Hitler lived, will live, will live. The mystery of the death of Adolf Hitler. Facts and myths (50 photos). One of the main witness documents

...The author of the bestselling book “Hitler in Argentina” Abel Basti, who presented in a sensational interview with AiF (2006)* evidence of the Fuhrer's escape to South America, published a new scandalous document. We are talking about a report from the FBI archive classified “Top Secret”, dated August 8, 1947. The document confirms Basti's theory: US intelligence services, having not received convincing evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler, with the help of their agents AFTER the war, tried to find traces of the Fuhrer in... Spain. In order to find out the details, the AiF columnist contacted Abel Basti by phone.

“The Fuhrer was recovering his health in Barcelona”

- What specific information does the FBI report contain?

Shocking. I read from the very beginning: “According to your report dated April 28, 1947, one of the prestigious Spanish doctors admits that he treated Adolf Hitler. According to him, the Fuhrer’s health problems were caused by the fact that he took many stimulant drugs: this led to poisoning of the body.

We inform you that Hitler's body has never been found, and there is no credible source that would confirm his death: therefore, the Fuhrer may be alive. "US Army officials are working to investigate Hitler's presence in Spain." Does anything bother you? It has been two years since the Allies officially declared the Fuhrer dead. But at the same time, the special services are secretly investigating the circumstances to see if he could have escaped? And they completely admit it.

- When, according to your version, did Hitler end up in Spain?

Between 27 and 30 April 1945: he was flown to Barcelona on a special Junkers 290 flight with Eva Braun - the plane's passengers included 13 prominent Nazis, including Martin Bormann and Heinrich Müller. Hitler stayed in an estate near Barcelona for about a month and a half, recovering his health: Spain seemed to him a kind of “springboard” for transportation to Argentina. It was in Barcelona that Hitler and Eva Braun received new documents: passports for thousands of Nazis were printed back in February 1945 - they were very well prepared. I have a sample: the identity card of “Argentine” Federico Wegener. In the photo is the head of the ghetto in Riga, SS Hauptsturmführer Roschmann. The photo was pasted onto a new form, a name was invented - and that’s it, the “fresh” citizen of Argentina is ready.

- What subsequently happened to the Spanish doctor?

The document states: “An investigation is required to find out where the patient whose appearance matches the description given by the doctor is hiding. The doctor must be interrogated and, if possible, photographed: the story must be written down without distortion and the information received must be verified.” Let me note: the official version says that Hitler died on April 30, 1945. But why then are intelligence officers interrogating a doctor in Spain, trying to get on the trail of his mysterious patient, if Hitler is long dead? This behavior of the FBI seems quite strange.

“We found the burnt corpse of a double”

- What other new facts do you have?

I provide AiF with an archival recording of a BBC radio broadcast dated May 8, 1945 (you can listen to this recording on our website - www.site. - Author). A British reporter reports from the ruins of the “Führerbunker” - military doctors are examining Goebbels’ body, “but Hitler has still not been found”: instead, a “burnt corpse of a double” was discovered. The program goes on to say: in total, since the fall of Berlin, the Allies found six (!) dead doubles of the Fuhrer in the capital of the Reich.

- Perhaps the journalist was only expressing his private opinion.

Then it is unclear why it was necessary to move this recording into a box stamped “Top Secret” and store it there for sixty years? The same applies to the rest of the evidence I found in the archives. They tell me - yes, the papers are genuine, but FBI agents are people too, they could make mistakes. This is certainly true - but I want an explanation: for what reason was any minor mention that Hitler was able to escape from Berlin kept classified and archived until the next century?

Conspiracy theorists hype their theory with pomp, and then it bursts like a soap bubble. Indeed, archival documents confirm that the intelligence services were actively interested in whether Hitler had the opportunity to move to Argentina. Records, photos - all this looks impressive, but psychologically it’s hard to believe.

I'll tell you one thing. After the famous flight to England in May 1941, Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess, rumors appeared: the British Foreign Office was conducting secret negotiations with him about a joint attack on the USSR. This was aggravated by the fact that the interrogation protocols of Hess have still not been declassified. Britain, foaming at the mouth, asserted that this simply cannot happen, not a single British diplomat negotiated with the Nazis, this is unsubstantiated gossip from sensationalist journalists. But on August 31, 2008, an interesting document from the MI5 intelligence archive was published. It turns out that diplomat James Lonsdale-Brines, who was part of the close circle of Lord Halifax, the then British Foreign Secretary, established contacts with the leadership of the Third Reich from 1938 to 1940, cynically proposing the division of the world between England and Germany with the tacit consent of the government. It turns out that the words that no negotiations were held with Hitler are an outright lie.

This year your new book is coming out - “Target - Patagonia: Where did Hitler run away?” Do you plan to publish further documents about the stay of the leader of the Third Reich in Argentina?

Yes. Now we are working on lifting from the bottom sea ​​of ​​three submarines (on one of them, as I believe, Hitler arrived in Argentina), and we are also looking for the burial of the Fuhrer. I promise you the results will not disappoint.

In this article we will talk about a new sensational version of what happened at the end of World War II, namely the flight of Adolf Hitler from Berlin to South America, where he lived comfortably until his real death in 1962...
This version, based on several years of research, hundreds of documents and eyewitness accounts, was put forward by American researchers Simon Dunstan and Gerard Williams.
We understand that our story will destroy the historically official ideas and myths, but this is another paradox of history ...
So, let's begin...
On May 2, 1945, 18-year-old announcer Richard Bayer ended the last broadcast of Greater German Radio from an underground studio on the Mazurenallee street in Berlin with the following words:
"The Fuhrer is dead. Long live the Reich!
On the same day, Red Army soldiers entered the Fuhrer's bunker, located under the park and rear of the old Reich Chancellery building on Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin.

Immediately after the capture of the Reich Chancellery, it included the counterintelligence unit SMERSH, specially created on March 29, 1945, whose main task was to determine the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler, alive or dead.
The charred bodies of Goebbels and his wife Magda were found in the shell-cratered park of the Reich Chancellery, but no evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun was found.
Towards noon, a group of twelve female doctors and their assistants from the military sanitary department of the Red Army entered the bunker. The group commander, who spoke good German, asked electrician Johannes Hentschel, one of the four people remaining in the bunker, a question:
“Where is Adolf Hitler? Where are the clothes?
It seemed that she was more interested in Eva Braun's clothes than in the fate of the Fuhrer of the Third Reich...
Stalin also did not believe in Hitler’s death, and on July 17, 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, he insisted that he had gone into hiding, perhaps “in Spain or Argentina.”
Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov stated on August 6, 1945:
“We have not found Hitler’s identified corpse.”

