How can you veneer a private house? Review of modern materials for finishing the facade of a private house. Facade tinted primer

Exterior wall decoration is an important part of the design of any building. After all, the facade of the house is the business card of the owners. It reflects their preferences and forms the first impression of the home as a whole. External finishing, in addition to being decorative, also serves as insulation and also plays the role of protecting load-bearing walls from the effects of temperature changes and natural precipitation. In this article you will learn how to decorate the facade of a private house.

Nowadays, there is a huge amount of building materials that can be used for exterior decoration of a building. Before you begin work on the design of external walls, you need to carefully study the positive and negative qualities all finishing materials and decide what final result you plan to get.

The exterior decoration of a private house also depends on design solution interiors - it is necessary that there is harmony between them. Only then will the house look not just like a structure made of stone and concrete, but a comfortable and cozy home in which you will want, as they say, to live and live well and make good money.

In addition, the choice of finishing material is influenced by:

  • selected façade design style;
  • climate;
  • budget for construction work.

What materials are there for exterior home decoration?

A modern facade is usually finished with artificial or natural stone, brick, vinyl or metal siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic or wood panels, plaster.

Wood paneling

Wood is considered an excellent thermal insulation and environmentally friendly material. Most often for making wood panels oak, cedar, and pine are used.

Note! Interior design of a private house - 150 photos of the best design ideas

The positive aspects of wood are its strength and resistance to impact. atmospheric precipitation. The disadvantages include the need for special care: the wood must be treated every year with special compounds to protect it from pests.

Cladding with metal panels

Metal panels are one of the most practical cladding materials for exterior walls of buildings. They are usually made of steel or aluminum. Metal panels have a long service life and do not require any special care.

The design of a facade with such cladding looks stylish and beautiful, especially if it includes wooden or stone finishing elements.

Decoration with vinyl panels

Vinyl siding does not require any maintenance. Photographs of the facades of private houses show that it can be used for cladding any buildings, regardless of their type. It is affordable.

Another advantage is its diversity color solutions and stylistics (it can be stylized as stone, wood). Also on vinyl good thermal insulation, but the impact resistance is less than that of wood and metal.

Brick cladding

Brick is a unique finishing material. With its help, you can create different patterns, and it also gives the entire structure a cozy look. In addition, its advantages include:

  • ease;
  • durability;
  • no need for special care;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Just like brick, stone is the most expensive facing material. In addition to significant financial investments, it requires serious efforts. Stone cladding is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. As a result, buildings are usually only partially finished with stone.

But such design of facades gives a private house a particularly chic and representative look. Such a building will have a higher value upon subsequent sale.

Concrete finishing

In Western Europe, the popularity of cladding external walls with concrete is only growing every day. You can expect this to happen soon fashion trend will reach our country.

First, it must be said that external walls are finished with concrete if they need to be strengthened and strengthened. Such facades look very stylish. In addition, concrete has the ability to highlight the beautiful appearance of wood and other finishes.

Facade plaster

Finishing with plaster can be done by anyone. A plastered facade can have a rather beautiful appearance, especially if textured plaster is used. Speaking about the qualities of this coating, it is durable and weather-resistant.

Finishing with other facade panels

In addition to panels made of wood, metal, vinyl, panels from:

  • Fiber cement. They are resistant to frost, lightweight, and durable. Another advantage is the variety of texture solutions. The downside is the high cost. The fastening is carried out on a metal frame.
  • Foam plastic. The peculiarity of such panels is the presence of a reinforced layer of plaster and the absence of the need to install a frame. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching them to the facades of wooden buildings - this can lead to rotting of the wood.
  • Glass. Glass panels are made from special impact-resistant glass. They have good heat and sound insulation properties. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material and significant costs during its installation.

Cladding external walls with sandwich panels

A sandwich panel consists of two sheets of metal with a layer of insulation and a vapor barrier between them. Pros - a light weight, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation, durability, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

If the top layer is damaged, the panel can be easily restored, without the need to replace most of the facade. The disadvantage is that such material is not cheap.

Covering the external walls of the house with siding

This is probably the most common and a budget option facade finishing. Siding can be installed on both insulated walls and walls without insulation. This facing material is used to hide facade defects. It is moisture resistant and comes in a variety of textures and colors. Vinyl, metal, wood, and cement can be used to make it.

The ideal cladding is the one that best protects bearing structures houses from various types of precipitation. This is the most important point that you should pay attention to when choosing facade cladding.

Of all the finishing materials that meet this requirement, choose the one that is easiest to install and further care, which has the best thermal insulation and moisture-repellent properties.

Photos of the facades of private houses

Cladding the facade of a house is one of the final stages of building construction. After reading the article, you will learn about more than 20 finishing materials and will be able to choose the most suitable one for yourself. You will understand why designers suggest using certain options, and you will be able to communicate with them on the same wavelength.

Types of facade finishing

There are 2 types of facade:

    Dry. The facing elements are held in place by fasteners (self-tapping screws, nails, screws). The main convenience of dry installation is the simplicity and speed of work.

    Wet. Finishing is done using building mixtures. This type includes plastering, installation of tiles and bricks.

Facades are also divided into:

    Not ventilated. The finishing material is mounted directly to the wall. In fact, any wet finish is not ventilated.

