How to make a swan from a tire. Swans for the garden from old tires: ideas and instructions. DIY tire swan

Each of us would like to have cleanliness and order around his house or dacha. Not everyone manages to achieve this; moreover, caring for the flowers that adorn their garden plot is not so easy. Everything requires a lot of time and effort. However, there is a solution to this problem! You can make crafts from scrap materials that would delight you every day and would absolutely not require constant care. Very simple and at the same time looks beautiful craft - swan from a tire.

Materials for making a swan with your own hands:

  • tire;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • plate;
  • screws;
  • water-based paint.

The process of making a swan from a tire:

1) First you need to prepare the tire for work. It is desirable that the tire be bald and without unnecessary bends.

2) It is necessary to draw the swan’s head along its width along the lines, starting with the beak, which is a rectangle 9 cm long and 2 cm wide. We continue, without lifting our hands, to draw the head. It is 2 times wider than the beak, but the length remains the same - 9-10 cm.

3) Smoothly move on to drawing the neck on the tire. You need to draw lines from the head to more than half the circumference of the tire. Often, the cut line of the tire itself does not coincide with the image of the neck, so it is necessary to draw straight lines very carefully so as not to fall into the cut.

4) Where you drew the beak, you need to mark the swan’s tail with a line, measuring 20 cm.

5) The most difficult stage in the work begins: cutting out the drawn key, neck and head. This must be done first with a drill, and then with a jigsaw file, and cut 5 cm alternately on each side.

6) After this, you need to turn the tire out, giving it the shape of a swan. The widest part that remains bends inward, and this is the support of your craft.

7) Without fastenings, the swan’s neck will not hold, so it is necessary to drill holes in the neck and head and attach the bird’s head to the plate.

8) The swan's eyes are cut out of rubber and screwed into inconspicuous screws.

9) The swan is ready, you can show your creativity and start painting it. In order for the craft to become crystal white, you will have to paint it several times, each time waiting until it dries completely.

If you want your swan to look as natural as possible, you can make a lawn around it, and also put it in another tire, painted the color of water.

This concludes our master class, more crafts for the dacha can be seen in

An unusual and sophisticated decoration for a summer cottage is swans made from tires. Let's try to figure it out in detail how to make them yourself. This “snow-white” craft is quite popular: you can do it yourself or order it to be made by experienced landscape designers. As a result, existing samples are simply duplicated, so it is difficult for the master to show off his originality. But it’s still worth a try so that another family gets a “replenishment” - swans made of tires shine with their beauty at their summer cottage.

Tire swans

How to make them accurately and quickly is worth understanding thoroughly. It’s not for nothing that they say that in addition to a flight of fancy, one must also add the deft movements of “golden hands” in order to sculpt a work of art, and not just cut something awkward out of old rubber, and place the craft for just a few days on the garden plot, and then throw away due to uselessness and aesthetic unattractiveness.

Why do you need a tire swan in your backyard?

Therefore, you will sculpt a “monument” of fidelity and purity on personal plot, then create a real swan, not ugly duckling. Your creative goal is swans from tires; decide how to make them without any problems in advance, and not at the moment of sculpting. That is, prepare drawings, tools, tires in advance, and then decide to become a master, a conqueror of a stubborn tire. Your task is to breathe life into it.

Before you start solving the question of what tire swans can be, first look at the photo, study the available instructions, and then go ahead in practical terms.

The second version of this design, when the void is filled not with earth, but with water, and in this small pond egg capsules, lilies or lotuses will soon appear. Beautiful, no doubt!

How to make drawings of swans from tires

The quality of the product depends on a good pattern. Do-it-yourself swans from tires will never turn out perfectly “by eye”; you can find photos of unsuccessful products on the Internet as confirmation of unsuccessful experiments. It’s better not to become a master, but to act according to the instructions and get a decent result at the end - high quality manufacturing swans made from tires. So, what is the usual algorithm of actions:

Thus, we painstakingly and slowly make a swan from tires, wanting to get a pleasant and original decor. If you know a simpler method for making crafts from tires, then share it in the comments after the article, your advice will be useful to someone. Thanks in advance for the information!

