Houses made of SIP panels, timber and frame houses - which are better? Sip panels or double timber, choosing the material for the house House made of vulture panels or timber

SIP panels are the most modern design that allows you to quickly build comfortable houses that retain heat well. With the help of such a durable and at the same time lightweight construct, it is easy to assemble buildings and structures without using power frame. The use of timber when assembling a house from SIP panels can increase its strength by at least 6 times, and also radically improve maintainability.

Improved element replacement capabilities increase overall effective service life

With the help of timber, you can carry out such an installation of a house from SIP panels, which will provide the broadest opportunities for maintaining the excellent condition of the interior. Classic construction using only SIP panels has a number of important shortcomings for housing residents. Short list as follows:

  • There are no eternal materials. No matter how well protected floors made from SIP panels are, they become unusable over time. And here users may encounter an unpleasant situation when dismantling is very difficult, and repairs require partial disassembly of the house;
  • installation multi-story building complex configuration uses small-sized SIP structures. As a result, many joints are formed, which can negatively affect the strength and complicate the formation of piping along the end of the walls of each floor;
  • the roof of a house assembled only from SIP panels is difficult to repair, since to replace one element it is often necessary to disassemble the entire slope;
  • second floor floors with large area they may simply not be able to withstand the mass of furniture, a filled bathtub, a piano, and people on the second floor.

Therefore, on the territory Russian Federation The installation of a house from SIP panels, in which timber is used as power elements, supporting, and also as a link between individual structural zones. Let's take a closer look at the application options wooden parts and the benefits they offer.

Design of repairable floors

If you want to get a classic plank floor or the task is to guarantee heat in cases where the lower part of the house is very cool due to the proximity of the soil in winter period, proceed as follows:

  • On the foundation posts of a house made of SIP panels, a beam frame is formed. The parts are laid around the perimeter, then longitudinal lintels are installed, which rest on intermediate foundation posts;
  • the surface is covered with sheets of OSB or chipboard, which are coated bitumen mastic for waterproofing;
  • a vapor barrier is laid to prevent moisture from penetrating into the space under the floor;
  • a second layer of timber frame is formed, similar to the main one, only the crossbars are installed perpendicular to the direction of similar parts in the lower frame of the house foundation.

  • Expanded clay can be poured into the voids to improve heat-shielding characteristics;
  • on top harness Logs are installed, on which a classic plank floor, plywood base for screed or other type of floor covering is laid.

Thus, the use of timber instead of the generally accepted scheme for creating the floor of the first floor of a house from SIP panels provides the following advantages:

  • the base for the floor is much stronger;
  • the floor can be made very repairable;
  • by using bulk insulation achieve improved heat retention performance.

You can do the same with the floors of the second floor if you need to guarantee the strength to accommodate really heavy objects. For example, such a step will be justified if you need to place it on the second floor or attic drives hot water, which will function in conjunction with solar collectors.

The use of timber for connecting SIP panels to each other

Although SIP panels for home construction have sufficient rigidity to erect multi-story buildings, in practice the structure loses its overall strength with each floor. To guarantee vertical rigidity, connecting vertical elements from timber, which is laid between individual SIP structures. This approach allows:

  • build houses with more floors;
  • build walls of significant height, placing SIP elements horizontally without losing overall strength. This is especially important when it is necessary to obtain a structural element of a “tower” type house, for example, a hexagonal shape, with windows located on each segment, reducing the strength of the structural elements.

By increasing the vertical rigidity of each floor of a house assembled from SIP panels, it is possible to significantly increase the number of storeys simply by using a vertical beam connecting individual structural SIP wall elements.

Using timber to create load-bearing interior partitions

Manufactured from thinner structures than external walls buildings. Therefore, if necessary, you can use a vertical beam, which will take on part of the load created by the ceiling of the second floor. Also, installation using timber can simplify the design and place bathrooms more conveniently. A simple example looks like this:

  • the layout of a two-story building made of SIP panels will be much more convenient if the vertical beam in the interior partition of the first floor takes on part of the load;
  • you can create a rest room on the ground floor, above which the bathrooms of the second floor will be partially located;
  • in this case it is possible not to withdraw load-bearing wall made of brick or concrete directly from the foundation, and lay it on the second floor.