    Ventilated. They are also called mounted main feature that between the insulation and the wall there remains a space in which air circulates freely.

Finish options

You can find thousands of varieties of facing materials in stores. Therefore, there are quite a lot of options for how to decorate the facade of a house inexpensively and beautifully. At the same time, there is no definite answer to this question - in each individual case you need to choose your own best option, depending on the required price-quality ratio.


Natural stone has an attractive appearance, good protective properties and is used in many different styles. Its main advantages are:

    Environmental friendliness

    Resistance to aggressive external conditions

    Aesthetic appearance


Many natural species can be used to decorate the facade, but the most popular are the following:







The disadvantages of natural stone include its heavy weight and high price. Therefore, decorative copies are often used; they are identical in appearance to real stones, but lack their main disadvantages.

Decorative stone is made from gypsum, alabaster or cement. In production, one of the mixtures is poured into the workpiece and waited for it to harden. Then painting and decorative finishing are done (if necessary).

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of completing unfinished houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Panels (siding)

If you need an inexpensive and efficient material for finishing the facade, then how to cover the facade of the house, if not with siding panels. This building material has a wide variety of colors and textures.

The panels differ in the material they are made of and are divided into:

    Plastic. They are low cost, frost-resistant, and resistant to microorganisms. The main disadvantage is fragility: the stiffener breaks and the shape of the panel is lost.

    Metal. The main material used is aluminum or galvanized steel. The panels are highly impact-resistant and resistant to temperature changes (from -50 to +50 degrees).

    Clinker. Clinker panels are considered one of the most balanced choices for private homes. They have good strength, environmental friendliness, durability, visual appeal and ease of use.

    Thermal panel. The base is polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam, 90% of the cavity is filled with air. The outer part of the thermal panel is lined with clinker tiles. If installed correctly, you can save up to 50% on home heating costs.

    Fiber cement. 10% is cellulose or plastic, the rest is cement. This combination provides rust protection, resistance to UV radiation, excellent thermal insulation, non-flammability and self-cleaning (during rain, dirt is washed off on its own).

    Wood fiber. Fibers are used as a base natural wood, during processing the material is compressed under high pressure. Outwardly it does not differ from real wood, in other characteristics it is not inferior to the original material.

Panels can create different patterns. The most common invoices on the market are:







The panels are quickly mounted on the wall using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. The main advantages of panel cladding are:

    Easy to install

    Lots of imitations



    Aesthetic appeal

Installation takes place in 3 stages: first, the sheathing is installed on the wall, then the insulation, and only after that the installation of the panels begins.

Facing brick

Finishing brick takes pride of place among materials for finishing the facade of a private house. Brick cladding provides a wide choice of shades, textures and shapes. It also allows you to reliably protect the building from negative external influences.

Decorative bricks are divided into 4 types according to the type of material:

    Clinker. Plastic types of clay are used as a base. It has a high price and the best technical characteristics.

    Ceramic. High-quality clay is used to create ceramics. The result of a complex processing process is a brick with excellent aesthetic characteristics.

    Hyper-pressed. Outwardly it resembles natural stone; a mixture of shell rock, cement and minerals is used for production.

    Silicate. The production is based on a mixture of quartz sand and lime. The finished product is environmentally friendly, has a low price and frost resistance.

Regardless of the material chosen, facing bricks have the following advantages:


    correct geometric shape

    frost resistance

    high impact resistance

Among the disadvantages, the heavy weight of the bricks is noted, which significantly complicates the finishing process and requires a lot of mixture for installation. Compared to panels and tiles, it has a higher price.

Video description

More about selection facing bricks in the video:


Facade tiles are a set of rectangular blocks that are attached flush to the wall. For installation, you can use both dry and wet methods. The advantages of tiles include:

    fire resistance


    extensive selection texture, size and color

Tiles can be created from various materials. The most common are:

    Porcelain tiles. The basis of the mixture is sand, mineral additives, feldspar, dyes and different types of clays. Ultimately, porcelain stoneware is highly wear-resistant and has good moisture protection.

    Ceramics. The material has good performance and decorative qualities. Often ceramic tiles used as tiles near the entrance or for finishing the lower part of the facade.

    Concrete. The tile mixture contains quartz sand, cement and filler. It has a low price, but is heavy and does not withstand temperature changes well.

    Clinker. The material is based on purified shale clay rocks. The manufacturing feature makes the surface porous, which protects the tiles from cracks and negative external consequences.

    Agglomerate. The tiles are pressed from crumbs of marble, granite and quartzite. Agglomerate boards have high strength, so they are often used for finishing walls in public places.

Clinker tiles come in a variety of patterns and are great for interior and exterior decoration of buildings.


Decorative plaster is a simple, popular and beautiful way to decorate the facade of a house. The advantages of plaster are the following characteristics:


    Water resistance


    Easy to install

    Low price

Plastering can be used in most stylistic directions. The price of the mixture directly depends on the composition used: there are both inexpensive and elite materials on the market, but since the use of the latter is not always economically justified, they usually look for a middle ground.

