What does the name Ignat mean for a boy? What does the rare name Ignat mean?

The male name Ignat comes from the name Ignatius, which in turn was derived from the Latin word “ignis”, meaning “fire”. But there is also a version that the basis for the formation of this name was the word “ignatus”, meaning “unknown”, “unborn” and this name was given supposedly for protection from evil spirits. In our country, this name is found both in the form Ignat and in the form Ignatius, however, in any of these variants it is not very popular.

Characteristics of the name Ignat

Phonosemantically, the name Ignat gives the impression of something solid, and in many ways the character of its owners is indeed similar to this description. As a rule, Ignat is a very balanced, strong-willed, decisive, business-like man. He does not particularly strive for leadership, but thanks to many of his inherent qualities, he often takes leadership positions. Independence and inner core are manifested in Ignat’s character back in childhood. Usually he is an obedient, calm boy who studies well. Parents and relatives cannot get enough of him, because he is not prone to lies, treats adults with respect, loves to listen to their conversations, maintaining a particularly sincere and warm relationship with his mother throughout his life. The adult Ignat does not like to waste words; he is more of a man of action. Sometimes he tries to rid himself too much of emotions, turning into a person completely devoid of a sense of humor. But if you cultivate in him the ability to laugh at himself and develop his activity, then Ignat’s business acumen will go very well with his sociable disposition. The owner of this name has few friends, since he allows few people into his true feelings and thoughts.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Ignat is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, that is, from August 24 to September 23. Virgo is similar to Ignat in his dryness and skepticism, great capacity for work and diligence, so in many ways the character of the owner of this name will not change under the influence of Virgo, and he himself will be calm, not liking noise and crowds, practical, modest, inclined to fulfill his duty.

Pros and cons of the name Ignat

What are the pros and cons of the name Ignat? Its positive aspects are that it is a familiar name for our country, simple, but at the same time quite rare, which goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has many euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, for example, Ignatka, Ignasha , Ignashenka, Igosha, Gnasha. Ignat’s strong but complex character can be considered both a good and a bad side of this name, but there are no obvious and unambiguous disadvantages in this name.


Ignat’s health is good, but as a child he is susceptible to infections, and is also very unstable mentally, sensitive, and can be afraid of many things. As an adult, he is recommended to pay more attention to the condition of his teeth and intestinal function.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Ignat reveals himself good husband and father. He gets married early and values ​​it very much home comfort, which he sees as a kind of rear. The owner of this name, as a rule, treats his wife with care, likes to give her gifts and take her to restaurants. If he maintains such gentleness in relationships, then Ignat’s marriage promises to be strong. But for this purpose, he should not choose an active, energetic, vain and conflict-prone woman as his wife, because he definitely will not get along with her.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Ignat demonstrates an analytical mind and practicality. He can become a successful entrepreneur in the field of trade, construction, services, a bank employee, a manager, a military man, a diplomat, a doctor, a publisher.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Ignatus (Ignatius) is celebrated many times a year, for example, on January 2, February 10, May 13, June 10, September 3, October 27, November 5, December 2 and December 20, and according to Catholic - May 11, July 31, 17 October, October 23.

Some beautiful and quite ancient names for the Russian language for some reason had a pronounced social connotation. Despite the meaning of the name Ignat - “fiery” - in Rus', and then in Russia, it was given mainly to boys from the peasant environment.

Now this name is undeservedly forgotten and is used very rarely. But if parents want to have a trusting relationship with their child and at the same time dream that their son will grow up to be a strong personality, they should pay attention to the name Ignat.

It came to Rus' during the spread of Christianity, its origin is Latin. In Catholic countries it was preserved in the form Ignatius, but in Russian it was shortened to Ignatius. Now it's completely Russian male name, which is in the Orthodox calendar.

There is another version of the origin of the name Ignat. According to it, the original word Egnatius can be translated as “he who is not born.” Such a strange name for a child can be explained by the superstitions of the ancients: if evil spirits hear that the child is “unborn,” they will not plot against him.

  • What will little Ignasha be like?
  • What are the character traits of an adult man?
  • What will be the fate of a person with that name?
  • Will he be lucky in business and love?

To answer these questions, you first need to understand what the boy’s character will be like in childhood. From an early age, Ignatka grows up as an independent and integral person. Outwardly, he may seem like a simpleton, but this impression is deceptive.

Igonya is easy to communicate with and does not cause any particular problems for his parents. Sometimes he can be timid, and here the elders need to explain to the boy in time: such a strategy of behavior will not bring any benefit. Little Ignat quickly learns his lesson, and after that his peers do not dare to offend him.