This approach is acceptable, since the mass will be distributed and taken over by vertical beams, the installation of which will involve the installation of interior partitions on the first floor. Similar installation vertical beam V interior partitions will allow you to place, for example, a huge bathtub on the second floor or other heavy objects.

The use of timber for roof construction

Modern SIP panels, designed specifically for creating roofs, can be very successfully mounted on a timber base. By forming a standard rafter system, you can use more modern material with improved properties. The following happens:

  • installation rafter system made of timber guarantees that the roof structure of the house will be stable and as strong as possible;
  • the presence of a base for fastening SIP panels allows the use of thin products, for example, composites with basalt insulation, lined steel sheet. This construct is specifically designed for laying the roof surface and guarantees long service and does not require additional coverage.

Attach thin SIP panels to a timber rafter system roofing type based basalt insulation can be done using long self-tapping screws. As a result, the roof can be assembled in a matter of hours and is highly repairable. You can easily disassemble the required area without the danger of destroying the wing in order to replace the failed element.

The use of timber in the construction of flights of stairs

Although the installation of SIP structures guarantees the vertical strength of the walls, this type of element does not make it possible to reliably install flights of stairs. Therefore, to guarantee strength and stability, the following actions are performed:

  • the walls adjacent to the flight of stairs are formed from several vertical elements;
  • installation involves laying a solid vertical beam, which acts as a connector for SIP structures;
  • During installation, flights of stairs are attached to vertical posts made of timber, which take on the load, ensuring stability and long service life of the structure.

Racks and vertical elements made of timber are vital when constructing a complex staircase, having a large mass of spans or occupying a large area.


The use of timber to obtain benefits and increase the level of vertical rigidity of the walls will in no way affect the service life of the structure made from SIP panels. Polyurethane foam, which is used to process each joint, is a very good waterproofing agent. Therefore the service life wooden beam can be unlimited; in fact, the part is in a completely sealed space and is not subject to any influences.

The practice of using connecting beams shows that it is possible to build houses of almost any number of floors. The specific height indicator depends only on the quality of the foundation used, the task of which will be to resist the weight of the entire structure made of SIP panels and timber. Frankly speaking, in America and Canada, which are considered the birthplace of the technology of building a house from SIP constructs, the formation of a rafter system from timber is widely used for laying the roof covering.

In our country, some developers build their houses according to Canadian technology from SIP panels. This is enough advanced technology, which allows you to install houses quite quickly. But we want to introduce you to a truly high-tech method of building houses using the technology " double beam».

We will conduct comparative analysis these two methods and figure out which one is better.

Any construction technology cannot be ideal; it is not without such shortcomings and houses made of SIP panels.

Construction of houses from SIP panels

Despite the fact that both of these technologies involve the assembly of walls from individual elements, Canadian technology, when compared with houses made of double timber, is quite labor-intensive. When attaching SIP panels Each joint requires a lot of attention and assembly precision. Such work can only be done by very experienced workers who know how to handle this material.

The technology for assembling houses from double timber involves the factory preparation of all parts with the marking of the location of the elements on it. Therefore, when assembling such a structure, all that remains is to assemble it as a construction set. Careful processing of all connecting elements allows us to obtain a very rigid structure that has strict geometric dimensions.

When laying foundations for buildings made of SIP panels, given that they have a small mass, a pile-screw foundation can also be used. But when building houses from SIP panels, an important fact is that even with the slightest shrinkage of the foundation, the panels begin to warp, which leads to the formation of cracks. Such a misalignment can occur due to the wrong choice of piles or their poor-quality installation.

