What does linear meter of fabric mean? What is a linear meter of a kitchen? Designations in linear meters are used to measure

It would seem that what could be simpler than units of measures that every person encounters literally from the cradle. Meter, kilogram, liter... However, sometimes life poses new questions even to real “gurus”. One of similar examples- what is a linear meter? Indeed, in school geometry lessons, no quantities are measured in such units. So, perhaps they don’t exist at all, and the linear meters themselves are pure fiction? Now that the Internet is available to everyone, theoretically you can easily find the answer to almost any question posed. The main thing is to formulate it correctly. An inquisitive user who types the query “what is a linear meter” into the browser search bar will probably be surprised by the fact that these words are adjacent to kitchen topics. What does this mean?


Perhaps, after all, it is worth understanding in detail the question of what a linear meter is. It's obvious that once we're talking about about units of measurement, then we should look for the answer in France, in the Bureau of Weights and Measures itself, where all the reference samples are stored. But if we could look at the stands, we would not find any mythical linear meter there. This indicates that the desired measure of length has only an indirect relation to the real meter.

Initially, one ten-millionth of the duration of the earth's meridian intersecting with Paris was taken as a standard. The necessary measurements were carried out in 1795, and after corrective additions were made, in 1799, based on the data obtained, a ruler was made from noble platinum the right size. However, subsequently the accuracy of such a meter was increasingly called into question, since the shape of the planet is far from an ideal sphere, and in classical geodesy it is almost impossible to obtain such unprecedented accuracy without a satellite metric. If at the time of the creation of the initial “standard” its accuracy was quite sufficient for all tasks of that time, then the situation changed every year. As a result, in 1960 it was proposed to use a certain part of the atomic transition in krypton as a meter. And only 23 years later, the standard adopted its modern interpretation, tied to the path length of a light beam in a vacuum.

What is a linear meter?

This concept used primarily for sales roll materials. Thanks to him, it is possible to significantly simplify calculations. For example, a person needs to buy 10 square meters of linoleum. At retail outlets this material sold in rolls, the width of which is constant for each model. Thus, in order to obtain the required 10 sq. m for a roll 2 m wide, you need to measure only 5 m. Since 2 m * 5 m = 10 sq. m. These 5 are linear meters. In other words, a linear meter is equal to the reference value, but taking into account some additional constant value (in in this case width).

However this definition requires some explanation, since the frequently used expression “running meter of kitchen” is not always clear. After all, by analogy, when buying kitchen set, theoretically, you can ask to unwind a certain number of cabinets from a roll. Confusion arises due to the fact that sellers of such furniture products consider not the width, but the cost of material and labor costs, to be the previously mentioned constant value. If the price of a meter is known, and each subsequent one differs only in spatial configuration (while maintaining the same amount of materials), then it is much easier to use the concept of a linear meter in approximate calculations. A buyer interested in the cost of “the same kitchen model, but longer or shorter,” can easily calculate it even on his own.

The correct answer is No, because a square meter and a linear meter are units of measurement of different categories. Square meters measure the surface area, and linear meters measure only the length of the product.

Below we will analyze the concepts of square and linear meters

Square meter (sq.m; m2) V International system units (SI) is the area of ​​a square whose side is 1 meter. Square meters measure the surface area of ​​walls, floors, real estate objects, where the area, for example, of an office or apartment is equal to the floor area. Or if you need to calculate the quantity ceramic tiles on a wall or linoleum on a floor, you need to multiply the length by the height and get the surface area in square meters. Although linoleum itself is sold in linear meters, more on that below.

Designations in square meters (m2) are used in...

  • Measuring buildings, houses, apartments, premises;
  • Measurement of facing and flooring materials;
  • Measuring the covering surfaces of roofs and floors;
  • Measuring the area occupied by equipment and furniture

The concept of a linear meter

It is IMPOSSIBLE to convert square meters into linear meters and simply into meters!

