Isidore of Seville on religion. The meaning of Isidore of Seville in the Orthodox encyclopedia tree. Chapter II. About the seven liberal arts

Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich was one of the prominent political figures of the Soviet state. He held leading positions in the Ukrainian SSR.

He was a participant in the October Revolution. Contributed to the development of industry and the implementation of the plan for accelerated industrialization. At the end of his life, he “made his way” to the very top, becoming chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. He was repressed in '39.


The family of Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich lived in the Ekaterinoslav province. Vlas was born on February 22, 1891 in the village of Fedorovka. Besides him, there were seven more children in the family. Parents were simple peasants and worked hard in the fields. Vlas helped them since childhood, working equally with adults. At the age of thirteen, Vlas entered the Zaporozhye Technical School. One of his older brothers, Pavel, was an activist in revolutionary organizations. It was he who brought the young man to the Bolsheviks. From childhood, the guy was imbued with hatred of the existing socio-political system. In nine hundred and five, the first revolution in Russia begins. Pavel Chubar takes an active part in it and dies in street battles with the tsarist troops.

Vlas also takes part in the rebellion, despite his young age. The death of his brother, who had been his mentor, added personal motives to his desire to overthrow the autocratic regime. In 1907, the guy joined the Bolshevik organization. He maintained contact with its members in the Ekaterinoslav province until 1911, when Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich graduated from college.

Starting a career in industry

After completing his studies, Vlas goes to Donbass. There he gets a job at one of the enterprises in Kramatorsk. This city was one of the rapidly developing settlements in Donbass. New enterprises attracted thousands of people from all over the empire. There was also a strong underground movement of revolutionaries in Kramatorsk. Therefore, Vlas maintains contacts with the Bolsheviks there too. A few years later he moved to the south of Donbass, to the city of Mariupol. Works there for modern enterprises, which allows him to subsequently go to Petrograd.

It is in the capital of Russia that he meets February revolution. Actively supports it. He agitates workers in his factory and stands on the barricades himself. After Nicholas's abdication, Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich becomes a deputy of the factory committee, after which he is elected to the Petrograd Workers' Council.

Red Revolution

Vlas conducts agitation activities among workers and councils. Meets October Revolution as commissar of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee. During the Civil War, he headed the association of boards of machine-building plants. During these difficult times, the new Soviet government plays an extremely important role.

Russian empire seriously lagged behind others European countries in the development of industrial industry. The devastating Civil War further worsened the situation.

In the early twenties, Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich headed the organizational bureau for the restoration of the industrial potential of the Ukrainian SSR. The process is extremely difficult and problematic. Predominantly agricultural Ukraine suffered greatly from the Civil War and the intervention of Western powers. All industry was concentrated in the east of the republic, while in the west it was practically absent.

To purchase modern equipment, it was necessary to contact foreign companies. Chubar is a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. The new position actually brings him to the very top of power.

Secretary General's dissatisfaction

Stalin personally draws attention to Vlas. The General Secretary was extremely dissatisfied with Chubar's work. This is evidenced by Stalin's secret letter to Molotov and Kaganovich. In it, he points out Vlas’s frivolous attitude to work and his opportunism. The message also mentions Stalin's intention to remove the chairman from his position. Meanwhile, the wife and children of Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich are moving to the capital. And Vlas himself is becoming an increasingly significant figure in the Central Committee of the party.

The rise of politics

After the final establishment of the Stalinist regime in the USSR, great changes began in the party.

The famous Seventeenth Party Congress is taking place. It discusses the further development of the Soviet state over the next five years. After this, large-scale purges begin in the ranks of the party. By resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Chubar was appointed Minister of Finance.

However, Vlas's personality is not liked by many prominent members of the Central Committee. In particular, Kosior and Eikhe regularly report on Chubar’s offenses. Rudzutak and Antipov are also spreading rumors. As a result, the People's Commissar of Finance does not have the best reputation. This leads to an open meeting of the Central Committee, at which a decision is made to remove Chubar from his position.

Death of a politician

After Vlas Yakovlevich was expelled from the Central Committee, contrary to expectations, he was not arrested immediately. Due to the lack of evidence, he is sent to Solikamsk to a lower position. There he was supposed to build a pulp mill. However, such deportation did not save him. In July thirty-eighth he was arrested.

After this, a lengthy investigation begins. Chubar is accused of anti-Soviet activities. On February 22, Chubar Vlas Yakovlevich was shot. 1891-1939 - years of life. In 1955 he was rehabilitated.

Predecessor: Grigory Fedorovich Grinko Successor: Arseny Grigorievich Zverev November 3 - February 1 July 15, 1923 - April 28, 1934 Predecessor: Christian Georgievich Rakovsky Successor: Panas Petrovich Lyubchenko July 6, 1923 - May 21, 1925 Head of the government: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Alexey Ivanovich Rykov Birth: February 10 (22)(1891-02-22 )
With. Fedorovka, Ekaterinoslav Governorate, Russian Empire now Pologovsky District Death: February 26(1939-02-26 ) (48 years old)
Moscow, Russian SFSR The consignment: CPSU(b) (since 1907) Awards:

Vlas Yakovlevich Chubar(ukr. Vlas Yakovich Chubar, February 10 (22) ( 18910222 ) - February 26) - Soviet statesman and party leader. Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1907. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Central Executive Committee of the USSR and its Presidium. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR since 1937. Shot in 1939.


Vlas was attracted to the Bolshevik organization as a teenager by his older brother Pavel, who died at the barricades in 1905. Vlas was also a participant in the revolution of 1905-1907. He joined the RSDLP(b). After graduating from college, he worked at factories in Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Moscow, and Petrograd.

In leading positions of the Ukrainian SSR

Pay serious attention to Ukraine. Chubar, with his corruption and opportunistic guts, and Kosior, with his rotten diplomacy (in relation to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party) and criminally frivolous attitude to business, will ultimately ruin Ukraine. Leading today's Ukraine is beyond the capabilities of these comrades. I got the impression (perhaps even the conviction) that both Chubar and Kosior would have to be removed from Ukraine.

Stalin in code to Kaganovich and Molotov 2.7.1932

Takeoff and execution

V-, - Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, at the same time - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR. Since November 3, 1926, V. Ya. Chubar has been a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Delegate to the “Congress of Winners” (January 26 -February 10). From February 1 to June 16, Vlas Chubar was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1938 he was the People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR.

Rehabilitated by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR on August 24, 1955. In the same 1955, he was also rehabilitated in party terms by the decision of the CPC under the CPSU Central Committee.

On January 13, 2010, the Court of Appeal of the city of Kyiv ruled that Chubar was one of the organizers of the Holodomor in Ukraine.




  • Chubar V. Ya. Selected articles and promotions [Text] / V. Ya. Chubar. - K.: Politvidav Ukraine, 1972. - 628 p.

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  1. Moskovtseva Vitalina.(Ukrainian). Zaporizka truth (07.10.2010). .
  2. O.V. Khlevnyuk. Politburo. Mechanisms of political power in the 30s. - M.: "Russian Political Encyclopedia" (ROSSPEN), 1996. - P. 229. - 304 p. - ISBN 5-86004-050-4.
  3. Resolution of the Kiev Court of Appeal dated 13 June 2010 No. 1-33/2010 for criminal justice, destroyed due to the fact of genocide committed in Ukraine in 1932–1933
  4. (Ukrainian)
  5. Moskalenko-Visotska O. M.(Ukrainian). Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine (2014). .
  6. .
  7. (Ukrainian). Zaporizka miska is glad (02/19/2016).