Based on the type of composition, there are 4 types of plaster:

    Mineral. The most common and accessible mixture, it has a low price and many positive characteristics. Mineral plaster does not burn, is not exposed to sunlight, and prevents the development of microorganisms. Average service life is 14 years with proper plastering.

    Acrylic. It is highly elastic, so it does not crack in frost and high humidity. But it is a fire hazard and attracts dust (needs to be washed regularly). Average service life is 16-18 years.

    Silicate. The main component is potash glass, so the mixture has a number of excellent characteristics: good elasticity, does not attract dust, easy to clean, moisture resistance, not affected by sunlight, fire resistance. Service life reaches 30 years.

    Silicone. It is the most expensive option and has the best protective properties. Wear-resistant, vapor-permeable, non-flammable, easy to clean, easy to apply to the surface. If applied correctly, it can last up to 50 years.

For plastering private houses, the most optimal choice considered a mineral mixture. It is reasonably priced, easy to apply and will last a long time.

Important! Only technically correct plastering in compliance with all norms and rules guarantees long term plastering service and good protective properties.

Video description

How to choose decorative plaster and paint for the facade in the video:

Non-standard approach - facade wallpaper

There is a classic facade finishing: stone, brick and plaster. New standards for private homes, such as siding and tiles, are gradually emerging. But on the market you can find non-standard ideas like façade wallpaper.

The idea is that bare walls are leveled and then covered with wallpaper. The total cost of finishing is reduced to a minimum, but the effectiveness of such technology is still in question.

A coating with a density of up to 170 g/m2 is used as the main fabric. meter. This material protects walls from moisture and temperature changes, but is still noticeably inferior to its competitors in terms of quality of protection and durability.

On a note! Facade wallpaper is a new product on the construction market and the technology cannot yet be called fully developed. Therefore, the material is not recommended for use due to its low performance and short-lived service life. It is more rational to spend the same money on cheap panels - more benefits.

Why siding is quickly gaining popularity

Recently, facing a house with siding has become increasingly popular. The panels can imitate any material and can be easily mounted on the wall. All elements are connected using grooves and then secured with self-tapping screws. The structure is quickly installed and holds securely for a long time.

We recommend choosing siding if you want to save on construction work. In the case of stones, plaster, brick and other materials, you have to buy additional mixtures and carry out a long installation. Each finishing labor day is paid by homeowners and can significantly increase the total cost.

In the case of siding, it is enough to level the wall and assemble the panels into a single structure. This requires noticeably less effort and time from builders.

Which material and cladding option to choose

There are many options for finishing the facade of a house. Consider an economical, durable and beautiful ways cladding.


Vinyl panels - low price and simple installation. Siding is quite cheap compared to cladding with natural materials.

If possible, choose siding made from a more expensive material such as fiber cement, metal or wood fiber. As a result, you end up with a double win: you save on installation work, but you spend the money you receive on more expensive material.


In terms of durability, the absolute leaders are:


    A natural stone,

    Clinker boards

These 3 types of cladding allow you to protect the walls of the building for long years, but require a more complex and lengthy installation process. Brick and stone have a noticeable weight, so you need to use a lot of mixture to hold them.

Finishing with natural stone protects the walls from many negative factors and looks aesthetically pleasing with other materials


External attractiveness is the subjective opinion of each person. In stores you can find hundreds of varieties of materials, textures and colors of cladding. It is enough to spend some time and find the most attractive option for yourself.

On a note! Designers prefer to combine various materials and finishing options. Plaster and stone, panels with tiles and the like go well together.

Photos of modern design ideas

Video description

Read more about various options for the facade in the video:


There are many options for finishing facades; every homeowner will be able to find something to suit their taste and color. If you are in doubt about your choice, trust construction companies, specialists will quickly select the best option and help you quickly complete the finishing.

On construction forums where facade cladding is discussed, every third post is about how something went wrong. The plaster was cracked, the bark beetle became clogged with dirt and lost its appearance, facing bricks and tiles began to fall off. This happens when the material for finishing the facade is chosen on emotions or based only on the budget.

When choosing finishing materials, you need to focus not only on price and appearance. How the finishing of the façade of a house behaves during operation is influenced by the material of the walls, the thickness of the foundation, and even what climate zone you live in.

In this article we will look at materials for finishing facades, their advantages and disadvantages, and we will understand in which cases this or that finishing material is suitable.

Popular finishing materials:

  • Decorative plaster
  • Bark beetle
  • Porcelain tiles
  • Natural wood
  • Artificial and natural stone
  • Brick
  • Tile
  • Siding
  • Facade panels

Cladding a house with decorative plaster

Where is it used?
Decorative plaster is suitable for houses with complex architecture. It can be applied to walls made of brick, shell, concrete, foam and aerated concrete. But there is a nuance: if the masonry is uneven and the vertical discrepancies reach 2-3 cm, then leveling the wall with layers of plaster is expensive.

The material may crack at low temperatures. Therefore, such plaster is rarely used in the northern regions.

Stores offer several types of plasters, depending on the problems that need to be solved.

Elastic plaster. If you follow the application technology, it will not crack even with slight shrinkage of the house. Resistant to high humidity and frost, vapor permeable. Plaster quickly absorbs dirt, but is easy to clean.