What is very important in our difficult times, Ignat values ​​​​his trusting relationship with his parents. He will be the first to share his joys and sorrows with them, and the main thing is not to discourage the child from wanting to do so in the future. You need to be able to rejoice with him and not scold him for his misdeeds, but explain how to correct a difficult situation so as not to get into similar troubles in the future.

A person who bears the name Ignat, with early years a developed sense of self-esteem. At the same time, he does not try to suppress others and treats other people with respect.

Master of "multi-move"

Ignat grows up earlier than his peers and at the same time is distinguished by high physical activity. Therefore, it is important to support this desire in him and select a sports section for him in accordance with his individual inclinations. Movement and sports mean for a teenager and young man named Ignat better performance at school and in subsequent educational institutions, as well as maintaining health.

This is especially true because health problems can manifest themselves in adolescence. Most often this is a problem in the digestive tract, which can cause allergies. Therefore, Ignat will have to pay attention to issues of nutrition and diet not only in childhood and adolescence, but throughout his adult life.

As long as he maintains physical activity, Ignat's performance at school will be good. Some people think that he is lazy, but this is not so: the guy’s character is such that he does not like to engage in meaningless cramming, but strives to understand the essence of the subject being studied. Some teachers consider reluctance to memorize lessons and lectures verbatim as laziness.

In children's and youth teams, Ignat easily occupies a leading position, and this leadership is not always clear positive character. He may incite his peers into doing some kind of trick, and the parents will have to resolve the conflict with the teaching staff.

However, already in adolescence, the desire to play pranks is replaced by seriousness and a restrained demeanor. Ignat remains an informal leader, but at the same time he does not tend to talk much - growing up, he voices only well-thought-out thoughts and promises, which, from his point of view, are worthy of being heard by others.

Of great importance for Ignat is the opportunity to do exactly what he himself considers necessary. Indeed, thanks to his excellent analytical abilities, he calculates many options for the development of events and his own actions and chooses best option. As a rule, a man rarely makes mistakes.

This property greatly helps Ignat in his work - in business, for example, he can build magnificent “multi-move machines” and at the same time achieve success himself and allow his partners to earn money. However, he will work only to ensure a decent standard of living. Living for work is not his path at all.

Strict family man

No less important than financial security, for Ignat is the opportunity to gain new knowledge and impressions. He studies with pleasure and improves his skills - not for the sake of another diploma or certificate on the wall, but for the sake of knowledge that he can apply in his activities. An inquisitive character awakens in the adult Ignat a thirst for travel and impressions of new countries and customs.

A man named Ignat successfully combines theory with practice. In the professional sphere, the information he voices often turns out to be useful and helps solve complex production problems. Ignat is a valuable employee, and he can achieve great career heights if he does not treat himself with excessive severity.

As for the scope of application of his knowledge and talents, these can be in a variety of areas - creativity, art, production, exact sciences. However, the strict character of a man will influence the fact that he will never take on those obligations that he considers impossible.

As for personal relationships, strictness, some closeness and an unconditional desire for leadership lead to the fact that Ignat has few friends. But those that exist are from childhood and for life. Only with the closest people can he be frank, share his dreams and even tell them about his failures.

In terms of relationships with the opposite sex, the name Ignat endows its owner with excessive amorousness. But a cold mind often takes precedence over emotions, and only an unconventional woman can truly impress such a man. However, she should not be ambitious or overly active - two such “activists” under one roof are unlikely to get along.

Ignat wants to feel constant “vibes” of love and care from his wife, but he himself loves to take care of his wife and give her gifts. Sometimes it is difficult for him to “leave at work” his desire for leadership and commanding habits, and then a conflict may flare up within the walls of his home. However, after such an outburst, Ignat’s logic will tell him that it was he who was wrong - he will not admit this out loud, but signs of care and attention to his “other half” may turn out to be more eloquent than words.

For Ignat, home really means a fortress in which he can sit out during life’s storms and think about further plans for “conquering the world.” That is why he values ​​home comfort so much and is unlikely to agree to divorce on his own initiative. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

A man named Ignat has strong energy, nobility and beauty. In his youth, he is very willful, often arrogant and can even blackmail his friends. Greed and the desire to command lead to the fact that everyone stops communicating with such a person. Ignat goes to work with great reluctance and often shifts his responsibilities to others. He is very jealous and can be emotional and aggressive. He is a leader in the family and demands obedience from his children. If the child continues to be naughty, he always punishes him.

