Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers (selection of books). Didactic aids for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Dear Colleagues! I present to you my idea. It is very important for all of us. how to organize children's activities in class in order to maintain the child's cognitive interest. A variety of handouts help me with this, and so that the labor in making handouts is not wasted, I try to come up with reusable manuals. This is exactly what the guide serves -


1. Appearance benefits

2. Playing field and necessary elements for its use

3. Playing field and cards for working according to the scheme

4. Playing field and small handouts

5. Playing field and necessary handouts for the “Stadium” school

2. Algorithm for making the manual:

- take large leaf cardboard (size 2 A4 pages)

- stick a sheet of white paper lined with squares on it;

Cover the edges of the manual with self-adhesive film or tape;

— the number of rows and columns of cells can be arbitrary (I have 10 and 7)

— the columns at the top and bottom are numbered different color;

- prepare the sets geometric shapes different shapes, colors and sizes

- prepare cards with numbers and symbols of "negation"

- prepare cards for working according to the scheme

- prepare small handouts

The guide is ready! To make full use of the benefit, it needs to be done for each child - believe me, it’s worth it!

3. Problems that this manual helps solve:

A. Organization of work on orientation in space:

An object (toy, picture, figure) moves in the directions you specify along the cells from the point indicated in the center of the manual;

B. Organization of work to consolidate the skills of ordinal counting:

- this manual is multi-storey building- placement of figures (planar images of animals, small toys) - by floors (horizontal), by apartments (horizontal and vertical);

- this manual is an elevator - the toy rides on an elevator (it goes up to the second floor, to the fifth, etc..

B. The manual will help teach children to act according to the pattern specified with the help of signs

G.V preparatory group This guide will help you consolidate your ability to navigate in a squared notebook. Your task is to prepare only the task test. advice from experience: when coming up with a task, try to think through the moves so that the children’s actions end in a certain place on the playing field, then it is convenient to check the correctness of the task.

D. This manual will teach children to think logically when organizing the educational game "Stadium"

Educational game "Stadium"

Purpose of the game:

— consolidation of counting skills and the ability to navigate in space;

- development logical thinking- the ability to identify features of geometric shapes according to the conditions specified using symbols;

- consolidation of the ability to act according to the symbol - “negation”

Materials for the game:

- a playing field, a set of geometric shapes of different colors, shapes, sizes, cards with signs-symbols

Progress of the game:

The presenter proposes to build “athletes” (different geometric shapes) at the start - according to the blue numbers. “Athletes” move according to the condition specified using symbols.

The conditions of movement are located on the board, you can comment on them, or you can give the children the opportunity to complete the task independently.

For example:

- all figures take one step forward;

- all pieces take two steps, but red pieces are not allowed;

- the figures continuing to run take three steps forward, but not round;

etc. according to the instructions.

At the end of the game, children count how many “athletes” reached the finish line (red numbers)

The game can be used as a didactic exercise in the classroom and in children’s independent activities, and also as a diagnostic task when monitoring knowledge on FEMP.

You can come up with your own games using this guide. I wish you creative success.

teacher, preschool educational institution No. 2 "Rainbow"

Gorbunki village, Lomonosovsky district, Leningrad region

  • Satlykova Alfiya Nilovna, bachelor, student
  • Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University

The article reveals theoretical basis formation of mathematical concepts in children preschool age through entertaining material, didactic games, tasks and entertainment.

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The first years of a child's life are the period of most intensive development. The time of preschool childhood is short in comparison with a person’s entire life, but it is very meaningful in comprehending everything new. The life around us bombards a small person with a huge amount of information. Making mistakes, he finds the answer to many questions, comprehends the logic: in order for the ball to roll further, it is necessary to hit it harder; a voluminous object will not fit into a narrow hole, and much more.

Teaching preschoolers the fundamentals of mathematics is given priority. This was the source for a number of reasons: the abundance of information that the child receives, the start of schooling from the age of six, increased attention to computerization, the desire to make the learning procedure more intense.

For the intellectual education of children vital importance has the assimilation of mathematical concepts that influence the development of mental processes so necessary for learning about the world around us.