An excerpt characterizing Chubar, Vlas Yakovlevich

Pierre, after the matchmaking of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his previous life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths revealed to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyful he was during that first time of infatuation. internal work self-improvement, which he devoted himself to with such fervor, after Prince Andrei’s engagement to Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news almost at the same time, all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. Only one skeleton of life remained: his home with his brilliant wife, who now enjoyed the favors of one important person, acquaintance with all of St. Petersburg and service with boring formalities. And this old life suddenly she introduced herself to Pierre with unexpected disgust. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the company of his brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again became close to single companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilievna considered it necessary to make a stern reprimand to him. Pierre, feeling that she was right, and in order not to compromise his wife, left for Moscow.
In Moscow, as soon as he entered his huge house with withered and withering princesses, with huge courtyards, as soon as he saw - driving through the city - this Iverskaya Chapel with countless candle lights in front of golden vestments, this Kremlin Square with untrodden snow, these cab drivers and the shacks of Sivtsev Vrazhka, saw old Moscow people who wanted nothing and were slowly living out their lives, saw old women, Moscow ladies, Moscow balls and the Moscow English Club - he felt at home, in a quiet refuge. In Moscow he felt calm, warm, familiar and dirty, like wearing an old robe.
Moscow society, everyone, from old women to children, accepted Pierre as their long-awaited guest, whose place was always ready and not occupied. For Moscow society, Pierre was the sweetest, kindest, smartest, cheerful, generous eccentric, absent-minded and sincere, Russian, old-fashioned gentleman. His wallet was always empty, because it was open to everyone.
Benefit performances, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, gypsies, schools, subscription dinners, revelries, Freemasons, churches, books - no one and nothing was refused, and if not for his two friends, who borrowed a lot of money from him and took him under their custody, he would give everything away. There was no lunch or evening at the club without him. As soon as he slumped back in his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margot, people surrounded him and conversations, arguments, and jokes ensued. Where they quarreled, he made peace with one of his kind smiles and, by the way, a joke. Masonic lodges were boring and lethargic without him.
When, after a single dinner, he, with a kind and sweet smile, surrenders to requests fun company, got up to go with them, joyful, solemn cries were heard among the youth. At balls he danced if there was no gentleman available. Young ladies and young ladies loved him because, without courting anyone, he was equally kind to everyone, especially after dinner. “Il est charmant, il n"a pas de sehe,” [He is very cute, but has no gender], they said about him.
Pierre was that retired good-natured chamberlain living out his days in Moscow, of which there were hundreds.
How horrified he would have been if seven years ago, when he had just arrived from abroad, someone had told him that he didn’t need to look for anything or invent anything, that his path had been broken long ago, determined from eternity, and that, no matter how he turn around, he will be what everyone else in his position was. He couldn't believe it! Didn’t he want with all his soul to establish a republic in Russia, to be Napoleon himself, to be a philosopher, to be a tactician, to defeat Napoleon? Didn’t he see the opportunity and passionately desire to regenerate the vicious human race and bring himself to the highest degree of perfection? Didn't he establish schools and hospitals and set his peasants free?
And instead of all this, here he is, the rich husband of an unfaithful wife, a retired chamberlain who loves to eat, drink and easily scold the government when unbuttoned, a member of the Moscow English Club and everyone’s favorite member of Moscow society. For a long time he could not come to terms with the idea that he was the same retired Moscow chamberlain whose type he so deeply despised seven years ago.
Sometimes he consoled himself with thoughts that this was the only way he was leading this life; but then he was horrified by another thought, that so far, how many people had already entered, like him, with all their teeth and hair, into this life and into this club, and left without one tooth and hair.
In moments of pride, when he thought about his position, it seemed to him that he was completely different, special from those retired chamberlains whom he had despised before, that they were vulgar and stupid, happy and reassured by their position, “and even now I am still dissatisfied “I still want to do something for humanity,” he said to himself in moments of pride. “Or maybe all those comrades of mine, just like me, struggled, were looking for some new, their own path in life, and just like me, by the force of the situation, society, breed, that elemental force against which there is no a powerful man, they were brought to the same place as I,” he said to himself in moments of modesty, and after living in Moscow for some time, he no longer despised, but began to love, respect and pity, as well as himself, his comrades by fate .
Pierre was not, as before, in moments of despair, melancholy and disgust for life; but the same illness, which had previously expressed itself in sharp attacks, was driven inside and did not leave him for a moment. "For what? For what? What is going on in the world?” he asked himself in bewilderment several times a day, involuntarily beginning to ponder the meaning of the phenomena of life; but knowing from experience that there were no answers to these questions, he hastily tried to turn away from them, took up a book, or hurried to the club, or to Apollo Nikolaevich to chat about city gossip.
“Elena Vasilievna, who has never loved anything except her body and is one of the stupidest women in the world,” thought Pierre, “seems to people to be the height of intelligence and sophistication, and they bow before her. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone as long as he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian, Emperor Franz has been trying to offer him his daughter as an illegitimate wife. The Spaniards send up prayers to God through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they defeated the French on June 14th, and the French send up prayers through the same Catholic clergy that they defeated the Spaniards on June 14th. My brother Masons swear on blood that they are ready to sacrifice everything for their neighbor, and do not pay one ruble each for the collection of the poor and intrigue Astraeus against the Seekers of Manna, and are busy about the real Scottish carpet and about an act, the meaning of which is not known even to those who wrote it, and which no one needs. We all profess the Christian law of forgiveness of insults and love for one’s neighbor - the law, as a result of which we erected forty forty churches in Moscow, and yesterday we whipped a fleeing man, and the servant of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, allowed the cross to be kissed by a soldier before execution.” . So thought Pierre, and this whole, common, universally recognized lie, no matter how accustomed he was to it, as if it were something new, amazed him every time. “I understand these lies and confusion,” he thought, “but how can I tell them everything that I understand? I tried and always found that deep down in their souls they understand the same thing as me, but they just try not to see it. So it must be so! But for me, where should I go?” thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and to see too clearly the evil and lies of life in order to be able to take a serious part in it. Every area of ​​labor in his eyes was associated with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he undertook, evil and lies repulsed him and blocked all paths of activity for him. Meanwhile, I had to live, I had to be busy. It was too scary to be under the yoke of these insoluble questions of life, and he gave himself up to his first hobbies just to forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.
He read and read everything that came to hand, and read so that, having arrived home, when the footmen were still undressing him, he, having already taken a book, read - and from reading he passed on to sleep, and from sleep to chatting in the drawing rooms and club, from chatter to revelry and women, from revelry back to chatter, reading and wine. Drinking wine became more and more a physical and at the same time a moral need for him. Despite the fact that the doctors told him that, given his corruption, wine was dangerous for him, he drank a lot. He felt quite good only when, without noticing how, having poured several glasses of wine into his large mouth, he experienced a pleasant warmth in his body, tenderness for all his neighbors and the readiness of his mind to respond superficially to every thought, without delving into its essence. Only after drinking a bottle and two wines did he vaguely realize that the tangled, terrible knot of life that had terrified him before was not as terrible as he thought. With a noise in his head, chatting, listening to conversations or reading after lunch and dinner, he constantly saw this knot, from some side of it. But only under the influence of wine did he say to himself: “It’s nothing. I will unravel this - so I have an explanation ready. But now there’s no time—I’ll think about all this later!” But this never came afterwards.
On an empty stomach, in the morning, all the previous questions seemed just as insoluble and terrible, and Pierre hastily grabbed the book and rejoiced when someone came to him.
Sometimes Pierre recalled a story he had heard about how in war soldiers, being under cover fire and having nothing to do, diligently find something to do in order to make it easier to endure danger. And to Pierre all people seemed to be such soldiers escaping life: some by ambition, some by cards, some by writing laws, some by women, some by toys, some by horses, some by politics, some by hunting, some by wine, some state affairs. “Nothing is insignificant or important, it’s all the same: just to escape from it as best I can!” thought Pierre. - “Just don’t see her, this terrible one.”

At the beginning of winter, Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky and his daughter arrived in Moscow. Due to his past, his intelligence and originality, especially due to the weakening at that time of enthusiasm for the reign of Emperor Alexander, and due to the anti-French and patriotic trend that reigned in Moscow at that time, Prince Nikolai Andreich immediately became the subject of special respect from Muscovites and the center of Moscow opposition to the government.

The text is reproduced from the publication: Medieval Latin literature of the 4th-9th centuries. M. 1970

Texts translated from foreign publications are taken from the website

Among the writers of the VI-VII centuries. the Bishop of Seville Isidore (570-638) has a special place, comparable to the place of Augustine in the culture of the 4th-5th centuries. Isidore's activities are directly related to the policy of strengthening Spanish statehood, which was pursued by the Visigothic kingdom after King Reccared renounced Arianism (587) and the Visigoths adopted the Roman Catholic confession. This policy required the ideological consolidation of society, and the Bishop of Seville took upon himself the task of systematizing all the then known knowledge and presenting it in a form understandable to his contemporaries. His work acquired enormous historical significance for the entire late Middle Ages, becoming the main source of education for a number of generations and thereby largely determining the intellectual horizons of medieval man and the methods of his thinking.