For many Russians country cottage area- not only a place where vegetables and fruits grow, but also a relaxation area for body and soul. Decorative ponds, garden gnomes, flower beds, paths, etc. – there are a huge number of ways to decorate a vegetable garden. Recently, crafts made from waste, such as plastic bottles and old car tires, have become popular. There are many benefits to giving a second life to old items. Step-by-step instructions for learning how to cut a beautiful swan from a tire yourself will help you make such a craft!

  • Firstly, it is environmentally friendly, because things will not rot in a landfill for centuries, polluting the environment.
  • Secondly, it’s always nice to create comfort and decorations with your own hands.
  • Thirdly, it is profitable; such decorations will require a minimum of financial investments, because every motorist’s tires wear out. You can come up with a lot of decorations for the garden from them: small flower beds, fences, artificial ponds and much more. Figures of animals and birds carved from tires are also gaining popularity. If you decide to decorate yours too garden plot, read the master class.

How to cut a swan from a tire with step-by-step instructions

To cut a swan from a tire you need:
  • Worn car tire
  • Grinder saw
  • Jigsaw
  • Thick wire, rod or steel plate
  • White and red paints for exterior use
  • You should work outside, as the grinder heats up the rubber, and this gives off a strong burning smell
  • Be sure to wear thick mittens or gloves
  • Feet must be in closed shoes

We study safety precautions when cutting a shape from a tire

Let's get started - step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan from an old wheel

For work you need to choose the most old tire, as thin as possible and, as they say, bald. The more worn the rubber is, the easier it will be to work with. If you have a choice, it is better to give preference to a tire with a nylon or nylon cord rather than a steel one. To do this, the tire itself should not have the “steel” marking. The latter are difficult to cut, and they are also dangerous both during operation and during further use: it is better not to place such a bird on the playground to avoid cuts in children.

First, you need to draw a “pattern” of the future swan on the tire. Mark a point in the middle and from there draw a beak that smoothly turns into the head and neck of the bird. When working with an R13 tire with a circumference of 1.8 m, the dimensions are approximately as follows: beak length 8-9 cm, head 9-10 long and 7-8 cm wide. The neck at the beginning has a width of 4-5 cm and is closer to the body thickens to 8-10 cm. Its length is about 75-80 centimeters.

The swan's body should remain undivided and should not be cut: this part is where the wings and neck are connected to the head.

Swan carving diagram:

After completing the drawing of the swan from the wheel, the cutting process begins. It's quick to cut with a grinder, but this heats up the rubber and gives off a strong smell of burning and soot. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make notches for the jigsaw blade using the same grinder, drill or chisel, and continue cutting with it. It is convenient to use a blade with a reverse tooth at low speeds. This way the material will heat up less, there will be no soot, and control over the process is better due to the low speed of operation.

It would be correct not to cut out one side completely and then the other, but to make small cuts on both sides one after the other. It’s much more convenient to work this way, the rubber doesn’t bend as much, and the likelihood that it will turn out symmetrically increases.

Next, you need to unscrew the workpiece. It's not long, but it's quite hard physically. To do this, you need to lay the cut part to the ground, press it down with your foot and pull the resulting wings up. The result should look something like the photo.

After this, you should secure the shape of the neck. To do this, you need to make holes in it in pairs at a distance of 15 cm from each other and insert soft wire staples into them. Use them to attach a rod or steel plate to the bird's neck from above. Next, bend the part so that it resembles the neck of a swan.

After cutting and shaping the swan, all that remains is to install the figurine in the selected area and decorate it. It will be beautiful to make not just one bird, but a couple at once. Paint the body white and the beak red. Draw eyes or form them from buttons, stones, pieces of rubber.

You can also make a stand from another tire lying on its side. An artificial pond or its imitation, for example, made of stones, will look very useful.

In addition to the swan, you can make other crafts with your own hands from tires. All you need is a little imagination and time.

Video on the topic of the article

Gardeners and car enthusiasts often have several old tires collecting dust in their garage. You are either too lazy to throw them away, or they are simply stored there with the words: “What if they come in handy.” One of the options for using old car tires- is to make a swan out of them. There are two ways to make a swan from a tire: with or without turning the tire out.

What to use for work?

The materials we will need are:

  • old car tire (it’s best to take a “bald” one and domestic production; It is also desirable that the tire be without a metal cord, since cutting it will be much easier);
  • elastic iron bar or wire (for fixing the swan's neck);
  • several screws;
  • white and a little red paint;

The tools we need are sharp knife, perhaps a jigsaw for the tightest areas of the swan. But if you have a tire with a metal cord, then without electric jigsaw not enough. You will also need a drill to attach the iron bar to the swan's neck.

