We choose the best flowering shrubs for the garden. The best types of ornamental shrubs to grow in the garden

Do you know that in garden plots you can avoid planting flowers at all, but get by with planting only ornamental shrubs. If you select them correctly according to growth and flowering time, then you will have a constantly blooming and original garden. What will you get in the end? Minimum hassle and maximum relaxation. Of course, I have never seen anyone have such a garden, because it is impossible to refuse annual and perennial flowers.

However, shrubs occupy a separate niche in gardening. Let's figure out together which ornamental shrubs for gardening are the most popular and how to grow them.

Beauty under the windows. I immediately wanted to go to the dacha...

Classification of ornamental shrubs

I cannot give a definite answer as to whether it is easy or difficult to care for shrubs. It all depends on the specific species. I personally I give preference exclusively to unpretentious ones: I planted, watered, trimmed and admired it. The lack of free time will not give me the opportunity to cover pampered shrubs before winter or constantly water and fertilize them.

I tried to divide all the plants into groups. I consider only deciduous ones, without touching on coniferous ones (they also belong to shrubs).

  • In terms of decorativeness - deciduous and flowering. The decorative properties of leaves, for example, can be noted in dogwood, euonymus, spirea and silver oleagin. Among those blooming, some of the most beautiful are jasmine (mock orange, lilac, forsythia). Flowering shrubs focus the eye on themselves and contribute to the spatial perception of the garden as a single composition.
  • Short and tall. Miniature ones - as a rule, are planted in small gardens, on our 6 acres. They fit perfectly into small landscape compositions (spirea, cinquefoil,). How else to use them? As a border or together with large plants. At the same time, they should be planted at the foot of large trees and bushes to smooth out sharp transitions.
  • With creeping roots- for example, silver sucker and fieldfare. You must also be prepared for such a turn, otherwise these “creepers” will fill the garden worse than weeds.
  • Fruit bearing. This is a special type of shrub that not only decorates the garden, but also bears fruit (chokeberry, honeysuckle, serviceberry, barberry, sea buckthorn, etc.).

Blooming chokeberry.

  • Frost-resistant(hawthorn, viburnum, barberry) and thermophilic(forsythia).

Heat-loving forsythia.

  • Shade-tolerant(hydrangea) and light-loving(, fieldfare).
  • Spring, summer and autumn flowering shrubs. Correct selection according to the timing of flowering, it will provide decorativeness to your garden throughout the season. Let's start with May forsythia, which has festive bright yellow flowers strewn across its branches. Unfortunately, all my efforts to raise her were unsuccessful: she froze to death. She's too thermophilic. By the end of May the lilac will show in all its glory. In June you can enjoy the flowers of spirea, viburnum, jasmine, barberry, Japanese quince, and from July hydrangea will enter its blooming season, the flowering of which will continue until autumn.

Crown formation

When forming landscape design garden plot with the help of decorative shrub plants It is worth paying special attention to their height and width. Plants have the ability to grow greatly at favorable conditions. But this is not a problem - the parameters of the bushes can be easily adjusted using garden hedge trimmers, secateurs and scissors.

I try to do everything carefully!

This is a very exciting activity. I always try to form a beautiful crown, including that of shrubs. I use a ball to trim dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

How to use ornamental shrubs in your dacha

Depending on the role you define for the ornamental shrub, you need them plant in different ways:

  • single landing;
  • hedge;
  • background for garden compositions;
  • group plantings.

Single planting will require you to choose a location for optimal viewing of the shrub. Areas near the house, near the gate, opposite the window are suitable for this. A hedge, such as spirea, can be used instead of a fence. Shrubs with decorative leaves They can either become a background for flower arrangements, or they themselves can become an integral part of the flower garden. Group plantings of shrubs are excellent for fencing off some functional zones on garden plot, which will create a special comfort.

Young shrubs along the new fence: jasmine, elderberry, dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

The most unpretentious shrubs - my choice


My favorite shrub, I would say, the garden's favorite jewel. What are its advantages over other ornamental shrubs? I chose it for its long flowering, durability, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, resistance to diseases and pests and minimal care. By the way, it can also grow on acidic soils, which is completely uncharacteristic for many plants. I grow it as a single plant, but it looks great as a hedge.

The hydrangea bush right next to the gate deserves special attention.

There are a large number on sale beautiful views. I note, however, that not every one of them is adapted to middle lane Russia. Through mistakes in choosing a variety (many of those I bought did not winter well) I settled on broadleaf and paniculata hydrangea.

Broadleaf hydrangea can be called the most common among summer residents.

The broadleaf hydrangea inflorescence is impeccable.

It grows very quickly and reaches 1-2 meters. It’s hard to believe, but in the subtropics it is 4 m high. Its spherical inflorescences delight me with their beautiful shape and large in size - 20 cm. It blooms in July for about a month.

Hydrangea paniculata is very frost-resistant and every year it becomes more magnificent and beautiful.

And this is how paniculata hydrangea blooms.

It blooms for a very long time - in August and September. I probably can’t name a single shrub that would bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangeas are very easy to propagate. I do this by retracting the lower branch. I dig a small trench, bend the branch, secure it with wire and sprinkle it with soil. I water it periodically. Roots form very quickly. Then it will be enough to cut the branch and plant the young plant in a permanent place.

Silver goof

In my opinion, a very attractive shrub with silvery leaves. Looks great against the background. Its small yellow flowers are completely unattractive. However, they emit a very pleasant smell. As my mother said: “Smells like French perfume.” There are no problems with its cultivation - it grows well in well-lit areas and.

Silver goof.

I would note 2 of its shortcomings, which are easy to get rid of. First - rapid growth of the crown, which sticks out ugly in different directions. I shape it by cutting. Second - creeping roots. The sucker periodically pops up in my different parts garden I either cut it off or dig up the rooted shoot and distribute it to anyone who wants it.

Who is it that stands out so much with its silver?
It is he!

Jasmine, or mock orange

No recommendations needed: The flowers bloom abundantly, the aroma of the flowers is wonderful, frost-resistant, and does not cause any illness. I would note only one feature of caring for it: every 4-5 years it is necessary to cut out old branches, and at the end of each summer, slightly clear it of thickened branches.

Not everyone may have heard about mock orange, but everyone has probably heard the smell of jasmine.


