Cheating commands for cs go console. Console commands and codes for Counter-Strike Global Offensive

To enable cheat code mode for training, open the console and enter the command sv_cheats 1. If you don't know how to open the console in CS:GO, be sure to read.

Let's look at the basic commands that will be needed during training:

Most important

noclip- includes a free flight mode on the map, passing through walls.

god- cheat for immortality.

sv_infinite_ammo 1- Ammo no longer runs out.

sv_showimpacts 1- shows bullet marks. It is convenient to recognize the objects being targeted on the map.

sv_showbullethits 1- shows at what point you hit the enemy by drawing a red stick, as in the screenshot below:

mp_warmuptime 99999999999- the team sets the warm-up time. By setting the number 999999, we make an infinite warm-up time.

Command to show FPS (fps)

net_graph 0/1- allows you to find out your fps. When set to “1”, the counter appears in the lower right corner. “0” disables fps display.

net_graphproportionalfont 0/1- with a value of “0” makes the font small. When one is large.

net_graphpos 1/2/0- places the FPS counter at “1” in the lower left corner; at “2” in the middle down; at “0” in the lower right corner.

cl_showfps 0/1- displays only fps and the model of your video card. When “1” the output is turned on. At “0” it is disabled.

net_graphwidth 75- how higher figure, those larger size fps display areas.

Commands to increase fps

cl_disable_ragdolls 1- removes Ragdoll physics from the game.

dsp_slow_cpu 1- slight reduction in sound quality. +50 fps guaranteed.

mat_disable_bloom 1- disable the bloom effect. Another +50 fps.

r_drawparticles 0- removes almost all animation - shots, splashes of water, etc.

Thanks to these commands, you will increase your FPS by at least 100-200 points.

How to issue weapons through the console

To get any weapon, just type the command into the console give weapon_weapon name. The weapon will drop standard, i.e. no skins.

Revolver R8

Assault rifles

give weapon_negev- (machine gun for terrorists)

give weapon_m3- Benelly M3 pump-action shotgun, reloads after each shot

give weapon_mag7- pump-action shotgun with 5 rounds per clip

give weapon_nova- pump-action shotgun with 8 rounds in a clip

give weapon_sawedoff- (for terrorists)

give weapon_xm1014- (shoots without reloading)

Other equipment

give weapon_knife- issue. The knife then falls out next to the player. You can take amazing screenshots with a knife lying on the ground, which is impossible in competitive mode.

Yes, you can get multiple bombs at the same time. Every time you throw away one of them, another one will appear in your inventory. You won’t be able to switch to it using a shortcut key; you’ll have to roll the mouse wheel. It is also not possible to plant several bombs at once. If you try to plant another bomb after planting the first one, the game will display the message “You need to be in the bomb zone to plant C4.”

give weapon_taser- Zeus

give item_defuser- cutters/defuser. When playing as terrorists, the wire cutters will simply fall out of your hands. You won't be able to take them

give item_veshelm- armor and helmet

give item_vest- light armor

Commands for training grenades

sv_grenade_trajectory 1- turns on the display of the grenade's flight path. The value “0” turns off the display of the trajectory.

Issuing grenades

Note: if you already have 3 grenades in your hands, and you enter a command to issue the fourth one, then it will fly out of your hands and lie next to it.

Note: if you already have an incendiary grenade in your hands, then a Molotov cocktail will not appear and vice versa: if you have a Molotov, you will not be able to get an incendiary grenade at the same time.

Binds for issuance

The issuance of grenades can be bound with the following commands:

bind 1 “give weapon_hegrenade“- issue a fragmentation grenade

bind 2 “give weapon_smokegrenade”- issue a smoke grenade

bind 3 “give weapon_flashbang“- light

bind 4 “give weapon_molotov“- Molotov cocktail

bind 5 “give weapon_incgrenade“- incendiary

bind 6 “give weapon_decoy“- false grenade

You can bind the instant release of grenades. Grenades will immediately appear in your hands.

bind 1 “give weapon_hegrenade; use weapon_hegrenade“- a fragmentation grenade is issued and picked up instantly.

bind 2 “give weapon_smokegrenade; use weapon_smokegrenade"- smoke grenade.

bind 3 “give weapon_flashbang; use weapon_flashbang“- light.

bind 4 “give weapon_molotov; use weapon_molotov“- Molotov cocktail.

bind 5 “give weapon_incgrenade; use weapon_incgrenade“- incendiary grenade (for CT).

bind 6 “give weapon_decoy; use weapon_decoy“- false grenade.

