House made of OSB slabs. Budget facade made of OSB for half-timbering: do it yourself. Improved qualities of natural wood in OSB panels

How to build a small frame country house from OSB boards If you bought a plot of land and you need a small temporary shelter, you have come to the right place. In this post you will see how you can build your own in a couple of weeks. small house, which can later be converted into a small guest house. Study this guide, the dimensions of the house may be different for you. I give you an idea, and you can modernize something for yourself. Plus, as a bonus video, I’ll show you how we built a frame structure on our site (at the end of the article). The country house in the photo was built using the frame method. The dimensions of the house and the necessary materials are 3.6 x 3.6 m, the height of the walls is 2.5 m, the height to the ridge is 4.5 m. Its frame is wooden, in the corners and in the area of ​​​​the doors you will need a beam of 15 x 15 cm. Then along the contour install racks with a pitch of 60 cm with a section of 5 x 15 cm. The front and rear walls are made with a pediment. In one wall, where windows are installed, thicker racks will be required - with a cross-section of 10 x 15 cm. The roof rafters are installed in increments of 60 cm, made of timber with a cross-section of 5 x 20 cm. A sheathing of thin boards is nailed across the rafters. Upon completion of the work, the walls of the house should be covered with OSB sheets, windows and doors should be installed. Make the floor of the house from boards along the joists. Next you should select exterior finishing. You can sheathe the walls and roof of the house with sheets of roofing felt ( budget method) or cover the walls with siding, and put sheets of metal profiles or ondulin on the roof. The inside walls of the house are lined with sheets of plywood. Between outside and internal lining should be laid roll insulation. If desired, you can use a more expensive material - drywall. You can make the ceiling from sheets of plywood, or you can sheathe the roof slopes from the inside along the rafters with plywood, having previously laid insulation. As insulation, you can use sheets of foam plastic, penoplex or any roll insulation. If desired, the attic can also be used as a bedroom - if you make small beds for sleeping and a ladder to the top. At the entrance, you can make a small canopy with a porch Construction process Installation of the end shield frame. Assembly was carried out on the floor. Fastening end shields with temporary jibs. Fastening the side panels of the house. All sides were assembled on the floor, separately, and only then mounted. The box of the house is assembled. Fastening was done with self-tapping screws and corners. Installation ceilings. Fastening of ceilings. Nails are used, but corner screws can also be used for reliability. Installation of roof rafters. Covering the house with OSB sheets. Enough a budget option, and it will be just right for the warm season. Stained glass doors look very beautiful. But you can also make a standard blind door if the house is on a separate plot. Finished house covered with siding. Not quite a temporary one, but it can be installed quickly enough. In the future, after the construction of the main housing, it can be used as a guest house. How we built a frame country house from OSB. This video shows the stages of construction of our country house. This season we managed to sheathe the outside with OSB, cover the roof, hang the door, and lay the subfloor. We will continue next season... JOIN OUR GROUP TO RECEIVE USEFUL NEWS EVERY DAY!╰დ╮MY COZY HOME ╭დ╯

Frame houses, which are increasingly gaining popularity, do not raise doubts about their practicality and operational efficiency. But what can be said about the construction process itself and the materials that are used to construct such buildings?

The main types of building materials for such structures are wooden beams, beams and OSB panels. It is the use of panels that ensures frame house those characteristics that attract developers so much.

What is OSB

For those who are planning to build a house from these materials, you should know not only the meaning of the abbreviation, but also the qualities that they possess, as well as the functional differences from other similar materials.

OSB panels are boards made from wood chips.

The meaning of the abbreviation translated from in English means "oriented" particle board" - Oriented Strand Board.

The difference between these panels and the chipboards familiar to domestic developers is the installation method and the type of chips. If in chipboard the main component is pressed in a chaotic manner, then OSB panels in their structure contain chips laid in one direction, that is, oriented.

It is characteristic that the chips are laid in each layer in a different direction. The number of layers in each slab is three or four. Typically, the direction of laying chips is taken in the following order:

  • First layer - fibers are placed parallel to the panel structure
  • The second layer always contains the chip direction perpendicular to the direction of the first layer
  • Third layer - again laying is done in the same way as the first layer
  • The fourth layer is perpendicularly placed fibers

In some versions of the panels, another method of chip pressing is adopted, which includes a parallel arrangement of chip fibers in the outer layers and their transverse placement in two inner layers.

To create a sandwich panel from OSB, shavings up to 15 cm long are used, which are pressed under high pressure. Their volume in the slab structure reaches 90 percent. The fibers of the chips are bonded with waterproof resins of synthetic origin.

As evidenced by numerous reviews of developers who used this material in the construction of their houses, it is this structure that provides many advantages for the operation of the house. One of them, which allows saving the consumption of energy resources during the heating period, is the high heat capacity of OSB boards.

Classification of OSB panels

For construction purposes, it is recommended to use certain types of panels, since the structure and properties different types differ and are not always suitable for the same purposes.

Reviews about the qualities of OSB panels lean towards the conscious choice of only certain categories of such panels.

In order not to make a mistake when ordering material, you need to study the characteristic parameters and classification of OSB boards. Moreover, this is not difficult to do - there are only four of them, and the differences mainly relate to the number of layers, the degree of strength and moisture resistance indicators:

  1. OSB-1 panels are boards with a very low degree of strength and a low level of moisture resistance. In construction, such panels can only be used in interior work. But more often their use is widespread in the production of furniture structures, as well as for packaging products
  2. OSB-2 boards have low strength, although slightly higher than panels of the first category. They can also be used in interior finishing works, sometimes in the construction of lightweight structural elements, ceilings and partitions. But due to low moisture resistance, it is not recommended to use basements, when finishing ground floors and in internal works in bathrooms and kitchen
  3. OSB 3 is the most common model of OSB panels. It has proven itself excellent in exterior and interior work. Can be used in different parts building. Resistant in humid environments
  4. OSB-4 category panel is the most durable grade of OSB boards used in all types construction work. Due to its high strength, it can be successfully mounted on external parts building structure, when constructing roofs and attics. Excellent resistance to moisture, making it suitable for use in the lower parts of the building and in rooms with high humidity.

All these properties, inherent in each category of panels to varying degrees, are achieved by using an adhesive base of various compositions. Such boards owe their moisture resistance to the resinous compounds of the glue, and their strength to the arrangement of the fibers of the wood chips and the number of layers in the board.

There are differences in OSB boards based on the type of coating
The industry produces panels with a laminated surface that can be used as formwork, and more than once. For decorative purposes, slabs varnished on both or one side are also produced.

For the installation of horizontal surfaces, panels are produced with connecting elements based on the laminate board principle. On two or four sides of such panels there are end ridges and grooves for connecting adjacent slabs.

Reviews of OSB panels from buyers tend to suggest that they have prospects in production finishing works, can be an excellent alternative in flooring.

Properties of OSB panels

Reviews from panel buyers and developers note several significant advantages of this material:

  • Laying technology wood chips and chip length make OSB panels more rigid, which allows them to become resistant to mechanical stress
  • Thanks to the conveyor production method, the dimensions specified by the technological requirements are observed in the slabs. For the same reason, uniform thickness is achieved in all parts of the slab. This quality contributes to the ease of installation of OSB boards
  • Reducing the labor intensity of the installation process, increasing the efficiency of construction. The panels are lightweight, can be easily transported and do not create additional difficulties during loading and unloading operations
  • High thermal insulation rates are another significant advantage of this material. This property is achieved thanks to the high concentration of wood components, known for their thermal insulation properties.
  • Availability during processing - OSB can be easily sanded, drilled, and cut. And when hammering nails, the edges of the slab do not crumble
OSB properties plate thickness 12mm
Length deviation, mm +/-3
Width deviation, mm +/-0,3
Thickness deviation, mm +/-0,8
Deviation from right angle, maximum, mm/m 2
Bending resistance, main axis, MPa 20
Bending resistance, lateral axis, MPa 10
Flexural modulus of elasticity, major axis, minimum, MPa 3500
Flexural modulus of elasticity, lateral axis, minimum, MPa 1400
Swelling in thickness over 24 hours, maximum, % 15
Density, kg/m 3 630(+/-10%)
Humidity, % 5-12
Thermal conductivity, W/(mK) 0,10
Formaldehyde content, mg/100g <8мг/100г

As for the specific use of slabs in the construction of houses using frame technology, in their reviews many builders and owners of ready-made residential buildings note the speed of construction and ease of installation work.

In terms of operation, there are also undeniable advantages:

  • Houses made from OSB panels do not settle due to the lightness of the material
  • In winter, there is a noticeable saving in energy resources, which eases the budget burden
  • The ability to carry out additional planning of the premises without major intervention in the integrity of the structure

At the same time, in the reviews one can notice the absence of negative qualities characteristic of other materials, namely, susceptibility to rotting, the presence of formations in the form of knots and voids inside the panel, and the risk of fire is reduced.

Against the background of such a volume of advantages, individual disadvantages of OSB boards seem insignificant, but they cannot be ignored.

Among the main disadvantages of this material is the presence of phenol in adhesive resins, which can negatively affect health. However, in each category of plates listed above, the content of this element is regulated.

So when choosing slabs for a specific application, you need to focus on their main purpose. For example, OSB-3 is best used for exterior work, and OSB-2 is recommended for interior decoration.

Painting OSB panels

Application of paint materials on OSB panels does not require special conditions. Any wood paint can be used for this purpose.

For better adhesion to the surface of the slab and a longer shelf life, the surface of the panel can be primed.

For interior work on panels, you can use acrylic varnish. For the same purpose, stain or water-based paint is used. For all options, only positive reviews are noted.

Video about the production of OSB panels

The technology of building a frame house has become popular a long time ago, but today, thanks to new modern materials that extend the service life of wooden houses, new life has been breathed into the construction of frame buildings. If previously such houses were built mainly due to lack of money, today they are a real alternative to houses made of blocks and bricks, and in some respects they are superior to such buildings.

Technology standard

Frame houses retain heat better, they heat up faster and save resources. They are built quite quickly, easy to install and install, and the service life of a residential building ranges from 30 to 70 years. Agree, if you consider that building a frame house costs 20% less - this is an excellent option for today's economic conditions. Read about other benefits.

Is some change in technology possible? For example, is it possible to do without cladding a house with OSB? Or should you stick to it and build the layers the way you're supposed to?

Features of construction: stage one

The first thing you need to pay attention to when planning the construction of a frame house is the plan for the future construction. Don’t waste your time on trifles; it’s better to order a project from one of the many companies, where experienced engineers will calculate the amount of material, the load-bearing capacity of the foundation, the required roof slope angle and much more, which is usually rarely paid attention to by those who build a frame house with their own hands.

In order for the house design to take into account the terrain, the direction of the winds and the location of the cardinal points, specialists should be invited directly to your site, where they will express all their wishes. This will allow you to achieve the ideal location of the building in space.

Once you have the project in hand, you need to begin preparing for construction. Preparation includes soil testing, clearing the area, clearing access roads for trucks, etc.

If the area has a slope, it is advisable to level it. This can be done during the removal of the fertile soil layer before the start of construction.

Stage two: foundation

While working as a designer, most likely you have already decided on what kind of foundation you will make. There are many options, but, as a rule, you choose from three main ones:

  • tape
  • columnar
  • pile or pile-screw

Since the most preferred foundation for construction is a strip foundation, I will briefly tell you how it is made. First, checking the plan, we make markings. Of course, we use pegs and rope for this. The foundation must pass under each load-bearing wall, since the walls are the main support for the roof.

When the marking is completed, we dig a trench. You can dig a trench with your own hands with a shovel, but it is much easier to order equipment for construction. The cost of a small excavator or tractor with bucket depends on the distance, the total length of the trench and the time spent on the job. It is better to choose several offices and call each one. The difference in price is sometimes up to 50%.

When the trench is ready, it is necessary to install formwork. If you don’t want to bother, you can purchase ready-made, removable or permanent formwork in the store. If you want to save money, put it together with your own hands using boards and thick film.

When the formwork is ready, pour in the cement mixture and wait a couple of weeks for it to dry and harden. If the weather is dry and warm, this process goes faster. If the weather is humid or it starts raining, the foundation should be covered with film.

Framing and wall formation

The second stage of construction is the construction of the frame and the formation of the wall. The frame is made of 15 cm timber treated with fire-bioprotection. However, before installing the racks, the bottom trim should be made. You can read more about this in our article here.


We begin to install the frame from the corners and pay great attention to the bundle of timber or hitch. You can use boards instead of timber, connecting three boards together.