So where did Hitler go?..
Long before the May 1945 events, Martin Bormann, who well understood that the top fascist Germany After the victory of the Allies, he will have to live in illegal conditions somewhere in South America, and began active efforts to create the financial assets necessary for this.
The consequences of the Treaty of Versailles, which following the First World War deprived defeated Germany of all funds and property, were still fresh in memory. To prevent this from happening again, Borman conceived and carried out operations “Eagle Flight” ( AktionAdlerflug) and "Terra del Fuego" ( AktionFeuerland), as a result of which colossal sums of money, a huge number of gold bars, precious stones and other valuables were withdrawn from Germany.
The wilds of Central Patagonia in Argentina were chosen as the upcoming refuge, and Nazi gold, stolen throughout Europe, allowed the Nazis to buy themselves a “new homeland”...
The volumes of valuables that were transported by Bormann only as part of Operation Tierra del Fuego to Argentina were enormous, gold alone was estimated at $1.12 billion in 1948 prices - which is at least $60 billion today - and there was also platinum , precious stones, coins, works of art, stocks and bonds...

In 1945, Argentina's gold reserves rose to 1,173 tons, up from 346 tons in 1940, and Brazil's from 50 to 346 tons!

Some funds that were left by the leadership of Nazi Germany for personal needs were transported to South America in the form of gold bars, precious stones and other valuables in the portfolios of diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Many Nazi officials, including Goering, Goebbels, Ribbentrop, had deposit accounts in Argentina, but in fact it was not Bormann's intention to ever allow them to enjoy the fruits of their power - in his view, all this money belonged to the Nazi Party.
The bulk of the Reichsbank's cash and gold reserves was transported to a safe place - the city of Merkers in Thuringia, 320 kilometers southwest of the capital. There, gold bars and currency worth about $328 million were placed deep underground in the Kaiserød potash mine, next to a large shipment of art. This was just one of 134 storage facilities scattered throughout the Third Reich and under the personal control of Martin Bormann.
At the same time, negotiations between American intelligence officers led by Allen Dulles with SS-Obergruppenführer Wolf (Operation Sunrise) and SS General Kaltenbrunner (Operation Crossword) took place in Switzerland.
Bormann had a direct line of communication with Allen Dulles through Kaltenbrunner and through Operation Crossword.

Together with Kaltenbrunner, SS Obersturmbannführer Hans Helmuth von Hummel, Bormann's adjutant, who was responsible for keeping records of all the works of art that were once stolen and now belonged to the Führer and the places of their secret storage, also took part in the negotiations. The most important of these vaults was at Altaussee, in an old salt mine near Kaltenbrunner's house, where most of Hitler's collection was contained, and this treasure was to be the main bargaining chip in any deal with Dulles.
The negotiators also made it clear to Dulles that all works of art stolen by the Nazis would be transferred to the Allies in complete safety, along with the remnants of Germany's national wealth, including the country's gold reserves, its foreign exchange reserves, bonds and industrial patents, in addition to that large part of these riches that Bormann had already managed hide abroad.
Additionally, Bormann undertook to provide the Allies with the most advanced German military technologies, along with information about the whereabouts of their creators - Wernher von Braun with the V-2 development team and Uranium Club scientists.
What did Bormann want to get for this?
It’s a mere trifle - the allies must turn a blind eye to the escape of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, Martin Bormann, SS Gruppenführer, General of Police and Chief of the Gestapo Heinrich Müller, SS Gruppenführer, Himmler’s adjutant and SS representative at Hitler’s headquarters, and even Eva Braun’s son-in-law Hermann Fegelein and SS Obergruppenführer and Police General Ernst Kaltenbrunner.
Other Nazi hierarchs remain left to their fate...

In the second decade of April 1945, the situation for Bormann became critical: the Red Army, advancing north and south of Berlin, took the city in a huge pincer, and Hitler, subject to mood swings and Goebbels's assertions that their duty was to die in the ruins of Berlin, refused to leave the capital.
Bormann's carefully constructed plan for Operation Tierra del Fuego was in jeopardy.

Planes from the Führer Squadron, Hitler's personal air transport unit, were waiting for him at Berlin's Gatow and Tempelhof airports for evacuation to Bavaria, Spain or elsewhere, but they were soon to be within Soviet artillery range.

Also, if Hitler wished, aircraft of the Luftwaffe special purpose air wing Kampfgeschwader 200, stationed at the base in Travemünde on the coast Baltic Sea, were ready to deliver it to any point.
The boulevard in central Berlin leading from the Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column has been cleared and turned into a runway.
As one option, to the west of Berlin, on the Havel Lakes, seaplanes were on duty, which were ready to immediately remove Nazi leaders from Berlin.

And all this work was in jeopardy due to the Fuhrer’s reluctance to leave Berlin...

After another fit of Hitler’s rage, which occurred on April 22, 1945, when he did not dare to take concrete military steps, but repeated that he intended to remain in Berlin until the end, Bormann decided on an adventure...
At night, he sends a telegram to Goering, in which he reports that the Fuhrer is feeling unwell. Of course, it was a trap, and Goering fell into it...

On April 22, 1945, as part of Operation Harem, all non-essential personnel were removed from the Fuhrer's bunker. Bormann orders Kaltenbrunner to fly out to continue negotiations with Dulles, but the SS general decides to take the process of his salvation into his own hands.
Taking advantage of his powers as head of the RSHA, he ordered SS Standartenführer Spatzil with a detachment of SS men to remove from the Reichsbank vaults everything valuable that was still left there - securities, precious stones and 23 million Reichsmarks in gold for a total of 9.13 million dollars (about 110 million dollars at current prices).
A cargo plane flew with these valuables from Berlin to Salzburg, Austria, and then they were transported by truck to the high Tyrolean village of Rauris and buried on one of the forested mountain slopes.

Hitler's third shelter had its own water supply, bathroom, and warehouses with weapons and food. The life support shelter itself was designed to accommodate 12 people for 2 weeks!

Although Bormann never planned to use this particular exit, which was only one of many escape options, it was he who, on Friday, April 27, 1945, became the only way of salvation for the Fuhrer...
Before escaping from the bunker, Bormann, using a cipher that had not yet been cracked by the British, which they called “Sea Fox,” signed and sent to all the main agents along the Fuhrer’s proposed evacuation route a message with the following content:
“I agree to the proposed move overseas.”
As for the Fuhrer’s escape plan from Berlin, it was drawn up by Bormann together with Gestapo chief Müller and SS Gruppenführer Hermann Fegelein.
Initially, it was necessary to determine a specific place from which Hitler could fly out, and decide how to get him there.
At that time, there were still several temporary runways in Berlin itself. Light aircraft used the "East-West Axis" on a section of the Unter den Linden boulevard.

