Diana's birthday. Diana's birthday, congratulations to Diana Diminutive names

Diana Spencer, Princess Diana, Lady Di, Princess of Wales ((1961 - 1997) former wife of the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, was named by journalists as “the most famous woman of the 20th century.” According to a survey conducted in 2002 by the BBC broadcaster , Diana was ranked third on the list of the hundred greatest Britons in history.)


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Female names

Meaning of the name : Diana from Latin means “divine.”

Name synonyms : Diana, Dayana, Dian, Diyana, Dianna, Diane, Dianne.

Short form : Dianka, Dina, Dyana, Diya, Ana, Anya, Dean, Didi.

Origin : In ancient Roman mythology - the goddess of the Moon and hunting (in ancient Greek mythology Diana corresponds to Artemis).

Character : In Diana, emotional mobility is combined with a rare depth of feeling. A certain smoothness, slowness and at the same time firmness are clearly visible in her energy. It must be said that in Russian names the combination of two vowels in a row is not typical and therefore sounds somewhat pretentious. Usually such names are simplified in the popular language. Diana is often pronounced as Dyana, which is not entirely customary for the solid Russian language. Probably for this reason, the name Diana is much more common in the south of Russia and Ukraine, where the pronunciation is much softer.

Be that as it may, we are more interested in the fact that this name attracts attention quite strongly, its somewhat unusual nature already makes us think about it, and therefore it is not surprising if Diana pays a little more attention to herself than is necessary . Often she seems to try to observe herself from the outside, evaluate herself, and it is possible that she even admires herself and her beautiful name. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, not loving yourself means not loving anyone, just everything should be in moderation. On the other hand, excessive self-control often becomes the cause of some constraint in communication, and this is no longer good for relationships with others.

For Diana, nothing is impossible; she always copes with everything, as she has endless energy, logic and an analytical mind. But she often scatters her energy on constantly emerging new ideas. This is a very emotional and sensitive nature, her feelings are always deep. She needs to try to be easier to communicate with, as she is not good at hiding her strong feelings. When Diana tries to hide her feelings, they can become even stronger, which will be painful for her. She should show her restraint only at work, then she will achieve success, and in family life she will become a caring mother and an affectionate wife.

Diana tends to observe herself from the outside and evaluate her actions and actions unbiasedly. This sometimes develops into narcissism or, conversely, into excessive severity towards oneself. Diana perceives work as an obligation and inevitability, so she is not eager to move up the career ladder. However, she performs her duties carefully and professionally. She never rushes and never misses anything; she shows firmness and perseverance in her work. She is especially suitable for working in medical diagnostics.

Family life is necessary for her, since only in it can she find peace and harmony in her soul. If there is mutual understanding and calm in the relationship with her husband, then this gives Diana confidence in her abilities. The husband must take care of material well-being and help around the house. It is important for Diana to live with an intelligent person and a good lover who can support her in everything and give wise advice. If Diana is happy in her family, then her talents and potential will be fully revealed.

When communicating with Diana, you never know for sure whether she is sincere or playing a role. It should be remembered that this is a very sensitive nature and hides its feelings well. Therefore, if Diana behaves calmly, this does not mean that she does not experience a storm of emotions.

Zodiac: The name is suitable for Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius

Stone: Selenite

Color: Light yellow

Mascot: Oak

Possible alliance with : Arseny, Philip

Famous people named Diana : Diana Spencer ((1961 - 1997) Princess Diana, Lady Di - Princess of Wales, former wife of the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles)
Diana Ross (full name - Diane Ernestine Earl Ross, popular American singer)
Diana of France ((1538 - 1619) illegitimate (legitimized) daughter of the French king Henry II, heroine of the novel “The Two Dianas” by Alexandre Dumas)
Diana Vishneva (Russian ballerina, prima of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, People's Artist of Russia)
Diana Arbenina (at birth - Kulachenko; singer, poet, musician, vocalist of the Russian rock band “Night Snipers”)

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When is Diana's angel day and what name is given at baptism? and got the best answer

Reply from [guru]
In ancient Roman mythology, Diana is the goddess of the Moon and the hunt (in ancient Greek mythology, Diana corresponds to Artemis).
Meaning: Diana from Latin means “divine.”
Character: They grow up as calm, kind and obedient children. They are flexible, sensitive to the grief of others and very compassionate.
The name Diana sounds firm, and this girl’s character really has quite a bit of pragmatism, firmness and even stubbornness. Thanks to these qualities, she manages to achieve success in life. At the same time, Diana is a kind person, she, as in childhood, is responsive and is always ready to selflessly help someone in trouble. However, it is not easy to deceive Diana; she is endowed with excellent intuition. Although she is sympathetic herself, she does not tolerate cold, indifferent people who consider themselves “balanced.” Diana is a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable. Her favorite colors: blue, purple, black.
“Winter” - with a difficult, somewhat masculine character, they are stubborn, they will always do things their own way, even if they understand that they are wrong. They are unable to get along with their own mother. They are undisputed leaders both at home and at work, where they have many friends, mostly men. Decisive and self-confident - they will take on any task and complete it. They know how to quickly win people over, but just as quickly and without regret they part ways if circumstances require. They are often married twice.
Name days (angel's day) are not celebrated.