Tire swan: stages of work

Another option for making a swan is to do it without turning the tire inside out, then the bird’s wings will be lowered more towards the ground.

Well, if you still have questions, watch this video:

The swan is a beautiful, graceful bird, but they love it not only because of these qualities. She is a real symbol of love, tenderness, inseparability, purity. Therefore, many people often make crafts in the form of swans from paper, wood, plastic bottles, ice and many other materials. Another interesting material is a car tire. Let's look at how to make a swan from a tire step by step.

To make a beautiful and graceful swan from a tire with your own hands, you should approach the task responsibly and prepare in advance necessary items. You will need following materials and tools:

  • tire without studs;
  • jigsaw or knife;
  • paint - white or any other, as well as yellow and black;
  • paint brushes;
  • metal staples;
  • drill or sharp nail;
  • elastic wire or metal rod;
  • pliers.

If you want to cut one swan from a tire with your own hands, then one tire is enough. And if you want to make a cute couple or a whole group, then, of course, the quantity car tires must correspond to the number of “feathered” specimens.

It is best to use worn, scuffed, old tires passenger cars. It is this material that is easier and more convenient to work with. It is also optimal to use domestic products.

You should not make garden decorations with your own hands from foreign-made tires, with spikes, or with a metal cord.

Before you start, you need to clean the material from dust and dirt and let it dry.

Step-by-step instructions

A creative event requires caution and attentiveness. Before starting work, put on thick gloves and safety glasses. Then follow the step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan from a tire:

  • Take a tire and make a mark with chalk along which you will cut out the desired bird. Depends on this scheme future view decorations. First you need to divide the wheel into two parts, mark the head and neck, they should correspond in length to half the wheel. Then outline the body, wings, tail. A photograph with a swan marking diagram will come to your aid:

  • After this, you need to cut the swan out of the tire, for which you can use a jigsaw or a sharp knife. You need to cut according to the diagram drawn in chalk.

Advice! Don't cut out one side first and then try to do the other. The process will be very labor-intensive and inconvenient. It is recommended to cut the swan parallel, working on each side.

  • Cut it out? Let's start giving the bird a realistic shape. To do this, lay the material with the cut part down, step on it with your foot and pull to turn out the side elements.

  • Now you need to fix the swan's neck from the tires, otherwise it won't hold on. This can be done according to the following scheme: make two holes along the neck for every 10-15 centimeters (using a drill or an ordinary nail, if you don’t have the first tool), such holes need to be made in the body of the bird. Then insert metal staples into the paired holes, secure the wire to the neck and torso, and secure it with staples using pliers.
  • The next step is to paint the swan from the wheel. It is necessary to choose durable paints, so nitro paint, oil paint, enamel paint, and car paint in aerosol form are suitable. Traditionally used White color, but you can use any other one to make a non-standard bird on your site. The tip of the head should be painted orange or yellow tint to imitate a beak. In addition, you need to highlight the eyes with black or blue, and you can also paint on the feathers. To design such details, you can use acrylic paints.

Video: step-by-step instruction making a swan from a tire.

Where and how to place

And now the work on making the decorative bird is behind us. Surely the question arises - where is it better to place a swan so that it looks colorful and impressive? Let's look at some of the most popular and interesting options:

  • IN artificial reservoir. The swan is a waterfowl, so for it a body of water is habitat a habitat. And even an artificial swan made from tires will look natural in the water.

  • On a blue tire that imitates water. It is not necessary to have an artificial pond in your dacha or garden; you can make an imitation of it from a tire painted blue or light blue.

  • Make a flowerbed out of a swan. You can place the bird in any visible area of ​​the garden and make it into a flower bed with your favorite flowers.

  • Swan on a stone flowerbed. The product will look interesting on any flower bed made of stones. Read about how to make such a flowerbed.

  • The product can be placed on a bed that imitates a pond. It can be covered with sand, stones painted blue, and decorated with plants or flowers.

Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

Although all the designs for making the product are very similar, you can decorate your garden with an artificial bird in different ways. And all options will differ in individuality and style. The photos below prove it:

Video: master classes on making a swan from tires with your own hands.

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