Online fortune telling for debt repayment. Strong conspiracies for debt repayment

If you cannot verbally persuade the debtor to repay the borrowed money, then you can resort to white magic and read strong conspiracies to repay the debt. There are many simple and effective rites and rituals so that a person quickly pays back the borrowed amount and at the same time feels remorse for his behavior. With the help of bread and salt, a candle and a broom and other improvised means, you can influence the debtor’s subconscious and achieve quick results.

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    Conspiracies to return money

    A simple ritual with red threads, a small stone and a scarf of the person who borrowed the money:

  1. 1. Go to the shore of any body of water at 12 noon and tie a scarf to a stone.
  2. 2. Then you should throw this stone into the water and say four times: magic words to force a person to return the money taken;
  3. 3. “The pebble is pulling to the bottom, so my debtor (name) will have a soul that ache and suffer until he wants to give me the money. Until then, he will have neither sleep nor peace, the food will be tasteless to him, and the water will be too fresh . Be as I said."

    Ritual with a coin

    With the help of magic, which is called white, you can get your money back, and the consequences of such magical influence will not be disastrous and the person will be able to maintain good relations with the debtor.

    To perform a ritual with a coin you need:

  1. 1. Take silver coin from your wallet.
  2. 2. Go to the nearest spruce or pine tree and dig a small hole.
  3. 3. Put a coin there and cast the following magic spell: “I will bury the silver coin, and my debt will return, because God’s servant (name) will give me everything in the near future. As the money returns to me in full, I will also dig up the coin, Yes, I’ll forget about my grievances against (debtor’s name).”

A person should wish his friend who borrowed money that he would quickly have the finances to return the borrowed money. You must remember the place and dig up the coin when the debtor returns the money.

Ritual with matches

To perform this magical ritual you will need:

  • wax candle white;
  • a new box of matches;
  • white scarf;
  • white saucer.

The debt repayment ceremony must be performed in complete solitude, when the sun sets below the horizon. You need to sit down at the table and light a wax candle. Then you should open the matchbox and light one match at a time, throwing them to burn out on a white saucer. While the matches are burning, you need to read the following plot: “Powerful fire, help force the debtor to return everything to me. So that (name)’s thoughts are black and he falls into deep melancholy and hopeless despondency. Conscience will torment (name) if he does not give me the money he lent. So be it. Amen."

The candle should burn to the ground, just like all the matches. The ashes need to be collected in a handkerchief and tied tightly, placing it in your wallet. The ash should be stored until the borrowed funds are returned to the person. After returning the money, you need to bury a scarf with ashes under coniferous tree or scatter it to the wind and throw away the white scarf.

Conspiracy with a broom

To carry out this ritual, you need to take two brooms: one is new, the second is a battered, old one. You need to go to the debtor’s doorstep and carefully sweep him with a new broom, saying: “I sweep with a new broom, I sweep the money for myself.”

Then you should take a shabby broom and sweep the threshold again, tear out a few rods and leave them at the front door, saying the following words: “I leave the old broom near your threshold (name of the debtor). It won’t let you sleep, you won’t find a place for yourself, You will feel strong guilt towards me and you will suffer until you give everything in full.”

Powerful rituals

A strong conspiracy that will help awaken the debtor’s pangs of conscience. This spell can be cast on the growing moon at home: “With fiery power and the power of unbearable melancholy, I conjure you (name): return my money to me quickly, otherwise you will have no peace anywhere, you will pay your debt in full and will be obsessed with it. If you spend my money, you will be seized with a strong trembling. You will soon pay back what you borrowed, and you will never borrow money from me again."

After reading, you need to wait about two weeks; if there is no result and the debtor is in no hurry to return the borrowed amount, you need to repeat the plot again.

Ritual with a personal icon

This ritual is very powerful and can lead to Negative consequences for the debtor, therefore it is recommended to carry it out only as a last resort, when other conspiracies have proven useless.

You need to purchase a personal icon of the debtor in the temple and take a black scarf and a small mirror. You should spread a scarf on the table and put a mirror on top so that the reflective surface is below. The icon must be placed on the mirror and your palms placed over these objects. Read the magic spell forty times in a row: “Let God’s servant (name) return my money. And if he does not want to repay his debt, he will lose a hundred times more, become sick and weak, poor and unhappy. So be it. Forever and ever.” . Amen."

Let's consider in detail the conspiracy to return money from a scammer read white magic- with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Often, the debtor is in no hurry to return borrowed banknotes to the owner; in this case, magic can help - a strong spell to repay the debt. Such a ritual will make the borrower suffer from remorse, and soon he himself will look for you in order to return the borrowed funds.

Rules for conducting return money rituals

The conspiracy to give back money is directly related to household magic. Each of the money rituals requires following certain rules that have existed, like the spells themselves, for many centuries. If the subtleties are not observed, the meaning of the ritual and its power are lost, it simply becomes useless.

Before resorting to magic, ask the unreliable borrower several times when he plans to return the debt: if during the conversation a person constantly evades, citing various ridiculous reasons, which is more like a simple excuse, you can start reading the conspiracy (better, of course, just don’t lend).

  1. Any ritual related to money is performed only on the waxing moon. After all, during this period the chance of making a profit is very high.
  2. It is not recommended to turn to black magic, even if you are owed a lot and are not going to pay it back.
  3. Use only white spells for your purposes that do not carry negative influence on a person and whose action will not affect you.
  4. If after performing magical actions the money was returned, be sure to thank the debtor in your thoughts and sincerely wish him happiness.
  5. If possible, pray for the person repaying the debt in order to smooth out all the negativity that was unknowingly directed towards him.

By following these simple rules, you will not harm anyone, and your debt repayment plot will soon take effect.

How does the ritual work?

Everyone who is going to use a conspiracy is concerned with the question: how to get their money back through magic, and how a magical ritual can force a frivolous person to return someone else’s borrowed property.

The simplest conspiracy to return money affects a leisurely debtor on a subconscious level. It can cause mental anxiety, a person is overcome by fear and melancholy. His memory will flash good deeds committed by you. This will encourage the willful defaulter to repay the debt.

A strong conspiracy to return money, carried out using a black ritual, entails dire consequences.

An irresponsible person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to feel an incomprehensible desire to see her benefactor, thoughts about money that needs to be returned will begin to swarm in her head.

The debtor's body will behave unpredictably: his hands will itch, his cheeks will burn, and touching the money will cause a burning sensation, as if touching a hot iron.

If other people's money is not returned to the owner in full soon, the borrower will begin to get sick and waste away. How hard it is depends on the spell chosen. But the creditor himself, who uses such a strong conspiracy to repay the debt, will face similar troubles in the future.

Types of debt repayment conspiracies

There are several options for conducting the ritual. They contain objects on which ritual words will be read.

If you have chosen this spell, prepare a new matchbox, saucer and a new candle (taken from the church) for its execution. Late in the evening, light a candle. While pronouncing the ritual text, “revive” the match with fire.

“Fire-light, help with your heat to force him to return the favor! So that the servant of God (name) would be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, so that every penny of his hands would be given to me! Make sure I get the return soon!”

Place a burning splinter on a saucer, then light the next one. Continue the ritual, repeating the spell many times until the last match burns out. Collect the resulting ashes and store until the debt is repaid.