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    Origin and interpretation

    Etymology clearly defines where the name Ignat comes from and what it means. It is of Latin origin. Originated from the Roman nickname Egnatius, which is derived from the Latin word ignis ("fire"). The name is translated as “fiery”.

    There is another interpretation, according to which the meaning of the name Ignatius is “unborn.” According to popular belief, newborns named this way are reliably protected from evil spirits.

    Name day

    In the calendar there is the name Ignatius, which is given to the boy at baptism. Name day by church calendar Ignat celebrates several times a year.

    He is protected by 17 heavenly patrons:

    Month datename day and patron saint
    • 2 - Ignatius of Pechersk;
    • 10 - Ignatius Lomsky
    • 10 - Ignatius Sadkovsky;
    • 11 - Ignatius of Smolensky
    • 5 - Ignatius of Valaam
    • 13 - Ignatiy Brianchaninov;
    • 14 - Ignat Afonsky
    • 1 - Ignatius of Uglich;
    • 20 - Ignatiy Yakimov
    • 8 - Ignatius Stironite
    • 3 - Ignatiy Dalanov;
    • 12 - Ignatius Ostrovsky;
    • 10 - Ignatius Glubokorechensky;
    • 27 - Ignatius of Methym
    • 5 - Ignatius of Constantinople
    • 2 - Ignatius Teslin;
    • 20 - Ignatius of Blachernae

    Name forms

    Full name: Ignat.

    Derived forms: Igosha, Igonya, Ignasha, Ignakha, Ignatka.

    Diminutive forms: Ignatushka, Ignashka, Ignatik, Ignasha.

    Name in different languages

    On different languages The name Ignat sounds like this:

    • Ukrainian - Gnat;
    • Czech - Ignaz;
    • Polish – Ignacy;
    • Bulgarian – Ignat;
    • Japanese - Igunatiosu;
    • Portuguese - Inacio;
    • Spanish – Ignacio;
    • French - Ignace;
    • Armenian – Ignatos;
    • Lithuanian – Ignatius;
    • Latvian – Ignatius;
    • Czech – Ignaz.

    Quite a few famous people bear or bore the name Ignat. These include the following celebrities:

    • Soviet Arabist scholar - Ignatius Krachkovsky;
    • writer and publicist - Ignatiy Gavrilov;
    • Belarusian theater actor – Ignat Buinitsky;
    • Polish pianist – Ignacy Jan Paderewski;
    • Ukrainian theater director - Gnat Yura.

    Characteristics of a name depending on the time of year

    Spring Ignat has a wayward character. In appearance it seems simple and unsophisticated. At school he is distinguished by his erudition and erudition, but his peers do not like him for his arrogance and ambition. He has practically no friends because of his greed and desire to command everyone.

    Summer Ignat is a versatile educated person. Always the first to take the initiative and make suggestions various ideas, but cannot implement them due to his laziness. Such a man tries to shift the hardest or most difficult work onto others. At home he keeps turtles, hamsters, parrots, and fish. But if he is offered to sell them at a profit, he will part with them without regret. Summer Ignat is in love, but feelings fade away very quickly. He does not like drastic changes, but prefers to lead a measured life.

    Ignat, born in autumn, is practical. At school he helps his classmates with their homework, but does it unselfishly. Strives for leadership and does not tolerate competitors. He is very jealous and is capable of hitting a woman.

    At the winterIgnat has a very cool character. His frantic temperament gives way to isolation, so the man will whine for a long time over a trifle. But at the same time he has golden hands. Repairs himself household appliances.

    Name Astrology

    The name Ignat has its own astrological symbols that influence his destiny. These include:

    Mascot Meaning
    Talisman stone: citrine, jade, emerald
    • Citrine – symbolizes love for life, has a positive effect on psycho-emotional state person.
    • Jade - reveals mental abilities, helps to show humanity and prudence.
    • Emerald – relieves bad habits and bad character traits
    Color – gray, ash
    • Gray - symbolizes uncertainty, mistrust, duality of nature.
    • Ashy - people with this color of name are frivolous over trifles and are extremely distrustful
    Number - fiveFive people are distinguished by accuracy, pedantry, responsibility, punctuality, and intelligence. They soberly assess their abilities
    Patron Planet: SaturnPeople patronized by Saturn are distinguished by practicality, endurance, stability, authority, persistence, cruelty, vindictiveness, and excessive severity.
    Zodiac sign – CapricornIgnat-Capricorn is assertive and purposeful. He is very stubborn, rude, cruel, but can be vulnerable. I am firmly convinced that he is destined for a great mission
    Mascot animal: antelopeAntelope means fast growth, speed, competent action
    Mascot tree: firFir symbolizes independence, conservatism and impeccability

    Character traits

    The secret of the name hides an extraordinary personality. Little Ignat stands out among other children with his cheerful character, gentleness, unique thinking, and ability to have interesting conversations. His parents love him very much. The boy is ironic, notices everything funny and absurd. But he does not tolerate being mocked or harshly criticized. As he gets older, he begins to show leadership qualities. He achieves his authority through erudition and extraordinary abilities.

