What is a design guideline? Guideline development: stages and principles. What is a guideline: the difference between a brand book and a guideline

A guideline or guide to the use of corporate identity elements performs an extremely important function in the life of a company. It records all the features of the formation of corporate identity. A corporate identity is a set of elements that form the image of a company, and if there are no written rules regulating the form of their expression and use, then these elements will forever remain just bright pictures. That is why the quality of the guidelines largely determines how the corporate identity will function and develop in the future. The issues of the content and purpose of the guideline were discussed in detail in this material. This material is intended to cover in more detail the issues of the specific features of writing a guideline, which have the greatest impact on its quality.


The most popular guideline format today is pdf. The question arises: why should the electronic version be preferred to the printed version? It's all about who the guideline is intended for. This document, unlike a brand book, is most often used not so much within the company as it is given to third-party organizations: design studios, advertising agencies, etc. Naturally, sending an electronic document is faster, cheaper and easier than sending a printed version by post. In addition, changes are made to the guideline, again in comparison with the brand book, more often. The essence of the brand may not change, but the shape of the logo can easily be restyled over time. You can make changes to the electronic version more quickly than reprinting the entire book because of one section.

Another interesting way to consolidate the guideline in an electronic version is to create a special section on the website. That is, this is not just a page on which you can download a guide in pdf format, but a real section describing all the rules for using a corporate identity with links to download materials. It is precisely because of the already existing links to materials that this option is more acceptable. When a company sends a pdf guideline, for example, to a printing house, it must also separately send the logo, patterns and other layouts of the necessary elements. In the case of the “corporate style” section of the site, there is no such problem - one link to all the rules and layouts at once. Abroad, such sections on corporate websites are quite common, but in our country only a few companies post information only on some of the most significant elements of style.

The MTS website page about corporate style contains information only about the logo

A section of the New York University website that regulates all the features of working with the corporate identity of this educational institution

In a guideline, it is not enough to simply list the elements of a corporate identity. For each element, you need to answer several important questions:
1. what this element looks like;
2. how to use it correctly;
3. what function does it perform;
4. where can I get it.

For example, the answers to these questions for a brand font would include the following information:
1. name of the corporate font, image of its main characters;
2. layout rules (design of headings and subheadings, determining the required size, modular grid, etc.);
3. reasons for choosing this particular font;
4. link to download the font.

Of course, the above list of questions is not exhaustive. For each element, additional specific aspects of its use can be highlighted. For example, in the case of a font, the system font must be additionally specified, replacing the corporate font in cases where this is necessary.

Another important aspect of the content of the guideline is the formulation in its text of the rules and principles for the use of corporate identity elements. You can get more detailed information on this issue in the paragraph “What to write in the guideline”.

Presentation style

The guideline is, of course, the main repository of information about the corporate style, and its entire appearance should speak about this. You cannot turn a guide into a purely technical document; on the contrary, it must be imbued with a corporate style. In practice, this means that it is necessary not only to describe in detail the elements of corporate identity, but also in this description itself the corporate style must be felt. For example, you need to not only list the numbers of corporate colors, but also color the entire guideline in them so that from one glance at its pages it becomes clear how exactly they are used.

On the left is a guideline page with a simple listing of color numbers, on the right is a page with a description of colors, made in the company’s corporate style

The same is true of the text itself. The style of presentation should be as consistent as possible with the spirit of the company. Of course, the rules must first of all be precise and understandable, but at the same time it is quite obvious that the set of artistic expressions in the guideline text for a steel company and a manufacturer of lingerie should still be different.


A distinctive feature of the guideline as a document is the presence in the text of links to layouts of corporate style elements. The most popular is to provide links to element layouts in the chapters that describe those elements. For example, in the chapter about the logo there is a link to download a logo layout from the company’s website. However, if there are quite a lot of layouts, a more convenient option would be to create a separate page in the guide with a complete listing of all links. Searching for links to necessary materials throughout the document is not always convenient.
Very often, a DVD with layouts is attached to the guideline, and links in the document go to specific folders on this disk. For the reasons described in the first paragraph of this article, laying out layouts on disk is not very convenient. A better option would be links to materials located on the company’s website in cloud storage or file sharing services.

What not to write

The quality of a guideline can be seriously reduced due to the inclusion of obviously unnecessary and useless information in its text. For example, there are guides that give detailed recommendations regarding the construction of a logo. Obviously, no one will ever recreate the logo; logos from the layouts attached to the guideline are always and everywhere used. Recommendations of this kind only artificially inflate the volume of the document and make it difficult to find really necessary information in it. Before including any rule in the guideline text, you need to think carefully about how necessary and applicable it is in real life.

