Japanese red maple: description, growing in the garden. Amazing eastern guest - Japanese maple

The Land of the Rising Sun gave the world Japanese maples, incredible in their diversity and beauty. Once you see them, you will certainly want to complement the garden picture with a watercolor touch of exquisite oriental beauty. Moreover, planting and caring for maple will not cause much trouble.

Types and varieties

The genus of maples today has more than a hundred species and thousands of varieties. The category of Japanese representatives includes 2 deciduous species:

Attention! Japanese maples in natural conditions They are found on the territory of the Sakhalin region, and due to their scarcity they are listed in the Red Book.

The most attractive varieties for the garden are:

  • A. japonicum aconitifolium (monkshood) – tree shrub, which is decorated with large, deeply dissected leaves in fiery orange, burgundy and yellow shades;

A. japonicum aconitifolium

  • A. japonicum vitifolium (grape-leaved) - characterized by slow growth and picturesque rounded fan-shaped foliage, turning bright crimson in autumn;

A. japonicum vitifolium

  • A. palmatum sangokaku (maple with coral bark) - in addition to decorative deeply cut leaves with a pink border, it surprises with its spectacular coral-red bark;

A. palmatum sangokaku

  • A. palmatum Garnet is a small graceful tree with lacy leaves and low hanging branches. The thin-lobed leaves vary in hue from deep red to dark purple, transitioning to deep crimson;

A. palmatum Garnet

  • A. palmatum Katsura is a compact variety that produces in early spring purple-red flowers. Leaves in spring period yellowish with a richer brick edging. At the height of summer, the maple changes color to an unremarkable green, and by autumn it turns orange;

A. palmatum Katsura

  • A. palmatum Butterfly - sports 5-lobed silver-green foliage that sometimes curls flirtatiously. In spring you can notice pinkish streaks, and in autumn period Instead of a silvery hue, rich purple takes the place.

A. palmatum Butterfly

Growing in open ground

In order for a truly spectacular, handsome maple tree to grow on your site, you need to choose the right seedling at the garden center. It is best if the young plant is in a container with a protected root system. In addition, the chances of the seedling to take root in a new place will increase, because it will be planted together with the “native” soil. The best time to plant a tree is spring and autumn.

The soil in the area where the young maple will be planted must be fertile, without stagnant water. If you are not sure whether there is stagnation of water, then it is better to use drainage when planting.

Advice. In order for all the beauty of the foliage to fully manifest itself, it is better to plant Japanese maple in a sunny place.

When growing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that maple can withstand frosts down to - 20°C. At lower temperatures, the tree will need shelter. In this case, you should choose low-growing varieties maple.

In spring and autumn, the plant needs mulching. In the spring, before this procedure, you should apply a slow-release fertilizer to the tree trunk. The next one will be a layer of peat, and then the mulch itself (chips or bark). Mulching helps retain moisture and protects the roots of the young plant from freezing.

Attention! Maples do not tolerate fast-acting strong fertilizers.

Pests and diseases

At proper care Japanese maples do not get sick and are not afraid of pests. But if the tree is weakened, then the following problems are possible:

  1. Infection with gall aphids. Visually, you can notice red swellings on the leaves. Moreover, the aphid colony itself is located on the underside of the leaf. The affected areas must be removed, and to combat it, use one of the specific drugs or use folk recipes (soap solution, for example).
  2. Maple weevil. This pest prefers Norway maple, but will not disdain Japanese maple. Bugs gnaw leaves and apical shoots, which significantly reduces the decorative value of the plant.
  3. Whitefly. Damages young shoots and leaves. The tree not only loses its attractiveness due to the loss of leaf mass and drying out of the shoots, but also generally slows down its growth.
  4. Fungal diseases. The most common of this group of diseases is powdery mildew. The mycelium of the fungus disrupts the physiological processes of the plant, which leads to drying and falling of the leaves. In general, the crop’s resistance to unfavorable conditions environment. But don't despair - when correct methods treatment, Japanese exotic quickly recovers.