If the person who took the loan from you is a loved one whom you do not intend to harm, you can use an easy conspiracy to get rid of debts for a coin. To perform it you will need a white coin of medium denomination. It should be buried under a spruce tree early in the morning, after reciting the spell three times.

“I will bury a coin in the earth so that the debt taken by the servant of God (say his name) will be returned to me. To force him to give back everything he took. How to return a debt to the owner - I’ll dig up the small change and forget all the grievances against the debtor!”

After reading the magic words, go home. Call the debtor within the next week to remind them about the money. He will return them soon. When this happens, dig up the coin and keep it with you.

Conspiracy to repay a debt on a candle

To perform this ritual, you only need a green candle. You can buy this attribute in an esoteric store. Decorative candles are not suitable for ritual!

In the evening, light a candle and read the prayer words once.

“My money, come back to me! From someone else's home, from someone else's wallet, to my abode, to me. Let the debtor (by name) not live in peace, let the money not be spent, but only thoughts about me and the debt overcome. This will continue until he returns the goods due to me. Amen."

Then extinguish the wick and hide the candle in a dark place. This action must be repeated every evening until the debt is repaid.

This ritual is suitable if a neighbor is in debt, or an insolvent individual lives somewhere nearby.

For the ceremony, prepare two brooms, one of which must be frayed and old, the other must be new.

First, carefully sweep the debtor’s threshold, saying the phrase:

“I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money!”

After this, walk along the threshold with an old broom. After breaking off a couple of rods and throwing them on the floor, say the following:

“I leave a thin broom near your house to prevent you from sleeping. So that thoughts of guilt in front of me torture the debtor, and let other people’s money flow out of the house!”

Having finished reading, you can go home. If you did everything correctly, no more than a month later, the money will be returned. When you receive them, try to think well of the person who used your money for two or three evenings in order to cleanse yourself of the effects of magic.

These rituals are effective if the money you want to return was borrowed with your consent.

In the case where hard-earned funds are brazenly stolen, you can use a conspiracy to return the stolen money. It will make the thief physically feel the severity of the crime, until the moment the stolen items are returned to the owner.

How to read a conspiracy to repay a debt: rites and rituals of white magic

Many people have faced situations where they borrowed money and could not get it back. No requests had any effect on the debtor. Of course, situations are different. And if you know for sure that a person has money, but he does not want to return it, try reading a conspiracy to repay a debt from white magic.

Such rituals are divided according to the strength of their impact into weak, strong, and very strong. If a person does not want to repay the debt, then his health condition may deteriorate greatly. Therefore, you should resort to magical influences in cases where you are confident in the debtor’s solvency.

When performing rituals aimed at returning money you should follow the rules of money magic. Only if carried out correctly and all points are observed, the plot will work.

  • You should only cast the money back spell to the waxing moon, in exceptional cases, read in full.
  • The best way to perform a ritual is on Tuesday.
  • You can't drink alcohol three days before the ritual.
  • After the money is returned, in your thoughts thank the person who returned the money and let go of all the bad emotions associated with it.

What to do if the debt is not repaid: conspiracies

The rules for performing magical rituals to get money back are simple. It is necessary to strictly follow them so that the result is effective and occurs as soon as possible.

For a candle and matches

This method can help even if you have lost hope of getting your money back.

Prepare a box of matches and a candle from the temple. After sunset, light matches from the candle, one at a time, and let each one burn out on a platter. While every match burns, say the words:

“Fire-fire, help me make you pay back the debt! So that the servant of God (name) may be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment until he gives everything to me! So that I can get the return soon!”

Under the full moon

Many people have a question: “On which moon should we read conspiracies?” Sorcerers usually firmly answer that only growing ones. However, there are rituals for the full moon.

Similar magical actions to return money are carried out on the full moon. Go to the window, looking at the night light, say:

“The night is dark, the moon is silver. I ask you to collect my debts, and return what I have lent. Just as the moon shines forever in the sky, so I can live in abundance! Amen."

Rite of Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is considered one of the most knowledgeable witches. Her rituals are simple but very effective.

Light a thin church candle, stand near the window and read several times in a row:

“I am sending a word to slave (name). Let this indictment of the slave (name) burn and bake. He chases into corners, breaks bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until he pays me (his name) back. Amen."

In order for this to work, you need to contact the person who owes you and remind you of your existence. The ritual must be performed daily until the entire debt is repaid.

The day before Happy Holidays Easter, in the evening, light a candle and, looking at it, say the words of the ritual seven times:

“I forgive you servant of God (name of the debtor) today, tomorrow and always. God is our judge, he will judge us. I don’t judge myself, I’m just asking for help. Baptized servant of God (his name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

The strong way

Take a new church candle, light it and say 40 times words of the ritual:

“Salt, Pain, Bread, Blood, Amen. On Friday I will get up, I will leave the yard without crossing myself, I will go without praying to God. I will sing the morning funeral service, I will eat mass at Kutya, and in the evening I will lower the coffin, from this day on and forever and ever. Amen. On the sea-ocean, there is a house of fire, the water will not wash it away, the wind will not blow it out. An unprecedented man sits in that house - without arms, without legs, without strength. So I take the strength from the servant of God (the name of the debtor), I squeeze the blood out of him, I knock the soul out of him, I drink his heart, I close his eyes forever. I perform the funeral service for you, servant of God (name of the target), I perform the funeral service, I perform the funeral service. If you are my enemy, if you do not repay your debt to me, you will consign your body to the earth and your soul to hell. I perform the funeral service for you, servant of God (name of the target), I perform the funeral service, I perform the funeral service. From this day until the end of time. No one can remove this conspiracy, no one can reprimand him in church, no one can knock down the sorcerer, no one can wash him off with holy water. As I swore, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

When pronouncing these phrases, you need to concentrate on the image of the person who should and the emotions that you feel.

Through a personal icon

Buy an icon with the name of the person who owes you. If you don’t know how to do this correctly, then contact church workers, they will tell you. Take a photograph of a person and place it face to face on the icon. Exactly at midnight, say the spell:

“Guardian Angel of the Servant of God (name of the debtor) patron! Do not allow hiccups, lameness, aches, and drowsiness to be brought upon the servant of God (name of the debtor) because he does not want to repay the debt on time, the money he promised to return. Save us and have mercy! Amen."

Place the icon and photograph face to face in a secret place. If after a week the funds are not returned, then perform the ritual again.

It happens that people do not want to resort to magical influences, believing that this is contrary to their religion.

Then you should pray for the return of the money. In church, light a candle for the health of the person who owes you, while it is burning, look at the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and pray to him in your own words for a speedy return of the money. After leaving the temple, give alms to the poor. Your money will be returned to you shortly after this.

All these methods work effectively when you need to return your money, but before you turn to them, try to come to an agreement with the debtor without attracting otherworldly forces.

Rite of debt repayment as soon as possible

Sometimes it happens that, having lent money, it is quite difficult to get it back. And it seems inconvenient to ask for your own, but the debtor is in no hurry to give back what he took. If you don’t want to resort to threats or go to court, debt collection conspiracies will be an excellent way out of the situation.

The rituals performed for this are not much different from other magical counterparts, since they also affect the subconscious of the object. A simple ritual will make the debtor feel sad, tormented by remorse and remember the good that you did to him.