    Men with this name are optimists, distinguished by their determination and analytical thinking. He is decisive and takes on important tasks. The team loves him and often chooses him as their leader, but Ignat is spoiled by excessive severity, exactingness, composure and arrogance. Accumulating tension leads to an outburst of rage, often groundless. Moreover, he often takes out his dissatisfaction on his wife and children.

    Interests and hobbies

    Ignat's hobby includes acquiring new knowledge that he needs to achieve a goal that he can strive for for a long time. It is not typical for a man with this name to lie on the beach or waste time on empty talk.

    He loves to be alone with nature, prefers to play chess and fish.

Short form of the name Ignat. Ignatka, Ignakha, Ignasha, Igonya, Igosha.
Synonyms for the name Ignat. Gnat, Ignatius.
Origin of the name Ignat. The name Ignat is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Ignatus comes from the Roman family name of Etruscan origin - Egnatius. The spelling Ignatius was influenced by the Latin word "ignis", meaning "fire". Therefore, the name Ignat is translated as “fiery.”

It is believed that Ignat is a short form of the name Ignatius, which in full version currently rarely used.

For the name Ignat will be indicated Orthodox name days. Catholic name day of Ignatius - see the name Ignatius.

Ignat grows up as a wayward young man. At first glance, it may seem ingenuous and simple. In fact, this is not always true. Even at school, at the most unexpected moments, he becomes arrogant, and sometimes even blackmails his friends. Due to his constant desire to lead and greed, his classmates often dislike this boy. Ignat attracts teachers with his erudition and erudition. He is capable in all areas. Such characteristics are most characteristic of Ignat, who was born in the spring months.

The “summer” owner of this name is resourceful and proactive. He has many ideas that he can implement on his own. Ignat is lazy and does not like difficulties. Prefers a calm and measured lifestyle.

Ignat, who celebrates his birthday in autumn, is practical. Even during his school years, he helps his classmates with their studies for money or other benefits. He never does anything for nothing. In any matter, he tries to show his leadership qualities. Aggressive towards competitors.

“Winter” Ignat has a cool disposition. Despite his difficult character, he is endowed with a lot of abilities in various fields. He knows how to repair any equipment and easily learns foreign languages, understands literature.

It is difficult for him to decide on the choice of higher educational institution. For this reason, he can devote himself to two completely opposite directions in his studies. For example, simultaneously study acting and exact sciences.

The owner of the name Ignat does not show much zeal for work. He never overworks. Often looks for options to delegate his responsibilities to other people. Activities with a free schedule suit them best. He spends all his free time on various hobbies.

In a state of jealousy, a man manifests himself extremely aggressively and emotionally. Ignat's behavior often does not correspond to the circumstances. Bouts of rage can be replaced by sullenness and withdrawal. At such moments he becomes very grumpy.

Ignat is an amorous person. Feelings that flare up quickly disappear just as quickly. Reason and prudence usually prevail in his relationships. The owner of this name gets divorced very rarely. He is not prone to drastic changes in life. In family relationships, Ignat is the leader. Suppresses any attempts to deprive him of this role. Ignat demands obedience from his children. A naughty child is always punished.

Ignat prepares his own breakfast. Maybe iron his shirt. Behind good relations With his wife's parents, there are usually selfish motives hidden on his part. At home he has parrots, hamsters, fish or turtles. At the same time, he is not against selling pets profitably.

As a child he is impressionable. Even horror stories frighten him and leave a lasting impression. He cannot stand any ridicule directed at himself. The boy usually has a trusting relationship with his parents. Relatives should be attentive to the child and help him in everything.

At his core, Ignat is an extraordinary person. Outwardly, he is always cold and calm. Even in the most difficult situation tries to smile. He likes to shine in a team. Can be a pleasant and sweet companion. Despite constant doubts, he has a strong will. The inner world for Ignat is more important than everything that surrounds him. Deep down he is a coward, but he never shows it. He cannot be forced to do anything by force. Only arguments can help as persuasion.

