Where to store cabbage in an apartment in winter. Fresh vegetables until spring: how to store cabbage in the cellar for the winter, in the garage, caisson and basement? Canned storage

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Every summer resident wants to get a rich harvest. Vegetables and fruits contain a whole range of microelements and vitamins, but not everyone manages to keep vegetables fresh for a long time.

Every summer resident wants to get a rich harvest. Vegetables and fruits contain a whole range of microelements and vitamins, but not everyone manages to keep vegetables fresh for a long time. There is a tradition of fermenting cabbage in the fall, so that later in the winter you can enjoy delicious cabbage soup. But there are ways to store cabbage fresh.

Cabbage is indispensable for human body. There are many options for canning and cooking cabbage and ways to preserve this useful product fresh. If you want to keep it fresh white cabbage, it needs to be removed from the beds as soon as possible, even before severe frosts occur.

To do this, you need to select the most elastic and dense heads of cabbage that have no external damage. Light heads of cabbage, in which the leaves are not located close to each other, will quickly deteriorate and are therefore not suitable for long-term storage. If the leaves do not adhere tightly to the surface of the head of cabbage, they need to be removed. If possible, leave a few green leaves on the head. The main function of these leaves will be to protect the valuable white leaves from the negative effects of the storage environment.

Cut the stalk under the base of the head of cabbage; it should not protrude more than one centimeter. Prepare the heads of cabbage and lay the cabbage tightly in 3 layers, wrap it in household food packaging film. Convenient film 30 or 40 cm wide. Before storing vegetables, they need to be dried for several hours. Then put the cabbage in the cellar. There are no special requirements for placing heads of cabbage in the cellar. They can be laid out on existing shelves or hung in nets.

The optimal temperature for storing cabbage is considered to be from plus 1 degree to plus 5 degrees, so it will be least likely to rot and will not lose its properties. beneficial features. Depending on the area of ​​the cellar or underground, you can choose suitable option for storing cabbage. A method that is considered effective is when the heads of cabbage are hung upside down with the top green leaves with the roots and stalk remaining.

You can pour a little dry sand into the basement and plant heads of cabbage in this improvised “bed”, stalk down, at some distance from each other. These methods, if you have the right temperature regime and good ventilation are suitable for long-term storage of vegetables.

Once a month, inspect the cabbage and remove the top rotting leaves, do not allow the lesion to spread to the entire head of cabbage. After the spoiled leaves have been removed, wrap the cabbage in film and put it back into storage. If several layers of cabbage have spoiled, then you should no longer store such a head of cabbage, but simply remove the spoiled leaves, rinse the head of cabbage and you can use it for food. In the spring, the procedure for inspecting cabbage and culling it must be done at least 2 times a month.

By observing storage conditions, cabbage can remain all year round fresh until the new harvest. Late-ripening cabbage varieties are suitable for long-term storage. Cabbage cannot be stored if the top leaves are frostbitten. published

In our country, cabbage is a popular and healthy vegetable. It's good to have it at hand in the kitchen. Refrigerators are actively used for this. For longer storage, you need to know how to store cabbage in the refrigerator.

Where is the best place to place cabbage in the refrigerator?

In the refrigerator, cabbage loves the coldest places, where the temperature is 1-2 degrees below zero. Modern refrigerators have a special area for storing vegetables. If there is no such zone, the head of cabbage is placed where vegetables are usually stored and the refrigerator temperature is set to the lowest level.

But it is not stored in the refrigerator for more than a month, as it begins to deteriorate. Sometimes it starts to rot after sitting for several days.

To prevent this from happening, you need to properly position the head of cabbage in the refrigerator.

At correct placement Cabbage will keep in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Preparing a head of cabbage for storage

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator so that the head of cabbage lasts as long as possible?

There are many ways proper storage. But all methods are aimed at protecting the head of cabbage from moisture. To do this, most often, fresh cabbage is wrapped in cling film. The sequence of fetal preparation is as follows:

  1. Choose a vegetable with a tight head, where the upper leaves are tightly connected to the vegetable.
  2. Cut the stalk at level lower leaves or more by 1-2 cm.
  3. If there are damages, cut them off.
  4. Wrap with cling film in three layers. Make sure that the folds are smoothed out to prevent air.
  5. Place in the coldest part of the refrigerator.

You can wrap the head of cabbage in paper and put it in a cellophane bag with holes in it. The paper that has absorbed the moisture from the head of cabbage must be changed.

No matter how you store cabbage in the refrigerator, it is important that there is no moisture on its surface. You don’t have to wrap the head of cabbage, but it will keep for several days. Pickled cabbage can be stored in the freezer. If it is in brine, vitamins will not be lost even at 10 degrees below zero. But you can store not only white cabbage, but also cauliflower, broccoli.