A page with a logo construction diagram from the Gazprom guideline. Under the construction diagram it is written that “only the original electronic version of the mark should be used for reproduction.” That is, in essence, the developer gives a construction diagram and immediately writes that there is no need to use it.

Another block of obviously unnecessary information consists of some examples of the use of style elements on different media. Of course, such examples themselves must necessarily be in the guideline, but they should be demonstrated only on media that can actually be used by the company for which the guideline is being written. For example, showing the use of an online store’s logo on the fuselage of an airplane is at least illogical.


The guideline must always be up to date. If something changes in the corporate style, these changes should be immediately reflected in the guide. That is why it is important that one of the last pages indicates the date of compilation of this document and information about its current version and updates.

In addition, as noted above, often third-party organizations work with the guideline. It is important that if they have questions about the use of corporate identity elements, someone can answer these questions. For this purpose, it is useful to indicate in the guideline the contact details of the company employee responsible for working with corporate identity or an email address to which you can send a letter with any questions you may have.

It would be “good form” to specify the guideline developer, since a true professional must be responsible for his work.

As mentioned above, the functioning and development of a corporate identity largely depends on the quality of the guideline. There is no doubt that each corporate style is unique in its own way and one hundred percent uniform rules for drawing up guidelines for all situations cannot be found. However, the principles described above can significantly make life easier for developers and help them find solutions that will most effectively describe the rules for using identity for a specific business.

Use the sliders below to tell us about your brand and we'll translate it into the main logo color.










Your main logo color is red, a universal sign of excitement, passion, anger and sexuality. Looking for a loud, playful, youthful or modern color? Red is your path.

Do you think that white is the absence of color? White the color of youth and thriftiness, but can work for almost any brand. As a neutral color, consider white as secondary accent.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Your main logo color is orange. Orange - invigorating, playful color, derived from red (warmth) and yellow (joy). Use orange to stand out from the crowd. It is used less frequently than red, but is still has an energetic effect.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Do you want to look stylish, modern and luxurious? Time to use black. Do you want to be economical and affordable? Stay away from the dark side.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Your main logo color is violet (magenta), a combination of warmth and coolness, the passion of red with the serenity of blue. Use purple to appear luxurious, ultra-modern or wise. In addition it contains a hint of femininity.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is yellow, it approachable, sunny, friendly. The color yellow exudes joy (think sunflowers and smiling faces). Choose yellow and your brand will radiate energy of youth.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo is pink, it symbolizes romance and femininity, yet incredibly versatile. From soft pink to neon purple, choose pink for modern, youthful, luxurious look.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is green, maximum versatility. Green is not associated with specific personality traits, but it does have strong cultural associations. It is associated with nature, health, growth, rebirth with money and prosperity. So, whether it's finance or gardening, green could be for you.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Grey colour mature, classic and serious. Use dark shades to add mystery. Use light shades of gray to be more accessible. Stay in fashion! Design trends change every year. While it's impossible to update your brand's color palette with every new trend, simply knowing the latest color trends can bring benefit your brand.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Make your brand rude, masculine or serious. Brown is used very little, so you will stand out among competitors.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is blue, king of flowers. Blue appears in more than half of all logos because it represents intelligence, reliability and maturity. Technology companies and large corporations are looking to sustainability and security blue. True blue will make sure you are treated well seriously.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Guideline development (creating a passport of logo standards) is one of our main specializations. As designers, we understand what a guide should look like so that it can be used at any stage of brand development, and not just report on a massive picture book that has no relevance to your company and is not applicable in practice. Creating a guideline is a big job, including not only a description of the logo’s constants, but also a system of visual identification of the brand (corporate style) and a set of rules that allow the consumer to form the desired opinion about you.

Guideline development

A guideline is a guide that describes the rules for using a visual brand identification system. A kind of logo passport. It specifies the basic rules for applying a logo, using a corporate identity, and specifies corporate fonts and colors. The development of a company’s corporate identity rarely goes without creating a guideline, because it specifies important requirements, the observance of which can largely determine the success and recognition of the brand.

Most guidelines look like they were created in an obsession to control everything and everyone. We are not trying to catch you with iron fists. The guideline should become your guide, a wise assistant and a kind mentor to allow your brand to develop in its own unique way, while our task is to create and define general coordinates.

