Euonymus fortunea, planting and care. An unpretentious evergreen shrub for your garden - "Euphemum Fortune": planting and care at home Euonymus fortune Mikaela planting and care

An infrequent visitor to our gardens is the euonymus fortunea. This plant is undeservedly ignored by gardeners. The reason is the rare flowering of shrubs in the climate zone of our country. But professional landscape designers value the creeping evergreen bush for its amazingly beautiful leaf colors, original and unique. A kind of “highlight” personal plot decorates it all year round.

Fortune is a variegated variety of euonymus. The homeland of this representative of the flora is China. low growing plant reaches up to 2 meters in length and 50 cm in height. The shrub can take root in the soil when weaving, or cling to supports and curl upward. Hard, leathery, oval-shaped leaves, two colors, changing throughout the year. When giving preference to this plant in your garden, do not forget that it is poisonous. Especially the fruits.

Application in landscape design

The main direction in transforming the territory of Fortune is as a ground cover plant. It is planted in large quantities, in dense groups on large tracts. Due to its good tolerance to urban air pollution, euonymus is used for landscaping parks, alleys and city squares. Beautiful decorative leaves, which grow quickly, will always help hide defects or communications.

If it is not possible to plant a real lawn, then fortune's euonymus will perfectly play its role. Also used by designers as hedges and borders. Thanks to the versatility of the plant, using it to improve the territory, you can solve several problems at the same time. By choosing the right lighting for your site, you can realize the most fantastic ideas.

A pleasant feature of the shrub is the formation of a dense covering and blocking the growth of weeds. Thanks to this property, the bush is planted in those areas that have important functional purpose. The plant will highlight this area and allow it to always have a well-groomed appearance. All that is required from the gardener is proper cultivation and minimum costs for plant care are provided.

Need to create a colorful border in front of a building or a luxurious rock garden? Euonymus Fortune is ideal for these purposes. The evergreen shrub gives a well-groomed and cultivated appearance to any composition. Especially after the snow melts. With euonymus, the garden seems to come to life. Multi-colored foliage has always been rightfully valued by designers and gardeners. By creating a composition of plants that bloom at different times of the year, Fortune becomes an excellent backdrop for each of them. Combining seemingly incompatible plants into a single ensemble.

In an ensemble in which relief and color need to be emphasized, the choice of gardeners is definitely luck. The shrub also takes part in shaping the style of the garden. It will become a harmonious object of Provence, rustic, English and other styles. The plant has an amazing ability to emphasize the aristocracy or simplicity of the composition, depending on its purpose.


Imitating natural environment plants without human intervention, uses euonymus as a solo-composite plant. He is planted near wooden benches, artificial reservoirs and fountains, gazebos, and along paths. By following a certain plan when planting Fortune and taking into account its properties, you can get a shrub along the path or one of the plants forming a bosquet.

French style

Requiring perfect haircut and symmetry, it provides places for Fortune near axial compositions (fountains, large trees, sculptures, etc.). Symmetrically located euonymus bushes acquire a solemn and aristocratic appearance. Flowerbeds are created taking into account their flowering period, for an unusual pattern. Despite the fact that the euonymus acts as a background to them, its color is taken into account first of all. Acting as a contrast to this or that flower, it plays the role of an accent in the flower garden.

Chaotic at first glance Scandinavian style is just the first impression

In fact, each plant and decorative item has a clearly thought out place. For Fortune, among other things. It grows around garden furniture, gazebos and stone steps. If large hewn logs are used instead of benches, then euonymus envelops them, making up a single composition.

Russian manor style, more practical

Euonymus is assigned certain aesthetic zones. Such as paths and bright, lush flower beds at the entrance to the garden or vegetable garden. Fortune plays a supporting role during the warm seasons, and plays a major role in winter. To give the area a “careless” look, the plant is rarely trimmed. It is allowed to entwine bushes with low fences dividing the garden into working areas.

Japanese style

Euonymus is planted, at first glance, not thought out and in different ways. Following all the rules and requirements of style. But in reality, he is assigned several zones and one or two smooth transitions into them. Emphasizing the superiority of nature over people, fortune grows near the entrance to a garden or house, near a gazebo and ponds.

Combination with other plants

Flowering phlox, deciduous perennials and paniculata will make up good company euonymus or rockery. Low-growing Cossack or horizontal juniper will highlight the bright decorative foliage of Fortune in the rock garden.

Dwarf shrubs such as periwinkle and others are combined with euonymus in the center of the site. It hides the trunk of shrubs and creates the effect of a lush composition.

Combining shrubs with representatives of pine needles will be beautiful at any time of the year. Thuja, juniper, boxwoods are just part of the list of compatible plants. Emerald foliage with a golden border will highlight the shade of pine needles and will become an unrivaled decorative element in the garden.