A stronger conspiracy will literally force you to repay the debt as soon as possible, and if the debtor does not do this, he will face serious health problems. Therefore, before resorting to magical rituals, try to talk to the debtor again, maybe the person at the moment really does not have the opportunity to return your money. If all else fails, wait for the right time for the ritual - the phase of the waxing moon. And after repaying the loan, mentally thank the person who repaid the loan. This way you will remove negative emotions from yourself.

Debt repayment ritual using a chair

It is necessary to break off the leg from the old wooden chair certainly by hand, without using improvised means. Bring the chair out to staircase. Using wire cutters or a knife, separate several chips from the torn leg and say the following spell over them twice:

“He who asks and does not return gets the devil’s visit. I lent money, and so-and-so (name) took it into his hands. If the money doesn’t come back to me, someone (name) will have to face the devil. Let him take (name) for himself and return the money to me.”

After reading the plot, the chair must be thrown away, and the wood chips taken to the intersection and left there.

A very strong old conspiracy

To perform this ritual you will need the hair of three different dogs, the hair of three different cats, three bird feathers found on the street, three full spoons of salt, three needles, a black-handled knife, a bar of soap and small square made of black material.

Place the cloth on the table and write on it with soap the name of the person who does not give you the money, place the collected components on the cloth and mix them with a knife, moving them counterclockwise. Say a spell while doing this.

“Hear me, stab the debtor, roar at him and hiss, gnaw his insides and burn him with hot fire. Start in the morning and continue all day, in the evening and at night, until it becomes very bad. Not a moment of peace was found for (name) until he returned what he had taken to me in its entirety. Let him suffer, groan, not eat, not see the white light, not know goodness, not understand anything. As said, so done. My words are firm."

Strong conspiracy with an icon

Buy an icon with the name of the person who took the loan in any temple or church. Place a black piece of cloth on the table; in extreme cases, a dark sheet of paper will do. Place the mirror on the cloth with the amalgam facing down, and place the icon on it. Place your hands over the icon as if you were warming yourself by the fire, and read the spell 40 times.

“Let the servant of God (...) return to me everything he took, and if he delays, he will lose a hundred times more, he will not know peace until the end of his life, he will lose all his health, My words are strong, my deeds are true. Amen".

Another conspiracy

Buy a candle and leave the change to the seller. Look in advance when the sun sets, and after it sets, say a spell over a lit candle 13 times.

“It’s not the candle that melts, it’s (name) that melts because he doesn’t repay the debt to me. If the debt is not returned to me, then your (name) health will deteriorate. My words are firm, certified by fire, sealed by fire. As said, so done."

After reading, extinguish the candle, but do not throw it away. The next day, in the morning, take her to the temple and place her before the icon for her health.

“I forgive you (name) for yesterday and for tomorrow, for now and today. I have God as my witness, I ask him to help you take the right path.”

A conspiracy read on a new moon to quickly repay debts

Buy a candle, don't haggle and don't take change. Get up early in the morning, wait for the first rays of the sun, light a candle and read open window three times.

“I am sending to (...) invoice. Let him burn and bake him, beat him, beat him, bring him to tears, don’t let him live in peace, prevent him from sleeping, don’t know how to get tired, pester him all the time. Until (the name) he took is returned to me.”

Using eggs to repay debts - an old proven method

Carefully pierce two raw eggs with a needle and lower them into boiling water, throw the needle into the boiling water and say:

“Just as eggs boil in boiling water, so you (name) boil in remorse. Until you repay the entire debt, you will know neither sleep nor peace, neither during the day, nor in the evening, nor at night, nor in the morning. The needle will prick you and burn you. No medicine will help you, no one will help you. Repay the debt and live in peace."

Boil the eggs hard. Keep one for yourself, bury the second near the debtor’s house.

Easy plot to repay debt

If the money was lent to a loved one or a friend, you should only use a light ritual. Choose a new coin from among the change in your wallet and bury it early in the morning under a pine or spruce tree. While burying, say:

“I bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To force (name) to give everything. As soon as I return everything I took, I’ll dig up the coin and forget the grievances caused!”

Wish the person who borrowed from you and is in no hurry to repay the money as soon as possible. After he returns everything to you, dig up the coin.

Ritual for returning money using a candle and a box of matches (for hopeless cases)

Buy one yellow wax candle from a church or temple. After the sun sets, place the candle in a plate or saucer and light it. Take a box of matches, light each match from a candle and place it on a plate without extinguishing it. While they are burning, read the plot:

“Burn, fire! Help me repay the debt. Let (name) be tormented by remorse until he gives what he owes. Let him give me back everything that’s mine!” Place the matches and candle stub in a white handkerchief and put them in your wallet, saying: “let what is not expected return.”

Ritual with a colored candle

This ritual should be used if the case is completely hopeless, and the person who borrowed money from you avoids you in every possible way.

In a store selling esoteric goods, buy a green candle, since a simple decorative candle absolutely not suitable for the ceremony. Light it every evening and read the plot:

“My money, I call on you, I call on you! Come to me from a distant house, to where everything is familiar to you. So that (...) he stopped living peacefully until he paid me the debt in full. Let painful thoughts overcome him, his conscience prevents him from sleeping.”

After reading the plot, put out the candle and hide it in a safe place. Repeat the sessions until the person gives the money.

Ritual on brooms

This ritual is suitable for those whose debtor lives nearby. Buy one new broom and take an old one from home. At night, make sure that no one sees you, and first sweep the offender’s threshold with a new broom, saying:

“A good broom sweeps - it sweeps, it sweeps my money to me!”

Then take an old broom, sweep the threshold with it, tear off a few twigs and throw it at the door with the words:

“A bad broom on the threshold so that you can return the favor. So that my conscience would not let me sleep, she whispered to me to return the money.”

Within a month, the debtor will repay the debt in full. After receiving the money, try to think about this person with positive attitude, this is necessary to remove the negative consequences.

Effective money return spells

Very often there are situations when a person borrows money from his friends. It’s just that it’s quite difficult to return them later. Sometimes debt repayment can take months, and sometimes even years. It is difficult to force a debtor to return money. Especially if this person is a close friend or relative. Our grandmothers often said the following phrase: “if you don’t want to lose a close friend, then never lend him money.”

Money back conspiracy

And this is true, because in this way you can ruin not only your nerves, but also lose a loved one. Naturally, there can be no talk of any return. After all, relationships can deteriorate significantly. Going to court can only make the situation worse. So, what to do in such situations. One way out is to use a money return spell.

Many people say that magic cannot help in difficult situations. life situations. It’s only in those moments when there is no way out that they begin to resort to magical help. And, in principle, this is completely justified.

What is the essence of such conspiracies?

Rituals aimed at returning money are not particularly different from other magical rituals. They change a person’s consciousness in the same way, forcing him to do what the performer needs. The simplest rituals are aimed at causing torment of conscience and fear in the fraudster. It is after the ceremony that the borrower begins to remember the good moments that connected him with you, and then he begins to look for the possibility of returning Money.

If we consider complex methods, they have a slightly different system of action. Usually, they force a person to repay debts quite harshly. If the debt is not paid, then illness or other everyday problems will overtake him. Sometimes black magic can cause death. Just don’t resort to this method, because in this case, you will never be able to get your money back.