Many famous psychologists and teachers, such as P.Ya. Galperin, T.V. Taruntaeva, believe that the formation of a child’s mathematical understanding should be based on object-sensory activity, as a result of which it is easy to master the entire volume of knowledge, meaningfully comprehend the skills of counting and measurement, and gain a solid, elementary basis for orientation in general mathematical concepts.

Entertaining games, tasks and entertainment are used to teach preschoolers mathematics. Simple, entertaining material is determined taking into account the potential of children and the alternative of universal formation and education. It should be noted that entertaining material is applicable for activating mental activity, interest in mathematical material, engaging and entertaining children, developing the mind, expanding and deepening mathematical concepts, consolidating acquired knowledge and skills, exercising them in a new environment and other types of activity (N. V. Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Miklyaeva).

Every day, in everyday life and in games, a child encounters situations that require the use of mathematical solution: setting the table for dolls, dividing sweets equally, etc. Knowledge of positions such as “few”, “many”, “less”, “more”, “equally”, and the ability to identify and select a number in a set are required. First, with the help of adults, then children independently solve emerging issues. Thus, preschool children become familiar with mathematics and master basic computational processes. The priority task of the work of preschool educational institutions The development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers is considered.

The mathematics program is aimed at the formation and progress of mathematical concepts and abilities, ingenuity, mental activity, logical thinking, that is, the ability to make simple judgments, and use grammatically correct figures of speech. The mathematics program provides for operations with visual material, determining the volume of granular and liquid bodies, taking measurements using conventional measures, understanding geometric shapes, developing children's eye, developing an understanding of spatial relationships, and concepts of time.

To achieve successful mastery of educational material, the use of different teaching methods, tools and techniques helps. The goals and objectives set influence the choice of training, the content of the material being studied, the stage of classes and the age of the children.

IN modern times new approaches are being applied to the formation of cognitive interests in mathematics in preschool children.

Increased age characteristics children in mastering mathematical content, school requirements for the mathematical preparedness of preschoolers have increased, social conditions have been modified, and attitudes towards the education and upbringing of children have changed. Educators are given great potential in choosing programs mathematical formation, use different technologies and models of teaching preschoolers.

A child learns while playing, so in preschool age educational activities begins to form during the game. Therefore, to capture mathematical concepts, didactic games and exercises are widely used separately for each age group.

The methodology of mathematical teaching is based on didactic principles: consistency, systematicity, individual approach, gradualism. Children are offered tasks sequentially, becoming more difficult from lesson to lesson. When going to new topic the material covered is repeated, which makes it possible to deepen children’s knowledge and focus their attention on new information (E.I. Shcherbakova).

Teachers in mathematics classes use different methods: verbal, visual, game. Other methods are also used: conversation, story, explanation, description, questions and answers, viewing of pictures and objects, exercises, didactic and outdoor games.

In classes with children of all age groups, a special place is borrowed from developmental teaching methods: classification of the proposed knowledge, the use of visual aids, which include standard samples, the simplest schematic images, substitute objects and which are used to highlight different properties and relationships in real objects and situations, the use general way of acting in new conditions.

The formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children is facilitated by the methodological techniques used: a combination of practical and play activities, and children solving problem-based play and search situations. The increased difficulty, non-standard nature of the game, and the need to solve the task at hand arouse greater interest in preschoolers.

To accelerate the formation and development of logical structures of thinking in children, educators model logical and mathematical structures in a game, during which they create favorable conditions for the use of mathematical knowledge, their independent and active use. This is how children develop an interest in mathematical content.

It is impossible to teach preschool children mathematics without the use of entertaining games, entertainment and tasks. As a rule, the group chooses a bright place to locate the games room, where there are tables nearby, at which it is convenient and comfortable to play interesting entertainment.

We believe that certain results in the development of children can be achieved through the joint efforts of the family and kindergarten teachers. It is in preschool age that the foundation for further learning is laid and this is the beginning of a long and very interesting path into the world of knowledge and miracles. It is important to teach preschool children not only to write and count, but also to be able to create and think. And in this, mathematical teaching plays a huge role in the mental education and development of a child’s intellect.