Using acrylic plaster you can create different textures (photo No. 1)

It has good wear resistance. With its help you can create different wall textures: grooves, “pebbles”, patterns. Silicone plaster needs to be updated no more than once every 10-15 years.

“Pebble” effect created with silicone plaster (photo No. 2)

Consists of cement and colored stone chips. The color range is small - 4-7 colors. The downside is low elasticity. At the slightest shrinkage of the house, the plaster on the outside cracks. This is especially impractical because all new homes are susceptible to shrinkage.

Mineral plaster with marble chips in its composition hides unevenness on the walls well (photo No. 3)

It is based on potassium liquid glass, which provides high moisture and fire protection. High vapor permeability and low contamination are the advantages of this material.

Silicate plaster can be applied in a thin layer (photo No. 4)

Pros and cons of finishing with plaster


  • Suitable for cladding very complex architectural structures.
  • Can be combined with other types of materials.
  • Lower price compared to other types of facing materials.


  • Needs updating and repair every 2-4 years depending on the type of plaster.
  • Not suitable for curved walls. It is necessary to first remove the wall so that there is no vertical discrepancy. These are additional costs.
  • High requirements for compliance with application technology. Before applying plaster, the walls of the house must be prepared: cleaned, leveled, reinforced with mesh, puttied and primed.

To reinforce the facade, the builders used poor quality glue and mesh, which is why the plaster began to crack a month after application (photo No. 5)

Exterior decoration of the house with bark beetle

Where is it used?
The bark beetle is used for plastering the facades of houses and offices. Suitable for walls made of stone, brick, sandwich panels, concrete, foam and aerated concrete. It can be applied to any insulation: mineral wool, foam concrete, expanded polystyrene.

There are two types of bark beetle:

  • Acrylic. Sold ready-made. Does not need painting.
  • Cement-gypsum or mineral. Sold as a dry mixture. The mineral bark beetle must be painted with silicone-based paint. Otherwise, in 2-4 years not only the decorative layer will collapse, but also the base reinforcing layer.

Depending on the application technique, the bark beetle looks different (photo No. 6)


  • Weather resistance. The plaster can withstand temperatures from - 55°C to + 60°C.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress. The bark beetle can withstand impacts from hail, water flow, and light tapping.
  • Texture, which can be used to hide uneven walls. Also, due to the pattern on the bark beetle, cracks are less visible.
  • Easy to apply. If desired, you can plaster the walls yourself.
  • Large selection of colors.


  • It quickly becomes clogged with dust. It needs to be washed at least once a year.
  • If a chip has formed, it is difficult to restore the bark beetle without it being noticeable.
  • If you do not prepare the walls for application or violate the technology, there is a risk of swelling and peeling of the plaster.

Cladding a house with porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tiles according to their own technical properties not inferior to natural stone. In addition to the decorative function, porcelain stoneware also has a protective function: it provides sound and heat insulation.

Where is it used?
Porcelain stoneware is used for cladding the facades of office and residential buildings. In Russia they are used mainly for cladding basements or office buildings. The material makes the structure heavier. Therefore, if you plan to use it for cladding a private house, study the house design and make sure that the foundation has a safety margin.

In Russia, façade finishing with porcelain stoneware is rarely used in private housing construction (photo No. 7)


  • Increased strength and weather resistance.
  • Does not allow moisture to pass through, does not fade and does not lose its appearance. The material reliably protects the facade from destruction.
  • Does not require repair. During operation there is no need to update the facade.
  • Resistant to mold and condensation.
  • Representative appearance.


  • Heavy weight. Porcelain tiles significantly make the building heavier. It is advisable to take this into account at the design stage.
  • High price. The cost of porcelain stoneware and facade cladding work is 2-8 times higher than that of other facing materials.
  • Increased requirements for installation quality. It is difficult to find a team that has enough experience working with this material.

Decorating the facade of a house with wood

Where is it used?
Wood is used for cladding private and country houses. Suitable for finishing walls made of brick, foam and aerated concrete, as well as for frame cottages. The material is lightweight and in most cases does not require a reinforced foundation. Can be used for finishing old houses with weak foundations.

Manufacturers offer several types of wooden materials for facade cladding:

  • Siding. Used in the reconstruction of old and finishing of new houses.
  • Lining. Made from solid wood. Mounted using the tongue-and-groove system.
  • Block house. A type of board that imitates a log house wall. The material is quite durable. It is wider and thicker than lining.
  • Planken. Facade board with chamfer. It differs from a regular board in the shape of the edges; outwardly, the planken looks like a beam.

Wooden materials differ in thickness, method of fastening and appearance (photo No. 8)


  • Ecologically pure material.
  • Additional heat and noise protection.
  • Resistance to high and low temperatures.
  • Quick installation. Depending on the type of material external finishing at home takes from 3 to 10 days.
  • Large selection of colors and textures.


  • Flammability.
  • Knots, cracks, resin.
  • Hygroscopicity.
  • Susceptibility to fungal infection.
  • Difficult care.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Where is it used?
Decorative cladding of the base with stone is most often used in country houses and office buildings. Less commonly, this material is used to finish the entire facade. It is suitable for use in any climate zone. The stone is resistant to temperature changes and moisture.

Artificial and natural stones are used to decorate the facade:

  • Fake diamond. Manufacturers produce several types of artificial stone: clinker, concrete, sand-polymer, ceramic. The materials differ in appearance and properties.
  • A natural stone. The most commonly used stones are granite, marble, travertine, slate, tuff, sandstone, and dolomite.

Artificial stone made from a sand-polymer mixture. In appearance it is very similar to the real one (photo No. 9)


  • Natural and artificial stone is strong, moisture-resistant and durable. If installed correctly, the facade does not require additional maintenance for ten years.
  • A façade finished with natural stone looks solid and expensive.


  • Natural stone is difficult to cut. The hardest thing to work with is granite and marble.
  • If low-quality dyes are used in the production of artificial stone, the stone will fade. It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to determine how high-quality the product is.
  • The cost of natural stone is 2-15 times higher than other finishing materials.

Cladding a house with bricks

Decorative brick for facade cladding is a lightweight brick that is cut into two halves.

Where is it used?
The material can be used for cladding any house or cottage, including frame ones. Suitable for any climate zone. If you use a whole brick for finishing, make sure that the foundation can withstand the additional load. This especially applies to lightweight strip and pile foundations.

Types of bricks:

  • Ceramic brick. The material is resistant to high and low temperatures and provides additional thermal insulation. But there is also a minus - brick absorbs moisture. To prevent the brick from collapsing, it must be treated with a water-repellent solution.
  • Clinker brick. The material is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Sand-lime brick. The material is dense and resistant to mechanical stress. It has good sound insulation. Easy to care for.
  • Brick with an aged surface effect. After molding, craftsmen process the brick special composition, and then they burn it. The brick turns out uneven and with different patterns.

Photos of different types of facing bricks (photo No. 10)

Facade tiling

Where is it used?
Facade tiles are suitable for cladding country house, cottage, office building. It does not weigh down the structure of the house, so it can be used on any type of structure. Suitable for both conventional and ventilated facades.

Types of tiles:

  • Porcelain tiles. Frost-resistant, environmentally friendly material. Does not absorb moisture, can also be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • Ceramics. Facade ceramics are not very common, since only a few manufacturers produce options for facade cladding.
  • Clinker. The tiles are even superior to porcelain stoneware in terms of frost resistance.
  • Agglomerate. Made from granite or marble chips. Durable, abrasion resistant.
  • Concrete tiles. Frost-resistant, durable, but inferior to other types of tiles in appearance.

Quartz agglomerate is similar in appearance to natural stone (photo No. 11)

Facing a house with siding

One of the most popular materials for facade cladding. Shockproof, fade resistant, durable. Siding service life is from 25 years. With careful handling - up to 50 years.

The Alta Profile company annually conducts laboratory tests of its products at the Composite Test Certification Center and at the Polysert Coordination Center.

Where is it used?
Suitable for all types of houses. Lightweight design does not weigh down the building. One square meter siding weighs 2 kg. Therefore, covering a house with siding is used in the restoration of old houses and for frame cottages. Depending on the type of material, it is suitable for use in southern and northern regions.

Types of siding:

Siding is characterized by increased frost resistance. Even at a temperature of -60°C, the panels are shock-resistant. This type of siding is in demand in the northern regions of the country: Murmansk, cities of Yakutia. Siding is moisture resistant. This is one of the few materials that can be used in regions with high humidity. The siding is available in 40 colors, including rare ones.

Vinyl siding "Blockhouse" of golden color produced by Alta Profile (photo No. 12)

Acrylic siding is 8 times more UV resistant than vinyl siding. It is suitable for cladding buildings in Crimea and southern Russia, where there are a large number of sunny days a year. Siding does not deform even at a temperature of +80°C. Easy to care for.

Acrylic siding in red-brown color. Imitation of a ship's plank (photo No. 13)

Block house
Plastic panels imitating a natural log house. Block house in its own way performance characteristics superior to natural wood. Resistant to high humidity, resists infection by fungus and mold. Does not burn and does not require special care. It is enough to wash it once or twice a year with plain water. Alta Profile produces block houses in two types: acrylic and vinyl.

Acrylic block house in light oak color produced by Alta Profile (photo No. 14)

A private house covered with a block house looks like a log house


  • Low flammability. Unlike cladding the facade with wood, cladding a house with siding is safer.
  • Increased resistance to UV radiation and moisture. Can be used in regions with difficult weather conditions.
  • More than 40 colors and textures. You can implement any idea for home decoration.
  • Chemical resistance. Siding can be washed with any detergent.
  • Elasticity and impact resistance. The material does not deform upon impact.
  • Price. The cost of siding is 3-5 times less than the cost of wood.
  • Easy to care for. Unlike wooden panels, a plastic block house does not require special care. It is enough to wash it once or twice a year with plain water.


  • Requires professional installation.

Mistakes when installing siding: video

Decorating a home using facade panels

Where is it used?
Cladding panels are a particularly durable material. Suitable for all types of buildings. They can be used in any climate zone and are attached to any insulation. The panels retain impact resistance at temperatures from +50 to - 60°C. The material is light and does not weigh down the building. They can be used either to cover the base or to cover the entire façade. Panels can be combined with siding.

