Duration of military service. Conscription age and its dynamics. Service in the army of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Every citizen of Russia recognized for health reasons as fit or partially fit for military service is in the state of:

  • pre-conscription registration (upon reaching 17 years of age);
  • preparation for conscription;
  • conscription services;
  • retirement;
  • conscription for military training in order to maintain combat readiness.

After conscription service, a person can enter into a contract and continue serving as a professional military man.

After how many years do they not join the army?

If we are talking about conscription service, then after a person turns 27 years old, they have no right to call him up for military service. There are rumors that conscription can be carried out up to 28 years of age. This is not true.

Federal Law No. 53 says clearly and unambiguously - upon completion of a full 27 years. After a person turns 27 years old, the age interval is not full 28 years.

Draft age in Russia

In wartime, when general mobilization is declared, all men and women liable for military service are divided into three categories:

  • 18-35 years old;
  • 35-45 years old;
  • 45-50 years old.

These are the age intervals of conscription age in the conscription order. First, those who have not yet turned 35 years of age are subject to mobilization, then the army is replenished with the generation under 45 years of age. The last people to join the army are those under 50.

Those who have not yet turned 45 years old are usually recruited for short-term military training. After this, the person is subject to mobilization only in case of war.

The age interval for contract service in a non-officer rank is measured for men - from 18 to 40 years, for women - from 20 to 40 years. However, these are indicators of the age interval of being in service. Initial use is usually made before the age of 30.

Draft age in reserve

Stock composition
(military ranks)
Age of citizens in reserve
First category
Second category
Third category
Soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen
up to 35 years old
up to 45 years oldup to 50 years
Junior officers
up to 45 years old
up to 50 years
up to 55 years old
Majors, captains 3rd rank, lieutenant colonels, captains 2nd rank
up to 50 years
up to 55 years old
up to 60 years old
Colonels, captains 1st rankup to 55 years old
about 60 years old
Senior officers
up to 60 years old
up to 65 years old-

For officers, the upper threshold is usually measured at 50 years for women and 60 for men. There may be exceptions for special branches of the military. For example, wine musicians sometimes remain in the ranks even after the age of 60.

Those who have already completed army conscription school are usually accepted for contract service. However, some branches of the military can be hired immediately under a contract if the person has not served, but has a higher education, good physical characteristics and a sought-after specialty.

Conscription age and its dynamics

At different times, people were drafted into the Russian army for different periods of time. In Soviet times, until 1967, service lasted three years (four in the navy), then for all branches of the military it was reduced to two years. Since 2008, the service life has been reduced to a year.

In some media, forecasts have appeared that in 2018 it is planned to increase the conscription period again, since the tense international situation requires an increase in the number of military personnel.

However, at the official level these rumors were denied. There is no point in increasing the number of soldiers at the expense of conscripts, since the country has a well-developed contract service system.

Grounds for deferring conscription and exemption from military service

You can avoid military service temporarily or forever. In the first case, this is called deferral. However, if the deferment lasts long enough, that is, up to 27 years, then it will smoothly turn into release.

Complete and legal exemption from military service can only be determined by the draft commission for health reasons, when a person is declared completely unfit or partially fit. In the latter case, a person can only be called up during mass mobilization. He is liable for military service, he is given a military ID and assigned a military specialty. After this, he must only, like all people liable for military service in the reserve, register with the military registration and enlistment office at his place of residence.

In addition, students who studied at universities with a military department are exempt from service. After graduation, students receive officer ranks in a certain specialty and a military ID.

People receive a deferment from conscription on the following grounds.