Spell on an old chair

Before performing the ceremony, break off the leg of an old unnecessary chair. Moreover, it is prohibited to use tools. You only need to do the work with your hands. Place the broken chair outside. If you live in an apartment, then place it on a flight of stairs. Use a knife or pliers to tear out a couple of splinters from the torn leg. Now you can start reading a special prayer.

“If you ask the higher powers well, then demons can return what they have lost. I lent a man money and he accepted it with bare hands. White magic always helps me. If he doesn’t bring me the money back, the devils will take him away to their domain. My money will be returned for it. Let it be as I ask. Let the money that belongs to me return to its home. It is impossible to delay this. Amen".

If you want to strengthen the plot, then read the plot several times. It will be better if the plot is read a second time, starting from the back. After the ceremony, the chair can be thrown into trash can. Take the wood chips to the intersection. When you head home, don't look back and don't talk to anyone.

A proven old plot to return property

This proven and powerful conspiracy to return money or return property implies what you need to prepare:

  • three large needles;
  • large spoons of regular table salt: it’s better if there are three spoons;
  • bird feathers, three pieces;
  • the fur of three different cats and dogs;
  • a small piece of dark fabric.

The plot needs to be read at home. When all the attributes have been collected, place them on some surface. On the fabric, write the name of the person who owes you money. Place all other items on the fabric and mix them with a knife. Choose a knife so that its handle is black. Stirring should be done in the opposite direction clockwise. Now you can start reading the prayer.

“Higher powers, help me, servant of God (your name). Hit the man who borrowed money from me so that he pays back his debt. Burn it with hot fire. Spend the whole day trying to get my debt out of him. Let him know no peace. Everything he owes me must be returned unconditionally. Let suffering overcome him, appetite disappears, sleep does not come. When returning, let him apologize. Let my words be heard. I will not change them, and I will not allow others to do so. They are much stronger than the hardest stone. Amen".

The most effective way to get an urgent refund

First of all, buy a wax candle. If the occasion allows, then pay without change. If it doesn’t work out, then don’t take the change that the seller will give. Take a candle, and as soon as the sun sets below the horizon, light it and read the plot.

“If it seems that the candle is melting, then it is not. Thus, the person who borrowed money from me melts away and does not try to return it. Until the debt is repaid, the melting will continue. You can't escape this. It's time for the stolen item to return home. As soon as you return the money, relief will immediately come. The words I have spoken can never change. My resolution is strong and unchangeable. Amen".

When a new day arrives, immediately go to the church temple. There you need to light the rest of the candle for the person’s health. It is best to go to the temple on foot.

Money back conspiracy

If the debtor for a long time does not talk about the return of funds, then the following ritual can be performed. It is better to spend it on a new moon. As the sun begins to rise, light a candle and head towards the window.

The plot is read three times:

“I ask the debtor, the servant of God (name the person’s last name, first name, and patronymic), to return the money that belongs to me. He asked for them for temporary use, but for a long time he has not returned them. Let no sleep come to him, let no appetite appear until he returns everything. I ask for a refund. Amen".

The presented plot to return your money from the debtor will work quite quickly, and your money will be returned to you. Just do not forget that your desire must come from a pure heart and have great strength.

Everyone has had situations in their life where they were taken for granted.

Debt repayment ritual, how to recover debts from a debtor

An effective method using eggs

First, make small holes in the raw eggs with a needle. It doesn't matter what kind of eggs you use. It is quite possible that it will be chicken. You can also use duck or goose. The main thing is that they are raw and fresh. Now you can immerse the eggs in water and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add the needle to it and cover the pan with a lid. Don't forget to close entrance doors to the castle.

If it happens that the debtor is in no hurry to return what is due, there is no need to rush. Perhaps a person actually does not have money, and he cannot repay the debt. Before turning to magic, ask the debtor several times to return the money. If all the answers are negatively groundless and more like vague promises, then it’s time to make a magic spell. Our great-grandmothers also said that if you don’t want to lose a friend, then it’s best not to lend him money. It's hard to argue with that. Especially if this has already happened, and the debtor is in no hurry to return your hard-earned money. In such a situation and best friend may become an enemy. But the problem can be solved with the help of magic. A debt repayment plot will help you get your money back in the shortest possible time.

Debt spell on an aspen branch

Pick the third aspen branch from the bottom. Make forty notches on this branch. For each notch, read a spell. Find a stump among the aspens, hit the stump with a branch, and then, tying the branch around the stump, leave without looking back. The debtor will not know peace, day and night he will think about how to repay your debt as soon as possible.
They read like this: Jesus the Lord got up in the morning, prayed to his Father, and crossed himself three times with his finger. He began to wash himself with spring water, but he had nothing to wipe himself with. Mother Mary came very soon and brought a towel to Christ. So my debtors (names) would bring me, the servant of God (name), a debt, every penny. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get a deferment on debts

There is a conspiracy that softens the heart of someone who is waiting for a debt to be repaid. It can only be read by one person. You need to prepare for the conspiracy in advance. Collect leaves from brooms from three baths. Baths should be located at a fair distance from each other, this is important. Put the leaves in your wallet (you don’t need a new one). They charm this wallet and throw it to the person from whom they want to receive a deferment.
They read the plot on the full moon, at midnight. A holy old man is walking, he has a golden finger, and a snake hangs on his finger. The snake Speedy does not hiss at the finger, does not threaten the finger with its sting, does not drink blood from the finger, does not take the life of an old man. So the servant of God (name) would not hiss at me, would not threaten me, would not demand his money from me, would not beg, would not shout at me loudly, would not pound his fist on the table. Just as the dumb are silent and do not shout, so the servant of God (name) would be silent about debt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If they borrowed money from you, but they don’t want to pay you back

There is such a proverb in the world: “They ask for a loan, they follow, but to repay, you have to look for the debtor.” If you no longer hope that the debt will be returned to you according to honor, you need to do this with a special conspiracy. Light a candle, go to the window with it and read three times. I send a message to the servant of God (name). Let this indictment of God’s servant (name) burn and bake. He chases into corners, breaks bones. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until (name) repays the debt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the debtor returns the money quickly

On eggs

First spell. Take two eggs, pierce them with a needle on both sides, and place them in boiling water. Then they close the lock with a key, and throw the key into the water with boiling eggs and say three times: Just as the Khan’s army collected tribute, killed people for money, sparing neither the gray-haired nor the young, so I closed the lock, buried the key in the graves, collected the debt or killed. The angel was there, he forgot the debtor, the guard would leave, the spell would be found. The debtor will repay the debt or die. Amen. They bring boiled eggs and a lock to the grave with the name of the debtor, and the key is placed on the grave with the name of the one to whom the money is not given.

On dimes

The second way to get your money back. The master takes the nickels that were used to cover the deceased’s eyes (they should be in the arsenal good master). They draw a star in a circle, put a half-liter jar of water in the middle, throw in dimes, light five candles at the ends of the star, and let them burn. The flow from the candles is placed in a jar with nickels, closed with a lid, and read 12 times: Eyes closed, buried in the grave. I burn candles and torture the debtor. I torture with fire, dead water, grave soil. You, servant of God (name), repay the debt or take the dimes. Amen. Amen. Amen. And they take the jar to the grave with the name of the debtor.

