Bathhouse made of logs with a balcony. Turnkey log houses with a balcony. Why is it better to order a project from us?

An integral attribute of the life of a Russian person is a log bathhouse. This is evidenced not only by traditions that have developed over centuries, but also by chronicle texts almost from the time of the first mention of Russian life. Such love for a household item that is simple at first glance is not accidental and has serious reasons. First of all, both peasants and landowners loved chopped baths as a means of hygiene. While in Europe they poured perfume on themselves to knock down the natural suffocating “aromas,” in Rus' all classes organized bathing days for the whole family. In addition, the remarkable properties of chopped wood logs various breeds in combination with high temperature allowed to literally expel any infection from the body.

The chopped sauna with a balcony deserves special attention. Such an easy-to-implement architectural element significantly expands the functionality and allows you to create a convenient platform for communication. A balcony is one of the simplest ways to add a certain sophistication and lightness to architecture. At the same time, regardless of the complexity of the project, log bathhouses differ highest quality, environmental friendliness and long service life.

Let’s take a closer look at such a wonderful, simple, but at the same time intricate element of tradition, which has become an integral part of the life of Russians.


Any project of a chopped bathhouse is a standard of environmental cleanliness. Hand-processed logs retain their healing properties, the material constantly releases phytoncides, natural aromas of resins and beneficial compounds into the air. And when kindled, the intensity of the release of useful compounds only accelerates. That is why, compared to European methods of building and finishing steam rooms, time-tested Russian log baths look more than attractive.

Each log bathhouse project is a whole complex architectural solutions And positive qualities natural materials processed by hand. Not a single composite will allow you to create such an expressive image of a structure that is in harmony with nature, both in the exterior and interior. In terms of most quality parameters, chopped logs outperform even the most modern materials. Of course, they are not deprived positive points, but these qualities come at a high price. The problem is that in steam rooms there are high fluctuations in temperature and humidity, which provoke the release of chemical compounds from polymers. Most of them turn out to be hazardous to health, including substances that stimulate the appearance and development of cancer.

Processing Features

Natural wood manual cutting has many positive aspects, which make it preferable to most alternatives. At the same time, significantly increase all quality characteristics possible by producing high-quality processing.

Considering that wood needs protection, Vityaz-Stroy specialists carefully prepare the material for log bathhouse projects. This approach allows you to emphasize all the visual beauty and aesthetics of the material, while creating an insurmountable barrier to any aggressive environmental factors. It all starts with shrinkage, which occurs immediately after cutting down the forest. We use only the natural method, as it results in the highest service life and quality of log bathhouse elements. The process is gradual, and therefore the log is not subject to severe cracking, twisting and other types of deformation that cause significant damage to the tree during artificial drying.

Then our craftsmen begin to process raw materials for specific projects of chopped baths. Everything here is no less traditional - a manual technique. At manual processing wood under log baths, the natural protective layer remains intact and becomes a serious contribution to the durability of the finished structure. In this case, special tools are used that allow all operations to be carried out not only with the highest quality, but also to save time. Manual method It is considered the highest quality, because it is practically devoid of disadvantages in comparison with alternatives.

The final stage of protecting a log bathhouse from negative and aggressive factors is impregnation special compounds. There are many types of antiseptics and fire retardants, with varying degrees of protection. For various elements The designs of chopped baths use their own compositions. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to rid the entire structure of vulnerable points, preserve the unique expressive structure of the tree and greatly increase the already outstanding service life.


Among the pleasant aspects of wood, and therefore log bath projects, is its external attractiveness. An image created from natural material is distinguished by warmth and coziness, self-sufficiency and, with various types of processing, a certain pronounced style, such as in a Norwegian house made of gun carriage, Canadian felling or felling. These wonderful qualities can be enhanced using various carved jewelry. In addition to completing the image, skillfully placed, they will visually add a feeling of elegance and lightness to the structure, which is important, for example, if a large diameter log is used or some specific cutting methods.

The design of a log bathhouse can also have a number of functional elements, such as a balcony. Among our proposals, these are the “Perov” and “Krymov” projects. In general, a balcony in a structure of this kind is a great opportunity to create a relaxation space where you can have a great time with loved ones and chat. In this case, you can organize play area with billiards or table tennis. In addition, a room with a balcony on the second floor of the bathhouse can be used as a comfortable and secluded guest bedroom. It is these projects of chopped baths that make it possible to fully realize the potential of wood, generously decorating the exterior with openwork cuts, stylish beams and interesting carved elements, right down to the railings and supports.