Types of facade panels:

  • Under the brick. "Alta-profile" produces several types of "brick" panels: antique brick, bassoon, clinker brick, brick. The panels are available in six colors.
  • Under the tiles. The range includes 60 types of textures and colors: granite, stone, rocky stone, rubble stone and many others.

Cladding the base and the entire facade with “Stone” facade panels (photo No. 15)

Types of facade panels "Alta-Profile": video


  • Complies with GOST and international standards.
  • Resistant to showers, hail, thunderstorms, snow.
  • Suitable for cladding facades and plinths.
  • When heated, they do not release toxic substances. The panels are suitable for private housing construction.
  • Suitable for any climate zone.
  • Can be mounted even on an uneven wall.
  • Price from 1000 rubles per m2.
  • Designed for 30 years of operation.

How to decorate a façade: summary

When choosing what to clad a house with, you need to take into account the strength of the foundation, wall material, and climate zone.

Decorative plaster performs well in the southern and central regions, but is not suitable for the northern ones.

Cladding with porcelain stoneware and stone is only possible for buildings where there is a safety margin for the foundation, as they make the structure heavier. These options are not suitable for an old house, frame cottage or wooden frame.

Siding and facade panels are a universal material:

  • Can be selected for any climate zone.
  • Suitable for all types of houses, including piles. Does not weigh down the structure.
  • Can be mounted on walls made of any material: wood, foam and aerated concrete, brick, concrete, SIP panels.

When developing a project for a private building, you must immediately decide what to cover the outside of the house with. After all, it is the correct finishing of the facade that will make the house not only presentable, but also warm, so you need to carefully select materials for its insulation and decorative design. Without good finishing, the house will look ugly and sloppy, and will not be protected from destructive external influences, such as moisture, active solar radiation, wind, thermal changes, etc..

The modern construction market offers a very large assortment of insulating and decorative materials, from which you can choose the ones that suit every taste and financial capabilities.

Requirements for façade cladding materials

To prevent dampness from appearing in the house, to be comfortable and warm, and to make the house look aesthetically pleasing from the outside, cladding materials must meet certain requirements.

Based on them, it is worth choosing the right option. So, the cladding must have the following qualities:

  • have low thermal conductivity to retain heat inside the house;
  • have vapor permeability - condensation should not form inside the insulation layers;
  • be moisture resistant - do not absorb or retain moisture inside the material;
  • have absolute or increased heat resistance - the sheathing must withstand high temperatures and not deform or ignite under their influence;
  • have inertia towards chemical influences– do not change its characteristics when such substances come into contact with it;
  • be protected from the influence of microorganisms, not serve as a breeding ground for insects and rodents;
  • do not decompose and do not lose physical qualities under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

For cladding to be effective in all matters, it is necessary not only to securely attach it to the walls decorative material, and, following technology, cover them with a whole system of layers, each of which will play its role.

There are two main systems for insulating a house, and the choice will depend on what material is planned to be used for decorative finishing and on the insulation used. In one of their systems, the insulation is attached directly to the wall using glue, in the other - along the created sheathing.

Plastering a house with plaster

When using insulation boards that have sufficient high density, for example, foam plastic, fiber cement or tightly compressed glass wool in mats, which will later be covered with plaster on top; lathing the walls is not necessary.

Most often, this principle is applicable on smooth brick or reinforced concrete walls. In this case, the plating is done as follows:

  • on the wall of the house, at the height at which insulation will be installed and secured metallic profile- a holder selected according to the thickness of the selected insulation boards. The profile is leveled to a perfectly flat horizontal level;
  • the walls are cleaned of dust and, before applying glue, moistened with water for better adhesion;
  • further on insulation boards pre-diluted special glue is applied;

  • the first row of slabs is installed on a metal profile and pressed firmly against the wall;
  • the next row is installed on the first according to the system brickwork- in a dressing;
  • having secured two or three rows of slabs with glue, each of them is additionally secured with dowel fungi;
  • further work continues according to the same system to the very top. Then the insulation is installed on other walls in the same way;
  • When the layer of glue under the insulation has dried, it is necessary to glue all corners of the building, window and door slopes with corners with reinforcing mesh. They are fixed with the same glue, its excess is removed with a spatula;

  • after the corners have dried, the reinforcing serpyanka mesh must be secured to the entire insulated surface;
  • The surface on which the serpyanka sheet will be glued is coated with a thin layer of glue. A reinforcing mesh is fixed on top of it, smoothed with a spatula, and excess glue is also removed;
  • when the surface dries well, it needs to be covered with polymer plaster, a layer of 2-3 mm;
  • the final stage will be the overlay decorative plaster, chosen in the appropriate design style of the building.

Plaster prices


Sheathing a house using sheathing

An insulating facade system using lathing can be installed in one or two layers. The position of the frame bars will depend on how you plan to install the decorative cladding.

  • To install the sheathing correctly, it is better to first mark the wall. In this case, you need to take into account the width of the insulating mats.
  • Then bars or metal profiles are mounted on the surface of the walls.
  • If you are sheathing a wooden wall, then before laying insulation, you should attach a vapor barrier film to the entire surface of the walls.
  • Next, insulation mats are laid between the sheathing bars. If necessary, they are secured to the wall with mushroom anchors.

