Women's hips. Interpretation based on the appearance of the wound. Why dream of sewing up a leg according to Jung

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Thigh in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Thigh

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Thigh mean?

This dream symbol has quite deep roots. At first glance this may seem strange, but its interpretation is based on astrological symbolism. Each part of the human body is ruled by a specific planet or zodiac sign. The planet Jupiter corresponds to the hips - one of the most favorable planets in the sky; with a good location in the horoscope, it brings happiness, success, fame and wealth. If you dreamed that you saw your own thigh, smooth and white, then such a dream promises you great luck and pleasure in reality. If you dreamed that you were wounded in the thigh, real life expect some kind of attack against you. If your thighs seem thin in a dream, then such a dream can be a signal of losses, including financial ones. If you dreamed that you were stroking or someone was stroking your thighs, then this means that something will happen in your life that will flatter your pride, this is how this dream in which you dream about the Thigh is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Thigh in a dream?

Seeing that the thigh has enlarged in a dream means danger awaiting a loved one, most likely it is a disease; to see your smooth and white thigh is luck in life, a test of pleasure; a wound in the thigh is a warning of danger, illness. A girl admires her thighs in a dream - readiness for love pleasures, which, however, can have sad consequences. If a young woman dreams of her thighs being thin, this means illness, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to know what the Thigh is about in your dreams.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Thigh according to the dream book?

If you dreamed about your own thigh at night, and it was smooth and white, then unprecedented luck and all kinds of pleasures await you. A wounded thigh seen in a dream can be a harbinger of some kind of illness or betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream is quite ready for love adventures. She should be more careful not to get into trouble! If her hips seem too thin, she needs to be wary of illness. But full hips dream of peace and pleasure.

Grandma's old dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about Thigh?

The thigh has enlarged (in a dream) - a danger awaiting a loved one, most likely an illness.

Why do you dream about Hips? Seeing the hips means good health; seeing a broken hip means death.

Why do you dream about hips?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures.

If you see a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal.

If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means she is ready for love adventures; but she should be more careful in her behavior in order to avoid trouble.

If a young woman’s thighs seem thin in a dream, this portends a disease.

Looking at the fat thighs of animals in a dream means peace and pleasure.

Why do you dream about hips?

Spring dream book

Seeing the hips means good health; seeing a broken hip means death.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing naked female thighs in a dream means rare luck and all sorts of pleasures.

If these are her own thighs, which look smooth and white for a girl, this means she is ready for love affairs, but in order to avoid troubles, she should be careful in her behavior.

If the thighs look flabby and pale, your health will make itself felt with mild ailments.

You should expect serious illness and betrayal by a person you know well from a dream in which a crippled or wounded thigh appears.

And if this is what can be called a thigh in animals, peace and pleasure will descend on you.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Smooth, white female thighs - dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure.

Wounded (crippled) or excessively thin thighs in a dream warn you against illness and betrayal.

A girl who admires her thighs in a dream - longs for love affairs that can turn into trouble.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Admiring your hips means disappointment in love (for a woman); to see your own - trust, loyalty (for a man); seeing very wide hips is a benefit (for a man).

Why do you dream about hips?

Modern dream book

Seeing your smooth, beautiful thigh in a dream means great luck and a lot of pleasure.

If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this may mean readiness for love adventures with subsequent disappointment in love.

For a man to see very wide hips in a dream - to receive some benefit.

A wounded or crippled hip is a betrayal of loved ones or an illness.

Why do you dream about hips?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Looking at your hips is a shame.

To have strong and big - get married/children.

To hurt - sadness/illness, loss of children.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Hips are full and beautiful - a happy marriage and children; winning; thin and unsightly - losses, lack, deception.

To admire your own too much is for a woman a breakdown in her relationship with her loved one.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Thigh (naked) mean in a dream - The person you trust most may betray you. In a state of pre-sleep, cover your bare thigh with some kind of cloth, or put on pants (for a woman, a skirt).

Why do you dream about hips?

Combined dream book

Seeing your own beautiful thigh in a dream is a huge success and a lot of entertainment.

If a girl admires her own thighs in a dream, romantic adventures await her, but unfortunately they will only result in disappointment.

For a man to see wide hips in a dream is a quick benefit (not necessarily monetary).

A wounded hip is a disease or a lie from loved ones.

Fat thighs of animals - to receive pleasure, you will experience a feeling of joy.

Why do you dream about hips?

Big dream book

Hips - Admire - disappointment in love (for women); seeing your own - trust, loyalty (for men); large - the illness of a loved one, this is the interpretation of Thighs according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Thigh - in your dream you see as if you were looking at your own thighs; you like them, they are white and smooth, and you stroke them - good luck awaits you in business, pleasure awaits you in leisure.

Your thighs seem thin to you - a dream of illness.

If in a dream you see a girl’s thigh and admire it - slender and smooth - then in real life you will have an affair with a violent manifestation of feelings; You yourself will be surprised at how strong an adventurous streak turns out to be in you.

You see a wound on your thigh in a dream; or you see the thigh of a cripple - the stump The dream suggests that you will have to feel the bitterness of betrayal; the most offensive thing will be that you always trusted the person who betrays you; you will understand that for a long time walked on the edge of a razor. A girl sees her thighs in a dream and admires them - such a dream indicates that the girl is waiting for love (although she may not even admit it to herself) and is ready for it - ready not only spiritually, but also physiologically; it is possible that if she does not meet her love in the near future, she will feel bad - she will not clearly see her place in society, she will be like a chip carried away somewhere by a stream; such a girl may also have health problems; nature is strong: every flower turns to the sun, every girl turns to love.