  1. Curable diseases or injuries, for which the deferment will be extended as necessary, for example, from spring to autumn conscription.
  2. Full-time study in any educational institutions, including postgraduate studies. The exception is obtaining a second education. Studying in a master's or graduate school in a specialty that is different from the one that a person received while studying in a master's or specialty program is also considered such.
  3. The presence of a close relative or adoptive parent who, according to the conclusion of medical workers, needs constant attention and care. For the military registration and enlistment office, this reason for deferment is valid only if the person in need lives with the conscript and has no other close relatives.
  4. The presence of a minor child is a basis for deferment only if these children cannot be raised by the mother (her absence, serious illness, etc.).
  5. If a conscript has two minor children or one child and a wife more than 26 weeks pregnant, then such a person will not be accepted into the army.
  6. A deferment from the army is provided for conscripts who have a disabled child under the age of three.
  7. Having dependent minor brothers or sisters with registration of guardianship or trusteeship.
  8. Election to legislative bodies and local self-government.
  9. Registration as a candidate for elections to legislative and municipal authorities.
  10. Recruitment to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the customs service.

Release, delays and evasion

These three concepts differ from each other in the degree of legality of an action. Exemption and deferment are permission given by the state. Evasion is actions aimed at avoiding conscription by illegal methods.

In order not to fulfill their constitutional duty during the year, people declared fit for service take the following actions:

  • live without registration;
  • go abroad;
  • bribe members of the medical commission;
  • resort to self-harm;
  • feign illness;
  • promote the birth of children;
  • bring elderly and sick relatives to their apartment;
  • buy a fake military ID;
  • carry out adoption.

This is a list of the most common ways to get out of the army. Some of them fit well within the framework of the law. If, as a result of the reluctance to join the army, another son or daughter is born, sick relatives find a caring guardian, and children who have lost their parents receive a new father, then the desire to “save” can be recognized as a creative phenomenon.

However, if, due to a year of service, a person hides from law enforcement agencies for several years, doing odd jobs, living abroad, breaking his arms or legs, then these actions are clearly destructive. And the point here is not only that one citizen will reduce the level of the country’s defense capability. It’s just that the “draft dodger” destroys his own life.

Responsibility for evasion

A qualifying sign of evasion is failure to appear without good reason at the military registration and enlistment office for events related to conscription into the army.

To formulate an offense it is necessary that:

  • the conscript has signed for receipt of the summons;
  • did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office on time;
  • did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office at another time and did not provide evidence of a valid reason for his absence.

Depending on the severity of the crime, the conscript is liable in the form (Article 31 of the Federal Law No. 53, Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation):

  • a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, the amount of salary or income;
  • arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months;
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Of course, being in prison and having a criminal record become completely legitimate reasons for exemption from military service. However, a year spent in military uniform is still better than two years spent in prisoner clothes

Military ID and its function

This document is something like a person's military passport. Having received it, the citizen is obliged to present it at his place of residence for registration.

In addition, they may require:

  • during recruitment, especially in law enforcement agencies;
  • when applying for a foreign passport;
  • when obtaining a driver's license;
  • when considering a permit to carry a weapon.

The presence of a military ID proves the fact that the person has already served in the army and is no longer subject to conscription in peacetime.

Military service is just a year devoted to the process of learning military affairs. For the army and the country, this is the acquisition of one more person who can protect the sovereignty and security of his homeland. For a citizen, these are not only rights and responsibilities, but also advantages when hiring. So in our time, being a law-abiding conscript and a person liable for military service is not only honorable, but also profitable.

How long do conscript soldiers serve in different countries of the world?

source aif.ru

Conscription age in Russia in case of war

Citizens who have served in conscription and are considered fit, as well as “limitedly fit,” are subject to conscription for military service in the event of war at the age of 18 to 50 years.

The closer the time of conscription, the more relevant the question becomes of how many years they serve in the army. It worries especially acutely children who have reached military age and their parents. Let's try to figure out how long to serve in the Russian army, depending on the option of undergoing military training.

Normative base

Legislation in this area is constantly evolving. Currently, one of the main documents determining how long you need to serve in the army is Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service.” Not so long ago, the Government of the Russian Federation gradually began to increase the prestige of contract service by making adjustments to the main document. For example, in 2006, Federal Law No. 104-FZ of 07/06/2006 was adopted, which established a gradual reduction in service life. Thus, conscripts of the autumn conscription in 2007 had to serve 1.5 years, and from the beginning of 2008 - only 1 year.

How many are conscripted in the army?