On a chair leg

Another good way get yours back. You need to break off a leg from an old chair. The chair is placed outside the threshold of the house (for those who live in an apartment, at the entrance, for those in a private house, at the gate). From a broken leg, they pinch chips with a knife, lay them in a hut and read the spell, once correctly, once backwards: The devil brings the one who asks. I gave, the debtor took. The debtor will not pay the debt, the devil will take the debtor. Amen. At night everything is thrown away at the intersection.

Lining to repay debts

A very good way to repay a debt. Take three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats, cut out a square of black fabric the size of your hand (pentacle), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap, put in the middle of the pentacle and slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above-mentioned objects with a knife, saying: Tear, chips, prick, pain, itching, gnawing, burn; day all day, night all night. And an hour and half an hour, and minutes, and half a minute, and all the time, in the heart, in the crown, in the liver, in the stomach. It will not go away, it will not heal, neither from a doctor, nor from a healer, nor from a sorcerer, nor from a pagan, nor from a whisperer. The servant of God (name) will be sick, rotting and withering from hour to hour. Don’t eat, don’t sleep, moan, suffer, you can’t see the white light. He will not let go of the evil side until he pays (name) his debt. Amen. Amen. Amen. Makes lining where the debtor lives.

Force the debtor to repay a debt worth 12 coals

From the ash pit or from the treasured box where you previously placed the coals taken in religious holiday, take 12 coals. They are placed on a scarf (the scarf should be plain and dark) and the dishes are placed next to them: a cup, a spoon, a glass. They let their hair down, put on their dress backwards, sit in front of the dishes and light a candle. After this they read three times: I am calling the servant of God (name) for dinner, and a hundred troubles live under my table. Eat my dinner, enemy, and take away a hundred troubles for yourself. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Force the money back for what was taken for sale

Sometimes people give goods for sale, but cannot take back either the money or the goods.
In this case, burn aspen splinters three evenings in a row and say into the smoke:
Just as a torch burns, so you, servant of God (name), will smolder and burn. You can’t pour holy water on it until you give me back what’s mine. Amen.

Force them to return what they took for guts and blood

Need a rag with menstrual blood, blood of a slaughtered chicken, heart of a bull, chicken liver. A circle is drawn on the ground with a sharp aspen stake. A star is drawn in a circle. Dry grass is laid out in the middle of the star, then dead (dry) wood, chopped into chips, and all of the above is set on fire. The spell should be cast only when the fire is burning well. After the spell is cast, they leave, but return at night to fill the bag with ashes. This bag is hung on a tree.
Everything that was taken from you will be returned without any doubt. You, the one who tramples, and you, the one who knows a lot. Do you know the name of the one who took it from me? And the one who didn’t give it to me? Through human blood, through animal blood, through heart and liver and your omnipresent power, I conjure you! Make (so-and-so) give me (so-and-so) back. Anyone who stands in the way of your will will be eliminated. Amen.

How to influence a debtor

Read on personalized icon debtor. They are sold in the church. Lay a black scarf on the table, place the mirror face down on it, and place the debtor’s personal icon on it. Hold your hands over the icon as if you were warming them over a fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Don't be distracted by calls or knocking. After this, go to church and light three candles for health, then three for repose and again three candles for health.
Spell: Bread, blood, salt. Amen. On Friday I got up, stood up without crossing myself, without praying to the Lord. I sing the matins service, eat mass with kutya, and lower it into the coffin with vespers, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
On the Okiyan Sea there is a house of fire: it is not washed away by water, nor blown away by the wind. And an invisible man sits in it, he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I (name) take the strength out of God’s servant (name), squeeze the blood out of him, drink his heart, close his eyes. I'm doing the funeral service! I'm doing the funeral service! I'm doing the funeral service! If you, enemy (name), do not repay your debt to me, then you will consign your body to the grave. I do the funeral service, I do the funeral service, I do the funeral service. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. No one can remove my oath, no one can reprimand me in any church. My words cannot be washed away with holy water. As I swore, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Usually the savior angel of the debtor forced him to fulfill his duty.

Conspiracy from ruin

To remove the spell from your business, you need to buy three icons on Thursday: the icon of St. Paul, St. Michael and the icon of St. George the Victorious. At the first rays of the Sun, wash yourself from these three holy icons. To do this, pour water blessed in the church onto the icon, and wash yourself with the water flowing from it and say: Strong saints, immortal saints, strengthen me with your shield, my body, my trading business for now, for eternity, for infinity. Be strong, my words, be strong, my deeds, like St. Paul the Intercessor, St. Michael the Liberator, St. George the Victorious. Saints strong, saints immortal. Save me, protect me and remove all curses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Hurry the debtor to repay the debt

Buy a knife with a wooden handle. At three o'clock in the morning, take out of the refrigerator something specially purchased at the market bull's heart, put it on the table and stick a knife into it right hand, saying at the same time: When this heart was still alive, it beat day and night, pounding, blood flowed through its veins. Heart! I give you the name of the debtor, I will cut you, stab you, I will stop your bleeding. Until then you will suffer and suffer until you decide to repay your debt to me. My knife has brothers - 12 knives, 12 damask guards. They will follow my enemy, they will finish off my enemy, they will make my enemy suffer until his brain decides to repay the debt. 12 knives, 12 damask guards will cut and stab day and night, no one will ever be able to overcome my knives. My word is stone, my deed is correct. I lock it with a padlock and close it with a key. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The current conspiracy to repay a debt works only on certain days of the week, but it helps to return your hard-earned money in a short time without complications. A conspiracy is read to repay a debt on days when the Moon is waning, with special magical attributes. If a conspiracy to repay a monetary debt is performed incorrectly, the entire cash flow in a person’s home may suffer. How to conduct a secret ritual according to all the rules?

Magical ways to return the favor

The debt repayment plot is not chosen by chance. There is a big difference between how and when a person reads magic words. Conspiracies to force a person to repay a debt do not require multi-stage rituals. Rituals work based on the strength of a person’s desire, on his inner message and thoughts. In order not to waste time in vain, a conspiracy to give back money - to repay a debt is selected for a specific situation.

A debt repayment plot will help you get your money back without complications for all participants in the ritual. With the help of money magic on the waning moon, a person gets rid of everything that burdens his life and interferes with his development. You should get rid of unfulfilled obligations, which do not easily interfere, but cause real damage to the energy of the whole family, without delay. Spells for matches, water, fire are at the same time the simplest and most effective. The black or white ceremony is carried out exclusively at night, so that the person expecting the money back can be left alone with his own thoughts.

What is the spell for?

A plot to repay a debt should be read for a specific reason. There is a conspiracy to repay a monetary debt from the first day, so you need to time the ritual so that the debtor can contact the one who helped him in difficult times. The spell works based on a person’s desires, so there is no point in holding a grudge against the debtor. A proven method of returning money works for beginners and experienced magicians, and to carry it out you need the most accessible magical attributes.

To return money (a certain amount of money) that rightfully belongs to the conspirator, you must choose one of Vanga’s simple rituals or Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. The most powerful spells will be useful not only to individuals, but also to official companies or enterprises. To return large sum the most reliable rituals are needed, as a result of which the conspirators will not doubt.

