Turnkey two-story houses made of profiled timber. Two-story houses made of timber. Examples of our work

Is it possible to build a two-story house from timber? What should its foundation be? Does the house need additional insulation?

We will try to answer these questions in the article.

Possibility in principle

What, exactly, can prevent us from building? Of course, the compressive strength of wood is the limit. If, under the weight of the house, the lower crown becomes deformed or begins to collapse, there is little good in this.

Let's try to estimate the maximum load on the first crown for a house 8 by 8 meters, built from pine beams with a cross-section of 150 millimeters.

Let us take the height of the floor to be equal to 3 meters, the total mass of the house to be double the mass of the external walls.

Reference: the compressive strength of pine when applying force across the fibers is 415 kg/cm2 at a humidity of 15% and 210 kg/cm2 at a humidity of more than 30%. The density of wood is estimated at approximately 500 kg/m3.

  • Total length external walls equal to 8x4=32 meters.
  • The area of ​​the external walls (we deliberately neglect openings and gables) is (3x2)x32=192 square meters.
  • The volume of the timber will be equal to 192x0.15=28.8 m3.
  • The mass of the walls is 28.8x500=14400 kg.
  • The total weight of the house can be approximately estimated at 28,800 kilograms.
  • The horizontal surface area of ​​one crown is equal to (8x4)*0.15=4.8 m2, or 48000 cm2.
  • Thus, the specific pressure on the first crown can be estimated at 28800/48000 = 0.6 kg/cm2.

It is clear that our assessment does not take into account a lot of factors and is very approximate; however, with a 350-fold safety factor (and this is in the worst case, mind you), you don’t have to worry about excessive load on the material.


What could the foundation be?

Since the mass of the building we have calculated is small, we can turn our attention to two designs, the most popular for DIY construction.

  • A shallow strip foundation made of reinforced concrete is used in construction from obviously heavier bricks, so it does not raise any special doubts.
  • Cheaper foundations on screw piles require preliminary calculations. We need to estimate the total number of piles: it should not be excessively large, otherwise the savings will be dubious.

Let's calculate the foundation on which two people can stand storey house made of profiled timber measuring 9x9 meters. The section of the beam is 240x240 millimeters; floor height - 3.2 meters. Material: dense and heavy larch.

Mass calculation

Reference: the density of larch with timber moisture content optimal for construction of about 18% is estimated at 660 kg/m3.
The exact value depends on the region of growth: a cube of European larch weighs only 530 kg, but wood from Altai often exceeds 730 kg/m3.

  • The total length of the walls is 9x4=36 meters.
  • Wall area (neglecting openings and gables) - 36x(3.2x2)=230.4 m2.
  • Their volume with a wall thickness of 24 centimeters is 230.4 x 0.24 = 55.296 m3.
  • The mass is obtained by simply multiplying the volume by the density: 55.296x660 = 36495.36 kg.
  • As we remember, the mass of a house, provided its structure is balanced, is approximately equal to twice the mass load-bearing walls. 36495x2=72990 kg, or (rounded) 73 tons.

Calculation of the number of piles

Now let's look at the reference data again.

Load bearing capacity screw pile depends on:

  • The strength of the pile itself.
  • The size of its blades, which rest on dense layers of soil.
  • Bearing capacity of the soil underneath. Of course, not on the surface, but at the level of the blades.

At the same time, the main limitations are imposed by the last point: steel is usually able to withstand much greater loads without deformation than soil.

  1. For a pile size 76/200 (pipe/blades), the recommended load is 1000 kg.
  2. For 89/250 - 2000 kg.
  3. For 108/300 - 2500 kg.

So, we will need at least 73/2.5=30 (rounded to the nearest whole number) piles of size 108/300. Since our residential building has an area of ​​9x9 = 81 m2, one pile will account for an average of 2.7 m2 of its area.

Cost calculation

The average price of a pile of this size is approximately 3,000 rubles, which will give us the cost of a foundation of 90,000. Of course, with self-installation: if you screw in the piles using a hydraulic drill, the costs will increase to at least 150,000 rubles.

Is it a lot or a little?

Let's put it this way: the cost of materials for manufacturing strip foundation of this size is estimated at approximately 150-160 thousand rubles. The services of hired workers will cost at least another hundred.

So, in general, two-story houses made of timber get along well with a light screw foundation.

Thermal insulation

How to build a house that will not be cold in winter? Or, to put it more precisely, how thick should the walls be so that heating costs are not excessive? Does the timber need insulation?

Calculator for calculating the amount of insulation (ecowool):

The instructions for selecting the thickness of the material for walls are associated with two parameters, which again will have to be looked for in reference books.

  1. Thermal resistance standards for walls are different for each climate zone. It is clear that the colder the winter, the greater the temperature difference between the house and the street, the greater the heat leakage through the walls and the better their thermal insulation qualities should be.
  2. Meanwhile, thermal conductivity different materials differs noticeably. If 25 centimeters of polystyrene foam will provide excellent thermal insulation even in the north of Yakutia, then 25 centimeters brickwork They obviously won’t keep the heat in the house.

In the photo - winter Yakutsk. Here special requirements to insulation.

Let's dig into the reference books.

Heat transfer resistance

Requirements for different regions of Russia are set out in SNiP 02/23/2003.

We present the values ​​for several cities from different climatic zones.

  • In Anadyr, the thermal resistance of walls must be at least 4.89 m2*C/W.
  • In Verkhoyansk the climate is even harsher: there the minimum is 5.6 m2*C/W.
  • In Krasnoyarsk - 3.59 m2*S/W.
  • In Kursk - 2.9 m2*S/W.
  • In Murmansk - 3.68 m2*S/W.
  • In Moscow - 3.15 m2*S/W.
  • In Salekhard - 4.46 m2*S/W.
  • In St. Petersburg - 3.06 m2*C/W.
  • In warm Sochi - only 1.83 m2*C/W.

Thermal conductivity

It is measured in the number of watts of thermal energy that are lost through a meter-thick wall with a difference of one degree on its sides (W/m*C).

In general, the higher the density of the material, the higher its thermal conductivity.

  • For spruce timber, thermal conductivity is distinguished along the fibers (0.18 W/m*C) and across the fibers (0.09).
  • For brick - 0.56.
  • For foam concrete - 0.09 - 0.28 depending on the density.
  • has a thermal conductivity of 0.13 W/m*C across the fibers and 0.26 along it.
  • Mineral wool at a density of 50 kg/m3 - 0.048, at 100 kg/m3 - 0.056.

In the table - Additional Information about the thermal conductivity of some materials.


It is simple: to obtain the minimum wall thickness in meters, you need to multiply the normalized heat transfer resistance by the thermal conductivity of the material. So, for spruce timber in Sochi, the minimum thickness is 1.83 x 0.09 = 0.1647 meters.

What to do if you have a material with a smaller cross-section? Perform external insulation with any vapor-permeable material.

  1. With a thickness of 0.1 meters, spruce timber will provide a heat transfer resistance of 0.1/0.09=1.1 m2*C/W.
  2. must have a thermal resistance of 1-83-1.1 = 0.73 m2*C/W.
  3. The minimum thickness of a layer of mineral wool with a density of 50 kg/m3 will be 0.73x0.048=0.35 meters. Accordingly, five-centimeter mats are quite sufficient.


Both the strength and other characteristics of the timber make it possible to build two-story houses from it without any restrictions. The video in this article is ready to supplement the topic discussed with visual information. Good luck in construction!

A two-story house made of timber is best option country house or cottage. Even on a small plot, you can create a home with enough space for both family members and guests. When choosing drawings and construction plans, you need to focus not only on your own taste, but also on the characteristics of the material, layout, and dimensions of the home itself.


Vacation home or a dacha is a wonderful place to relax with the whole family, with friends or colleagues. The main thing is that there is enough space in the house for active rest, and for privacy, if necessary. The best option would be two-storey house from timber.

A two-story house can be built even on a small plot of land, and there will be much more space in it than in a one-story one. At the same time, the widespread opinion that a two-story building is many times more expensive than a one-story building is incorrect. The only thing that will require large expenses is the maintenance of the house. But even then, with reasonable, competent planning of all communications and their correct installation, the maintenance of a two-story house will not be much more expensive than the maintenance of a one-story house.


If you choose a material for construction that does not require additional decorative processing, then you can save on finishing.

The tree itself is quite aesthetically pleasing; it does not need additional decorative design. The maximum that may be needed is antiseptic treatment to extend the life of the tree.

Among the advantages of a house made of timber are the following:

  • opportunity to save site area;
  • ergonomic design;
  • practical, convenient zoning;

  • the ability to create common and private spaces on different floors;
  • Don’t forget about the aesthetic side of the issue - the beautiful view from the second floor;
  • load-bearing base and roof require minimum costs per device (despite the fact that the usable area doubles);
  • speed of construction: the longest operation is laying the foundation, but walls are erected extremely quickly.

The few disadvantages of houses made of timber - expensive maintenance and finishing - are practically canceled when the right approach to solving the problem.


The first stage of building a 2-story house is choosing a project. You can choose a standard (it will be cheaper) project, or you can create an individual one, in accordance with your tastes and preferences. But in both cases, it is necessary to carefully work out and think through some points.

  • Room layout. Here great importance has a built area. In this case, some patterns stand out. So, on the ground floor there is usually a living room, kitchen and sanitary areas. If the space allows, you can place it here small room rest room or dressing room. A minimum amount of space is allocated for corridors, which connect to the living room through a wide arch-shaped opening. Bedrooms are located on the second floor; an office, a terrace, a small living room or game room. Instead of a loggia - one of the integral elements standard projects- can be built remote balcony glazed into the floor.

  • Materials used. If the house is built from standard solid timber, the most available material- then you will have to wait at least a year before starting final finishing and moving in. During this time, the house should completely settle down. When using profiled timber, it is not necessary to take such a long break. In addition, this type of timber has special connections, called interlocking, which ensure speed and ease of construction. Optimal material Glued laminated timber is considered to be used for building a house. A house built from this material does not require any time to shrink, it does not deform, and does not require additional insulation.

In addition to materials and layout, you need to plan the adjacent buildings.

For example, a 2-story house can be equipped attached garage(if the family has a car). A veranda or covered terrace on the first floor.

A wooden house is not easy classic solution. This is an opportunity to create almost any architectural form. The main thing to remember is that the more intricate the design, layout, and decoration, the more solid the foundation should be.

In general, the foundation is the main element, the construction of which takes the longest period. The more massive the house, the more reliable the foundation should be. For a small 6x4 country house, a columnar structure is suitable. For a more massive structure, for example 7x7, 7x9, 8x8, it is better to use a strip or combined version.

As for the building design itself, here everything largely depends on the wishes of the customer. It could be ordinary standard version houses are 9x9 (most common), maybe 7 by 9, 8x9, 8 by 10, 10x10 or 9x12. The last two are larger, more spacious buildings and are well suited for big family. In such a house, everyone can find a corner to their liking and arrange it to their taste. There will also be room for guests.

Medium-sized houses, as well as large buildings, are suitable for permanent residence. Smaller structures will serve as excellent country houses, in which you can relax comfortably during the warm season. At making the right choice building material such a house will not require any additional finishing or insulation, which means it will cost less (in all respects).

A log house provides ample scope for imagination. Wood is easy to process, so it can be given almost any shape without special effort. And this applies not only to decorative finishing.

The final stage of construction is the construction of the roof. She may be:

  • single-slope;
  • gable;
  • attic;

  • tent;
  • multi-pincer (formed from several planes, forming a complex geometric shape);
  • flat.

A two-story house made of planed timber is the best option country house or dachas. If the site on which the building will be erected is narrow, such a house will allow you to use the available space with maximum benefit.

In addition, with the correct layout of the building and its proper placement, it will be possible to allocate an area for a small garden or vegetable garden.


Building a house from timber is not a difficult task. It is quite possible to do it yourself, without the help of professionals. But if the house is quite large, and it will be built from solid timber- for example 200x200 - doing the work yourself will be quite problematic.

Before proceeding directly to construction, some issues need to be resolved.

  • Choose a place, on which the house will be built. Here, an important role is played by such an indicator as the characteristics of the soil in each individual area. This will allow you to decide on the type of foundation and help you understand whether it will be possible to carry out all the necessary communications.
  • The next step is choosing and acquisition of material for construction, as well as selection, preparation or selection of a project for a future home.

  • Laying the foundation– the most long-term and, perhaps, the most responsible operation. The service life of the entire building, its strength and reliability depend on the choice of foundation type.
  • Walling. The work does not take much time, thanks to the ease of installation of the material used. At the same time, we must not forget about reliable waterproofing of both the foundation and lower crown walls
  • Roof installation. This is the final stage of construction.

This will be followed by flooring (rough and finishing), decorative finishing inside and outside (if necessary), treating wood with antiseptics. Antiseptic treatment is a mandatory step, without which the tree will quickly deteriorate and its service life will be significantly reduced.

If desired, the outside walls of the house can be painted. For this, oil, acrylate or alkyd-acrylate paint can be used. Each of these types has its own advantages.

  • Oily– most cheap option, you can choose almost any desired color, but it fades quickly in the sun and is sensitive to the influence of weather factors. Serves no more than five years.
  • Acrylate The paint is used specifically for wood, does not crack, and lasts about seven years.
  • Alkyd-acrylate paint has been used relatively recently. She can save everything characteristic properties wood, it contains antiseptic substances, and it can last at least ten years.

The Wood-Brus company builds two-story cottages and dachas from timber on a turnkey basis. We work in Moscow and the Moscow region. From us you can buy a two-story house made of timber, built according to a ready-made or new project. You can take any planning solution as a basis and we will make all the necessary changes for free.

We build from quality certified materials. Profiled timber made from spruce or pine is durable, environmentally friendly safe material with good sound and heat insulation properties.

Houses made of wood are light in weight, so they can be built on areas with any type of soil - on weak, subsiding, clay soils. A two-story cottage does not require massive concrete base, a pile or columnar foundation. Finished works and projects 2 - storey buildings can be viewed on the website.

Advantages of wooden two-story houses

A two-story country cottage can be built even on a small plot. There will be enough space left for a bathhouse, garage, beds, greenhouse, fruit trees. With this layout, the second floor is most often allocated for living rooms- bedrooms, children's room, office. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and storage rooms.

You can live in a wooden cottage all year round or use it as a summer house. A well-planned, well-insulated house with well-designed heating, electrical wiring, hot and cold water It will be equally comfortable to live in both summer and winter.

For construction, wood of natural moisture or pre-dried wood is used. If you build from wet timber, then after erecting the walls you need to give them time to shrink. This is necessary so that the wood dries evenly and does not crack or warp. You can start finishing no earlier than six months to a year.

If you order construction from timber chamber drying, then there is no need to take such a long break between assembling the box and finishing. Dry wood does not shrink, so you can move into a new cottage within a few weeks after the start of construction.

Examples of our work

Advantages of 2-story houses made of timber:

  • Economical. The price of m2 of the second floor with materials and work is 30% less than the cost of the first. At the same time, the usable area on the site is used more efficiently.
  • Construction speed. Wooden houses are built very quickly. Depending on the complexity of the project, the construction of a two-story cottage takes from 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Safety . Wood treated with fire retardants and antiseptics does not ignite and is an unsuitable environment for the formation of mold and the habitat of pests.
  • Good thermal insulation. The tongue-and-groove fastening system ensures the tightness of the joints. The walls are not blown through, keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Low prices . A wooden cottage will cost 40-45% less than a brick or block one.

In our company you can place an order for the construction of a 2-story country house made of timber. You can find out more about payment terms or construction terms from our consultants.

Sometimes the customer is more satisfied with the finished project. And he can choose from us any of the options that are most suitable and meet his needs. But in some cases, a ready-made layout is not suitable. This may be due to the individual preferences of the customer, or to objective circumstances. So, sometimes our engineers decided extremely complex tasks so that a house of 2 full floors fully complies with all the features of the complex landscape.

Just think:

  • What kind of project exactly do you need? If in doubt, it is better to look through the entire list of prepared options, all the presented projects of two-story houses made of timber.
  • Another good decision– immediately seek help from our qualified manager. He will quickly select the 2-3 most suitable options to choose from, taking into account all your requirements.

If you need individual project, you need to identify all the basic requirements in advance.


We are engaged in the construction of two-story wooden houses made of timber professionally, we have all the necessary technical capabilities, appropriate equipment, we use best materials from own production. It is very important that our work is carried out on a turnkey basis. This is really beneficial and also more effective than contacting different companies that carry out the work in stages. We are responsible for the result - ready house in 2 full floors.

The website shows prices for various ready-made “shrinkable” projects. And the “turnkey” cost is individually calculated taking into account the wishes, finishing works and so on. Here's what's usually included in the final price:

  • walling;
  • arrangement of the foundation;
  • roofing work;
  • external, internal finishing.

The layout of a two-story house is also essential. For example, now cottages with attics are increasingly being built, and garages are preferred to be attached to the main building.

Buildings more than one storey high are practical in the long run - cost square meter The second floor is 30% less than the first. In addition, the owner receives twice as much usable area on a small plot of land. Ready-made projects of two-story houses made of profiled timber are calculated with an accuracy of up to 1000 rubles and are built according to a clear, proven design. This means that when choosing 2-story timber house designs from the Lestek company, you receive insurance against possible errors builders or designers. Each of the options presented on the site was built at least once (and some more than once), and all possible shortcomings were taken into account over the 10-year period of construction of the houses.

How to choose the right two-story timber house designs

The first and most important thing to determine is the number of bedrooms of the future home. The area and cost of construction will depend 70% on this. You can save space through corridors, bathrooms, storage rooms, and a living room, but bedrooms of 12-20 m² each are added and removed entirely, and this must be taken into account when considering projects of 2-story houses on our website. Use the convenient selection form finished house in the “Projects” section and make sure that a house made of timber is not only beautiful, but also economical.

Two-story houses made of profiled timber have been a specialty of Lestek since 2008. We have manufactured more than five hundred sets of houses for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region and are pleased to offer you our experience. The catalog contains many finished projects two-story houses made of timber, and we are ready to develop an individual project for you with detailed calculation for a specific area. To let us know special conditions or get free consultation Call the phone number indicated on the website or fill out the form on the website - our specialist will contact you at a convenient time.