Linear meter(roll material, products, fence, furniture)– this is the length independent of the width. Since the price of the material is included in the cost of 1 linear meter of carpet, linoleum or lining. A linear meter of linoleum 3 meters wide will naturally be more expensive than linoleum 2.5 meters wide.

Sometimes, in the manufacture of kitchen furniture, linear meters are also used for ease of calculation. For example, the manufacturer considered that Kitchen Cabinet 3 meters long and 60 centimeters wide with the required number of shelves, drawers, and doors will cost $1,200 at the National Bank exchange rate. And as you know, the kitchens in our apartments are different, mostly small, so the manufacturer sets the price for 1 linear meter at $400. The customer can only fit 2.5 meters. The standard equipment, placement of shelves, drawers are discussed and the price is $1000.

$400 x 2.5m = $1000

Designations in linear meters are used to measure:

  • Flooring roll materials (roll of fabric, carpeting, linoleum...);
  • Boards, linings, block houses, plinths, sometimes pipes, fittings;
  • Cost is the price of furniture (kitchen) with standard equipment and fittings.

How to calculate linear meters into square meters and vice versa

Example 1

To convert square meters into linear meters, you need to know the length and width of the product (material) that is sold in linear meters.

We need to lay 12 m2 of linoleum in the kitchen, but in the store they sell it by linear meters, but with a width of 2.5 m, 3 m or 4 meters. It would be better to buy 4 linear meters of linoleum 3 meters wide or 3 linear meters 4 meters wide:

4m (length) x 3m (roll width) = 12 square meters
3m (length) x 4m (roll width) = 12 square meters

In this particular case, 12 square meters is equal to 3 or 4 linear meters, but this cannot be considered because the width must always be taken into account.

Example 2

Let's take the same example with kitchen furniture 2.5 linear meters. We need to know the floor area that our kitchen furniture covers. To do this, we multiply the length of 2.5 m by the width of the kitchen wall 0.6 meters, and we get 1.5 square meters - this is the area occupied by our furniture in the kitchen.

Example 3

To finish the bath we need to buy 65 m2 of lining. It is sold in 3-meter lengths at a price per linear meter. We need to calculate how many linear meters are needed for 65 m2.
Our board (lining) has dimensions of 300 x 10 x 0.5 cm or 3m x 0.1m x 0.005m. We multiply the length by the width in meters and get the area of ​​one board (0.3 m2):
3m x 0.1m = 0.3 m2
Now we will find out how many boards are needed for 65 m2. To do this, divide 65 m2 by the area of ​​1 board:
65: 0.3 = 216.67 or 217 boards (lining)
Our lining (board) is 3 meters long, which means we need to buy 651 linear meters.
217 x 3 = 651 m/p

Inexperienced or novice builders do not know how to calculate linear meters.

These parameters are used when performing repairs or construction work, even when purchasing furniture.

The calculation of a linear meter arises when it is necessary to facilitate the calculation of the quantity of products, for example, linoleum, curtains, carpet, and the like.

This concept is almost no different from the concept of length, only the width of the material is taken into account.

Most often, the width of a certain product or flooring is considered a standard value and if it is necessary to calculate a linear meter, then they are not taken into account.

To calculate the linear meter of flooring for rooms, it is worth measuring its width and length.

Measurement Tools

To measure the width and length of a room, use a tool such as a tape measure, and if you don’t have a tape measure, you can use a regular measuring tape.

In order not to forget the results, it is best to write them down in a notebook or on a piece of paper, only then can you go shopping in the store. Having all the measurements, you can make a choice yourself or you can turn to sales consultants for help.


For example, if the width of your corridor is two meters and its length is four meters, then you will need to buy four linear meters of flooring, which is two meters wide.

If the store does not have the width of flooring you need, you can purchase two linear meters of flooring whose width is four meters. But in this case, you will have to cut the material in half and cover the floor with two covering sheets.