  • Having installed the insulating layer, they stretch it on top superdiffusion membrane, securing it to the sheathing bars with construction staples stapler.
  • Next, you can install decorative cladding material.

Another option for installing the sheathing is done slightly differently.

  • Markings are also made on the wall and hangers are fixed along it at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other. Their edge holders should protrude from the wall to the thickness of the insulation and wooden blocks that will be attached to them.

  • These elements will be fastening not only for the bars, but also for the installed insulation.
  • Insulation mats are marked and cut in places where they will be placed on metal elements.
  • Then the insulation is mounted on the wall, and a diffuse membrane is stretched and secured on top of it.
  • Next, bars are installed in the hangers wooden sheathing, press the insulation tightly against the wall and secure them in metal holders self-tapping screws.
  • Decorative sheathing material is also installed on top of this system using installed beams lathing as guides.

Types of decorative cladding

Modern materials make it possible to create an imitation of brickwork on a wooden wall, or vice versa - to transform a brick house into wooden frame. For this purpose, claddings such as siding made from different materials, wooden lining, block house, thermal panels, ceramic or stone tiles and others. It is necessary to find out in advance how each of the skins is attached and what it looks like in the end - this will largely determine which insulation system to choose for it.

Clinker thermal panels

Clinker thermal panels are one of the modern materials for insulation and decoration of facades.

They have appeared on the construction market relatively recently, and have already gained wide popularity. This is not at all surprising, since they have many positive qualities.

  • One of the main advantages is that this material performs two functions at once: insulation and decorative cladding.
  • The panels perfectly imitate brickwork and are produced in a variety of colors, so they can be matched to any style and taste.
  • They give the surface absolute neatness and aesthetics.
  • This type of cladding is convenient and relatively easy to install on the wall.
  • Thermal panels can be used to cover any surface - wood or brick.
  • The light weight of the panels makes it possible to do without additional strengthening of the foundation of the old building.
  • Since the materials have a low percentage of water absorption, the façade can be washed from sludge with water under high pressure.
  • The tightness of the panels on the wall does not allow cold air to penetrate to the wall of the house.

Thermal panels have a polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam base onto which clinker tiles are pressed. The warm substrate increases the thermal insulation qualities of the panels by two to four times, and creates an optimal vapor permeable microclimate for the walls, which allows you to preserve the material from which the house is built for a longer period.

The structure of the panels is a layer of insulation and decorative tiles"under the brick"
  • Clinker tiles protect the insulation base from external factors such as wind, precipitation, and direct solar ultraviolet rays.
  • Clinker panels are very securely attached to the wall and can last without repair work 45-60 years without losing its original appearance.
  • The panels are assembled into a single plane using existing locking joints (tongues and grooves), which ensures tight adhesion.

  • Straight, wall thermal panels and corner elements for them are produced, which facilitate the task of decorating the corners of the building, making them absolutely neat, not different from the general appearance of the walls.

  • Thermal panels are reinforced with plastic guides that prevent deformation and mechanical stress of the facing material.

Installation of thermal panels

  • Before you begin installing the panels on the wall, it is necessary to inspect it for various bulges, significant depressions and chips, which can greatly impede quick installation. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the surface of the walls to a perfectly smooth state.

  • When installing panels on surfaces that have large irregularities, for example, the walls of a log house, they are covered with a lathing made of wooden beams.

  • In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the location of the sheathing elements so that the fastening of the panels is successful. Each of the panels to be fixed must have at least three sheathing bars to create the necessary rigidity of the sheathing.

The diagram clearly shows the places of fastening to the wall or sheathing and the dimensions of the panel itself and the protruding locking ridges.

  • After the wall surface is completely covered, the seams between the individual tiles are filled with a special grout. This completely isolates the insulation from external influences and gives the wall design the look of natural brickwork.

Video: facing a house with clinker thermal panels

Prices for thermal panels

Thermal panels

Covering a house with siding

Another fairly popular way to transform a facade is. It is produced in various types, imitating wooden and stone wall coverings.

It is made from different materials using two technological processes- monoextrusion or coextrusion. The first of them is the molding of siding panels from a homogeneous mass, and second - manufacturing two-layer elements. The top layer of material is protective from external influences, and the bottom is the basis of the panel.

For real quality siding has a whole range of advantages:

  • it is resistant to mechanical stress, such as shocks and scratches, while at the same time having good elasticity;
  • The material is fire-safe and resistant to thermal extremes. The high performance qualities of the material allow it to be used in various climatic conditions;
  • siding is not susceptible to the formation of colonies of microorganisms or damage by insects;
  • high-quality material is not seriously affected by ultraviolet rays, so it does not lose its original appearance for many years. The service life of siding is about ten years;
  • the panels provide reliable protection for the building walls from wind and precipitation;
  • the material does not require special care and can be easily tidied up with a stream of water under high pressure. The surface itself does not absorb dirt;
  • SP siding is special to give any facade an aesthetic appearance. Numerous shades and the possibility of combining them open up great possibilities for design solutions;
  • the material is non-toxic and therefore harmless to human health;
  • In addition, compared to other materials, siding is quite easy to install and affordable.

Types of facade siding

Saydi ng For cladding facades, they are made from vinyl, aluminum, thin steel, cement-cellulose mass and based on wood raw materials.

