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Hello, dear readers!

Our compatriots are accustomed to traveling abroad, and even the birth of a baby does not stop them from planning vacations in distant countries.

This raises the question: is it necessary to obtain a foreign passport for a newborn?

You can include your child in your passport if it is not biometric, but it is better to issue your own.

Today the situation is this:

  • The child travels abroad with the parent according to his document (with the registered child);
  • The child receives his own passport (even from the first week of life) and travels abroad using it, but accompanied by an adult.

Does my child need his own passport?

It is not possible to include a child in a biometric passport. If a child travels abroad using a parent's passport, he does not need a separate visa, as is the case with his own passport. The advantage of a personal passport is that a child can travel accompanied by any adult (and not just the mother or only the father in whose document he is included).

When a child is accompanied by one parent, permission from the second is required (if required by the receiving party); if accompanied by other adults, permission from the parents is required, certified by a notary. Please note that you will most likely have to have the permit translated into the language of the country you are traveling to, with an apostille.

There are 2 types of passports that can be issued for a child:

  1. Old model (for 5 years);
  2. New sample - biometric (for 10 years).

A biometric passport contains more information about the owner, which is stored in a chip, which makes border crossing easier. An old-style passport can be changed after 5 years, this is more convenient, because the baby’s photo will no longer be relevant for a long time. And in biometric - for all 10 years there will be a photo of the newborn:

2. How to obtain a child’s passport

Where can I get a passport? The following departments deal with this issue in the Russian Federation:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Management of the Federal Migration Service (FMS);
  • Russian consulates abroad.

Only parents (or legal guardians, having provided the necessary confirmation) can issue a passport for a child, who will need to collect the necessary documents and submit them to one of the above departments.

Before you go and stand in line, dear parents, ask what documents are needed to obtain a child’s individual passport.

Documents that need to be collected and provided:

  • Birth certificate + copy;
  • Passport of the parent who issues it (or residence permit) + copy;
  • Insert about the child’s Russian citizenship (the mark may appear on the birth certificate itself);
  • Questionnaire (filled out by the parent in the name of the child);
  • 4 photographs 3.5*4.5 cm on matte paper;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty:

Difficulties may arise with photographing a child if he is very small. You can bring the baby to the studio or take a photograph at home yourself on a white background, and the specialists in the studio will edit it and print it in the desired format.

The state fee must be paid in advance, informing the operator at the bank that you are applying for a foreign passport.

Passport cost for a child: a regular old-style passport – 1000 rub., biometric – 1500 rub.

You can submit documents directly to the Federal Migration Service or submit an application on the State Services portal on the Internet.

It is much easier and faster to order a passport through government services, so you don’t have to stand in line, and this is extremely important when you are with a baby. After requesting via the Internet, you will arrive without a queue at the appointed time to the Federal Migration Service. When applying for a new passport for 10 years, the child must appear to have biometric data taken. If you are applying for a regular international passport, you do not need to bring a child.

You will receive your passport within 10 working days.

3. Registration of a foreign passport through government services

First you need to register on the website www.gosuslugi.ru. After this, receive an activation code to log in to " Personal Area" Online. When registering, you will enter your location, and the system will show you the addresses and telephone numbers of the Federal Migration Service in your area, where you will need to appear with documents.

After this, your actions on the site are quite simple, you move through the tabs, answering the questions:

  1. Select “Federal Migration Service”. Next - obtaining a passport with an electronic chip (without an electronic chip).
  2. Select the option of obtaining a passport for a child under 14 years of age.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the service and click “Get service”.
  4. Enter the necessary data of the child and yours (who is applying for the passport);
  5. Upload an electronic photo of the child with a file no larger than 500Kb.
  6. Submit your application and wait for it to be reviewed. You will receive an invitation to visit the FMS office to provide documents.

You can watch a video about the procedure for obtaining a passport for a child here:

Have a nice trip! And don't forget to visit our website. See you later!

In order to obtain a passport for a child under one year old, you need to go to the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence, providing all the necessary documents.

If you don’t have a lot of free time and don’t want to spend it waiting in queues, you can use this opportunity to draw up a document through the government services portal. The application is submitted online, without leaving your home.

To apply online you need:

Next, wait for a call or notification with an invitation to the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to verify the data specified in the electronic application with the original documents. The advantage of submitting an application through the government services portal is the ability to pay state fees at a discount.

Read more about the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport for a child under one year old through State Services and the MFC.

How much to pay?

The cost of obtaining a foreign passport for a child under one year of age depends on what type of document is chosen for the child:

  • if you issue a new type of biometric passport, its price is 1,500 rubles;
  • issuing an old-style ID will cost 500 rubles less and amount to 1,000 rubles.

Attention! There is also the opportunity to save by submitting an application to in electronic format through the government services portal. In this case, when paying non-cash using an electronic wallet, bank card or phone will be given a 30% discount.

Discounted price:

  • An old-style document will cost 700 rubles;
  • new generation passport – 1050 rubles.

How long does it take to make?

Regular The time frame for obtaining a passport for a child ranges from one to four months and depend on where the documents were submitted: at the applicant’s place of residence or not.

If the documents were submitted at the place of residence and everything was completed correctly, despite the fact that the law provides for the issuance of an international passport from one month, it is possible that the international passport for the child will be ready in a week.

This is explained by the fact that according to the information about the child specified in the application, requests are not sent to departments for verification. However, when planning a trip abroad, you should still take into account the official deadlines prescribed by law.

How to find out about readiness and receive a foreigner?

Important! When accepting documents for a foreign passport, a personal code is issued. With its help, you can find out about the readiness of the document by entering this personal code on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You can get a ready-made passport for a child up to one year old at the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence or at the MFC, if the application with documents was submitted there.

Biometric or old style?

To date There are two types of official document for traveling abroad. This is a new generation passport, that is, a biometric one of the old type.


To obtain an old-style international passport, you can provide two ready-made photographs of the child and carry out the entire procedure for obtaining a passport without his presence.

For a new type of international passport, you will need to photograph the baby in the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where a digital photo is taken by an authorized employee using special equipment in accordance with the required standards.

The cost of the state duty for an old-style international passport is 1000 rubles, for a new one – 1500 rubles.

What type of document is best to choose?

To decide on the type of international passport for a child under one year old, you need to know distinctive features each document. A biometric passport is an improved version of the old passport and has the following distinctive features:

The old-style international passport differs from the new one in the following ways::

  1. issued for a period of five years;
  2. does not have a microchip;
  3. You can bring a finished photo, taken in a photo salon (the presence of the child is not required at any stage of the document preparation);
  4. The cost of the state fee is lower and amounts to 1000 rubles for children under 14 years of age.

Analyzing the features of both types of passports, we can conclude that For a child under one year old, it is wiser to choose an old-style international passport. Small children change their appearance very quickly, and you will most likely have to get a passport more than once (if you travel frequently abroad), since it will be difficult to recognize a grown-up child in a passport photo.

Also, the advantage of obtaining an old-style international passport is that it occurs without the child visiting the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and from an economic point of view it is more profitable.

Today, when we talk about obtaining a foreign passport for a child under one year old, no one is surprised. This travel document for infants under one year of age has already become considered the norm, especially after the introduction of a new type of passport - biometric. You can read about whether a child under one year old needs to apply for a foreign passport.

Children cannot be included in the biometric passport of an adult citizen. Therefore, today a child’s own international passport is an integral thing for families who want to travel with their baby.

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To travel outside Russian Federation A citizen of any age is required to have his own foreign passport. A separate passport is also needed for a child, regardless of age. If you still find information somewhere that it is enough to paste a child’s “photo” into the passport of one of the parents, know that this is not so. Information about children in the passports of their legal representatives is proof of kinship, but they do not provide the right to leave Russia and enter the territory of another state.

At what age is it better to start applying for a passport for children?

In any. If you are going to travel with a baby under one year old, you can start preparing documents immediately after birth, but you still shouldn’t do this for the future. If you are not planning to travel abroad with your child in the next few years, it is better to postpone obtaining a passport. Why? Because the face of young children changes quickly, and within six months the baby will be very different from his photograph. This can lead to problems when crossing the border.

According to the law, the validity period of a new type of foreign passport is 10 years, and the old one is 5. And formally, you will not break any rules if the passport of your four-year-old son or daughter contains a photo of him under the age of one year. However, explanations with customs services and additional checks are not the most pleasant start to a trip, so for your own peace of mind, make sure that the documents do not raise unnecessary questions.

Any parent or legal representative at their place of registration can begin the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport for a child. Other persons, even by proxy, do not have this right. The child’s registration also does not play any role, the only thing is required condition- this is Russian citizenship.

Old or new?

If possible, issue old-style international passports for children. This is preferable for the following reasons:

  • the state fee for an old passport ranges from 300 rubles (children under 14 years old) to 1,000 (over 14 years old and adults), and for a new one - from 1,200 to 2,500;
  • The validity of a new passport is 10 years, but during this time you will have to re-issue it several times due to changes in the child’s appearance - with an old passport it will not be so expensive;
  • It is possible to issue an old-style international passport without the presence of children - the parent just needs to bring his photographs, and for a new biometric passport, everyone must personally appear at the UMFS office for photographing in a special booth.

Another plus is that it doesn’t take much time to obtain an old-style international passport—less than a month. In emergency cases, when you receive an urgent call abroad, it can even be done in a few days. Obtaining a biometric passport in such a time frame is impossible - according to the law, it takes from 1 to 4 months to obtain it. From submitting documents to receiving the coveted “crusts” it takes about 2 - 2.5 months.

List of documents for obtaining a foreign passport for children

To obtain a new biometric foreign passport

  • Application form (filled out on a special form) - 1 copy. Full name is entered into it. minor, gender, date of birth, place of birth, registration address, information about Russian citizenship, birth certificate number or passport data (if the child is already 14 years old), purpose of obtaining and information about the presence of another passport, information about criminal records, evasion legal obligations, personal data and information from the passport of the legal representative. If the teenager is 14 years old or older, his signature is required on the form.
  • Passport of the applicant - one of the parents or other legal representative, as well as a document confirming relationship with the minor (birth certificate). The birth certificate must have a citizenship stamp or insert.
  • Passport - for children over 14 years old.
  • 2 photographs (for pasting into the application form);
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A foreign passport issued to your son or daughter previously, if its validity has not expired.

To obtain an old-style international passport

  • Application form on a special form indicating approximately the same data as in the application for a biometric passport - 1 copy.
  • Applicant's passport - 1 parent or legal representative plus the child's birth certificate. The birth certificate must have a citizenship stamp or insert.
  • Passport if the teenager is 14 years or older.
  • 2 photographs 35×45 mm.
  • A foreign passport previously issued to the child (if it is still valid).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

Children under one year old, even very tiny ones, also need to be photographed.

Application forms and examples of how to fill them out correctly can be found on the website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or taken from the Federal Migration Service office in your city.

This full list documents that must be submitted to obtain a foreign passport for a child, and no one has the right to demand anything else from you, for example, make photocopies, pay extra for something, etc.

Children over 14 years of age receive a completed international passport on their own and must sign it. In children's passports younger age There should not be a signature - there should be a dash there.

For what reasons are children denied a passport?

You will not be able to obtain a passport for your child in the following cases.

  • Your son or daughter is not a citizen of the Russian Federation or there is no stamp (insert) in their birth certificate stating that the owner of the document has Russian citizenship.
  • The questionnaire contains inaccurate data: when accepting the questionnaire, a FMS employee, in the presence of the applicant, is obliged to check the correctness of filling out and check the data with the documents, and if there is an error, point it out. And if an employee suspects that you deliberately distorted the information, they may refuse to issue a passport.
  • A minor does not fulfill obligations imposed by the court - this often happens even with small children, sometimes up to a year, if they are the owners of property on which court sanctions have been imposed (debt, etc.). Although children are not to blame in such situations, they sometimes have to pay for the dishonesty of adults.
  • A criminal case has been opened against the minor or he is suspected of involvement in a crime.
  • The juvenile has been convicted of a crime and is serving a suspended sentence.
  • Parents or guardians (as well as 1 of them) object to the child going abroad and have expressed their disagreement in the form prescribed by law (documented).

During the review of documents, authorized employees check whether there are grounds to refuse to issue the applicant a foreign passport. If they are found, the applicant is sent a written notification indicating the reason and timing of the travel restriction. As well as the conditions that must be met so that the documents can be accepted for consideration again.

Thus, it is not always possible to get the much-desired “crust” for a son or daughter, even in the case of family conflict or debt.

A foreign passport for a child can be issued at any age. However to a minor child It is not necessary to have a separate document when traveling abroad. If the accompanying parent has an old-style international passport, a child under the age of 14 can be entered into it. A minor will have the right to travel abroad, but only if accompanied by a parent. For those who do not like this format, it is recommended to issue a passport for the child.

The required set of documents depends on the age of the child, since despite the fact that a child receives his first internal passport at the age of 14, he is considered a minor until he is 18. For children under 14 years of age, you will need:

  • Russian passport of the parent;
  • Birth certificate with a note indicating Russian citizenship;
  • Photos;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

In case of emergency registration, you must also provide documents that confirm the need for urgent travel abroad, for example, a medical certificate about the need for treatment. If the application is submitted not by a parent, but by a guardian, documents confirming the right of guardianship are required.

Children aged 14 to 18 years must attach a passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation to the specified set of documents. At the same time, a note about Russian citizenship on the certificate is no longer necessary. Children aged 14 to 18 can fill out an application for a foreign passport independently if they have a confirmed account on State Services.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a passport for a child

Next, the user will have a choice whether to issue an old or new type international passport for the child. The main differences in the documents are indicated on the same page, making the choice much easier. The procedure for filling out an application does not change, since you need to fill out the same fields.

After selecting the type of foreign document, you must indicate whether the document will be issued for a minor under 14 years of age or older. After this, a form opens for you to fill out the questionnaire. It is not as large as when applying for a passport for an adult, but it also requires careful filling.

On the next page, it will be presented detailed description services, the amount of state duty for a passport and the method of obtaining the service. We need to select the type of receipt “Electronic service” and click “Receive service”.

The first block is filled in with information about the applicant, who may be one of the parents or a guardian. It is necessary to indicate who exactly the applicant is, as well as indicate your data, including passport details. In most cases, these fields are filled in automatically, so you just need to check them. You cannot make adjustments directly in the passport application form in these columns. The column with place of residence is filled in manually.

Filling out information about the applicant is important because he will be the one who will receive the passport instead of the minor child. It is necessary that the applicant and the parent who comes to confirm are the same person.

The next block is to fill in information about the child. In addition to the standard filling out your full name, date and place of birth, you will need to provide details of your identification document. For children under 14 years old, this is a birth certificate; for older children, this is a passport. However, between the ages of 14 and 18, there will be a field for entering information on both types of documents.

After the child’s details have been registered, it is necessary to indicate where the applicant will receive the passport:

  • At the place of registration;
  • At the place of temporary registration;
  • At your place of residence.

Depending on the selected address, the document production time will change.

Next you need to upload a photo of the child. Both color and black and white versions are acceptable. The entire list of photo requirements is listed on the image upload page. The main criterion is that the face should occupy most of the space in the photo.

It is also necessary to note whether the child currently has a passport. If it is available, you will need to provide data from it. For a child who has previously traveled abroad, but was included in the parent’s passport, it is necessary to indicate the absence of a foreign passport.

The last point is to select a specific department where the parent and child will go to present original documents and receive a passport.

Amount and payment of state duty

The state duty can be paid through the State Services portal by non-cash method or at any bank branch. Until January 2019, when paying state fees through the portal, there is a 30% discount. You can pay the state fee after the application for a foreign passport is approved. The corresponding status can be seen in the “News Feed”.

The state fee for children, taking into account the discount, is:

  • 700 rubles when issuing an old-style passport;
  • 1050 rubles for a chipped passport.

Please note that children aged 14 to 18 years old pay the same state fee as adult citizens:

  • 1400 rubles for an old-style passport;
  • 2450 rubles for a new passport.

When paying through the portal, payment is accepted from the account:

  • mobile phone;
  • from the balance of the electronic wallet;
  • from a bank card.

After entering the details of the payment form, the payment must be confirmed by entering a one-time code that is sent to the attached mobile phone number.

Registration period

The production of a passport for a minor child, regardless of its type, takes 1 month for applicants who receive the document at their place of registration. In other cases, the period for obtaining a passport increases to 4 months, so it is recommended to start preparing for a trip abroad in advance.

In some cases, the passport production time may be reduced. But in this case, a document confirming the need for urgent departure must be attached to the application.