  1. Beloshistaya A.V. Teaching mathematics in preschool educational institutions: Methodological manual. – M.: Iris-press, 2005. – 320 p. ( Preschool education and development).
  2. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V. Theory and technologies for the development of mathematical concepts in children: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education education. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2015. – 352 p.
  3. Shcherbakova E.I. Theory and methodology mathematical development preschoolers: tutorial: – M.: NPO “MODEK”, 2005. – 392 p.
  4. Shmeleva N.G. Information culture in modern innovation processes // In the collection: Actual problems development of science and education Collection scientific works based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 7 parts. Ar-Consult LLC. 2014. – pp. 131-132.

I. Information and reference data about the benefit.
Title of the manual (1):
“Long and Short” (multifunctional manual)

“Pictures with a secret” (multifunctional manual)
Project type:
In children 3-5 years old, all basic mental processes are involuntary. At this age, a child cannot control his attention, thinking, and memory purposefully. The child perceives and remembers only that educational material, which interested him, caused a vivid emotional perception and impression in the child.
In accordance with the main (comprehensive) programs preschool education For children of the middle age group, there is a stage of familiarization with counting in the range of 5 - 10 or more, depending on the success of the group, arranging objects by height, length, width, learning to distinguish and name the basic geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle, oval.
Guided by the above, the goal was set: to develop a manual for classes on FEMP, on familiarization with the environment for the middle age group.
Subject content area:
mathematics, familiarization with the environment.
1. Development of elementary mathematical concepts about the shape of objects (square, triangle, circle, oval), about the size of objects (long, short, large, small).
2. Learning to operate with spatial terms (closer, between, ahead, further, right, left).
3. Training, improvement and consolidation of counting skills.
1. Development of thought processes.
2. Development of fine motor skills, purposefulness of actions.
3. Speech development.
4. Formation and development of visual coordination, development of the tracking function of the eyes.
Developing a positive attitude towards participation in class, interaction skills in
educational activities
Project result(original product):
Layouts of manuals “Long and Short”, with typesetting material (squares, circles, triangles, ovals different colors), development of didactic games and exercises.
II. Methods of application (game options)
Game "Count it!"
- consolidation of counting skills, operating with the concepts of “more, less, calculate, add”

1) Count how many triangles does Longie have?
2) Count how many laps Korotysh has?
3) Count how many squares does Longy have?
4) Count how many triangles does Korotysh have?
5) Count how many ovals does Longny have?
6) What figures does Shorty have more than Long One (in terms of shape)? By color?
7) Count how many are small and how many large figures at Korotysh's.
8) What needs to be done to make Longie have more figures? Less?
Game "Differentiate!"(individual and group lessons)
- consolidation of counting skills, consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts about the shape and size of a figure.
- the figures are randomly placed on the tape (the bodies of Long and Short)
1) What is the difference between Long and Short?
2) Who has more triangles? Squares? Circles?
3) Who has fewer triangles?
4) Who is shorter? Who is longer?
5) Who is older? Why? (problematic question).
Game “Name it!”(individual and group lessons)
- development of the ability to operate with the concept of “the place of an object in relation to another”
- the figures are randomly placed on the tape (the bodies of Long and Short)
1) Find the red square
2) Name which figure is to the right (left) of him.
3) Name the figure that is between the yellow and green circles.
4) Name the figure that is located in front of the red square and after the blue circle.
Game “Repeat!”(individual lesson)
- learn, based on comparison, to identify a pattern in the arrangement of figures and continue it
(by shape, by color, by size)
- development of attention.
Assignment: The teacher demonstrates the arrangement of the figures on the Long one and asks to repeat this set on the Short one.
Assignment: The teacher offers to find a pattern in the series (large circle, small circle, large square, ......), continue the series.
Task: Arrange the figures from largest to smallest or vice versa.
"Pictures with a Secret"(multifunctional manual)
(2) for classes on FEMP, familiarization with the environment
Methods of use (variants of games and exercises)
Game "Count the Animals"
(individual lesson)
- development of the ability to compare a figure (number) and the number of objects
- cards with numbers, cards with images of animals (a set of other pictures is possible)
- connect the corresponding pictures using colored laces (number - number of animals)
Game "Fifth Odd"
(individual lesson)
- development of the ability to analyze, exclude
- cards with numbers, cards with images of objects (a set of pictures, one of which does not correspond to the number in the left column)
- connect the corresponding pictures using colored laces (the number is the number of objects).
Game "What does it look like?"
(individual lesson)
- familiarity with basic geometric shapes and bodies,
- development of the ability to see geometric shapes in surrounding objects
- cards with numbers, cards with images of objects (set of pictures)
- connect the corresponding pictures using colored laces (for example, a circle is a plate, a circle is a wheel, a rectangle is a carpet, etc.)