Also, among the favorite solutions of our customers are baths with a font. This elegant structure will allow you to refresh yourself in the hottest weather or harden your body with sudden temperature changes.

Wood species

An equally important stage in the construction of a log bath is the choice of wood. A whole range of characteristics of the finished structure depends on the individual qualities of the rock, including strength, durability, resistance negative factors environment.

Among the spectrum available materials There is budget options like pine, spruce and aspen. A bathhouse project made from logs of these types of wood will be the most affordable, but outstanding performance characteristics they do not have. At the same time, even these simple rocks, when processed manually, will turn out to be an order of magnitude more quality material, rather than laminated veneer lumber or rounding.

Linden is much higher quality, and oak, cedar and larch are even higher on this list. The last three breeds can be called elite, they are expensive, but a bathhouse made of logs of this type will turn out to be a real standard for the longevity of a structure. Particularly interesting are cedar and larch. The first is distinguished by a truly miraculous effect on the human body, which was noticed by the ancients. Larch for the chopped bathhouse project is an almost eternal material. Unique properties This breed is that moisture only makes it denser, it is practically not exposed to harmful organisms and will last a really long time. You have to pay for quality with weight and processing complexity, since the material is extremely dense.

But all your worries will not be important to you if you turn to the Vityaz-Stroy company to build a bathhouse from a log. We offer best conditions cooperation from project development to its final commissioning.

We also build in timber with natural moisture, chamber drying and glued.

Payment: in stages (2-5 payments depending on the project)

Complete structure made of logs

Complete structure made of logs

Possible log diameter for a wall set made of larch and cedar is up to 500mm


Wall kit

  1. Project;
  2. Rounded log;
  3. Nagel;
  4. Polytherm;
  5. Fasteners;
  6. Antiseptic treatment of logs and lumber.



Complete set of timber buildings

Complete set of timber buildings

The maximum dimension of profiled timber for a wall set made of larch and cedar is 350MM


Wall kit

  1. Project;
  2. Profiled timber;
  3. Nagel, studs, etc.;
  4. Polytherm;
  5. Fasteners;
  6. Logs 150x100 (installation in 60 cm increments);
  7. Beams 150x100 (installation in 60 cm increments);
  8. Antiseptic treatment of timber and lumber.


Temporary roofing: Reinforced film, Rafters 150 x 50, sheathing, installation pitch 80 cm, fastening with nails.

Many of our clients, instead of a temporary roof, immediately order the installation of a roof made of clean material - ondulin, metal tiles or cement-sand tiles BRAAS - this allows you to insure your property against fire and other disasters.


Projects two-story baths made of timber and logs are always attractive, but as for this bathhouse, it is unique in many respects. The building has an original appearance with obvious stylization old Russian houses. What makes the bathhouse especially attractive is the presence of a terrace and immediately above it an elegant balcony, which together create an amazing harmonious composition facade.

This is a bathhouse with large terrace(9.5 m²) and a spacious lounge on the ground floor (18.9 m²). Also, the layout of the first floor includes a compact vestibule (1.7 m²), an ergonomic washing room (3.2 m²), a spacious steam room (5.7 m²) and a separate bathroom (1.6 m²). You will get to the second floor via a corner staircase; here, in addition to the already mentioned balcony (its area is 5 m²), there is a large billiard room (20 m²), which can be used for other purposes.

The design of a bathhouse with a balcony and terrace offers a stylish, high-status solution for relaxation in big company. At the same time, the cost of the project is quite favorable, especially if you take into account the complete environmental friendliness of the bathhouse and the amazing internal atmosphere that the use guarantees. natural materials(log or timber). In addition, the layout can be changed at the request of the customer.

A bathhouse with a balcony is an unusual, interesting structure that has become firmly established in modern world. Such a bathhouse will not only allow you to steam, but also have a great time, but also have a great rest. This two-story building can be attic or full-fledged. The dimensions of the bathhouse with a balcony allow it to also be used as a guest building where you can have a great rest.

The stereotype of a small bathhouse in which you can only take water procedures is successfully becoming a thing of the past. And today, when building a bathhouse, they try to provide it with maximum comfort so that every minute spent is remembered with warmth and love.

Unusual design solution is a sauna with a balcony. In addition to the aesthetic transformation, the bathhouse significantly expands its space and becomes more comfortable. The balcony itself is an aesthetic decoration of the bathhouse, but many additionally come up with flower arrangements, turning the balcony into blooming garden. And what could be more beautiful than coming out of the steam room and sitting on fresh air surrounded by fragrant flowers?!

Prudent insulation of the balcony will allow it to be used and winter time. The balcony practically does not require any special interior decoration. You just need to provide a floor covering and, if necessary, insulate it.

Bathhouses with a balcony look like real small ones fairy houses, which attract with their warmth and comfort, and to which you always want to return. Such a structure will complement Vacation home, giving it a special style.

Our company has been a leader in the construction of wooden houses with sauna and balcony. This building is highly functional and can be used not only as a place for a family holiday or relaxation with friends, but also as a guest house. This two-storey house can be made in a classic form or like . Also, this solution will be optimal as a business idea for a country holiday.

You can choose from already ready-made options, so order individual design based on personal preference. Houses made of timber are highly durable and durable, and also retain heat well in winter and provide coolness in summer. Special wood treatment protects against insects and various types mold.

For all your questions and calculation of the cost of a bath, you can contact ours. They will provide you full information and help you choose optimal materials for construction. Already ready-made solutions presented on our website, if none of them suits you, we will definitely help you decide and create your project. We guarantee the durability of the baths we build and guarantee the quality and environmental friendliness of the materials.

Bathhouse projects with a balcony are used for the construction of buildings where there is space for washing facilities, a recreation room, and on the second floor for a bedroom or billiard room. A bathhouse with a balcony can be used for living if you plan to limit yourself to only one building on the site, or as temporary housing until the main house is built.

Features of a bathhouse with a balcony

  • Baths with balcony They are built on two floors. The second floor is made full or attic. In the second case, it is possible to reduce construction costs, since it is not required additional material for walls.
  • The base of the balcony is often the roof of the terrace. This approach allows you to save materials and organize two places to relax at once - on the terrace and balcony.
  • The balcony becomes a key decorative element. It is usually left unglazed to allow for outdoor recreation, and is decorated with carved railings that highlight the aesthetics of the wooden building.
  • The layout of the bathhouse with a balcony includes washing rooms, a relaxation room, and a bedroom on the second floor. If you plan to use the bathhouse in winter, it is advisable to choose a project with a vestibule and a bathroom.

In terms of efficiency and functionality, the design of a bathhouse with a balcony is one of best solutions. However, when choosing a project, it is important to take into account both the characteristics of the site and the needs of family members.

Baths with a balcony from the company "Brusovye Technologies"

Our catalog presents ready-made projects developed for construction from profiled timber. You can also order an individual design or offer modifications according to ready-made projects. If technically possible, changes to projects are made within 1-2 days.

We build turnkey bathhouses from northern forests, and also offer construction of log cabins (without interior decoration, windows and doors). The construction of a bathhouse on the site by our team of carpenters lasts on average 10-20 days. Do you want to build a reliable bathhouse from timber already this season? Choose a project in the catalog and call us.

Modern construction offers a fairly wide selection of materials for construction. country cottages and dachas. But, nevertheless, exactly wooden house with a balcony is a traditional type of building in which you can feel warmth, real coziness and spiritual comfort. Our IC "Izba Mechty" produces and sells affordable prices quality houses made of rounded logs with a balcony in Moscow. Executed by the latest technologies from reliable and environmentally friendly materials, they are distinguished by excellent appearance and functionality. We work on both individual and turnkey projects.

Materials involved in production:

    rounded or chopped log;

    profiled or glued timber.

Advantages log houses with a balcony:

    External attractiveness. A balcony in a log house adds more sophistication and luxury to everything appearance the buildings. It can be made with vertically or horizontally located logs, balusters and carved railings, chopped or carved elements, with or without glazing. Do you want something special and original? Our company is happy to turn any of your ideas into reality.

    Extra space for home. Compact or spacious balconies will become great solution for organizing a vacation spot. Here you can place a table with upholstered furniture, flowers in pots or something else.

    In some cases balcony design Can be used as a roof for a porch or terrace.

How to find out the cost of a log house with a balcony?

Why is it better to order a project from us?

    In the construction of houses we use only high-quality northern forest.

    We provide a guarantee for all projects of houses made of logs and balconies.

    You get significant cost savings. Unlike intermediaries who constantly raise exorbitant prices for materials and services, our construction company offers reasonable prices for high-quality work and materials. In addition, we give a 10% discount (when ordering construction from us) on subsequent work and structures.

    All design and construction works are carried out by our experienced craftsmen in compliance with the necessary rules and regulations in the shortest possible time.

Take care of your comfort in advance. Order your construction now wooden house made of logs with a balcony! And we will do everything to ensure that your wooden house pleases you with its beauty, environmental friendliness and warmth for many years.

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