - it means winter is coming. And if “earrings” appear on the moon, this indicates the approach of frost and blizzard.


  • How do weather centers determine the weather several days in advance?

Unfortunately, modern city dwellers are gradually losing their navigation skills. In case of extreme situations(a person is lost in the forest, for example), you need to know the basic rules in which direction of the world he should move.


Azimuth can also be determined by . To do this, place a compass on the side edge of the map, turn the card so that its side edge coincides with the direction of the magnetic compass needle to the north. The top edge of the map should be above the letter C. Then find the point from which the movement will begin, connect it with a straight line to the object to which you need to arrive. Then move the compass so that its center is at the starting point. The line on the map will be located opposite a certain number on, which will show the azimuth value.

Azimuth, calculated from the standing point on the terrain, is called direct magnetic azimuth. To find the way back, they often use the concept of reverse azimuth, which is 180 degrees different from the direct one. To determine the reverse azimuth, you need to add 180 degrees to the forward azimuth if it is less than 180 degrees; or subtract if it is greater than 180 degrees.


  • Azimuths and movement along azimuths

Prayer (namaz) is one of the particularly important pillars of religion. Performing prayer is the duty of every Muslim who has reached the age of bulug (puberty) and has a healthy mind. A Muslim is required to perform 5 prayers a day at strictly defined times. The times of prayer are determined mainly by the movement of the sun.


Morning prayer

The time of morning prayer begins at dawn and lasts until the sun rises. You need to have time to read it before the sun appears above the horizon. Because during sunrise, sunset and when it is at its zenith, it is prohibited to read prayers. If you start praying before sunrise, but the sun begins to rise during prayer, then such a prayer is considered invalid.

Daytime prayer

The time for performing the daily prayer begins from the moment the sun is at its zenith and until the shadow from objects is equal to their double length, plus the shadow is added to this during its zenith.

Evening prayer

The pre-evening prayer time begins after the end of the afternoon prayer time. Lasts until sunset. It should be noted that prayer is considered invalid even during sunset. But unlike the morning prayer, the evening prayer, during which the sun began to set, is allowed to be completed and will be considered valid.

Evening prayer

The time of evening prayer lasts from complete sunset until the complete disappearance of light on the western side of the horizon. It should be noted that in some regions of Russia during the summer months the light on the western side does not disappear. In such cases, different rules for determining time apply

During the day, it describes a circle around the North Star (the entire constellation rotates).

A straight line from the North Star to the stars 1 and 2 For brevity we will call Ursa Major arrow of the Ursa.

When the stars are 1 and 2 stand directly under the North Star, then the arrow is directed vertically downward. Let's agree to say that it shows 6 o'clock, according to escrow account . This will be position I in the figure.

Continuing our observation, we will soon notice that in this position the Big Dipper moves to the right, that is, to the east, and slowly rises, but in a circle, the center of which is the North Star. After a quarter of a day, that is, after 6 real hours, the arrow of the Ursa will pass a quarter of a revolution of the circle, will now be positioned not vertically, but horizontally, and we will obtain position II; now the Ursa hand shows 3 hours according to the conventional account, etc.

Since the movement of the Big Dipper around the North Star is uniform, we can say that the Big Dipper together with the North Star is a conventional sidereal clock. The arrow of this celestial clock is an imaginary line running from the North Star to the stars 1 and 2 Ursa Major, but there is no dial at all. But the dial is not particularly needed. When we look at a watch, we very often determine the time simply by the direction of the hands and do not at all try to look at the number to which the hand points.

The hand of the celestial clock turns in the direction opposite to the movement of the hand of an ordinary clock. After position II, it will go through imaginary numbers corresponding to the conventional 2 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 11 o'clock, etc. Let us firmly remember that these are not real watches, but conditional readings of our imaginary hand.

Below we describe what problems can be solved using this imaginary celestial clock.

How can you tell how much time has passed by using the Big Dipper?

Problem 1. Let us imagine that a fighter who does not have a watch went out on night reconnaissance when Ursa Major had not yet reached its lowest position. By eye he determined that Arrow of the Ursa It stands at 6.5 conventional hours. After completing the task, he looked at the Big Dipper and saw that its hand now showed 4.0 conventional hours. How much time did he spend in intelligence?

To answer the question, you need to subtract 4.0 from 6.5. As a result, we get 2.5 (conventional hours).