You can only put cabbage in the refrigerator without moisture on the surface.

Freezing cauliflower

Cauliflower has a good taste and is loaded with valuable vitamins. You can use cauliflower in cooking not only in summer and autumn, but also in winter. To do this, cauliflower needs to be frozen.

The freezing process is as follows:

  • Place a head of cauliflower in a salted cold water so that insects and larvae come out.
  • Place in boiling water for 2-3 minutes with added lemon juice or acid.
  • Prepare a clean pan with cold water to place the cauliflower in after blanching. This will preserve the valuable substances of the vegetable, color, and juiciness.
  • Dry the vegetable.
  • Tear off or trim leaves and damaged areas.
  • Divide the cauliflower into florets.
  • Place the inflorescences in sealed bags.

You can also freeze other types: broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Cauliflower is frozen blanched

Freezing white cabbage

For storage in low temperatures, use cabbage itself High Quality: juicy, fresh, undamaged. It is better to put summer varieties in the freezer; winter varieties themselves are stored well.

Frozen cabbage will not be used for salads. But it is very suitable for frying, boiling, stewing. The stages of freezing such a head of cabbage are as follows:

  1. Choose a vegetable.
  2. Remove dried, limp, damaged leaves.
  3. Cut out places where there are dark spots.
  4. Wash the head of cabbage and dry it.
  5. Cut into strips.
  6. Boil water and pour boiling water over shredded cabbage. This preserves the color and taste of the vegetable longer.
  7. Pack into bags small sizes. It is better to use sealed ones.
  8. Place in the freezer.

You can freeze a whole head of vegetable. You can make cabbage rolls from frozen cabbage without boiling the leaves in boiling water, since they are already soft. The prepared stew will turn out no worse than fresh one.

Convenient because you don't need to defrost. After taking it out of the freezer, immediately throw it into a saucepan or frying pan. But it’s best to place it in a slow cooker.

It is most convenient to freeze cabbage in chopped form.

How to keep broccoli fresh

This vegetable is quite difficult to keep fresh. If stored improperly, broccoli will quickly turn from a fresh appearance into an unsightly and inedible vegetable. In order to keep such a healthy vegetable fresh for as long as possible, there are several ways:

  1. Make a bouquet of broccoli: place the stem in a container of water, put on plastic bag on inflorescences, with holes for air circulation. This way the vegetable will keep for up to seven days.
  2. Wrap the broccoli in a damp paper towel. Many grocery stores use this method. You can first spray the cabbage with water from a spray bottle, then wrap it loosely with a paper towel, which will absorb excess liquid and place it in an airtight place in the refrigerator. So, broccoli will look fresh within three days.
  3. Take a plastic bag and make a few holes for air. Place the cabbage in a bag and refrigerate.

Cabbage is always needed in the kitchen, so you need to be able to store it in any conditions. Either this is an apartment in a big metropolis, or an ordinary country house, all around they eat regular white cabbage. Cabbage is a rather capricious vegetable and is not stored very well at home, but still, if you create it more or less optimal conditions, she will lie there for a while. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly store cabbage at home.

Where and how can you store cabbage at home?

Over the long history of growing cabbage, they have learned to preserve it in many places, while inventing various ways. The most common places for storing cabbage at home include:

  • cellars and basements;
  • holes dug in the soil;
  • ground shelters for storing cabbage;
  • in the pantry;
  • in jars and barrels (fermented);
  • on the balcony;
  • in a refrigerator.

Cabbage is preserved at home in many ways; each owner has his own secrets and his own favorite method. The most common ways to store cabbage at home in our area include:

  1. Cabbage is stored by wrapping it in cling film. For wrapping heads of cabbage, it is advisable to choose rolls of film with a width of 350 to 450 millimeters. Only the hardest cabbage heads are selected for storage. Loose and soft ones are best used for fermentation or consumed within a few weeks. Before wrapping, you need to remove dry leaves and those leaves that do not fit tightly from the head of cabbage. If there are damaged areas, they must be cut off. The stalks need to be cut to the same level as the leaves; you can cut them 1-2 centimeters more. The finished head of cabbage should be wrapped tightly in 2-3 layers of cling film. When wrapping, you need to compare and press each fold so that the wrapping is tight. After this, the cabbage heads can be placed on shelves in the cellar, in bags, in boxes, and thus the cabbage can be stored until the next harvest. The main thing is not to forget to inspect the cabbage periodically. Because some forks on top may begin to rot. If this happens, then you need to remove the top damaged layer and then wrap the head of cabbage again. Thus, it can still persist for some time.
  2. Storing cabbage along with the root. This method is quite common; with it, cabbage can be stored in many places except the refrigerator. Cabbage that has been pulled out along with the roots is often dipped in liquid clay so that the leaves are not visible. After this, in a shaded place that is well ventilated, these cabbage heads are dried well. Thus, hanging the roots uphill, the cabbage is stored in the cellar. Also, cabbage along with the root is often tied into bunches of 2-3 pieces and hung from the ceiling in storage.

Storing cabbage at home requires experience, so cabbage needs to be stored in several ways in the early stages. How more ways storage you try, the better and better quality it will be stored harvested cabbage Cabbage must be stored both with and without roots, since it is not known what conditions have been created in the storage. In addition, cabbage with roots can be planted in the spring and collected your own seeds at the end of summer.

Simple tips will protect your crop from freezing and rotting:

  1. Dried leaves. In order to be stored for a long time and at the same time remain fresh and not rot, it is necessary to dry the top leaves a little. This method will be especially effective if the cabbage is uprooted. There is no need to cut the spine. Just hang the cabbage by it in some place with sufficient air access (but not bright sun). When the top leaves wither and dry, you can remove the heads of cabbage and hang them in the same position in the cellar, where they will be stored all winter.
  2. Dust with chalk. For long-term storage, you can sprinkle the crop with crushed chalk.
  3. Clay. For this, it is also convenient to take heads of cabbage with roots. We hang the cabbage and coat it with a solution of clay and water. It should not be too thick, no thicker than sour cream. When the head of cabbage is coated, hang it in a draft to dry. After the crust has dried, you can hang the cabbage in the cellar.
  4. Storage in boxes. Boxes can be taken either wooden or plastic. Don't put too many heads of cabbage in one box. Ten will be enough. It is very important that all the stalks are hidden inside the box, that is, we place the lower stalks with the stalks up, and the upper ones with the stalks down. Do not place the box on the ground. You need to hang it or place it on a flat surface such as a shelf, this way you will protect the crop from rotting.
  5. Paper. It is convenient to store cabbage without roots wrapped in paper. Just take blank paper, without any text printed on it. Printing ink contains harmful substances that will interfere with long-term storage of the crop. Wrap each head of cabbage in paper, and then put it in bags, but do not tie it, leave access for air.
  6. Cling film. This is very effective method cabbage storage Use regular cling film, which you can buy at any store, as a wrapper for each head of cabbage. The cling film fits tightly to the sheets, does not allow air and moisture to pass through, and therefore prevents rotting.

Storing any vegetables requires compliance with certain conditions that slow down the decay process. There are several rules that, if followed, will ensure you have a fresh harvest almost all year round:

  • The cellar must be prepared in advance. Check for fungus, mold, dry, whitewash, prepare boxes. Be sure to ventilate the cellar before storing the crops there.
  • Cabbage loves cool weather, but not frost. Ideal temperature– 0 degrees, plus or minus 1 degree. If the temperature is above this limit, the cabbage will crack and the heads of cabbage will begin to sprout.
  • Humidity should be quite high, about 90%.
  • Be sure to inspect the crop before placing it in the cellar. Select only dense and healthy heads of cabbage, without signs of rotting, cracks or damage.
  • If storing cabbage heads without shells or wrappers, be careful not to let them touch each other. Then, if one head of cabbage rots, the rest will not suffer.
  • No matter how you store cabbage, if you sprinkle it with sand, it will remain fresh, since the sand will prevent rotting. Sand absorbs moisture very well, just make sure it is dry.
  • For long-term storage of cabbage, it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient amount of air. Heads of cabbage contain a lot of moisture, so do not place boxes of cabbage on the ground; it will rot. Whatever surface you place the cabbages on, it must be completely dry.
  • Cabbage is not stored for long in closed bags and boxes. Due to excess moisture and lack of air, it begins to rot. When heads of cabbage are in close proximity, rot quickly spreads from one head of cabbage to another.

If there is a lot of crops and not enough space for hanging, stack the crops in a pyramid. With this method, not a single head of cabbage will be completely closed. Air will pass through the gaps between them, which means the cabbage will be stored for a long time and will remain fresh.

If you are using plastic wrap or bags, it is advisable to remove all air from the wrapper.

Of course, you won’t be able to achieve a complete vacuum, but it is quite possible to remove most of the air with a vacuum cleaner. After this, the cabbage will last even longer.

How to properly harvest cabbage so that it lasts longer?

To keep cabbage fresh for a long time, do not skip the preparation stage. The seed packaging will tell you when to harvest. Each variety has its own time: for - early summer, for late - autumn.

You need to dig up cabbage in a warm place and in the presence of sun. Carefully dig up the roots with a shovel and knock down lumps of earth. There is no need to cut off the root immediately, as the cabbage will last longer this way. If you want to store it without the root, cut it off immediately before storing it in the cellar.

Before packing cabbage, inspect the crop several times for damaged heads.

Also separate small and unripe heads of cabbage and place them separately, since this is the type of cabbage that should be eaten first. It will not be stored for long. Any damaged heads do not need to be thrown away or eaten immediately. It can be salted for the winter. So it will stand all year. Before cutting off the root, air dry the cabbage, but under cover to prevent rain from soaking the crop. You need to dry the cabbage for at least a day. Never pack raw cabbage straight from the ground; it will quickly begin to rot.

Be sure to check the cellar for rodents. Mice love cabbage. If found, make sure to remove them before storing your crop there. Remove any leftovers from last year's harvest. Old cabbage leaves will rot and create an unfavorable atmosphere for storing the new crop.

Don't pick cabbage ahead of time. The “let it sit and ripen” method will not work here. Cabbage harvested too early will not be stored for long; it will wither early. Overripe cabbage also cannot last long in the cellar. Overripe heads will burst, and frozen ones will be too wet for storage. You need to let them thaw and then dry them thoroughly.

Do not cut the root close to the head, leave a stalk of 2 cm.

This should be done in a dry place or after that dry for some time. Do not rush to remove the top sheets. If left on, they will protect the cabbage from damage.

If you do not have a cellar or you live in a part of our country where there is enough snow in winter, cabbage can be stored outside.

To do this you can:

  • Dig a trench in the area about 30 cm deep.
  • We fold the cabbage, already prepared and dried, into a house, that is, like a gable roof.
  • Place cabbage leaves, regular or straw, on top.
  • When snow falls, cover the trench with snow at least 1 meter thick. Then the cabbage will not freeze and will be perfectly preserved.

There is another option. We make a trench deeper and wider, about half a meter deep and a meter wide. Place the cabbage in a row, side to side with the stalk facing up. There is no need to completely cover it with soil. The first layer is 10 cm. When the frost intensifies, it will be necessary to add another 25 cm of soil.

You can make a pile instead of a trench and lay straw on the bottom.

The cabbage should be placed in it in a checkerboard pattern so that the heads of cabbage have minimal contact with each other. The stalks must be hidden, that is, all layers are placed with the stalks up, and the last one, upper layer– stalks down. You can sprinkle each layer with earth or leave it like that. From above, all this needs to be covered with a sufficient layer of snow.

If there is too much cabbage and the hole is larger, dig several hollow pipes into the ground. There should be plugs on top. Open them periodically to provide the crop with enough air. This way the cabbage will not rot in the ground. Cabbage can be sprinkled with pine needles. Its smell will repel mice and other pests.

You can store cabbage directly in the snow without holes or trenches. The cabbage is simply laid out on the snow, sprinkled with a layer of snow about half a meter thick on top, and mats are placed on top. This option is for colder regions where underground storage is not practical.

More information can be found in the video.

It is very convenient for every housewife when cabbage is always at hand and there is no need to run to the cellar. But store cabbage at home, at room temperature, it won’t work for a long time, the vegetable will begin to deteriorate.

Storing cabbage in the apartment acceptable for residents of large cities, because they do not have basements and cellars at their disposal.

Let's consider the rules for storing cabbage at home, where and how to properly keep cabbage fresh in the apartment.

At room temperature store cabbage for a long time It won’t work, even in the coldest room; the cabbage will last no longer than a week. In order for cabbage to be stored for as long as possible and not spoil, you need to follow some storage rules.

A very important step that will ensure long-term storage of cabbage is proper preparation for storage. Select the strongest, best-quality heads of cabbage; they should not be damaged by butterflies or slugs. It is better to use the rejected heads of cabbage first.

There are not many places to store cabbage in the apartment - this balcony and refrigerator.

Cabbage takes up a lot of space, so you can store 1-2 heads of cabbage in the refrigerator.

Storage on the balcony one of the most the best ways storing cabbage in the apartment. The balcony must be insulated and glazed; it should not be too cold, otherwise the cabbage will freeze and spoil.

Wrap each prepared head of cabbage in cling film or paper.

Food film It is sold in stores in rolls and it is better to take longer rolls, this will make it more convenient to wrap the cabbage.

When wrapping the heads of cabbage in film, smooth each layer so that it lies tightly. It is enough to wrap it in two layers of film. Remember, in order for the cabbage to lie in the cling film as long as possible, you need to check for condensation inside the film.

Place the finished cabbage on the balcony as loosely as possible. In the future, you will need to periodically check the safety of the cabbage.

If you find rot on cabbage leaves, open the head of cabbage, remove damaged leaves or areas, and wrap again in film.

Cabbage is a demanding and capricious vegetable, and for good storage optimal conditions are needed. For good preservation in cling film, use only dense heads.

Video - How to preserve cabbage at home
