How to make a flower from napkins step by step. Master class on creating a bouquet. Types of paper napkins

DIY crafts are always highly valued. When a master creates something with his own hands, he puts part of his soul into the product, especially if it is a gift for a loved one. And almost no surprise is complete without flowers. However, not everyone can buy fresh flowers. After all, children do not always have the required amount. But anyone can make them from ordinary napkins. Next, you will learn master classes on making flowers from different paper napkins.

How to make carnation flowers from napkins?

To make such a flower, prepare:

  • red napkins, maybe yellow or orange;
  • tape, thinning scissors;
  • wire, green napkins for the stem.


  • Take a four-ply napkin. Using special scissors, trim the edges on the left and right sides to create teeth.
  • Fan the napkin.
  • Tie it in the middle with a ribbon
  • Spread the napkins as shown in the picture and form a flower.
  • Secure it to the wire.
  • Then wrap the wire with a green napkin.

How to make dandelion flowers from napkins?

For dandelions you will need yellow and green napkins and wire to secure the stem.


  • Roll the yellow napkins into strips 2.5-3 centimeters high.
  • Using scissors, carefully cut a thin strip from one side.
  • Then cut thin strips of 2-3 millimeters across the entire width of the napkin.
  • Just when you cut them out, do not cut through the base of the napkin all the way so that the structure does not fall apart.
  • Roll the flower into a spiral in a circle and secure with tape.
  • Make a stem and cut out leaves like in the image above.

How to make a rose flower from napkins

Any gentleman can make such a creative rose and give it to his lady right in the restaurant. This requires one napkin and skill.


  • Spread out the four-ply napkin. Fold the top part 4 centimeters in half.
  • Wrap the top part around two fingers.
  • Tighten the resulting spiral tighter to form a bud.
  • With two fingers, squeeze the place where the bud ends and the stem begins.
  • Carefully, so as not to tear the napkin, twist the stem halfway.
  • We form a leaf by lifting the lower part of the stem.
  • Then we twist the stem to the end.

Chamomiles made from paper napkins

You can make delicate daisies from yellow, white, and green napkins.


  • Fold the white napkin in thirds so that the strip is 3 centimeters high.
  • Use scissors to cut out the petals, only touch the base of the napkin.
  • Fold the yellow napkin in half and do the same steps as you did when making the dandelion. Make the flower (yellow center) small, as in the picture above.
  • Then wrap white chamomile petals in a spiral around the middle of the flower and secure at the bottom with wire.
  • Make a stem with leaves, and then connect it to the top of the flower.

As you can see, you can make different flowers from napkins. Moreover, the flowers look like real ones. Bouquets of them can decorate the interior or decorate a festive table. And if you show your imagination, you will get a beautiful composition. Invent and create bright and unique flower bouquets, which will then delight your loved ones with their appearance.

Various decorative elements can be used to decorate the table. But it is most appropriate for these purposes to use serving napkins. You can not only fold them in a certain way, but also create lush flowers from napkins that will decorate your holiday table.

To create such flower You will need a 3-layer napkin. We took a red color with dimensions of 33x33 cm. Let's unfold the napkin so that it remains folded in half. In this case, its fold will be located on the right. Fig 1.

Fig.1 Unfolding the napkin

Cut a strip about 1.5 cm wide from the fold side. Do not throw away the cut strip, it will still be useful. Fig 2.

Fig.2 Cutting a strip for a flower from a napkin

As a result, we received a blank for the manufacture of our flower from a napkin. Let's start by folding the accordion from the bottom side. Fig 3.

Fig.3 Folding a napkin into an accordion

In this way, you need to fold the entire napkin. Fig 4.

Fig.4 Fold the entire napkin into an accordion

Now we take the cut strip and carefully tie our folded napkin in the middle. We tighten one knot, then make a second one, cutting off the ends. Fig 5.

Fig.5 We tie the napkin in the middle

We turn the workpiece over to the other side (where the knot is not visible), this will be the top side of our flower from a napkin. Fig 6.