There are short and tall ones. My low-growing Japanese spirea has very beautiful yellowish leaves with lilac flowers, and my tall one has snow-white inflorescences. I form the low one into a ball, and I also don’t let the big one grow too much. Spiraea excellent honey plants, attracting bees.

Spirea - a piece of Japan on a summer cottage.

I can classify this plant as completely unpretentious. It does not impose any requirements on soils, lighting, or fertilizers. A gardener's dream.


It is called so because the leaves are similar to rowan. But that's where his similarities to her end. His beauty is not only in the leaves, but also in the panicle flowers.

Fieldfare - beauty in panicles.

Its significant drawback is the root shoots, which constantly crawl to the neighbors. You have to fight it with pruning shears. As for the rest, it is absolutely unpretentious. True, it does not tolerate transplantation quite well.


His can only be described with positive epithets- spreading, beautiful, with leaves that change color throughout the season, unpretentious and undemanding to soil.

Watercolor paints of barberry.

Its miniature forms can decorate flower beds, and more tall plants They look great both as tapeworms and in group plantings and hedges. Barberry has a slight drawback when planting - it is prickly.

I recommend buying ornamental shrubs at garden centers. If I take seedlings from friends, I know exactly what it looks like as an adult and how it was grown. So, all my hydrangeas, fieldfare and silver eagles are gifts from friends, grown from cuttings. I bought the rest of the shrubs from nurseries.

In the background is a fieldfare.
Flowers in the center - .
On the front there are conifers - .

I love all my plants very much: both with decorative leaves and especially flowering ones. It seems to me that they are not only decorate my favorite garden, but also create a feeling of celebration in it, make the dacha plot very attractive.

Lush blooming garden- a joy for the soul, every gardener tries to decorate his plot, create harmony and beauty in it. This goal can be achieved using flowering shrubs perennials photos with names you can select and find out the catalog below. This way you can highlight the beauty of your garden and create coziness. Important: all shrubs described in this article are frost-resistant.

Shrub rose– looks impressive and smells very nice. Despite the fact that the plant looks very delicate, it is not at all whimsical and is resistant to diseases and low temperatures. It's better to sit her on sunny area. The bush rose can reach up to two meters in height; the graceful branches of the bush often need support. This plant blooms at the end of June; the colors of the shrubs are varied. Basic plant care includes removing weak or blind shoots, strong branches that grow in the center, as well as wilted flowers.

Chubushnikor "Jasmine"- one of the most famous and winter-hardy flowering perennial shrubs. Jasmine delights with its beauty and aroma. This fragrant bush blooms in June and July, the flowers are white or cream-colored, the plant reaches one and a half to two meters in height. Another advantage of the bush is that it is not capricious. It is best to plant it in early spring or autumn sunny place. Don’t forget to trim old shoots, water, fertilize, feed with humus and remove weeds, so it will delight you with lush flowering.

Lilac- very common, abundant flowering plant with a pronounced, pleasant aroma. To plant this perennial shrub, choose a more sunny part of the garden. Moderately moist, sandy soil is suitable. Lilacs need to be fertilized, loosened, flowers cut off, and also root shoots, this way you will help the plant develop properly and maintain its aesthetic appearance.
Forsythia – symbol of the arrival of spring. The branches of the perennial shrub are densely covered with bright yellow flowers. Forsythia grows well in a spacious, well-lit place. You should not get carried away with watering so that the roots do not begin to rot. The soil around the bush needs to be loosened and weeds removed. This plant should be fertilized with rotted manure. To keep the shrub looking neat, it is important to cut off not only dried or broken shoots, but also to shorten old shoots so that new side shoots can develop and the bush becomes more luxuriant.

Vegeila – deciduous perennial shrub. Interestingly, during flowering, the flowers change their color from a pale shade to a rich one. Pink colour. Another pleasant moment is that the shrub pleases with its flowering 2 times a year. Vegeila is a heat-loving, light-loving plant that needs to be protected from strong winds. If the plant has frozen over the winter, abundant watering will help bring the bush back to life. In hot weather, it is also necessary to moisturize the bush well.

The photo is beautiful, the name of the flowering perennial shrub is garden hydrangea, medium size, blooms with lush inflorescences, period from mid-June to October.

Jasmine is a flowering perennial shrub, the name is wonderful, but the plant itself is very trivial in appearance.

Brugmansia is a medium-sized flowering shrub that is easily grown by our compatriots. Latin name Brugmansia.

Perennial the flowering shrub on the left is broom, it is small and unpretentious to the climate.

Perennial shrub euonymus- medium size, usual color - red.

Deutia bush, similar to jasmine, but the inflorescences are longer and narrower.

Barberry Thunberg - flowering perennial shrub photo.

Skumpia- a medium-sized flowering shrub that grows separately.
The shrub blooming on the left is a familiar one perennial lilac, can be planted in a row or as a separate plant.

Flowering perennial shrub with photo on the left and names with the name Mahonia - a medium-sized plant. Blooms in dense large inflorescences.

An important element vertical gardening In landscape design there are not only trees, but also shrubs. Most of them have high growth rates, thanks to which in the first few years you can radically change the landscape of your personal plot. The article will provide a description and photo of the most popular ornamental shrubs.

Decorative deciduous shrubs for the garden

Japanese quince (Chaenomeles)

This is a beautiful ornamental shrub with healthy and tasty fruits. In the wild, it grows in the mountainous regions of Japan, and only in last years Japanese quince has become popular among Russian gardeners. It is ideal for creating a dense hedge, but looks no less beautiful in single plantings.

Agricultural technology:

  • To grow this heat-loving plant, you need a sunny place, protected from cold northern winds;
  • Japanese quince is undemanding to soil, but still, alkaline and peaty soils should be avoided;
  • It is better to plant it in open ground in central Russia in the spring, since in the fall it may not have enough time to adapt and the quince will die over the winter;
  • it responds well to fertile soils and regular fertilizing. When planting in a planting hole, it is recommended to add compost, manure and complex seasonal fertilizers;
  • for greater decorativeness, quince is planted in 3-5 plants at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. You should make sure that the root collar after planting is flush with the soil, otherwise the shrub will slow down its growth;

Advice: Japanese quince is sensitive to transplantation and does not take root well, so it is better to buy plants with ZKS and plant them immediately in a permanent place.

  • This shrub is undemanding in care. It is enough to periodically remove weeds around the tree trunk and mulch it with peat or mowed lawn grass;
  • Fertilizing is done in the spring with nitrogen-containing fertilizers during the budding period. And also in the fall, when the entire harvest is harvested, the bushes are fed with complex fertilizers;

Advice: most of the fruits of Japanese quince are formed on three-year-old shoots, so when the plant reaches five years of age, it should be done regular pruning. First of all, in the spring, before the sap begins to flow, damaged and old shoots are pruned. As a result, the skeleton of the bush should consist of 14-16 young branches.

  • Propagating Japanese quince is quite simple. To do this, you can cut cuttings or dig up root shoots. A longer way is to grow through seeds.

Barberry Thunberg

The most popular variety is the red-leaved barberry Thunberg. This is a low ornamental shrub with red-burgundy foliage. It looks beautiful in hedges along paths, as a tapeworm on the lawn or in combination with other deciduous and coniferous shrubs.

The decorative effect remains throughout the year. Even without foliage, its intertwined shoots with changing colors are pleasing to the eye. Thunberg barberry begins to bloom in late May and ends in mid-June. But despite the beauty of its yellow bell-shaped flowers, the shrub is valued for its brightly colored foliage.

The leaves themselves are small with an oval or round shape and change color throughout the season. In the spring they are a rich green color, begin to darken in the summer, and by autumn they acquire a bright red or orange hue.

It is a pest-resistant shrub, so there is no need to spray it with chemicals.

Agricultural technology:

  • this is one of the most unpretentious shrubs and it does not require fertile soils;
  • in a sunny place the color of its leaves will be more saturated, but in partial shade it will feel good. Barberry Thunberg is not afraid of the north wind and is drought-resistant;

Tip: for rich foliage color, the shrub should be given a site in a sunny place with fertile soil. Otherwise, green shades will predominate in the color of the foliage.

  • When planting seedlings, you need to maintain a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. But to create a dense hedge at 1 linear meter at least three bushes are planted;
  • before planting, it is advisable to deoxidize the soil by adding 200-250 grams of wood ash per plant. It is also advisable to add 50 grams of complex mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus);
  • pruning is done in spring or autumn. Old weakened branches should be removed. Young shoots are carefully shortened without changing the natural shape of the bush.


These are ornamental shrubs, all the beauty of which is concentrated in their crown, and not in flowers. But you need to be careful when planting euonymus in areas where children play, since almost all of its species are poisonous.

The most popular varieties grown in Russia: warty euonymus (height up to 3 m), European euonymus (height up to 7 m), dwarf euonymus (height up to 1 m), winged euonymus (height up to 1 m), Semenov euonymus (height up to 1 m), Fortune's euonymus (height up to 50 cm), Japanese euonymus (height up to 50 cm).

Agricultural technology:

  • All types of euonymus are unpretentious to grow and thrive in partial shade. The soil for them is chosen to be slightly alkaline with good air permeability;
  • They tolerate polluted air and pruning very well. That is why they can be found so often in urban plantings;
  • when planting a plant near the house, it is best to choose the western or eastern side. The only exception is the varieties of variegated euonymus, which do not require shading even on the south side;
  • for growing beautiful bush, the soil should always be moist. That's why trunk circle be sure to mulch. You will also need regular (every 10 days) fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers;
  • It is imperative to prune the euonymus. Both weak branches and those that thicken the crown are removed. To increase the intensity of branching, young shoots are pinched at the beginning of spring;
  • Euonymus reproduce easily. The easiest way is to divide the bush in the spring before sap flow begins. It can also be rooted from young green cuttings in early summer or grown through seeds.


Hawthorn is widespread throughout Russia, and it is difficult to find a garden in which it does not grow. This is due both to the unpretentiousness of the shrub when grown, and to its high winter hardiness and drought resistance.

Agricultural technology:

  • it can be planted as a hedge from the northern part of the site. It will not only beautifully decorate the fence, but also protect more demanding garden plants from cold winds;
  • For planting hawthorn, a hole or trench 50 cm deep is prepared. The excavated soil is mixed with humus, compost and ash. A hawthorn seedling is planted in a planting hole prepared in this way, watered and mulched;
  • feed the bush in spring and autumn with mineral fertilizers;
  • To create a dense hedge, hawthorn bushes are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other and trimmed regularly.


This ornamental flowering shrub can grow up to two meters in height. Of all the varieties, the most popular are tree and paniculate hydrangea.

Agricultural technology:

  • A hydrangea seedling with a developed root system is best planted in the fall, but cuttings are rooted only in the spring;
  • For its planting, an area is selected where there are no straight lines. sun rays and no strong winds blow. The best place for her it is the east or west side of the house;
  • The soil for hydrangea is selected with neutral acidity. It is not recommended to fertilize it with fresh manure; only ready-made compost is used for these purposes. It is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle with peat;
  • An interesting feature of hydrangeas is that their flowers change color due to the different composition of the soil. For example, when the soil contains iron, flowers acquire a bluish tint. Also, to achieve this, the bushes can be watered with a solution of alum and water in a ratio of 5:1. And the pink tint of the inflorescences is affected by the presence of fluorine in the soil;
  • For better survival of hydrangea seedlings, they need to be pruned before planting. The planting pit is prepared in advance. It is dug 50 by 50 cm in size and filled with a mixture of peat, sand and compost. The roots should be placed strictly vertically and covered tightly with soil. Do not compact the soil with your feet; just spill it with plenty of water. The planted plant is immediately mulched after watering;
  • Caring for hydrangea in summer involves regular weeding of the tree trunk and fertilizing with fertilizers. If the inflorescences are too large, it is recommended to tie up the shoots. In the fall, be sure to prune and cover the bush with white non-woven material. The best fertilizer for hydrangea before winter it is potassium sulfate.


This shrub is unpretentious and can grow on any soil and in any climatic conditions. It is for these qualities that it has gained wide popularity in landscaping as summer cottages, and city streets. In summer it creates a dense crown right from the ground, and in winter it beautifully decorates the garden with bright red young shoots.

Agricultural technology:

  • the most common type is white derain. This is a powerful shrub up to three meters in height with excellent frost- and drought-resistant characteristics. Its young shoots are decorative and red in color, but over the years they begin to turn green. This is the first reason why it is recommended to trim the bush regularly. The second reason is that after pruning the bush begins to branch more actively, creating a dense crown. But this must be done no later than the beginning of April;
  • more decorative variegated varieties of derain require planting in sunny areas. In the shade, the beautiful color of their leaves will change to a solid green;
  • but, despite its low maintenance requirements, derain responds well to fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. To develop a powerful and tall bush, compost and rotted manure must be placed in the planting hole;
  • it is easily propagated by cuttings. To do this, young annual branches are cut off at the beginning of summer. The cut site is dipped in a powdered root former, and the cutting is planted directly into the soil under the cut plastic bottle without cover. The rooting percentage with this method of propagation is very high;
  • The plant is pruned in the fall. The bush is cut off completely, leaving only a small stump. But to create a tall hedge, you only need to remove old or broken shoots.

Garden jasmine (Mock orange)

This shrub can grow in both fertile and sandy soils. But it responds very well to fertilizing.

Agricultural technology:

  • It tolerates replanting quite easily, the main thing is not to plant too deep and water regularly for the first time after replanting;
  • For growing garden jasmine, a sunny area with well-drained soil is best suited. But he will feel great in any other place;
  • Mock orange is easily propagated by layering or cuttings. You can grow it from seeds, but it will take a lot of time. The simplest and most popular way is to bury one of the branches and wait for it to take root on its own. On next year the seedling obtained in this way will already have a good root system and can be replanted;
  • To increase the branching of a garden jasmine bush, it must be pruned annually in early spring. First of all, all broken or dried branches are removed. To form a bush, you need to trim the weaker shoots more strongly, and the stronger ones just a little. In addition, once every 3 years it is recommended to almost completely cut off a third of the old branches to rejuvenate the bush;
  • for feeding garden jasmine responds with abundant flowering. To do this, in the spring, after the end of return frosts, the bush is fertilized with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In the summer, liquid organic matter can be added to the tree trunk circle, and in the fall, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Kalina buldenezh

This ornamental shrub is as unpretentious as the common viburnum. But unlike her, he decorates the garden with huge snow-white inflorescences. Viburnum buldenezh looks good as a tapeworm on the lawn. But even in a group planting, it will beautifully set off red-leaved hawthorn or barberry.

Its flowering period is short and lasts no more than a month. But the bush does not lose its decorative effect throughout the summer period thanks to the carved shape of the leaves.

Agricultural technology:

  • for planting it, the best place is near a pond in the openwork shade of more tall plant. With regular watering, it can also grow on sandy soils, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight;
  • viburnum buldenezh is highly frost-resistant, and if the shoots partially freeze, it quickly recovers;
  • planting a seedling with an open root system is carried out in early spring or in September;
  • it is easily propagated by buried layering. In the spring, it is enough to press down one of the branches with a stone and dig it in, and next year there will be a new independent plant. But we must not forget about regular watering;
  • being prepared for planting big hole at least 50 cm deep and 50-60 cm wide. If the soil is clayey, then a drainage layer should be placed on the bottom to prevent rotting of the roots. Then the hole is filled with a mixture of dug up soil, compost, wood ash and nitrophoska. A viburnum buldenezh seedling is planted in it, watered and mulched;
  • It is sufficient to fertilize only in the spring with organic fertilizers;
  • When pruning, all young shoots must be removed except one. Thus, the bush is formed by only 7-10 main branches.

Kerria japonica

This ornamental shrub comes from Japan and China. Shoots have green color, making it look more like a herbaceous plant than a shrub. Despite the small size of the kerria bush, it grows quite widely thanks to its root shoots.

Flowering is abundant, lasts no more than one month and begins in June. The flowers themselves are yellow and shaped like miniature roses.

At proper care and timely application of fertilizers, flowering may begin again at the end of summer, but will not be as lush.

There are many varieties of Japanese kerria, both variegated and double-leaved. The most popular are “Golden Guinea”, “Albiflora”, “Variegata”.

Agricultural technology:

  • The key to successfully growing kerria is choosing the right place for it. Due to the fact that this ornamental shrub is very thermophilic, the site for planting it should be in a sunny place and protected from cold winds;
  • the planting hole is dug 50x50 cm in size and at least 40 cm deep. It is filled with fertile soil mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • It is necessary to provide the shrub with regular watering at least once every 10 days. And for the winter, make a shelter from snow, which can break it;
  • Kerria seedlings are planted in autumn or spring, and a year later, when the plant is already strong, it is pruned. To do this, after the first flowering, all main branches are shortened by about a third. total height, and young shoots are pinched only a little;
  • The shrub responds best to feeding with liquid mullein. It is done at the beginning and in the middle of summer. This contributes practically continuous flowering kerrias throughout the summer;
  • A young plant and bush, planted in a not very good place, must be covered with spruce branches for the winter. But even frozen young shoots will not cause much harm to the bush;
  • Kerria is propagated by digging up root shoots. You can also dig in one of its branches for rooting.


Despite the fact that rhododendron belongs to the heather family, it is quite difficult to grow it in central Russia. But even this circumstance does not affect gardeners’ love for this beautiful ornamental shrub.

Agricultural technology:

  • The least demanding varieties of rhododendron include: Japanese, Schlippenbach and Katevbinsky. Seedlings should be purchased only those grown in a specific region and acclimatized;
  • The soil chosen for them is acidic and moist. And the landing site itself should be located in the shade. In a sunny area, rhododendron may not bloom;

Advice: if the rhododendron has not bloomed for several years, then you need to change its place. Its root system is superficial, so replanting will not damage great harm. Due to the shallow root system, it is important to choose its neighbors wisely. Rhododendrons feel great in the shade of spruce, pine, apple and larch trees;

  • The soil mixture for them is prepared from fertile soil, peat and compost. Planted rhododendron can be mulched with a thick layer of sawdust;
  • water the plants only with rain, melt or water from private well, since the bush suffers greatly from bleach. Fertilizing is applied before and after flowering, as well as at the end of summer. Can be used both organic and special mineral fertilizers for rhododendrons;
  • sawdust or bark are best suited for mulching the tree trunk circle coniferous species wood It will not only protect the soil from drying out and weeds, but will also reduce its acidity;
  • Due to the fact that rhododendron is a heat-loving ornamental shrub, preparing it for winter is mandatory in all regions of Russia, the only difference being at what time it should be started. In the middle zone, from the beginning of August it is necessary to water the plant abundantly. And with the onset of the first night frosts, it is covered with burlap or non-woven material, leaving a gap at the bottom for ventilation.


This shrub has enjoyed constant popularity for many years. Lilac is unpretentious, but at the same time every spring it pleases with lush and abundant flowering and a pleasant aroma. It tolerates dry weather and severe frosts well, and therefore does not require shelter even in the northern regions.

Lilac has a large number of varieties, so it fits perfectly into any landscape design. It looks great as a tapeworm, and thanks to its thick crown, lilac is often used for hedges as a personal plots, and in city parks.

Agricultural technology:

  • Although lilac is unpretentious, varietal shrubs are demanding in terms of growing conditions. It is best for her to choose areas on the east or west side of the house. In this case, the place should be protected from strong winds;
  • Lilacs are planted mainly in early autumn. The planting hole is quite large, up to 80-100 cm on infertile soils. Filled with soil mixed with sand and organic fertilizers;
  • When caring, it is important not to overdo it with watering. It is only needed on the driest days of summer. All other care consists of weeding the tree trunk circle;
  • If a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied during planting, then fertilizing is not necessary for the next 3 years. Subsequently, lilac will respond well to the application of nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers at the end of spring;
  • The bush should be pruned in such a way as to form 8-12 skeletal branches from it, which will be located as far apart as possible. All shoots that grow inside the crown must be removed.

Coniferous ornamental shrubs

Today there are not so many of them. Below are the names of the most common coniferous ornamental shrubs with descriptions and tips for growing them.


It is also called northern cypress. He has both tree varieties, and shrubby forms. Juniper is unpretentious and is actively used in single plantings and to create hedges.

Agricultural technology:

  • It’s not uncommon for gardeners to try to dig up a plant in the forest. Indeed, juniper children up to 30-40 cm high, dug up with a large lump of earth, will take root well in a summer cottage, and this will not cause harm to the forest. But the seedling obtained in this way is called wild and will never compare in beauty with varietal plant. Therefore, a beautiful juniper bush can only be bought in a specialized nursery;
  • juniper is planted only in a sunny place and on sandy soil. The planting hole is prepared twice as large as the root ball. A mixture of soil, sand and peat is poured into it;
  • a juniper seedling is planted so that the root collar is level with the ground, and the central root goes strictly vertically (if necessary, you should dig a deeper hole for it);
  • it is replanted either in the spring before sap flow begins, or in early autumn. The first year after transplantation it must be watered regularly. It is best to mulch juniper pine needles, recruited in the forest;
  • its maintenance is minimal. It is simply recommended to loosen the tree trunk a couple of times during the summer, and water it in very hot weather. If possible, get sunburn in early spring, starting in autumn, it is advisable to cover the bush with burlap or white non-woven material;
  • You can accelerate the growth of the plant by feeding it in early spring with nitroammophos at the rate of 30 grams per 1 bush.


This essential evergreen shrub has been used to decorate gardens for many centuries. It grows slowly and lends itself well to cutting, which is why real green sculptures are so often created from it. It grows well not only in open ground, but also in street flowerpot and even in a pot at home.

Agricultural technology:

  • Boxwood is quite winter-hardy, but requires shelter for the winter. This is done to protect it from cold winds and from the burning first rays of the spring sun;
  • the seedling should be selected only with a closed spacer, this guarantees high survival rate of the plant. You should also pay attention to its appearance - there should be no bare branches or yellowish greenery;
  • They plant boxwood in the spring, preparing for it a hole twice as large as its root system. Fill it with nutritious soil with compost and plant bushes at intervals of 40 cm from each other. After this, pour it well with plenty of warm water;
  • it does not tolerate midday sun rays well, so the place for the boxwood is chosen in such a way that at this time it is in the shade or partial shade. In dry weather it should be watered at least once every 10 days;
  • compost or rotted manure is used as fertilizer;
  • boxwood is propagated mainly summer cuttings. They are deepened into loose soil consisting of peat and sand, watered and covered with film. As a rule, up to 70% of the cuttings take root after 1.5-2 months.
  • It is worth considering that boxwood is poisonous. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it on playgrounds and in areas where pets are walked.

Ornamental shrubs– one of the most effective tools in the hands of a landscape designer. In the country, they are often used as a picturesque emerald green hedge. Low bushes can also serve as a kind of transition from powerful trees to herbaceous plants. Their main function in this case, make the design of the summer cottage harmonious, and the strokes of the design drawing smoother.

Shrubs in landscape design

Perhaps, on every hacienda you can see growing shrubs. They usually cause a lot of problems for careless summer residents, but in skillful and caring hands they turn into real masterpieces of landscape design.

It’s amazing how noticeable the difference is between an unkempt rose hip or a barberry with its branches scattered in different directions and a neatly trimmed boxwood. In recent years, topiary art has become especially popular. And in this design direction, shrubs for the garden are simply irreplaceable.

If you carefully look after them, you can get not only a bright decoration of the site, a slender living fence, but also a natural sculpture of amazing beauty. Like any other plant, the bush pleases a person with its lush flowering, in gratitude for the tireless care.

Types of shrubs and rules for their selection

On a summer cottage of any size and style, flowering shrubs will be appropriate. This is exactly that unique case when too much can never happen. After all, green mini-trees standing like a slender wall along a garden alley or covered with a bright dome of flowers fit perfectly into all design styles without exception.

Shrubs can be classified according to several principles. For example, in terms of frost resistance. When choosing seedlings, pay attention to this property. Withstands severe frosts:

These species tolerate winter well and can be planted in the northern part of the site. But spirea, mock orange and rose hips love warmth and will be grateful if you take care of insulation before the start of the cold season.

Another sign of classification is in relation to lighting. Plant lilacs and fieldfare in those places in your garden where there is enough sunlight at any time of the year. The following types of shrubs are suitable for shaded areas:

I would like to draw the attention of gardeners to the fact that seedlings for landscaping should be selected taking into account the type of soil. Japanese quince loves warmth, but is quite unpretentious to the soil. Its decoration is not only small flowers and leaves, but also fruits. Thus, this modest bush will delight you with its flowering in the spring, its greenery in the summer, and its decorative berries in the fall.Dogwood grows well in moist soil. Its inflorescences are pleasantly fragrant, and the unusual color of the shoots gives the simple bush some exoticism.

Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves can vary: from rich green with light edging to dark bronze. The beautiful forsythia blooms in early spring, when most trees have not yet woken up after winter. How fabulous this bush looks, covered with bright yellow flowers! And this royal person’s requirements are also high: fertile soil and moderate watering.For southern regions with sandy loam soil, the ideal inhabitant is tamarisk. And during the flowering period you just can’t take your eyes off it!

Variety of colors on the site

Relatively speaking, according to their decorative value, shrubs can be divided into deciduous and flowering. Which type to choose - the solution to this question depends on the desired effect.

For creating landscape composition you need to know everything about the texture and color of leaves or needles. Don’t let evergreen or decorative-leaved bushes seem boring to you. In beauty they are in no way inferior to their flowering relatives. Well, how can someone not like the tart smell of juniper?

This coniferous plant It is actively used both in topiary art and in the planning of park and country alleys. Beautiful evergreen shrubs for the garden are mahonia with dark-colored foliage and multi-colored panicles or boxwood, which is simply created for topiary.

The change of seasons can be observed by the color of some bushes. For example, bladderworts change the color of their leaves: the “Aurea” variety throws out reddish leaves from its buds, at the beginning of summer they become almost orange, then fade slightly, and in the fall they explode in the color of bright gold. By the way, if you plant the bladderwort in a shaded area, you will get stable green tint. Barberry also provides a wide palette of colors.

Depending on the type, the crown of the bush can be purple or golden, emerald or crimson. They look especially elegant along low fences separating the boundaries of the site.

A real fairy tale is flowering ornamental shrubs. The owners will be pleased with the riot of colors, and the bees will be delighted with the wide scope for work. In early spring lupus and forsythia are the first to bloom, then lush caps of viburnum and modest miniature bouquets of white turf bloom. Then we are intoxicated by the aromas of jasmine bells and curly clusters of the queen of the Russian garden of lilac. Broom and rhododendron, cinquefoil and spirea add beauty to our dachas.

Planting shrubs: general rules

Like any ornamental plants, plant and replant garden bushes follows in the fall. The main thing is to make sure that the bush has time to take root well before the onset of frost. First of all, you should choose a landing site.

Consider the type of shrub, as we have already discussed above. You need to remove the weeds and carefully remove upper layer soil (especially if planting is done on a lawn). Next we dig a hole. Its dimensions should significantly exceed the width of the root system. Try on a seedling. The longest root should not be cramped in it.

The bottom of the pit and the walls must be loosened with a pitchfork to saturate the soil with oxygen. It is recommended to add compost or peat when planting, as well as add a slow-release fertilizer.

Then place the seedling next to the peg, straighten all the roots, and cover with soil. Gently compact the soil with your foot. Make a roller around the hole from the soil so that the water does not spread when watering, but goes directly under the root. Water the seedling generously from above.

The planted shrub must be tied to a peg. This is done so that the root does not move, and in the future the plant stretches straight upward. Apply a bandage of soft material at a height of approximately 30 cm from the ground.

Basic care tips

Contrary to popular belief, garden ornamental shrubs do not require careful care. Forget the stereotype of a gardener, imposed by soap opera directors: in the park near a luxurious mansion, he spends his days pruning green shoots and tirelessly shaping the crowns of lush bushes.

In fact, plants only need periodic hilling and proper watering. Of course, it is necessary to trim excess branches to give it a well-groomed shape, and remove old shoots. Frost-resistant viburnum and lilac do not require preparation for the cold season. And roses, hydrangeas and rhododendrons just need to be covered with reeds or spruce branches.

Photo selection

Without good the dacha plot looks boring. Shrubs will help add new notes to an existing picture. They can be flowering, green, tall or short. That's the beauty of it, that they are different. What ornamental shrubs should I plant in my dacha? Everyone decides for themselves. Choose plants that won’t be a burden to you to care for, and the shrubs themselves will fit into your landscape design idea.

Flowering shrubs are considered one of the best plant options. With their help, you can visually increase the area of ​​the site and hide minor imperfections. Flowering shrubs give a feeling of celebration and will delight the eye until autumn.

You can plant bushes on lawns, along walking paths, and near terraces. If you have a specific idea for landscape design, choosing the location of the bushes will be easy. When choosing plants for the garden, it is worth considering their characteristics. How much the shrub will grow in height and how much in width. In general, these factors can be controlled using pruning shears.

Decorative shrubs for a summer residence are chosen taking into account the size of the garden and the design of the site. For example, for Low shrubs are suitable. Give preference to those species that bloom at different times. Thus, your site will be surrounded by flowers until autumn.

What plants are suitable if the garden is small?

The landscape design of a small garden should be arranged in such a way that it visually appears larger. In addition, you need to make good use of every centimeter of space.


This low shrub blooms with small flowers yellow color. It blooms as soon as the snow disappears from the ground. Interestingly, Forsythia produces flowers much earlier than the leaves themselves. When it blooms on your site, it seems that the sun itself has settled on your territory.

Magnolia "Star"

There can be two types: a shrub or a small tree. At good care, grows 3 meters in height. The plant is very interesting, bare brown branches smoothly turn into a crown that looks like a ball or dome.

Magnolia blooms thickly and a lot, flowers appear every year. In rare cases, the size of flowers reaches up to 10 cm in diameter. It’s nice that the plant’s flowers appear faster than leaves.

The plant loves well-fertilized soil, preferably black soil. It tolerates frost well, but it is better to plant the shrub in a place protected from the wind. If you are afraid to leave Magnolia to winter on the site, you can transplant it into a tub and hide it indoors.

The shrub is perfect for creating flower arrangements and decorating alleys.

Hibiscus "Syrian"

This shrub can grow up to 6 meters in height. Eat that look like a bush, there are those that resemble a tree. Hibiscus "Syrian" loves light and warmth. Pleases with big and bright colors, the palette of which is amazing. Hibiscus has an interesting feature: each flower lives no more than a day.

Due to the fact that a bush can produce hundreds and thousands of inflorescences, the daily life of a flower is not particularly important. Hibiscus will delight you with flowers until autumn, provided that you care for it properly.

Chinese lilac

A shrub that will delight you with flowers throughout the spring. Compared to ordinary lilacs, its Chinese counterpart has a smaller height and larger inflorescences. bright shade. There are varieties of lilac with flowers that feel double to the touch.

Russia has a harsh winter, but despite this, Chinese lilac is surviving this period well. It is worth planting lilacs where spring floods and heavy rainfall throughout the year do not flood the soil. Chinese lilac does not tolerate stagnant water. Even if the water stands for a week, the plant's roots will die. At the same time, the soil must be moist and have enough nutrients.

The plant reproduces by seeds if we're talking about about wild varieties. If the lilac is selective, it is propagated by cuttings or by grafting branches to another tree. The grafting method allows you to create incredible compositions in your summer cottage. One shrub that combines several types of lilac will bloom profusely and different colors. The spectacle is truly impressive. Chinese lilac can be planted near gazebos or in a seating area in the garden.


A low-growing shrub that is completely covered with flowers. It looks very beautiful, the shrub is not particularly demanding in care. Some types of shrubs can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. During the flowering period, the branches bend under the weight of the flowers and sink to the ground. Colquitia blooms with small white, beige and yellowish flowers.

The plant can be planted in any soil. It tolerates even the presence of alkali in the soil. In winter it does not freeze even at temperatures of -30 degrees. This is convenient because it is almost impossible to predict the weather in winter.

Colquitia tolerates drought well and does not die with infrequent watering. The plant can be propagated by seeds. After sowing, you will see the first flowers in the third year of the bush’s life. The maximum growth phase of the bush occurs 7 years after sowing.

Shrub care consists of regular watering and pruning branches (sick and old shoots are removed). It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil under the bush and remove weeds. You can plant a shrub either as part of a flower arrangement or as an independent plant. Sometimes, Colquittia is used to create borders and mixed flower beds.

How to design a large garden at your dacha?

When decorating a large summer cottage, fruit and ornamental plants are used. You can plant any shrubs here, the main thing is that they fit into the general idea landscape design and did not interfere with your life.


Shrub up to 1.5 meters high. In total there are about 50 species of this plant. Flowers cover the shoots abundantly, there are many of them. The flowering period lasts several weeks. If it's a cool summer outside, the shrub can bloom for a whole month.

The aroma of Wolfberry is divine and strong. The interesting thing is that it can be heard at a very long distance. Each plant variety has its own smell. It is worth noting that this shrub can become life-threatening. Its leaves, shoots and berries contain toxic substances.

If they get on the skin, they can cause irritation, itching, and in rare cases, burns. The berries of the bush are red, black or yellow. The lethal dose for humans is about 15 berries. The fruits of the bush have a nasty taste, so rarely anyone is poisoned by them.

But, if you have children to whom you cannot explain the origin of the berries, it is better to pick them with gloves and while they are still green. The plant can be planted in almost any soil. Wolfberry tolerates frosty winter well. They can be used to decorate a plot if you rarely come to your dacha, but want the plot to be beautiful.

Familiar notes of childhood: elderberry, rowan, viburnum

With the help of these shrubs you can beautifully decorate your site. They bloom beautifully in summer, and in winter they attract birds with the help of beautiful and tasty fruits. You can plant shrubs near a well, under a window or in a recreation area. Viburnum fruits are good for health and make aromatic tea.

Viburnum with sugar can be eaten during acute respiratory viral infections and its analogues; the berries perfectly boost the immune system. Rowan fruits help normalize blood pressure and are pleasant to the taste. Even children will like elderberry jam.

Find a place on your site for these shrubs, and you will always have a green pharmacy at hand.

Flowering shrubs on the site

Different shrubs will help you create bright flower arrangements in summer. There are dozens of plant species that can decorate your garden. You select the most interesting options for you.


This shrub is also called “false Jasmine”. It blooms in early summer and will delight you with white, numerous flowers. Mock orange is easy to care for and can grow in any soil. You can plant it once and enjoy the flowers for decades.

The shrub blooms profusely, even if located in the shade. The aroma of flowers is reminiscent of jasmine, only with sweet notes. You can plant the shrub where it will not be flooded with melt water. Chubushnik does not like stagnant moisture and may die. For that in winter period The bush easily tolerates any frost.

In order for the shrub to bloom profusely and for a long time, it can be fed with mullein solution and flavored with ash. Despite the fact that the plant tolerates shade, it will bloom better in open areas.

The flowering period of the bush is usually 14 days. But, it is possible to choose a variety with for different periods flowering. If you plant several varieties on your site, beautiful white flowers will decorate your site almost until autumn.


This shrub was brought from the Far East. It blooms with small light pink flowers that change color as they wilt. You can select varieties from different periods flowering, shade of flowers, height of shoots.

They say that - This is a whimsical plant. And in vain. It can grow perfectly in modern climate conditions. When the shrub first blooms, its flowers appear pale; towards the end of the flowering period, they seem to burn with fire. The shrub grows up to 1.5 meters in height. For your garden, choose plants that are frost-resistant. Summer Weigela may die in winter.

In order for your shrub to survive the winter normally, it needs to be covered on especially cold days. But, if frost damages the bush, it can still recover, but will bloom much later than usual.

Shrub loves fertile soil and a sunny area where it will delight you with its bright and numerous flowers. Weigela is well suited for both single planting and creating entire flower arrangements.


This shrub is popularly called the “wig tree”, “smoking bush”. The plant got its name from its flowers, which look like cobwebs or puffs of smoke. It is convenient to plant Skumpia in the country. She will live up to 100 years, and your great-grandchildren will admire the beauty of your garden.

IN natural environment the bush grows up to 12 meters. It is quite large, so plan to plant it in places where it will not shade other shrubs and flowers. Skumpia blooms small flowers, which are collected in huge inflorescences. The shrub glows with color until autumn and its flowers, closer to the cold weather, become bright, rich in color. If you take the inflorescences in your hand and rub them, they will smell like carrots.

The root system of Skumpia goes deep into the ground up to 1.5 meters. This allows the shrub to be used to stabilize ravines or create natural garden boundaries. Skumpia grows on almost any soil and is not fussy about care.

The plant is not afraid of frost, loves sun and light. The bark and roots are not subject to rotting and fungal diseases. Skumpia shoots are used to produce certain medicines that help reduce fever.

There are several types of this shrub. Suitable for the domestic climate winter-hardy varieties, which will easily survive the winters. This shrub grows up to 3 meters and lives for more than 25 years. The plant can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. In any case, you will get a wonderful shrub.


One of the popular shrubs that can be grown in the garden. The plant's homeland is subtropics. There the bush can grow up to 4 meters in height. In the conditions of the domestic climate, its height was reduced to a maximum of 2 meters.

Blooms small flowers, which are collected in large inflorescences. By appearance the inflorescences resemble balls. The color of the flowers depends on the variety. But, it's always bright and rich colors. There may be flowers of blue, pink, white, red. The diameter of the inflorescence can be up to 15 centimeters. Such a shrub looks impressive in a summer cottage, and caring for it is quite simple.

If the plant is properly cared for, it will bloom from mid-summer to late autumn. IN warm period Over time, the leaves have a juicy dark green hue. With the onset of cold weather, they darken and become almost bronze. In winter, Hydrangea needs to be protected from the cold. Otherwise, the bush will not be able to survive the winter safely.

Hydrangea loves light and at the same time does not tolerate direct sunlight. If you plant a bush in an open area, the plant may get burned during the sun. In the shade, the bush will begin to bloom late and its inflorescences will not be as lush.

Most best option for shrubs - a place in partial shade. It is not recommended to plant shrubs near trees. They actively pull water from the ground and the bush will have nothing left. If we talk about soil, then Hydrangea is a rather finicky bush.

He prefers soil with a high humus content and low acid content. Plants should not be planted in soil with high alkalinity. This will cause the plant's leaves to turn yellow. IN normal conditions Hydrangea develops quickly.

The shrub does not tolerate lime. If there is a possibility of this substance getting into the soil, plant the bush away from this sector. For the winter, the bush is either covered or dug up. It will not tolerate temperatures lower than 18 degrees Celsius. When planting, you can use different additives: good compost, red peat, leaf soil, coarse sand. It is better to loosen the soil near the bush.

Hydrangea loves water, it needs to be watered abundantly (2 buckets of water per bush should be used per week). It is not recommended to use hard water for this. The bush is watered either with rainwater or lemon juice and vinegar are added to ordinary water.

The plant is propagated either by dividing the bush or by cuttings. There should be a distance of about 1 meter between each bush. Most often, plants are planted in mid-spring, when it is already clear that there will be no frost. The soil should be well heated.

In general, caring for the plant does not bring much trouble; growing shrubs is interesting. You can use Hydrangea to create vibrant floral arrangements.


A shrub that grows up to 2 meters in height. It blooms in early summer and almost until August. There are many flowers, they are small (1.5 cm in diameter). The inside of the flower is white, the outside is pale pink. The shrub should be planted in a place protected from wind and sun.

Deytsia loves fertile soil, it can and should be fed. Caring for the plant is simple: watering, cutting off old shoots, loosening the soil. You can use Deutia to create flower arrangements or plant it alone.

The shrub is protected from frost; it does not tolerate cold. To protect it, it is spudded and buried in leaves. When snow falls, you need to cover the bush with heaps of snow. Without these manipulations, the bush may freeze to the very roots.

In general, the plant is perfect for a summer cottage. Will make you happy beautiful flowers and don't waste time.


Another interesting shrub that will look great in a summer cottage. In total there are about 25,000 species of this plant. You will have the opportunity to choose the type of plant that is right for you.

The shrub is actively used to create lawns, flower arrangements, and is planted along paths. Looks great in compositions with small coniferous trees. - a low-growing plant. But, it is worth considering that it can grow in width.

You should choose a place to plant a plant taking into account its variety. Some species get along well under trees, while others need open area. In general, Rhododendron does not require much attention and looks great in the garden.

Common heather

The shrub is suitable for autumn garden and looks beautiful on the site. Can grow up to 1 meter in height. Heather shoots grow quite strongly. The flowers are small and collected in large oblong inflorescences. With proper care, the plant blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Heather refers to evergreens. This suggests that even with the onset of autumn it will decorate your site. The plant loves sandy or sandy loam soil and grows well in swampy areas.

At the summer cottage for a long time can do without watering. Rolled leaves help the shrub retain moisture. Thanks to this arrangement of leaves, practically no water is consumed from the root system.

This shrub can be planted either as a complement to a flower arrangement or left to grow alone.

General rules for choosing and caring for shrubs

Shrubs should be selected based on care requirements and aesthetics. Caring for plants should not take much time; the bushes should be able to withstand the climate that is relevant for your region.

When choosing seedlings, consider the lifespan of the plants. Choose ones that will last for at least 2 seasons. If plants are sold in containers, this is the best option for shrubs. They take root quickly because they fall into the soil with soil familiar to the roots. In addition, such plants can be planted at any time.

Before you buy plants, create a plan for your site. You need to know where and how the shrubs will be located. This method is necessary in order to light-loving plants were not in the shadows. If they are planted in dark places, then beautiful and abundant flowering you won't see.

In the shade, it is best to plant shrubs that can easily tolerate shade. Once the location has been chosen correctly, think about the planting itself. In most cases, the rules for planting shrubs are the same for all species.

First, you remove the top layer of soil onto a separate cloth or film. Then you dig holes for planting. Fertilizer (humus, peat, fertilizer) is placed at the bottom of each hole; its choice depends on the plant variety. If the soil on your site is “heavy” soil, mineral fertilizers and a significant percentage of sand are added to the soil.

It is worth remembering that the holes are dug wider and deeper than the size of the root system. This is necessary so that the roots feel free and grow normally. A sufficient amount of water is poured into each hole so that it saturates the fertilizer and soil.

Place a seedling in each hole and see how the area will look. When everything is suitable, you can dig in the holes. A small roller is created under each plant. Such a system is needed to avoid water spreading when watering plants.

Another stage of plant care is mulching. This procedure helps keep the soil moist and at the same time protects it from the active growth of weeds. Each type of plant has its own care characteristics. You can find out about them in garden stores or read about them on the Internet.

If you have chosen the right shrubs and looked after them regularly, the plants will delight you with their beauty for a long time.