In accordance with the general desire of the Toledo court to stand on a par with the “Roman” empire, for which they edited laws and minted coins with the royal image, Isidore undertook a kind of “restoration” of Latin culture of the 4th-5th centuries, using for this the culture that had not yet died out in Spain and in neighboring Africa the ancient and Christian tradition. Isidore, as can be established, had at his disposal late antique commentaries on school authors, scholia, reference books such as grammars and dictionaries, as well as works of Latin patristics and some classical writers, which allowed him to carry out the work bequeathed by Augustine in his essay “On Christian Science.” "

Condensed and simplified, in small chronicles (“Chronicle”, “History of the Kings of the Goths”), expositions of the Bible (“On the Birth and Death of the Fathers”), in allegorical interpretations (“Some allegories of the Holy Scripture”) and moral and edifying collections (“Sentences” "), as well as in natural science treatises ("On the order of creations", "On the nature of things") and, finally, in a huge explanatory encyclopedia ("Etymology, or Elements") Isidore introduced his contemporaries to history, geography, cosmology, anthropology, theology, grammar, offering the reader the knowledge he has collected from everywhere as a solid norm, justified by the authority of the Christian and ancient tradition. Selecting information from these and other writers without prejudiced hostility towards pagan literature, Isidore sought to establish the final, indisputable truth about each subject. At the same time, not only many definitions and facts, but also the very methods of approaching the material turned out to be taken from ancient science. Two such methods were analogy and etymology, developed by Hellenistic grammarians and developed by Isidore into a universal tool of scientific analysis. Etymology as a search for fundamental principles gave him the opportunity to present all knowledge as the sum of primary elements, and analogy made it possible to establish a connection between the macro- and microworld. Isidore's treatises took the form of terminological studies that explained the meaning and content of the most important concepts with which medieval man operated. The widespread use of Greco-Roman sources in them did not mean, of course, a return to the ancient worldview, but nevertheless determined the qualities of the material from which European culture was later synthesized. It also left an imprint on the spiritual appearance of Isidore himself, who became closer to the static serenity of Stoic morality than the mysticism of Gregory the Great or the excited dynamics of Augustine: Isidore ends his experience of introspection, compiled in the form of a rhetorical exhortation (“Synonyms”), with a hymn to reason and reason borrowed from Cicero. actually leaves no room for Christian asceticism. The call to “know your nature” is more important for him than the call to “remake it.”

Descendants valued Isidore not only as a scientist, but also as a stylist, calling the sublime style of rhetorical prayer prose “Isidore’s.” In the Divine Comedy his name is mentioned next to the Venerable Bede:

Behind him they burn, continuing the circle,

Isidore, Bede and Rickard are next to him,

Inhuman in the highest of sciences.

(“Paradise”, X, 130-132; translation I. Lozinsky)

(translated by T. A. Miller; S. Zheleznov; the history of the first two chapters is ready - translation by Miller, the rest - by S. Zheleznov, the history of the Vandals and Sueves, translation by the creator of the site "Thietmar" a)

Text from the publication: Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain” Liverpool Univ. Press, 1999. Medieval Latin literature of the 4th-9th centuries. M. 1970




O sacred Spain, ever-happy mother of leaders and peoples, you are more beautiful than all lands from the West to the Indians. You are now rightfully the queen of all provinces, radiating light not only to the west, but also to the east. You are the honor and beauty of the world, the most glorious region of the earth, in which the glorious Gothic tribe flourishes abundantly in great joy.

As you deserve, merciful nature has endowed you with the fertility of all living things. You are rich in berries, you are inexhaustible strength, you are pleased with the harvest, you are dressed in cornfields, overshadowed by olives and decorated with the pattern of vines. Your meadows bloom, your mountains turn green and your shores are abundant with fish. You're lying in the middle best country light, you do not burn out in the summer from the heat of the sun and do not wither from the icy cold, but, surrounded by a temperate celestial zone, you eat happy zephyrs. You give birth to everything that is fruitful in arable land, precious in metals, beautiful and useful in living beings. You are no worse than those streams that are famous for their famous herds.

Neither Alpheus with his horses, nor Clitumnus with his cattle, can compare with you, although Alpheus, dedicated to the Olympic palms, rushes the winged quadrigas, and Clitumnus once sacrificed huge bulls to the Capitolians. Even in Etruria you cannot find such rich pastures as yours, and you do not marvel at the groves of Molorch, full of palm trees, and you are not afraid to recognize your horses in the race at the annual races. You are rich in deep rivers and yellow with gold-bearing streams. Your source is horseradish. Your fleece glows with natural purple, like Tyrian crimson. Your stone, sparkling among the darkness of steep mountains, glows with the brilliance of the sun, which is nearby.

You are rich in rivers, and precious stones, and purple, you give birth to rulers and that which comes with power. You are as generous with decorations for leaders as you are happy to give birth to them. Already in ancient times, golden Rome, the head of nations, legally loved you, and although this Roman valor took you in your first marriage, the prosperous Gothic tribe, after many victories throughout the land, captured you by force and fell in love, and still enjoys strong power among the royal islands and many riches.


1. There is no doubt that the Gothic tribe is very ancient; some trace its origin to Magog, the son of Japheth, judging by the similarity of the last syllable and concluding this mainly from the words of the prophet Ezekiel. Scientists, on the contrary, are accustomed to calling them “getae” more often than “Gog and Magog.” They are described as a very brave people who sought to devastate even Judea.

2. In our language their name is interpreted as “covered,” and this indicates courage. Indeed, no tribe on earth caused the Roman Empire as much trouble as they did. After all, even Alexander ordered them to be avoided, Pyrrhus was afraid of them, and Caesar was afraid. For many centuries they were ruled first by chiefs and then by kings. According to the order of their reign, one should set out the sequential course of events and connect pieces from the stories about that. under what name they ruled and how they acted.

3. In the year XII BC, when Gnaeus Pompey and Julius Caesar began a civil war for power, the Goths came to Thessaly to help Gnaeus Pompey against Caesar. Ethiopians, Indians, Persians, Medes, Greeks, Armenians, Scythians and other eastern peoples gathered against Julius fought in Pompey's army, but the Goths resisted Caesar most courageously. They say that Caesar, amazed by their number and valor, was already thinking about flight if night had not put an end to the battle. Caesar then said that Pompey does not know how to win, and Caesar cannot be defeated, because if Pompey knew how to win, then with such persistent forces he would defeat Caesar today.

4 . In era 294 (= AD 256), In the first year of the reign of Valerian and Gallienus, the Goths descended from the Alpine mountains where they lived and devastated Greece, Macedonia, Pontus, Asia and Illyricum. For almost fifteen years they held Illyricum and Macedonia in their power, until Emperor Claudius defeated them and they returned to their places. The Romans honored Augustus Claudius for driving away such a strong tribe from the borders of the republic. He was given a golden shield in the Forum and a golden statue on the Capitol.

5 . In era 369 (= AD 331) in the twenty-sixth year of Emperor Constantine The Goths invaded the lands of the Sarmatians and they went against the Romans with a huge army. Thanks to superior forces, they destroyed the people and plundered the land. Constantine personally lined up troops against them and, after a fierce battle, defeated the Goths, pushing them beyond the Danube . Constantine demonstrated his valor against different nations, but most of all he is famous for his victory over the Goths. The Romans, with the approval of the Senate, awarded him a public ovation, for he defeated many nations and returned the captured lands to the empire.

6 . In era 407 (= AD 369) in the fifth year of Emperor Valens , Athanaric became the first to take power over the Goths, he ruled for thirteen years . He began a brutal persecution of believers, opposing himself to the Goths, who were Christians. Many of the latter became martyrs because they did not agree to sacrifice to idols. Atanarich was afraid to kill the rest, because there were a lot of them. Having ended the persecution, he allowed them, or rather forced them, to leave the kingdom and go to Roman territories.

7 . In era 415 (= AD 377) in the thirteenth year of Emperor Valens, the Goths in Istria were divided between Athanaric and Fritigern, committing mutual massacres. Athanaric prevailed over Fritigern with the help of Emperor Valens. In response to help, Athanaric sent envoys to the emperor, with gifts and a request to provide teachers capable of instructing in the Christian faith 10 . Valens, meanwhile, departed from the true Catholic faith and was engulfed in the delusion of the Arian heresy. Therefore he sent heretical priests who had evil beliefs, adding Goths to those who professed erroneous doctrine. With this poisonous crop he poisoned wonderful people who are still long years held erroneous views, sincerely believing in their truth.

8 . Then their bishop Ulfilas came up with Gothic letters and translated the Old and New Testaments into their language 11 . Since the Goths had letters and law, they created churches of their own kind, holding, in accordance with Arius, the following doctrine of divisibility. They believed that the Son was less important than the Father and followed Him. They were of the opinion that the Holy Spirit was not Lord and did not proceed from the essence of the Father, but was created by the Son, and was intended to serve and obey both. They argued that there was one otherness and one essence of the Father, another was the Son, and finally another was the Holy Spirit, thus they did not worship one God and Lord, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, but had three different gods. They set this evil blasphemy on for a long time and adhered to it throughout the reign of the kings for 213 years. In the end, thinking about salvation, they cast aside errors and, thanks to the mercy of Christ, united themselves with the Catholic faith.

9 . In era 416 (= AD 378) in the fourteenth year of Emperor Valens, the Goths, the same ones who had previously expelled Christians from native land, were themselves, together with King Athanaric, expelled by the Huns. Having crossed the Danube, they surrendered - although without laying down their arms - since they could not resist the power of Emperor Valens, and received Thrace for settlement 12 . However, when their freedoms to which they were accustomed were restricted by the Romans, they rebelled. They devastated Thrace with fire and sword, destroyed the Roman army, and burned Valens himself to death, who, having been wounded by a spear, fled to one of the surrounding villas. The one who gave so many pure souls to the eternal flame was himself burned alive by the Gotami 13 .