Fig.6 Turn the workpiece over to the other side

We begin to carefully separate and lift the layers of the napkin. First, we separate one layer and lift it up along the entire circumference of the flower. Fig 7.

Sometimes we all want to refresh the walls in our apartment or house, to create a new everyday background. But after going through many options, people often come to the conclusion that there is no point in wasting their time on this and abandon this idea.

Now we will tell you and clearly show how you can make flowers from napkins with your own hands step by step, thereby adding zest and something new to your apartment, with a minimum of effort and getting maximum pleasure!

Yes, at first glance this may seem strange. After all, how can hygiene items that are already familiar to everyone add new colors to the room?

By collecting flowers from paper napkins with your own hands, you will create a pleasant atmosphere in your apartment. Today the range of paper napkins is simply huge. They are offered in different colors (thousands of colors and shades, various designs and patterns), density and material. This will greatly simplify your work, and the result will delight the eye with its beauty for a long time.

Get to the point! How to make flowers from napkins with your own hands? Just a few steps and you'll be ready.

To get started, what materials will you need:

  • Bright paper napkins;
  • Thread, wool yarn or wire;
  • Scissors;
  • Tape (narrow colored tape, quite popular in floristry).

Life hack: for everything to work out and you immediately like the result, we recommend taking several multi-colored napkins of different densities. Then each created flower will be unique. And the remaining napkins will be useful in everyday life or at the holiday table, if they are very beautiful!

DIY napkin flowers: instructions for beginners

Step 1:

To begin, cut the napkin into two parts, as shown in the photo. When you unfold the napkins, you should end up with a rectangle, not a square. If you want to make voluminous flowers, you will need a napkin consisting of several layers.

Step 2:

Place the napkins on top of each other and begin accordion folding. The smaller the accordion step, the more beautiful your flower will turn out. Using multi-layer napkins, you will get lush flowers that will look like real ones.

Just follow our step-by-step instructions and you will definitely succeed!

Step 3:

In the central part, tie the accordion with wire or thread and cover the top with a piece of napkin to hide it.

Step 4:

Using scissors, trim the edges of the napkins to form petals. If you wish, you can also make the edges of the petals of different shapes: triangular, semicircular, etc.

Step 5:

Let's start straightening the petals. Start shaping your flower from the top layers, gradually lifting each layer and creating a bud shape. Leave the last layer even so that the flower can stand on a flat surface and take on the shape of a water lily.

This is what a beautiful pink peony looks like, made at home.

Ready! Now all that remains is to repeat until the flower arrangement is ready.

Let's return to the beginning of our material - the walls. Try decorating the walls in your room with the resulting colors. You can also make leaves for the flowers using the same tissue paper, wire and glue. Of course, it is better to use green for leaves, but you can show your imagination and surprise your guests!

An excellent eco-decoration idea - take it on board!

By the way, if you get together and make light flowers from napkins with your own hands, they will be suitable not only for decorating walls. You can also use them as an original table decoration or as a creative gift for a friend, mother or loved one.

Give complete freedom to your imagination and turn ordinary paper napkins into real works of art!

Have a nice time!

Use all kinds of colors and textures

Give your interior sophistication and novelty!

Typically, napkins are used to decorate a festive table. But if you wish, you can make a very original craft from them that will decorate gift wrapping for loved ones, diversify your home interior, or decorate the same holiday table, but in a slightly different capacity.

There are different crafts made from napkins: flowers, little people, angels, animals, insects, birds, etc. Some are easy and quick to make, others require time and certain skills. We will tell you how to make flowers from the most ordinary napkins yourself with your own hands.

Such a bouquet will delight you for a long time; moreover, it does not require financial investments or a long production time. You can make flowers for every taste from napkins.

Master class on creating flowers from napkins with your own hands

We will tell you about the easiest way to make such cute crafts.

To work you will need a paper napkin, scissors, thread, glue and a tube for the stem if necessary.

First, carefully align the edges of the napkin. Fold the napkin in half. Then we make an accordion out of it: we bend the edge of the napkin by one centimeter, then we bend the next centimeter of the napkin in the other direction, we bend the next centimeter in the same direction, then the first and so on until we get the accordion effect.