Guideline cost.

Of course, not all positions are necessary for your business. We will definitely discuss this issue with you and adjust the list of elements specifically to your needs and objectives. In any case, you will receive a universal tool for competently building your brand and creating a unified image.

We have prepared three solutions for you:

1. Economy – cost 120,000 rubles

Includes logo development and corporate identity elements using the example of a business card and letterhead

2. (logobook)Corporate identity and logo – cost from RUB 160,000

1. Logo

2. Options for using the logo
2.1. Logo layout.

3. Logo color scheme, corporate color scheme, adaptation to printed media

4.2. Font color and size.

6.1 Letter form
6.2 Envelope
6.3 Electronic document template design
6.4 Business card

3. Brand book (Guideline) – cost depends on the number of elements

1. Logo
1.1. Basic elements of the logo.
1.2. Location, free logo field.
1.3. Logo placement rules.

2. Options for using the Logo
2.1. Logo layout.
2.2. Interaction of a logo with a text block.
2.3. Logo scaling.

3. Logo color scheme, corporate color scheme, adaptation to print media
3.1. Colors used in the logo.
3.2. Corporate color scheme, color background.
3.3. Inappropriate use of logo.
3.4. Monochrome image of the logo.
3.5. Features of application on various media.

4. Selection of corporate fonts
4.1. Recommendations for using fonts.
4.2. Font color and size.

5. The main element of the visual identification system (creating a corporate identity for the logo)

6. Basic elements of business documentation

6.1. Forms:
- letter
- order
- Press release
- envelope
- email signature template design
- business card

6.2. Booklet (basic graphic principles of layout, standards for placement of a brand block, text information)
6.3. Design of a template for the layout of an advertising module for the press (vertical and horizontal, development of serial principles);

8. Rules for branding souvenir products:
8.1. CD (cover and apple).
8.2. Invitation.
8.3. Postcard.
8.4. Baseball cap.
8.5. T-shirt.
8.6. Table flag.
8.7. Banner (vertical, horizontal options).
8.8. Mug.
8.9. Cup and saucer.
8.11. Pen.
8.12. Wall clock.
8.13. Diary.
8.14. Notebook.
8.15. Business card holder.
8.16. Paper bags (VIP and standard)

9. Basic provisions of external identification
9.1. Registration of signs and passes

10. Basic provisions of internal identification
10.1. Pointers.
10.2. Signs.

11. Brand photo style. Rules of use and system of interaction with brand constants and corporate identity elements (Specifying filters).

Development of guidelines in our company.

Let's look at developing guidelines like a cookbook, full of signature recipes and ingredients that, in the right combinations and proportions, will produce a great blend of aromas and flavors. Successful development of a guideline will leave you room for experimentation, but will make it clear which ingredient is too much and how not to spoil the main signature dish - your brand.

Look around your workplace and you will probably see that your colleagues look very presentable. It's entirely possible that a large percentage of these people don't carry, say, a perfectly color-coordinated wallet and bag. But who cares? We think that you are definitely not. The same is the case with a competent corporate style guide: the visual identity system is focused on the main thing - visible and relevant. There is no need to waste time and attention on creating such palettes, the differences between the colors of which you will never notice or use.

We create truly working solutions that will allow you to save money in the future when ordering the design of advertising products. Often, entrepreneurs try to save money on creating a guideline in order to reduce the cost part, reduce advertising costs, without even suspecting that without it, these costs will very soon increase.

Is the guideline an expense or an investment?

Allocated budget to create a guideline is not the company’s expense, but its investments to a bright future, just like you buy an expensive and good car for a comfortable ride instead of shaming yourself in a traffic jam on a rusty bucket, constantly investing in repairs and stuffing it with spare parts, which in the end turns out to be more expensive than if you bought a normal car . Even if you take it out on credit and pay interest. A guideline is one of the pillars on which your company’s marketing strategy is based on the path to a successful future.

Branding, a beautiful logo, creative slogans - enough time and effort was spent on all this. Now your brand has become truly unique, expressive and recognizable.

All trademarks and symbols belong to you. Now the main task is to protect them. And the only way to do this is to develop a guideline.

Developing guidelines: is it really that important?

Equivalent to asking if you can do online sales without a website. A guideline is absolutely necessary at least for the following reasons:

1. competent and effective use of a logo, corporate design and style increases the positive perception of your brand;
2. Corporate style guide helps to avoid any distortions and deviations from your individual design;
3. It reminds people that behind the word “brand” there is a company that they can trust in everything.

neglecting such a fundamental thing as developing a guideline, do you want to face the following problems?