10 . During the rebellion, the Goths met those Gothic confessors whom they themselves had previously expelled from their land because of their faith, and wished to unite with them and share the spoils. When the confessors rejected the offer, some were killed. Others, living in mountainous areas and providing themselves with everything they needed on their own, not only survived as Catholic Christians, but also remained on good terms with the Romans, who had sheltered them earlier.

11 . In era 419 (= AD 381) in the third year of Emperor Theodosius the Spaniard 14 , Athanaric agreed with Theodosius about friendship and went to Constantinople. There, fifteen days after the honorary reception, he died 15 . Since the king died, the Goths, friendly received by the emperor Theodosius, agreed on peace with him and recognized Roman power over themselves.

12 . In era 420 (= AD 382) in the fourth year of Emperor Theodosius, the Goths rejected the treaty with the Romans and installed Alaric as their king. Thus they showed that they were no longer under Roman rule and henceforth followed the laws and commands of those whom they had previously rejected, and with whom they had refused an alliance after winning the battle 16 .

13 . In era 437 (= AD 399) in the fourth year of the emperors Honorius and Arcadius 17 The Goths forcibly divided the kingdom into two parts between Alaric and Radagais 18 , because they could not come to an agreement on how to destroy the Romans, and they also decided to divide Italy into parts for plunder.

14 . In era 443 (= AD 405) in the tenth year of the emperors Arcadius and Honorius, Radagaisus, king of the Goths, a Scythian by birth, an adherent of the cult of idols and barbaric savagery, destructively invaded Italy with 200,000 troops, vowing, despising Christ, to bestow the blood of the Romans on his gods in case of victory. His army was surrounded by the Roman general Stilicho in the Tuscan mountains and defeated by hunger rather than by sword. After this, the king was captured and killed.

15 . In era 447 (= AD 409) in the fifteenth year of the emperor Arcadius, having learned of the death of Radagais, Alaric, his co-emperor - being a Christian in name, but a heretic in deeds - was greatly upset that so many Goths were killed by the Romans. He went to battle against Rome, wanting to avenge the blood of his fellow tribesmen. Besieging Rome, he stormed in after a devastating assault 19 . So the City, the conqueror of all nations, submitted to the victorious Goths; humiliated and captivated, he began to serve them. However, the Goths distinguished themselves by showing mercy to Rome. They swore an oath that if they entered the city, they would not subject those Romans who took refuge in the churches to destruction. After such an oath, they launched an attack; everyone who fled to holy places escaped death and captivity. Even those who were outside the churches, but simply called on the name of Christ and the saints, received mercy from the Goths.

16 . Although the robbery of the rest of the population was not prohibited, the savagery of the enemies was quite restrained. When the Goths were subjecting the city to the devastation described, a noble man approached an elderly virgin dedicated to God. He politely advised her to bring all the silver and gold she had. She did this wisely. While he was admiring the shape and beauty of the vessels created by the ancient Romans, the virgin said: “I was entrusted with preserving these vessels for the sanctuary of the Apostle Peter: take them if you dare. I dare not hand over such holy things to enemies. ” Frightened by the mention of the name of the Apostle, Goth, through a messenger, reported the incident to the king. The king immediately ordered everything to be returned to the sanctuary of St. Peter with an apology, saying that he was fighting the Romans, not the Apostles.

17 . Thus the virgin went back, honored with a procession of honor, accompanied by those who followed her and chanted hymns and songs, carrying on their heads silver and gold vessels, surrounded by armed guards provided by order of the king. Crowds of Christians flocked from secluded places hearing voices singing. Even the pagans went with them, pretending to be Christians in order to avoid death.

18 . At that time, the Goths captured Galla Placidia, daughter of the ruler Theodosius, sister of the emperors Arcadius and Honorius, in Rome, along with an incalculable amount of gold. Having robbed the Romans of their wealth, destroyed and burned some parts of the city, they left on the third day. From there, boarding ships, they decided to go to Sicily, which is separated from Italy by a narrow strait. Having ventured into a hostile sea, they lost a significant part of the army. However, the glory of the victors of Rome was so great that in comparison with it, losses at sea seemed insignificant; the victory completely atoned for the shipwreck. Soon after, Alaric died. He died in Italy in the twenty-eighth year of his reign.

20 . In era 454 ( = AD 416) in the twenty-second year of the emperors Arcadius and Honorius, Sigeric was elected king in place of Ataulf 21 . Zealous in achieving peace with the Romans, he was soon killed by his own men.

21 . In the same era and year, Valia succeeded Sigeric and reigned for three years 22 . He was chosen by the Goths to wage war, but directed by divine providence towards peace. As soon as he began to rule, he immediately concluded an agreement with Emperor Honorius. He returned with honor the emperor's sister, Galla Placidia, who had previously been captured in Rome. He promised the emperor to field troops on the side of the Roman state. He was then called to Spain by the patrician Constantius 23 .

22 . Valia staged a grand massacre of barbarians in the name of Rome. He defeated the Silingian Vandals in Baetica in battle. He destroyed the Alans who ruled the Vandals and Suevi so thoroughly that when their king Atax was killed, the few who survived forgot the name of their kingdom and submitted to the Vandal king of Galicia, Gunderic. After finishing the War in Spain, Valia was going to cross to Africa with naval fleets, which equipped. But caught in a serious storm in the Strait of Cadiz 24 , and remembering the shipwrecks that happened during the time of Alaric, he decided not to tempt fate and returned to Gaul. As recognition of his services, the emperor gave him Lower Aquitaine, with all the cities of the surrounding provinces, along the ocean coast.

23 . In era 457 (= AD 419) in the twenty-fifth year of the emperors Honorius and Arcadius, King Valius died and was succeeded by Theoderid, who reigned for thirty-three years 25 . Not satisfied with the Kingdom of Aquitaine, he rejected the peace treaty with Rome and plundered many Roman cities neighboring his lands. He attacked Arles, the most important city in Gaul, and besieged it with enormous forces. However, he retreated from there, not without fear of the forces of Aetius, commander of the Roman army.

24 . After Aetius was removed from command of the troops by Emperor Valentinian 26 , Theodorid captured the city of Narbonne, taking it with a long siege and starvation. Once again he was put to flight, this time by Litorius, commander of the Roman army, with the help of the Huns. But although Litorius first defeated the Goths, later, guided by demonic signs and the words of the soothsayers, he again began war with them. As a result, the Roman army was defeated and Litorius died a loser. From this it is clearly seen that all his misfortunes would not have happened if he had relied on faith, and not on demonic signs 27 .

25 . Theodorid made peace with the Romans and, together with the Roman commander Aetius, participated in the battle on the Catalaunian fields against the Huns, who devastated the Gallic provinces, brutally killing the population and destroying cities. Theodorid died in the battle, but as it became clear later, he died a winner. The Goths, under the leadership of Thorismund, son of Theodorid, fought so severely that between the first and last battles 300,000 people fell. 28 .

26 . Many signs in heaven and earth foreshadowed these events, miracles preceded a cruel war. Earthquakes occurred constantly, the moon darkened in the east, and a huge comet appeared from the west and was visible for some time. In the north, the skies turned red, foreshadowing blood and fire; they were crossed out by sparkling lines, like golden spears. It is not surprising that the death of so many people was marked by divine signs.

27 . The Huns, slaughtered almost to the point of complete extermination, left Gaul and fled with their king Attila to Italy, where they attacked some cities. There they suffered innumerable disasters, stricken by hunger and heavenly punishment. Moreover, Emperor Marcian 29 sent an army and defeated the Huns with a swift attack. Seriously weakened, the Huns returned to their land, where Attila, their king, soon died 30 .

28 . Immediately after this, Attila's sons began to fight for the kingdom. The Huns, having already suffered significant losses, began to destroy each other with their own swords. It is worth noting that since every battle leads to the death of people, the Huns gradually disappeared. This happened because they were called to test the believers, just like the Persian people.

29 . They were the wrath of the Lord. As often as his indignation grows against the believers, he punishes them with the Huns, so that, purified by suffering, the believers reject the temptations of the world and its sins and enter the heavenly kingdom. The Hun people were so savage that when they felt hungry during battle, they would pierce a horse vein and satisfy their appetite by drinking the blood.

30 . In era 490 (= AD 452), in the first year of Emperor Marcian, Thorismund, son of Theodorid, took over the kingdom for one year 31 . Hot-tempered and unjust from the very beginning of his reign, he aroused hostility towards himself and did a lot of bad things. He was killed by his brothers Theodoric and Frederick.