Choosing a Ritual

A fast-acting ritual at home is an opportunity to receive money in a short time, without resorting to the help of official authorities. The simplest rituals will allow you to restore financial stability and find harmony:

  • with the help of whispers, a powerful return of the borrowed amount of money is made (no matter how large or small the agreed repayment period may be);
  • the Muslim conspiracy is one of the strongest for debt repayment;
  • Slavic rituals are performed to give away money, for which you will need incense, church candles and holy water;
  • white spell on the debtor to pay back the amount can be cast for any Orthodox holidays(Easter, Christmas, Epiphany).

In order for debt repayment to take place without complications, for a house, residential and working space should be put strong defense. For these purposes, a protective spell is cast on amulets or amulets. Spells for a debtor should be cast carefully so as not to harm the energy of another person.

To make the debtor repent, it is necessary to make a strong return to the male days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. For the debtor, the magic that the conspirator resorted to is a real test. Even the most persistent person can be forced to return what he borrowed.

Ritual with a chair

A conspiracy to quickly repay a debt is read using magical attributes that are easy to buy, find, find in own home. Getting a debtor to repay a debt using a spell on a chair is not difficult even for a beginner. It is necessary to read the conspiracy to repay the debt into pieces without witnesses. The text of the spell is learned by heart. How magic spell An experienced magician will tell you how to quickly repay debts, but even a beginner who has taken on such an important task for the first time can do money magic.

How to force a debtor to repay a debt using a chair spell? First of all, you need to take the most common one old chair or a stool. To influence the debtor, buy new furniture not worth it. Only one leg is needed for the ritual. An effective magical method only works on the waning moon. Returning the loan will take place without a single consequence if all stages of the ritual are carefully prepared.

What you will need

A set of additional magical attributes will enhance the work of the spell. The return of money is carried out using:

  • legs from an old chair;
  • holy water;
  • matches.

A conspiracy to repay a debt is read directly on the debtor, on the energy flow in his home. It is rarely possible to force a willful defaulter to return what does not belong to him without magic. You can cast the spell only in cloudless weather, and for protection own home you should read the prayers “Our Father” and an appeal to the Mother of God.

Under no circumstances should you cast a spell when you are feeling unwell or with a soul full of resentment. Such behavior will only do harm. You need to break it off the chair with your bare hands without the help of special tools. You need to beat off several chips from the leg, on which you can perform a strong ritual.

Reading the plot

A conspiracy to make a person return what he borrowed should be read under the Moon. The woman or man must understand and be aware of the content of the spell, otherwise the magic will not help to return their own money. For the ritual, you should turn off all the lights in the house and light a church candle. While the fire is glowing, prayers are read to the saints whose name the man or woman bears. The whole ritual must be felt until the last word.

“If someone asks for their money, even if it’s my debt, even if it’s someone else’s, you, the servant of God (name), must give yours. Your own gold, your own wealth, your own coins. If you don’t return the money on time, let you get what you deserve. Fate cannot be avoided. Amen".

For the debt repayment ritual, safe white magic is used. There is no need to be afraid of the consequences of your own actions. The charm is used in strict secrecy so that no one finds out. Debts that have been returned will be of benefit if additional protective rituals are carried out.

New Moon Spell

A conspiracy to quickly repay debts is within the power of both a skeptic and a person who deeply believes in God. Magic does not harm those who respect its power. A conspiracy to repay a debt using matches is carried out on the New Moon only in exceptional cases when you return what you borrowed. in the usual way fails at all. To repay a debt using a conspiracy, you need to wait for the appropriate phase of the moon.

To repay a debt in a swamp, this black return conspiracy works flawlessly. A strong conspiracy to return a monetary debt to full moon requires careful preparation. All magical attributes that are used in magic are charged the day before. A white magic conspiracy to repay a debt or a black ritual will allow you to forget about money problems and accumulate capital. A person decides for himself whether it makes sense to resort to such strong charms or not.

Preparation for a secret magical action

For the full moon, you need to prepare matches, a black piece of fabric or tablecloth, a wax candle, and a photo of the debtor. It is very important to follow all the rules of the ceremony. A man who plans to return the money as soon as the moon appears opens the windows of his house wide open.

The attributes that the person has been working with for several days should be placed around the photo. The candles are lit last. As soon as a person feels internal readiness, he begins to carry out secret action. To return money, a tablecloth or fabric is laid out on the windowsill, candles and the most recent photograph of the debtor are placed on top (it is very important that the photograph is not old).

When the spell is cast

Above the attributes that the conspirator has stocked up on, the words of the spell are read:

“I am sending punishment on the servant of God. Let my debtor now feel the misfortune, let him be crushed, let him burn what he created. Heavenly powers, help. You don’t condemn me, you don’t break me, you don’t have to pay me back. Now (name) will not be able to sleep without thinking about other people’s money, and will not be able to eat without pangs of conscience. Now it will be like this. Amen".

The quick ritual starts working on the second day. Each candle remaining after the ceremony must be lit in the evening throughout the week and the Lord’s Prayer must be read. To set up cash flow, after the debtor gives the money, runic protections are placed or stakes are drawn in the house.

Attributes that attract money cannot be thrown away on a candle, matches or other things. If after reading the spell there are cinders left, they should be taken to the church. Money will not disappear from the house if the conspirator says protective prayers by candlelight. Setting up cash flow after the ceremony is the primary task of a person who does not want to lose money.

The most detailed description: prayer for a conspiracy to repay a debt - for our readers and subscribers.

Often, the debtor is in no hurry to return borrowed banknotes to the owner; in this case, magic can help - a strong spell to repay the debt. Such a ritual will make the borrower suffer from remorse, and soon he himself will look for you in order to return the borrowed funds.

Rules for conducting return money rituals

The conspiracy to give back money is directly related to household magic. Each of the money rituals requires following certain rules that have existed, like the spells themselves, for many centuries. If the subtleties are not observed, the meaning of the ritual and its power are lost, it simply becomes useless.

Before resorting to magic, ask the unreliable borrower several times when he plans to return the debt: if during the conversation a person constantly evades, citing various ridiculous reasons, which is more like a simple excuse, you can start reading the conspiracy (better, of course, just don’t lend).

  1. Any ritual related to money is performed only on the waxing moon. After all, during this period the chance of making a profit is very high.
  2. It is not recommended to turn to black magic, even if you are owed a lot and are not going to pay it back.
  3. Use for your purposes only white spells that do not have a negative effect on a person and the effect of which will not affect you.
  4. If after performing magical actions the money was returned, be sure to thank the debtor in your thoughts and sincerely wish him happiness.
  5. If possible, pray for the person repaying the debt in order to smooth out all the negativity that was unknowingly directed towards him.

By following these simple rules, you will not harm anyone, and your debt repayment plot will soon take effect.

How does the ritual work?

Everyone who is going to use a conspiracy is concerned with the question: how to get their money back through magic, and how a magical ritual can force a frivolous person to return someone else’s borrowed property.

The simplest conspiracy to return money affects a leisurely debtor on a subconscious level. It can cause mental anxiety, a person is overcome by fear and melancholy. The good deeds you have done will emerge in his memory. This will encourage the willful defaulter to repay the debt.

A strong conspiracy to return money, carried out using a black ritual, entails dire consequences.

An irresponsible person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to feel an incomprehensible desire to see her benefactor, thoughts about money that needs to be returned will begin to swarm in her head.

The debtor's body will behave unpredictably: his hands will itch, his cheeks will burn, and touching the money will cause a burning sensation, as if touching a hot iron.

If other people's money is not returned to the owner in full soon, the borrower will begin to get sick and waste away. How hard it is depends on the spell chosen. But the creditor himself, who uses such a strong conspiracy to repay the debt, will face similar troubles in the future.

Types of debt repayment conspiracies

There are several options for conducting the ritual. They contain objects on which ritual words will be read.

If you have chosen this spell, prepare a new matchbox, saucer and a new candle (taken from the church) for its execution. Late in the evening, light a candle. While pronouncing the ritual text, “revive” the match with fire.

“Fire-light, help with your heat to force him to return the favor! So that the servant of God (name) would be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, so that every penny of his hands would be given to me! Make sure I get the return soon!”

Place a burning splinter on a saucer, then light the next one. Continue the ritual, repeating the spell many times until the last match burns out. Collect the resulting ashes and store until the debt is repaid.

If the person who took the loan from you is a loved one whom you do not intend to harm, you can use an easy conspiracy to get rid of debts for a coin. To perform it you will need a white coin of medium denomination. It should be buried under a spruce tree early in the morning, after reciting the spell three times.

“I will bury a coin in the earth so that the debt taken by the servant of God (say his name) will be returned to me. To force him to give back everything he took. How to return a debt to the owner - I’ll dig up the small change and forget all the grievances against the debtor!”

After reading the magic words, go home. Call the debtor within the next week to remind them about the money. He will return them soon. When this happens, dig up the coin and keep it with you.

Conspiracy to repay a debt on a candle

To perform this ritual, you only need a green candle. You can buy this attribute in an esoteric store. Decorative candles are not suitable for ritual!

In the evening, light a candle and read the prayer words once.

“My money, come back to me! From someone else's home, from someone else's wallet, to my abode, to me. Let the debtor (by name) not live in peace, let the money not be spent, but only thoughts about me and the debt overcome. This will continue until he returns the goods due to me. Amen."

Then extinguish the wick and hide the candle in a dark place. This action must be repeated every evening until the debt is repaid.

This ritual is suitable if a neighbor is in debt, or an insolvent individual lives somewhere nearby.

For the ceremony, prepare two brooms, one of which must be frayed and old, the other must be new.

First, carefully sweep the debtor’s threshold, saying the phrase:

“I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money!”

After this, walk along the threshold with an old broom. After breaking off a couple of rods and throwing them on the floor, say the following:

“I leave a thin broom near your house to prevent you from sleeping. So that thoughts of guilt in front of me torture the debtor, and let other people’s money flow out of the house!”

Having finished reading, you can go home. If you did everything correctly, no more than a month later, the money will be returned. When you receive them, try to think well of the person who used your money for two or three evenings in order to cleanse yourself of the effects of magic.

These rituals are effective if the money you want to return was borrowed with your consent.

In the case where hard-earned funds are brazenly stolen, you can use a conspiracy to return the stolen money. It will make the thief physically feel the severity of the crime, until the moment the stolen items are returned to the owner.

Since ancient times, among admirers and followers of occultism and magic, a spell on water has been considered the most powerful universal weapon against all misfortunes. .

The legends and beliefs of our great-grandfathers contain more than one wonderful conspiracy and spells to make wishes come true. Sincere prayers and invented ones.

Warts are a rather unpleasant skin sore, which often cannot be removed on the first try, but you should not despair, after all.

Since ancient times, women who performed spells on their hair managed to keep it strong and healthy until old age. It existed in everyday life.

The most ancient occult treatises contain the first spells of black magic, which gave rise to a numerous legacy of witchcraft rituals and.

Has it ever happened to you when a sharp throbbing pain tore your mind out of the embrace of a good night's sleep, and you, like a prayer, unconsciously.

Conspiracies for debt repayment

Why does a middle-income person who is asked to borrow money feel the urge to refuse? The reason is quite understandable - the fear that the debtor will delay repayment or, in general, “forget” the fact of the loan. The old folk saying: “You give with your hands, but you take away with your feet”, alas, is relevant at all times. In addition to the unpleasant procedure of debt collection, the owner of the money often faces the hostility of the debtor. A simple debt repayment plot will help resolve all unpleasant issues. It is not worthwhile, as soon as the deadline for returning the borrowed amount has arrived, to immediately use conspiracies, especially strong ones. It is necessary to remind the debtor several times. Even with a rude refusal to return the money, you should not resort to conspiracies black magic, causing the debtor to “lose health” or “melt away like a candle.” Debt repayment conspiracies accurately measure the punishment for guilt, and excess punishment will fall on the caster.

Friendship is friendship

Borrowed money to a friend or relative? If repayment of the debt is delayed, be patient - loved ones cannot be forced to pay off immediately. You can go to church and pray to ask for the repayment of Nikolai the Ugodnik’s debt. Or resort to an easy conspiracy to repay the debt so that it does not violate the warm relationship with a friend. Find a white, sparkling coin among the change. In the morning, bury the money under a Christmas tree or pine tree. Read the plot:

“I will bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To force the servant of God (name) to give everything. When everything comes back to me, I’ll dig it up and forget all the grievances!”

Wish the debtor that he will have money soon and have enough to pay back. Soon the debt will be repaid to you with words of gratitude. After that, dig up the coin and save it.

Ill-advised loan

It happens that a person lends money to strangers without finding a reason for refusal. The owner of the money in this case is at great risk, since the borrowers initially did not intend to pay the debt. A conspiracy to return money using a matchbox and a church candle will help force the debtor to pay. In the evening, in the dark, sit at the table and place a saucer in front of you, light a candle. Light one match at a time from the candle and let it burn out on the saucer. While the matches are burning, repeat the spell:

“Fire-fire, help me make you pay back the debt! So that the servant of God (name) may be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, Until he gives everything to me! So that I can get the return soon!”

Collect everything that remains from the candle and on the plate into a white scarf and put it in the money section of the bag with the words: “So that you can give away something that was no longer expected.” This debt repayment plot is strong and effective, and helps even in hopeless cases.

Goods on credit

It happens that regular customer, always punctual and solvent, borrows food “until tomorrow” and disappears for a long time. In order for the seller to receive a refund, he must, standing at his counter, say towards the door, speaking in a conspiracy as if to a debtor: “My prayer is short, I ask for the person in whose hands my money is. Let him get rich, repay his debt to me and have his own (money).”. Lo and behold, on the same day a buyer will come to you with money. Debt repayment conspiracies, in which you sincerely ask not only for yourself as a debtor, will bring a lot of good to your destiny.

Salary arrears

Wage debt, when there is no way to receive hard-earned money, causes the greatest resentment. Don’t get hung up on hatred and hopelessness, use a strong and successful spell to repay your debt with brooms. Buy a new broom and find any dirty broom. Break off a twig from them. Go to the office where you are owed money. With the words of the conspiracy:

“I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money!”