Such service is considered more difficult than contract service, because the soldier is obliged to constantly remain on the territory of the unit in which he is assigned, strictly follow the regulations and observe discipline.

How many are serving in the army in 2015? Since 2008, emergency military training lasts only a year. Opinions about this particular period are contradictory. Many believe that such a period is not enough to prepare a competently trained person who can worthily defend the honor and rights of our Motherland. It is difficult to master complex military-technical specialties within the allotted time frame and have time to conduct all types of training and exercises, including those close to combat ones.

It is not surprising that against this background there are many rumors that the service life will increase. However, there is no reason to believe that this will happen in the near future, since at the moment there is not a single official source that would consider this initiative. Thus, we can safely assume that they will serve in 2016 for the same amount of time as they served in the army in 2015, namely one year. The army is called the “school of life,” so even in such a short time, the employee will receive a huge amount of knowledge and skills that will help him not only in service, but also in peacetime - in civilian life.

When do you enlist in the army?

The conscription occurs twice a year: spring - from April 1 to July 15, autumn - from October 1 to December 31. Young people aged 18 to 27 years are subject to military service.

Contract service: how long?

Military personnel who have served at least three months or have a higher education always have an alternative: serve for a year or sign a contract. Despite the fact that contract service lasts longer, it gives the conscript some advantages compared to conscript service. Such service is paid, the serviceman has certain benefits for himself and his family members, and also has the right to apply for housing for a certain length of service. A relatively freer daily routine can also be a positive factor, because contract service is much closer to regular work.

For those who want to enter into an agreement, the following terms of the first contract are offered:

Officers and midshipmen - 5 years;

Privates, sergeants, foremen and sailors - 3 years;

The first contract for a foreigner who wishes to serve in our army as a sailor, soldier, sergeant or sergeant major is 5 years.

After concluding the contract, it will be necessary to strictly follow all prescribed conditions and remain in military service for the entire period. The end of service coincides with the last day of the contract. However, if a conscript who has agreed to contract service changes his mind after a period of time, he will still have to serve out the allotted term as a conscript. In this case, the remaining period will be calculated according to the formula: two days under the contract are equal to one day as a regular conscript.

Is there an alternative and how many serve in the army in this case?

Conscripts have a choice of how to repay their debt to their homeland. Changes in the Russian army are indeed taking place, especially in connection with current events. But for the most part they concern organization and equipment. New training methods are being developed and introduced, weapons are purchased and employees are introduced to them, and uniforms are being revised.

For example, an alternative service program has been developed for university students.

It includes training at the military department and mandatory practice. During this period, students learn everything necessary to consider their military service completed. But, unfortunately, not all universities have this opportunity, so many will have to serve in the army according to the general rules.

Few people know, but there is another legal alternative to military service. So, for example, if personal convictions or religion do not allow military service with arms in hand, then a citizen of the Russian Federation of military age has the right to refuse service and choose alternative civilian service. The same right is reserved for representatives of indigenous peoples who preserve and support the traditions of their ancestors. How many serve in the army in this case? Having chosen this path, the conscript performs work for the benefit of society and the state, and the terms of service are set at 21 months, and in the case of service in the Russian Armed Forces - 18 months. The list of professions and jobs that a conscript masters is determined by Federal Law No. 113-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On Alternative Civil Service.”

Is the alternative service paid?

During the service, free housing is provided and a salary is paid. This activity can be combined with studies. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the salary will be at the level of the minimum wage, and the work that will have to be performed will be of the lowest qualification category.

Every young man who has reached conscription age and even earlier is interested in how many are currently serving in the Russian army. This issue will be discussed in this article.

Relatively recently, the period of service in the Russian army under compulsory conscription was a long 24 months. Since 2007, conscripts began to serve for 18 months, and since 2008, their service period has been 12 months. This systematic reduction has been planned for a long time; experts attribute it to three determining reasons:

  • Thirdly, it was necessary to solve, at least partially, the problem of hazing among military personnel, to establish discipline and order;
  • Secondly, to provide the conscript with the opportunity to quickly return to family, work and other life plans in civilian life;
  • First, and this is the most important thing, to carry out the next stage of the transition to a contract army.