31 . In era 491 (= AD 453) in the second year of Emperor Marcian, Theodoric succeeded his murdered brother as king and reigned for thirteen years 32 . Since Theodoric, together with the Gauls, contributed to the rise of Emperor Avitus to power, he received the support of Avitus 33 , when he went to Spain from Aquitaine with a huge army. Rechiarius, King of the Sueves 34 , hastened with the army to meet him twelve miles from the city of Astorga, on the river called Orbigo. As soon as the battle began, Rechiarius was defeated: some of his soldiers were killed, others were captured, and many more fled. In the end, Rehiarius also fled. Wounded by a spear and deprived of an army, he was captured at Oporto and brought alive to King Theodoric 35

32 . When Rechiarius was executed and those who survived the first battle surrendered - some of them were nevertheless executed - the kingdom of the Sueves was almost destroyed and virtually ceased to exist. However, the Suevi, who remained in the most remote part of Galicia, installed Maldras, son of Massila, as their king and began to restore the Suevian kingdom 36 . After Rechiarius was killed, the victor Theodoric set out from Galicia for Lusitania. When he tried to plunder the city of Merida, he was frightened by the signs of the holy martyr Eulalis. He quickly retreated with the entire army and returned to Gaul.

33 . After a short time, Theodoric sent part of his army under the command of Keuril to the province of Baetica, and the other part - under the command of Sumeric and Nepotian - to Galicia, where they plundered and devastated the lands of the Suevi at Lugo. In Gaul, the comite and citizen Agrippinus, a rival of the Roman comite Aegidius, surrendered Narbonne to Theodoric in order to gain the support of the Goths. Later, several envoys sent by Remismund, son of the Suevian king Maldras, came to Theodoric, asking for peace and friendship 37 . In response, Theodoric sent Remismund weapons, gifts and a woman as his wife. Theodoric appointed Salla as ambassador to Remismund. When Salla returned to Gaul, he discovered that Theodoric had been killed by his own brothers Euric.

34 . In era 504 (= AD 466) in the eighth year of Emperor Leo 38 , Eurich, having committed against his elder brother the same thing that he had committed against his own, succeeded him as king and reigned for seventeen years 39 . As soon as the crime gave him power, he sent envoys to Emperor Leo and without delay launched a grand and destructive attack on Lusitania 40 . From there he sent an army that took Pamplona and Zaragoza, giving him power over northern Spain. As a result of the invasion, he destroyed the nobles of the province of Tarraco, who fought against him. Returning to Gaul, after the battle he sacked the cities of Arles and Marseilles and added both to his kingdom 41 .

35 . One day, when the Goths gathered for a council, Eurich noticed that the weapons they were holding in their hands had temporarily changed: the iron of the blades had changed color. Some blades turned green, some pink, some yellow, and some black. During the reign of King Euric, the Goths began to write down their laws, which had previously been known only as traditions and customs. Eurich died a natural death in Arles.

36 . In era 521 (= AD 483), in the tenth year of Emperor Zeno 42 , after the death of Euric, Alaric, his son, became king of the Goths in the city of Toulouse, and reigned for twenty-three years 43 . Clovis 44 , the king of the Franks, was eager to seize the kingdom of Gaul and started a war against Alaric, enlisting the help of the Burgundians. He put the Goth army to flight and finally defeated King Alaric at Poitiers and killed him 45 . However, when Theodoric, King of Italy 46 , learned about the death of my son-in-law 47 , he left Italy and repelled the Franks. He captured that part of the kingdom that was under enemy occupation and returned it to Gothic rule.

37 . In era 544 (= AD 506) in the seventeenth year of Emperor Anastasius 48 , Gesalich, the son of the previous king, born of a concubine, was made ruler of Narbonne and reigned for four years 49 . Worthless, he is known only for his sad fate and cowardice. As a result, when Narbonne was captured by Gundobad, king of the Burgundians 50 , Gesalich fled to Barcelona, ​​covering himself with dishonor and allowing his people to be horribly defeated. There he remained until he was excommunicated from power over the kingdom by the decision of Theodoric.

38 . From there, Gezalikh went to Africa to ask for help from the Vandals, hoping to regain his kingdom. Unable to get help, he soon returned from Africa and, in fear of Theodoric, went to Aquitaine. After living there for a year, he returned to Spain. He entered into battle with Ebba, the general of King Theodoric, twelve miles from the city of Barcelona, ​​and finally fled. Gesalichus was captured on the other side of the Durance River in Gaul and killed. Thus he lost his honor and his life.

39 . In era 549 (= AD 511) in the twenty-first year of Emperor Anastasius, Theodoric the Younger ruled Italy for the eighteenth year. He was made consul and king of Italy by the emperor Zeno in Rome, after Odoacer, king 51 The Ostrogoths were killed, and his defeated brother Honaulf fled across the Danube border. When the Gothic king Hesalich was killed, Theodoric held the kingdom of the Goths in Spain for fifteen years, passing it on to his grandson Amalric during his lifetime. 52 . Returning from there to Italy, he ruled wisely for many more years. Through his efforts the dignity of the city of Rome was restored. He rebuilt the walls in gratitude, for which the Senate erected a golden statue of him.

40 . In era 564 (= AD 526) in the first year of Emperor Justinian 53 , after Theodoric returned to Italy, his grandson Amalric reigned for five years 54 . Defeated by Childebert, King of the Franks 55 , at the Battle of Narbonne, Amalric fled to Barcelona in fear. Despised by everyone, he was stabbed to death by his own men.

41 . In era 569 (= AD 531) sixth year of Emperor Justinian, after Amalric Theodis was made king of Spain, he reigned for seventeen years 56 . Despite the fact that he was a heretic, the king granted peace to the church, allowed the Catholic bishops to gather together in the city of Toledo and discuss openly and freely everything related to church orders 57 . During the reign of Theodis, the Frankish kings came to Spain with innumerable forces and devastated the province of Tarraco. The Goths, under the command of the military leader Theodigislus, blocked the passages to Spain and, to their own surprise, defeated the Frankish army. In response to pleas and huge sums of money, the military commander gave the enemy troops passage for a period of one day and one night. The Franks, who did not manage to retreat within the allotted time, were mercilessly destroyed by the swords of the Goths 58 .

42 . After this happy victory, the Goths, on bad advice, undertook a campaign through the Strait of Cadiz. They crossed it to fight the warriors who captured the city of Keuta and destroyed the Goths 59 . First, the Goths furiously stormed the fortress. However, on the following Sunday they laid aside their weapons so as not to desecrate the holy day by fighting. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the enemy suddenly attacked and surrounded the invading army, pinning it between sea and land, so that not a single person could escape the ensuing carnage.

43 . Some time later, King Theodis met the death he deserved. He was killed in the palace by a man who pretended to be mad for a long time, deceiving the king. Skillfully feigning madness, he stabbed the ruler to death. Defeated by the wound, Theodis restrained his angry soul. Bleeding, he forced his followers to swear an oath that the killer would not be executed, saying that this was just retribution for the murder of his military leader.

44 . In era 586 (= AD 548), in the twenty-third year of Emperor Justinian, after Theodis was killed, Theodigislus was installed over the Goths, and ruled for one year 60 . He publicly desecrated the family ties of many tycoons and decided to kill them. However, he was forestalled by a group of conspirators from Seville. His throat was cut in the middle of the holiday, and from this he died.

45 . In era 587 (= AD 549) in the twenty-fourth year of Emperor Justinian, after Theogislus was killed, Aguila became king and reigned for five years 61 . Having started a war against the city of Cordoba, Aguila, as a sign of contempt for the Catholic faith, damaged the church of the blessed martyr Acisclius. In the midst of the struggle with the townspeople of Cordoba 62 this foolish man desecrated sacred place burial of Atsisklius with the remains of his enemies and their horses. For this the saints punished him. They took revenge by the fact that in this company he lost both his son, killed along with a significant part of the army, and huge treasures.

46 . Defeated, Aguila fled in fear to Merida. After some time, Atanagild began a rebellion against him, wanting to gain power. Atanagild surrounded with troops the army that Aguila had sent to meet the enemy in Seville. The Goths, seeing that they were killing each other and fearing the imperial army, which could invade Spain under the pretext of helping 63 , killed Aguila in Merida and submitted to Atanagild.

47 . In era 592 (= AD 554), in the twenty-ninth year of Emperor Justinian, after Aguila was killed, Atanagild ruled the captured kingdom for fourteen years 64 . Having launched a rebellion to overthrow Aguila, he asked Emperor Justinian for military assistance. However, later, he was unable, despite all attempts, to remove these warriors from the kingdom. And from then until the present day, the Goths fought with them. However, weakened by regular battles, they were now defeated, suffering huge losses. 65 . Atanagild died of natural causes in Toledo and the royal throne remained vacant for five months.

48 . In era 605 (= AD 567), in the second year of Emperor Justin the Younger 66 , Liuwa became king of the Goths after Atanagild, and reigned for three years 67 . In the second year after ascending the throne, he made his brother Leovigild not only an heir, but also a co-ruler, giving him control of Spain, and he himself began to rule Narbonne Gaul. Thus the kingdom received two rulers, despite the fact that no power was voluntarily ceded. After this, Liuwa ruled for only one year, then Leovigild alone remained in power.