Inappropriate and indiscriminate use of branding – including logos and slogans;
poor colors, different elements and incorrect positioning of the logo on promotional products;
careless handling of corporate identity, which will lead to confusion and “cheapness”;
lack of unity in the presentation of all branding elements will provoke disharmony in their perception;
an unclear message from your brand will lead to poor sales.

For example, a logo is the most important element of corporate identity. The popular browser Mozilla Firefox writes in its guidelines that the incorrect use of a logo - be it the location or unoriginal colors - is akin to putting shoes on the wrong foot: they are still shoes, and in general they are where they are supposed to be - on legs. But you are not comfortable. It’s just as uncomfortable for your brand.

Our branding agency will make sure that you do not confuse your right and left feet. To do this, we will develop an individual guideline for you, which will contain:

A complete description of your logo – along with all its characteristic features, principles of construction, options for various media;
how, when and in what cases it is necessary and not necessary to use the brand’s corporate identity and its individual elements;
tone and vocabulary appropriate for the brand;
specific colors, sizes, lines, accents, trademark, corporate signature, photo style of images;
typography elements;
rules for printed reproduction of corporate identity, if necessary.

Of course, when creating a manual, we try to find a personal approach to each client. Some people will need a 100-page guideline, while others will get by with one sheet of paper. Based on the individual characteristics - the requirements of your brand, our team will develop a guideline that is necessary and suitable for you. It is clear that over time your brand will grow and develop – change. Therefore, when developing a corporate identity and creating a guideline, we always take into account flexibility and the possibility of free maneuvering in the use of corporate elements.

Another thing to think about is whether you will publish your guideline publicly or use it only for yourself. Either way, you'll receive clear, understandable brand guidance that will make running your business easier and more enjoyable.

Competent branding increases company recognition. However, successful branding is impossible without systematizing all information about its identity. A brand guideline is a set of corporate documents, a set of rules for the correct use of corporate identity elements. Creating a guideline helps brand managers, designers and marketers have a clear understanding of the application of corporate identity elements.

What is a guideline: the difference between a brand book and a guideline

Quite often, modern marketers equate the concept of a brand book with a guideline. A brand book is a document that contains such key concepts about the brand as its mission, goals and philosophy. First of all, a brand book is important for company employees, who must move towards achieving a common goal. At this time, the guideline is not an internal corporate document, it standardizes work with visual brand symbols.

Features of using a brand guideline

Depending on the goals and scale of the company, guidelines can be part of a brand book or act as an independent document.

A small company does not need to prescribe rules for placing the brand identity on various media, except for the main ones (business cards, pens). Therefore, they can order a guideline as part of the brand book. However, large corporations, especially those that operate as franchises and have many different corporate identity media (uniforms, vehicles, signage), should have more detailed guide. In this case, they order the guideline as a separate document, which will go into the hands of layout designers and designers. They will be the ones who will be responsible for placing visual elements on media.

When a company redesigns, there is no need to develop a new brand book, since the company’s mission has not changed. However, redesign implies a change in the main communicating elements of the brand (logo, corporate color combination, character). New rules for using these elements need to be described in the guideline by publishing a new version.

Brand identityMohawk fromPentagram

Why are brand guidelines developed?

The users of the guideline are design and marketing specialists in the company. According to the famous designer Alina Willer, the development The guideline helps “save time, money and frustration.” A situation familiar to many companies - a new designer runs around the office trying to find out the CMYK colors of the logo. The guideline helps the brand successfully deal with such problems, and also solves the applied problems of the departments responsible for advertising and marketing.

Guideline development goals

  1. Essentially simplifies further interaction with marketing agencies. It is enough to describe the general vision of the marketing campaign and provide a guideline to the designers. You can be sure that all identity elements will be correctly placed on the media, in accordance with the rules for their use.
  2. Control over the use of identifying elements allows marketers to be confident in attractiveness of the company’s corporate identity on any media.
  3. Clearly defined rules for the arrangement of elements (logo, corporate blog) and color combinations guarantee uniformity of all brand carriers. This approach allows you to increase brand trust and awareness.

Carriers of the brand's corporate identityMTrading

4. The guideline must contain Examples of what not to do: how the logo should not be positioned, examples of unsuccessful color solutions, etc. This limits the freedom of action of marketers and guarantees the correct design of any elements

What does the guideline include?