Answer from Kristina Korobeynikova[newbie]

Answer from Diana Lapina[newbie]
Actually, as I know, they give the name John

Answer from Diana[active]
I am Diana, and at baptism Daria

Answer from Diana Protsenko[newbie]
at Ksenia’s baptism (February 6) since she was born on the 7th)

Catholic Christians celebrate the day of the angel Diana on June 22. As for the Orthodox Church, there are no saints with the indicated name.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Diana

The name Diana is translated from Latin as “divine.” That was the name of the ancient Roman goddess who patronized hunters.

The girl named by this name has a calm, balanced character. She does not cause serious trouble to her parents, she is always obedient and responsive.

However, this does not mean that Diana is devoid of firmness and fortitude, pragmatism and stubbornness. It is these qualities that often help the owner of this name achieve her goals in life.

In addition, Diana has a well-developed intuition; she immediately determines if someone is trying to deceive her, which also often helps her on her life’s path.

To start a family, a girl chooses a man who will be not only a good lover for her, but also a true friend. Mutual understanding and trust are the main things that should be present in family life, according to Diana.

If she has a disagreement with her husband on this basis, the woman may go to the extent of breaking off relations with him. Quite often, the owners of the name in question get married twice, and the second marriage turns out to be much happier than the first.

Congratulations to Diana on her name day in verse

Diana, dear Diana,
You are wonderful, like white light!
Always beautiful and blush,
There is no more beautiful person in the world!

We wish you good health,
Success, joy, goodness,
Believe in your dream, live with love,
Hope, happiness and warmth!

Let Diana's dreams come true,
Luck will always be with her
And they won’t break their proud statue
Longing, sadness or trouble!

You are tenderness, lightness, inspiration,
You are the embodiment of beauty!
You are a miracle, a joy, a sight for sore eyes,
Diana, live happily!

SMS congratulations to Diana on her name day

Always be loved, desired,
Happy Angel Day to you, Diana!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart -
Be calm, breathe evenly!

Don't give in to stupid quarrels
Be happy, live with enthusiasm!

Beautiful Diana! I sincerely congratulate you on Angel's Day! May he always protect you from everything evil and unkind, attracting happiness and good luck! Be always loved, happy, healthy and beautiful!

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The female name Diana has very ancient roots, as evidenced by the existing forms of the word in the languages ​​of modern peoples of the European continent. In mythology, the name goes back to the famous Roman goddess of the hunt and the moon - Diana. Translated from Latin by the phrase “messenger of health and blessings” or as “divine”. It is in demand among young parents in Russia.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: diamond
  • White color
  • Plant: forget-me-not, iris
  • Animal: deer, bull
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The secret of the name hides a strong, proud and firm female character. Diana is an energetic, purposeful person. The girl knows how to win trophies, defend herself and maintain independence. Outwardly unhurried and calm, she is actually inclined to commit bold and unexpected actions.

In childhood, such a child amazes with his responsiveness, sincere kindness and open, courageous character. A girl named Diana loves nature, animals, active boyish games and competitions. In his youth, he is an independent and even arrogant person who does not interact with strangers. There is no sentimentality in her character. Such a woman is guided only by logic and calculation. It is difficult to fool her, as she is an excellent psychologist.

Despite her exceptional abilities in many areas of life, the owner of the name Diana strives to realize herself in the family. She tries to create an atmosphere of warmth and mutual understanding, which she always lacks. Charming and very pretty, she commands respect with her independent judgments and unexpected and bold actions.

Among the negative character traits of Diana is vindictiveness. She does not forgive an insult for a long time, she knows how to subtly take revenge. She is able to overcome any failures, is mercantile, trusts only proven people, so her circle of friends is very limited. Another unpleasant point: she is rarely sincere.

Interests and hobbies

Diana is fond of sports, especially loves horse riding, visits fitness clubs, and achieves success in graceful competitions such as gymnastics, san-var-do, and figure skating. Her innate endurance and strength helps her a lot in this. The girl is good at languages. This hobby sometimes turns into her profession.

Profession and business

A woman named Diana has a special responsibility, even an unhealthy fanaticism in her work. It is difficult to find a better specialist in the field of medicine, politics, teaching, volunteering and business. She is an authoritarian leader, knows how to subjugate the team, organize the work process, suppresses initiative, and independently resolves all issues. In business, he can generate ideas, implement projects, and earn good money. He fights his competitors mercilessly.


Diana is a naturally strong woman, despite the external fragility of her figure. Chronic stress and dietary abuse of preservatives and chemical food additives pose a threat to her health. A constant lavish feast is fatal to her liver.

Sex and love

There are many prohibitions in sex for Diana. She does not tolerate temporary relationships or casual romances. She needs a permanent and serious partner. This is a very passionate nature. She strives to fully satisfy her feelings. If her partner doesn’t suit her, she openly talks about it. The breakup of such a relationship is natural for a girl’s behavior.

Family and marriage

Diana marries for love. And she will never tolerate an ordinary man, an irresponsible and weak person next to her. If the marriage turns out to be successful, she directs all her energy to creating an ideal family home. But she never turns into a banal housewife. She concentrates family members around herself and skillfully manages them. In children, such a mother forms traits of intelligence and decency, creates conditions for harmonious development and optimism in life.