49 . In era 606 (= AD 568) in the third year of Emperor Justin the Younger, after Leovigild became king of Spain as well as Narbonne Gaul, he began to expand the kingdom and enrich the treasury with wars 68 . Thanks to his army and the success that accompanied it, he achieved great results. He captured Cantabria and took Aregia. Sabaria was conquered entirely. Many rebellious cities in Spain surrendered to his troops. He led soldiers into many battles and captured many fortresses, which he then destroyed. He besieged his own son Hermengild, who rebelled against his father's power, and defeated him. Finally, Leovigild started a war with the Suevi and with amazing speed brought their kingdom under the rule of his people. He extended his power to most of Spain, previously the Gothic people occupied only a small territory. However, the lack of piety cast a shameful stain on the glory of his victories.

50 . Filled with the madness of the Arian error, Leovigild began persecuting Catholics, exiled bishops, and took away income and privileges from the church. With these terrible deeds, he caused many to catch the Arian infection. He led others astray without prosecution, luring them with gold and property. Among the other sacrileges of his heresy is that he dared to rebaptize Catholics, and not only commoners, but also priests, such as Vincent of Saragossa, who became an apostate from a bishop and thus cast himself from heaven to hell.

51 . Leovigild was merciless to some of his people; if he saw someone outstanding in nobility and power, he would either behead him or send him into exile. He was the first to increase taxes and the first to fill the treasury by robbing citizens and fleecing enemies. In addition, he founded a city in Celtiberia, which he named Recopolis in honor of his son. As for the laws, he corrected those introduced by Euric, adding those that did not exist and deleting those that were superfluous. He reigned for eighteen years and died of natural causes in Toledo.

52 . In era 624 (= AD 586) in the third year of the Emperor of Mauritius 69 , after Leovigild died, his son Recared was crowned king 70 . He was a pious man, different from his father in lifestyle. While one was an unbeliever and prone to war, the other was peace-loving and active in times of peace; one spread the power of the Gothic people through the art of war, the other exalted the people through the victory of faith. At the very beginning of his reign, Reccared accepted the Catholic faith, calling on all people of the Gothic nation to observe the correct religion and eliminate regrettable errors.

53 . Recared then convened a synod of bishops from various provinces of Spain and Narbonne Gaul to condemn the Arian heresy. This faithful ruler was present at the council in person and certified its actions with his signature. He condemned, together with all his subjects, the false teaching of Arius, which the Gothic people adhered to at that time. He proclaimed the unity of the three hypostases of the Lord: the Son was born in one essence from the Father, and the Holy Spirit is not separated from the Father and the Son and is the Spirit of both of them, uniting them into a single whole.

54 . With the help of his newfound faith, he waged wars against hostile nations. When the Franks invaded Narbonne Gaul with 60,000 troops, Recared sent the general Claudius against them and won a glorious victory. There was no Gothic victory in Spain greater or even comparable to this victory. Many thousands of the enemy were killed or captured, and the remainder of the army fled from the pursuing Goths, and fled to the very borders of their kingdom. Rekared often demonstrated his strength against the Romans and attacked the Basques. In these cases he acted not for the sake of war, but to train his men, as is done in wrestling competitions.

55 . The provinces captured by his father through war, Recared kept in peace, ruled them fairly, and ruled moderately. He was kind and gentle, unusually affectionate, and so cordial and benevolent that even bad people wanted his love. He was so generous that by his power he restored to private citizens and churches the wealth that his father had shamefully seized into the treasury. He was so merciful that he often reduced the taxes of his people, granting them forgiveness.

56 . Rekared enriched many with gifts, but honored even greater ones. He gave away his wealth to the weak and his treasures to the poor, knowing that the kingdom was given to him precisely for this purpose, so that he could enjoy it by achieving good deeds from good undertakings. He was crowned with the glory of the true faith, which he adhered to from the very beginning of his reign. He departed in peace to Toledo, ruling for fifteen years.

57 . In era 639 (= AD 601), in the seventeenth year of the Emperor of Mauritius, after the death of King Reccared, his son Liuwa reigned for two years 71 . Born of a noble mother, he was known for his innate virtues. However, Witterich illegally seized power and deprived him of his kingdom in the prime of his life. Cutting off Liuwe right hand, Witterich killed him in his twentieth year, the second year of his reign.

58 . In era 641 (= AD 603), in the twentieth year of the Emperor of Mauritius, after the murder of Liuwa, Witterich seized the kingdom for seven years 72 . Although skilled in the art of war, he never achieved victory. He often showed himself on the battlefield with the armies of the Romans, but did not achieve any successes, except for the capture by his generals of several enemy soldiers at Saguntum 73 . During his life he committed a lot of lawlessness, and since he lived with the sword, he died by the sword. The death of innocent Liuva did not go unpunished. Witterich was killed while eating as a result of a conspiracy. His body was carried out without any ceremony and buried.

59 . In era 648 (= AD 610), in the sixth year of Emperor Phocas 74 , Gundemar ruled after Witterich for two years 75 . During one campaign, he defeated the Basques, and during the second, he besieged the Roman army. He died of natural causes in Toledo.

60 . In the era 650 (= AD 612), in the second year of Emperor Heraclius 76 , Sisebat was called to reign after Gundemar, and reigned for eight years and six months 77 . At the beginning of his reign, he forced the Jews to convert to the Christian faith, acting with zeal, but “without knowledge,” for he used force where persuasion should be used. However, as it is written, “whether by chance or by truth, Christ will be proclaimed.” 78 Sisebat was not eloquent enough to skillfully express his opinion, and he was also deprived of knowledge of letters.

61 . Sisebat is famous for its military enterprises and victories. He brought the rebellious Asturians into submission by sending an army against them. Thanks to his military leaders, he defeated the Ruscons, who were protected by steep mountains on all sides. He had the good fortune to twice triumph over the Romans and subjugate a number of their cities in battle. He was so merciful in the rapture of victory that he used his own money to ransom many enemies doomed to slavery and handed over as booty to the army. Some say he died of natural causes, others say he died as a result of excess medication. He left behind a young son, Reccared 79 , who was king for a few days after the death of his father and reigned until he was interrupted by death.

62 . In era 659 (= AD 621), in the tenth year of Emperor Heraclius, the illustrious Svintila, by the grace of God, accepted the royal scepter 80 . As a military commander under King Sisebates, he captured Roman fortresses and defeated the Ruscons. After his elevation to royal dignity, he began new war and captured all the cities that the Roman army held in Spain. By a miraculous coincidence, he celebrated such a triumph that no king had achieved before him. He was the first king to rule all of Spain north of the strait. His fame increased greatly when, in this war, he captured two patricians, one by cunning, the other by force.

63 . At the beginning of his reign, Svintila organized a campaign against the Basques, who invaded the province of Tarracona. These mountaineers were struck with such fear when they heard of his approach that they immediately threw down their weapons and freed their hands to pray, bowed down like supplicants and handed over the hostages, fearing fair justice. At their own expense and with their own hands, they built the city of Ologik for the Goths, promising to obey the authority of Svintila and carry out everything he commanded.

64 . Except military glory, Svintila had many other truly royal virtues: faith, prudence, hard work, deep knowledge of legal affairs and decisiveness in governance. In his generosity he was generous to everyone, and merciful to the poor and needy. Thus, he was not just the ruler of the people, but could also be called the father of the suffering.

65 . His son, Ricimir, was made co-ruler, and currently shares the throne with his father. Even as a child, he shone with his royal origin, for his father’s virtues, manifested externally and internally, were reflected in him. So let us beg the ruler, heavenly and human, so that, just as Ricimir is now a co-ruler by the grace of his father, after his father’s long reign, he would be worthy to accept the inheritance as king. Counting the years of the Gothic kings from the accession of King Athanaric to the fifth year of the illustrious ruler Svintila, the kingdom of the Goths existed, by the grace of God, 256 years.


66 . The Goths descended from Magog, the son of Japheth, and are considered to be of the same kin as the Scythians. That is why they are not very different in name: one letter changes, another disappears - and from 'Getae' you get 'Scythae'. They were inhabitants of the snowy peaks of the west and lived on the mountain slopes alongside other peoples. Driven from their lands by the invasion of the Huns, they crossed the Danube and surrendered to the Romans. But when there was no longer any strength left to endure injustice, they took up arms in anger, invaded Thrace, devastated Italy, besieged and took Rome, entered Gaul and, crossing the Pyrenees, reached Spain, where they settled and established their power.