Lemon light and mandarin light bloom at the same time as euonymus, and the combination of their inflorescences (lemon-yellow, orange-red and yellow with green) complement each other and create a warm spring mood.

Tree-like, euonymus is a win-win option for a flower bed along the path. Not only flowers, but also beautiful decorative leaves delight the eye and continue to create an elegant landscape even after flowering. Planted in color tiers.

Types and varieties

The euonymus fortunena plant and its species are used as ground cover and as. There are more than 200 species and varieties of shrubs. The most famous and popular:

  • . Frost-resistant ground cover bush reaches 25 cm in height. The leaves are dark green with a white border.

  • harlequin. A dwarf ground-blooded shrub that is shade-loving and susceptible to frost. White interspersed with yellow and pink flowers.

Planting time: spring or autumn. Loamy soil can create the most favorable conditions for growth and development. Optimal lighting is sun, slight shade. Does not like stagnant water in the soil. A drainage layer (gravel, expanded clay, sand, peat) is laid out in the hole before planting. The depth of the hole is 30 cm, the root ball should remain above the ground, at least 5 cm. After planting, water generously. Mulch the area around the trunk using a layer of earth or. Fertilize in spring or autumn, once a year.

The plant needs watering in dry summers and in early spring. Young seedlings systematically, adult plants as needed - once every 5 days. A young plant must be protected from weeds; in the first 2 years it cannot cope on its own. 2-3 days after watering, the soil is loosened. For the winter, sensitive young shrubs (dry foliage) are covered. By planting a shrub in an area without drafts, in winter it will be provided with natural shelter from frost - snow.

The bush is not painful. The most dangerous pests for it are aphids, spider mites, euonymus scale insects, and fungal diseases.

They lead the plant to deformation and possible death. To combat and prevent them, the plant is sprayed with a solution chemicals. The drug Actellik is used once every 7 days for three weeks to control pests. Concentration is 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. For prevention, once a year - in the spring, 1 ml of the drug per 2 liters of water.

Video - planting and caring for Euonymus Fortune

IN European countries this shrub is quite common; it can often be seen on city streets, in squares and private gardens. Wonderful evergreen carpets, charming curtains and border strips - Fortune's euonymus, an evergreen creeping shrub, can create all this. And although our landscape designers are increasingly using this plant to create wonderful compositions, summer residents, due to little awareness of its qualities, do not indulge it with attention, leaving the choice to more common shrubs.

Fortune's euonymus (Euonymus fortunei) belongs to the euonymus family, its name indicates a connection with Greek roots, since in translation from this language euonymus means “glorious”, or a plant “with good name" And the species name is associated with the name of the scientist who first described this plant.

In nature, euonymus grows in valleys and floodplains of rivers, as well as in the undergrowth of mixed forests. These are deciduous shrub and tree euonymuses, such as, for example, the warty euonymus, impressive with the unusual shape and color of its fruits in the fall. However, among the many types of euonymus there are also evergreen shrubs, for example Fortune's euonymus, a plant native to China.

This species is an evergreen creeping shrub with a height of only about 60 cm, but at the same time capable of growing up to 3 m in length. Its stems, in contact with the ground, form adventitious roots at the nodes, with the help of which it can easily take root and also rise up , . The flowers are small, greenish-white, the fruits are light yellow, inedible, like all other types of euonymus. But the leaves are very attractive - small, from 2 to 6 cm long, elliptical in shape, leathery and shiny in texture.

This species is an evergreen creeping shrub with a height of only about 60 cm, but at the same time capable of growing up to 3 m in length. Its stems, in contact with the ground, form adventitious roots at the nodes, with the help of which it can easily take root and also rise up , clinging to various supports.

Based on Fortune's euonymus, many very decorative varieties, differing in leaf color, bush height, ability to grow and winter hardiness. The beauty of varietal euonymus lies in the varied colors of their leaves. Most of them have variegated leaves: on a green background of various shades you can see white strokes and strokes, amazing yellow or golden edges, and in some varieties the leaves are pink, reddish or purple.

The most famous varieties

  • - a compact shrub up to 30 cm high. Its emerald leaves with golden or yellow edging look very decorative. The autumn color of the leaves is unusually beautiful - they turn bright pink or reddish. The leaf length is about 2 cm, the shape is ellipsoid. Winter-hardy variety, can withstand –25 ºС without snow cover.
  • – its bushes are up to 20 cm high, compact, the leaves are ovate, dark green with a white border. In autumn the leaves turn pink. Frost resistance is average. Suitable for cultivation in Ukrainian conditions.
  • – the height of the bush is about 20 cm, it grows strongly. The leaves are bright green with white edges and turn pink in autumn. We spend the winter without shelter.
  • – shrub height up to 20 cm, leaves ovoid, green with bright yellow speck in the center. It grows weakly, forms compact variegated and bright bushes. Winter hardiness is average.
  • Vegetus– creeping shrub 15 cm high, grows quickly. Leaves are up to 4 cm long, leathery, ovoid. The matte surface of the dark green leaf is lined with white veins and strokes. Under favorable conditions, it very quickly forms dense motley carpets and easily climbs onto various supports. The variety is characterized by good winter hardiness.