At home by Finnish technology have a very tight fit of individual internal and external beams, as well as reliable bandaging, which ensures fairly high rigidity and durability of the structure.

Flammability of materials

Every owner wants his home to be safe and sound. But no one is insured against an accident. The main disadvantage of houses built from SIP panels is their high flammability. The insulation contained in such panels quickly catches fire, releasing harmful and toxic chemical compounds.

In our practice, when installing houses made of double timber, we use insulation that is unique in its properties - ecowool. After special treatment, this material does not burn on its own and does not support combustion.

The sheathing of SIP panels is quite thin and can catch fire quite quickly in the presence of an open fire.. This process is also facilitated by various chemical substances, which are used for gluing SIP panels.

Cost of building a house from SIP panels

At its cost SIP panels can be equated to laminated timber, which means when compared with double timber, we can safely say that construction from panels will cost you at least twice as much as from double timber.

The increase in cost is also affected by the choice of SIP panels. The quality of many of the panels offered leaves much to be desired, so the cost of reliable SIP panels is quite high.

To build houses from double timber, given their light weight, it is enough to make a pile-screw foundation, which will ensure proper reliability of the entire structure and does not require a large amount of excavation and restoration work. This means that the construction of more powerful foundations will also entail an increase in the cost of the entire construction.

The timber used in construction does not require additional processing, while SIP panels must be protected from exposure to adverse weather conditions.

SIP panels absorb moisture very intensively, so they are required additional protection and the presence of good ventilation indoors. Ventilation is also necessary due to the fact that SIP panels have a vapor barrier layer, which does not allow the walls to breathe, they do not allow moisture and vapor to pass through. The hygroscopicity of walls made of double timber is the same as that of wooden walls.

In case of poor processing, as well as low quality SIP panels, exposure to external factors can lead to peeling or deformation of the top layer.

Eco-friendly houses

Natural wood from which beams for double walls are made is natural natural material, which will delight owners with its natural aroma and beauty.

For the production of SIP panels, oriented strand boards, plywood, fiberboard boards, i.e. artificial materials, which contain various resins that can cause allergic reactions.

As an insulating layer in houses made of double timber, an environmentally friendly insulation is used that is able to “breathe”, which cannot be said about polystyrene foam, phenol-formaldehyde foam or polyurethane foam found in SIP panels. To reduce toxic properties, such panels are treated with special substances - pyrene.

Communications at home

When laying communications in houses from SIP panels, additional costs are required for their installation. While doing the laying electrical wires, many companies use cable channels that pass through inner surface walls, and they don’t look beautiful enough.

The installation of sewerage and water supply is also quite a labor-intensive undertaking, since additional structural elements are required to hide the pipes.

In houses made of double timber, all communications pass inside the walls, which is not only safe, but also comfortable.

Having carried out even a small comparative analysis of these two materials, we can say with great confidence that houses built in all respects are superior to buildings made from SIP panels.

Wooden construction has been going on for many centuries, and has not lost its relevance to this day. Along with classical technologies New materials are appearing, traditional materials are being complemented by innovative ones. Timber is one of the most popular materials for private low-rise construction, wooden houses made of timber are affordable, and the technology for their construction is not particularly complicated. Another option for inexpensive and prefabricated housing is frame house. Both popular technologies have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing the material and technology for constructing a country house.

Materials used for construction

For construction wooden houses The timber used is either regular planed timber, or profiled or glued timber.

  • Profiled timber is cheaper than laminated timber and more expensive than planed timber, is easy to lay, is manufactured on machines with precise processing and does not require adjustment on site, it is different high density fit, due to which the house does not need caulking.
  • Glued laminated timber is not subject to deformation, does not dry out or swell, the number of cracks that form is minimal, the walls are not blown through, but it is much more expensive than dry profiled timber, and therefore is less popular.
  • For frame houses Typically SIP panels are used, consisting of an external and internal lining and a layer of insulation, between the sheathing and insulation with inside a vapor barrier is laid, with external waterproofing and wind protection. These panels cover the timber frame.