67 . Goths are smart and intelligent by nature. They have strong feeling debt. Strong in build and tall in stature, they stand out for their posture and behavior. Experienced in hand-to-hand combat, they are immune to wounds, as the poet said about them: “The Goths despise death, proud of wounds.” 81 . They waged such great wars and had such great fame that Rome itself, the conqueror of nations, put on the yoke and yielded the victory to the Goths: the lord of all nations served them like a maidservant.

68 . All the peoples of Europe were afraid of them. The Alpine barriers parted before them. The Vandals, widely known for their barbarity, fled not so much in fear of the Goths themselves as of their glory. The Alans were exterminated by the power of the Goths. The Suevi, driven into remote regions of Spain, are now destroyed at the hands of the Goths: the kingdom which they held in lazy lethargy is now lost in disgrace. The miracle is that they survived until this day, when they surrendered without any resistance.

69 . Who can describe the great strength of the Gothic people? Since fair rule is rare among those tribes that rely on peace treaties and gifts, the Goths maintain their freedom more often by battle than by negotiation. If the need for battle arises, Goths always prefer to fight rather than resolve issues peacefully. They are quite skilled in the art of war; they fight on horseback not only with spears, but also with darts. Although they go to battle on foot as well as on horseback, they trust most of all in the agility of their horses. As the poet said: “Where the Goth rushes on his horse” 82 .

70 . They love to practice with weapons and compete in battles. They train every day. Until now they have no experience in only one thing: they do not want to fight naval battles. However, since King Sisebat took the royal scepter, they have made huge and successful strides in the logistics of troops not only by land, but also by sea. Having surrendered, the Roman soldier now serves the Goths, the masters of many nations and Spain itself.


The text is translated according to the publication: Isidor. Geschichte der Goten Vandalen und Sueven. Stuttgart. Phaidon. 1990


71 . Two years after the attack on the city of Rome, at the instigation of Stilicho, the peoples of the Alans, Suevi and Vandals rose up, crossed the Rhine, invaded Gaul, defeated the Franks and, in an unstoppable campaign, reached the Pyrenees, whose passes were defended by the very noble and powerful brothers Didim and Veronian. For three years in a row, both of them blocked their [the barbarians] passage into Spain, and they [the barbarians] circled around the adjacent provinces of Gaul. But, after the said pair of brothers, who defended the Pyrenees passes with their own means, were, on suspicion of striving to [usurpate] the throne, completely innocently killed by the emperor Constantius, these above-mentioned peoples broke into Spain in 406.

72 . In 406, the Vandals, Alans and Sueves passed through Spain, killing and devastating, far and wide, they set fire to cities and devoured looted supplies, so that the population even ate human flesh from hunger. Mothers ate their children, wild animals, accustomed to feasting on the bodies of those who had fallen from the sword, hunger or pestilence, even attacked the living and threatened them with death. And with these four disasters the prediction of divine wrath, which the prophets once announced, was fulfilled.

73 . In the year 421, the barbarians finally decided, after the cruel fate that Spain suffered under their blows, to make peace at God's command, from which the earth groaned and divided the provinces [of Spain] among themselves by lot. Gallicia was occupied by the Vandals and Suevi, the Alans - Lusitania and the province of Cartago Nova [Cartagena]; The Vandals, called the Silingians, abandoned Gallicia, devastated the provinces of Tarracona, came back and captured Baetica. The Spaniards, who were in the remaining cities and castellas, submitted, broken by the punishment of God, to the yoke of the ruling barbarians. Gunderic came to power as the first king of the Vandals in Spain, ruling over part of Gallicia for eighteen years in a row. He broke the existing alliance with the Suevi and besieged them in the Erbasian mountains 1 , then left this enterprise and destroyed the Balearic islands that belonged to the Tarraconian province. He then destroyed Cartago Spartaria, turned all the Vandals against Baetica, destroyed Hispalis, and after much bloodshed abandoned it again. When, in the hope of his royal power, he irreverently raised his hand to the basilica of Vincentius, the patron saint of this city [Hispalis], then by God's command he was overtaken by the devil in the market square and fell dead.

74 . In the year 428, Gaiseric succeeded his brother Gunderic and reigned for 40 years. 2 . From a Catholic Christian, he became an apostate and was the first to accept the Arian heresy. On the coast of the province of Betica, he, with all the Vandals and their families, left Spain and crossed over to Mauretania and Africa. Valentinian the Younger 3 , the Emperor of the West, who was too weak to fight him [Gaseric], gave him consent to peace and voluntarily handed over part of Africa to the Vandals, after Geiseric swore to him that he would not go further [through Africa].

75 . This same [Gaserich], whose assurances of friendship were worthy of attention, broke his oath and captured Carthage by cunning. Through various types of torture, he squeezed out all their wealth from the inhabitants and took it for himself. Then he devastated Sicily, besieged Panormus, spread the contagion of the Arian doctrine throughout Africa, drove the priests out of their churches, made a large number of them martyrs and handed over, according to the prediction of Daniel, the church of the saints, by changing the sacraments, to the enemies of Christ, he even rejoiced God's buildings [ those. churches] as their homes.

76 . Theodosius the Younger, Emperor of the East, was preparing for war against him. But nothing came of this, for since the Huns were devastating Thrace and Illyria, the army that had already been sent against the Vandals was recalled from Sicily to protect the Fracians and Illyrians. When then Emperor Majorian from Italy arrived in Spain and in the province of Cartago [Cartagena] equipped a certain number of ships for a campaign against the Vandals, the Vandals, who learned of his intention, captured the ships in the roadstead of Cartago Nova. And so Majorian saw his intention frustrated and returned to Italy, where he was treacherously killed by the patrician Ricimer.

77 . When Geiseric found out about this 4 [death of Majorian], he was no longer content with the devastation of Africa, but sailed with a fleet to Italy and attacked Rome. For fourteen days in a row he plundered the wealth of Rome, then he stole the widow of Valentinian and her daughters 5 and many thousands of prisoners with them [to Africa]. After this, he returned to Carthage and through an embassy achieved peace with the emperor. He sent Valentinian's widow back to Constantinople, and he married one of her daughters to his son Guneric. After he had thus devastated many provinces by murder and robbery, he died in the fortieth year of his reign.

78 . In the year 478, Huneric, the son of Geiseric, became king after Geiseric, and reigned for seven years and five months. He was married to the daughter of Valentinian, whom his father captured and took from Rome. Seized by Arian religious jealousy, he persecuted Catholics throughout Africa worse than his father, closed their churches, and sent all their priests and clerics into exile. He punished approximately 4,000 monks and novices with severe exile, made many martyrs, and cut out the tongues of believers [Catholics], who after that, despite having their tongues cut out, were able to speak quite well until their death.

79 . Then Laetus, bishop of the city of Nepte 6 , was crowned with glorious martyrdom. Since, despite various tortures, they could not bring him to the point of staining himself with the infection of the Arian heresy, he unexpectedly departed to heaven [died]. Huneric, after countless atrocities inflicted on the Catholics, in the eighth year of his reign had the same end as his father Arius: all his insides disintegrated and he died so pitifully.

80 . In the year 486 Huneric was succeeded by Gundamund and reigned for twelve years. He granted peace to the [Catholic] Church and recalled Catholics from exile.

81 . In the year 498 Gundamund died and was succeeded by Thrasamund, who reigned for twenty-seven years and four months. Full of Arian rage, he persecuted Catholics, closed their churches, sent 120 bishops from the entire African [Catholic] Church to exile in Sardinia and died in Carthage. During his time, Fulgentius, Bishop of Ruspi, shone in the faith.

82 . In the year 524 Thrasmund was succeeded by Childeric, the son of Huneric by the daughter of Emperor Valentinian. He reigned for seven years and three months. Having sworn to Trasamund, during his reign, not to open their churches to Catholics and not to return their privileges to them, he ordered, so as not to damage the sanctity of the oath, before his accession to the throne, the return of Catholic priests from exile and the opening of churches. Gelimer rebelled against him, removed him from the throne and put him in prison along with his [Childeric] sons.

83 . In the year 530 Gelimer took possession of the throne. He brutally killed many noble [people] of the province of Africa, and robbed others of their property. Emperor Justinian sent against him, as a result of the vision of Bishop Laet, whom the Vandal king Huneric had made a martyr, an army under the command of the master militum Belizar. This one defeated and killed the king's brothers, Guntemir, in the first battle 7 and Gibamunda, in the second he defeated Gelimer himself. He conquered Africa in the year 97 after the invasion of the Vandals.

84 . Before it came to a collision with Belizar, the tyrant Gelimer ordered the death of Childeric and some of his family. Belisar took Gelimer prisoner and presented him, along with the treasures he had collected from the provinces and Africa, to the Emperor Justinian in Constantinople. Thus, the Vandal state was completely destroyed in the year 534, after it had existed for 113 years from Gunderic to Gelimer.