Dispensing multiple grenades at once

ammo_grenade_limit_default 50- change the standard grenade limit to “50” or any other value

ammo_grenade_limit_hegrenade 50- ability to issue 50 explosive grenades simultaneously

ammo_grenade_limit_smokegrenade 50- 50 smoke grenades

ammo_grenade_limit_molotov 50- 50 Molotovs

50 incendiary grenades

ammo_grenade_limit_incgrenade 50- 50 incendiary grenades

ammo_grenade_limit_total 50- allows the purchase of 50 grenades

Commands for bots

The basic commands have not changed since CS 1.6:

bot_add- adding a bot to a random team

bot_add_t- add a bot for terrorists

bot_add_ct- add a bot for special forces

bot_kick- remove all bots.

Other commands:

bot_dont_shoot 1- bots don’t shoot and stand rooted to the spot when they see you. If the value is “0”, the player is attacked again

mp_limitteams 34- increases the maximum limit of players in your team. Instead of 34, insert any number

mp_autoteambalance 0- command to disable auto balance

bot_quota 34- instead of 34 you can insert any number of bots that will be added to the game

bot_difficulty 0/1/2/3- sets the difficulty of bots. 0 - weak, 1 - average, 2 - difficult, 3 - expert. Be prepared that the bots turn on cheats on the Expert Advisor; playing is extremely difficult and not interesting.

Command to change hands in CS GO

cl_righthand 0- left hand

cl_righthand 1- right hand

viewmodel_presetpos 1 - standard view weapon in hand

viewmodel_presetpos 2- enlarged weapon type

viewmodel_presetpos 3- classic (as in CS 1.6)

Bunnyhop commands

Be sure to enable sv_cheats 1! Bunnyhop allows you to move quickly and almost silently by jumping around the map.

sv_enablebunnyhopping 1; - includes bunnyhop, but does not work in mm and on public.

sv_autobunnyhopping 1;

sv_staminajumpcost 0;

sv_staminalandcost 0;

sv_airaccelerate 100;

sv_maxspeed 10000;

Launch parameters

Novid - to remove Valve introductory video

W 640 -h 480 - to run the game with a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels

Full - to run the game in full screen mode

Window - to run the game in windowed mode

Noborder - to run in windowed mode without border

Low - to run with low priority

High - to run with high priority

Dxlevel 81 - for using DirectX 8.1

Dxlevel 90 - for using DirectX 9

Heapsize 262144 - allocates 512 MB of RAM for the game

Heapsize 524288 - allocates 1 GB of RAM for the game

Heapsize 1048576 - allocates 2 GB of RAM for the game

Noaafonts - to disable screen font smoothing

Freq 100 - to change Hertz for HL1 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85=Common LCD 60-75 72=Common

Refresh 100 - to change Hertz for HL2 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85=Common LCD 60-75 72=Common

Soft - to run the game in graphic mode Software

D3d - to run the game in Direct3D graphics mode

Gl - to run in Open GL graphics mode

Nojoy - to disable joystick support

Noipx - to disable the LAN protocol

Noip - to remove an IP address without the ability to connect to servers

Nosound - forcefully turns off the sound in the game

Nosync - forcefully disables vertical sync

Console - to gain access to the developer console

Dev - to enable mods for developers

Zone # - to allocate more memory to files such as autoexec.cfg

Safe - to run the game in safe mode and turn off audio

Autoconfig - to restore default video settings

Condebug - to save all console logs in a text file console.log

Nocrashdialog - to cancel the display of some errors (memory could not be read)

Toconsole - to run the game engine in the console if the map is not defined with +map

A +r_mmx 1 - to launch the game with a console command or cvar command on the command line (instead of cfg)

Exec name.cfg - to connect a config with the name “name”

Setting up a mouse using the console

You can also configure the mouse using the console. Here are the commands that affect the mouse's performance:

m_rawinput "0/1" // Direct connection disabled/enabled

m_customaccel "0/1" // Mouse acceleration disabled/enabled

m_customaccel_exponent "0-100" // Acceleration value (from 0 to 100 - insert a value convenient for you here)

m_mousespeed “0-100” // mouse acceleration (from 0 to 100 - insert a value convenient for you here)

m_mouseaccel1 "0" // mouse acceleration (at 2x mouse speed)

m_mouseaccel2 "0" // mouse acceleration (at 4x mouse speed)

A serious advantage in battle will be given to you by changing the speed of the mouse along its axes. Set the mouse's vertical rotation axis to low sensitivity. To do this, press the "~" key. Enter the command (without quotes) - “m_pitch 0.017” and press Enter. Thanks to this, it will be easier for you to aim at opponents during long shooting. Please note that setting the m_pitch command too low is not recommended, as it may make it difficult for you to quickly aim at an enemy when they are standing above or below you.