Speed ​​and complexity of construction

A house made of profiled timber with natural moisture shrinks; assembling the house itself takes about 3 weeks, and active shrinkage lasts from six months (if the house is built in winter) to a year (for houses built in summer). For houses made of kiln-dried timber and laminated veneer lumber, shrinkage is minimal, no more than 3%, and finishing works You can start immediately after erecting the walls and arranging the roof. The turnkey construction period for a house made of dry profiled timber is 1.5-3 months, depending on the building area; assembly of the house lasts from a week to a month. A house made of laminated veneer lumber is assembled in 2-3 weeks, the same amount of time is spent on each subsequent stage - roofing work, installation of windows and doors, installation of communications, finishing work.

A turnkey frame house takes 2-5 months to build, depending on the size and area, and assembling the box takes 2-3 weeks, just like timber houses. The construction of a frame house also does not require shrinkage time. It would seem that a frame house is assembled from larger parts than a house made of timber, which means its assembly is simpler. However, experts say that The assembly of a frame house, carried out according to all the rules, is a more labor-intensive process, while a house made of timber made using modern technologies is assembled without much labor, the technology is simpler.
When building a frame house, adherence to technology is extremely important, and there are not so many truly qualified specialists who fully master it.

Construction cost

  • If a house is built from planed timber, timber with natural moisture, it will cost less; a house made from laminated timber is definitely more expensive than a frame one.
  • The price of frame houses, more precisely 1 sq. m. of such structures also varies depending on the sheathing materials, the insulation used, and its thickness.
  • The material used as the frame matters, most often it is a wooden beam, but frames are also made of metal, they are 20-30% more expensive.
  • Timber and SIP panels are lightweight materials, therefore, building houses using both technologies does not involve laying a massive, expensive foundation.
  • Also, both materials make it possible to do without expensive lifting equipment. Houses made of profiled and laminated timber do not need finishing.
  • SIP panels can be sheathed on the inside with plasterboard or OSB panels, just like on the outside, but to give the house the most attractive appearance, a fine finish is required.

Taking into account all factors, we can say that the cost of frame houses and houses made of timber, built from materials of comparable quality, is approximately the same. If we take for comparison houses with 4 rooms with an area of ​​100 sq. m., then in the configuration for finishing a house made of timber is half a million rubles more expensive, and comes with a turnkey configuration, with finishing, the same amount is more expensive than a frame house.

Durability and strength

The service life of houses made from profiled timber is 50 years, and from laminated timber it is supposed to exceed 80 years, but it is impossible to say for sure yet, since laminated timber is a fairly young material. Frame houses with a frame made of ordinary wooden beams last about 25 years, then the load-bearing posts need to be replaced. But if you use laminated veneer lumber or lightweight metal structures for the frame, this will increase the cost of construction, significantly extending the service life of the building.

The durability of a frame house also depends on the insulation used, because the service life of expanded polystyrene is about 30 years, and mineral wool twice as much. If you do not skimp on materials and follow technology, and carry out antiseptic treatment of all elements, the lifespan of a frame house is no less than that of a house made of timber. Many houses built in the northern US frame technology dating back to the end of the 19th century, they still stand, although the materials used in those days were different. But the strength of the walls of such houses is low; they say that they are easily penetrated by bullets. But frame houses have the best seismic resistance.

Architectural and structural features

  • Using frame technology, you can build a house of almost any configuration, realizing the most bizarre fantasies.
  • Such walls can be combined with any roofing and finishing materials. The scope for imagination in the case of houses made of timber is somewhat limited.
  • Houses made of timber are distinguished by their natural beauty and look more airy, while frame houses are more heavy. A lot depends on individual preferences.
  • It is also important that all communications can be hidden inside the walls of frame houses.
  • Variety of options interior decoration frame house makes it possible to choose any interior style. While the walls of a house made of timber are beautiful in themselves and do not need finishing, they do not match any interior wooden walls will harmonize.
  • In a house made of timber, the choice is obvious in favor of more expensive wooden windows, while in frame construction you can use PVC windows.

Energy saving characteristics and thermal insulation

Since sandwich panels with insulation inside are used for the construction of frame houses, they, with the same wall thickness, significantly exceed the thermal insulation characteristics of houses made of timber. The thermal conductivity of insulation is three times lower than that of wood. To achieve the same effect as a 100 mm thick SIP panel, you need to use 300 mm thick timber, and for construction, as a rule, timber with a cross section of 200x200 is used. But all this is true for frame houses, in which insulation of sufficient thickness and density is used, a membrane is laid and carefully secured to protect against wind and moisture.

A frame house resembles a thermos; it can be heated quickly, using less energy; as long as the heating is on, the frame house will be comfortable, the walls will not let the heat out. But in terms of heat-accumulating properties, the walls of a frame house are significantly inferior to walls made of timber. That is, when the heating is turned off, the wooden house will remain warm for a long time - the walls will give off the accumulated heat, and the frame house will quickly cool down.

Environmental parameters

Timber, especially profiled rather than laminated timber, is considered the most environmentally friendly material. OSB boards and insulation from which SIP panels are made are inferior to it in this regard. But from the point of view of the negative impact on the environment, environmental friendliness on a global scale, we have to recognize the advantages of frame houses - wood waste is used for the manufacture of panels, and solid wood is used for timber; frame houses are more energy efficient, which means they allow you to spend less resources on heating.

Features of air exchange

Air exchange in the house is closely related to environmental friendliness and microclimate. Wood is a breathable material that provides natural air exchange, and glued laminated timber in this regard is inferior to ordinary timber. But the walls of frame houses do not breathe, especially taking into account the use of membranes inside for vapor barrier and wind and water protection. Therefore, for a comfortable microclimate in a frame house, a high-quality ventilation system is very important, which, in order to avoid drafts, is recommended to be installed above a heat source - a heating radiator or stove. Also, the walls of wooden houses are better able to naturally regulate the level of humidity. You can increase the environmental friendliness of a frame house and improve the air exchange in it by using panels with such modern insulation like ecowool.

Houses made of timber and frame houses made of SIP panels are popular solutions in modern market wooden private construction and belong to economy category houses, they are built quite quickly, in terms of price and service life (if you use quality materials) are approximately comparable to each other. Frame houses and houses made of timber have a lot in common, and the pros and cons of both technologies approximately balance each other. Thus, frame houses are more energy efficient, wooden houses are more environmentally friendly.
The beauty and aesthetic appeal of these and other houses is a subjective concept, it is a matter of taste. When making a choice in favor of one technology or another, you should take into account that with sufficient skill you can build a house from timber yourself, but frame technology is more complicated, and the construction of such houses must be entrusted to professionals, since deviations from the technology are fraught with a serious decrease in performance characteristics.

Compared to him, relatively recently. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice, as in any other case, remains with the customer.

To make this choice more informed, let’s make a small comparison of these materials.

1. What are the materials?

1.1. timber

1.1.1. Advantages

  • The beam is made from natural wood. Therefore, he retained all the advantages of this material;
  • Ecological cleanliness. In houses made of timber, a microclimate is formed that is optimal for human health. It is easy to breathe in them, since the air humidity and its purity are regulated by wood. This is not only useful, but very comfortable at any time of the year. In winter, such houses are warm, in summer, cool;
  • Ease of construction. The timber is supplied by manufacturers to a high degree of readiness.

When you order a house kit, locks are made on it in the factory (we connect the timber in the corners into a main tenon). The standard length of the timber is 6000 mm. Therefore, the installation of each of them significantly increases the area of ​​the finished wall.

The construction of houses made of timber does not require the use of special heavy equipment. All issues are resolved by a team of 2-3 people. Theoretically, you can build a house from timber yourself. But it is much better if a team of professionals deals with this issue.

  • The light weight of the material allows you to build houses on lightweight foundations (support-column, pile or shallow-depth strip foundations). Which reduces overall construction costs;
  • Log houses, even without finishing, have a wonderful appearance. Modern technologies allow you to make the outer edge of a profiled beam of an oval-convex shape. This perfectly imitates a block house, giving the house completeness and visual appeal;
  • With the correct section of profiled timber, a house made from it does not require additional insulation. Even if the building is intended for permanent residence. The walls will reliably retain the accumulated heat.

2. SIP panels

This is a material that represents a multilayer sandwich consisting of:

  • Two OSB panels (oriented strand board), making up the outer and inner layers;
  • Between them is EPS (expanded polystyrene);
  • The panels are fastened together using calibrated timber.

In this form, SIP panels are produced by manufacturing enterprises. At the customer's request, it is possible to replace the PPS with ecowool or other insulation.

In fact, this is a type of house wall element assembled using frame technology, only monolithic.

2.1. Material advantages

  • Sufficiently high strength (due to the rigidity imparted to the structure by the timber);
  • Wide permissible operating temperature range (-50°C/+50°C);
  • The material does not crack;
  • Has high heat-saving ability;
  • Fire safe;
  • Easy to install. Assembly is similar to building a frame house;
  • Allows finishing using any materials.

2.2. Disadvantages of the material

2.2.1. The material cannot be classified as environmentally friendly, so in the manufacture of panels they use adhesive compositions, which contain various synthetic resins. And the PPP does not give the right to talk about the environmental friendliness of SIP panels.

2.2.2. Open sources often make statements that houses made from SIP panels are not subject to deformation. But this statement is not entirely true.

The sub block of the SIP panel is really not deformed. But it is mounted on a frame assembled from timber. It is he who can shrink. Especially if its quality was not given due attention when purchasing. Or if the work was carried out in the off-season in conditions high humidity. As the timber dries out, it deforms and pulls along the slabs rigidly fixed to it. It is possible that a house made of SIP panels will simply fold up like a house of cards.

2.2.3. Strict requirements for weather conditions conditions under which construction is permissible (calm, dry and warm weather).

2.2.4. The house requires mandatory external and internal finishing, which entails serious additional costs.

3. Comparison of materials according to main indicators

3.1. Construction timeframe.

Using profiled timber, a house can be built in 21 days. It is advisable to use material with natural moisture for “shrinkage” construction. But existing technologies allow you to build it on a turnkey basis. If kiln drying timber is used, Negative influence shrinkage is negligible. And finishing of the interior can be done immediately after completion of construction.

The maximum construction period does not exceed three months. Even for two-story cottages significant area.

The use of SIP panels initially involves long work(up to five months). Little house can be erected in 2-3 months. Construction technology is much more complex.

3.2. Cost of work

Building a house using SIP panels will cost more. This is due to the need to acquire additional materials for finishing. Higher cost installation work. And their longer duration.


If you require quality house for permanent residence optimal price and within a reasonable time, you should choose profiled kiln-drying timber.

Timber has long been used in low-rise construction. SIP panels are one of the new materials that have entered the market with their own advantages, but not without weaknesses. Construction of houses from timber is affordable, and workers do not have to learn new installation technologies. SIP panels are also inexpensive. Housing can be built in short time. Both timber and SIP panels have advantages and disadvantages, so to choose optimal material You should be guided by circumstances and your own preferences.

Construction Materials

The timber is divided into two subtypes: planed and profiled. SIP panels differ from the standard of timber, although at first glance they have common features. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Profiled timber costs less than laminated timber. Is among the leaders among building materials for ease of installation. The beams are processed on machines in exact accordance with each other, so additional adjustment to size is not required at the construction stage. All parts fit tightly together. The work is carried out quickly, and additional time is freed up due to the fact that there is no need to caulk the finished building.
  2. Glued laminated timber is characterized by high strength and excellent performance characteristics. It does not dry out, and if a large amount of moisture gets on the surface, it does not absorb it. Cracks may form on it, but they do not penetrate deeply, do not delaminate more strongly, and therefore practically do not harm the integrity of the structure. The walls reliably protect the structure from blowing, temperature changes and other external influences. Glued laminated timber is expensive, which cannot be said about profiled timber, so it is not often chosen for building houses.
  3. SIP panels are made from two external parts, united by a gasket of insulation. The vapor barrier is laid parallel to the insulation. On the other side it borders on the cladding. On the outside, transparent protective membranes from wind and water are stretched over SIP panels.

What can be used to build a house faster and easier?

A house made of profiled timber can be built in 3 weeks. Subsequently, the building shrinks. If the building is completed in the summer, the contours may change throughout the year, but if construction is completed in the winter - only six months. Assembling a house from laminated veneer lumber takes 2-3 weeks when working at a leisurely pace.

When using timber that has undergone chamber drying, minimal shrinkage occurs, which does not always have even the slightest effect on the process of carrying out repair work inside the building. Once the walls and roof are built, you can begin finishing. Construction of a house made of profiled timber lasts from 1.5 months. Even large cottages usually take up to 3 months to build.

A house made of SIP panels takes quite a long time to build when compared with previous options. It can take up to 5 months to build. If developers do small project, then they can do it in 2-3 months. The frame of the building itself can be assembled very quickly, in just 2-3 weeks, as in the case of building houses from timber. Houses made from SIP panels do not shrink, so finishing work can begin immediately, regardless of the size of the construction project.

The technology of building a house from SIP panels is more complicated than working with timber. In order for the house to be of high quality and last as long as possible, there is a need to hire professional craftsmen who have learned construction technology. Even a novice builder can make a house from timber, which cannot be said about frame construction.

Cost of work

When assessing construction costs, it is customary to take into account not only the price and difference in the quantity of certain materials, but also associated costs, the size of which depends on the configuration and individual properties of structural parts.

You can choose for yourself suitable option, comparing all aspects:

  1. Building a house from planed timber with natural moisture preserved is considered an option that allows everything to be done cheaper, but the material is also the most problematic. SIP panels are more expensive, but laminated veneer lumber is significantly more expensive than them.
  2. To add aesthetics, houses made from SIP panels require high-quality cladding. Planed timber and SIP panels are cheaper than laminated timber, however, when constructing walls from them, it is necessary to use additional sheathing of medium or thick insulation, which is especially important for the northern regions. Glued laminated timber is expensive, but does not require additional coatings.
  3. When installed, SIP panels rest on the frame. It is usually created from wooden beams, so it is inexpensive. When building a house on metal frame will be required extra costs, requiring 20-30% additional funds.
  4. Timber and SIP panels are equally beneficial due to their relatively low weight. There is no need to lay a very deep or wide foundation under them.
  5. When installing timber and SIP panels, you do not need to order expensive equipment. The exception is structures with several floors.
  6. You can build a house from timber and SIP panels relatively inexpensively. The cost of working with these two materials when constructing approximately identical houses is not much different; it depends on the use of additional materials.

Reliability of houses

Houses made of profiled timber do not require overhaul for 50 years. Glued laminated timber lasts more than 80 years. Houses made from SIP panels do not require modernization for 25 years, then there is a need to replace the load-bearing planks. If you use a frame made of metal or timber to build a house, it will remain unchanged for much longer. A house made of SIP panels can be for a long time leave in good condition if used correct insulation. For example, expanded polystyrene remains in excellent condition for only 30 years, and for mineral wool this period is doubled.

Many people express the opinion that houses made of timber last longer than those made of SIP panels. This statement was formed as a result of the neglect by many developers of the technology for installing these products. If you do correct installation panels, purchase high-quality materials and treat all elements with an antiseptic, the service life of the houses is equalized.