We flatten the accordion, determine the middle of the napkin and tie it with thread.

For a more interesting look, round the edges of the napkin with scissors.

Now let's fluff the flower. If you have small children, then this moment will give them a lot of pleasure. They are delighted by the transformation of a piece of paper into a fluffy flower. If you just created a flower, then place it on a stem (a cocktail tube or skewer) and glue it. You can also glue it to a paper box to create a gift wrap for a gift.

You can also make a rose from napkins:

The rose always looks beautiful and is made quite quickly. To work, you need a simple single-layer napkin. Divide the napkin into four parts, which will be rose petals. To prevent the napkins from losing their decent appearance during operation, they must be dense and of high quality.

Fold the other napkins diagonally. The edges of the resulting triangles should be bent.

After this, we place the core on the triangle and wrap it with the free ends of the triangle. At the same time, we give the flower the required shape. Fix the resulting figure with thread.

We work in the same way with the rest of the blanks. Using this technique, you can make roses of various sizes and textures.

For the stem, you can use a wire wrapped in a napkin. You need to glue the napkins together with paper glue.

This flower can be used both in a composition and separately.

Trying to make your own flower bouquet for a gift

You can make a more complex version of flowers from napkins. In order for you to do everything correctly, we offer step-by-step instructions for making such a flower.

This flower can look great in a flower pot and as an accessory in your interior. Such a flower will be irreplaceable when decorating a banquet hall.

You will need: stapler, glue, napkins, bouquet base, scissors.

Draw a circle in the middle of the napkin and cut it out. Depending on the size of the base, flowers can be of different sizes. To give our bouquet a more interesting look, we outline the edges of the cut out circle with a red felt-tip pen.

Then cut out the circle.

We staple the circle in the middle.

We received a flower blank. Now let's start designing it.

From the middle, lift each layer of napkin as shown in the photo.

By lifting all the layers of the napkin, you will get a flower like this.

You need to make several of these flowers. To make enough for a bouquet, you will need 16 pieces.

Next we work with the base of the bouquet. This could be a simple foam ball. You can make the base yourself. To do this, make a ball out of newspapers, crumple them, tie it with threads, and the base is ready. You can also use a foam base. If you plan to hang your ball as an interior decoration, then you need to make a ribbon at the base in advance.

Fresh flowers are always beautiful, they add bright colors and a pleasant mood, positivity and a smile to our lives. But artificial ones can also delight and literally come to life before our eyes when they are created by a master. In today's master classes we will make beautiful flowers from napkins (paper) with our own hands. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and detailed instructions will help you create these easy crafts. You can make them together with small children and for someone's birthday.

DIY flowers from paper napkins for beginners: Roses (master class with photos)

Probably the most romantic flowers are roses. That's why we decided to make them ourselves first. Follow the instructions and step-by-step photos, and you will get just like real flowers from napkins. Even a novice craftsman can handle such easy crafts.

Necessary materials

  • napkins pink or any other color suitable for flowers
  • threads
  • scissors

Step-by-step instruction

Our DIY paper napkin flowers are ready! If you make a lot of multi-colored roses and form them into a bouquet, you will get a very beautiful composition.

Flowers made from napkins (paper) - easy DIY crafts (master class with photos)

In this master class we will make even easier crafts from paper napkins. Even a 3-year-old baby can make these flowers with his own hands, of course, with the help of his parents. As a result, you will get very beautiful marigolds.

Necessary materials

  • three-layer yellow napkins (33x33 cm), but you can take any color;
  • stapler;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make large flowers from paper napkins with your own hands (master class with photos)

Next, let's look at a diagram with step-by-step photos on how to make large flowers from napkins. Everything here is also quite simple and not very expensive. Such flowers are suitable for decorating festive tables at banquets and for forming colorful bouquets. In general, if you experiment, you can create a wonderful composition using these colors.

Necessary materials

  • three-layer napkins of any 2 colors;
  • scissors;
  • threads

You can experiment with different colors of napkins and their proportions in the flower composition. Thus, you can get spectacular and colorful flowers from paper napkins, made by yourself.