  • Take measurements very carefully and carefully, this is necessary so that there are no errors in the calculations. If the calculations for a linear meter of material are incorrect, then it will not be possible to return it to the store.
  • For calculation required quantity flooring, all calculations can be done in square meters. For example, linoleum is made 1.5 - 4 meters wide.
  • In stores or building materials markets or finishing materials indicate the cost per linear meter, this will not depend on the width of the building material.

This will make it easier to carry out calculations and determine the price of the required amount of flooring.


If, for example, when laying, it is permissible to join the material, then when laying carpet, it is not recommended to make joints. For this reason, when purchasing carpet, you must buy required amount linear meter of material.

The cost of the material will directly depend on its width and the greater the width, the higher the price of the material. To determine the amount you will have to pay for the material, you need to multiply the resulting quantity per linear meter by the price of one linear meter of the material.

Calculation of linear meter

For furniture

It is often necessary to calculate the linear meter for cabinet furniture.

If the furniture is made to order, this is necessary so that the furniture manufacturer can tell you the price of the furniture.

A linear meter is also necessary when purchasing ready-made furniture; with its help you can determine the number of cabinets and other necessary parts.

Cost calculation

The price of a linear meter of furniture will depend on the material taken for its manufacture, as well as on the fittings used, design and dimensions. For example, to calculate the cost of a linear meter of a kitchen unit, you need to divide its cost by its length.

In the event that point of sale there is a price already ready-made headset, then you can calculate the price of one linear meter yourself.

When you know what length of furniture you will need, you can multiply the resulting number by the number of meters, so you will know the cost of furniture for the room.

It is necessary to take into account that the price of the kitchen set does not include the price of the sink, hob. Often sellers in stores do not include handles and other accessories in the price per linear meter. This is the reason why you have to pay more per linear meter of the finished product than initially. It is best to discuss such nuances in advance with the seller.

For cornices and pipes

A large number of building materials are also calculated using linear meters, for example, cornices, various pipes and other materials. A linear meter is also used to measure metal fencing that is used to make a fence.

And if no problems arise when purchasing flooring, then in order to purchase, for example, film to cover a greenhouse, you need to take measurements of the roof and walls, because they will need to be covered with film and then carry out calculations.

As you have already seen, it is not so difficult to perform calculations per linear meter.

To avoid making a mistake when purchasing, you need to go to the store already ready-made plan rooms and if you have any difficulties, you can ask the seller for advice.

And so, in order to make calculations of the parameters you need, you need to have a tape measure or a measuring tape on your farm, and you can do all the measurements and calculations yourself, without the help of specialists.

Often, wanting to purchase certain Construction Materials and studying the prices for them, we are faced with the fact that different suppliers indicate prices in various systems units. For example, the question is often asked, how many square meters in a linear meter?

Let's say you're buying lumber. In one square meter of different lumber (edged boards, floor boards, lining, block house) it is likely that there will be a different number of linear meters. Why? Because the number of square meters also depends on the width of the material.

Here's an example:

The edged board has the following parameters: 40x120, that is, its thickness is 40 mm and its width is 120 mm. It is necessary to calculate as follows:

Divide 1 square meter of edged board by 120 mm (product width), we get the value - 8.33. This is the number of linear meters.

1 sq.m./0.120 m = 8.33 l.m.

We multiply the number of linear meters by the width of the product and get the number of square meters per linear meter.

For our example:

8.33 l.m. x 0.120 m = 0.9996 sq.m (1 sq.m.)

It turns out that for a given width of the product there are 8.33 linear meters in one square meter.

Another example:

The floor board has parameters: 28 x 130, then:

1 sq.m. /0.130 m = 7.69 l.m.

A linear meter indicates the length of the product, and square meters measure the area of ​​the product. Therefore, to determine the area of ​​a product, two parameters are needed - length and width.