In the USA, frame houses built using Canadian technology are still preserved. They have been standing since the 19th century and are in excellent condition, but in those days other materials were used to construct buildings. The disadvantages of SIP panels include slight vulnerability. Walls can be penetrated by a bullet. Advantages - record seismic resistance.

Design features

The differences between houses made of timber and buildings made of SIP panels can be recognized from this list:

  1. Houses made from SIP panels can be given any shape and many additional branches can be produced. There is an opportunity to implement a large list of ideas. SIP panels are ideal for any type of roof. You can finish it using any insulation and moisture insulation options. Houses made from timber are less flexible for creating unusual contours. They can be finished from a limited list of materials.
  2. Houses made of timber look aesthetically pleasing and natural, so make them external finishing not necessary. Buildings made from SIP panels do not have an attractive appearance. Decorating them can help make your home more distinctive.
  3. Structures made from SIP panels prove comfortable when developers move on to laying communications. All components and wires can be safely hidden inside the walls of the house, preserving the aesthetics of the interior space.
  4. Houses made from SIP panels require the use of any interior finishing options. Thanks to this advantage, you can easily equip interior interior in the style that seems best to the owner. Walls made of timber look beautiful without finishing, but this design will not harmonize with everyone design solutions, and the choice of finishing materials is limited.
  5. In order for timber buildings to look harmonious, there is a need to install expensive windows with wooden frames. Houses made from SIP panels will not lose anything in design if PVC windows are installed in them.

Thermal insulation, energy saving ability

Houses made from SIP panels are made in two layers with insulation in the middle. They are similar in thickness to walls made of timber, but significantly exceed them in thermal insulation characteristics. The insulation protects the room from blowing out and temperature changes 3 times better than wood. To do thermal insulation characteristics equal, SIP panels with a cross-section of 10 cm can be compared with timber with a cross-section of 30 cm. In standard buildings, timber 20 cm thick is used.

A frame house can be compared to the effect of a thermos. If the structure is well insulated from external adverse factors using building materials, then good heating the house will always be warm, the temperature practically does not drop. As soon as the heating is turned off, the walls of the house made of SIP panels cool down. At the same time, the building made of timber still remains warm, since the walls release the accumulated heat into the room. We can conclude that the heat-storing properties of timber are superior to frame structures.

Environmental factor: which material is safer?

Profiled timber is a leader among other materials under consideration in terms of environmental friendliness. SIP panels are made from OSB boards and insulation, so they cannot compete in this parameter with profiled timber.

If we evaluate the listed materials from the point of view of causing damage environment, then SIP panels cause less harm. Woodworking waste is used to make them, and the timber is made from solid tree posts.

How does air exchange occur?

The environmental friendliness of materials affects the air exchange processes in the house. Wood breathes well, so with its help, air exchange in the house is ensured better. Glued laminated timber is less effective in this matter, therefore it is most useful from the standpoint of constant supply fresh air considered to be ordinary timber.

Walls made of SIP panels practically do not allow air to pass through. It is completely blocked if various membranes and other insulating materials. To ensure that the air in a frame house always remains fresh, additional high-quality and extensive ventilation system. To prevent drafts in the house, it is advisable to install it above a device that generates heat, such as a radiator or stove.

The walls of timber houses are capable of supporting optimal level humidity in the room. To make a frame house more environmentally friendly and activate natural air exchange in it, you should use ecowool as insulation. This is 100% natural material. This is exactly the option that will help create a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Houses made of timber and SIP panels are one of the most popular options on the building materials market. They are used for the construction of economy-class houses. They are very easy to work with, since the construction speed is considered one of the record ones. The service life and quality characteristics are satisfactory, which cannot be said about many other inexpensive building materials.

When implementing installation technologies and competently working out other details of the house, timber and SIP panels cannot be placed in 1st and 2nd place. Each developer can choose the material that will be best for him, depending on the specific goals and features of his idea. The aesthetics and environmental friendliness of houses made from these materials is measured not only by their features, but also by the competent selection of related parts and compliance with construction technology.