Day of Remembrance Patron

Internet and web pages

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De origine Gothorum et regno Sueborum et Vandalorum


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Patron of the Internet

He is considered the first encyclopedist who had a significant influence on the history of the Middle Ages. Therefore, in many countries around the world, the holiday of Seti is celebrated on April 4 - the day of the repose of St. Isidore of Seville. In 1998, Internet Day was sanctioned by Pope John Paul II. However, the patron saint of the Internet has not yet been officially approved.


The largest work of Isidore of Seville " Etymologies"is an encyclopedia of the knowledge of that time, drawn mainly from antiquity. In 20 sections of his book, Isidore presented information on grammar, rhetoric, mathematics, medicine, history, law, cosmology, theology, agronomy, zoology and other branches of knowledge. The book was extremely popular in the Middle Ages (more than a thousand of its handwritten copies have survived to our time alone). In addition, Isidore of Seville is the author of numerous works on natural science, grammar, theology, and history. It is extremely important for the history of the church " Book of Canons", where the decisions of councils held throughout the Christian world in antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages are collected. He wrote two chronicles that briefly summarized history from the creation of the world. The most valuable of his historical works is " History of the Goths, Vandals and Suevi».


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Excerpt characterizing Isidore of Seville

A little curly girl, crying out of fright, gave the knight her doll - her most precious treasure... The doll's head easily flew off, and after it the head of the owner rolled like a ball on the floor...
Unable to bear it any longer, sobbing bitterly, I fell to my knees... Were these PEOPLE?! WHAT could you call a person who committed such evil?!
I didn’t want to watch it any further!.. I had no more strength left... But the North mercilessly continued to show some cities, with churches burning in them... These cities were completely empty, not counting the thousands of corpses thrown right on streets and flooded rivers human blood, drowning in which the wolves feasted... Horror and pain shackled me, not allowing me to breathe even for a minute. Not allowing you to move...

How must the “people” who gave such orders have felt??? I think they didn’t feel anything at all, because their ugly, callous souls were black.

Suddenly I saw a very beautiful castle, the walls of which were damaged in places by catapults, but mostly the castle remained intact. The entire courtyard was littered with corpses of people drowning in pools of their own and others' blood. Everyone's throat was cut...
– This is Lavaur, Isidora... A very beautiful and rich city. Its walls were the most protected. But the leader of the crusaders, Simon de Montfort, enraged by unsuccessful attempts, called for help all the rabble he could find, and... 15,000 “soldiers of Christ” who came to the call attacked the fortress... Unable to withstand the onslaught, Lavur fell. All residents, including 400 (!!!) Perfects, 42 troubadours and 80 knights-defenders, brutally fell at the hands of the “holy” executioners. Here, in the courtyard, you see only the knights who defended the city, and also those who held weapons in their hands. The rest (except for the burned Qataris) were slaughtered and simply left to rot in the streets... In the city basement, the killers found 500 women and children hiding - they were brutally killed right there... without going outside...
Some people brought a pretty, well-dressed young woman, chained in chains, into the castle courtyard. Drunken whooping and laughter began all around. The woman was roughly grabbed by the shoulders and thrown into the well. Muffled, pitiful moans and screams were immediately heard from the depths. They continued until the crusaders, by order of the leader, filled the well with stones...
– It was Lady Giralda... The owner of the castle and this city... All her subjects, without exception, loved her very much. She was soft and kind... And she carried her first unborn baby under her heart. – North finished harshly.
Then he looked at me, and apparently immediately understood that I simply had no more strength left...
The horror ended immediately.
Sever sympathetically approached me, and, seeing that I was still trembling heavily, he gently put his hand on my head. He stroked mine long hair, quietly whispering words of reassurance. And I gradually began to come to life, coming to my senses after a terrible, inhuman shock... A swarm of unasked questions was annoyingly swirling in my tired head. But all these questions now seemed empty and irrelevant. Therefore, I preferred to wait to see what the North would say.
– Sorry for the pain, Isidora, but I wanted to show you the truth... So that you understand the burden of Katar... So that you don’t think that they easily lost the Perfect ones...
– I still don’t understand this, Sever! Just like I couldn’t understand your truth... Why didn’t the Perfect Ones fight for life?! Why didn't they use what they knew? After all, almost each of them could destroy an entire army with just one movement!.. Why was there any need to surrender?
– This was probably what I talked to you about so often, my friend... They just weren’t ready.
– Not ready for what?! – out of old habit, I exploded. – Not ready to save your lives? Not ready to save other suffering people?! But all this is so wrong!.. This is wrong!!!
“They were not warriors like you are, Isidora.” – Sever said quietly. “They didn’t kill, believing that the world should be different. Believing that they could teach people to change... Teach Understanding and Love, teach Goodness. They hoped to give people Knowledge... but, unfortunately, not everyone needed it. You are right in saying that the Cathars were strong. Yes, they were perfect Mages and possessed enormous power. But they did not want to fight with FORCE, preferring to fight with the WORD. This is what destroyed them, Isidora. That's why I'm telling you, my friend, they weren't ready. And to be very precise, the world was not ready for them. The earth, at that time, respected strength. And the Cathars brought Love, Light and Knowledge. And they came too early. People were not ready for them...
– Well, what about those hundreds of thousands who carried the Faith of Qatar throughout Europe? Why were you drawn to Light and Knowledge? There were a lot of them!
– You’re right, Isidora... There were a lot of them. But what happened to them? As I told you before, Knowledge can be very dangerous if it comes too early. People must be ready to accept it. Without resisting or killing. Otherwise this Knowledge will not help them. Or even worse - if it falls into someone’s dirty hands, it will destroy the Earth. Sorry if I upset you...
– And yet, I do not agree with you, North... The time you are talking about will never come to Earth. People will never think alike. This is fine. Look at nature - every tree, every flower is different from each other... And you want people to be alike!.. Too much evil, too much violence has been shown to man. And those who have a dark soul do not want to work and KNOW when it is possible to simply kill or lie in order to get what they need. We must fight for Light and Knowledge! And win. This is exactly what a normal person should lack. The Earth can be beautiful, North. We just have to show her HOW she can become pure and beautiful...
North was silent, watching me. And I, in order not to prove anything more, again tuned in to Esclarmonde...
How could this girl, almost a child, endure such deep grief?.. Her courage was amazing, making her respect and be proud of her. She was worthy of the Magdalene family, although she was only the mother of her distant descendant.
And my heart again ached for the wonderful people whose lives were cut short by the same church, which falsely proclaimed “forgiveness”! And then I suddenly remembered the words of Caraffa: “God will forgive everything that happens in his name!” monsters!..
Before my eyes again stood young, exhausted Esclarmonde... An unfortunate mother who had lost her first and last child... And no one could really explain to her why they did this to them... Why they, good and innocent, went to their death...
Suddenly a thin, out of breath boy ran into the hall. He clearly came straight from the street, as steam was pouring out of his wide smile.
- Madam, Madam! They were saved!!! Dear Esclarmonde, there is a fire on the mountain!..

Esclarmonde jumped up, about to run, but her body turned out to be weaker than the poor thing could have imagined... She collapsed straight into her father's arms. Raymond de Pereil picked up his feather-light daughter in his arms and ran out the door... And there, gathered on the top of Montsegur, stood all the inhabitants of the castle. And all eyes looked only in one direction - to where a huge fire was burning on the snowy peak of Mount Bidorta!.. Which meant that the four fugitives had reached the desired point!!! Her brave husband and newborn son escaped the brutal clutches of the Inquisition and could happily continue their lives.
Now everything was in order. All was good. She knew that she would go to the fire calmly, since the people dearest to her were alive. And she was truly pleased - fate took pity on her, allowing her to find out... Allowing her to calmly go to her death.
At sunrise, all the Perfect and Believing Cathars gathered in the Temple of the Sun to enjoy its warmth for the last time before leaving for eternity. The people were exhausted, cold and hungry, but they were all smiling... The most important thing was accomplished - the descendant of Golden Maria and Radomir lived, and there was hope that one fine day one of his distant great-grandchildren would rebuild this monstrously unfair world, and no one will have to suffer anymore. The first light came on in the narrow window Sunbeam!.. It merged with the second, third... And in the very center of the tower a golden pillar lit up. It expanded more and more, covering everyone standing in it, until the entire surrounding space was completely immersed in a golden glow.

It was farewell... Montsegur said goodbye to them, tenderly seeing them off to another life...
And at this time, below, at the foot of the mountain, a huge terrible fire was taking shape. Or rather, a whole structure in the form of a wooden platform, on which thick pillars “flaunted”...
More than two hundred Paragons began to solemnly and slowly descend the slippery and very steep stone path. The morning was windy and cold. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds only for a short moment... to finally caress its beloved children, its Cathars going to their deaths... And again leaden clouds crawled across the sky. It was gray and uninviting. And to strangers. Everything around was frozen. The drizzling air soaked thin clothes with moisture. The heels of those walking froze, sliding on wet stones... The last snow was still showing off on Mount Montsegur.