When the escape routes were determined, Müller and Bormann began the first phase of their plan - those who were ready to flee first had to “die”...
The first was Fegelein, regarding whose death there are several versions.
According to one of them, he was arrested in his Berlin apartment by SS Obersturmbannführer Peter Högl. Being in civilian clothes, he was ready to escape with his mistress, who in various versions is called either a Hungarian, or an Irish woman who married a Hungarian diplomat, or a secret agent of the Allies.
With him, Fegelein allegedly had a significant amount of cash, as well as jewelry, some of which allegedly belonged to Eva Braun.

After the end of World War II, at the end of September 1945, former SS officer Walter Hirschfeld, who worked for US counterintelligence in Germany, in a conversation with Fegelein’s father, Hans, heard the following from him:
“I think I can say with complete confidence: the Fuhrer is alive.
I received news from the [SS Sturmbannführer] special liaison... after his death was announced.” 2
The courier allegedly conveyed the following message from Hermann Fegelein:
“The Fuhrer and I are safe and sound. Don't worry about me; you will still hear from me, although perhaps not soon.” 2
According to Hans Fegelein, "the courier also said that on the day the Führer, Hermann and Eva Braun left Berlin... a violent counterattack began in Berlin to recapture the airstrip from which they could take off." 2

That's it...
What really happened?
On April 25, 1945, Fegelein flew to Berlin aboard a Ju-52 placed at his disposal by Heinrich Himmler.
Having visited his apartment, he then, in contact with Bormann and Müller, examined the temporary airstrip at Hohenzollerndamm.
Then, in a secret tunnel that led to the underground underground, he had to wait for his wife’s sister (Eva Braun) and Adolf Hitler.

According to researchers Simon Dunstan and Gerard Williams, everything happened like this...
At midnight on April 28, 1945, the operation to escape Hitler entered its decisive phase.
“The Fuhrer, his beloved dog Blondie, Eva Braun, Bormann, Fegelein and six loyal soldiers from the SS division “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler” quietly walked through the “forbunker” upstairs to the Fuhrer’s personal apartments in the building of the old Reich Chancellery. The false panel behind the bookcase had been pushed aside, revealing the entrance to a secret tunnel.
Having descended to the end along the passage illuminated by electric light, the group found themselves in the premises of the third bunker. When the fugitives entered, they saw two people waiting for them, whom Muller had brought here through an underground passage from the subway tunnels.
These were doubles: Hitler's double (probably Gustav Weber) and Eva Braun's double.

...Then Bormann said goodbye to the members of the group, shook hands with Hitler and led the false Fuhrer and his false girlfriend back to the “Fuhrerbunker”.
In the vestibule of the shelter, the fugitives put on steel helmets and baggy camouflage overalls of SS soldiers.

The grueling seven-kilometer journey took three hours, and they were urged on not only by the sound of cannonade above, but also by the distant echo of shots from small-caliber weapons - somewhere in the metro tunnels, Soviet and German soldiers were already fighting.
When the group entered the lobby of the Fehrbelliner Platz station, they were joined by Eva’s second sister, Ilse, and Fegelein’s close friend, SS Brigadeführer Joachim Rumor and his wife.” 1
Having escaped from the Fehrbelliner Platz metro station building, the fugitives, in three Tiger II tanks and two SdKfz 251 half-track armored personnel carriers that were waiting for them, went to a temporary airstrip located a kilometer away on the Hohenzollerndamm, a wide boulevard about 730 meters long.

At 3 a.m. on April 28, 1945, signal lights came on, illuminating a Junkers Ju-52/ZT aircraft, stationed less than 100 meters from the approaching armored personnel carriers, assigned to Kampfgeschwader 200 (KG 200), the special-purpose aviation wing of the Luftwaffe.

After the passengers boarded, Baumgart took off and headed for Denmark - to the airfield in the city of Tønner, located 70 km from the Eider River, which flows through Northern Germany near the Danish border.

On April 29, 1945, he landed safely in Tönner.
By the way, the fact that Hitler was at the airfield in Tenner was later confirmed by SS Untersturmführer Friedrich von Angelotti-Makensen from the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler division, who, after being wounded on April 27, 1945, was evacuated to this airfield and spent several days there.
So, according to him, during an interrogation conducted by the Americans on March 15, 1948, at an impromptu meeting, Hitler spoke for fifteen minutes that Admiral Karl Dönitz, who holds the post of Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces, would sign an unconditional surrender pact with the Western allies.

Immediately after Hitler boarded the plane, it took off...
After 45 minutes, the plane landed at the Luftwaffe long-range and naval aviation base in Travemünde on the German coast of the Baltic Sea.
From here, Hitler was supposed to fly to the city of Reus in Catalonia (Spain), located 2,200 kilometers from Travemünde - the fascists of Generalissimo Franco held this region with an iron grip after defeating the Republicans during the civil war.

About six hours into the flight, Hitler, Eva Braun, Fegelein and the shepherd Blondie disembarked at the Spanish Air Force base in Reus.
In order to eliminate any evidence, the Ju-252 transport plane on which the Fuhrer flew to Spain was dismantled...
Having boarded a Junkers Ju-52 aircraft of the Spanish Air Force, Hitler and his companions continued their flight to the Canary Islands. The target was Villa Winter, a top secret Nazi facility on the deserted western tip of Fuerteventura known as Cape Jandia.

During World War II, the Germans deliberately did not use this facility, built in 1943: Bormann intended to use it for the sole purpose of being the main hub on the escape route from Berlin. The base was an ideal place where a submarine from the “last wolf pack” could come for the Fuhrer.

Meanwhile, in Berlin, Bormann and Müller were “cleaning up their tails”...
On April 30, 1945, Eva Braun's double was poisoned and Adolf Hitler's double was shot at close range. Their bodies, wrapped in blankets, were buried in the Reich Chancellery park...
The Fuhrer's favorite shepherd's double, Blondie, was poisoned with cyanide, and Blondie's recently born puppies were also killed, as were Eva Braun's Scottish terriers Negus and Stacy.
Having carried out the “cleansing”, SS Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller disappears without a trace from the pages of “official” history.
A few days later, his family will bury a certain body in a Berlin cemetery, and on the coffin there will be a wreath with a touching inscription “To our dad.”
It would later be established that inside were parts of the bodies of three unknown victims...