Ignat's name day

Ignat celebrates his name day on January 10, February 11, March 5, May 13, May 14, May 28, June 5, June 10, June 20, June 23, August 8, September 3, September 10, September 12, September 28, October 10 , October 27, November 5, December 2, December 20.

Famous people named Ignat

  • Ignatius Grinevitsky ((1856 - 1881) Russian revolutionary of Belarusian origin, member of the underground revolutionary terrorist organization "People's Will", one of the First March members. Direct killer of Emperor Alexander II.)
  • Ignat Nekrasov ((1660 - 1737) Don ataman, one of the active participants in the Bulavin uprising. Having concluded an agreement with the Crimean Khan, Nekrasov established a Cossack republic, the main statutory document which were the “Testaments of Ignatus” compiled by him. He patronized the Old Believers. At first, Nekrasov’s residence in the Kuban was the village of Nekrasovskaya, and then he moved to the Taman Peninsula.)
  • Ignat Solzhenitsyn ((born 1972) American and Russian pianist, conductor, son of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Chief conductor of the Philadelphia Chamber Orchestra (since 1998), chief guest conductor of the Moscow Symphony Orchestra.)
  • Ignacy (Ignatius) Domeyko ((1802 - 1889) an outstanding geologist, mineralogist, geographer and ethnologist, long-term rector of the University of Chile and member of many scientific societies, one of the most famous graduates of the University of Vilnius and national hero Chile)
  • Ignat Buinitsky ((1861 - 1917) Belarusian actor, director, theater figure, founder of the first professional national theater. The Buynitsky Theater showed performances in towns and villages of Belarus, toured in Vilnius, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Warsaw and other cities. His activities laid the foundation for fundamentals of Belarusian professional theatrical arts. Ignat Buinitsky staged most of the performances himself. In 1917 he was one of the initiators of the creation of the “First Association of Belarusian Drama and Comedy” in Minsk.)
  • Ignat Dvorchanin ((1895 - 1937) Belarusian writer and public figure)
  • Ignat Zemchenko ((born 1992) Russian-Ukrainian hockey player, forward)
  • Ignat Konovalov or Ignatas Konovalovas ((born 1985) Lithuanian road cyclist racing for “Team Movistar”)

Name description: The origin of the name Ignat is associated with ancient Roman roots, or rather with their family name, meaning (from Latin) “fire, fiery.” This is a more familiar form of the full name Ignatius.

The fickle fire element of the name is also manifested in the character of Ignat. He is willful, even if he seems like an easy-going and obedient boy. Impressive. Does not tolerate insults or unflattering remarks addressed to him well.

Requires love and care from relatives. In relationships with the right people Even as adults he is sharp and charming. He knows how to amaze with his innate analytical mind and resourcefulness. He is more frank in communicating with peers.

He does not hesitate to manipulate the weak, strives for leading positions, sometimes at the cost of not entirely honest behavior. Sees weak sides opponent and can use them quite harshly. He is easily given versatile studies and sciences. He appreciates good literature and has a good memory.

The initiative, which he is not afraid to show both in his youth and in his mature years, brings its practical fruits, unless suddenly Ignat is struck by an attack of laziness or a reluctance to get involved in too labor-intensive an activity. Despite his erudition, professional activity he clearly knows where it needs to be shown, and where it is better to avoid unnecessary fuss.

He is efficient, but by no means a workaholic; he is very willing to spend his free time on entertainment or a profitable deal. Ignat is pragmatic and rarely hovers in romantic dreams.

In personal matters, he often falls passionately in love, but also quickly cools down, under the influence of his practical mind. When choosing a life partner, he acts without undue haste, assessing all the prerogatives of a future marriage. This guarantees Ignat a strong alliance on long years. In the family he is the unquestioning leader. Controls the actions of his wife and children. He is engaged in their education. He is able to cope with everyday issues himself, the solutions to which he treats without unnecessary disgust.

Surname: Ignatovich

Date of birth according to the Orthodox calendar: December 20, December 2, November 5, October 27, October 10, September 28, September 12, September 10, September 3, August 8, June 23, June 20, June 10, June 5, May 28, May 14, May 13 , March 5, February 11, January 10

Personality: wayward, arrogant, erudite, greedy, domineering, capable, temperamental, emotional, amorous,

Name abbreviations: Ignatka, Ignakha, Ignata, Igonya, Igosha, Gnat

Suitable middle name: Olegovich, Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich, Borisovich

Suitable for boys or girls: only for guys

Name pronunciation: hard

Nationality of the name: Latin

Most suitable for zodiac signs:
