Printable activities for first graders. Developmental activities program. Helping a first grader. For thinking and memory

School preparation tasks include the best cognitive express techniques. Educational material is developed depending on the individual characteristics of future students. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, preparing a child for school means the formation of a successful personality, independent and self-confident. Currently, there are many interactive, electronic techniques with descriptions. Children can prepare for them at home under the strict guidance of their parents and completely free of charge.

How to prepare for school: rules and requirements

Preschool preparation is an important stage in the life of every child, but not all parents understand why it is needed and where to start.

Classes are required so that the child is mentally, emotionally and psychologically adapted to the new stage in his life.

Assignments for preparatory groups will help you study successfully, develop the child’s physical and intellectual skills, and will help you when applying to school during an interview with teachers.

There are certain requirements that a first-grader should know and be able to do:

  • Full name (your own and your parents), residential address, city;
  • parents' place of work;
  • holidays;
  • professions;
  • distinguish vegetables and fruits, edible from inedible;
  • seasons and the number of months in it, days of the week;
  • famous poets and musicians;
  • Traffic Laws;
  • distinguish colors;
  • letters, numbers;
  • read syllables and complete sentences;
  • write in a notebook;
  • count from 0 to 10 and back;
  • recite poems with expressions by heart;
  • retell what you read and heard;
  • solve riddles;
  • invent and tell a fairy tale;
  • make up a story based on the given picture;
  • answer questions clearly.

Despite the fact that studying in the first grade includes much from the list, during the testing/interview for admission to school, attention is paid to the specified points.

Developmental activities

Currently, there are many developmental preparatory classes and courses. Each task is prepared individually, based on the abilities and skills of the preschooler. There are notes indicating how best to present the material to the child. The variety of methods includes tasks for both children who have not yet turned 4 years old, and for children over 6 years old. Classes allow the child to easily complete the first grade and successfully move to the 2nd. Preparatory courses include most of the school curriculum for first-graders.


By studying the Russian language, a child will learn to correctly inflect words and select prepositions for nouns. Literacy training will help you master oral and written skills.

  • Task with the letter K. Color those pictures in the photo where there is the indicated sound.

  • Circle the pictures whose names begin with a vowel sound.

  • Color the vowels red and the consonants black.

  • Connect objects with the sounds that their names begin with.

  • Prompt a word. Continue the expression: “Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped it into the river... (ball).” “The mistress abandoned the bunny, he was left in the rain... (bunny).”
  • Guess the item by description. “Fluffy, cold, white, creaks underfoot in winter...(snow).” “Yellow, shining brightly in the sky during the day...(sun).” “Tall, grows in the forest, there are many branches on it... (tree).”
  • Name the first sound in the word, indicate whether it is a vowel or a consonant: k-potato, a-orange, s-table, t-telephone, u-snail.
  • Name any word to the child and ask: what sound is the first, is it a vowel or a consonant, what letter does the word end with. Then the child himself continues to name words, the beginning of which will correspond to the last sound. Tree-Island-Bucket-Hoop-Kettle and so on.
  • Connect objects with the same number of sounds in a word with lines.

Writing skills

Mastery of basic graphic and technical skills.

Entertaining tasks at home:

  • Trace the letters along the outline.

  • Draw the shapes as in the picture.

  • Move the figure to a new location.

  • Finish the house.

  • Name the animals in the picture, color them in different colors.

  • Copy the drawing.

  • Finish drawing the boat.

  • Circle the objects along the dotted lines.


Mathematical simulators teach you to think logically, create quick reactions and cognitive interest, and help quickly prepare six-year-olds for 1st grade.

Logic tasks

Classes will help the child learn to reason, build logical chains, consistency, and develop curiosity and an inquisitive mind.

  • What do you get if you connect the numbers in order?

  • Find and color identical chickens.

  • Find a pattern and complete the shapes.

  • Connect objects in pairs with lines.

  • Color identical figures with the same color. Count how many there are.

  • Puzzle.

  • Find who is hiding in the picture.

  • Find an extra object in the picture and tell why.

  • Which fairy tales are the pictures from? Color the characters.

Speech development

By regularly training, the younger student learns to convey thoughts and emotions. As a result, speech becomes richer and vocabulary increases.

  • Describe any situation, talk about emotions, express feelings.
  • Choose similar or opposite words for any adjectives (cold - frosty, hot).
  • Read the words out loud.
  • Tell a fairy tale looking at pictures from your favorite books.

To develop correct diction, it is useful to regularly conduct gymnastics, including exercises:

  • The child rests his tongue on the left, then the right cheek, while the mouth is closed.
  • The baby's mouth is open, the tongue is arched and rests on the lower teeth.
  • The child smiles with his mouth slightly open, the tip of his tongue rests on the left and right sides of the mouth alternately.
  • Imagine that the tip of the tongue is a toothbrush, “brush” the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, the latter remains motionless.
  • The child smiles as wide as possible for 7-10 seconds, showing his teeth.


Reading develops interest in letters, signs, literacy, and increases vocabulary.

  • Find a familiar word in the text given to your child in 2 minutes.
  • Read while increasing/decreasing your speech volume.
  • Read the text “to yourself”, tell what it is about.
  • In one minute, the child is asked to write as many vowel/consonant sounds as possible.
  • Read the text, answer the prepared questions.
  • To teach a child to read without paying attention to extraneous sounds, for example, you can turn on the TV.
  • Read letters of different sizes.
  • Reading short texts without opening your teeth. Retelling what you read.
  • Speed ​​reading.
  • Daily retelling of what you read.


Drawing will help satisfy creative curiosity and develop imagination.

The world

Classes develop sensory skills, introduce the baby to nature, and help explore the environment.

Attention exercises

The development of attention promotes quick reaction, concentration, perseverance, and switchability.

On thinking and memory.

Classes develop perseverance, attention in class, the ability to think logically, perceive and assimilate information.

For fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills of a future first-grader is coordinated by the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. As a result of classes, dexterity of movements and writing skills are acquired.

  • An adult easily massages the child’s fingers with his palms with the saying “Magpie-Crow.”
  • Game of "Ladushki".
  • Turning the pages of a book or magazine.
  • Fingering beads.
  • Building towers from cubes, dominoes, cards.
  • Drawing on the sand.
  • The child is asked to take a pea from a jar with an easy-to-open lid, then repeat the manipulations.
  • Fasten and unfasten zippers on clothes, lace and unlace shoes.
  • Modeling from plasticine, clay, dough.
  • Cutting out pictures and cards from a magazine.

Graphic dictation - drawings by cells

An educational game that prepares a preschooler's hands for writing, develops spatial thinking, and teaches orientation according to the size of a sheet of paper. Often used in preparatory courses for elementary school.

There is no need to scold the child if the drawing does not come out right away, calmly suggest and continue further.

It is important to monitor the correct seating position at the desk, sufficient lighting, the position of the hand, and how the baby holds the pen.

Having received the result, rejoice with your child for his hard work. Graphic dictations are accompanied by tongue twisters, riddles, and develop fine motor skills and thinking.

To perform a dictation, you need to have a squared notebook, a pencil and an eraser. The duration of classes for children under 5-6 years old should not be more than 15 minutes, from 7-8 years old up to 25 minutes. First, talk through the concepts of up/down, right/left with your child.

Graphic dictation is performed in one of the following ways:

  • The preschooler is asked to draw a geometric pattern in a checkered notebook.
  • The adult pronounces the sequence of actions, indicates the direction (2 cells to the left, 4 up, 1 to the right, 2 down, and so on). The child perceives information by ear and draws. At the end of the dictation, the image in the manual is compared with what the child got.
  • Through play, a child learns to perceive the world, develops thinking, logic, memory, attention, and strengthens the child’s psyche. It should be fun, relaxed, interesting. Currently, there are free educational online games that a child will play with interest.

    At home, several options for learning by playing programs can help you master the basics:

    • "Magic wand". For example, a felt-tip pen is called a magic wand. By rubbing it on woolen fabric or hair, show how static electricity works (bring it to a candy wrapper, a piece of paper, a stream of water). Let the child decide for himself what magic words need to be said for the “trick” to work.
    • Cut out images of animals, stick them on a piece of paper and invite the child to draw what each of them eats. A hare is a carrot, a cow is hay and so on.
    • Talk to your child about who he sees while walking in the yard. Cut out familiar pictures from magazines of things that remind you of a walk (grandparents, swings, sandbox). Paste the illustrations onto a sheet of paper.
    • Make a toy forest with your baby. To do this, you need to stock up on twigs, leaves, sawdust and paint.
    • Teach polite words, greetings and farewells. Toys are suitable for this; let the child, playing with a character in a suitable situation, say “good morning”, “good night”, “see you soon” and more.

    Psychological preparation: tests

    In order to determine the level of psychological preparation for school, it is enough to perform special tests.

    Test 1

    Ask the child to draw on a piece of paper the school where he will study, as he sees it. To complete the task you will need a sheet of paper and colored pencils. The drawing is evaluated based on color scheme, plot and lines, and points are assigned.

    Results in points:

    • 2 - warm season, the sun is shining, the school is located in the center of the leaf, there are joyful people around, beautiful flowers, trees;
    • 0 - the school is located closer to the edge, people are sad, it is dark, it is cold;
    • 1 - the figure shows elements of both characteristics;
    • 2 - straight lines without breaks;
    • 0 - fuzzy, weak, double, with breaks;
    • 1 - elements of both characteristics;
    • 2 - bright, light colors;
    • 0 - dark colors;
    • 1 - dark and light colors.

    By adding up the points, they check whether the child is ready for school:

    • 0-1 - the child is not ready to study at school; there will be obstacles in communicating with teachers and peers.
    • 2-4 - the child does not have a clear idea of ​​what school is; fears may arise that will interfere with learning. Parents need to talk with the child, find out the reason for the fear and describe learning in a positive way.
    • 5-6 - the child is completely ready for school, there is no need to worry about interaction with teachers and peers.

    Test 2

    The child is given 30 seconds to put dots in the circles: 1 dot - 1 point. The more dots, the higher the score (only those included in the circle are counted).


    • less than 11 - low result:
    • 12-17 - development needs to be given more attention;
    • 18-33 - average score;
    • 34 and above - excellent development, excellent result.

Sections: School psychological service

The program is designed to correct the development of cognitive areas of activity of primary schoolchildren. This program contains a complex of educational games, exercises, and tasks aimed at developing cognitive mental processes, communication, and arbitrary behavior of younger schoolchildren. Basic purpose classes is the development of cognitive processes for the successful development of educational programs. The program consists of games, exercises, tasks that can be divided into:

  • Relaxation
  • – relieving psycho-emotional and muscle tension.
  • Motor
  • – developing coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills.
  • Communication
  • – promoting the formation of communication skills.
  • Developmental
  • – aimed at the development of cognitive and social reflection, individual processes: memory, thinking, attention, imagination.

The program contains several stages: indicative, reconstructive, formative and consolidating. Classes are held with a regular group of up to 8 people of approximately the same age. It is advisable to have children of different genders in the group. Each lesson lasts from 30 to 45 minutes, has a specific goal, tasks and contains an appropriate set of games, exercises, and tasks. The minimum number of classes is 12. A signal to stop classes can be a change in the children’s attitude towards them or the successful completion of tasks.

During the classes, you can use elements of isotherapy (drawing fears, shading, finger painting), music, dance therapy, bibliotherapy (working with fairy tales, parables, stories). You can start each lesson with the “Mirror and Me” exercise. Create an imaginary mirror from your right hand, “looking into it”, make faces at yourself, say a few compliments, for example: “How good I am” or “How beautiful I am,” etc., removing the mirror, make faces at your neighbor and tell him a compliment. To create a good mood. You can end each lesson with a color painting of your mood (draw a cloud of your mood and color it in as you wish) or choosing a pictogram (choose a face with the same mood as yours).

Projected result at the end of the course

Upon completion of the developmental course, students should:

  • Do exercises and tasks independently.
  • Change behavior in class.
  • Improve academic performance in various school subjects.
  • Changes in the emotional state of each student.

Terms of sale

Developmental classes are conducted in a specialized psychologist’s office. During the classes, various didactic materials are used: posters, tables, visual material of the 4th odd method, Raven matrices, etc., individual forms for completing assignments.

When assessing the development results of this program, it is necessary to conduct repeated psychodiagnostics of students to determine the level of development of cognitive processes.

The program material is designed for 12 lessons, distributed over time once a week for 30-45 minutes, taking into account its sufficiency for the high-quality development of cognitive processes and obtaining the planned results.

Cycle 12 lessons

1. Exercises aimed at correcting mental activity:

“The fourth odd one”, “Name it in one word”, “Find the way”, “Continue the row”, “Pick up the patch”, “Complete what is missing”, “Choose the corresponding word”, “Find out the quantity”, “Insert the missing letters”, “Elimination of the superfluous”, “Dancing men”, “Comparison of concepts”, “Simple analogies”, tongue twisters, irregular fairy tales, fascinating mathematics.

2. Exercises aimed at correcting and developing attention:

“Proofreading tests”, “Graphic dictation”, “Search non-stop”, “Remember the order”, “Buttons”, “Find the differences”, “Find the encrypted words”, “On the seashore”, “Little monkeys”, “Find a pair” , “Find errors.”

3. Exercises aimed at correcting and developing memory:

“Remember the order”, “Pairs of words”, “Remember phrases”, “Recognizing figures”, “Remember a series of words”, “Remember a series of figures”

4. Exercises aimed at correcting and developing fine motor skills: “Repeat the pattern”, “Connect the dots in order”, “Trace the drawing dot by dot”, “Do shading”.

5. Exercises aimed at correcting and developing spatial concepts: “Labyrinth”, “Repeat the pattern”, “Nose”, “Graphic dictation”.

6. Exercises aimed at correcting and developing the emotional-volitional sphere: “Mirror”, “Drawing of a family”, “My dreams”, “Magic journey”, “Kindness”, “Boat”, “Look at your hands”, “How many teeth” ”, “Icicle”, “On the seashore”, “Curious Varvara”, “Round eyes”, “Surprise”, “Gaps in a sentence”.

7. Exercises aimed at broadening your horizons and developing creative thinking, intelligence, imagination and perception: riddles, “Verbs”, “Fun questions”, “Shapes”, “Make up words”, “Insert the missing letters”, “Decipher the words”, “Solve the example and make up a word”, “Guess the word”, “Animal crossword”, “Assemble a figure”, “Word inverters”, “Come up with words starting with a given letter”.

Students should be able to:

  1. Orient yourself in the space of the sheet, correctly name the directions to the right, left, up, down, etc.
  2. Correctly analyze and copy the sample without errors.
  3. Follow the adult’s verbal instructions correctly.
  4. Correctly perceive and name shapes, emotions, colors.
  5. Correctly understand and use facial expressions and gestures.
  6. Work in a team.
  7. Show sustained attention when performing tasks, concentrate, switch, distribute, visually analyze.
  8. Memorize auditory and visual material at a sufficient level.
  9. Successfully complete tasks independently, previously completed, but differently designed.
  10. Express your feelings.

Lesson developments

Lesson 1

Goal: get to know each other, remove the barrier of anxiety and shyness, develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

Task: uniting the group, setting the mood for productive future work.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part

The music “Dolphin's Dream” is playing. We close our eyes and listen carefully to the sounds of the dolphin, he is very happy, he is in a good mood, he helps everyone and works very hard, all his qualities are transmitted through music to us. Now open your eyes and smile at each other. Sway from side to side, as if on the waves, all tension leaves your body, and it is filled with the energy necessary for work. Getting to know each other in a circle, exercise “Snowball”. Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball and saying their names. On the second circle, everyone tries to repeat the name of their neighbors to the right and left, on the third, the names of all the children standing in the circle. If necessary, he uses the advice of a psychologist.

II. Main part

Task 1. “Search non-stop”

Assignment for the child: within 20 seconds, you need to see as many objects of the same color or shape around you as possible (the color or shape is called by a psychologist) and list them. The rest carefully monitor the answer and add to it.

Task 2. “Remember the order”

You can play several options: A) remember the order of colored pencils and reproduce it. B) Students stand in a row, the person answering must remember who is standing where, turn away and name everyone in order.

Task 3. Game “Zoo”

Participants name the animals they would like to be and explain why. The answerer turns away, at this time the participants change places, and after 30 seconds, turning around, they say who called themselves what animal, and who changed places with whom. The answerer changes and the game starts anew, with new “animals”.

Task 4. “Fascinating mathematics”

  1. A rooster, standing on one leg, weighs 3 kg. How much will he weigh standing on two legs? (3 kg)
  2. What is lighter – 1 kg of fluff or 1 kg of iron? (Equal)
  3. Who changes clothes 4 times a year? (Earth)
  4. The four played dominoes for four hours. How long did each person play? (4 hours)
  5. One egg is cooked for 4 minutes. How many minutes to boil 5 eggs? (4 minutes)

Let's stand in a circle and hold hands. Then, pronouncing “Goodbye” one by one, we disperse, making our circle wider, and then lower our hands.

Lesson 2

Objective: to teach how to navigate in space up, down, left, right.

Progress of the lesson

Let's greet each other. To do this, we all need to stand in a circle, holding hands, and, saying “Hello” one syllable at a time, take a few steps forward and join in the center of the circle. So, let's start.

I. Introductory part

Today in class we will learn to distinguish where is left, where is right, up and down. We will learn to listen carefully and look for mistakes, speak quickly and go through mazes. Let's perform brain exercises to improve memory, attention and thinking. “ Ear-nose " With your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, grab the opposite ear. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.”

II. Main part

Task 1. “Wrong fairy tales: Ryaba Hen”

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken, Ryaba. Once a chicken laid an egg. The egg is not simple - the egg is golden. Grandfather beat and beat, but did not break. Baba beat and beat, but she didn’t break it. The mouse jumped, flapped its wing, the egg fell and broke. The grandfather dances, the woman dances, and the chicken clucks: “Don’t dance, grandfather, don’t dance, woman.” I’ll give you some more milk.”

Task 2. “Graphic dictation: Typewriter”

Instructions: “Now we will draw a pattern by cells. To make it beautiful and neat, you need to listen carefully to what I am going to say and draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper. Drawing a training pattern. Put down your pencil, listen carefully, don’t get distracted, I won’t repeat it. Start: one cell up, one cell to the right, one down, one to the right, one up, one to the right, one down, one to the right, continue this pattern to the fields yourself (after finishing the work, you need to look through the patterns and correct any mistakes). Well done, now let's move on to the main pattern, get ready: one cell up, one to the right, one cell up, two to the right, one down, two to the right, two down, two to the left, one down, two to the left, one up, one to the left, one up . We're done. Happened? What does it look like?".

Task 3. “Tongue Twisters”

Instructions: “At first we pronounce the tongue twister slowly, and when we learn it, we gradually increase the pace. Make sure that every sound is pronounced clearly.”

“The Christmas tree has pinched needles,” “One magpie is a hassle, forty forty is forty hassle,” “Wolves are prowling and looking for food,” “A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a bite.”

Task 4. “Labyrinth”

Students must find the correct path to the star by drawing a path line with a pencil.

III. The final part - reflection

Summing up the lesson. Discussion of the results of the work and their difficulties that arose during the task: What did you like? what didn't you like? what did you learn? what was interesting?

Now let's say goodbye to you. We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game in which the applause starts out quietly and then becomes stronger.

Lesson 3

Goal: development of memory, creativity, logical thinking.

Objective: relieve anxiety during the game.

Progress of the lesson

Let's take turns in a circle and say hello to the neighbor on the right, saying his name and smiling.

I. Introductory part

Today we will learn to be attentive, remember words, imagine. And as always, we’ll start our lesson with brain gymnastics. Draw a Christmas tree (at least 5 turns), a circle, a square, a triangle in the air with both hands at the same time (activates brain structures that ensure memorization, increases stability of attention).

II. Main part

Task 1. “Shapes”

Children are given templates of geometric shapes that need to be traced. Based on the circled figure, you need to come up with and complete the drawing.

Task 2. “Pairs of words”

Students are read pairs of words, they need to remember every second word in the pair and write it down next to the first word of the pair.

Pairs of words: Cat – milk; bun – butter; boy - car; winter - slide; table - pie; teeth – brush; river - bridge. (To complicate the task, you can take pairs of words that are not related in meaning)

Children are presented with several mathematical riddles in which the solution does not depend on calculation or addition. These puzzles force you to think logically and help you learn comparative analysis. Students answer orally.

  1. Three chickens will lay 3 eggs in 3 days. How many eggs will 6 hens lay in 6 days? What about 4 chickens in 9 days? (6 hens will lay 12 eggs in 6 days, 4 hens will lay 12 eggs in 9 days)
  2. Lena, Olya, Tanya took part in the 100 m race. Lena ran 2 seconds earlier than Olya, Olya ran 1 second later than Tanya. Who came earlier: Tanya or Lena, and by how many seconds? (Lena arrived 1 second earlier than Tanya)
  3. There are 20 spokes in a wheel. How many spaces are there between the spokes in this wheel? (20 spaces)
  4. How many different digits must be used to write the number 100? (Two: 1 and 0)

Task 4. Game “Little Monkeys”

Each of those standing in a row takes some pose, one of the players, after looking at them for 40-50 seconds, copies the pose of everyone, while the rest of the participants stand quietly. You can complicate the game by using your memory; turning away, the player must repeat all the poses from memory.

III. The final part - reflection

Summing up the lesson. Discussion of the results of the work and their difficulties that arose during the task: What did you like? what didn't you like? what did you learn? what was interesting?

Now you and I will give gifts to each other. Taking turns using pantomime, you need to depict an object and pass it to your neighbor on the right.

Lesson 4

Goal: development of memory, attention, logical thinking.

Task: be able to work according to a model.

Progress of the lesson

Children randomly move around the classroom to the music, meet each other, clap their hands and say hello.

I. Introductory part

Today in class we will learn to listen carefully and find mistakes, work according to a model and solve problems. Let's start with brain gymnastics and immediately check who knows how to listen. Activation of auditory sensitivity of sound: one clap of the tester - 2 clap of the test subjects, two clap of the tester - one clap of the test subjects.

II. Main part

Task 1. “Repeat the pattern”

Students carefully examine the sample on the left side of the sheet and reproduce it in the same way in the squares on the right side of the sheet.

Instructions: Students must hear and name the mistakes in the fairy tale.

Task 2. “Wrong fairy tales: Kolobok”

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; they had no bread, no salt, no sour cabbage soup. The old man went into the garden to scrape the boxes of revenge. Having collected some flour, they began to knead the bun. They mixed it in oil, spun it in a frying pan and chilled it on the stove. The bun jumped and ran away. As he runs along the river, a tiger meets him and asks him in a thin voice: “Where are you running, little bun?” Kolobok answered him: “I swept the boxes, scraped the bottom of the barrel, spun in raw oil, chilled the window, I left my grandfather, I left my woman, and I’ll run away from you.” And the bun ran. A gray bull meets him: “Where are you going, little bun?” Kolobok answered him: “I swept the boxes, scraped the bottom of the barrel, spun it in raw oil, chilled the window, I left my grandfather, I left my woman, I left the tiger, and I’ll run away from you, little bull.” The bun swam. A cat flies towards him and croaks at him: Where are you going, little bun? Kolobok answered her: “I swept the boxes, scraped the bottoms of the barrel, spun in raw oil, cold on the window, I left my grandfather, I left my woman, I left the tiger, I swam away from the bull, and from you, cat, I'll run away. Kolobok galloped. A fox comes across him, an expert at climbing trees, and purrs, getting ready to lick him off: “Where are you running, little bun, tell me, my dear friend, my dear light!” Kolobok answered her: “I swept the boxes, scraped the bottoms of the barrel, spun in raw oil, cold on the window, I left my grandfather, I left my woman, I left the tiger, I swam away from the bull, I rode away from the bear and away from you.” I'll run away. The fox says to him: “I don’t hear what you’re singing?” Sit on my upper lip! The little boy sat down and sang the same thing again. – I don’t hear anything yet! Sit on my tongue. But he didn’t hear, and jumped on her side. The fox will laugh from being tickled. Kolobok was frightened by her laughter and ran away. So he still rides through the forest. And from then on, grandma only baked pancakes so that they wouldn’t roll away.

Task 3. “Fascinating mathematics”

Children are presented with several mathematical riddles in which the solution does not depend on calculation or addition. These puzzles force you to think logically and help you learn comparative analysis. Students answer orally.

  1. One day, Winnie the Pooh spent the whole day visiting the Rabbit. Figure out where Winnie the Pooh spent the night if it is known that the bear cub covered the distance between his house and the Rabbit's hole an odd number of times. (At the Rabbit's, because Vinnie went to the Rabbit's for the first, third, etc. time, and returned home for the second, fourth, etc. time).
  2. A one-headed snake has one tail. How many tails does the three-headed serpent have? What about the nine-headed one? What about the hundred-headed one? (No matter how many heads there are, there is always one tail).
  3. In a week, the goose laid more than 6 eggs, but not less than 8. How many ducklings hatched from these eggs? (Seven)

Task 4. “Help the girl get home”

III. The final part - reflection

Exercise “Draw a cloud of your mood.”

Children mentally draw a cloud and mentally color it depending on their mood at the moment. The presenter writes down the answers. You can also do it on a sheet of paper. Summing up the lesson. Discussion of the results of the work and their difficulties that arose during the completion of tasks. What did you like? What didn't you like? What have you learned? What was interesting?

Lesson 5

Goal: development of visual - imaginative thinking, attention, spatial orientation.

Task: know left, right, up, down, be able to perform tasks under dictation.

Progress of the lesson

Let's stand in a circle and take turns saying our name, clapping it with our hands (Ta-nya, Ta-nya), and everyone else will repeat the name.

I. Introductory part

Today we will learn to perform tasks under dictation, learn how to compare and find identical objects, and select suitable patches for rugs. Let's start with brain gymnastics: “ ring " Alternately and as quickly as possible, move your fingers, connecting the index, middle, etc. into a ring with the thumb smoothly and alternately in succession. The test is performed in direct (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. First, the technique is performed with each hand separately, then together.

II. Main part

Task 1. “Do the same”

The child needs to do the shading according to the pattern, repeat the drawing by dots, and trace the drawing by dots.

Task 2. “Graphic dictation - Dog”

Instructions: “Now we will draw a pattern by cells. To make it beautiful and neat, you need to listen carefully to what I am going to say and draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper. Put down your pencil, listen carefully, don’t get distracted, I won’t repeat it. Start: one square up, one right, three up, one left, one up, two right, one up, one right, three down, two right, one up, one right, four down, two left, one up, one right , one up, three left, two down, two left. We're done. Happened? What does it look like?".

Task 3. “Comparison”

III. The final part - reflection

Exercise “Princess-Nesmeyana”.

There is a chair in the center. The presenter sits on it. To cheer up Princess Nesmeyana, you need to tell her kind words about how good she is. The children take turns telling the princess about her good qualities.

Summing up the lesson. Discussion of the results of the work and their difficulties that arose during the task: What did you like? what didn't you like? what did you learn? what was interesting?

Lesson 6

Goal: training attention, forecasting and foresight, logical thinking.

Task: be able to select verbs and solve logical problems.

Progress of the lesson

Greeting exercise “General circle”.

Let's all stand in a circle. I will look you all in the eyes and slightly nod my head, when I say hello to everyone, I will lightly touch the shoulder of my neighbor on the right and he will begin to greet you all.

I. Introductory part

Today we will train attention, learn to think, consistently connect dots and syllables, and solve problems. Let's start with brain gymnastics: “ Fist-rib-palm " The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. Palm on a plane; palm clenched into a fist; palm with edge on the plane of the table; straightened palm on the plane of the table. The child performs the test together with the teacher, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The test is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together. When mastering the program or if there are difficulties in performing it, the teacher invites the child to help himself with commands (“fist-rib-palm”), pronounced out loud or silently.

II. Main part

Task 1. “Verbs”

The purpose of this exercise is to enrich the child’s speech and expand his understanding of the world around him. To develop automaticity in the pronunciation of words, it is useful to combine this exercise with actions. Use the ball. The adult speaks and throws the ball to the child, he answers and returns the ball.

  1. Sand is poured, and water... (poured)
  2. The cutlets are fried, and the soup... (boiled)
  3. The table is set, and the bed... (made)
  4. Flowers are watered with water, and fire is watered... (extinguished)
  5. They put a thread into a needle, and a nail into a wall... (they drive it in)
  6. The table may break, and the glass... (break)
  7. The water can be spilled, but the peas... (scattered)
  8. The hay is cut, and the hair... (cut)
  9. The dress is sewn, and the scarf... (knitted)
  10. The threads are spun, and the canvas... (woven)

Task 2. “Fun questions”

Develops logical thinking.

  1. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest are not on an empty stomach)
  2. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)
  3. Where does the water stand? (In glass)
  4. How many minutes does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg? Two? Three? Five? (Not at all – it’s already hard-boiled)
  5. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are worth)

Task 3. “Make words”

Task 4 “Connect the dots and color”

III. The final part - reflection

Summing up the lesson. Discussion of the results of the work and their difficulties that arose during the task: What did you like? what didn't you like? what did you learn? what was interesting?

Application . (Lesson 7–12)


  1. Danilova E.A. “Finger games” - M.: JSC “ROSMAN-PRESS”, 2006.
  2. Ovcharova R.V. “Practical psychology in the beginning. school" - M.: Sphere shopping center, 1996.
  3. Chistyakova M.I. “Psychogymnastics” - M.: Education, 1990.

Compiled by: Yazykanova...

Read completely

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school.
The course of developmental classes for primary schoolchildren is a set of specially designed tests, games and exercises aimed at developing memory, attention, observation, and logical thinking; promotes the development of spatial perception and sensorimotor coordination. You can work with the proposed tasks in electives, in extended-day groups; the teacher can use individual exercises as additional material for Russian language and mathematics lessons, when preparing students for Olympiads and quizzes. This manual can be recommended to parents who pay attention to the intellectual and logical development of children.
By Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, textbooks from the Ekzamen publishing house are approved for use in educational institutions.
Compiled by: Yazykanova Elena Vyacheslavovna.
22nd edition, revised and expanded.


Card No. 1.

1 .There are 10 tits on the branch. 6 tits flew away. How many tits are left?

2 .Artyom has 9 rubles. Dad gave him 1 ruble. How many rubles are there?

3 .There are 9 boys in the class and 4 fewer girls. How many girls are there in the class?

4 There are 6 books on the table, and 2 more notebooks. How many notebooks are on the table?

5 .Kostya cut out 5 circles. Of these, 4 are blue and the rest are red. How many red circles did Kostya cut out?

6 .Lyosha received 1 A in mathematics, 2 more A's in reading, and 1 more A in music. How many ratings are there in total?

7 .Lyuba has 3 stamps, Lena has 7 stamps. How many fewer stamps does Lyuba have than Lena?

Card No. 2.

1 .There were 8 sweets. Petya ate 2 candies. How much is left?

2 .There are 5 pears and 3 oranges on the dish. How many fruits are there in total?

3 . Timur has 6 books, and Alina has 2 more. How many books does Alina have?

4 .We bought 6 newspapers and 2 less magazines. How many magazines did you buy?

5 .There are 10 flowers in a vase. Of these, 3 are tulips and the rest are roses. How many roses?

6 .There are 3 flowers in the vase, 4 more flowers were placed, and 2 flowers withered. How many flowers are left?

7 .There are 9 roses in the vase and 6 tulips. How many roses are there than tulips?

Card number 3.

1 .Borya bought 8 stamps. He lost 4 marks. How many stamps are left?

2 .Lena received 6 A's, then 3 more. How many A's did she receive in total?

3 .There are 3 roses in the vase, and 2 more lilies. How many lilies are in the vase?

4 8 ducklings are going to the river, and there are 2 less ducks. How many ducks go to the river?

5 . There are only 7 candies in the package. Of these, 1 is toffee. How many chocolates?

6 .Misha and Vanya have only 9 lollipops. Misha ate 4 lollipops, and Vanya the same amount. How much is left?

7 .Lily has 3 chocolates and 1 lollipop. How many more chocolates are there than candies?

Card No. 4.

1 .There were 10 chickens. 3 ran away. How many chickens are left?

2 .Petya has 7 stickers, Vova has 2 stickers. How many stickers do the boys have?

3 Anya has 8 candies, and Arthur has 3 less. How many sweets does Arthur have?

4 .There are 5 pears in the bag, and 3 more in the bag. How many pears are in the bag?

5 .There are 5 cats in the yard. Of these, 1 is red, the rest are gray. How many gray cats are there in the yard?

6 .There were 7 bullfinches sitting on a branch. 2 flew away and 3 arrived. How many bullfinches are there?

7 .There are 7 kittens and 5 puppies in the yard. Who is more and by how much?

Card No. 5.

1 .There were 7 cups. 2 were broken. How many cups are left?

2 .There are 4 crows and the same number of sparrows on the branch. How many birds are there in total?

3 Diana is 7 years old, and Vitya is 2 years younger than Diana. How old is Vita?

4 .The store sold 8 irons and 2 more lamps. How many lamps did you sell?

5 .There were 7 trees growing near the house. Of these, 3 are linden, and the rest are birch. How many birch trees grew near the house?

6 .There were 4 trees in the park. First they planted 2 birch trees, then the same number. How many birches are there?

7 .There are 6 oaks and 2 aspens in the park. How many fewer aspens than oaks?


Card number 6.

1 .Vova has 7 postcards. He gave Misha 3 postcards. How many postcards are left?

2 .There are 7 birds on the tree. 3 more arrived. How many are there?

3 .There are 2 books on the first shelf, and 5 more on the second. How many books are on the second shelf?

4 .Lida is 5 years old, Anton is 2 years younger than Lida. How old is Anton?

5 .10 children were playing in the yard. Of these, 6 are boys. How many girls?

6 .There are 10 children in the class. 5 people left and 3 entered. How many has it become?

7 .There are 9 boys and 10 girls in the class. How many more girls than boys?

Card No. 7.

1 .The coat had 6 buttons. 3 came off. How many buttons are left?

2 .Ilya washed 4 apples and 3 pears. How many fruits did he wash?

3 Sveta lives on the 3rd floor, and Kolya lives 1 floor above. What floor does Kolya live on?

4 .There are 10 breams in the lake, and 2 less perches. How many perch are there in the lake?

5 .Vasya had 10 kopecks. After he bought the notebook, he had 7 kopecks left. How much does a notebook cost?

6 . Vasya had 10 rubles. He bought a notebook for 4 rubles and a notepad for 5 rubles. How many rubles does Vasya have left?

7 .Lena has 5 rubles, Yulia has 9 rubles. Who has more and by how much?


Card No. 8.

1 .There are 8 plums in a plate. Kostya ate 2 plums. How many plums are left?

2 .There are 6 roses and 3 lilies growing in the garden. How many flowers are there in the garden?

3 .There are 5 cabinets in the classroom and 2 fewer windows. How many windows are there in the classroom?

4 .There are 4 books on the top shelf, and 3 more on the bottom shelf. How many books are on the bottom shelf?

5 .There were several shovels in the barn. When 3 shovels were taken, 5 shovels remained. How many shovels were there in the shed at first?

6 .Denis had 2 pencils. Timur gave Denis 2 more pencils, and Anna gave him 3 pencils. How many pencils does Denis have?

7 .There are 10 tulips and 5 roses in a vase. What more and by how much?

Card number 9.

1 There were 10 rubles. We spent 4 rubles. How many rubles are left?

2 .The car has 4 wheels. How many wheels do two cars have?

3 Kolya is 9 years old, and Igor is 2 years younger. How old is Igor?

4 .Kids are playing in the yard. There are 5 girls and 1 more boys. How many boys?

5 .Total 7 balls. Of these, 3 are red. How many blue balls?

6 .Vova had 7 pencils. 1 he lost. Then he bought 4 more pencils. How many pencils are there?

7 . Vova had 7 blue pencils and 2 red ones. How many fewer reds are there than blues?

Card number 10.

1 .Inflated 8 balloons. 3 burst. How many balls are left?

2 .Masha has 3 yellow balls and 4 green ones. How many balls does Masha have in total?

3 .Roman has 9 pencils, and Danil has 1 more. How many pencils does Danila have?

4 .The bouquet contains 6 bells and 1 less daisies. How many daisies are in a bouquet?

5 .There are 8 vegetables in the plate. Of these, 4 are cucumbers. How many tomatoes?

6 . There were 8 vegetables on the plate. First we ate 2 peppers, then 3 tomatoes. How many vegetables are left?

7 . There are 8 cucumbers and 5 tomatoes in a plate. How many more cucumbers than tomatoes?
Card No. 11.
1. There are 10 dirty spoons on the table. 5 spoons washed. How much is left?
2. Santa Claus gave Yulia 3 chocolates and the same number of sweets. How much in total?
3. There are 8 planes in the sky, and 3 less helicopters. How many helicopters?
4.Ole is 6 years old, Seryozha is 2 years older. How old is Seryozha?
5.Mitya has 7 balls. 2 of them are large. How many little ones?
6. Mitya had 7 balls. 1 burst, 2 flew away. How much is left?
7. Mitya has 3 large balls and 4 small ones. How many fewer large balls are there than small ones?

Card number 12.
1. The teacher has 10 notebooks. 8 she has already checked. How much is left?
2.Danil drank 4 cups of tea first, then 1 more. How many in total?
3. Artyom made 6 crafts, and Stas made 1 less. How many crafts did Stas make?
4. Sveta is 7 years old. Yura is 3 years older than Sveta. How old is Yura?
5.Petya caught only 5 fish. Of these, 3 are perch. How many bream?
6. Petya caught 5 fish, then the same number. Mom made soup from 3 fish. How much is left?
7.Petya caught 3 perch and 10 bream. How many more bream than perch?

Card number 13.
1.The postman has 8 letters. He distributed 5 letters. How much is left?
2. There are 4 hares in the clearing. 2 more arrived. How many are there?
3. Vera lives on the 5th floor, and Yulia lives 2 floors above. What floor does Yulia live on?
4. Our house has 5 floors. The house next door is 4 floors higher. How many floors are there in the neighboring house?
5. There are 9 people on the bus. Of these, 5 are men. How many women?
6. The chicken laid 10 eggs. The mouse broke 4 eggs, but the chicken still laid 3 eggs. How many has it become?
7. The postman has 4 letters and 3 magazines. What more and by how much?

Card number 14.
1.There were 9 colors. 4 wilted. How much is left?
2.There are 8 books on the first shelf. On the second – 2. How many in total?
3. Vasya has 7 flags, and Anton has 3 less. How much does Anton have?
4. They brought 5 turnips from the garden, and 1 more carrots. How many carrots?

5. There were 10 eggs. The mouse ran and broke several eggs. 8 eggs left. How many eggs did the mouse break?
6. There were 5 people on the bus. 3 people left and 8 people entered. How many has it become?
7. There are 9 men and 3 women on the bus. How many fewer women are there than men?

Card number 15.
1.Vitya learned 4 poems. 3 he forgot. How much is left?
2Lena is 4 years old. How old will Lena be in 2 years?
3. Lyuba lives on the 10th floor, and Yura lives 4 floors below. Which floor does Yura live on?
4. There are 4 apple trees in the garden, and 3 more raspberry bushes. How many raspberry bushes?
5. There are 10 officers traveling in the carriage: 4 of them are majors, and the rest are captains. How many captains?
6. There are 7 passengers in the carriage. 1 entered, 5 left. How many left?
7. There are 3 apple trees and 5 pear trees in the garden. What more and by how much?

Card number 16.
1. There are 6 people on the bus. 4 left. How much is left?
2. Marat invited 2 girls and 3 boys to his birthday. How much in total?
3. Volodya lives on the 4th floor, and Olya lives 3 floors above. On what floor does Olya live?
4. There are 6 oak trees in the park, and 2 fewer spruce trees. How many firs?
5.Mom baked 8 pies: 3 of them with cabbage. How much with jam?
6. Mom baked 8 pies. Nadya ate 2, Yulia ate the same amount. How much is left?
7. There are 6 oaks and 10 birches in the park. What more and by how much?

Card No. 17.
1. There were 9 children. 2 boys left. How much is left?
2. There are 5 girls and 4 boys in the class. How much in total?
3. Darina is 7 years old, and Olya is 2 years older. How old is Ole?
4. We bought 10 oranges and 3 less lemons. How many lemons did you buy?
5. There are 6 birds on the branch. Of these, 3 are crows. How many tits?
6. There were 3 tits on the branch. 4 more arrived, and 2 flew away. How many are left?
7. There are 3 crows and 5 tits on the branch. How many more tits are there than crows?

Card No. 18.
1. Grandmother baked 8 pies. Sasha ate 3 pies. How much is left?
2. 7 stars lit up in the sky. Then another 3 stars. How many stars are there in the sky?
3. There are 3 roses in the vase, and 3 more asters. How many asters are there in a vase?
4. There are 7 tits on the tree, and 5 fewer crows. How many crows are there on a tree?
5. There are only 8 mushrooms in the basket. Of these, 6 are edible, and the rest are toadstools. How many toadstools are in the basket?
6. The chicken laid 8 eggs. The mouse broke 3 eggs, then the chicken laid 4 more eggs. How many has it become?
7. The chicken laid 8 golden and 3 simple eggs. Which eggs are there more and by how many?

Card No. 19.
1.The book has 9 pages. Kolya read 4 pages. How much is left?
2. There are 3 carnations and 2 daisies in a vase. How much in total?
3.The length of the notebook is 9 centimeters, and the width is 2 centimeters shorter. What is the width?
4. There is 1 crocodile in the zoo, and 2 more hippos. How many hippos?
5. There are 8 planes at the airfield. Several flew away, 4 remained. How many planes flew away?
6. There are 8 planes at the airfield. 2 arrived, 5 flew away. How many are left?
7. There are 9 planes and 3 helicopters at the airfield. How many more airplanes are there than helicopters?

Card number 20.
1. There are 7 stars in the sky. 4 stars went out. How much is left?
2. There are 6 toys on the Christmas tree. Lada hung 1 more. How many are there?
3.Petya ate 4 pears, and Katya ate 1 more. How much did Katya eat?
4. Kolya is 9 years old, Olya is 4 years younger than Kolya. How old is Ole?
5. There are 7 berries on the plate. Of these, 3 are cherries. How many plums?
6. There are 7 berries on the plate. Vova ate 3 berries, Nastya ate 2 berries. How much is left?
7. There are 8 cherries and 5 plums on the plate. How many fewer plums are there than cherries?

Developmental activities of an adaptive nature for first-graders “Hello, school!”

Author: Spiridonova Alla Vasilievna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Proletarskaya Secondary School" p. Proletarka, Krasnogvardeisky district, Orenburg region.
Description of work: this development will be useful for primary school teachers in general education institutions working according to the Federal State Educational Standard. When preparing children for school.
The problem of adaptation of first-graders to school is relevant for the entire education system. Coming to school and finding themselves in a new situation, almost all children worry and worry. This is expressed in different ways: some try in every possible way to attract attention to themselves and really attract it with their mobility and not always justified activity, others, on the contrary, seem to freeze, speak more quietly than usual, and have difficulty making contact with other students and the teacher. With all the variety of different manifestations of children’s behavior during the adaptation period, we can say that all first-graders during this difficult period for them need help and support from adults.
Target: creating conditions for living and comprehending new experiences, new situations of life and communication.

Creating conditions to ensure emotional comfort and a sense of security for future first-graders when entering school life.
Creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom as a necessary condition for the development of self-confidence in children.
Helping future first-graders understand and accept the rules of school life and themselves as students.
Organization of interaction between children as a prerequisite for the formation of educational cooperation skills.
Creating the prerequisites for group cohesion in the class.
The main idea of ​​pedagogical activity is to help children adapt to school, as one of the elements of successful socialization.
The main forms of developmental work: psychological lessons (because it puts children on educational and cognitive activity), games (because it expands horizons, immersing the child in other worlds and relationships, gives experience in their creation, selection, construction), training (because in the training the task of learning is openly set. Training involves stopping, reflection, returning to what has been achieved and what is not clear).

Progress of work with children

Introducing the teacher to the features of the class.
Acquaintance. Introductory conversation. Game "Flowers - names".
Why do they go to school?

Goal: Creating conditions for future first-graders to get to know a teacher, a psychologist, and each other.
Progress of the lesson:
The psychologist and teacher greet the children and greet them.
Teacher “I am very glad to meet you. You came to school, and our school will become a place where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, and get answers to various difficult questions. And, of course, you will meet many friends here. And in order for us all to get to know each other better, to get to know our future classmates and our school better, we will meet in acquaintance lessons. During these lessons you can work and play together.
Guys, the signal for the start of the dating lesson will be these words, listen: - One, two, three - listen and watch!
- Three, two, one - we'll start now!
Guys, in order for this lesson to begin, let's say these words together. Please stand near your tables. Look at me and repeat the movements that I will show. Try to repeat the words after me to remember them better.
The psychologist, together with the teacher, pronounces words that serve as a signal for the start of the lesson, accompanying them with the following movements:
- One, two, three (claps his hands 3 times) - listen (points to his ears with his hands) and look (points to his eyes with his hands)!
- Three, two, one (claps his hands 3 times) - we’ll start now (extends his hands towards the class, palms up)!
Psychologist: “Thank you! Please take your seats and look at me!”

"I am a psychologist. My name is (says the name and attaches to the board a flower cut out of colored paper, on which the name of the psychologist is written in block letters)
Teacher: “I am your future teacher...
Look around how many kids are in the class. You don’t all know each other yet, you don’t know everyone. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to immediately remember what someone’s name is. And we will study together, and therefore we need to know all the guys in the class.
Let's get acquainted. When I say: “Three-four,” everyone will shout out their name on command. Well, let's try! Oh-oh-oh!... They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! Did you catch all the names?
Let's try it differently. If it didn't work out loud, let's say our names in a whisper. Again, something is wrong... No one shouted, but still nothing is clear. Have you heard many names? Also no?
Probably the thing is, guys, everyone is talking at the same time. Working together is good, playing is fun, singing is great, but answering is bad: when everyone says different words at once, nothing is clear. Let's try to talk one by one, one at a time, and listen to the names of the boys and girls of our future class. I will approach each of you in turn, and the one on whose shoulder I touch will loudly and clearly say his name. I have flowers in my hand with your names, I will give each one one of the flowers. Thank you! Now all the names were heard.
There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task. Flowers can fulfill them for you.

The psychologist asks those he names to pick up flowers. Examples of tasks: “Boys, lift up the flowers”, “Girls, lift up the flowers” ​​“Lift up the flowers, those whose names begin with the letter …” (Names several letters in turn).
“Let's grow a large flower meadow on our board. Let's do it this way. I will call some guys to the board, they will come out here and attach their flowers to the board. You need to listen carefully to see if I am calling you. I ask you to come to the board, all those who are called...
The teacher takes out a sign with the inscription “OUR CLASS”. “Guys, look how many flowers we got, as many as us. And we are all one class (places a sign above the names). This is our class.

Now I will ask those who are sitting to come to me. Please stand next to me, lined up, facing the class. Well done! I will ask (says name) one of the children to touch everyone’s hands and determine who has the warmest hands.”
Another child determines who has the warmest ears, forehead, nose, etc.

“Let's give our class a gift: decorate it with golden suns! Let each of you draw a sun that can warm, cheer and lift your spirits! Then our classroom will become the brightest and most comfortable.” (Quiet music is used during the task).
“Whoever has finished the drawing, put the pencils in place and the drawing in front of you. I’ll come over and you’ll quietly tell me which place in the class your sunshine liked.”

Goal: Creating conditions for children to preliminary understand their future status as a school student.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and the lesson begins with an already familiar action.

“Now we will play the game “One, two, three - whisper.” Clench your hands into fists. I will ask questions, and you will answer me, but answer in a special way. I ask a question, and you whisper count to three: one, two, three, raise your thumbs and whisper the answer. Let's try. What is your desk neighbor's name? Etc.

Guys, what do they call you in kindergarten? What will they call you when you go to school? Tell me, what is the difference between a schoolchild and a preschooler? That's right, a student does his homework, goes to school, and studies in class. What do preschoolers do? Can a schoolchild play and run? In fact, a schoolchild can also play and run. I'll tell you a little secret: each of you can behave like a schoolchild, and sometimes like a preschooler. You need to know when you can act like schoolchildren and when you can behave like a preschooler. Now I will name different situations, and you will think about how you should behave in this situation - like a schoolchild or like a preschooler. - At the lesson. - At home. -With friends. Etc.
Thank you very much, you did an excellent job with this difficult task. You know when you can act like a schoolchild and when you can act like a preschooler. Now, let's see if you can quickly turn from schoolchildren to preschoolers and vice versa... Now we will play a game that many of you probably know. This game is called “The sea is agitated once...”, but we will play it in a special way. Instead of a marine figure, we will depict the figures of a schoolchild and preschooler. The driver will say: “The sea is agitated once, the sea is agitated twice, a schoolchild (or preschooler) figure, freeze in place.” While the sea is agitated, you can walk around the classroom, and Anna needs to freeze the word “freeze”, depicting the named figure. The driver chooses the schoolchild himself or the preschooler himself. I will be the first driver. Please stand up and come to me.”
“What’s in the briefcase” task
“Now tell me, what do students go to school with? That's right, with a briefcase. What does he take with him in his briefcase? And what will preschoolers want to take with them? Now we will draw riddle drawings. Draw three objects that schoolchildren would take with them, and one extra object that a preschooler would take with them, which is not needed at school.
(Children draw)
“Who wants to tell their riddle to the class?”
“Thank you, now we know a lot about real schoolchildren. Real schoolchildren are distinguished by the fact that they go to school and do their homework at home. At school you need to behave like schoolchildren, but at home, on the street, you can behave like preschoolers.

Goal: creating conditions for children to understand their future new status.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher and psychologist greet the children and begin the lesson with a well-known ritual.
“Guys, now we are going to learn a new game. It's called "Nose, Ceiling, Mouth." In order to play it, you need to be very attentive. Look up. What is above our heads? Let's point our finger and say: ceiling. Great. What's under your feet? Let's point our finger at him. And now he points his finger at his nose and says: nose.
And now I will confuse you. I will name one thing and show another. You don't say anything, you just point at what I call. Believe what you hear, not what you see. Be careful.
Teacher: “Well done guys. And I’ll tell you a story about first-grader animals.
THE BEST FIRST GRADE STUDENT. On a clear September morning, the animals came to the forest school. The bright sun was shining outside, the breeze was playing with golden autumn leaves. The bell had not yet rung, and the animals were sitting at their desks and talking. They really enjoyed going to school, and each of them wanted to become the best first-grader.
- Let’s try to help the animals and each of you, receiving a drawing of the animal, will say why his ward is the best first grader.

I will name why they go to school, if it is true, then you will clap your hands, and if it is incorrect, you will stamp your feet.
They go to school to play.
They go to school to read.
They go to school to make friends. Etc.
And now we will draw riddle drawings again. Now I will give you the sheets. Draw a schoolchild on one side, and a preschooler on the other, so that you can understand and immediately guess who is drawn where.”
Now take your drawings and exchange them with your desk neighbor. Try to guess where the schoolchild is drawn and where the preschooler is drawn.
So, today we learned that people go to school in order to study, to learn a lot of new things, etc. Thank you for your work.

Goal: to create conditions for introducing future first-graders to the skills of educational cooperation.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher welcomes the children and offers to start the lesson with poetic lines, which are accompanied by the movements of the children and the teacher.
“One children’s song says: “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together and, of course, it’s better to sing in chorus.” Of course, sometimes you want to play alone, and there are things that a person must do on his own. But it often happens that it’s not interesting to play alone, and there are things that are better to do together. Today in class we will work together when we have to complete tasks not alone. And with one of the guys.
Each pair will have only one leaf. You need to draw together, holding one pencil together. Draw a picture together on any topic, but this picture must include a house and a tree. What they will be like, and what else you will draw in your picture, decide for yourself. While completing the task, remember that you must work together, without quarrels or offense.
(After finishing the work, those interested can tell the class what they drew)
Now we will play “Echo” with you. Will start the game (8-9 guys).
I will ask you to go to the board (the child is called by name). Listen carefully. I’ll clap the rhythm now, and you try to repeat it exactly. You will be my echo. Well done, you did it, now call yourself an assistant. Who will you invite? You can call by saying, “Help me, please, and name.”
Now try, together, to repeat the rhythm that I clap. Ready? Listen carefully.
Well done, you completed the task, and now you can invite another assistant with the words “Help me, please...”
(and so several people)

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the fact that our classes have come to an end. You have gotten to know each other well. But our adventures did not end there, they are just beginning. Today we have to go on a big journey through a fairyland. Here it is (the map opens). Wish you luck. Are you ready to hit the road? Then let's begin.
So we come to the island of strangers. This test will be easiest for those who remember their classmates well. You will need to guess who came out of the island of strangers. But, attention: as soon as you guess who we are talking about, under no circumstances shout out his name, do not point at the stranger, but just... smile. By your smile I will understand that you recognized him. When I say stranger, appear - the one who recognizes himself will simply get up from his seat (description of children).
Well done, you recognized everyone who appeared in the Grove of Strangers, they were our friends. But maybe one of you can name the names of all the guys; there are so many of us.
Now attention! What is this island? This is the Island of Friendship. You can only get to this island together. So, we got to the island, we need to help the grains of sand build a new city. There is a tray with sand. Let's all build a city together. So, if you are friendly and united like these grains of sand, then you can handle any task.
Now let's come up with a name for it.
Let's draw an emblem.
And we will write wishes for the grains of sand. Well done! We passed the tests, and we built a city and drew a coat of arms. AND NOW... Everyone who has overcome all the tests will receive a prize to your applause.
Well, the dating sessions have come to an end. But the acquaintance itself will only begin in September, when you come to school. You have to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things. Sometimes we will remember our magical activities and play games that will make us even more attentive, even smarter, even smarter! Goodbye, see you again!

It should be noted that this methodological development made it possible to achieve all the set goals and objectives. As part of this study, a comparative analysis of the level and nature of children's adaptation was made. The results of the comparative analysis showed that first-graders experienced class cohesion, an increase in the level of school motivation, emotional stability, and positive self-esteem, which was also noted by parents. Opportunities to continue working. The proposed developmental work can be continued in the child’s first days at school and be of a more “school” nature.
Where, through psychological activities and games, children can be introduced to the rules of school life, grades, etc. Which will also lead to a faster and better process of adaptation of a first-grader to school. The proposed program can be expanded.