Guideline development- this is the drawing up of clear rules for the use of identifying elements with the following structure.

  1. Description of the brand constant(logo, color, color combination, fonts), for which rules are drawn up for their scaling and application depending on their location on the media, as well as the environment of use.
  2. Versions construction of the logo and its security zone, options for using the logo in color, monochrome or black and white, depending on the brightness of the background, as well as unacceptable options for using the logo.
  3. Brand block(mutual arrangement of elements) and corporate colors (combinations and shades).
  4. Business documentation(design and areas of application).
  5. Are common principles of creating layouts.
  6. Design and layout principles printing products, outdoor advertising,POS materials.
  7. Souvenirs, uniforms, transport, etc.

Below are examples of guidelines large companies.

Description of the company's main colorsCISCO

Agree that the company’s charter is an obvious thing, but the need to develop a guideline or brand book raises questions among many. In fact, these are the same integral documents of the company that regulate its activities and relationships with other organizations and clients.

Many people don’t make brand books and guidelines at all, and those who do often confuse these two concepts with each other. In this article we will tell you how they differ, and why it is so important to call a spade a spade.

What is a guideline?

Guideline – a guide to the use of visual elements of a corporate identity.

This is a purely technical document of an open type, intended for designers, printers and advertisers. It contains a detailed description of the elements of corporate identity (logo, fonts, colors, style-forming elements), as well as the rules for their use (location of objects, color schemes, logo security field, etc.). The extended version can demonstrate the principles of designing business documentation, souvenirs and other materials that promote the brand. The guideline is mandatory for a company that needs to create advertising materials and other visual communications with its clients.

Principles for creating a guideline

1. Show, don't tell. Make the reader a participant. Text style is key. Keep the text short and easy to understand. Depending on the company, you can use humor here and there - this will bring lightness and creativity. Remember that people will read it.

2. The rules should be flexible enough so as not to kill the designer’s creativity, but clear enough so that the brand remains recognizable. There are situations when the rules can be “bent”, but in no case can they be “broken”. Consistency is also very important, especially if the brand will be represented on different media.

3. Help designers get started. Make a Toolkit. This can be a single page with an overview of your brand, which includes identity, colors, typography, images and other visuals. Make all branding elements available for download from your website or provide them on disk as an attachment.

What is a brand book?

Brand book is a description of a brand’s values ​​and how to convey them to consumers.

This is a document for internal use, which records the company’s DNA: mission, values ​​and much more. It is also important to write down in the brand book the fundamental principles of identity, which must be preserved even in the event of rebranding. The brand book is a kind of company bible, where top managers and other employees should look to check if they are on track. It simplifies strategic decision making, communication with customers, stimulates sales growth and brand awareness. Brand books are made either by experienced internal employees or by professional branding agencies after a thorough audit.

The brand book should cover such issues as: mission, philosophy, values ​​and principles of the company, target market and audience, key channels and methods of communication with customers, brand identifiers.

Principles of creating a brand book

1. Since this document is intended only for your employees, try to captivate them with the idea and infect them with the company’s philosophy.

2. The brand book records the values, principles, and ideology of the company. It cannot be a dry instruction, which is what a guideline is.

3. When working on a brand book, you need to take into account that this document will be the backbone of the company for decades. It outlines the general vector of development. All creativity, unique offers and fluctuations in the market should subsequently fit harmoniously into the overall strategy.

Feel the difference!

Photo by Mark Stanjo

It’s interesting that both in Russia and in the rest of the world, the concepts of guideline and brand book are constantly confused. There are very common cases when advertising agencies receive an order for a brand book, but they create a guideline, because there is no word about any mission, but 150 examples of prohibited use of the logo and fonts. Or they write down both the values ​​and the design rules in one beautiful thick book. And customers are not particularly picky.

At first glance, there is nothing criminal in such a mixture. But think about how prepared you are for competitors to become aware of your company’s internal principles and guidelines? Therefore, the design, i.e., the guideline, is separate, and the mission and principles, i.e., the brand book, are separate. This will be correct and convenient for everyone.

Examples of brand books

Mtrading brand book

This brand book displays the values, target audience, mission, etc. In general, everything that should be here.

The Cisco brand book

Less about the company, more about the elements of corporate identity.

Ford brand book

The target audience and consumers are well shown

Examples of guidelines

VX guideline

Skype guideline

Layouts and Templates

We have collected several layouts and templates that will greatly facilitate the designer’s work. All that remains to be done is to fill in the required fields with visual information.