Igor Voropaev

Expert commentary

Igor Voropaev - leading lawyer at Prosper-Consulting
Consultant of the PropertyExperts portal

I worked for a finishing company for several years, and I can say that at first, measurements were our biggest headache. Several times in a row, customers not only did not know what design they were interested in, but also did not want to hear about the measurements, giving the standard answer “we will calculate everything ourselves and buy it.”

Since we couldn’t go into someone else’s apartment on our own and measure the amount of necessary products, the problem of constant errors in the volume of the room, the height of the walls and ceiling, the weight of the putty, the width of the linoleum roll, the size of the coating led to sad results - we had already gotten used to it. Of the first ten times, results equal to the accuracy of a cubic centimeter to those that exist were obtained by the customer only two times.

There were also those who bought five meters more pipes than necessary, also of a different diameter (they said that they measured it tentatively), as well as those who brought a piece of fabric half as large as what the designer asked for (the furniture seller advised so, actually decided to save money). The climax came when customers managed to purchase more reinforcement for a plot of a hectare than was needed. After this, the concept of “independent measurement” immediately ceased to exist for us. We decided to accept orders only according to our own understandable measures and we advise everyone to do so!

Everything is measurable. It is a fact. But the quantities used are different. Most rolled goods, fixtures and kitchenware are today measured in linear metres. To be more precise, a linear meter is how many meters it is in length. Width is not taken into account.

In one store these stripes are in this form. But in the other there is simply one wide strip of 3 meters and 10 meters long. Essentially, this is what we need. Since the cost is indicated in linear meters, we will pay three times more in the first store than in the second. The savings are huge!

Remember, 1 linear meter is 1 meter of product in length. And then it doesn’t matter what the width is. The price will no longer change.


Very often, the product information card only indicates the number of linear meters and the price. This means that we know nothing about the width of the product. If you buy everything in a store or at a bazaar, you can bring your own tape measure.

On the Internet, such data is often hidden. You cannot order a product without making sure of its parameters. It's worth calling the store and finding out its width.

Having found two identical positions with at different prices, do not rush to order cheap. It is possible that the width of that product will not suit you.

Marking fabric is, although not simple, but accurate. With kitchens, which are also measured in linear meters, everything is much more complicated. Usually, we take into account 1 meter standard headset. That is, simple cabinets and tables are always used for miscalculations. All additional elements decor are discussed separately.

If you buy a ready-made kitchen, then information about linear meters is not particularly important. You already see the finished price tag and decide whether the price is suitable or not. But when individual orders you need to consider everything carefully.

It is important to emphasize that you can never know the exact amount in advance. We can only judge the minimum cost of 1 linear meter of your future kitchen.

There are two popular situations in which the answers are completely different:

1. Accurate calculation. You order a regular kitchen, where all drawers, cabinets and tables have standard sizes. You don't change anything. The final price may differ slightly from the planned one.

2. Completely inaccurate calculation. The kitchen is completely original. All cabinets and drawers are designed for your convenience and the size of dishes and furniture. The headset fits exactly into the design of the room. The final price can be several times higher.

Why is the total growing?

Converting linear meters is difficult. And for the sake of a new idea you have to put up with pricing policy. To cut costs, it is worth combining different components. That is, it is necessary to use as many standard elements as possible, diluting them with custom ones. This way you will get a kitchen that fits well into the interior and save your budget.

Don't forget that different materials And designer things increase the cost. One linear meter of a cabinet can become more expensive if you decide to install not 4, but 5 drawers in it. Each detail requires additional expenses. Thread or decorative stickers are far from cheap.

Alternative to linear meter

Many stores calculate prices based on ready-made kitchens. You choose the model you like, see its price, and then change it a little, if necessary. In such cases, it is easier to evaluate a future purchase.

As a result, we see that a linear meter is a value that is used to measure many products, from fabric to kitchen. It specifies the length without specifying the width. In order not to make a mistake in purchasing, you need to clarify all the points. If the Internet refuses to tell you the width, then you shouldn’t take the risk. After all, you can simply lose your money.