The mouse speed should be approximately 500Hz, which can be set in the mouse settings depending on its model.

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In the CS:GO game, the developer console has a very great importance because it has a large number of functions. And it is already actively used not only by developers, but also by ordinary players. If you want to see enemies through walls, become immortal, fly around the map, slow down time, and so on, all this can be enabled through the console. You may ask, how exactly to do all this? More on this later.

The first step for all cheats to work

So let's get started. First, we MUST enter the most important console command. and there we need to enter:
sv_cheats 1- this command will allow us to enable cheat mode.
sv_cheats 0- this command is to disable cheat mode.

How to enable viewing through walls mode

This is the first and most popular cheat in CS:GO. To enter:
r_drawothermodels 2— this command allows you to enable the BX mode.
r_drawothermodels 1— disables this feature.

The screenshot below shows an example of how this console command works.

Activate immortality mode

The second most important is god mode. To activate it you need to enter:
god— enter and that’s it, you are invulnerable to any type of damage.

Turn on airplane mode

To enable the ability to fly through walls across the entire map and even beyond it, you need to write the command:
noclip- turn it on and you're done, you can hover all over the map. To disable it, you need to enter this command again. By the way, disabling the previous command also works.

We make an infinite number of cartridges

sv_infinite_ammo 1- this command makes an infinite number of rounds without reloading.
sv_infinite_ammo 2- and this team also makes an infinite number of cartridges, but with reloading.

Including hit marks and grenade trajectories

sv_showimpacts 1- this command shows colored marks from shots on the walls.
sv_showimpacts 0— this disables these tags.
sv_grenade_trajectory 1— shows the trajectory of the grenade.
sv_grenade_trajectory 0— disables display of the grenade trajectory.

Enable third and first person view

To enable third person view, enter thirdperson in the console. To change back to the first person view, firstperson .

Mode for viewing objects under fire

mat_wireframe 1- allows you to see through walls and places through which you can shoot.
mat_wireframe 0- disables it is possible to see it.

Below is a screenshot of an example of how this works. Green objects are not shot through, but blue objects are the opposite.

Everyone knows that console commands in CS:GO have a primary role, as they help players solve this or that problem and, in general, open up great opportunities for various manipulations in the game. There is no longer a game in which you need to know and understand so many console commands. In this article, we have collected and described console commands for you that will help you: set up a server, mouse, graphics, radar, sound chat, HUD, issue any weapon, grenade, and others. We hope you find everything you need here!

Console commands for setting up HUD in CS:GO

The HUD is a graphical interface that displays the main indicators in the game: mini-map, health, ammo, weapons, armor and the like, which is why it is so important to configure it correctly.

  • hud_scaling 0.75- interface size;
  • hud_showtargetid 1- a nickname will be displayed when hovering over a player;
  • hud_takeshots 0- disable auto screenshot at the end of the match;
  • cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1- disable HUD.

Popular console commands in CS:GO

These console commands are used by many players:

  • console- opens the console;
  • -novid- when starting the game, removes the splash screen;
  • -threads 4- use of 4 processor cores;
  • -refresh 120- monitor update frequency;
  • -noforcemparms-mouse speed is the same;
  • -high- launch the game with high priority;
  • -tickrate 128
  • +cl_cmdrate 128- recommended value of the network parameter;
  • +cl_updaterate 128- recommended value of the network parameter;
  • +rate 128000- recommended value of the network parameter;
  • +ex_interpratio 1- recommended value of the network parameter;

Console commands for training in CS:GO

It happens that you need to practice with your team, here especially for you we have collected the main commands that will help you set up the game so that all players feel comfortable.