Hello, dear colleagues and parents! I am glad to see everyone who took the time to visit our website! Today I will tell you how quickly and without special costs You can make fun tutorials.

Starting from the very early age, the child actively explores the world, exploring everything that happens around him. Therefore, educational games occupy the most important place in a child's life. They expand the baby’s understanding of the world around him, teach the child to observe and identify characteristic features objects (size, shape, color), distinguish them, and also establish simple relationships.

Educational games and activities will help your child prepare for school, since educational games for preschoolers allow you not only to learn something new, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, such knowledge will become the basis for further successful training.

It is very important for all of us how to organize children’s activities in class in their free time in order to maintain the child’s cognitive interest. A variety of handouts help me with this, and so that the labor in making handouts is not wasted, I try to come up with reusable manuals. This is exactly what the guide serves -"Smart cells"

Making a manual is not difficult. To do this, you need to take a large sheet of white paper or cardboard, lined up into squares. The number of columns and rows of squares can be arbitrary. The columns at the top and bottom are numbered.

To make full use of the allowance, it must be done for each child - believe me, it’s worth it!

How to use the guide?

1. When organizing work on orientation in space:

An object (toy, picture, figure) moves in the directions you specify in cells from any cell indicated by a number or indicated by a dot in the center of the manual;

At an older age, this manual will help teach children to act according to the pattern specified with the help of signs.

In the preparatory group, this manual will help consolidate the ability to navigate in a notebook in a box. Your task is to prepare only the text of the assignment. Advice from experience: when coming up with a task, try to think through the moves so that the children’s actions end in a certain place on the playing field, then it will be convenient to check the correctness of the task!

2. When organizing work to consolidate ordinal counting skills:

This manual is a multi-storey building - placement of figures (planar images of animals, small toys.) on floors, in apartments;

3. To organize the educational game "Stadium"

Purpose of the game:

Strengthening counting skills and the ability to navigate in space;

Development of logical thinking - the ability to identify features of geometric shapes according to the conditions specified using symbols;

Strengthen the ability to act according to the symbol - “negation”

Materials for the game:

playing field, a set of geometric shapes of different colors, shapes and sizes, cards with signs and symbols;

Progress of the game:

The presenter proposes to build "athletes"

(geometric shapes) at the start - on blue numbers. "Athletes" move according to the condition specified using symbols. The conditions of movement are located on the board, you can comment on them, or you can give the children the opportunity to complete the task independently.

For example:

All figures take one step forward:

All pieces take two steps, but not red

The figures continuing to run take three steps forward, but not round.

The game can be used as a didactic exercise in the classroom and in children’s independent play activities, as well as a diagnostic task when monitoring knowledge on FEMP.

Didactic game "Ladybugs"

The game promotes the ability to find the place of a number in a series, count to 10 and back, develop mental operations, attention, the ability to navigate a plane, compare numbers, etc.

Each ladybug must find its own daisy.

More options:

Take one chamomile or ladybug and select “neighbors”, that is, the previous and subsequent numbers;

You can compare numbers or digits and put “greater than,” “less than,” or “equal to” signs between two objects;

Well, what else can your imagination tell you?

"Garages and cars"

The purpose of the game: to consolidate children’s understanding of the composition of the first ten numbers, about numbers; in the senior and preparatory groups, to consolidate the ability to solve examples of addition and subtraction within 10.


I invite all teachers and parents of children from 2 to 7 years old to make such a bright, funny, useful construction set in just a few minutes.

You'll need:

Universal napkins



Stencils of geometric shapes

This guide will help:

Develop thinking, attention, imagination, perception of oral and visual information.

Improve all types of counting.

Learn to generalize and compare objects by size.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Form an idea of ​​geometric shapes and shapes.

Strengthen the ability to classify objects according to general qualities (shape, size, color)

Develop speech and the ability to draw simple conclusions.

Strengthen and expand spatial understanding.

Game options:

“Collect beautiful beads”, “Write the numbers”, “Write the letter”, “Lay out the object”, “Find a pair”, “Naudi is the same...”, “What has changed?”, “Pick up a figure”, etc.

Ancient Chinese puzzle "Tangram"

It is a square cut into 7 parts. Even if the number of parts is small, on a plane they can form hundreds of different shapes: silhouettes of animals, people, surrounding objects.

To make this puzzle you will need thick cardboard or the same universal napkin. Cut the square into 7 parts: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram.

The simplest exercise with this game is to create a figure from two or three elements. Next, you can move on to exercises on folding figures according to a given example.

More difficult and interesting for the children is to recreate the figure using contour samples. Recreating figures along contours requires visual division of the form into its component parts, that is, geometric figures.

“Help Stepashka”

This game is played on the principle of the game "Ladybugs"


This game consists of a set of fish and numbers. Tasks can be very diverse. For example:

- “catch” a given number of fish,

Find the right number

Calculate an example of addition or subtraction and find the answer, etc.


The game develops the ability to divide a pattern into geometric shapes of different shapes, colors and sizes according to the pattern. Develops visual perception, attention and spatial orientation. Improves the ability to name which figures and in what sequence the pattern is composed.

Material: Cards with a pattern of geometric shapes of different colors, shapes and sizes. The pattern is made by superimposing smaller shapes on top of shapes. bigger size. A set of the same individual figures.

"Happy Caterpillars"

The “Funny Caterpillars” manual is crocheted from individual parts (circles). This manual can be used to teach children basic colors, to distinguish between sizes: long - short, to teach counting, to develop fine motor skills.

A competition was held in kindergarten



The purpose of the competition: replenishment and enrichment of the developing subject-spatial environment of the MBDOU kindergarten combined type № 13.


- create favorable conditions for organizing independent, joint activities teachers and children on FEMP, development of cognitive activity and logical thinking in preschool children, sensory development in young children;

- present creative ideas and findings through the design of educational games, methodological manuals according to FEMP;

- stimulate the creative activity of teachers during the creation didactic materials, manuals for FEMP.

Competition deadline: 01/29/2018

Participants: educators of all age groups

Competition nominations:

  • didactic manual (game);
  • digital educational resource.

Procedure for the competition:

1. Participants in the competition present a didactic manual /game/ on FEMP, produced and designed independently (author’s development is welcome).

2. The presented teaching aid (game) must have a title, purpose, objectives, and description.

3. Each participant in the competition may submit no more than one teaching aid (game) in each nomination.

Jury composition:

1. T.S. Vasilchenko, head

2. N.V. Plyasovskikh, senior teacher

3. E.T.Lubyanskaya, teacher

4. L.P. Beska, teacher

When evaluating work, attention was paid to:

taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children of the stated age;

correctness of design: title, purpose, objectives, description;

aesthetics of the design of the teaching aid, safety in use;

multifunctionality of the teaching aid;

originality of ideas and creativity.

The results of the competition were summed up at pedagogical council January 31, 2018 The winners and runners-up were awarded certificates.

Competition results

In the category "Digital educational resource""

1st place - interactive game tasks for children of senior preschool age “In the Land of Toys” (N.V. Plyasovskikh);

2nd place - addition and subtraction problems for children of senior preschool age (A.G. Zharova);

mathematical game "Guess it" for children of senior preschool age (R.Yu. Kiyashko).

In the category "Didactic Development"

1st place: game "Symmetry" (Belyaeva T.S.);

"Mathematical scales" (L.P. Beska);

"Mathematical Lotto" (E.T.Lubyanskaya).

2nd place: game “Four Squares” (E.V. Zibrova);

game "Mathematical Dominoes" (T.S. Belomaz).

3rd place: complex math games"Field of Miracles" (N.V. Khoroshko).

1 place

Belyaeva Tatyana Sergeevna

Game "Symmetry"

Lubyanskaya Elena Timofeevna

Math Lotto

2nd place

Zibrova Elena Vladimirovna

Game "Four squares"