  • Minimus (Baby)- a miniature copy of Vegetus, grows relatively slowly, forming neat curtains only about 5 cm high. The shoots are thin, the leaves are small, their length barely exceeds 1 cm. The green color of the leaves remains throughout the year. Frost-resistant variety. Good for alpine slides, rockeries, the foreground of mixborders, as a frame for paths.
  • Coloratus– the height of the bush is up to 40 cm, grows in width up to 1.5 m, and rises well on supports. The leaves are oval, dark green in spring and summer, purple in autumn. Winter hardiness is good.
  • Variegatus– bush height 20–30 cm. Leaves are green with white edges.
  • Canadale Gold– the leaves of this variety have a yellow border, the bushes are compact, grow quickly, reaching 60–80 cm.
  • - dwarf creeping shrub with spectacular white variegated leaves with yellow, cream and pink splashes. Young shoots are white. An excellent ground cover for shaded areas. Height up to 40 cm, width up to 1 m.

How to grow Fortune's euonymus

Choosing a location. The shrub loves fertile, light, moderately moist soils. Does not tolerate stagnation of water and prefers to grow in openwork partial shade. In the open sun, the leaves may dry out and lose their decorative properties. It is advisable to choose a southern or western exposure, as well as a place protected from the wind.

Landing. The best time for planting seedlings is considered to be the beginning of May, but they can also be planted in the fall.

Add fertilizers in the form of compost, rotted manure or complex mineral fertilizer to the planting holes. Plant the plants, water well, sprinkle a layer on top. It is better to shade young plants at first.

Most varieties grow quite quickly, but if you want to quickly get a dense mat, plant seedlings that are thicker. Having grown even a small amount of plants, you will be able to easily propagate euonymus yourself in the future. But we'll talk about this later.

Feeding. It is good to use special complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants as root fertilizers. In addition, by adding mulching materials such as compost, leaves, etc., you not only help reduce the growth of weeds and improve the soil structure, but also fertilize it.

Watering. There is no need to over-moisten the soil; euonymus does not like excessive moisture. In dry and hot weather, it will be enough to water the plants generously once a week. Water the euonymus only at the root, preferably with water heated in the sun.

Trimming. The shrub tolerates pruning very well, which can be done at any time. Diseased and withered shoots are cut out, as well as shoots that are too long, which disrupt the overall picture. Euonymus can be trimmed regularly, giving the bush the shape you need. You can simply pinch the ends of the shoots to make the bush more lush and dense.

Wintering. Fortune's euonymus is quite winter-hardy. In our country, almost all common varieties winter well, especially under snow cover. But even without snow, they tolerate temperatures down to –25 ºС, and if frozen, they easily recover during the season. But it is better to cover young plants with non-woven material or spruce branches for the winter.

To prevent possible development powdery mildew, and this disease is sometimes found in euonymus, in the spring you can preventively treat the plants with fungicides: Ridomil, Revus, Falcon.
Pests may sometimes appear spider mite. A sign of the presence of a pest is the appearance of small silvery dots on the leaves. The insectoacaricide Actellik has proven itself well for control.

Reproduction. Varietal euonymus easily reproduces vegetatively. The easiest way is propagation by root suckers and cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings: cut cuttings from young elastic shoots or simply pinch off a twig 10–15 cm long, prepare a substrate of fertile soil with sand, plant the cuttings and water regularly. After about a month, roots appear. When root system becomes sufficiently developed, you can transplant the plants to permanent place. It is best to do cuttings in June - July. For better survival of cuttings, you can use various root formation stimulants, for example Kornevin.

The use of Fortune's euonymus in landscaping

With the help of Fortune's euonymus, you can create unique artistic designs, given that the plant can easily tolerate pruning. The euonymus shrub looks wonderful in rocky gardens, on alpine hills, in the form of borders, parterres, framed by flower beds, in combination with other plants in

Euonymus Fortune in the rockery

As you can see, Fortune's euonymus is perfectly suitable for growing in gardens. different styles– from a Japanese garden to a rural front garden. It will grow well in city conditions, for example in. I hope that after getting acquainted with this evergreen shrub, you will acquire for yourself another wonderful ground cover plant, quite original, capable of giving your garden a special look. decorative look.

Evergreen trees and shrubs have long been a “highlight” in landscape design plots. Preserving foliage all year round, these plants always attract the eye and often become key design elements, especially when it comes to variegated representatives of the flora, such as Fortune's euonymus or some varieties of Japanese euonymus.

Euonymus fortunei or Fortune's euonymus is a low-growing shrub native to China. Its branches spread along the ground and can reach a length of several meters, while the height of the bush itself does not exceed 60 cm. Adventitious roots develop on the shoots, with the help of which the lashes can cling to various supports or take root when in contact with the soil.

The leaves of this species are leathery and rather hard, slightly tapering towards the end of an oval shape. Their sizes do not exceed 3-4 cm, and their color is two-color, changing depending on the season of the year.

In spring, in addition to variegated leaves, the plant produces greenish-white, waxy flowers, which by August turn into inconspicuous, poisonous fruits. The flowers and other parts of the euonymus are also poisonous.

Fortune's euonymus tolerates polluted city air well.

Based on the natural appearance, various varieties have been created to meet various landscape design tasks. They differ in foliage color, height and growth rate.

Euonymus Fortune "Emerald in Gold" forms bushes up to half a meter in height. The name of the variety best describes the color of the foliage of this shrub. The small oval leaves have a bright green center and golden edges, turning reddish-brown in the fall. The shrub grows slowly, but is suitable for vertical gardening - its vines can “climb” to a height of up to 2 m. Although the frost resistance of this variety is quite high, the plant can die in a particularly harsh winter.

Fortune's euonymus "Emerald in gold"

Variety "Minimas" It is also a slow-growing plant and reaches a height of only 15-20 cm. The shoots of the plant are very thin, and the shiny leathery leaves barely exceed 1 cm in size. The color of the foliage is dark green all year round. This variety forms a dense “cushion” crown and is used as a ground cover plant.

Fortune's euonymus "Minimus"

"Vegetas"- a relatively tall variety, the bushes of which rise above the ground by 50-60 cm. Compared to other varieties, it has large (up to 4-5 cm) leaves, the surface of which is matte, and the veins stand out against a green background in the form of white or light green grids It grows quickly and forms dense thickets, which is used to create imitations of a lawn and low living borders.

Fortune's euonymus "Vegetas"

"Emerald Gaeti"- a variety whose bushes do not take up much space and reach a height of 25 cm. The ovoid leaves have a bright green core and a slightly uneven border along the edge, white in spring and summer, and acquiring a pink tint in autumn. It grows at an average speed and quite quickly forms a dense “carpet”. This Fortune euonymus is perfect for northern regions as a ground cover.

Fortune's euonymus "Emerald Gaeti"

"Silver Quinn" forms bushes up to 80 cm high. Light green leaves in spring become gray-green over time, the edges are white, and in the fall they acquire a pinkish tint, which makes the “Silver Queen” similar to the “Emerald Gaeti” variety. The shrub is fast-growing and forms a pillow-shaped crown with a diameter of 60-90 cm.

Fortune's euonymus "Silver Quinn"

Another similar variety"Variegatus". It also has white-edged leaves with a green core, but has a more modest growth - its height rarely exceeds 15-20 cm.

"Sheridan Gold"- a slow-growing variety that grows weakly to the sides and has a height of up to 40 cm. The leaves are quite large, up to 4 cm, at first they have a rich yellow color, which then gives way to yellow-green.

Fortune's euonymus "Sheridan Gold"

Euonymus Fortune "Sun Spot" It is photophilous and with a lack of sun it loses its variegated color. The leaves of this variety are glossy, golden yellow at the center and dark green at the edges. The bush grows slightly in width, and its height rarely exceeds 20 cm.

Fortune's euonymus "Sun spot"

Variety "Harlequin" prefers to grow in shaded areas. Its greenish-white leaves with pink areas fade in full sun. The plant is not tall and quickly forms a dense “cushion”.

Fortune's euonymus "Harlequin"

The use of euonymus in landscape design

Due to the presence of many original varieties, Fortune's euonymus is widely used in landscaping. It is used both as a soloist plant and in group plantings with other evergreen or deciduous representatives of the flora; it is used to create imitations of lawns and miniature hedges. This look goes well with.

    • Varieties such as “Silver Quinn”, “Vegetas”, “Emerald Gaeti” are suitable for creating hedges and borders.
    • Large specimens with a cushion-shaped crown are suitable as solo plants and for creating small group compositions.

    • Tall varieties look great in the middle and background flower beds, and dwarfs decorate the perimeter of flower beds.
    • Low-growing varieties go well with the stones of alpine hills and rockeries.
    • Almost all varieties of Euonymus fortunei serve as ground cover plants, for example, “Harlequin” is an excellent substitute for a lawn in shady corners of the garden, and the “Minimas” variety is good as a border along well-lit paths.
    • Fortune's euonymus is also used for vertical gardening. In this case, the plant lashes need to be additionally secured to supports. Varieties such as “Emerald In Gold” and “Vegetas” are suitable for these purposes.

  • In group plantings with other representatives of the flora, euonymus plays the role of the lower tier and makes the transition between the composition and the surrounding space.
  • Euonymus fortunei is also used as a container plant for landscaping balconies, terraces and patios.
  • Euonymus can coexist with short and medium-sized conifers; its combinations with dwarf barberry or cotoneaster look advantageous. Hosta, lavender and low-growing irises are also profitable company.

There are many options for using Euonymus fortunei varieties, and it mainly depends on your imagination and the overall style of the garden.

Dwarf and low-growing varieties of ornamental shrubs are very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. And this…


Planting and caring for Fortune's euonymus is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners; it is only important to pay attention to some nuances.

  • The best time to plant the plant is the end of April or the beginning of May, in which case the euonymus has time to take root and prepare for the upcoming winter. Planting in the fall is also possible, but the likelihood of death of individual specimens increases.
  • Almost all varieties of Euonymus fortunei are light-loving, and with a lack of light, their variegated leaves quickly turn into ordinary green, so it is important to choose places with enough sun. The exception is the Harlequin variety, which prefers shaded areas of the garden.
  • Representatives of this species cannot be planted in lowlands and places where water accumulates - euonymuses do not tolerate excess and stagnation of moisture. Therefore, even when designing a zone near a reservoir, they are planted at a sufficient distance from the water.

Euonymus has no special requirements for soil, important condition– it should be light. The reaction of the environment is best neutral or slightly alkaline; in acidic soil, the plant quickly loses its decorative effect and withers. Therefore, if the garden soil does not meet these parameters, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture.

  • In order to make the soil “lighter”, sand and peat are added to it, and additives help reduce the acidity of the soil dolomite flour or ash.
  • Fortune's euonymus is not demanding on soil fertility, but performs better in nutritious soils. Therefore, humus is added to the soil mixture and mineral supplements for evergreens.

Planting holes or trenches are prepared only if the garden soil is for some reason not suitable for the plant. In other cases, the soil is simply dug up “on the bayonet of a shovel” and a small amount of humus is added.

The plants are planted at the same depth as they were in the containers - without deepening the root collar. The soil around is lightly compacted and shed with water, and after drying it must be loosened trunk circle. It is advisable to mulch the soil surface.

It is interesting that euonymus is a shrub that tolerates crowding, and therefore a minimum distance can be maintained between seedlings (this depends on the size of the specimens and the idea of ​​the composition).

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Euonymus Fortune – unpretentious plant, it is able to tolerate short-term drought, and it requires regular watering only in the first year after planting and in the event of a long absence of rain. Key points in caring for Euonymus fortunei:

  • The soil should have time to dry out between waterings.
  • Periodically, you need to loosen the soil around the plants - the euonymus has a shallow root system, and soil compaction negatively affects it.
  • Mineral fertilizing is applied twice per season - in May and in August-September. Organic matter in the form of humus or compost is mixed into the circle around the trunk for summer period, but it is important not to overdo it here - excess nitrogen has a bad effect on the decorative appearance of plants with variegated leaves.
  • , which does not need a shaping haircut, but dead or diseased branches should be removed, as well as shoots that are too long should be trimmed.


Young plants should be covered for the winter in the first few years after planting. For this they use non-woven material, or simply cover the bushes with a large layer of fallen leaves. In the future, the need for shelter will depend on the winter hardiness of the selected variety, but for the most part Fortune's euonymus has average winter hardiness.

Reproduction of Euonymus fortunei

The easiest way to propagate Fortune's euonymus is by summer layering. The creeping shoots of this plant cling to the ground with the help of adventitious roots, and if such a shoot is separated from the mother plant, then over time it develops a real root system. And since adventitious roots are located along the entire length of the branches, several young plants can be obtained from one lash at once.

The second most common method is cuttings. Cuttings 5-10 cm long are cut from non-lignified shoots in mid-summer, treated with root formation stimulants and planted in a peat-sand mixture under a film. Rooting lasts about a month, after which the young plants are planted in a prepared place where they will overwinter. In the spring, you can transplant new specimens to a permanent place.

Fortune's euonymus is also propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, in the spring, an adult bush is carefully dug up and divided into several parts so that each has a root system, shoots and growth points. The cuttings are sprinkled with coal, and new plants are planted in the selected places.

The above methods of propagation are good not only because they are fast, but also because the new bushes retain the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. Fortune's euonymus can be grown from seeds, although this process is quite difficult, and preservation varietal characteristics not always guaranteed.

First of all, seeds need long-term stratification:

  • Planting material is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours, then the seeds are placed in sand and kept for about three months at a temperature of about 10⁰C (for example, in winter, you can place a bowl with sand and seeds on an insulated loggia).
  • The next stage is to keep the seeds at a temperature of 3⁰C for 4 months, during which time the skin on the seeds should burst.

After all procedures, the seeds are sown in a peat-sand substrate or a mixture of turf soil and sand. Shoots appear within 2-3 weeks. In the future, for the first 2-3 years, young plants can be grown in containers, or, after several pairs of true leaves appear, they can be planted in a special bed in open ground.

Diseases and pests

Insect control measures are limited to the use of insecticidal preparations.

IN landscape design play an important role ornamental trees and shrubs. They are not picky about care, grow quickly, allow you to create hedges and look impressive and beautiful at any time of the year. In domestic gardening, many plants are used for landscaping, including Fortune's euonymus. Culture has mass positive qualities and increased resistance to frost in temperate climates. There is nothing complicated in planting and caring for the species, but it is worth knowing the basic rules that will help you grow a luxurious, healthy bush.

Main characteristics of the species

Fortune's euonymus is a low-growing, creeping, evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 30–50 cm. But with a vertical garter it can produce vines up to two meters. Its homeland is China, where the plant is widespread and has many varieties and hybrids. It rarely blooms in temperate latitudes, but is popular due to its unusually attractive greenery.

Adventitious roots form on the side shoots, with the help of which the plant clings to a support or takes root touching the soil. The leaves are short, oval-shaped, lush green with a white or bright yellow edge; in autumn the color becomes pink, red or burgundy. In some regions, the shrub blooms with white-green buds, which turn into inconspicuous berries by the end of summer.

Euonymus fruits, flowers and leaves are poisonous!

The plant was first described by the English botanist Robert Fortune, after whom it was later named. During a detailed study by Russian scientist G. G. Bosse, the substance gutta-percha, identical to the composition of rubber, was found in the roots and bark of the euonymus.

The shrub is widely used in garden design, creating hedges, as a weave around fences and as an independent decorative decoration.

Varieties and popular varieties

Under natural growing conditions, euonymus is found in mixed and broad-leaved forests, growing over an area of ​​more than two meters. Rare, but still grows in tropical areas.

There are approximately 140–200 species of Fortune in the world. But no more than 20 are cultivated in domestic gardens, each of which has its own varieties, differing in description, shape and color of leaves, height and length of shoots.

All varieties have a specific purpose and are suitable for landscaping, decorating and highlighting a flowerbed or other area of ​​the site.

Emareld Gold

The most common variety that fully justifies its name appearance. It is characterized by a juicy golden-yellow color with a green center on an oval leaf. The height of the bush reaches 40–50 cm, the shoots easily spread along vertical trellises up to two meters and serve as an excellent decoration for mesh fences or entwining nondescript buildings.

Emerald Gold prefers sunny areas, in which the foliage looks juicier and more beautiful. In the afternoon, it is better to shade the plant or plant it in areas where shade forms on its own. It is undemanding in care, but loves moderate, frequent watering and loamy soil. When loosening the root area, you should be especially careful, because Euonymus has a superficial root system that is easy to damage.


The dwarf Minimas specimen reaches a height of 15-20 cm, spreads well on the ground, but grows slowly. The variety is characterized by small, up to 1 cm, dark green leaves with a light vein in the middle. An evergreen, groundcover species is used as an imitation of a lawn; its dense foliage fits tightly to the ground, not giving weeds a chance to exist.

Undemanding about place of residence. Gets along well in semi-open and shady places, on alkaline, slightly acidic and fertile soils. The disadvantages include weakness in the face of frost and getting burns in the winter sun.

Emerald Haiti

Emerald Haiti (Gaeti) is a shrub with a rounded attractive crown and bright green leaves with a white border. Maximum height- 50–60 cm, and a diameter of 150–200 cm. The variety is not capricious, it is not problematic for it to grow in the shade. Increased winter hardiness is observed, thanks to which the shrub can be grown even in the northern regions.

White-green waxy flowers may bloom in spring. The plant quickly and easily takes root with shoots lying on the ground. Its unpretentiousness and decorative appearance have made the variety popular among gardeners and novice designers.


Decorative evergreen bush with original leaf color and average growth rate. It looks impressive and unusual thanks to its white and green color, which turns into pink in the fall. The variety grows equally well in the shade and in the sun, is undemanding to soil composition, and likes moderate watering. Frost-resistant qualities are high, but may suffer from late frosts and bright winter sun.

Groundcover euonymus is often used to decorate borders, paths, rockeries, alpine slides and create a deciduous lawn at the foot of coniferous trees. Another advantage is the thick covering that protects the flower bed from the appearance of weeds.


Another type of Fortune's euonymus is Blondie. The average size of the bush is 40–60 cm, the width is 2–3 times larger. The leaves are elliptical, dense, glossy, sunny yellow with dark green edges; in winter, a pink tint predominates. With additional support, shoots can grow to a height of three meters, creating a lush and dense carpet.

It easily tolerates cutting and shaping, and is resistant to frost, but it is better to cover young seedlings for the winter. In respect of landscape compositions- unique and goes well with other plants and flowers.