  • sv_infinite_ammo 1- sets endless ammo in the game;
  • sv_grenade_trajectory 1- shows the trajectory of the grenade, shows where the grenade came into contact with other objects;
  • ammo_grenade_limit_total 111-sets the maximum number of grenades the player has;
  • sv_showimpacts 1- shows the places where the bullets hit;
  • sv_showbullethits 1- when hit, draws the silhouette of the enemy at a given point;
  • cl_disable_ragdolls 1- removes Ragdoll physics;
  • mat_disable_bloom 1- disables bloom effect;
  • r_drawparticles 0- removes animation of weapons, water splash, etc.;
  • mp_buy_anywhere 1– the console command allows you to buy weapons anywhere on the map;
  • mp_freezetime 0- removes freeze at the beginning of the round;
  • mp_buytime 3600- increases the time for purchasing weapons to 60 minutes;
  • mp_roundtime_defuse 60- increases the round time to 60 minutes;
  • mp_maxmoney 55500- - will make the maximum amount of money $55500
  • mp_startmoney 55500– will make the starting amount of money $55,500;
  • mp_warmup_end– the team will allow you to finish the warm-up;
  • mp_autoteambalance 0- disable auto-balance of players;
  • mp_warmuptime 55555- set an endless warm-up on the map;
  • mp_timelimit 30- sets the time until the card is changed.

In order not to bother with dozens of different commands, just copy into the console: sv_grenade_trajectory 1; ammo_grenade_limit_total 111; sv_showimpacts 1; mp_buy_anywhere 1; mp_freezetime 0; mp_buytime 3600; mp_roundtime_defuse 60; mp_maxmoney 55500; mp_startmoney 55500; mp_warmuptime 55555; mp_timelimit 50; bot_kick

Console commands for setting up bots in CS:GO

For training or maybe for fun, many players are looking for commands to customize their bots. The range of manipulations with bots is very wide, just take a look at the console commands below.

  • bot_add– will add the missing bot player to the team;
  • bot_add_ct- will add a bot for counter-terrorists;
  • bot_add_t- will add a bot for terrorists;
  • bot_kick- kick all bots;
  • bot_kick Jon– kick a specific bot;
  • bot_kill- kill all bots;
  • bot_zombie 1- freeze all bots;
  • bot_dont_shoot– stop shooting bots;
  • bot_difficulty- sets the bot level from 0 to 2;
  • bot_stop– stop bots;
  • bot_mimic 1–repetition of actions by the bot after the player;
  • bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0– cancel repetition of actions;
  • bot_crouch 1– the bot will sit down;
  • bot_place- the bot will appear in front of you.

Console commands for setting FPS in CS:GO

The number of FPS is almost the most important factor affecting the game as a whole. It determines how smoothly the picture on the screen moves, and this, in turn, affects your quality of play in CS:GO.

  • net_graph 3- shows the number of fps;
  • fps_max 300- maximum number of fps in the game;
  • func_break_max_pieces 0- set the number of fragments from objects;

Those who played one of the most popular games in the 2000s when “the grass was greener and the sun was brighter” and now, encountering frequent mentions of the words, will most likely want to remember the old days. Full review games are material for other articles, but this one will talk about console cheats in Cs: Go.

What can you see after installing the game? Those who have played before and have experience playing in earlier versions will immediately start pressing tilde ~ or ` for the game developer console after launch, because it’s more convenient than scouring the menu and constantly looking for required parameters games. Experienced players know all the console settings and cheats in Cs: Go from memory.

We would like to ask Valve a question - why do you need to disable the developer console by default, if everything can be quickly registered in it (which is what most players do using the same Cs: Go console commands (cheats))?

The first screenshot in our article is dedicated to its inclusion. For those who have the Russian version, to enter Cs: Go console cheats, you need to use the “Enable Developer Console” command.

The most important console cheat for Cs: Go

Open the console, press the tilde ~ on the keyboard (it’s next to the Esc key). If it doesn’t work, it means you didn’t enable the developer console in the settings or accidentally changed the key to activate it.

If we talk about how to write console cheats in Cs: Go, then you need to remember such a command as sv_cheats. This is a basic command for cheaters and more, but you should note that you can use it on your server or locally with bots. This command also disables achievements in Steam and blocks commands that can significantly affect the gameplay and game balance.

The command has two parameters in total - 0 (default) and 1 (to enable cheats). You can see what the console looks like and where you need to enter commands in the screenshot below.

Cheats are enabled - what can you do here?

Let's start with Wallhack, or cheat on transparent walls. In Cs: Go console commands, this cheat works like this: you type into the developer console mat_wireframe 1(By default, value : 0 ). You can now see through walls and what surfaces you can shoot through. Examples of what this command does can also be seen in the screenshot.

Noclip- we stop clinging (colliding, interacting) with walls and objects in general. Bonus effect - immortality.

Cheat r_drawothermodels 2(default : 1 ). Wallhack, similar to the previous wireframe, only a little more convenient. Unlike the previous console command, there are fewer wireframes here, only enemy models are visible.

Team give[item name] - gives you weapons/ammo/uniforms. For example, “give weapon_m4a1”- gives you an “emoticon”. We google other names of items or write: “weapon_”. And then a hint should pop up.

Cheat host_timescale 4(default value : 1 ). A speedhack makes everything on the server move faster. Can be set to any value. Anything above 1 speeds up, and anything below slows down.

Thirdperson(default value : first person) This is not actually a cheat. As the name suggests, it gives a third-person view. Write “ first person” to return to normal first person mode.

Other console commands and command variables (cvars)

Here are some more console commands:

  • Disabling recoil does not always work, maybe it will work for you - cl_predictweapons 0.
  • Bullets should fly without scattering, but that doesn’t always work either - cl_predict 0.
  • Alternative version of the speedhack: host_framerate 50.
  • These two commands visualize where on the map what sound is playing, along with the path to the sound file: snd_show 1 or snd_visualize 1.

The screenshot given in the article shows a case where someone took a step behind the wall.

  • Another inconvenient wallhack, but the “flash on the left” is no longer scary for you. In other words, blinding won't work: Mat_fillrate 1.
  • An inconvenient wallhack that periodically changes the transparency of the environment. Enemies are also hard to see: mat_proxy 2(default: 0).
  • Fill everyone with white paint: mat_fullbright 2.
  • The command is helpful for working with normals, but in practice it just paints the walls in Blue colour: mat_normalmaps 1.
  • This cheat is used to test the draw distance, but it can be used for more than just that. It displays a menu from which you can choose: perfui.
  • Are you afraid of shadows or blackouts? This command makes everything lit, and by "all" we mean everything: mat_fullbright 1.

  • We are non-smokers... or we just remove smoke. But if you are in the area where it should be, you still see the texture of the smoke: r_drawparticles 0.
  • Removing fog: fog_enable 0.
  • Command alternative quit, but in theory it should work like a wallhack: r_partition_level 0(default, -1).
  • If you want to know the name of this model file in Cs: Go, enter this command: r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 1. If you want to rise above the map, enter: c l_leveloverview 2.
  • These commands show the player's visibility area and a wallhack for this visibility: r_visualizetraces 1 or r_rainspeed 0.
  • Shows in the form of green boxes where particles from smoke, grenades, shots, etc. will appear: cl_particles_show_bbox 1.
  • Command to debug flashlight lighting, but we can track where the enemy is looking: r_visualizelighttraces 1.
  • An excellent command for training, shows where you are in color: r_modelwireframedecal 1.
  • The color indicates your shots on walls and people. It disappears after some time: sv_showimpacts 1.
  • Enemies are better visible against the same type of background: mat_luxels 1.
  • Zoom: _aspectratio 0.3(default, 0)
  • Turning your neck inside out: cl_pitchup 900 or cl_pitchdown 900.
  • Converting Cs: Go textures into minecraft textures: mat_showlowresimage 1.


In fact, there are a huge number of cheats in the console for Cs: Go, and it would be difficult to list and describe them all. Therefore, in the article we have highlighted only the most key and practical ones. The rest are introduced by analogy.

Give "weapon" - general command for obtaining weapons:

give weapon_awp - AWP drop
give weapon_aug - AUG drop
give weapon_ak47 - AK-47 drop
give weapon_m4a1_silencer - M4A1-S drop
give weapon_m4a1 - M4A4 drop
give weapon_galilar - Galil AR drop
give weapon_famas - FAMAS drop
give weapon_p90 - drop P90
give weapon_ump45 - UMP-45 drop
give weapon_mac10 - drop MAC-10
give weapon_xm1014 - drop XM1014
give weapon_elite - drop Dual Berettas
give weapon_fiveseven - drop Five-SeveN
give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle drop
give weapon_usp_silencer - USP-S drop
give weapon_glock18 - Glock-18 drop
give weapon_knife - a knife falls to the ground
give weapon_knifegg - a golden knife falls to the ground
give weapon_m249 - drop M249
give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9 drop
give weapon_negev - loss of Negev
give weapon_scar20 - SCAR-20 drop
give weapon_sawedoff - drop Sawed-Off
give weapon_nova - Nova drop
give weapon_ssg08 - drop SSG 08
give weapon_sg553 - drop SG 553
give weapon_cz75a - drop CZ75-Auto
give weapon_hkp2000 - drop P2000

give weapon_hegrenade - drops a regular grenade
give weapon_flashbang - flash drive falling out
give weapon_smokegrenade - loss of smoke
give weapon_molotov - Molotov drops
give weapon_decoy - drop of a false grenade

give weapon_c4 - loss of c4
give weapon_taser - drop of Zeus
give item_cutters - drop of a mine clearance tool
give item_kevlar - Kevlar drops
give item_assaultsuit - full armor drops

sv_cheats 1 - the main command, activates the ability to enter "cheats".
sv_cheats 0 - prohibits the entry of "cheats".

mat_wireframe 1 - the ability to see the entire frame of the walls, see through the walls, in addition, places that are shot through are separately marked.
mat_wireframe 0 - disables the ability to look through walls.

noclip - flying through walls. Re-entering the noclip command disables this feature.

r_drawothermodels 2 - ability to see other players through walls, but does not show the overall frame of the walls.
r_drawothermodels 1 - disables this feature.
sv_infinite_ammo 1 - infinite ammo without reloading
sv_infinite_ammo 2 - infinite ammo with reloading
sv_showimpacts 1 - colored bullet marks on the walls
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - shows the trajectory of the grenade

host_timescale 2 - acceleration of time on the server. It can take any values ​​greater than 1, but with VERY LARGE values ​​it can LAG STRONGLY.
host_timescale 1 - default time scale value.

thirdperson - third person view
firstperson - returns to normal first person view
Voice chat commands.

To avoid establishing voice communication through third-party programs, you can activate this function directly in the game itself. The voice_enable command is key here - it enables voice chat, but there are other commands as well. For example, voice_forcemicrecord allows you to record conversations with a microphone, and voice_loopback allows you to turn off your own voice.
skill - with its help you can change the difficulty of the game. mat_autoexposure you can change the brightness of the screen, and with muzzleflash_light you can turn off the light from flashes in the game. You can even affect mouse inversion using the m_pitch command. - func_break_max_pieces, which sets the number of pieces into which an item breaks if it can be broken.cl_autowepswitch you can disable the automatic replacement of weapons with the one you pick up. Commands that affect the crosshair are very often used - cl_crosshaircolor and so on. mat_wireframe 1 [default: 0] standard WallHack (view through walls mode). You can see players through walls, and you can also see which walls can be shot through.

noclip - allows you to fly through walls. It is impossible to die in NoClip mode.

r_drawothermodels 2 [default: 1] extended WallHack. Allows you to see other players through walls. Works similar to mat_wireframe 1.
predictweapons 0 - disable recoil.
Mat_fillrate 1 - ASUS WallHack.
mat_proxy 2 - ASUS WallHack 2.
r_drawbrushmodels 0 - Drawing models.
mat_fullbright 2 - White walls.
mat_normalmaps 1 - Blue walls.
mat_fullbright 1 - Full brightness.
r_drawparticles 0 - Disable smoke.
fog_enable 0 - Disable fog.
r_drawlights 1 - Drawing fire.
r_drawrenderboxes 1 - Drawing boxes.
mat_luxels 1 - Squares on the walls. cl_disable_ragdolls 1 is a cs go console command that will help with FPS during training. Often, when there are 3-4 smokes, it becomes noticeable that the FPS sags. This command will remove physics from the Ragdoll game. True, it only works with sv_cheats 1.
dsp_slow_cpu 1 - similar to the previous command, it will help you increase FPS at the expense of a slight decrease in sound quality. +50 fps guaranteed.
mat_disable_bloom 1 - disable the unnecessary bloom effect. Another +50 fps minimum. mp_warmuptime 99999999999 - thanks to this command, the warm-up will last literally forever. When all the necessary console commands have been entered (well, or not all, but only those that are needed), I would advise you to do the following - host_writeconfig train. This way you will save a config that can be downloaded and used at any time, which will save you a lot of time. Command to load the config.