Thus, in 2018, Russian guys will be called up to serve in the army for 12 months.

Marine fleet - how long does the elite serve?

Serving in the navy has been an honor at all times - both in the USSR and today. The naval military uniform has always attracted the attention of others, and the daily life of a sailor is full of surprises and surprises. Living conditions on a ship compare favorably with living conditions in barracks. How many years do Russian sailors serve now, since their service life has always been different from that of the ground or air forces?

Interesting! The Russian Navy is staffed by conscripts and contract soldiers. There are rumors that the fleet will soon consist solely of mercenaries. Well, for now, only contract soldiers serve on submarines!

Indeed, until 1996, sailors served for 3 years, while soldiers on land served for 2. The new reform made all troops equal; they began to serve everywhere for only 2 years. The latest changes in 2007-2008 regarding the service life of military personnel reduced it to 12 months.

Thus, today all conscripts in all troops serve exactly 1 year.

Cancellation of conscription

The fact that the Russian army in the near future, like many armies of foreign countries, will consist entirely of mercenaries seems a vague prospect. And although the President of the country has repeatedly spoken out in favor of cancellation, the peculiarities of the geography and economy of the Russian Federation will not allow this to be a one-time volitional decision.

However, discussions regarding the abolition of the universal conscription are heated. Opponents of contract service consider their arguments to be the most compelling; supporters of an army staffed by trained professionals present their arguments, no less convincing.

In 1925, a law was passed regulating the length of service in the Soviet army. They served on land for 2 years, in the navy and aviation for 3 years. On September 1, 1939, the country's leadership adopted a law on universal conscription, according to which the period of service in all troops was increased by a year.

A very big number! By the end of 1945, the size of the Soviet army was a record 11 million people. After the war, there were already about 3 million soldiers in the armed forces of the USSR. Today the Russian army numbers about 1 million people. The Russian army ranks second in the world in terms of numbers. Guess once who has 1st place and 2 million 200 thousand soldiers? China, of course!

The new law on military service for citizens of the USSR did not bring any changes - they were drafted into the ground and air forces for 3 years, into the navy - for 4.

A new stage in the development of army service falls in 1967. The new law on universal military service reduced the term to 2 years in the ground forces, to 3 years in the navy.

This law was in effect for a very long time, almost 35 years. In 1993, a new Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” was adopted, which is still in effect. According to it, the service life was reduced to 1.5 years on land and to 2 years in the navy. This standard was in effect until 1995.

How did the Chechen military campaign affect your service life?

The armed conflict in the Chechen Republic, which began in 1994, had its impact on universal conscription into the army. During one spring campaign, it was planned to send almost 225 thousand recruits, but the military registration and enlistment offices fulfilled this figure by only 40%. There were a lot of draft dodgers. The direct consequence of this failure was that the service life increased by six months, from 1.5 to 2 years.

In 1996, in full swing of the election campaign, Boris Yeltsin issued a statement in which he promised to completely abolish conscription service by the year 2000. The purpose of such a promise was quite understandable - to attract as many young people as possible to the polls. Many politicians considered this statement populist. And so it happened. In 1998, he revoked his decree.

Other countries - different customs

Many foreign countries, including European, African and Asian, have long switched to an army staffed by mercenaries. Among them are Albania, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Ethiopia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and, of course, the USA. There are only about a hundred such countries. Contract soldiers serve in such professional armies from 2 to 6 years with a possible contract extension.

Our closest neighbors

Belarus and Kazakhstan have not abandoned conscription service, and are unlikely to do so in the near future. The economies of our neighbors are not so optimistic that they can bear the burden of a 100% professional army consisting of contract soldiers.

In these countries, the length of military service in the army depends on the level of education of the potential recruit. Men without higher education serve for 1.5 years, with higher education – only 1 year.

Israel is a delicate matter!

The Israeli army, with its deep traditions, is still based on emergency conscription. Moreover, the obligation to serve applies to both men and women who have reached the age of 18. Men serve for 3 years, women for 2 years.