Lead along the door frame leading to the establishment or to the accountant's office. Then hit the door with a dirty twig and read the spell:

“I leave a thin broom near the house so that he won’t let him sleep, so that thoughts about me will torment the debtor and other people’s money will leave him!”

Throw the rods in the trash. Although the ritual seems complicated, it is quite doable and helps to get paid well.

Debts paid

Your spells worked, and the debtors repaid the loan. After returning the money, read a prayer for the person who repaid the debt:

“I forgive you for today and for yesterday, for now and for tomorrow. God is my witness. And from now on he (name of the debtor) is your judge. I no longer judge you, I ask God for help, I (name) am a faithful servant of God, baptized and honest. Let it be so. Amen"

Simple conspiracies and prayers will help to maintain good relationships in solving difficult money issues.

What if the debtor is his brother?

And when they return it, what to do with the switches and the candle?

  • List item
December 22, 2017 5th lunar day - New moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Rite of debt repayment as soon as possible

Sometimes it happens that, having lent money, it is quite difficult to get it back. And it seems inconvenient to ask for your own, but the debtor is in no hurry to give back what he took. If you don’t want to resort to threats or go to court, debt collection conspiracies will be an excellent way out of the situation.

The rituals performed for this are not much different from other magical counterparts, since they also affect the subconscious of the object. A simple ritual will make the debtor feel sad, tormented by remorse and remember the good that you did to him.

A stronger conspiracy will literally force you to repay the debt as soon as possible, and if the debtor does not do this, he will face serious health problems. Therefore, before resorting to magical rituals, try to talk with the debtor again, maybe the person at the moment really does not have the opportunity to return your money. If all else fails, wait for the right time for the ritual - the phase of the waxing moon. And after repaying the loan, mentally thank the person who repaid the loan. This way you will remove negative emotions from yourself.

Debt repayment ritual using a chair

It is necessary to break off the leg of an old wooden chair by hand, without using improvised means. Take the chair out onto the stairwell. Using wire cutters or a knife, separate several chips from the torn leg and say the following spell over them twice:

“He who asks and does not return gets the devil’s visit. I lent money, and so-and-so (name) took it into his hands. If the money doesn’t come back to me, someone (name) will have to face the devil. Let him take (name) for himself and return the money to me.”

After reading the plot, the chair must be thrown away, and the wood chips taken to the intersection and left there.

A very strong old conspiracy

To perform this ritual you will need the hair of three different dogs, the hair of three different cats, three bird feathers found on the street, three full spoons of salt, three needles, a black-handled knife, a bar of soap and a small square of black material.

Place the cloth on the table and write on it with soap the name of the person who does not give you the money, place the collected components on the cloth and mix them with a knife, moving them counterclockwise. Say a spell while doing this.

“Hear me, stab the debtor, roar at him and hiss, gnaw his insides and burn him with hot fire. Start in the morning and continue all day, in the evening and at night, until it becomes very bad. Not a moment of peace was found for (name) until he returned what he had taken to me in its entirety. Let him suffer, groan, not eat, not see the white light, not know goodness, not understand anything. As said, so done. My words are firm."

Strong conspiracy with an icon

Buy an icon with the name of the person who took the loan in any temple or church. Place a black piece of cloth on the table; in extreme cases, a dark sheet of paper will do. Place the mirror on the cloth with the amalgam facing down, and place the icon on it. Place your hands over the icon as if you were warming yourself by the fire, and read the spell 40 times.

“Let the servant of God (...) return to me everything he took, and if he delays, he will lose a hundred times more, he will not know peace until the end of his life, he will lose all his health, My words are strong, my deeds are true. Amen".

Another conspiracy

Buy a candle and leave the change to the seller. Look in advance when the sun sets, and after it sets, say a spell over a lit candle 13 times.

“It’s not the candle that melts, it’s (name) that melts because he doesn’t repay the debt to me. If the debt is not returned to me, then your (name) health will deteriorate. My words are firm, certified by fire, sealed by fire. As said, so done."

After reading, extinguish the candle, but do not throw it away. The next day, in the morning, take her to the temple and place her before the icon for her health.

“I forgive you (name) for yesterday and for tomorrow, for now and today. I have God as my witness, I ask him to help you take the right path.”

A conspiracy read on a new moon to quickly repay debts

Buy a candle, don't haggle and don't take change. Get up early in the morning, wait for the first rays of the sun, light a candle and read by the open window three times.

“I am sending to (...) invoice. Let him burn and bake him, beat him, beat him, bring him to tears, don’t let him live in peace, prevent him from sleeping, don’t know how to get tired, pester him all the time. Until (the name) he took is returned to me.”

Using eggs to repay debts - an old proven method

Carefully pierce two raw eggs with a needle and lower them into boiling water, throw the needle into the boiling water and say:

“Just as eggs boil in boiling water, so you (name) boil in remorse. Until you repay the entire debt, you will know neither sleep nor peace, neither during the day, nor in the evening, nor at night, nor in the morning. The needle will prick you and burn you. No medicine will help you, no one will help you. Repay the debt and live in peace."

Boil the eggs hard. Keep one for yourself, bury the second near the debtor’s house.

Easy plot to repay debt

If the money was lent to a loved one or friend, you should only use a light ritual. Choose a new coin from among the change in your wallet and bury it early in the morning under a pine or spruce tree. While burying, say:

“I bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To force (name) to give everything. As soon as I return everything I took, I’ll dig up the coin and forget the grievances caused!”

Wish the person who borrowed from you and is in no hurry to repay the money as soon as possible. After he returns everything to you, dig up the coin.

Ritual for returning money using a candle and a box of matches (for hopeless cases)

Buy one yellow wax candle from a church or temple. After the sun sets, place the candle in a plate or saucer and light it. Take a box of matches, light each match from a candle and place it on a plate without extinguishing it. While they are burning, read the plot:

“Burn, fire! Help me repay the debt. Let (name) be tormented by remorse until he gives what he owes. Let him give me back everything that’s mine!” Place the matches and candle stub in a white handkerchief and put them in your wallet, saying: “let what is not expected return.”

Ritual with a colored candle

This ritual should be used if the case is completely hopeless, and the person who borrowed money from you avoids you in every possible way.

In a store selling esoteric goods, buy a green candle, since a simple decorative candle is absolutely not suitable for the ceremony. Light it every evening and read the plot:

“My money, I call on you, I call on you! Come to me from a distant house, to where everything is familiar to you. So that (...) he stopped living peacefully until he paid me the debt in full. Let painful thoughts overcome him, his conscience prevents him from sleeping.”

After reading the plot, put out the candle and hide it in a safe place. Repeat the sessions until the person gives the money.

Ritual on brooms

This ritual is suitable for those whose debtor lives nearby. Buy one new broom and take an old one from home. At night, make sure that no one sees you, and first sweep the offender’s threshold with a new broom, saying:

“A good broom sweeps - it sweeps, it sweeps my money to me!”

Then take an old broom, sweep the threshold with it, tear off a few twigs and throw it at the door with the words:

“A bad broom on the threshold so that you can return the favor. So that my conscience would not let me sleep, she whispered to me to return the money.”

Within a month, the debtor will repay the debt in full. After receiving money, try to think about this person with a positive attitude, this is necessary to remove the negative consequences.