However, let's return to Adolf Hitler and his companions...
Taking off from the Spanish base at Reus and briefly landing to refuel at the southern Spanish military airfield of Moron, the plane took off again and landed in the Canary Islands late in the evening of April 29, or perhaps at night on April 30, 1945. Its passengers were taken to a luxurious villa, where they were offered a good dinner and the opportunity to sleep, for the first time in recent months without hearing the ominous sounds of bombs and shells exploding.
Now they had to go to Argentina...
As for the means by which it was possible to transport them across the Atlantic Ocean to Argentina, there was only one such thing - Project IXC submarines, designed with a large margin of autonomy in order to operate for a long time away from support facilities.

Researchers, based on available documents, have made the assumption that in mid-April 1945, on three of the nine German Project IXC submarines that were part of the Sea Wolf group in the waters of the Atlantic, the captains opened sealed envelopes with secret orders ordering them to turn south to carry out a special mission. missions.

Why three?
Based on the fact that Martin Bormann made his plans with excessive foresight, it was characteristic and quite natural for him to send, just in case, three submarines separately to perform the same task.
Therefore, in March 1945, secret orders in sealed envelopes with instructions to open at a certain longitude were delivered to the captains of the submarines U-1235, U-880 and U-518.
Due to the fact that the captain of the submarine U-518, Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Werner Offerman, was an experienced submariner and had extensive experience sailing in South American waters, the choice fell on her to transport Hitler, Eva Braun and the shepherd dog Blondie.
Hermann Fegelein, along with Willi Köhn, head of the Latin American department of the Reich Foreign Office and former leader of the Nazi Party in Chile, traveled aboard the submarine U-880 and arrived on the shores of Argentina on the night of July 22-23, 1945, almost five days ahead of Hitler .

Due to maximum secrecy in order to ensure the safety of passengers, the submarine had to go under water around the clock.

The 8,500 kilometer journey from Spain to Argentina aboard the submarine U-518 took a whopping 59 days. For Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, a bow torpedo compartment was allocated, which served as a cabin for the crew, reduced by 12 people on this trip, and in which relatively comfortable conditions were created - as far as possible.
The final destination was the town of Necochea on the coast of Argentina, where at two o'clock in the morning on July 28, 1945, Fegelein met them.

They spent the night in Estancia Moromar, and on the morning of July 30, 1945, they flew to Estancia San Ramon in an Argentine Air Force Curtiss Condor biplane.
In September 1945, Hitler and Eva's daughter Ursula arrived there.
By the time of her arrival, Eva Braun was pregnant again with a child, which she considered "the last mission for Hitler."
At the end of 1945, Eva Braun gave birth to a girl. This was her third child, the second was stillborn in 1943.

In Argentina, Hitler continued to suffer from pain in the joints of his right hand, as well as from acute neuralgic pain from a piece of oak lodged deep in the nasal bones of his skull between his eyes - a fragment of a table that saved his life during the assassination attempt by Stauffenberg on July 20, 1944 and which surgeons were never able to remove.
Hitler needed surgery, so he and Eva went north to the province of Cordoba - to the Nazi-owned hotel and spa, the Gran Hotel Viena, near the city of Miramar on the shores of Lake Mar Chiquita.

He underwent surgery in this inaccessible and luxurious beach hotel. The recent Fuhrer willingly took pictures with other high-ranking Nazis, signed copies of his book “Mein Kampf” to those who wished, and admired the sunsets while walking along the shore.

At first it seemed that the operation to remove the fragments brought an improvement, but later the pain resumed again.
Hitler and his family lived in the main house of Estancia San Ramon for nine months.
In March 1946, all employees of the Estancia San Ramon were called to a meeting, where they were told that their guests had tragically died in a car accident near the estate, and were forbidden to discuss this topic.
This was already the second “death” of the couple, staged by Bormann...

In June 1947, the Hitler couple moved into their new mansion, Inalco. This estate is located near the state border with Chile, at the farthest end of Lake Nahuel Huapi and two small islands almost completely hide it from prying eyes from the lake. In the 1940s and 50s, the only way to get here was by boat or seaplane.

Observation points were placed on the wooded hills surrounding Inalco, which controlled the approaches to the estate from water and air.
The design of the mansion itself has one mysterious feature: the place for it was chosen in such a way that, thanks to the surrounding hills and huge hundred-year-old trees, the mansion remains in the shade at all times and never sees direct sunlight.
Estancia Inalco became Hitler's main residence from June 1947 to October 1955.
At first, life here seemed idyllic to Eva Braun and her daughters - in the summer they swam in the icy waters of the lake, and in the winter they loved to ski at the nearby mountain resort of Cerro Catedral.

Thanks to significant support from the government of Juan Peron, Hitler felt at home in Argentina and in the late 1940s and early 1950s he traveled and appeared in public widely, so there are many witnesses to meetings with him.

In August or September 1954, Hitler and Pavelić disappeared from Mar del Plata.
The aging and sick ex-Fuhrer, who had lost his influence on the course of events in the world and was mired in ordinary everyday problems, began to weigh down the cheerful and frivolous Eva Braun.
Most likely, in 1954, she and her daughters left both Hitler and the Inalco estancia, moving to the quiet town of Neuquén.

Only Martin Bormann himself knew where Hitler was now and again completely controlled access to him...
In Monasterio's book "Hitler Died in Argentina" there is interesting information from the memoirs of the chief physician of the “Valley of Adolf Hitler” in Argentina, Otto Lehmann, who took care of the sick and elderly Hitler.
In particular, Lehmann saw Hitler's deteriorating health as the fault of Dr. Theodore Morrell, a practicing physician and specialist in the treatment of venereal diseases. He blamed Morrell for the risky use of drugs and other substances of dubious effect in the treatment of the Fuhrer.

After Hitler moved to Estancia La Clara, his health began to deteriorate. Many researchers suggest that the Fuhrer has Parkinson's disease, the first signs of which most likely appeared back in the 1930s; after 1950, the symptoms began to develop rapidly and he spent most of his time calm and thoughtful.
Hitler's nervous system remained strained, and as year after year passed in despondency, melancholy became his common state.
Politics interested him less and less...

Having lost communication with the outside world and no longer leading any structure with any influence, the elderly Fuhrer found himself abandoned in loneliness and oblivion.
On his 68th birthday, April 20, 1956, Hitler was eagerly awaiting four important guests who were supposed to give a detailed report on the current situation in the Nazi Party, but no one showed up.
It was then that Hitler first suspected that Martin Bormann had finally betrayed him...
In September 1956, Adolf Hitler went to bed due to a heart ailment and was forbidden to worry even for the slightest reason, after which he completely abandoned all thoughts of politics.