  • Aluminum and steel siding is mainly used in industrial facilities, but is also used for finishing private homes. The material is produced in a variety of colors, so it will perfectly decorate any facade of the house.

  • The facing material from wood fibers and their connecting components is made by pressing raw materials under high pressure and then coated with protective paints. This siding is also well suited for cladding the facades of private houses.

Fiber cement siding - great for covering plinths
  • A cement-cellulose version of the cladding material is most often used for cladding the basement sections of a building.

The most common - vinyl siding
  • The most popular and affordable is vinyl siding. It is widely used for finishing private buildings, and it justifies itself with a long-term operational period and other positive qualities. Since this material is purchased and used more often than others, it is worth considering in more detail.

Vinyl siding

This type of siding is produced in the form of stacked panels-strips that have a perforated edge through which they are attached using nails or self-tapping screws. In addition, the strips have a latch lock for connecting adjacent panels to each other.

The material is available in the form of one, two or three “boards”, which simplifies and speeds up the installation of siding on the wall.

The pattern of the siding can also be different. Often this is the usual “lining”, but other types are rapidly gaining popularity, for example, “ship plank” or “herringbone”. The surface of the material can imitate the texture and color scheme different materials. The panels can be attached in a horizontal or vertical position, but for everything to go well, you need to foresee the location of the sheathing bars in advance.

At the production stage, vinyl siding is often coated with paint containing titanium dioxide, which keeps the surface in its original condition for many years and gives any color a pastel softness. At the same time, you need to know that bright shades material indicates the absence of this component, so such coatings lose their original color much faster.

Prices for the siding range

Installation of siding panels

Installation work for installing siding horizontally begins from the bottom of the house. Adjacent panels are overlapped and secured with a lock. The panel is secured to the sheathing with nails along the top, through special holes.

When installing, you should strive to minimize the number of vertical joints. If the dimensions of the wall do not allow this (longer standard sizes panels), use a special joining profile, installing it strictly vertically from the bottom to the top of the wall.

During the installation of siding on the walls, additional decorative elements are installed, which will give the facade completeness - external and internal corners, soffits, ebbs, window and door slopes and so on .

Video: installation of facade siding

Block house

The block house is made of natural wood and is a board with a semicircular surface. A house sheathed with this material imitates a log house.

On the flat side of the block house board there are two longitudinal grooves, which are designed to relieve stress from the load and improve ventilation. In addition, for convenient installation, there is a groove on the lower edge of the panel, and a tenon on the upper edge.

Block house panels are available in several standard sizes - from 3 to 6 m in length, from 20 to 45 mm thick and from 99 to 220 mm wide.

For the manufacture of this cladding material, mainly coniferous species are used, such as pine, spruce, larch. With proper processing and quality raw materials, this wood will serve for many years as facade cladding. Wood is naturally endowed with excellent qualities, which man has skillfully used to build and decorate homes.

What are the main advantages of this facade material:

- environmental cleanliness inherent natural wood;

- lightness and strength;

— resistance to high and low temperatures;

— ease of installation;

- the ability to “breathe” - this creates a special comfortable microclimate in the house;

- affordable price compared to solid logs.

The material is easily attached to the sheathing of the insulation system and is perfect for finishing not only facades, but also interior walls.

Block house prices

Block house

Installation of a block house

  • The first thing that needs to be done is to adapt the wood to the conditions in which it will be attached to the facade. To do this, the panels of the block house are laid out on a prepared base, for example, spread polyethylene, and left for a day.
  • Each panel should then be completely covered with the first layer of antiseptic.
  • After it dries, as a rule, all the flaws of the material appear, such as roughness and unevenness. They must be removed using sandpaper.
  • A second layer of antiseptic must be applied to the leveled surface. There are similar products on sale that already contain dyes - they will help protect the wood from exposure to ultraviolet rays. If such processing of the material is used, then it no longer requires further painting or varnishing.
  • The block house is attached to the sheathing, starting from the bottom of the house wall. The first panel is laid with the tongue facing upward - this is done so that during precipitation, water does not get into the groove of the panel.

  • In places where you have to screw the board right through, the self-tapping screw should be recessed and disguised. As a composition for covering such holes, you can use wood glue mixed with fine sawdust. You can close the hole with a dowel, the cut of which is leveled and tinted to match the color of the panel.
  • Installation continues using the tongue-and-groove system along the entire plane of the wall. The material is secured with self-tapping screws to the sheathing.

  • At the corners, the panels are joined through installed corner boards or through a cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If it is necessary to lengthen the panel, two of its segments are connected with a block of the same width as the boards themselves. It is secured with reverse side, and then seal the joint with the mentioned mixture of glue and sawdust.

Video: cladding the facade with a block house

It should be noted that, in addition, metal and vinyl block houses are produced, which imitate the shape, texture and color of natural wood. Its cost is usually lower than that of panels made from natural quality wood. Artificial material It will last a long time and will also decorate the facade well, but it still cannot replace the warmth and beauty of the texture of natural wood.

There are other materials for cladding the walls of a private house - it is simply impossible to talk about them all in one article. Follow the publications of our portal - each type of facade finishing will definitely be given special attention.

TOP - 7 materials for house cladding