Married, pregnant women and women with children have the right not to serve. In addition, a religious girl, with a set of strict rules for her way of life, may also not serve.

It is worth noting that the Israelis themselves consider the duty of military service to be honorable and call it “sacred.” There are not many draft dodgers in Israel, but they still exist. Last year, 2017, they were counted as many as 700 people. Basically, these were representatives of religious groups.

Despite such a small number of those who did not want to give 3 years of their lives to the state, the country’s military leadership is taking decisive action to minimize cases of evasion, and at the same time to popularize military service. A serviceman's allowance increased almost 8 times - from 300 shekels to 2.5 thousand, and the statute of limitations for evading service was made indefinite. So, even 20 years after the illegal deferment, the man will bear criminal liability.

How long do women serve in the Russian army?

As you know, universal compulsory conscription in Russia does not apply to women. However, this does not mean that the road to the army is closed for women. Girls can also serve in the Russian army, but only under a contract. Their age must range from 20 to 40 years and they must pass appropriate physical endurance tests as well as mental toughness tests.

Not a little, not a lot! Today, about 60 thousand female soldiers serve in the Russian army. They participate in all exercises and perform all the duties of a soldier on an equal basis with men. But! The law does not allow the use of women for guard duty!

The length of service for women contract employees is the same as for men.

Terms of contract service in 2018

Initially, the first contract, according to the Law, had to be at least 3 years. However, by decree of V.V. Putin, who had the goal of popularizing contract service in the army, the candidate could sign a contract for 2 or 3 years. Today, repeat contracts can be concluded for 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. It is possible to conclude an indefinite contract, even if the age limit for service under the contract has already been reached. For officers it is 45 years.

Foreign citizens can serve in the Russian army, but only in the officer rank and for a period of 5 years.

Learn student!

Recently, cases have become more frequent when students of universities and colleges express a desire to serve under a contract. Is the possibility of such a service provided for this category of citizens? Yes, it is provided, but only for freshmen and for a period of at least 5 years. Second and subsequent year students are not accepted for contract service.

Such selection conditions are associated, first of all, with the desire to give a try in the army only to those students who, upon entering the educational institution, decided that studying is not what they would like to do in the next few years.

From conscript to contract soldier? Easily!

An ordinary conscript soldier can become a contract soldier. To do this, he must serve at least 3 months of normal service. The first contract can be concluded for a period of 2 years. Until 2008, the minimum term of the first contract was 3 years, but at that time military service lasted not 1 year, but 2.

Will they serve again for 18 months?

Back in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev promised that by 2018 the ratio of conscripts to contract soldiers in the Russian army would be 15% to 85%. Today the numbers are completely different - 35% and 65%, respectively.

In addition, against the backdrop of new military operations on an international scale, in which the Russian army is directly involved, reports of an increase in conscription service life have increasingly begun to appear. You can find information about a 1.5-year and even two-year period.

Government officials always try to dispel this false information, calling such news “stuffing” a desire to excite society. And although individual representatives of the State Duma factions tried to introduce bills to increase the service life, their attempts always failed. The current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has also repeatedly spoken out against such measures.

Therefore, in the coming years, our guys will serve no more than 1 year.


The topic of military service, especially with regard to the timing of its completion by boys of urgent conscription, has always been hotly discussed in our society. Foreign military operations with the participation of Russia and individual cases of hazing fueled this interest.

We tried to answer in as much detail as possible the question of how many years military personnel of various categories are currently serving in the Russian army. We hope you now know a little more than you did before reading this article.

Compulsory military service has been established in Russia. Conscription service in the army includes an extensive range of activities.

Before serving in the army, citizens subject to military conscription must attend a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, having first registered. After passing the required number of specialists, the young man receives a medical examination report in one of five acceptable categories. If declared fit for military service, the future soldier must appear at the appointed time for further assignment to his place of military service.

The summons is handed over by employees of the military registration and enlistment office, against the signature of the conscript. The law stipulates that it is mandatory to state in an official document the liability that threatens in case of draft evasion.