Having given preference to decorate your site Japanese maple, you can't go wrong with your choice. On gloomy autumn days, this spectacular plant will delight you and your guests with its picturesque outfit.

Saying “Japanese maples” usually means two types of trees from the maple family, or Aceraceae. The genus name comes from the Latin word “acer”, meaning “sharp”. The leaves of most maple species have sharp edges.

Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) is a slow-growing shrub that can decorate both small and large gardens. He is miniature and tolerates haircuts well. This means that the size of the shrub can be maintained at a very modest level for many years. Gardeners in the southern regions are lucky - this maple grows without problems in warm regions. IN middle lane palmate maple can only be grown in a container, brought in in late autumn winter Garden or other cool room.

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) is no less capricious in relation to Russian winters. Under natural conditions it is not a large tree, but in cultivation it reaches 8-10 m in height. The branches are reddish-ashy. The bark is gray, smooth, and does not crack.

For those who are fascinated by the beauty of Japanese maples, but frightened by their fastidiousness to the Russian climate, you can recommend other scarlet beauties.

Manchurian maple (Acer mandshuricum) is native to the Far Eastern forests of Russia. The very first of the “autumn” colors is painted in bright red tones. It reaches a height of 20 m.

Red maple, or swamp (Acer Rubrum) originally from Canada. Winter-hardy, reaches up to 30 m in height. The free-growing tree has an ash-gray tent-shaped crown. The foliage turns bright red with a crimson, pink tint.

The dwarf maple belongs to the group of Japanese maples, which includes compact and low trees with a through crown of leaves and their original color.

The following types of maples are called Japanese:

  • Fan-shaped or palm-shaped;
  • Shirasawa;
  • And actually, Japanese.

All of them come from Japan and Korea. Thanks to beautiful shape leaves, original crown and bright colors, maples are very popular in landscape design.

All representatives of this group have curved trunks, graceful branches, and an asymmetrical crown. The leaves can be colored in bright red, yellow-orange and carmine shades.

Palm maples are most often used in garden compositions. They are planted next to coniferous trees, cereal crops, perennial garden plants.

Miniature maples of this species are small deciduous trees or shrubs with an umbrella-shaped crown of medium density. The height of the trees does not exceed three meters in height. They are characterized by slow growth and longevity. Trees remain viable for more than a hundred years.

Dwarf palm-shaped maples are highly decorative throughout the entire growing season. They are planted in the form of hedges, decorative groups, and as single plantings.

Today, dwarf maples of the Japanese group are very popular, such as:

  • Acer palmatum Atropurpureum or red leaf maple. This is one of the popular varieties. Its thin, dissected leaves are dark purple;
  • The Kiyohime maple is a small bush, about one meter and eighty centimeters high, with green leaves whose edges are colored red. Feels great in partial shade. Refers to frost-resistant species, safely tolerates temperatures down to minus thirty degrees;
  • The Aka shigitatsu sawa variety is represented by trees no more than three meters high with dissected leaves on which green veins are clearly visible;
  • The original Wilson's Pink Dwarf variety is presented very beautiful specimens who cannot tolerate temperatures below minus fifteen degrees. Japanese maples of this variety are shrubs about two and a half meters high and a crown width of up to one and a half meters. The stems of the maple are painted red, on which fan leaves are located. Which with the arrival of autumn acquire orange shades.

Each of the representatives of dwarf maples will add zest to any garden or park area.

Dwarf maples grow well not only in illuminated spaces, but also in partial shade. But, when choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account the fact that in insufficient lighting, color saturation is lost.

The next point is location. For full development maples need space. Therefore, when planting in groups, you need to maintain a distance of one and a half to three and a half meters, depending on the variety of maple being planted.

Now the landing hole. It should be deep enough, about seventy centimeters. To ensure good moisture conductivity, a drainage layer about ten centimeters thick made of broken brick, pebbles and river sand is laid on the bottom.

The next stage is soil preparation. Maples need light and nutritious soil. Therefore, you need to prepare a substrate of the following composition:

  • humus or peat - three parts;
  • turf land - two parts;
  • river sand - one part.

After preparatory work You can proceed directly to planting maple seedlings.