When forming the frame, use temporary supports, otherwise the structure may tilt. Support the corner posts with jibs. When all the racks are installed, it is advisable to place horizontal jumpers between them. They will give the frame additional rigidity and at the same time minimize the movement of the posts. If you think that this is not enough for a strong and stable structure, use not only temporary struts, but also permanent struts.

When the frame of all the walls is ready, we tie them together on top with a strapping beam. After this, we begin to form, in fact, the walls.


The wall is a multilayer structure, which consists of insulation fixed between the timber, waterproofing and vapor barrier, special.

We choose insulation based on both personal preferences and material capabilities. Most often they choose mineral wool, which has an average price and good thermal insulation properties.

In second place are polystyrene foam and liquid derivatives sprayed onto the surface for insulation. Mineral wool is considered one of the best options - it does not burn, but wooden structures, despite being treated with fire protection, are considered a fire hazard. It does not deteriorate over time unless operating conditions are violated. It rarely grows fungus or mold. At the same time, it is easy to install the wool with your own hands.

However, mineral wool should be well protected from moisture, and this is successfully accomplished by a layer of waterproofing, which is laid on the outside of the wall of a frame house. Using small bars, we nail the film to the posts. We overlap the joints of the two parts with an overlap of at least 15 cm. We glue the joint with special tape.

We lay the vapor barrier membrane in the same way, however, on the inside of the frame house.

The final stage of wall formation is sheathing. Usually the cladding is made from OSB boards, but if for some reason you do not want to use them (for example, you are allergic to glue or you want to save money), there are ways to do without such OSB cladding. However, in any case, there must be cladding, and other materials can be used for it, especially for interior decoration:

  1. Plywood FSN.

For the exterior finishing of a frame building, it is still better to choose OSB, but if you fundamentally want to use a different material, you will need to do additional waterproofing - for example, put another layer of foam insulation before the exterior finishing.

For the interior decoration of a frame building, it is not so important what the cladding is made of. However, remember - the greedy pays twice. Therefore, if you choose a cheap chipboard, you will get it to swell when exposed to moisture; in addition, it crumbles in the corners over time and becomes deformed under even light loads. Is this worth getting involved with?

You can replace OSB with wood, but it must be carefully processed and when knocking down the boards, pay attention to the seams. It is advisable to seal the seams with sealant. This is a good option, however, it is labor-intensive. In addition, it complicates the external finishing, since such walls are not suitable for painting. And even a mesh will not always help in forming a surface for plaster.

Of course, you can do without OSB, but today it is one of the most suitable options for cladding. At the same time, there are several types of OSB, and it is better to choose OSB-3.

Roof for construction

When the walls of the frame building are formed, you can begin to form the roof frame. Here the greatest attention should be paid to the rafter system. How it will be built depends on several factors - for example, the size of the house, the spacing of the walls and the use of material. The level of roof slope and its type also influence.

The construction of the roof depends on its type.

The roof of a frame building can be single-pitch, flat, gable, gable, etc. The installation of the frame also depends on what kind of roof you choose.

If a residential attic is expected under the roof, the roof is made in almost the same way as the walls - in the sense that layers of insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier are formed. OSB forms a surface to which liquid tiles can be attached. For other materials, you can use a sheathing made of timber, and attach metal tiles, if you choose one, to the sheathing. From the inside it is also better to use OSB, to which drywall is well fixed.

Roof structure for a frame house - one of the options

Exterior finishing

You cannot say that the construction of a house is finished until the exterior finishing is done. The finishing of a building is a layer of cladding materials for the facade. This could be wood paneling - for example, a block house or clapboard.

This can be PVC sheathing - for example, siding or panels that are mounted on a sheathing or a special frame.

There may be cladding that changes the appearance of the frame beyond recognition - for example, to look like stone or brick. Facing and cladding protects the house from temperature changes, rain and snow, and from wind, and at the same time improves its aesthetic appearance.

Despite the current crisis, many still dream of a cottage, but the financial situation leaves much to be desired. And so the question arises: is it really possible to build a house for a million? – the answer is – really! Modern technologies allow you to acquire your own country real estate in a short time and with minimal investment. A clear example of this are frame houses made of OSB, which, among other things, can still be built with your own hands.

Features of the technological process in the production of components for the frame, low cost of material and low labor costs (you can also do the entire installation process yourself) during the construction of housing are the main secrets of creating a low cost for a typical frame house project made from OSB panels.

OSB – oriented strand blocks. These are slabs, the main component of which is large wood aspen or coniferous shavings. The production of such panels is possible due to the use of high pressure pressing technology. Due to this, the output is a dense structure with wood fibers penetrating each other. At the same time, the use of glue is minimal, which gives the entire slab increased properties of flexibility and strength.

Do-it-yourself OSB frame houses - the benefits of construction

If you plan to build a frame house from OSB boards with your own hands, then let’s look at the main advantages of the building material:

  • The high strength of the panels guarantees the reliability and durability of the future structure;
  • Flexibility simplifies the installation process;
  • The lightness of the slabs allows you not to use heavy special equipment when building a frame house from OSB with your own hands, and a team of 3-4 people is enough to install all structural elements;
  • The slab manufacturing technology and special treatment make the surfaces resistant to the formation of mold, mildew and dampness;
  • The design does not shrink, and all surfaces are smooth, which allows for finishing immediately after installation of plastic or wooden windows;
  • For production, a minimal amount of adhesive binder is used, which makes the future frame house safe to live in;
  • When building a frame house from OSB with your own hands, the investment is minimal, the cost is 40% lower than the arrangement of a brick building;
  • They retain heat well due to reduced thermal conductivity, but this requires high-quality insulation.

Types of OSB panels for the construction of a frame house

Based on strength, moisture resistance, price and quality, there are 4 main types of slabs. They can be combined in various combinations when building a frame house from OSB with your own hands, which significantly reduces the cost of material.

Types 1 and 2 are less waterproof and durable, therefore cheaper. They are usually used for interior decoration of a house and for creating interior floors.

Types 3 and 4 are more resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, so they are more expensive. The main purpose is for external decoration of the facade. The 3rd variety is especially valued, having the optimal combination of price, quality and declared characteristics.

Features of frame houses made of OSB boards

Thanks to the main advantageous features of such slabs, the construction of a frame house from OSB has a number of advantages:

Of course, there are also disadvantages. High tightness of all connections will require the installation of ventilation systems; also, due to the thin width of the walls, low sound insulation. But these problems can be easily solved if the building is a one-story house. Access to fresh air is provided by window openings.

Thus, an inexpensive, warm, dry, durable frame house made of OSB with your own hands provides comfortable living both in winter at -40 C and in summer at +40 C, and the cost allows anyone to build it.

Time-tested quality

America and Canada have succeeded in building such housing. About 50 years ago, this construction technology became widespread due to the need for short deadlines and low costs to provide for millions of people left homeless.

Nowadays, there is a trend abroad for similar construction from environmentally friendly materials using the latest materials, which can significantly reduce the percentage of energy consumption and heat transfer at home.

In Russia, frame houses made of OSB are not very common due to the lack of necessary equipment and experience, although all processes for installing panels can be done with your own hands. We can only hope that low-rise construction in the vast expanses of our homeland will not be lost and will successfully make friends with modern technologies. Moreover, such houses have already been tested by Arctic frosts and winds of the North Pole.

Trust but check

When purchasing a finished project, you should always make sure that it is safe and complies with existing standards.

A building made of OSB panels must fully meet the safety requirements:

  • during its direct operation;
  • the basic qualities of OSB boards must be confirmed;
  • The strength of the frame must be correlated with the layout of the house. characteristics.

An examination of the quality of house designs made from this material is carried out within the framework of the requirements at the legislative level and, if necessary, it can be carried out either by a private person or by representatives of government authorities. . All documents confirming the quality of the product must be provided to the expert organization. Certificates accompanying the samples and confirming the passage of SanPin and environmental standards, as well as fire safety, can be examined at the point of sale.

Scope of use of OSB boards

Panels of this type can be used in construction, both as cladding and in load-bearing frame elements.

In the first case, this is especially convenient when constructing structures such as hangars, garages and other standard buildings, when aesthetic beauty is not particularly required. The main frame is covered with OSB panels; mineral material can be used for insulation. The downside is that the structure is not tightly joined at the corners, which leads to the rapid cooling of the room.

As a load-bearing element in the second case, the OSB board is included as an external component of a sandwich panel (SIP) with a layer of polyurethane foam in the middle. Their production takes place in a factory. Ready-made panels already have special fastening structures, which greatly facilitates the work and speeds up construction time.

Advantages of using sandwich panels:

  1. The walls of a new house with a properly constructed foundation do not warp, and there is also no shrinkage;
  2. Minimum costs for interior finishing before painting and wallpapering;
  3. Speed ​​of construction of a low-rise building;
  4. Lack of dependence on climate – maintaining a comfortable temperature anywhere on the planet.

Houses made from SIP panels - step by step

According to the famous saying, a real man must build a house in his life. Thanks to modern construction technologies this is becoming a reality.

How is such a house built? The main thing you need to spend your energy and attention on is the right foundation. In this case, the choice falls on a pile-screw, support-column and shallow strip foundation.

If a pile-screw foundation is chosen, then for stable support of the entire structure a pile is needed that is installed below the freezing level of the ground, which will prevent it from being pushed out of the soil - this, by the way, is different from a strip foundation. Although it is also installed subject to the technological features of laying pipelines, sewers, gas pipelines and electrical wires.

The next stage of construction, after laying the foundation and its reliable waterproofing, is the installation of the support. It completely follows the outline of the future house and is made of boards hermetically connected to the panels using self-tapping screws. Particular attention is paid to joints and corners.

Paired bars, fastened together and acting as vertical guides, also connect the OSB panels into a single frame. They must match the width of the grooves. The pitch of their fastening should be on average about 15 cm.

To withstand increased vertical loads, as well as for floor and ceiling coverings, narrow panels are used. Corner panels connected to each other by grooves form the corner joints of the building.

Thus, modern technologies for the production of building materials do not stand still. New housing made from such material is inexpensive, quickly constructed, and of high quality. Thanks to these advantages, a similar “American” technology for the construction of low-rise buildings is gradually taking root and becoming popular in Russia, providing more than one young family with their own housing.

Construction houses made from OSB panels is a new new technique in the rapidly developing building materials market.

OSB panels are a building material that consists primarily of wood chips.

OSB panels are made by pressing under high pressure, with pine or aspen wood chips folded in a cross shape.

The cross placement of chips, in combination with their deep flattening, gives special reliability and flexibility to the entire material. According to their own resistance to various mechanical influences, Oriented Strand Boards plate much better than plywood slabs.

Sandwich panel houses made from OSB panels can be installed in just a couple of weeks, without the use of heavy construction machines and tools. When implementing the construction technology, houses made from sandwich panels are very warm, able to withstand temperature changes, and are not afraid of dampness.

The facade of the house, its internal surfaces and the roof made from OSB panels do not need to be further straightened before the finishing process. A house made of sandwich panels with an area of ​​200 m2 will cost a little more than one million rubles.

The low price of installing houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels is caused by reduced costs associated with the low cost of a ready-made set of OSB panels for a house produced on factory equipment.

Let's consider the advantages of this construction method:

  1. For the construction of this type of house, a relatively inexpensive foundation is prepared;
  2. There are no extraordinary costs, a house made of sandwich panels is made at the factory, fully assembled and packaged in boxes, and there will be no need to purchase additional building materials;
  3. Reduced delivery costs, the starter kit for a house made of OSB panels is in most cases transported in one go;
  4. Reduced installation and installation costs, the house is built by a team of several people;
  5. Those. construction control houses using frame technology.

Oriented Strand Board Cladding

The construction technology of this type of house has good reviews in most countries. In the Russian Federation, this construction technology for houses made of sandwich panels is not yet particularly developed. There is an insufficient number of factories and companies involved in construction for the production and production of ready-made kits of houses, offering good and good assembly. The service sector for the production of parts and components is not very developed. Nowadays, it is popular to build brick houses or solid wood.

Positive qualities of construction technology from OSB panels

OSB boards have a high degree of water resistance, strength, and lightness. These characteristics of the material significantly enhance its positive qualities over other construction materials used in construction using wood. Thanks to this, the construction stages of a house made of OSB panels become much easier.

Below we consider the main advantages of such construction:

  • for the purpose of carrying out basic construction work there is no need to use a very expensive lift;
  • houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels have good fire-resistant properties;
  • wall cladding is a lightweight, waterproof finish that does not require the construction of an expensive foundation;
  • when constructing the roof, they use light, even and water-resistant building materials, which facilitate its insulation and coating with a special material that protects from external hydrometeors;
  • kit houses using frame technology made of OSB panels fits into a pair of heavy-duty vehicles;
  • the cost of building a house using OSB panels is reduced when compared to building a house with stone.

Main types of OSB panels

During the construction of houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels, 4 types of panels are used that have varying degrees of strength and resistance to moisture, and therefore have a low price. Depending on the current parameters, slabs can be combined in a variety of areas, achieving great savings in resources.

Safety of construction from OSB panels

Projects of houses made of sandwich panels and their construction OSB panels in the Russian Federation undergo detailed examination in accordance with all the necessary requirements of construction legislation. Since 2012, construction examination has been introduced, carried out by a state or private company.

This is precisely why the developer, when selecting a finished project, has the right to demand proof of the general safety of the future home based on another very important parameters:

  • home safety when using it;
  • quality, reliability and durability of houses made of OSB panels;
  • justification for the use of building materials;
  • validity of rational use of construction resources;
  • compliance with the specific level of architectural projects and structural strength.

The main types of frame house construction

Nowadays, several construction technologies are used for houses made of sandwich panels made from OSB panels.

  • The first method is the use of OSB panels to cover the entire frame, erected as load-bearing parts of the structure. This technology is used during the construction of various hangars; other buildings do not require additional insulation, without any artistic requirements.

Often the frame, covered with OSB panels, is subsequently insulated with a special mineral heat insulator. The side that is inside houses using frame technology OSB panels should also be sheathed. The disadvantages of this technology are the imperfection of the insulation system; there are “cold bridges” at the connecting points and corners of the entire structure.

The quality of construction in this case is not sufficiently controlled, and depends on the quality properties of the building materials acquired at different times, this mainly concerns the boards of load-bearing parts.

Insufficiently dried wood changes the configuration and greatly reduces the thermal insulation of the entire building. At the beginning of construction, wood must be treated with specialized impregnations and antiseptics to make it resistant to fire, which requires a significant amount of time and reduces the speed of construction.

  • The second method is construction houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels using 3 layers of SIP panels as the fundamental element (they are also called Sandwich panels), 2 layers consist of OSB panels, and the 3rd layer is artificial latex between them. These panels have a specific, unusual key fastening design. The panels are produced in production using very high-tech technologies. Building a house from sandwich panels from OSB panels will not be difficult for a construction team.

Ready-made house made of SIP composites

Construction technology from OSB sip panels

The positive qualities of this method of quickly erecting a house are quite clear.

  1. It is possible to build a house up to three floors;
  2. Various architectural problems can be solved during the construction of houses made of sandwich panels from OSB panels;
  3. These houses can be built in a variety of climate zones on the planet; their use begins on the day of construction of key walls, roofs, and floors;
  4. Material costs for home maintenance will be minimal. With a properly built foundation, there is no shrinkage of walls, distortions, or other inevitable disadvantages of newly constructed houses.

Foundation on stilts for sip house

Base during construction houses using frame technology- this is the foundation. For a house made of OSB panels, a screw base is considered an excellent base. A deep pile, below the freezing point of the ground, will provide sufficiently strong support that is not subject to the entire structure being pushed out of the soil.

A strip-based foundation has some disadvantages, which can be easily solved with proper and competent planning of the lower premises, sewer system inlets, water, gas and electricity.

After finishing the foundation laying and its high-quality waterproofing, a specialized support board is laid along the perimeter of the entire foundation, which easily repeats the configuration of the future houses using frame technology. The width of such a board will match the width of the groove of the OSB panel. Basic rule of construction houses using frame technology from OSB panels - this is the use of sealing support boards and panels connected with screws when connecting.

Installation of house walls

Vertical guides that ensure high-quality connection of OSB panels are bars. The width of the block will be equal to the width of the groove, thanks to which the combined boards fit freely into the groove. A strong connection is ensured by non-standard fastening on the outside and inside the groove.

Angles houses using frame technology OSB panels can be formed by connecting a board to the edge of a corner OSB panel into the groove of an adjacent corner panel.

For the ceiling surface, narrow panels are used, which are designed to increase vertical loads.

This construction technology is becoming more in demand in the Russian Federation. A large number of people want to live in a new home right away, without painful and many years of waiting for construction. OSB frame and panel houses are to some extent cheap, and if they need to move to another city, the family can very easily be convinced that the house will be sold as quickly as possible.

Construction of a frame house. Rules for installing OSB boards