Why do you dream about hips?

Women's dream book

Thigh – Smooth, white female thighs are a dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure. Wounded (crippled) or excessively thin thighs in a dream warn you against illness and betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream craves love adventures that can turn into trouble.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

You may be overly concerned about your health. Concern and nervousness are fully expressed in this dream. It is possible that the courses of treatment you completed on the advice of your doctor did not produce positive results. Don't despair - often things are not as bad as they seem at first glance. The diagnosis may be wrong, and the disease, the news of which shocked you, may not be as serious as it seemed.

Achieving health becomes the meaning of life for you, and it undoubtedly deserves careful attention.

Relationships with yourself. If your age requires you to do a lot, it doesn’t hurt to take up those sports that would not so much strengthen your muscles as give you a cheerful state of mind. Old age or poor health is not a reason for concern: even in this situation there are small and great joys, you just need to know how to use them.

You should not get hung up on the opinions of others who insist that old age is not a joy, or who try to write you off from the arena of life, complaining about your poor health. Pull yourself together and fight for your place in the sun - that’s what you really need. Then you won't have to guess hidden meaning such dreams, and your sleep will be sound and invigorating, and when you wake up in the morning, you will feel a surge of new strength.

Statistics say that of all parts of the female body, men are most attracted to the legs and thighs, while women are interested in the eyes, noses and, oddly enough, buttocks. Therefore, most often men have such a dream, but a woman’s dream of hips should be interpreted in the same (above) way.

Why do you dream about hips?

Old Russian dream book

admiring - disappointment in love (for a woman); to see your own - trust, loyalty (for a man); seeing very wide hips is a benefit (for a man).

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream book of lovers

If in a dream you see your thigh smooth and white, it means that pleasure and good fortune await you in life.

A girl who dreams that she is admiring her thighs strives for love adventures and feels the need for a new relationship. However, she should be less frivolous and exercise caution, otherwise she risks getting into an unpleasant situation.

If you consider fat thighs of animals, this also promises prosperity and good luck.

Why do you dream about hips?

Women's dream book

If in a dream you cannot take your eyes off your stunning thighs, you are in danger of confusion in your own love affairs. If you have narrow hips, then you will most likely not avoid completely unnecessary troubles and illnesses. If in a dream you are the owner of wide hips, you can only envy you. You will avoid any misfortunes and will be able to get away with it in any situation.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements - wood, earth, water.

Elements - wind, humidity, cold.

Emotions - fear, doubt, anger, desire: everything is yin-yang.

Yin organs - spleen, kidneys, liver.

Yang organs - bladder, gall bladder, genitals.

Explanation and Interpretation

The hips reflect the state of the pelvis, the functions of the genital organs and hormonal processes. All disturbances/deviations from the normal functioning of the above organs (inflammatory processes) change the condition of the subcutaneous tissue, mobility and thermoregulation in the thigh area. The consequences of this: thinness/fullness of the hips, good/bad (cellulite) skin, smoothness/firmness/flabbiness. Seeing full thighs in a dream means yin; thin - yang Seeing old, flabby, thin thighs with bad skin (your own or someone else’s) means exhaustion by immoderate emotions of anger, fear, doubt and desire of all relevant organs. Emotions - yang energy - have already entered the body and become its material part - yin. This is an imbalance in the flow of qi energy (energy transformations are of poor quality). The external consequence is the predominance of one of the elements: the element of dryness - sagging skin; consequences of cold - cellulite. Consequences are internal: decreased tone of sexual desire, disturbances menstrual cycle, impotence, urology and so on, all this in reality will lead to violations psychological relationships with people of the opposite sex. Sleep is unfavorable. Pay attention to your health and correct attitude towards the blessings of the world. Seeing strong, healthy thighs is an erotic symbol of activity and strength. This is the anticipation of new sensations, searching and finding a partner, improving relationships. Among the internal qualities, healthy hips symbolize joy, determination, openness, but also excessive arrogance. The dream is favorable.

Why do you dream about hips?

Islamic dream book

A congenital physical defect of the hip indicates that the author of the dream small family, and he is alone and exiled. Pain in this part of the body indicates bad behavior of the dreamer towards close relatives.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream book for a bitch

Your thigh, elastic and beautiful - unexpected luck, numerous pleasures and entertainment.

Seeing your thighs in a mirror in a dream means exciting love adventures with a charming and rich young man await; to be dissatisfied with your hips - to avoid problems and troubles, be careful and prudent.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream book of the 21st century

A smooth thigh in a dream promises you good luck and all sorts of pleasures in reality, a wounded or crippled thigh is a warning dream: betrayal may await you where you least expect it.

Seeing your thighs strong and beautiful is a harbinger of good health and improved well-being for the sick.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Positive sign: support; force; forward movement.

Negative sign: fear of moving forward.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation Veles

Wide hips are a benefit (for men).

Why do you dream about hips?

New dream book 1918

Admiring your hips means disappointment in love (for women); seeing your own - trust, loyalty (for men); large ones - a disease of a loved one.

Why do you dream about hips?

Danilova's erotic dream book

You may be overly concerned about your health. Concern and nervousness are fully expressed in this dream. It is possible that the courses of treatment you completed on the advice of your doctor did not produce positive results. Don't despair, things are often not as bad as they seem at first glance. The diagnosis may be wrong, and the disease, the news of which shocked you, may not be as serious as it seemed. Achieving health becomes the meaning of life for you, and it undoubtedly deserves careful attention to yourself. If your age requires you to do a lot, it doesn’t hurt to take up those sports that would not so much strengthen your muscles as give you a cheerful state of mind. Old age or poor health is not a reason for concern: even in this situation there are small and great joys, you just need to know how to use them. You should not get hung up on the opinions of others who insist that old age is not a joy, or who want to write you off from the arena of life, complaining about your poor health. Pulling yourself together and fighting for a place in the sun is what you really need. Then you will not have to unravel the hidden meaning of such dreams, and your sleep will be sound and invigorating, and when you wake up in the morning, you will feel a surge of new strength. Statistics say that of all parts of the female body, men are most attracted to the legs and thighs, while women are interested in the eyes, noses and, oddly enough, buttocks. Therefore, most often men have such a dream, but a woman’s dream of hips should be interpreted in the same (above) way.

Why do you dream about hips?

Dream Interpretation 2012

Fat animal thighs mean peace and joy.

A healthy, beautiful hip is a reflection of readiness for easy advancement in life (also the presence of support in this).

Damaged or immobilized - the need to clarify one’s internal, mental problems that interfere with advancement in life.

The upper third is a reflection of the manifestation of sexuality (also its suppression).

The lower third is a reflection of flexibility in general (also its absence).

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, unpleasant dream- exhaustion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing buckets filled with milk in a dream is a sign of brilliant success or being in pleasant company. An empty bucket portends famine or a bad harvest. For a young woman who dreams that she is carrying a bucket, such a dream foretells family joys. The coal scuttle will appear...

What does the dream mean - Thigh

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. If you see a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means she is ready for...

How to interpret the dream “Thigh”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your thigh smooth and white in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. A wounded thigh predicts illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her hips, then the dream promises her love adventures. This dream warns her of the need to be more careful...

Had a dream "Thigh"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You dream of a smooth thigh - good luck and all kinds of pleasures, a wounded or crippled thigh. Seeing your thighs strong and beautiful is a harbinger of good health and improved well-being for the sick.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Thigh?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. If you see a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means her readiness...

If you see “Thigh” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Smooth, white female thighs are a dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure. Wounded (crippled) or excessively thin thighs in a dream warn you against illness and betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream craves love adventures that can turn into trouble.

Dreaming of “Thigh (naked)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The person you trust the most may betray you. Wounds and scars on the thigh are betrayal by people who least arouse your suspicions. How to improve the meaning of sleep? In a state of pre-sleep, cover your bare thigh with some kind of cloth or put on...

I have a dream about the Thigh

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To have a big one means the loss of a loved one or her illness.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Thigh, hips

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth, beautiful thigh in a dream means great luck and a lot of pleasure. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this may mean readiness for love adventures with subsequent disappointment in love. For a man to dream about very wide hips...

If you dream about the Thigh, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all kinds of pleasures. Seeing a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream. You must be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her thighs in a dream, this means her readiness...

Why does the Thigh appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing naked female thighs in a dream means rare luck and all sorts of pleasures. If these are her own thighs, which look smooth and white, then for a girl this means she is ready for love affairs, but in order to avoid troubles she should be careful...

Thigh (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you see your thigh smooth and white means that fate has an incredible chance in store for you. A wounded hip portends illness. For a young woman, a dream in which she admires the beauty of her thighs means that she risks becoming entangled in her...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Thigh?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you see your thigh smooth and white, it means that pleasure and good fortune await you in life. A girl who dreams that she is admiring her thighs strives for love adventures and feels the need for a new relationship. However, she...

Thigh - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Healthy, beautiful - a reflection of readiness for easy advancement in life, as well as the presence of support in this. Damaged or immobilized - the need to clarify one’s internal, mental problems that interfere with advancement in life. The upper third is a reflection of the manifestation of sexuality, as well as its suppression. Bottom third...

Dream book online - Thigh

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw your own thigh in a dream, smooth and white, then unprecedented luck and all sorts of pleasures await you. A wounded thigh seen may be a harbinger of some kind of illness or betrayal. A girl who admires her thighs in a dream is quite ready for love...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Thigh?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you cannot take your eyes off your stunning thighs, you are in danger of confusion in your own love affairs. If you have narrow hips, then you will most likely not avoid completely unnecessary troubles and illnesses. If in a dream you...

A wound in a dream is an unpleasant symbol for the dreamer. Many will call such a vision a nightmare or wake up in a cold sweat without watching the dream to the end. Dream books, in turn, are not so categorical. Depending on the circumstances in which the wound occurred in a dream, the message for the dreamer may well be positive.

A wound in a dream is an unpleasant symbol for the dreamer

The general meaning of one’s own wound in a dream carries an unfavorable message. Rather, it concerns the sphere of working relationships. Such a vision predicts failure in business. Don't trust people who offer you to make easy money. Now is not the best time for you to take risky trades.

When you have the opportunity to get a new position at work, it is better to think about your current situation. It's probably worth staying in your previous, more secure position, otherwise you risk losing all your current income after a while.

If we talk about the sphere of personal relationships, then a wound on the body will indicate strong love disappointment.

This is possible in several cases:

  • In a quarrel with a loved one;
  • In case of an unhappy married life;
  • Dissatisfaction from the lack of children in life together.

The general meaning of such dreams, according to Freud’s dream book, indicates that there is an urgent need to change your partner. In the current union you have practically no chance of living happy life. Even if the relationship is very long, do not think about the future. It will become increasingly difficult to be with your current partner.

Why do you dream about a wound (video)

Why do you dream about a wound on your leg, arm, stomach, head?

Much will become clear if it is possible to identify the area of ​​injury in a dream. Try to remember which part of the body the wound was on in order to better understand the interpretation of the dream. You should pay attention to the exact location of the wound, and not speculate about the dream. In the context of a wound, if you cannot accurately determine the location, then it is better to look for a more general meaning rather than try a specific interpretation. For example, if you are not sure where you saw the wound - on the stomach or leg, then do not interpret the dream according to these parameters.

Much will become clear if it is possible to identify the area of ​​injury in a dream
  1. It may seem strange, but a wound on the head or face has positive value and dreams of happiness. Your current life plans have great potential, but they will only come true if you defend your position to the end. In the near future, there will be many people trying to lead you astray with false advice. Ignore their point of view. They are just jealous of you.
  2. A wound on the hand hints at a discrepancy in views with your surroundings. You don't suspect that people close to you have a different point of view. In fact, they tell you to your face what you want to hear, but behind your back everyone condemns you. Try to get closer to the people who are important to you and then you can understand how to change their opinion about yourself.
  3. Leg wounds indicate your direction in business sphere. The more wounds, the more difficult the path to ultimate goal. You need to pay special attention to those cases when you dream of a stitched wound. This is a kind of analogy with hidden threats to your career. It is quite possible that there is a person next to you who is striving by all means to obtain a position that rightfully belongs to you. He definitely won’t stop and will be ready to do anything for the coveted place.

If you dream of wounds on your stomach, then it is logical to think about your attitude towards life. Such a dream is very difficult to interpret. The general meaning can be described as dissatisfaction with one's current situation in life. You need to try to do exactly what brings you pleasure in reality. Otherwise, routine will consume you, and even family will not be a salvation from melancholy.

Stitching a wound on the body in a dream

Dreams where you sew up wounds can be logically divided into several types:

  • Stitching up your own wounds;
  • You sew up other people's wounds;
  • You watch the process from the outside.

In dreams where you observe the process of suturing wounds, the meaning most often concerns working relationships

The meaning of the first dream is quite banal. Dreaming about you helping people simply indicates character traits. You are always ready to help and, most likely, in the near future you will again have to provide support to someone.

A dream with someone else's wounds has the opposite meaning. This already means that a series of failures are expected ahead of you. At the same time, it will not be possible to do without global losses. Such a dream, rather, warns you on the eve of big problems. The main thing is to fully believe in yourself in order to cope with difficulties. At the same time, the dream books do not indicate in which specific area there will be difficulties.

In dreams where you observe the process of suturing wounds, the meaning most often concerns working relationships. Usually such a vision comes to people in leadership positions. Your team is currently undergoing painful changes. Don't make hasty or radical decisions. We need to wait until people find it themselves optimal model for relationships.

Why do you dream about a deep wound with blood?

A deep wound with blood has its own special meaning for women. Unfortunately, you have to break up with your man in the near future. This applies specifically to the person you love. Husband, lover or just a young man - it doesn’t matter. Such a loss promises great emotional experience soon. Try to be especially sensitive to your partner. Yours correct actions They can still save the situation, despite the negative message of the dream.

A deep wound with blood has its own special meaning for women

Why dream of a wound on another person

A wound on another person is a symbol of suffering because of you. This applies not only to love relationships. Think about your loved ones. Surely someone close to you needs special attention. Most likely, you offended someone very badly and didn’t even notice.

A wound on another person is a symbol of suffering because of you

Try to apologize to the people you care about. You need to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation, and then the wounds of other people after your actions will gradually begin to heal.

Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream

Lingering but bleeding wounds have a very mysterious meaning. If you dream about such a scenario, then think about your safety. A sign like this comes as a warning. Try to follow the rules traffic and think about safety on the road. Do not engage in extreme sports in the near future, as such a dream is dreamed by those who have a very high probability of getting seriously injured in the near future.

In general, dreams about wounds can be interpreted in several of the most common meanings:

  • Caution symbol;
  • A sign that speaks of a large number of envious people and ill-wishers in life;
  • Meaning, implying a break in relations with a loved one.

Why do you dream about blood (video)

A wound in a dream initially seems only to be an unpleasant symbol, meaning inevitable losses. In Rus', such dreams were considered harbingers of financial losses and even death, but in reality such predictions were almost never confirmed. Over time, dream books in various interpretations changed the meaning of a wound in a dream. Now such a dream is considered as a very complex sign. The interpretation is sometimes purely positive, although a person may wake up from a nightmare, seeing, for example, a wound on the head. In general, now you should pay attention, first of all, to the small details of the dream in order to understand the true meaning of being wounded in a dream.

Attention, TODAY only!

The article on the topic: “dream book suturing a wound” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

A dream in which you had to stitch up someone’s wound characterizes you as a kind and sympathetic person who is not alien to compassion. Such qualities make people feel sincere sympathy for you and inspire trust in others.

When helping those in need, be picky about people. Your naivety can make you an easy target for people with bad intentions.

I dreamed about sewing up a wound

Stitching up a wound on your own means you will be left alone with your difficulties and problems. There is a difficult period ahead that you will have to overcome on your own. But the plot you see predicts that you will be able to successfully cope with all the troubles.

Get used to relying only on yourself in this life. With this mindset, it will be easier for you to deal with obstacles in your path without wasting time looking for help.

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

I dreamed of sewing up a wound, but necessary interpretation is there no dream in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of sewing up a Wound in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Wound interpretation of the dream book

In reality, even a small, non-painful wound can lead to death, then why dream of such a plot? The dream book interprets this dream content in different ways: the upcoming future is determined based on the smallest details sleep.

Before starting to explain what any injury to the body means in a dream, you should remember the main details, such as the area of ​​damage, the superficial appearance of the wound, the presence of blood, the weapon that caused the pain.

Seeing wounds in a dream - good or bad?

The idiomatic dream book explains what a bloody wound means in a dream, from a subconscious point of view. In reality, you feel a lack of protection, as well as vulnerability. You can get rid of such feelings only through intense efforts to control your own emotions.

Why do you dream of sewing up a wound? When you have to stitch up another character's open wound, it represents your valor and care. If you stitch yourself without anyone’s help, then the dream book foretells a number of troubles. You will overcome them with great losses.

According to Miller's interpreter, a wound on the skin of a sleeping person is a symbol of troubles and losses. However, if other people are damaged, then the basis for the unfavorable stage in fate will be the dreamer’s comrades, due to whose misunderstanding multiple plans will become incomprehensible.

Why do you dream about cut wounds? We examined in a dream how you have to apply bandages to the injury site, treat medicines, and generally take care of the injured person - in real life you will be unexpectedly lucky, after which you will acquire financial and spiritual benefits.

Predictions from Nostradamus's dream book about what a knife wound means in a dream are closely compared with friendly relationships. There are deceitful friends around you who do not care about your friendship. Use your time to your advantage, bring it to clean water enemies, and difficulties will not stand in your way.

For those born in spring, a dream with a wound into which a knife is stuck can mean a change in a love relationship. Very soon your passion will be so great that you will not be able to contain it. An unprecedented love affair awaits you.

When in reality you are unable to prevent discord and squabbles in the family, then in the near future everything will return to normal if in a dream you heal the damage. The dream book predicts well-being and harmony in the family.

A wound located on the palm is interpreted differently by dream books. Palmists predict the future according to the hand, and such a dream promises events that can completely change the usual way of life. However, what these changes will affect will depend only on the sleeper.

What part of the body was injured?

Any part of the body is assigned a special role, therefore, you need to remember where exactly you were injured - this moment is the most paramount in the interpretation of a dream vision. Thus, a wound on the leg means that all the well-coordinated enterprises of the sleeper will soon finish delivering the desired profit.

An abrasion on your hand in a dream represents a meeting with a person, on whose initiative you will not have friendly relations in your future life. Do not cause anything bad to anyone, only in this case they will not want to take revenge on you. It is necessary to be careful when communicating with strangers, they hide a threat to life.

When a love relationship with your chosen one is not established in your life, then the wound you see on your stomach is a harbinger of an upcoming separation. When you want from the bottom of your heart that love does not collapse, you should not bring out your soulmate’s emotions, become a peacemaker.

A head wound in a dream is directly related to the mental activity and inner consciousness of the sleeping person. Due to the fact that your mental work is too high, you experience excessive fatigue. Take time to relax and delegate tasks to someone else. At a similar pace, there is a high risk of the onset of depression.

The neck is considered the personification of life and existence; when in a dream you feel a wound on it, then in real life your enemies will literally interfere with your life. You will not be able to do anything without the participation of enemies and ill-wishers.

In reality, a situation will arise where, as a result of misunderstanding between the two parties, a misunderstanding will arise when you examined your wound in a dream. The Dream Interpretation recommends finding answers to questions, taking into account only your own thoughts, while maintaining the greatest objectivity.

For young people, a wound in a dream is explained by the interpreter as a game of inner consciousness. You do not feel confident in your appearance, or, on the contrary, you love yourself too much and are afraid that you will lose your natural attractiveness.

The betrayal of old friends is foreshadowed by a wound on the back. Protect the betrayal of a person close to you when you trust him more. Any problem should be solved independently, without relying on outsiders.

To see a wound in the chest area in a dream - the dream book indicates the prevailing pain in real life. You probably have ailments with your respiratory system and need to seek medical help soon. A wound on the finger indicates a circulatory disorder.

What does the damage look like?

Why dream of a bloody wound that has healed essentially? According to Nostradamus's dream book, it is explained: the greatest caution must be observed when traveling on any trip. An accident can happen in an instant, because an evil fate hangs over you. For those born in summer period such a dream foreshadows the revenge of those people whom you have offended in the past.

From a psychological point of view, what a bleeding wound means in a dream represents a feeling of responsibility for the indecent actions carried out. The dream book gives advice: try, at least in your thoughts, to say words of apology to the person to whom you caused pain. This way you will ease your soul, and troublesome dreams will stop tormenting you.

When in a dream you accidentally injure a person, but there is no blood, in reality you will offend a relative or loved one by telling him a lie. When a lie is discovered, attitudes towards you will likely change forever, and trust in your personality will disappear.

Consider in a dream how pus is released from a cut located on the lower or upper limb, according to Zhou Gong's interpretation, in reality, stunning success awaits you. If your name day is in summer time years, in the near future you will suffer a serious illness that will be difficult to fight.

Why does someone whose birthday is in the fall dream of a festering wound? When you have to open it in your night dreams, be prepared for betrayal or a big conspiracy against your personality. In particular, this interpretation poses the greatest danger for businessmen - they can suddenly lose everything that they have achieved with great effort.

To injure a stranger in a dream - the dream book predicts difficulties in the undertaking. When a deep wound is located on your body, you feel upset because of love. This interpretation of the interpreter is especially reliable when it is located next to the heart in the chest area.

A lacerated wound in night dreams promises major disappointment in a loved one. Expect betrayal, and everything will happen in a harsh manner. In the future, everything will depend on you - forget the grievances or break up with the liar forever.

Wound according to the dream book

In reality, even the smallest, insignificant wound can cause death, but why do you dream about being wounded? The dream book interprets the plot of a wound in a dream with absolutely different sides: everything depends on seemingly insignificant moments.

Before you reliably interpret what any damage to the body means in a dream, you need to remember the following: important details, such as the location of the wound, its appearance, the presence of blood or other secretions, the object with which it was inflicted.

Seeing wounds in a dream - for good or for bad?

The idiomatic dream book interprets what an open wound means in a dream from the side of subconscious activity. In reality, you feel unprotected, vulnerable, and only careful work on your psyche will help you cope with this.

Why do you dream of sewing up a wound? If you suture a stranger, then this is evidence of your kindness and compassion. If you stitched your wound yourself, then the dream book predicts a series of failures through which you will go through with significant losses.

According to Miller’s dream book, a wound on the dreamer’s body is a sign of failure and loss, but if others are wounded, then the reason for the “black streak” in life will be the dreamer’s friends, due to their lack of understanding, many goals will be unachieved.

Why do you dream of cut wounds? If in a dream you bandage them, treat them with medicine, take care of the victim, then in reality you will be overtaken by unexpected luck, which will bring not so much material benefits as spiritual harmony and peace of mind.

The predictions of Nostradamus’s dream book about what a knife wound means in a dream are closely related to friendly relationships. You are surrounded by imaginary friends who will turn against you at the first mistake. Take your time, see through the hypocrites, and the problems will go away on their own.

If the dreamer was born in the spring months, then a knife in the wound promises events related to love. In the near future, you will not be able to contain your unbridled passion and love; an incredible sexual and romantic adventure awaits you.

If in real life you can’t get rid of quarrels and conflicts in your family, then everything will get better very soon if in a dream you had to treat a wound. The dream book foretells peace and harmony around the family hearth, and a complete resolution of misunderstandings.

A wound on the palm is an ambiguous symbol of the dream book. Palmists predict fate by hand, and such a dream promises an event that can completely change the course of life, but it depends only on the dreamer in which direction the changes will occur.

What part of the body was injured?

Each part of the body has its own symbolic meaning, and therefore remembering exactly where you were wounded is almost the most important thing in deciphering a dream. For example, a wound on the leg means that all the dreamer’s successful business will very soon cease to bring the expected income.

A wound on your hand in a dream foreshadows meeting a person who will become opposed to you in the future. Don't bring trouble to anyone, and then no one will take revenge on you. You need to behave extremely carefully with strangers, they pose a danger to life.

If your relationship with your significant other is not going well, then a dream about a wound on your stomach is a sign of imminent separation. If you want to save your relationship with all your heart, don’t provoke your partner, be a peacemaker.

A head wound in a dream is directly related to the dreamer’s intellectual activity and subconscious. You strain yourself mentally too often and feel tired. Give yourself a break from work, let someone else work for you - with such a busy rhythm, the likelihood of severe stress is high.

The neck is a symbol of breathing, life, and if in a dream you feel a wound on your neck, then in reality your enemies will literally “cut off your oxygen.” You will not be able to take a single step without the knowledge of envious people and ill-wishers.

A situation will occur in life where, due to the parties’ misunderstanding of each other, a misunderstanding will arise if you saw a wound on your body in a dream. The dream book advises to resolve all issues relying only on your opinion, and to be as objective as possible.

For girls, a wound on the face in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a game of the subconscious. You are not sure of the attractiveness of your appearance, or, on the contrary, you admire yourself so much that you are afraid of losing even a drop of the beauty that Mother Nature has awarded you.

The betrayal of close friends is symbolized by a wound on the back. A loved one will deceive you precisely at the moment when you trust him most. Rely only on yourself, no one will solve the problem except you.

A wound on the chest in a dream is interpreted in the dream book as a real reflection of pain. If you have serious problems with your respiratory system, you should consult a doctor immediately. But a wound on the finger, especially on the ring finger, indicates a problem in the blood supply systems.

What does the damage look like?

By interpretation Grandmother's dream book, For married woman a wound with blood in a dream promises the loss of a husband or the death of a lover. For a man, such a plot promises betrayal of his beloved, or a slander.

Why dream of a bloody wound that in reality has already healed? The dream book of Nostradamus warns: you need to be as careful as possible while traveling, doom hangs over you, which at any moment can lead to an accident. For those born in the summer, such a dream promises revenge on the people you have insulted.

From a psychoanalytic perspective, what a bleeding wound means in a dream reflects remorse for committing an unsightly act. The dream book advises: try to at least mentally ask for forgiveness from the person you have “annoyed”, and then your soul will feel better, and unpleasant dreams will no longer disturb your consciousness.

If in a dream you wounded someone, but the wound is without blood, then in real life you will offend someone dear and loved one by lying to him. If the lie is revealed, then perhaps the attitude towards you will never be the same as before, the person will not be able to completely forgive you.

If in a dream pus oozes from a wound on your arm or leg, then, according to the interpretation of Zhou Gong’s dream book, great luck awaits you in reality. But if you were born in the summer months, then a serious illness will soon overtake you, and sleep will be very difficult to cope with.

Why do those born in autumn dream of a purulent wound? If you open it in a dream, then expect betrayal, or even a major conspiracy against you. This interpretation of the dream book is especially dangerous for large entrepreneurs - they can suddenly lose everything they have earned through backbreaking work.

Inflicting a deep wound on a stranger in a dream promises the appearance of an obstacle in the planned business. If a deep wound is on your body, then you will experience grief associated with love relationships. This interpretation of the dream book is especially true if the damage is close to the heart, on the chest.

A lacerated wound in a dream foreshadows in the dream book a serious disorder, disappointment in your soulmate. You will be betrayed, and very cruelly and shamelessly. And then everything depends only on you - to forgive, or to break off relations with a deceitful person once and for all.

For some reason, in the dream, all the events took place in prison. I don't remember all the events. But I remember how one man came running to me and said, my mother was stabbed to death. And we ran there. When I get there I see this picture. On the bed, with a stab wound in the neck, my mother lies motionless, my father is helping over her. Apparently, the mother is still alive. And then I woke up. Why is this dream, who will answer?

Mom will live a long time!

I dreamed that my dealer (korish) stabbed me in the neck, then in the side, because I ran into him, then I died.

I dreamed that there was an operation after an inguinal hernia, but then I was walking up the stairs to the doctor and the wound seemed to be on my leg behind the knee and it opened and I went to have the doctor stitch it up, and I pulled out a piece of bone from the wound and carried it in my hand for the doctor to insert. I woke up in shock, help me figure it out.

I walked into the entrance, and the old woman stuck an awl in my side from behind and went off somewhere. The awl pierced the body through, it didn’t hurt, I was just surprised, I took the awl out, standing, thinking I’m probably going to die, but no, I’m not dying. I took out an awl, I think I should go to the hospital, but at the beginning I went home to get money, took the money, left the house and woke up. What is it for?

I dreamed that I was shot from a machine gun and wounded in the stomach, but I did not die. Afterwards, I went to school with a wound, where something strange was happening. Soon a wound appeared on his forehead. Wounded in the stomach in a store. I was walking home and decided to slide down the slide, and at the very bottom there was a knife (if I’m not mistaken, a machete) and I slammed my foot into it. What is this for?

There are so many signs, be careful, death is looking for you. Review your life, do good, go to church. Without pain means that you take yourself lightly and do not take care of yourself.

The left hand was cut around the wrist, but there was no blood. It seems that it has already begun to heal, but the wound is deep without pain. Her appearance is unpleasant, as if her hand had been torn off.

I dreamed that my ex was in the gym with a bandage on his stomach, then when he saw me he didn’t even come up and ran away. What could such a dream mean?

The dream is very strange, there are deep wounds on the stomach and shoulder, but there is no blood at all, as if it is not in the body. What is this for?

I dreamed that I fell and four wounds appeared on my hands round shape On the left hand, two are not deep, but on the right, on the contrary, they are deep and do not bleed.

A wound on the leg, without blood from the big toe to the knee, as if they were cut with an ax, why did you dream about it?

I actually had a scary dream today. From Thursday to Friday again. In the dream, my mother and I are arguing, and out of anger she pours boiling water on me from a kettle that has just been taken off the stove, I run away from the apartment into the street in horror, I run screaming, calling for help, she follows me. Then she threw some object like a cup at me, and when I wanted to defend myself with them, I tore pieces of meat from my palms with these cups. I woke up in such horror. I don't know what it was all about.

I dreamed of a wound on my face that was stitched up in a dream. And I dreamed of a wound on thumb which in reality exists, although the wound in the dream is much larger. What is this for?

I dreamed that my daughter had a deep wound down to the bone on her leg, I tore off the bandage, it was stuck, and there was just bone and pus.

I was walking through a familiar city with a friend. We were attacked by 4 men. The result was that my legs were very cut, the wounds were so deep that I could see my bones. A friend brought me home, and I hid from my loved ones so that they wouldn’t see me. What is this for?

I dreamed about how I was defending a little girl, they stabbed me with a knife, it seems, in the left side, I took the girl in safe place, and then someone (presumably her father or relative) stitched up my wound, it was quite painful, the wound was bleeding, as usual... but everything turned out well in the end! Why such a dream?

I dreamed that my boyfriend was putting stitches on my back, what does that mean?

I had a dream in which a guy complains of back pain, I cut the right side of my boyfriend’s back and then I think about sewing it up, but I don’t find silk threads, only regular ones and I don’t sew them up, I see the wound is open, burgundy color entrails. In my thoughts, what will fester if I sew it up with ordinary stitches. Then I see how the wound heals on its own and it doesn’t hurt him so much anymore.

Stabbed in the heart. I subconsciously told myself that I needed to wait a few minutes for the wound in my heart to heal. I was a little weak, but then I came to my senses. Then I see a wound on the left chest near the nipple, which has crusted over.

I dreamed that on the foot of one girl deep cut without blood, what does this dream mean, please tell me?

I dreamed that, raising my head up, I saw what looked like eczema (sore) all over my neck. On the one hand, many small white worms (similar to maggots) crawled out with pus. I shook them off in horror and crushed them with something! Having killed everyone, I looked in the mirror and opened my mouth, there were these worms there too. I started spitting them out convulsively and woke up.

Two dreams in a row. I was leaving the gym, and they hit me, confusing me with another girl, with some kind of bat with nails, just above my chest, through and through, the wounds on my chest healed, but not on my back. Then I dreamed that my mother left my father and I rented an apartment for her, she asked where the wounds came from, then I dreamed of a shark that almost ate me, and a ferret that bit me on the hand, and I woke up. Then I fell asleep again and had a completely different dream, as if I was on some plane with some friend, but I don’t see their faces, they shoot us down, then I open the hatch and a white light, then we stand opposite each other and they force us to shoot , he shoots at me 5 times, and I shoot at him 2 times, then I fall, but with my eyes still open, they want to throw me into the fire, but I ask him to shoot me in the head. Then I come to consciousness, there’s a big bruise under my eye, my eye can hardly see, and 1 bullet with right side passed into the body, and I feel it, and the other 4 are in a bulletproof vest, I come home, but no one seems to notice me, I go to the river with a wound in a bulletproof vest, and I still wake up. How is it that I haven’t watched action films or thrillers before, I came from training and fell asleep, and that’s all, why such dreams??

I dreamed of a cut on right palm. I remember that it was from glass, a little blood. What is this for?

I dreamed that I ran into a stake in the wall and made a hole in my chest. Afterwards I stood on stage with a large hole in my chest, and people looked at me.

My mother dreamed that she was hiding me from someone, someone was chasing me and they threw something at my head and there was a wound, she took me to someone and there a guy sat down next to me and began to calm me down.

My husband recently died and I often dream about him. Yesterday I dreamed that he came with a cut on the back of his neck, the wound was round and red, and he said that he accidentally cut himself, I ran to look for cotton wool, I ran, and there was blood everywhere on the floors, I ran and tried not to step on it.

I dreamed of a vulture on my head. Just swollen, but without blood, pus, etc. What is this for?

On my hand in my life outside of sleep I have a stitch from the operation that is not yet healed. In a dream I saw a seam perfectly fused, very short time. How to interpret this?

I dreamed of two lacerations on my leg with blood. A lot of blood. What is this for?

I dreamed that I was tying a ponytail and combing the hair on the back of my head, and the comb remained like flakes of dandruff or white wounds, I can’t understand what this is for.

In a dream, suddenly a Barbie doll’s leg pierces my stomach, a hole-wound is formed from which my insides are visible, I go to the hospital, they tell me that without money they won’t stitch up the wound, why is this?

I dreamed that I started to get sick right leg below the knee. I took a knife and made a cut. Small worms crawled out of the wound. I began to shovel them out of there with my hand. And then a large worm, 40 cm long, appeared. I started screaming and calling for help. A dog ran up and started barking at the worm. And the worm crawled half out of his leg and began to attack the dog. I ran for help and then I felt that the worm was already sitting under my clothes in the waist area. Out of fear that it would crawl under my skin, I tore it into two parts, tore each part from the body and threw it away. The wound immediately healed, and small bloody cuts remained, as if a cat had scratched it.

I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that ex-husband with a bloody wound on his forehead.

I dreamed that my girlfriend had thick blood flowing from her mouth in a dream, and there were wounds on her body from which blood was also flowing.

I dreamed that my grandmother, who is no longer alive, beats me with a shoe spoon and inflicts deep baked wounds on my shoulder and arm. And my grandfather, her husband defended her, and then she stopped, and strangers shouted where was the money that was transferred to you, but they didn’t transfer anything to me.

I dreamed of a rather large wound on the instep of my foot. Right along the entire rise. Such a clean wound, no blood, no pus. They bandaged it for me and fixed it so that it would heal. I wasn't sick. I even woke up in the morning when, while I was asleep, I carefully moved my leg, only then I realized that my leg was intact.

Hello everyone, I’m 18 years old, my name is Ulyana, I dreamed that my mother left the car, me and my brother were left in the car, there was a car on the mountain, my mother slammed the door, and I see that the car drove off. I was driving, I love to sit in the driver's seat in life, my mother said there was nothing going there, but she jumped into the car and it drove off, I started to steer, but at random, now to the right, then to the left, at the bottom of the mountain there was a bridge under there is a river, we flew there. I woke up without my brother, and there was a TV in the car, showing how it happened from the side, my mother died, an ambulance was standing nearby, and I had a deep cut and blood was oozing out. I flew out of the car during the accident, head-on, but when I approached the nurse, she simply didn’t do anything to me, but I felt all the pain and went to look for a hospital, I was bleeding and I was in pain, I found a hospital and then I just couldn’t get out of it, and stayed there forever, woke up with tears in my eyes.