And so, the prepared pit must be filled halfway with water and allowed to soak in, then it is filled two-thirds with the prepared substrate and 150 grams of nitroammophoska is added. The maple seedling is placed in a hole, the roots are carefully leveled, then the space is filled with substrate so that the root collar is at ground level. Afterwards, the soil is trampled down and watered, and the root circle is mulched with peat and sawdust.

There are varieties of Japanese maples, the height of which does not exceed one and a half meters, and such specimens are successfully grown in special flowerpots and pots. They are used to create interiors for large terraces, living rooms, and small areas. For such plantings, choose bulk ceramic or clay pots, which are filled with light nutritious soil with sand and big amount humus.

Maples can be planted in the garden using seedlings that are sold in specialized stores or grown independently from cuttings or rootstocks.

Caring for dwarf maples is not that difficult. It is important to strictly follow the landing rules:

  • illumination of the area;
  • the required soil (nutritional value, water permeability, acidity, etc.);
  • remote location.

Maples need regular watering. IN summer period in the absence of rain, they need to be watered once every seven days. One plant requires about twenty liters of water. At normal humidity, maples can be watered once a month.

Also, during dry seasons, trees respond favorably to spraying their crowns with water. It is recommended to perform this procedure in the evening hours.

To maintain the decorative quality of Japanese maples, they need to be fed periodically. This is done in the spring, before the buds open. During this period, maples need to be fed with urea, potassium salts, and superphosphate.

The ground around the trees must be regularly cleared of weeds and loosened, thereby ensuring access of oxygen to their roots. You also need to periodically mulch the soil around the tree trunk. For this you can use peat or humus.

The crown of maples has its own natural original form, therefore, its pruning consists of removing dry and damaged branches, which is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners.

To ensure the safety of trees in winter period they need to be covered, especially if we're talking about about young specimens and snowless winters.

Trees at the age of one or two years should be covered with spruce branches around the root collar and the trunks should be wrapped in burlap. As maples mature, they develop stability and over time will not need shelter.

The decorative properties of dwarf maples can be significantly spoiled by various diseases and garden pests.

Most often, maples are affected by:

  • powdery mildew;
  • coral spotting;
  • black spot.

Shoots affected by the disease are removed, and the trees need to be treated copper sulfate, sulfur solution or other fungicidal drugs.

If not properly cared for, trees can be attacked by pests such as whiteflies, mealybugs, and leaf weevils. If they are detected, maples must be treated with insecticidal preparations.

Maple propagation

Decorative dwarf maples can be propagated at home by seeds and cuttings.

Seeds are collected independently in mid-autumn or purchased in a store. They are sown in planting boxes and germinated. At the beginning of winter, the first shoots appear. Seedlings should be watered periodically. Until spring, boxes with seedlings should be kept indoors at a temperature of about ten degrees. Then the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots. When they grow up and reach thirty to forty centimeters in size, they can be planted in open ground to a permanent place.

It is quite difficult to propagate Japanese maples using cuttings on your own. Because they need to be grafted onto maples with a more stable root system. It will be extremely difficult for a gardener who does not have experience and certain knowledge in this area to complete this process on his own.

Therefore, most often, gardeners prefer to purchase ready-made seedlings for planting in the garden.

Among ornamental trees, maples with colorful foliage are very popular. The Japanese maple is distinguished not only by its red leaves, but also by its unusual crown, which has many thin branches. This becomes noticeable in winter when the branches are bare. Let's take a closer look characteristics plants.

The culture is represented by three basic varieties and many bred hybrid varieties.

Basic varieties:

  • Japanese.
  • Japanese fan.
  • Palm-shaped.

They differ in the shape of the leaves, their varied colors and the shape of the crown.

  • Japanese maple. The plant is suitable for greenhouses or places with warm climates. Does not tolerate frost at all. Characterized by graceful leaves. They change color over the period of their existence: from green in spring to yellow and red shades in autumn.
  • Japanese fan. These are low trees with an unusual crown. Lacy leaves, shaped like a fan, are characterized by a red or golden color.
  • Palm-shaped. Most beautiful plant in the Japanese maple family. It is interesting in the shape of the leaves, similar to a palm, having from 5 to 9 “fingers”. They have burgundy color all warm period. The culture grows slowly, reaches 5 meters in height, the crown is 3 meters in diameter.

Of the hybrid varieties, the following trees are especially common:

  • "Shirasawa." Stunted look, no more than one and a half meters. The yellow-orange leaves have a dark edge.
  • Bloodgood has inky foliage.
  • In the variety "Beni Kava" ruby bark and red leaves .
  • Shino Buga Oka, dwarf species meter tall. The tree is very spreading. The foliage changes color from bright green in summer to yellow-orange in autumn.

Planting maple in open ground

Planting a Japanese maple begins with preparation landing pit. It depends on the size of the seedling. The volume should be twice the size of the root lobe with a lump of earth. The soil required is slightly acidic or neutral, breathable, enriched with humus or compost.

The seedling should be buried no deeper than it grew in the container. It is necessary to carefully fill the voids, lightly compacting the soil. Next, you need to water; you can water the tree again after absorbing the first portion of water. Tree trunk circle needs to be mulched.

Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

This is a rather finicky plant. It requires regular watering, and in dry times it is useful to spray young plantings along the crown with water in the evening. After the snow melts, make the first fertilizing by scattering granular fertilizers around the trunk. On poor soils, fertilizers are also applied in the summer. Should not be used nitrogen fertilizing for Japanese maple.

Cannot be planted colorful species in bright sun, they will lose their decorative effect. Best places to place Japanese maples where they receive light in the morning and evening. At noon, the crop should be shaded by other plantings or buildings.

The soil around the tree must be mulched with compost, bark or humus. This will protect the roots from drying out and freezing in autumn and spring.

Pruning and crown formation

Usually these trees form the first time after planting. They do not require pruning in the future. The beauty of the crown is achieved naturally; the tree itself branches well and forms a cloud of branches, characteristic of Japanese design.

It is necessary to prune old drying branches that worsen appearance and are a breeding ground for pests. Pruning is also important to make the crown airy, remove thickening shoots, and allow good ventilation.

It should be remembered that pruning can be done when the tree is dormant. Best time for this purpose - after the leaves have flown in the fall.

Plant propagation methods

The main method of propagation of Acer japonicum is by sowing seeds. They ripen in October and must be harvested immediately. Store the material in winter in a cool, dry place. It does not remain viable for long, so maples are sown in April of next year.

  1. Sowing is done in containers.
  2. For better germination, seeds are treated with growth stimulants.
  3. Over the summer they grow little, leaving only strong shoots. Grown seedlings are kept in winter in a room with a positive temperature.
  4. Overwintered plants are transplanted into pots, which are placed in a shady corner of the site.
  5. When the seedlings grow to 30 cm, they can be transplanted into open ground.
  6. It is also permissible to plant maples in tubs. In this case, you need to monitor the fertility of the soil in the container. This plant will need additional feeding.

Another method of propagation is to graft cuttings onto a strong rootstock.

Wintering Japanese maple

Young seedlings should be covered especially carefully for the winter. A small hut made of covering material is built over the plant, fallen leaves are covered on top and covered with branches so that the wind does not stir it up. The roots are mulched with humus or peat.

As the plant grows, the shelter is increased, and spruce paws are placed on top. Root mulching is used for plants of any size and age.

If you want to grow Japanese maple in northern regions, use low-growing varieties planted in large pots. In this case, a cool room will be required to preserve the plant in winter.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Maple is besieged by pests that are dangerous to almost everyone deciduous trees. This:

  • Maple weevil.
  • Caterpillars.
  • Leaf beetles.
  • Khrushchi.

Among the diseases, the most dangerous are powdery mildew and black spot. We should not only fight diseases, but try to prevent them. For this purpose they use various ways processing.

  • In the spring, spraying with solutions of various preparations and fungicides will help prevent the appearance of powdery mildew. Shows well the use of Bordeaux mixture.
  • From harmful insects Trees are treated with biological products “Iskra-Bio”, “Fitoverm”, “Healthy Garden”. Aktara is an effective and long-acting remedy, however, it is quite poisonous.
  • Justified use folk recipes for cooking protective equipment. But it is worth considering that they have a more deterrent effect.

Application in landscape design

Japanese decorative maple takes pride of place in the design of gardens and park areas.

  • The culture is used not only to create exotic Japanese gardens, but also with its help to add an accent to various compositions.
  • Tall maple varieties can be used as features in a large lawn or lawn.
  • Planted in a curtain along the paths, they will create a pleasant shade.
  • You can arrange decorative thickets by planting ferns and rhododendrons, Volzhanka and others under the maple shade-loving plants. The lacy shadow of the maple will create favorable conditions for their growth.
  • Under this tree, shrubs such as cotoneaster, cinquefoil, and low-growing viburnum bushes will look good.

The variety of Japanese maple species makes it possible for even the most picky person to choose a plant for their plot. Experienced gardeners claim that Japanese maple is not so capricious plant, as they usually write about him. If you care for it correctly and take into account its needs, you can give your garden a bright note and Japanese flavor.

  1. Type of maple for bonsai
  2. Execution options
  3. Searching for seeds
  4. Preparing the soil and container
  5. Planting seeds
  6. Working with cuttings
  7. Escape landing
  8. Planting care
  9. Crown formation

Bonsai (translated from Japanese as “grown in a tray”) is a smaller copy of a tree grown at home or in a country house. The effect is achieved by regulating the size and shape of the plant's root system. It is not easy to grow a maple bonsai with your own hands; the process requires patience and time. But the end result fully lives up to expectations: a deciduous tree behaves like a full-fledged fellow tree; in the process of blossoming and withering, the leaf changes color and then falls off. Compact size dwarf plant allows you to keep it even in an apartment; taller individuals decorate verandas and garden plots.

Type of maple for bonsai

You can grow a small tree from pine, sakura, bamboo, willow, elm, lilac, lemon, spruce, ficus. Plant growers experiment with different types of plants; the principle of creating any specimen is to work with the root layering system and special care of the crown.

Maple bonsai can be grown at home from different types wood:

  • Rocky;
  • Field;
  • Palm-shaped;
  • Platanolifolia.

Dwarfs of the above species have small leaves, which looks most organic on bonsai trees.

Colored specimens have been bred for growing these trees at home. These include:

  • Maple blue or blue;

  • Japanese red;

  • Violet.

The art of bonsai is in high demand among flower growers and summer residents, because the industry is constantly developing, breeders are developing new types of maples from various shapes leaf and its shades. The photo shows the most popular types of maple compositions.

Execution options

You can grow a miniature tree from a representative of the maple family in several forms:

  • Upright appearance;
  • Inclined;
  • Broom-shaped;
  • Grove.

You can grow a composition from seeds or cuttings at home in any form, just follow a clear sequence of actions and not miss important points.

Searching for seeds

Most often, gardeners use a mature tree seed - subsequently, this source can be given any shape without the need to change the already formed system.

The collection is carried out after the “helicopters” ripen and fall from the branches in the autumn. True, such material is not ready for planting: for the seeds it is necessary to arrange an imitation of winter rest in artificial conditions. To do this, take a container with a tight-fitting lid, place wet sand in it, into which the seeds are buried, close the container and place it in the refrigerator. The stratification period is 100-120 days; in the spring the collection is ready for planting.

If you want to grow a natural decorative item at home, but don’t have time to collect seeds, you should contact specialized stores that offer ready-made planting material Japanese and other types of maple. Blue, light blue, and red bonsai are obtained only from specially bred plants.

More quick way get decorative tree- planting cuttings.

Preparation of planting material

In order for the seeds to grow faster, their dense shell is cut and placed in warm water or hydrogen peroxide 9% for 2-3 days. In conditions high humidity intensive absorption of liquid occurs and the seed comes to life.

To prevent the development of diseases of the tree embryo, the seeds are initially treated with a dry or liquid fungicide.

Preparing the soil and container

To grow maple bonsai at home, it is important to properly prepare the soil. For maple, take an equal ratio of alumina, humus and sand.

An important stage is soil disinfection. Best ways:

  1. Heat treatment high temperatures. To do this, the soil is heated in the oven, microwave or in a water bath, then cooled, dried and sifted through a sieve.

  1. Another method is freezing and then thawing the soil.
  2. The use of biologically active additives such as “Fitosporin”, “Barrier”, etc. They are sold in specialized flower growing stores.

During processing, pathological fungi, mold, insect eggs and other infections that can harm the plant die. After the procedure, fertilizer is introduced into the soil to restore beneficial microflora.

For the first time, you can take a small bonsai pot - growing a tree is no faster than in natural conditions, so as it grows, it is changed to a larger volume.

The container is thoroughly cleaned with non-aggressive substances, washed and dried. There must be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. To avoid soil washing out, it is recommended to line the bottom with mesh.

Planting seeds

Soil is poured into the prepared container, leaving 3 cm to the edges of the bonsai. If there are several seeds, they are placed at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other. The resulting layer is pressed with a board, then soil no more than 3 seed diameters thick is poured on top. The planting is lightly watered and the container is covered with glass or polyethylene to allow light to pass freely and retain moisture.

After the first shoots appear, the glass is lifted and several holes are made in the film to supply fresh air.

After the leaves have formed, young shoots are planted in fresh soil at a distance of 2-3 cm.

Working with cuttings

A faster way to create a maple bonsai with your own hands is to take a ready-made tree cutting and transform it.

  1. The prepared twig is prepared in early summer: choose the one you like, it should not have a formed bark.
  2. At the base of the cutting, a circular cut is made in the skin and rough woody part. This is where the roots will develop. A second similar incision is made 2-3 cm higher than the first.
  3. Remove the bark and hard part between the cuts.
  1. A root-forming hormone in the form of powder or gel is applied to the cut area.
  2. To activate the work of the substance, moistened sphagnum moss is attached to the treated cut, sealed with polyethylene and left in a dark, cool place.
  3. After a few weeks, the roots themselves will appear through the applied protection, then the bandage can be removed.

For germination, you can use a mixture of good compost and sand: place the cut part of the cutting into the moistened substance until roots appear.

After the formation of firm roots, the cuttings are separated from the mother branch.

Escape landing

Take a pot of drainage holes, fill it with round pebbles and soil (80% crushed bark and 20% peat) in an amount sufficient to securely fix the tree. The thin bark of the shoot is removed without disturbing the integrity of the roots, and the exposed part is placed in the ground.

You can add a little sphagnum moss to the soil. It serves as a fertilizer and softens hard water, which provides gentle care for the root system.

To strengthen the fixation, a peg is stuck into the pot, to which the young tree is tied.

Growing bonsai with your own hands using cuttings is only possible in cases where the tree is planned to be placed outdoors. Even proper care cannot replace a wild tree’s native elements. During the period when the foliage color changes, the composition can be brought into the house, but for no more than 1-2 hours.

Planting care

Seedlings obtained from seeds are subjected to root pruning at the age of 3 months - the main rod is shortened by 2/3.

Blue and blue red maples develop in the same way as green ones: replanting of each type should be done in the spring with an interval of no more than 2 years. Each time the soil is completely changed, the central and lateral roots are cut by 20%.

The shoots are pinched after 2-4 leaves have formed.

When the plant reaches a height of 10 cm, it is transplanted into a regular pot, preferably a ceramic one.

In late spring and early summer, bonsai are fertilized with special fertilizers.

Maples love shade, so they should not be left in the open sun. The composition should also not be exposed to large temperature changes.

Crown formation

Maples are given different shapes by pruning the branches and the direction of their growth.

The blue maple in the photo was obtained from seeds. When a new branch appears on a grown plant, it is wrapped with thin wire at the base and fixed to the pot in the desired direction. In this way, the most bizarre and exotic forms of dwarf trees are obtained.

You can grow a home bonsai with your own hands in 5-7 years with proper timely care.