Between 1957 and 1961, Adolf Hitler gradually declined physically and mentally, and in January 1962, part of his face was paralyzed.
At noon on February 12, 1962, Hitler, who was 72 years old, collapsed while two of his guardians were helping him in the bathroom. Three hours later, he suffered a stroke, leaving the left side of his body paralyzed.
At dawn next day the ex-Führer fell into a coma.
On February 13, 1962, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Dr. Otto Lehmann recorded the death of Adolf Hitler...

In 1936 Hitler said:
“For me there are only two possibilities.
Win and carry out all my plans, or lose.
If I win, I will become one of the greatest men in history.
If I fail, I will be condemned, rejected and damned." 1
The world condemns, rejects and curses Adolf Hitler and his regime of absolute evil to this day...

And they explained the situation with the DNA examination of the remains of the main Nazi

All that was left of Evil fit in the palm of my hand. I hold Hitler's jaw in my hands. The German Fuhrer clearly did not take care of his teeth: most of them are artificial, made of gold.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but managed to escape. In the West they say: Russia does not specifically do a DNA examination of the Fuhrer’s jaw... I went to the archives of the Russian FSB to get answers to the questions that had arisen.

Hitler and Eva Braun

Adolf Hitler's jaw is the main artifact kept in the archives of the Federal Security Service. It is she who is considered the main evidence that the Fuhrer committed suicide and did not spend the rest of his days somewhere (for example, in Argentina).

Hitler's jaw

“Russia still has not done a DNA examination of Hitler’s jaw!” - said former CIA officer Bob Baer recently. He, together with the American military man who participated in the liquidation of bin Laden, “threatened” to publish documents confirming that Hitler was taken alive from Berlin, and that the jaw of the Reich Chancellor’s double was always in the hands of the MGB-KGB-FSB.

Is there any truth to this? What other evidence of Hitler's suicide do the Russian intelligence services have?

Intelligence investigation: “Hitler’s personal dog is buried in the specified crater”

Conversations that Hitler remained alive in the meat grinder of the spring of 1945 have not stopped for more than 70 years. And it is unlikely that this “alternative” version will ever be completely dispelled. As historians say, no matter how much or what evidence is presented, people will always doubt the suicide of one of the bloodiest rulers on the planet during the days of the storming of Berlin by the Red Army.

The case initiated to search for the Fuhrer

But now there is a reason to conduct another historical investigation. In January 2017, ex-British and American intelligence officials said they had studied 14,000 different documents and concluded that Hitler did survive. According to them, the Fuhrer was taken to a secret prison. They threw a stone at Russia, saying that our country knew this and allegedly therefore did not conduct a DNA examination of Hitler’s jaw.

There really was no DNA examination, but that’s not why,” says Nikolai Ivanov, deputy head of the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia. - We are ready to show Hitler’s jaw and other material evidence confirming his death.

But I decide to start my search for truth with documents. These are not copies, but originals. Only a few saw these secret papers.

Hitler's destroyed bunker

The FSB archive contains an intelligence investigation file against Adolf Hitler, opened in 1945. A large folder with yellowed sheets. On the cover is Hitler's name in strikingly beautiful handwriting. And further: “Ministry of State Security of the USSR. Case No. 300919.”

It's always good to visualize the crime scene first.

Here are pictures of the bunker where Hitler hid with Eva Braun in the last days of his life. More precisely, the photo shows only the burnt remains of the shelter. Parts of walls, stairs... To understand what it looked like during Hitler's life, it is better to study the plan diagram of the bunker. The drawing was made by one of the Red Army officers.

So, in the very corner was Hitler's bedroom. Nearby there is a private bathroom, an office, and a “map room.” Eva Braun's bedroom-living room and her toilet room. There is also a “dog bunker” or security room. All this occupies one half of the shelter, separated from the other by a conference room and a common living room.

Photo from Hitler's bunker.

And on the other half are Goebbels’ bedrooms (the main ideologist of Nazi propaganda), Stumpfegger’s rooms (surgeon, Hitler’s personal physician), diesel room, switchboard room, security room, etc. The kitchen, closets, servants' quarters, and the rooms of Frau Goebbels and her children were located separately.

Judging by the diagram, there were several exits from the bunker, including one into the garden. A cross marks the place where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were burned in this garden...

I read the testimony of Hitler's servants. She claims that the last time she saw him and his wife alive was at 14.30 on April 30. “They walked around the bunker, shook hands with all the assistants, then returned to their rooms where they committed suicide.”

Photo from Hitler's bunker

Next comes the testimony of the guards, who tell how, on orders from their superiors, they walled up external doors, as they brought about 180 liters of gasoline. They didn't know what happened next. From the secretaries' testimony, it becomes clear that Goebbels, Bormann (head of the party chancellery, personal secretary of the Fuhrer), Hitler's adjutant Günsche, and personal bodyguard of the Fuhrer Linge carried the bodies of Hitler and Eva into the garden. At the same time, the Fuhrer's corpse was wrapped in a blanket, but his wife was not. The bodies were doused with gasoline, and when they caught fire, they saluted and hastily returned to the shelter (it was dangerous because the Russian artillery fire was intensifying).

One of the main witness documents:

“Identifier Mengeshausen Harry stated that from April 10 to April 30, 1945, while serving in the SS group Mundke, he participated in the defense of the Imperial Chancellery and the direct protection of Hitler. At noon on April 30, he was on patrol duty in the Imperial Chancellery building, walking along the corridor past Hitler’s work room to the blue dining room. While patrolling along the indicated corridor, Mengeshausen stopped at the extreme window of the blue dining room, which is the first one at the exit door to the garden, and began to observe. At that moment, the bodies of Hitler and his wife were carried out of the emergency exit by Günsche and Linge. Günsche doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The bodies were then carried into the shell crater.

Mengeshausen observed the entire procedure of removing, burning and burying the corpses of Adolf Hitler and his wife from a distance of 60 meters. Mengeshausen further stated that Hitler’s personal dog was buried in the said crater on April 29th. Her characteristics: a tall shepherd with long ears, a black back... Mengeshausen knows that she was poisoned. An examination of the places indicated by Mengeshausen established the veracity of the testimony: from the window of the blue dining room he could perfectly observe what was happening.”

In general, Hitler gave the order to burn them during his lifetime. He was afraid that they would carry him dead around Moscow and show him off like a monkey. He did not want to go to the Russians, either alive or dead.

It is impossible to understand exactly from the documents how long the bodies burned, how often they were doused with gasoline. In the general turmoil, few of those close to him were interested in this fact. And by the way, this offended one of the employees: in his testimony he complains about the general indifference to the fate of the corpses... But Hitler’s body was not destined to burn to the ground. Fact.

Then there are testimonies related to the suicide of Goebbels and his wife.

Probably, then the burned bodies of both Hitler and Goebbels were simply covered with earth and forgotten about. At that time, everyone was busy thinking about how to save their lives, and no one cared at all about the dead Hitler. Red Army soldiers have already shown interest in him.

I am holding a unique document. Spelling and punctuation have been preserved.

“Owl. secret. Berlin. Act. 1945, May 5th day.

Me guards senior lieutenant Aleksei Aleksandrovich Panasov and privates Churakov, Oleinik and Seroukh in Berlin in the area of ​​Hitler’s Reich Chancellery near the place where the troupes were discovered (for some reason “corpses” are written everywhere with two “p.” - E.M.) of Goebbels and his wife, about Hitler's personal bomb shelter discovered and seized two burned troupes, one female, the other male. The corpses were badly burned and it is impossible to identify them without any additional information. The troops were located in a bomb crater, three meters from the entrance to the bomb shelter and covered with a layer of earth. The troupes are kept under the SMERSH counterintelligence department.

Photo of Hitler's charred remains (it can be seen that the fire hardly affected his legs)

Attached to the act is another diagram, apparently drawn by Panasov. It shows in more detail where the corpses were found.

The numbers indicate the old and new imperial chancellery, Hitler’s dugout, his work room, blue dining room, the outer window of this dining room, water pools, observation tower, funnel, Hitler's burning place.

“Eva Braun’s body was in a black dress, with several pink flowers on her chest.”

So, the bodies have been found. Everything that happened next was documented, but it was included in another matter. It's a matter of identification. Officially, it has a long title: “Acts of identification, forensic medical examination of corpses, protocols of interrogations of witnesses.”

In general, even before the end of the Great Patriotic War Several corpses of Hitler's doubles were found. So Stalin needed irrefutable evidence that the body buried in a crater near the Reich Chancellery bunker belonged to him.

I’m reading the original protocol for identifying Hitler’s body. It follows from the document that the external inspection was carried out in the morgue of the city of Berlin on May 8, 1945. The remains were brought here in a wooden box. Photo of the box and its “owner” is here. I can clearly see the contours of the body. The feet were completely preserved, the fire did not touch them. But everything else... You shouldn't look at the photo for a long time - you might feel a bout of nausea.

The forensic expert - the chief pathologist of the Red Army, Kraevsky - points to a strong smell of charred meat. He notices that even the remains of the yellow shirt have been preserved. Lists the parameters of the deceased: height 165 cm, anatomical features of the teeth, etc. He especially notices that he found pieces of glass in his mouth - part of an ampoule with poison.

Kraevsky takes blood and tissues for examination.

In general, all the same manipulations that modern pathologists do were done with the corpse,” says the deputy. head of the archive Ivanov. - Moreover, the remains of Eva Braun, Goebbels and his wife, and even all of Hitler’s and Eva’s dogs were subjected to exactly the same procedure.

All autopsy reports have been preserved. Several hours of studying them won't do much. However, what kind of findings can be expected from a completely standard procedure?

The procedure for identifying Hitler's body was painstaking.

For this purpose, all employees of the Reich Chancellery were interviewed. And Mengeshausen was interrogated again (the first interrogation took place on May 13, the second on the 18th).

“I knew Hitler by his face and the way he dressed. He was wearing black trousers and a jacket grey-green color. None of the leaders of the fascist party, except him, wore such a uniform. When they carried Hitler out, I personally saw the profile of his face - nose, hair, mustache. That's why I claim that it was him. Hitler's wife, Eva Braun, when she was taken out of the bomb shelter, was dressed in a black dress, with several pink flowers made of material on her chest. I saw her in this dress several times in the bunker... Knowing Hitler’s wife well, I affirm that it was she who was taken out of the bomb shelter.”

Original photos, by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive)

FROM THE MGB DOSSIER: “Harry Mengeshausen, born in 1915, German. By resolution of a special meeting of the USSR Ministry of State Security on December 26, 1951, he was imprisoned in a forced labor camp for a period of 15 years. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was released early in 1955 and handed over to the authorities of the GDR.”

Hitler was also identified from photographs. The FSB archive contains the original photographs of the photographs that were used for this. On the back of each (they all pass as material evidence) there are corresponding notes. The pictures are of quite high quality, some are quite large, A4 format. In one, in addition to Hitler, a limping Goebbels is visible - from this frame, Goebbels himself and his crooked leg, which was always in an orthopedic boot, were identified.

And yet, Hitler’s dental chart (information about the condition of his teeth) was one of the main pieces of evidence. But what would it mean without the testimony of dentists? First of all, dentist Ehman Fritz was interrogated. He stated: “In January 1945, Hitler’s personal dentist, Professor Blaschke, gave me several x-rays of the Fuhrer’s teeth in Berlin.”

Blaschke himself, by the way, was also interrogated. His testimony completely coincided with those given by Ehman and the nurse. Blaschke was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in the camps, released early in 1953.

At that moment no one had any doubt that the corpse belonged to Hitler. Otherwise, no one would dare to report to Moscow, to the Kremlin.

Hitler was buried more than once

In the folder I find the very paper that tells how it happened.

“Owl. secret. May 31, 1945. To the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Comrade L.P. Beria.

I am sending acts of forensic research and identification of the supposed corpses of Hitler and Goebbels, as well as interrogation reports and photographic documents.

The listed documents and photographs confirm the correctness of our assumptions about the suicide of Hitler and Goebbels. There is no doubt that the corpse of Hitler we offer is genuine. This was established based on the testimony of the dentist and nurse who treated Hitler, who drew the location of the false teeth.”

Beria's resolution: “Send to Stalin and Molotov.”

From the point of view of the department and the country's leadership, this issue was put to rest. Neither Stalin nor anyone else doubted that Hitler was dead and that his remains lay there.

Immediately after this, Hitler was buried. And more than once.

And again, an authentic document confirms this.

After completing the forensic examination and carrying out all operational measures to identify them, the corpses were buried in the mountain area. Buh. In connection with the relocation of the SMERSH counterintelligence department, the corpses were seized and transported first to the mountain area. Finov, and then - mountains. Rathenov, where they were finally buried. The corpses are in wooden boxes in a hole at a depth of 1.7 meters and placed in the following order (from east to west) Hitler, Eva Brain, Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Krebs, Goebbels' children... The buried pit with corpses was leveled to the ground, small trees were planted on the surface the number is 111.”

The site of Hitler's reburial by the SMERSH department. 111 small trees were planted on the surface.

Our troops have redeployed, but how can we leave the corpse of Hitler himself? In February 1946, a special commission headed by the head of the SMERSH department of the 3rd Shock Army, Colonel Miroshnichenko, decided to open the burial.

I am studying the relevant act.

“The corpses are in a semi-decayed state and were delivered to the mountains in this form. Magdeburg to the location of the counterintelligence department "SMERSH", and again buried in a hole at a depth of 2 meters in the courtyard of house No. 36 on Westendstrasse, near the southern stone wall yard, from the garage of the house to the east - 25 meters. The buried pit with the corpses was leveled to the ground, the external appearance was brought to match the appearance of the surrounding area.”

The counterintelligence officers could not afford to transport Hitler’s corpse with them to a new city each time. In March 1970, the “Archive” plan appeared. In a nutshell: it was ordered to set up a tent at the burial site, organize excavations, get the boxes with the corpses, take them to the Rotten Lake area, where they burn them and throw the ashes into the water. A cover legend is separately spelled out in the plan (even the military of the Soviet army should not have known about the event, only a narrow circle of high-ranking officers): “The work - installation of a tent, excavation - is carried out in order to verify the testimony of a criminal arrested in the USSR, according to which information in this place may there are valuable archival materials."

Among the documents I find the act of opening the pit and the act of burning. The last one is handwritten, dated April 5th. It says that the remains were burned in the wasteland, they were burned out, and together with coal they were crushed into ash.

All that remains are the jaws of Hitler and Eva Braun, Goebbels' orthopedic boot. They were seized in advance and stored as evidence. At the same time, it was Hitler’s jaws (an upper jaw bridge with 9 teeth and a burnt lower jaw with 15 teeth) that were considered the main and unconditional proof that it was him.

The Fuhrer's teeth are kept in a cigarette box

The Fuhrer's teeth are in a small box of "Guards" cigarettes. Archive workers allow you to open it and take them in your hands. There are only four fragments, in the largest I counted nine teeth.

I compare these teeth with the description given by the dentist and nurse: “Lower jaw. Gold crown on its own root, gold bond, natural tooth with gold filling with inside, gold pendant with porcelain facet... Upper jaw. Richmond crown with natural root and porcelain facet, gold bridge with nine intermediate links and four supports..."

In 2002, a famous American dental scientist came to us,” says special services historian Oleg Matveev. - Unexpectedly - he did not warn any of us in advance - he took out an x-ray. This was the one that Professor Blaschke kept. He checked it against the one with the jaw. The coincidence was complete. Therefore, it is now strange to hear from the American side that there are some doubts about Hitler’s suicide and the authenticity of this jaw.

All that remains of Hitler is in the palm of the MK observer.

The FSB receives requests for a DNA examination of the Fuhrer's jaw regularly (no one has ever been interested in Eva Braun's teeth, which, by the way, are in excellent condition). But who are they from? Some private companies, funds, media. They wrote: they say, we have some DNA material, we propose to carry out an examination taking into account the capabilities of modern science and technology.

The last time one journalist became interested in the jaw was in December last year. She allegedly found relatives of the Fuhrer in America and obtained saliva samples from one of them. But, firstly, how do we know that there are DNA samples from a relative? Relatives always tried to hide their affiliation with Hitler, changed places of residence, etc. There is little hope that they will suddenly want to give DNA samples themselves.

Secondly, if one of the relatives decides to do this, there is an official procedure. I repeat, we do not need this - from the point of view of the Russian FSB there is no need to conduct these examinations. Everything has been proven a long time ago, and we have no doubts.

As if to confirm this, the memoirs of Adolf Hitler's former bodyguard, Rochus Misch (died in Berlin in 2013), were recently published. He describes how he discovered the still warm bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun. The woman’s legs were unnaturally elongated and her shoes were lying under the sofa. How Hitler's eyes were open and his head slightly bent forward...

Scientists are convinced that a genetic examination of Hitler’s jaw will yield nothing. As the one who was held with the remains of the murdered woman did not give royal family. Still, there were and will remain doubters. And it’s not a matter of imperfect technology, or a secret conspiracy. People are just greedy for myths. And the myth of the surviving Hitler is one of the most terrible and therefore attractive.

A group of French experts came to the conclusion that the head of the Third Reich Adolf Gitler actually committed suicide in Berlin in April 1945. For 70 years this was repeated by the USSR, the leadership of the countries allied to the USSR in the war, Russia, historians, and doctors. But this did not stop citizens of all states from inventing and sharing myths in the logic “everyone is lying to us because they are lying to us.”

"We can stop all conspiracy theories about Hitler"

The scientific publication European Journal of Internal Medicine published the results of the work of researchers from France who were able to gain access to the teeth and fragment of Hitler’s skull stored in Moscow.

According to experts, the structure of the skull fragment is fully consistent with X-ray photographs of the skull of the leader of the Third Reich, taken a year before his death. An analysis of one of the teeth, carried out using an electron microscope, showed the presence of tartar deposits in the absence of traces of meat fiber. It is known that Hitler was a vegetarian and did not eat meat. Scientists also managed to detect traces of cyanide, directly indicating poisoning.

“These teeth are genuine, there is no doubt about it. Our research proves that Hitler died in 1945. We can stop all conspiracy theories about Hitler. “He didn’t escape to Argentina in a submarine, he didn’t hide in a secret base in Antarctica or on the dark side of the moon,” he told AFP. specialist in medical and legal anthropology Professor Philippe Charlier.

The theory that Adolf Hitler did not die in Berlin, but fled, living incognito long years, has been around for decades.

Operation Seraglio

According to one of the most common versions, a special operation codenamed “Seraglio” was developed to save Hitler. By order Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of Nazi Germany Karl Dönitz three submarines were prepared in the ports of Spain, which were supposed to transfer Hitler, Eva Brown and several people from their circle to South America. The final destination of the trip is most often called Argentina.

Hitler was supposedly at the last moment safely taken out of Berlin, which was stormed by Soviet troops, and then transported by submarine to South America. There he lived quietly for almost two decades in Argentina and Paraguay, passing away in 1964.

In 2006, Argentine documentary writer Abel Basti, who spent many years studying the history of the Nazis' flight to South America, published the book "Hitler in Argentina."

“He was heading to Spain, from where he sailed on a submarine to Argentina at the end of the summer.”

“My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide) Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane. At night throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where the pillars were preserved street lighting. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later calmly returned back on a Fieseler-Storch plane. As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which a female pilot participated Hannah Reich, famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler's personal pilot - Hans Baur. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed “Operation Seraglio,” Basti himself said in an interview with Arguments and Facts.

According to the writer, the escape happened like this: “Five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28 the same Ju-52, piloted by a pilot, arrived Bosser, - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence. A day later, by order of the general Adolf Galland The last forces of the German Air Force were suddenly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian. The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Muller And Borman».

“He was secretly under Anglo-American protection”

Abel Basti was convinced that the Western powers knew about Hitler’s flight: “Hitler’s flight to Argentina and the movement of tens of thousands of Nazis to South America is the result of a conspiracy between Berlin, Washington and London. In return, the allies received the latest technologies of the Third Reich - rocket and space research, jet fighters, an atomic project, thousands of unique specialists like rocket scientists Wernher von Braun. They also got the gold reserves of Hitler's Germany - approximately $100 billion in today's money: although, according to the official version, the train with Nazi gold and diamonds disappeared without a trace... In addition, Britain and the USA needed the experience of Hitler's specialists to fight communism: The superpowers were preparing for a new conflict with the Soviet Union - for all this Hitler bought his life. Therefore, no one was going to catch him; he was secretly under Anglo-American protection.”

Family man Schutelmeier

Basti is not the only one to describe Hitler's alleged life in South America. The habitat is called Villa Inalco, located near the Argentine city of San Carlos de Bariloche. The fugitive allegedly lived under the name Adolf Schutelmeier. According to one version, the Fuhrer, who was counting on the revival of his movement, suffered from a mental disorder from the early 1950s and gradually faded away.

In 2011 the British Gerard Williams And Simon Dunstan published the book "Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler." It also states that Hitler fled.

According to Williams and Dunstan, three days before the suicide, Hitler and Eva Braun were replaced with doubles who did not know what fate was in store for them. On April 30, 1945, the doubles were dealt with and their bodies were burned. It is these remains, the British believe, that were discovered by Soviet soldiers. Hitler and his wife had by this time been taken to Denmark, from there to the German Luftwaffe base in Trevemund, and then by plane to Reus, south of Barcelona. From there the fugitives were transferred to the Canaries, where a submarine was already waiting for them. The main Nazi arrived safely in Argentina, in the resort town of Mar Del Plata. Settling in the foothills of the Andes, the Fuhrer lived there until his death in the early 1960s.

British researchers, like Abel Basti, are convinced that Hitler and Eva Braun had children. Williams clarifies - two daughters, one of whom was allegedly born back in 1941. IN last years In South America, several people actually appeared who called themselves children and even grandchildren of Adolf Hitler. However, they do not provide any evidence of their “kinship”.

Report from Agent CIMELODY-3

A new wave of speculation that the head of the Third Reich did not die in Berlin in the spring of 1945, but fled to Latin America, arose due to the release in the fall of 2017 of previously classified CIA documents.

According to the report, a CIA agent codenamed CIMELODY-3 received information from his informant that the former SS Philip Citroen, who worked for the Royal Dutch Shipping Company, met with Hitler in Colombia in 1954-1955. From the CIA report it follows that in September 1955, CIMELODY-3 received a photograph of "Adolf Schrittelmeier", which presumably depicts Hitler. However, the report states that neither the agent nor the CIA analysts can assess the reliability of this information.

What's in Latin America After the end of the war, thousands of former Nazis found refuge, it is common knowledge. But Hitler is too prominent a figure for his presence in Argentina to be hidden for many years. The operation to evacuate him from Europe must have involved dozens, if not hundreds of people. Under such conditions, the secret would inevitably cease to be a secret.

Experts in the field of medicine pay attention to one more circumstance. Hitler's health was poor in the spring of 1945, and a submarine trip to South America was not a fun trip. Most likely, the leader of the Third Reich simply would not have been brought in alive.

Finding "SMERSH": how Hitler's remains were found and identified

All myths about Hitler's escape are based on the belief that the evidence of death available in Moscow is unreliable. However, those scientists who, like French researchers, actually got to know them, are sure that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun really committed suicide in Berlin on April 30, 1945. The suicide took place in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery, where Hitler and his companion spent their last days. After committing suicide, their bodies were burned in a garden near the bunker.

Hitler hoped that in this way his body would not fall into the hands of Soviet soldiers. However, it was not possible to completely burn the body, and already on May 5, the SMERSH search group under the leadership senior lieutenant Alexey Panasov found burnt corpses. The find was classified. Government commission led by Lieutenant General Konstantin Telegin after conducting a series of various examinations in February 1946, she came to the final conclusion - the discovered bodies belong to Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. In addition to these two bodies, the remains of Joseph And Magda Goebbels, as well as their six children, who were poisoned by their parents themselves. In addition, the body of Hitler's favorite shepherd was found.

While the examinations were being carried out, the remains were transported from place to place along with the relocation of the SMERSH counterintelligence department and were reburied several times - in the city of Bukh, in the city of Finov, and also in Ratenov.

Finally, in 1946, after all the examinations were completed, the remains of Hitler, Eva Braun, Joseph and Magda Goebbels, as well as their children, were buried in strict secrecy in Magdeburg, on the territory of the military camp of the 3rd Army of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. The burial, made next to the building of the army counterintelligence department, was rolled up with asphalt, and only a very narrow circle of people knew about its existence.

“Together with coal, they were crushed into ash, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River.”

In March 1970, at the suggestion Head of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov The Soviet leadership agreed to carry out an operation codenamed “Archive”.

On the night of April 4, 1970, a task force led by Colonel Kovalenko opened the burial. The boxes in which the remains were stored rotted and turned into dust, the bones were mixed with the soil.

The remains were placed in boxes, which were taken under guard by operatives, and the burial site was restored to its original form.

On the morning of April 5, 1970, the last stage of the operation was carried out, which was recorded in the act of destruction of the remains: “The destruction of the remains was carried out by burning them at the stake in a vacant lot near the city of Schenebeck, 11 km from Magdeburg. The remains were burned out, crushed into ash along with coal, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River.”

Acts on the removal of the remains and their physical destruction were drawn up in a single copy and sent to Moscow.

These secret documents became available to researchers relatively recently, in the post-Soviet period. There was no need for the Soviet leadership to spread disinformation in confidential documents. This means only one thing - there was no escape of Adolf Hitler to Latin America; he really ended his life in Berlin on April 30, 1945.