Based on the law of the Russian Federation, the following categories of persons have the right to serve in the army:

  • Employees who joined the army on urgent conscription.
  • In addition to compulsory service, you can serve on a contract basis.
  • Foreigners can serve in the Russian army on a contract basis. A foreign military serviceman may hold a rank no higher than sergeant.

Men who have reached the age of 18 at the start of military conscription serve in the Russian army. The conscription age for a military serviceman in Russia ends at 27 years.

Citizens who have a deferment from military service can avoid military conscription. The grounds for deferment are:

  • state of health unfit for service in the armed forces;
  • caring for a family member, if the medical commission recognizes the latter as requiring constant medical care;
  • entered the service in law enforcement and other specialized bodies of the Russian Federation immediately after completing their studies in the relevant bodies;
  • single fathers, fathers with two or more children;
  • those raising disabled children have the opportunity to defer until the child reaches 3 years of age;
  • a deferment is granted to a conscript whose wife is more than 26 weeks pregnant;
  • elected deputies and senior officials have a deferment granted to them equal to the duration of their powers.

A deferment from military service is given to full-time students for the duration of their studies. In the case of secondary education, the deferment lasts until the age of 20.

If a citizen has not served within the conscription age, having the right to a deferment, he receives a military ID upon reaching 27 years of age.

The army conscription is divided into two cycles per year, taking place in spring and autumn. Military conscription dates are set by presidential decree. Signed a few days before the start, the decree includes several months of the future campaign.

Military Campaign 2019:

  • The spring conscription of 2019 awaits future military personnel, like the previous one, from April 1, it will last 106 days, ending no later than July 15. For residents of the northern regions, adjustments to conscription dates are provided, with the possibility of deferment for a month. Due to annual seasonal agricultural work, the cancellation of this conscription awaits residents of rural settlements in Russia.
  • In the fall, citizens will have 92 days of conscription campaign; the conscription campaign will begin on the first day of October and will last until the end of December. The autumn conscription will not affect citizens working as teachers, since it is inappropriate to carry out personnel changes at the beginning of the school year. Also, residents of the Far North and equivalent areas will be drafted into the army a month later than the general start of conscription.

As a result, the period of service in the Russian army remains equal to one year. Contract workers serve depending on the period established in the concluded contract. The conscription age for conscripts is 18-27 years. The medical commission can declare a citizen fit or unfit, give a deferment or restriction to serve in the armed forces. Alternative possibilities for service in the Russian Federation are proposed. This may be 21 months of civil service in institutions equivalent to military service. Or being awarded the rank of officer at the military department of a university.

Service in the army of the Republic of Belarus

The conscription age for citizens of Belarus is from 18 to 27 years. The first draft of 2019 will take place from February to May. The length of service depends on the availability of higher education. A soldier with a higher education serves for exactly a year; if there is a military department, during training, the service period will be six months. A person with less than a higher education undergoes military service for 18 months. The possibility of alternative civilian service doubles the required period of military service.

Service in the army of the Republic of Kazakhstan

At the end of February, the President of Kazakhstan signed a decree defining the timing of two military conscriptions in the Republic in 2019. The spring cycle of army conscription will take place from March to June, while the autumn cycle will begin in September and end in December. Service in Kazakhstan is no different from Russian, amounting to one year. Also, the age of conscripts remains 18 to 27 years.

Service in the Ukrainian Army

The standard terms of military conscription in the Ukrainian army follow several months, the spring conscription runs from May to April, and the autumn conscription begins in October and lasts until November. The conscription age for citizens of Ukraine begins at 20 years and ends at 27 years. A young person can give voluntary consent to serve at the age of 18-19 by appearing for a mandatory medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. The duration of military service is determined by the youth’s education level. Having a higher education, a soldier completes military service in 12 months, but if the service begins immediately after school, it lasts for one and a half years. In case of hostilities, the service life may be extended.

Every year, as the time for military conscription approaches, many rumors arise about possible changes to the rules for military service. Young men who have crossed the threshold of maturity, hearing such unverified information, rush around in conjecture, not knowing what awaits them ahead.

This is due to frequent statements by politicians who are constantly trying to make their own adjustments to the procedure for recruiting conscripts into the ranks of the Russian armed forces. And although such remarks most often remain at the level of empty sounds, their very appearance provokes disorientation in the information field.

Recently, most often the media has been receiving news about an increase in service life and, in the near future, a complete transition to a contract form of military service.

Although these rumors caused an incredible stir among young men liable for military service and their parents, in practice they were not confirmed and it is already known for certain that such innovations are not expected in the near future.

Let's figure out what the current military service is, what the rules are for completing it, and what you can expect in the foreseeable future. We will also find out whether we should expect a complete abolition of conscription and the start of service exclusively on a contract basis, and what reforms in the functioning of the Russian army are being prepared by senior military officials in 2019.

Duration of service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation in 2019

Before examining the confirmed facts, it is necessary to immediately discard the widespread speculation that Russia will return to past practices and the service for conscript soldiers will be extended to two years. These rumors are not true, although they constantly cause public outcry.

In fact, a couple of years ago, several representatives of the defense committee under the State Duma came up with such an initiative, sending a petition to the relevant ministry with a request to extend the period of military service for conscripts by a year.

This was motivated by the fact that during the current 12 months the soldiers do not have time to study all the necessary material and are demobilized without having mastered all the necessary skills. However, the Minister of Defense did not support the initiative, saying that today's army does not need such reforms.

Thus, young men who are planning to repay their debt to their homeland need not worry at all. In , as in all previous ones, stay in the armed forces will be limited to twelve months. From the moment of conscription, each new soldier will be sent to “training”, where he will spend six months mastering the intricacies of his military profession, and then, by order, he will go to one of the units to reinforce his theoretical knowledge with practice.

Prospects for a contract army

Most developed countries have long acquired a professional army, where each soldier signs a contract with the state and receives a decent remuneration for his service. Our country is only trying to master this practice every year, reducing the number of conscripts and increasing the number of volunteers in the armed forces.

Back in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev made an official statement that by the beginning of 2019, all military units of the Russian Federation will consist of only 15% conscripts, while the remaining 85% of places in the barracks will be occupied by soldiers who have signed a contract.

This innovation should provide a completely new level of development of the domestic armed forces. The army will greatly increase its efficiency, because mature guys who are clearly aware of where and why they are going will sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense.

For contract soldiers, military service will not be a heavy duty, but a job that they can perform professionally.

Unfortunately, at the moment, our state is not yet able to completely abandon conscripts and the information about such reform is far from ambiguous. Some say that starting next year, the place of conscripts will be taken exclusively by professionals, others argue that the state is unable to take such a drastic step.

Only one thing is clear: this year, some young men who have reached adulthood are still trying on military uniforms.

Today's realities of military conscription

It should be noted that the reduction of the service life of Sochnik soldiers to one year entailed many consequences, which became an unpleasant surprise for the majority of those wishing to avoid their honorable duty.

For example, a significant part of the reasons for which a deferment from serving in the armed forces was granted was abolished, and military departments began to close en masse, because their popularity among young people had significantly subsided.

For many, joining the army for 12 months, in which, compared to the Soviet period, there is practically no hazing, and material support is at a fairly high level, has become much preferable to all kinds of evasions. Moreover, after serving his legal year, anyone can sign a contract and in the future make a military career, having actually received.

Looking at the upcoming draft dates, in 2019 they will most likely remain the same as they were before. The spring campaign to attract recruits will begin in early April, and by mid-July the young guys will already be sent to military units.

In the fall, military registration and enlistment offices will open from the beginning of October and will stop accepting young men at the end of November. The age level of potential soldiers will also remain unchanged. Thus, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all boys aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription.

Alternative service

According to the official rules adopted by the government of the Russian Federation, alternative military training options are also available for each conscript, in addition to regular army service.

Such options include: attending a military department while studying at higher educational institutions or working in a government position, equivalent to serving in the army. In such places, young people receive the necessary skills in order to join the armed forces at the right time and professionally protect the interests of the state.

Video news

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/