Another equally attractive variety is the euonymus Fortune Sunspot, which will fill the garden with the golden rays of the sun. The height of the bush barely exceeds 20 cm, and the diameter is no more than 1 meter. The creeping plant attracts attention with a lush crown covered with dark green leaves with a yellow spot in the center. In winter, the shoots are under a thick layer of snow, which increases the level of frost resistance.

All varieties of euonymus combine well with each other and with other deciduous and evergreen plants, which makes it possible to create the most unusual compositions and duets.

Selection and planting of seedlings

If you want to grow a shrub on your site, you should take care of choosing a high-quality and healthy seedling. To purchase it, it is better to contact a specialized nursery or conscientious breeders, who will not only help you choose the appropriate variety, but also share the secrets of planting and care.

The requirements for the appearance of a young bush are elementary:

  • The root system should be strong, well developed, without damage.
  • The shoots are smooth, neat, without creases, manifestations of disease and fungi.
  • Greens (if present) are juicy, dense, with a glossy shine.

The best period for planting young animals is spring.

Before buying a plant, you need to prepare the place: dig up the area and add humus. Euonymus is resistant to weather conditions and grows well in open sun and shade, but the eastern side is considered ideal, which is covered by the shadow of buildings or trees by midday. Do not forget that the burning summer sun can burn the leaves or cause them to wither.

For planting, dig a hole 40 cm deep. A layer of gravel is poured onto the bottom for drainage; it will protect the roots from stagnation of water, as well as loose soil. You can prepare your own soil mixture based on:

  • Sand.
  • Peat.
  • Humus.
  • Sod land.
  • Wood ash (a source of potassium for the formation of greens).

Don’t forget about mineral fertilizers; they will help the plant adapt faster to a new location and more easily withstand stress after transplantation.

Soil is poured onto the drainage layer in a heap, and the roots are laid and straightened on top, and the root collar should be at the level of the soil; under no circumstances should it be buried. Afterwards, the remaining soil is filled in and compacted a little around the trunk; a 5-centimeter layer of mulch made from humus, peat or sawdust is added on top of the hole. The planted bush is thoroughly watered.

Basic care - watering, fertilizing, pruning

Euonymus, although an unpretentious plant, requires care, especially with regard to spring moisture. After winter, the evergreen shrub loses a lot of strength and will require increased watering and fertilizing to restore it. Closer to May, moisturizing is carried out once a week, in summer, during severe drought - 2 times.

Mineral complexes and humus are used as fertilizers, and in preparation for wintering - potassium-phosphorus ( wood ash and others).

Crown pruning is carried out in spring and autumn; the plant easily responds to shaping and does not get sick. Most often, deformed, frozen, broken and long vines are removed, but you should be careful with woody ones.

In the first year of life, seedlings require winter insulation, fallen tree leaves, burlap or other covering material will do for this.

Euonymus propagation

Having at least one fortune bush in the garden, you can get several young shoots in a short time, because it reproduces by cuttings and quickly takes root when the shoots come into contact with the ground. In the first case, parts of branches cut off during molding are used; their length should be at least 7-10 cm and have 1-2 buds.

The cut cuttings are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate or a growth stimulant, after which they are sent to a container with sand or loose, fertile soil, and covered with a transparent cap on top, watered and ventilated daily. In this state, germination of the cuttings will last 1-2 months, and the rooted branches can be planted in open ground in the spring.

Growing euonymus at home does not bring much trouble, but it pleases the eye with its exquisite appearance. Lush greenery throughout the year is every gardener's dream.

Fortune's euonymus is a low-growing (up to 30 cm) creeping shrub with dense evergreen shoots. Shoots, when in contact with the ground, take root easily, but if they are given support, they can rise to a height of up to 2 meters. The leaves are in the shape of an elongated oval, bicolor: the middle of the leaf is green and the edge is yellowish-white; in autumn the colors change to brown-red with a pink edge. The flowers are completely inconspicuous, and in our areas the euonymus practically does not bloom. The plant is quite frost-resistant and undemanding to the soil. Homeland - China.

Homeland: China, Korea.

Height: from 30 cm to 2 m.

Light: bright diffused or partial shade.

Temperature: in summer 18-20 °C, in winter 6-8 °C.

Humidity: moderate.

Feeding: in the spring, apply mineral fertilizers or compost.

Transplantation: not needed.

Reproduction: seed, cuttings, dividing the bush, dividing the rhizomes.

Euonymus is an exotic plant; these evergreen creeping shrubs prefer tropical and subtropical climates. Variegated, shiny leaves of rich emerald color with a white or yellow border, changing color to pink in the fall. Spreading lush euonymus bushes will decorate any landscape composition.

If desired, by choosing the right place and ensuring necessary care, you can decorate your garden with this amazing plant(as in the photo).


Fortune's euonymus is used in landscape design both as a ground cover plant and for vertical gardening. In total, euonymus has about 220 species. Let's briefly look at three types of euonymus used for vertical gardening and as ground cover.