To convert conventional clocks to true ones, you need to multiply the result by 2. So, 2.5 x 2 = 5 hours (true).

Consequently, the reconnaissance lasted approximately 5 hours.

Problem 2. How much time has passed if at the beginning the Ursa hand showed 2.0 conventional hours, and at the end 10.5 conventional hours?

In order to subtract 10.5 from 2 hours, you must first add 12 hours to 2 hours (do not forget, “conventional hours” go to reverse side relative to the true ones):

2 conventional hours +12 conventional hours = 14 conventional hours. Subtract:

14 conventional hours - 10.5 conventional hours = 3.5 conventional hours. To convert conventional hours to true ones, multiply 3.5 conventional hours by 2 and get 7 true hours.

From here we get the following rule:

To determine how much time has passed using the Ursa Major, you need to:

1) notice how much she showed arrowUrsa on the imaginary celestial clock at the beginning and at the end.

2) subtract the second from the first number (if the first number is less than the second, then add 12 to the first and then subtract the second).

3) multiply the resulting number by two.

How can you tell from the Big Dipper that it is midnight?

This task is more difficult than the previous one because the stars of Ursa Major (like all other stars) complete their revolution not exactly in 24 hours, but 4 minutes sooner.

In other words, our sidereal clock moves ahead against the ordinary clock by 4 minutes every day. Therefore, the lowest position of the Big Dipper according to ordinary clocks will be 4 minutes earlier tomorrow than it was today, the day after tomorrow - 8 minutes earlier, and so on. In 30 days it will arrive earlier than today, already by 120 minutes, i.e. by as much as 2 hours. Despite all this complexity, this task is easy to understand with the help of the following information.

September 22nd Arrow of the Ursa at midnight (i.e. at 0 o'clock 00 minutes according to our clocks) it is directed vertically downwards and shows 6 conventional hours on the celestial clock.

A month after September 22, i.e. October 22, this vertical position of the needle will already occur two true hours before midnight. Therefore, at midnight on October 22, the celestial hand will no longer stand vertically, but will deviate to the east (to the right) at such an angle as if it were directed towards the number 5 on an imaginary celestial clock. Arguing further in the same way, we obtain the following table.

The arrow of the Big Dipper at midnight shows:

Let's solve, for example, the following problem:

November 7 falls midway between October 22 and November 22. Therefore, from the table we will find that on this day at midnight the Ursa arrow should move for 4.5 conventional hours.

This means that midnight will come at the time when Ursa Major takes a position exactly in the middle between positions I (6 conventional hours) and II (3 conventional hours) in Fig. 10.

How can you tell what time it is by using the Big Dipper?

Finding out what time it is means determining how much time has passed since midnight. Using the table above, this is easy to do.

Problem 4. On November 7, the Ursa hand showed the conventional hour. What time is it really?

In the previous problem, we already determined from the table that at midnight the hand of the Bear on November 7 shows 4.5 conventional hours. To find out the required time, you need to 4,5 conventional hours subtract 2 conventional hours into the result multiplied by 2: 4.5-2 = 2.5 conventional hours.

We multiply the result by 2: 2.5 x 2 = 5 true hours (morning).

3 task 5. On October 20, the Ursa hand showed 7 conventional hours. What time is it really?

From the table for October 20, we find that at midnight the Ursa hand shows approximately 5 conventional hours. To subtract 7 hours from 5 hours, first add 12 hours to 5 hours:

5+12=17 conventional hours; 17 conventional hours - 7 conventional hours = 10 conventional hours. Multiply the result by 2:

10 x 2 = 20 true hours (evenings).

Hence another rule:

To find out what time it is by the position of the Ursa Major hand, you need to:

1) from the table, determine what the Ursa arrow shows for midnight of a given day;

2) subtract from this number the hand reading determined from observations (if the first number is less than the second, then add 12 hours to the first and then subtract the second number);

3) double the resulting number.

Although, unlike space, people can move in time only in one direction and at one speed, the ability to navigate in time has never bothered anyone. Watches, like any mechanisms created by people, break down too often to be relied upon outside the reach of a watch workshop. And the sun, moon, and stars have been showing time for billions of years without stopping and have never failed.

Let's start with a few numbers. The Earth moves at a speed of 29.8 km/sec in an orbit 930 million km long. The tilt of the earth's axis relative to the plane of rotation is 66° 5″. It determines the maximum angle at which the Sun rises above the horizon and leads to the change of seasons. The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is 365 days and 6 hours. These same 6 hours lead to the need to arrange a leap year every 4 years.

The duration of the true (solar) day, i.e. day along with night, varies somewhat throughout the year depending on the time interval between the Sun’s returns to the meridian. The longest true day occurs on December 22; it is longer than the shortest true day on June 22 by 51.2 seconds. Well, it’s true that such accuracy is needed more in an observatory than in a forest.

21 March The sun is at its zenith at the equator, rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west - this is the day of the vernal equinox, the astronomical beginning of spring “the morning of the year”.

22nd of June- day of the summer solstice. The sun moves north from the equator by 23’5″; this day is the longest; the sun rises to its maximum height for a given latitude.

Everything is very simple. To carry out accurate observations of the Sun and determine the date, all that remains is to build something similar in size to an Egyptian pyramid and you will be perfectly oriented in months, weeks and even days.

To determine hours and minutes, you can get by with simpler instruments

Determining time by the sun

  • 6 morning - in the East
  • 9 morning - in the South-West
  • 12 - in the South, the shortest shadow
  • 15 - in the South-West
  • 18 - in the West
  • 24 - the sun is in the North, don’t rush to smile, the sun is not visible “at night” everywhere. In the polar regions, at midnight it simply occupies the lowest position above the horizon.

In equatorial regions the opposite is true. Determining west or east at sunset or dawn is very simple. But at noon it can be both in the north and in the south.

Determining time by the Sun and compass

Just remember that the Sun moves across the sky at a speed of 15 degrees per hour. In order to determine the time using a compass, we measure the azimuth to the sun, let’s say it is 90°. Then 90° must be divided by 15° per hour, we get 6.

For Russia, it is necessary to take into account maternity time, i.e. add 1 hour, in addition, now in almost all countries of the northern hemisphere summer period Summer time will be introduced, i.e. one more hour is added.

This means plus one hour (maternity time) and we get 7 hours. Or, for example, the azimuth to the Sun is 180°, which means the time will be 12 hours + 1 hour (for maternity leave) = 13 hours.

Determining time by the moon

Some introductory information. Moon month somewhat less than is usual for Europeans and amounts to 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes, i.e. The phases of the moon replace each other in approximately 29.5 days.

New moon— beginning of the month: in this phase the Moon is not visible

First quarter- a visible crescent moon is observed half a circle in the first half of the night, sets in the middle of the night.

Full moon— The moon is observed in the form of a disk-circle, rises in the evening and sets in the morning, i.e. shines all night.

Last quarter- the moon is observed half a circle in the second half of the night, rising in the middle of the night.

Determining time using the moon and compass

Let's say the moon is arriving. Let's point north on the compass dial to the Moon (with the letter C to the Moon), count the degrees from the northern end of the magnetic needle to this direction. We get the azimuth of the Moon (for example 270) then divide it by 15 and add 1

We determine that the visible part of the Moon is 5 shares of its diameter, based on the calculation that the full disk is 12 shares. Then we add them 19 + 5 = 24 - this is the time we are interested in. If the sum is > 24, subtract 24 from it.

During the full moon you should do the same. For example, azimuth = 90

7 + 12 = 19 - i.e. It's 19:00 (7:00 pm)

And if the Moon is waning, you need to do the same thing, but subtract the count in fractions of the visible disk of the Moon.

Orientation in time by stars

Determining time by the constellation Ursa Major.
Each star and any point in the sky makes a full circle in 23 hours 56 minutes.

The sidereal day is the basic unit of time, and its duration remains constant all the time.

Sidereal time is unsuitable for calculation due to the fact that the beginning of the sidereal day during the year passes to different times of the day or night.

When the constellation is below it roughly corresponds to 6 o'clock. Sidereal clock hand., because Since all the stars rotate in the sky not exactly 24 hours, but ~4 minutes faster, then the sidereal clock readings decrease by 1 conventional hour every month.

Therefore, the hand of the star clock dial points to midnight

  • 6 conventional hours September 22, 12 conventional hours March 22
  • 5 conventional hours October 22, 11 conventional hours. April 22
  • 4 conventional hours November 22 10 conventional hours 22nd of May
  • 3 conventional hours December 22 9 conventional hours 22nd of June
  • 2 conventional hours January 22 8 conventional hours July 22
  • 1 conventional h. February 22 7 conventional hours August 22

Let's say that a traveler decides to find out when it is midnight on November 7th. From the table, he will determine that November 7 is between October 22 and November 22, and on this day the hand of the sidereal clock should show 4.5 conventional hours.

Determining how much time is on the road is even easier. What time does the sidereal clock show at the beginning and at the end?

To convert sidereal hours to real hours, you need to double the resulting number.

The hand of the sidereal clock shows 1 conventional. hour. According to the table, we find that at midnight 7.11. The hand showed 4.5 o'clock. Therefore 4.5-1=3.5 arb. =7 hours

If the hand of the sidereal clock shows 6.5 conventional. hours, then 4.5+12=16.5

16.5-6.5=10 arb. hours = 20 hours i.e. 8 pm

Another way to define

Let's assume that the hand of the sidereal clock shows 6.5 conventional hours. Let's find the serial number of the month from the beginning of the year with tenths that have passed from the beginning of a given month (every 3 days counts as 1/10 of the month), for example. September 12 = 9.4 The resulting number is added to the sidereal clock readings and multiplied by 2.

(6.5 + 9.4) * 2 = 31

This number must be subtracted from some constant for the celestial arrow.

Ursa Major has 55.3, i.e. 55.3 - 31 = 23.5

If after subtraction the result is a number greater than 24, then you need to subtract 24 from it.

You can take another celestial arrow, for example. Ursa Minor (the brightest star) its constant number is 59.1

Determining time by the movement of stars

The culmination of the North Star occurs at different times of the year at different times. For determining time, it does not matter whether there is a climax, and therefore both climaxes can be generalized by adding one per hour (maternity time)

Today people's lives go by the clock, and in order to find out at any moment exact time, there is nothing complicated. But even a relatively inaccurate mechanical watch is actually a rather complex device, and just 100 years ago, not everyone could afford one. And about 500 years ago, the clock installed on the tower was in best case scenario alone for the whole city. So how did people tell time before the invention of clocks? About this in this post.

You can roughly determine the time during the day by the position of the Sun, and this principle formed the basis of the first device for determining time - a sundial. In such a clock, the role of the arrow was played by the shadow of the gnomon, the end of which was directed towards the north pole.

Sundials had many disadvantages - they showed the time correctly only in a certain area, and, of course, they could only be used during the day and in sunny weather.

Also in ancient times, time was measured with water, sand and even fire clocks. True, their accuracy left much to be desired; for example, the movement of the water clock was affected by Atmosphere pressure and temperature, and the burning speed of the wick depended on the wind and air flow.

Astronomical observations can be of great help in determining time, and even in ancient times people built structures that could play the role of observatories. By observing the positions of the stars, you can determine time from high accuracy, and similar observations are used to determine the exact time today. The apparent movement of stars has an annual cycle, so observations of them helped primarily to calculate a certain day of the year. In Ancient Egypt, for example, this was how the time of the Nile flood was determined, before which it was necessary to sow the fields. At night, the stars helped determine the time of day. Interesting fact is that the ancient Egyptians identified 12 stars that rose above the horizon at approximately equal intervals during the night. It was from then that the division of the day into 24 hours, which is accepted among us today, began.

But still, the vast majority of people, especially in rural areas, previously they had to determine the time of year and time of day without any clocks or observatories, simply by observing the natural phenomena around them. Today we pay little attention to natural phenomena, but our ancestors were much more observant. Many processes in nature are periodic, and animals and plants, oddly enough, are often able to accurately determine time in accordance with their internal biological clocks. Amazingly, there are known facts when animals are able to sense and correctly determine the time of day with an accuracy of the minute!

By observing when plants bloom and birds arrive, you can roughly determine the time of year. Similar observations help to find out the time of day. Life cycle Many plants and animals correlate with the time of day. Flowers different plants open and close at different, but specific times. Most flowers open in the morning and close in the evening, but there are some that close and open in the middle of the day or at night. Based on this principle, at one time Carl Linnaeus invented and created a flower clock that “worked” with three hours morning until midnight. Looking at them, it was possible to determine the time of day with an accuracy of 30 minutes.