  • "EmeraldGaiety" (EmeraldGaiety) –

variety with small (3 cm) leaves.

  • The leaf color is dark green with an intermittent white border.
  • Used as a ground cover plant.
  • EmeraldGaiety forms a beautiful wavy carpet; the height of the green carpet can reach 30 cm.

Frost resistance is average; in severe winters it may freeze.

  • Fortune's euonymus "Harlequin" (Euonymus fortunei Harlequin) –

Another one dwarf species, also used as a ground cover plant.

  • The color of the leaves is white interspersed with pink, yellow and cream (pictured below).
  • Grows well in shady areas.

In winter it needs shelter.

  • "Emerald'nGold" (EmeraldGold) -

the variety has small (3 cm) green leaves with a yellow border, thanks to which this species received the name emerald-golden (pictured below).

Young leaves are especially beautiful. But in shady areas the color of the foliage fades and the bush loses its decorative effect.

The variety has greater frost resistance (up to 25°C without snow cover) than “EmeraldGaiety”, but in particularly harsh winters it can freeze.

"EmeraldGold" is most often used in vertical gardening. Planted against a wall or trellis, the Emerald Gold bush can grow up to 2 meters or more.

Care different varieties euonymus is the same. The only thing worth paying special attention to is the frost resistance of a particular species.


Overall care for this exotic plant quite simple, especially considering that the euonymus plant in our area is quite rare and exotic. A few simple tips will help you ensure proper care.

The soil. Fortune's euonymus is not picky about soil, but if you want it to bloom in full force, you should provide it with favorable conditions. Such conditions will be provided by rich loamy soil (it should not be heavy) and good drainage; euonymus does not tolerate stagnant water.

Lighting. In general, Fortune's euonymus can grow successfully both in the sun and in the shade. But in shaded areas, the leaves may lose their variegated color.

Fertilizing is done in the spring, in April-May. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers and compost are used. In autumn, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers can be added to the soil.

In the first months of the growing season, it is advisable to add humus or compost to the root zone under shallow incorporation.

Dense thickets are fertilized using surface mulching (as in the photo).

Watering: for young plants - regular, for adults the frequency of watering is reduced. In dry months, watering frequency is 1-2 times a week. In spring, more frequent and abundant watering is recommended; this will help the plant awaken from winter frosts.

For supporting optimal level humidity, euonymus can be mulched with pine bark or wood chips. When mulching, the frequency of watering can be reduced.

Weeding and loosening are necessary for young shrubs; in the first years, their root system is not able to compete with weeds. Loosening of the soil is carried out 3-4 days after watering.

Shelter for the winter is also mandatory for young shrubs. To do this, it is enough to cover them with dry leaves, forming a mound 15 to 20 cm high. The need to insulate adult shrubs depends on the specific variety. Thus, “EmeraldGold” can winter without shelter, while Euonymus “Fortune Harlequin” and “EmeraldGaiety” need insulation.

Fortune's euonymus does not belong to frost-resistant species. In conditions middle zone mature plant It may freeze over, but by summer it will restore its decorative appearance. Frost resistance depends on the specific variety of shrub.

Ideally, euonymus should be planted in windless areas, where in winter it will be provided with natural snow cover, which will protect the plant from freezing.

Pests. Euonymus is quite resistant to diseases and pests, but sometimes Fortune suffers from spider mites, aphids, euonymus scale and fungal diseases. To combat these problems, ready-made drugs are used.


Under favorable conditions, Fortune's euonymus reproduces well by summer layering, which takes root along the entire length of its growth, and by cuttings. It is not for nothing that Fortune's euonymus is also called rooting euonymus (Euonymus radicans). Planting of seedlings occurs in autumn or spring.

If on site high level groundwater, drainage must be provided.

  • Expanded clay or gravel should be covered with a layer of 20 cm, on top there is a layer of soil, sand and peat.
  • The planting mixture is made in a ratio of 1:1:1.
  • Another mixture option: turf soil, manure humus and sand (ratio 1:2:1).
  • Drainage is sometimes made of sand, the layer thickness is 15 cm.

You can add mineral fertilizers to the planting mixture (5 grams per liter of mixture). All this will increase the chances of successful rooting of the euonymus.

The seedling is introduced into the dug up soil. The landing pit should be 1.5-2 times larger than the container. It should be planted so that the root ball is 10 cm above the ground. After planting, abundant watering is needed, as well as mulching the tree trunk circumference with bark, wood chips or a layer of earth.

As you can see, planting and caring for this exotic plant does not have any special requirements. At the same time, Fortune's euonymus will decorate your garden with a colorful carpet or trellis most of the year.

In landscape design, euonymus is used in the most different combinations. Ground cover species look good on alpine hills (pictured below), in rockeries, next to coniferous shrubs and trees, as border strips. Climbing species are versatile and will fit perfectly into any garden.

The way they look different types of this plant, you can watch the video:
