Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly with a message. The President delivered a message to the Federal Assembly in the Kremlin

The president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin began reading out his annual address to the Federal Assembly of the State. As the Russian leader's press secretary Dmitry Peskov previously noted, this is one of the main events of the year. All last days The head of state was working on a document that should become the basis defining the most important directions for the country's development in the near future.

“This time we will pay more attention to the economy, social sphere and domestic policy”,” the president began his address with these words.

The President noted that Russian citizens have recently united, the country is united by patriotism.

"Any injustice or untruth is perceived very sharply. Society resolutely rejects arrogance and rudeness."“, said the head of state, noting that Russia successfully defends its rights in the international arena, but we all must do this within the country.

Putin also noted the role of United Russia and its special responsibility to citizens as a party with a majority in the State Duma, because it was the citizens of the country who determined the result of the elections held in the fall of 2016.

The President specifically emphasized that examples in society are unacceptable when someone opposes themselves to other citizens, considering themselves to be somehow special. Recently, several such cases have occurred in the country, which have caused widespread public outcry.

“Tomorrow at the meeting of the Council for Culture we will definitely discuss issues that cause a special public reaction.”, said Vladimir Putin.

The coming 2017 will be the year of the centenary of October revolution.

“This is a good reason to turn once again to the very causes of the revolution.”“, the president is confident.

Vladimir Putin noted that splits and grievances of the past cannot be “dragged into our lives,” just as one cannot speculate on past mistakes: “We are one people, and we have one Russia.”

The country's efforts are aimed at developing culture and preserving traditional values.

Vladimir Putin noted that in Russia the birth rate is higher than in some European countries.

The President said that competition for budget-funded places in universities is growing in Russia, and wished the graduates educational institutions success in life.

“Over the past 10 years, the volume of high-tech medical care has increased 15 times”, noted the head of state. According to Vladimir Putin, the numbers have increased significantly, but this is still not enough.

The President also pointed out that, unfortunately, there are still often cases when people are forced to wait in line to see doctors, and there are problems with the qualifications of doctors.

Vladimir Putin said that control over the sale of medicines will be tightened in Russia, which should eliminate the appearance of counterfeit goods on the market. The President specifically emphasized that in Russia it is necessary to provide everyone with high-speed Internet medical institutions. The head of state asked the head of the Ministry of Communications to pay attention to this.

After medicine, the president moved on to education. According to the head of state, all conditions for obtaining education must be created in the country.

“We need to finally solve the problem of third shifts, and then second ones.”, said Vladimir Putin.

Putin also noted that schoolchildren should learn to think independently, be able to set goals for themselves, and develop a culture of research and engineering work.

“Many experiments are being carried out both abroad and here”“, Putin said, stipulating that it is, of course, necessary to move forward, but experiments must also be treated with caution.

“Every child is gifted. Revealing his talents is our task. But this is Russia’s success.”“, the president added.

A special sign of our time is the involvement of citizens in charity. Appeals on the Internet quickly find a response.

“I ask the Public Chamber and ASI to support volunteer initiatives, non-profit organizations" , said Vladimir Putin. According to him, already from next year such organizations will have the opportunity to receive support from the budget. In this regard, Putin turned to the regional authorities.

“I ask you not to be greedy, not to give to government agencies out of habit”, said the head of state.

The President called on officials to support the initiative of citizens, especially when it comes to the improvement of cities and towns (for which 20 billion rubles will be allocated). Residents themselves must determine which improvement facilities they need in the first place, Putin noted.

“It is important for civil society to participate in improving environmental legislation”, said the president.

The President specifically focused on the construction of roads and a bridge across the Kerch Strait.

Speaking about the economic situation, the head of state recalled that 2 years ago we faced serious economic challenges. "The main reasons for the economic slowdown lie in our internal problems", – Putin said.

The President noted that in some areas of the economy there has been modest, but still growth. This year, for example, a record amount of housing was built in the country. There has been a slight increase in industrial production.

"We have maintained financial reserves, which is very important, Putin said. – The gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank have also grown.".

The President also noted the positive dynamics in reducing inflation. According to Putin, the lowest result may be set for 2016, and the target of 4% may be achieved in 2017.

Putin specifically focused on the successes in agriculture, which has always been considered unprofitable.

"Today this is an industry that feeds the country and enters international markets, said the president. – Agricultural exports are higher than arms exports."

The President emphasized that incentives are needed for further growth of this segment. Putin drew the attention of all interested departments and banks to this.

Separately, the head of state focused on the military-industrial complex. He noted that labor productivity in the defense industry has increased significantly. According to Putin, it is now necessary to focus on increasing the share of civilian products. By 2030, enterprises must produce at least 50 percent of civilian industry.

The IT industry has become one of the most developing industries. According to Putin, over 5 years the volume of exports has doubled. Putin proposed extending benefits for IT industry enterprises so that in the coming years it will become one of the leading sectors of the economy.

Putin instructed the government no later than May 2016 to develop a development plan until 2025, which will allow it to become one of the countries with the most developing economies no later than 2019-2020.

Putin noted that the existing tax system in Russia needs “tuning”, which will allow creating favorable conditions for business.

“This needs to be done with the participation of business associations”, Putin said.

Legal regulations governing business in each region must fully comply with federal ones.

"This will allow us to ensure not only a unified, but also high quality business environment, - the president is sure, - and also promptly respond to infringement of business and abuses by controllers.”

The number of inspections needs to be reduced, while increasing their effectiveness. Supervisory authorities should not only be punitive, but also provide advisory assistance to entrepreneurs.

"IN last years There were many high-profile cases against officials at the municipal and regional levels. Neither position, nor connections, nor past merits can be a cover.", said Vladimir Putin.

The President also recalled that no one can be found guilty without a court decision, and the fight against corruption should not be turned into a show.

In the banking sector, the situation has improved slightly, but not in all areas. Despite the funds allocated by the state, interest rates on loans in many banks have not decreased, Putin said. Despite this, he said, it is necessary to continue to stimulate lending. Putin also noted that thanks to the work of the Central Bank, work is underway to improve the banking sector. This also serves to revive the economy and stimulate lending to the real sector.

“It is very important to support lending to small businesses, which continues to fall”, Putin said.

The President specifically focused on the development of technology. Those countries that do this have huge advantage in front of others.

“In digital technologies, for example, there are risks”“, the president said, meaning that the use of other people’s developments jeopardizes cybersecurity.

The President listed a number of measures that are designed to ensure the development of technology, the emergence of qualified personnel and specialists capable of creating competition.

Putin noted that the country is taking measures to develop fundamental science. For this purpose, a special line of grants is being launched. There are already dozens of state-of-the-art laboratories operating in Russia, many of which are staffed by scientists who have returned to the country from abroad.

"They see that today in Russia scientific tasks are being set, a good base is being created, Putin said, but people must understand that they have horizons."

To develop the scientific and technological development of Russia, an additional 3.5 billion will be allocated for science in the near future.

Recently, Russia has faced severe external pressure: sanctions, accusations of aggression, a doping scandal, mentoring teachings.

“If necessary, we can teach anyone ourselves”, Putin said. According to the Russian President, we stand for the development of all countries and peoples, not just a select few, and the establishment of an order that is not built on the dominance of one country.

A priority of Russian foreign policy is to deepen cooperation with Eurasian countries.

“I am convinced that such work is possible with the countries of the European Union”“, Putin said, meaning that this can be seen at least from the results of the electoral processes that are now taking place in the EU countries.

“We look forward to qualitative progress in relations with our eastern neighbor – Japan”, Putin said, adding that Russia is ready to work with the administration of the newly elected US President. Especially in the fight against international terrorism, which the Russian Federation is now actively doing in Syria.

"The Army and Navy have proven they can operate effectively from afar."“These words of the head of state were met with applause by those present.

In conclusion, the head of state expressed confidence that Russia will find the strength to solve all the problems facing us.

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a message to Federal Assembly RF. What topics the head of state touched upon, what awaits Russia in the near future and what challenges it will have to fight - in the material of the news agency "People's News".

On Thursday, December 1, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. This appeal was already the 13th on the account of the Russian president. The main topics of the message this time were social issues and domestic politics countries.

The key points of the Russian President's message to the Federal Assembly are in the material.

About Russia and patriotism

The President began his address with words about patriotic values. According to Vladimir Putin, now the citizens of the Russian Federation have united, feeling a common goal and concern for the country.

“Citizens have united around patriotic values ​​not because they are happy with everything, that everything suits them. No, there are enough difficulties and problems now. But there is an understanding of their reasons, and most importantly, the confidence that together we will definitely overcome them. The willingness to work for Russia is heartfelt , sincere concern for her is what underlies this association."

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1917, Vladimir Putin noted that it is unacceptable to drag the splits of the past into today’s life and speculate on the tragedies that have affected almost every family in Russia.

"Let's remember: we are one people, we are one people, and we have one Russia."

Social politics

The main emphasis in Vladimir Putin’s message this year was on social policy, having developed its basic principles:

“The meaning of all our policies is saving people, increasing human capital as the main wealth of Russia. Therefore, our efforts are aimed at supporting traditional values ​​and family, demographic programs, improving the environment, human health, developing education and culture.”

In this regard, Vladimir Putin addressed problems in specific areas - medicine and education, as well as the development of non-profit organizations. The president named the main problems in the healthcare sector as overworked doctors, an indifferent attitude towards patients and a lack of qualifications to work with modern equipment.

“There is equipment, but there are no qualified people,” Putin complained.

In education, according to Putin, the main criterion should be support for the creativity of children. The President noted that schoolchildren should study in convenient, comfortable, modern conditions– in this regard, the program of reconstruction and renovation of schools will be continued.

“Our entire education system should be based on a fundamental principle: every child and teenager is gifted, capable of succeeding in science, in creativity, in sports, in profession and in life. Discovering his talents is our task, in this - Russia's success."

Special attention was paid to the development of the volunteer and charity movement. The President asked the Public Chamber to support non-profit projects, and the heads of regions “not to be greedy” by distributing funds in favor of socially oriented NPOs. The president advised the officials themselves not to hide from people with their pressing problems. Vladimir Putin advised officials to communicate more with the people and learn about their problems first-hand.

“Don’t hide in office offices, don’t be afraid of dialogue with people – meet people halfway, talk honestly and openly with people, support their initiatives.”

Economic challenges

Vladimir Putin also touched upon economic issues during his address. Recalling the harsh conditions of sanctions against Russia, the president emphasized that it is much more important to solve one’s own problems.

“Two years ago, we were faced with serious economic challenges, with unfavorable conditions on world markets, with sanctions that tried to force us to dance to someone else’s tune, as our people say, to neglect our fundamental national interests. But I repeat: the main reasons for the economic slowdown lies in our internal problems."

Among the internal problems, the President noted the shortage of investment resources, modern technologies and professional personnel, insufficient development of competition, as well as flaws in the business climate. As for sanctions, despite all the disadvantages of the situation, as the president noted, “every cloud has a silver lining”:

"The fight against corruption is not a show"

Separately, during his address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin focused on the topic of fighting corruption. The President recalled that recently there have been many high-profile cases against officials in different levels, and emphasized that power does not give a person the right to use his position for selfish purposes.

“I would like to emphasize that the absolute majority of civil servants are honest, decent people working for the good of the country. But neither position, nor high connections, nor past merits can be a cover for dishonest government officials.”

Vladimir Putin noted that recently an unhealthy information background has developed around corruption scandals. During the message, the President of the Russian Federation recalled professional responsibility in such cases.

External destinations

The President of Russia also touched upon the foreign policy sphere in his speech. Vladimir Putin recalled attempts at external pressure from other countries, as well as the methods by which this pressure was exerted - from myths about “Russian aggression” and “propaganda” to the persecution of Russian athletes, including Paralympians before the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Vladimir Putin once again emphasized that Russia is not looking for confrontation with other countries, but offers an equal dialogue with all partners - including the United States of America. The President of the Russian Federation expressed hope for an upcoming dialogue with the new US administration, which will be headed by Donald Trump in January 2017, on a mutually beneficial basis.

“We are ready to cooperate with the new American administration. We have a common responsibility for ensuring international security and stability. And, of course, I look forward to uniting US efforts in the fight against a real, not fictitious threat – international terrorism.”

Concluding his speech, Vladimir Putin recalled the threat of terrorism and thanked the Russian military personnel in Syria and special services for ensuring security.

“The future of the country depends only on us, on the work and talent of all our citizens, on their responsibility and success,” concluded the head of state. “We will definitely achieve the goals set before us, solve the problems of today and tomorrow.”

See also the most striking statements of Vladimir Putin in one short video.

About unity and patriotism

Citizens united and we see this, we must say thank you to our citizens for this around patriotic values, not because they are happy with everything, that everything suits them. No, there are enough difficulties and problems now. But there is an understanding of their reasons, and most importantly, confidence that together we will definitely overcome them. Willingness to work for Russia, heartfelt, sincere concern for it - this is what underlies this unification.

About “United Russia” and election promises

The role of the State Duma as a representative body has grown. In general, the authority of the legislative branch has strengthened. It must be supported and confirmed by deeds. This applies to all political forces represented in parliament.

But, of course, the party has a special responsibility." United Russia", which, by the way, celebrates its 15th anniversary today. The party has a constitutional majority in the State Duma and is the main support of the Government in parliament. And we need to organize our joint work in such a way that all promises and obligations made to citizens are fulfilled.

It was the citizens who determined the results of the election campaign, chose the path of creative development of the country, and proved that we live in a healthy society, confident in its fair demands, in which immunity to populism and demagoguery is strengthened and the importance of mutual support, cohesion, and unity is highly valued.

About historical lessons

The coming year, 2017, is the year of the centenary of the February and October revolutions. This is a good reason to once again turn to the causes and very nature of the revolution in Russia. Not only for historians and scientists, Russian society needs an objective, honest, in-depth analysis of these events. This is our common history, and we need to treat it with respect...

It is unacceptable to drag splits, anger, grievances and bitterness of the past into our lives today, to speculate in our own political and other interests on the tragedies that affected almost every family in Russia, no matter which side of the barricades our ancestors found themselves on then. Let us remember: we are one people, we are one people, and we have one Russia.

About medicine

Citizens are often faced with queues and a formal, indifferent attitude. Doctors are overloaded, it is difficult to get to to the right specialist. There are often cases when clinics are equipped with the latest equipment, but medical workers simply do not have enough qualifications to use this equipment.

Starting next year, regular retraining of doctors will be organized at federal and regional medical centers and universities. At the same time, with the help of an educational certificate, a specialist will be able to choose where and how to improve his qualifications...

It is necessary to free doctors from routine, from filling out heaps of reports and certificates, and give them more time to work directly with the patient.

Also using information technologies The effectiveness of control over the market of vital drugs will be significantly increased. This will make it possible to get rid of fakes and counterfeits, and stop inflated prices when purchasing medicines for hospitals and clinics.

Over the next two years, I propose to connect all hospitals and clinics in our country to high-speed Internet. This will allow doctors, even in a remote city or village, to use the capabilities of telemedicine, quickly receive advice from colleagues from regional or federal clinics...

Taking into account the geography, huge, sometimes difficult to access territories, Russia also needs a well-equipped air ambulance service... In 2017, 3.3 billion rubles will be allocated for the purchase of aviation services within the framework of the air ambulance development project (this should pass in the second reading).

About school and extracurricular education

It is finally necessary to solve the problem of third shifts, and then second shifts. And, of course, additional efforts need to be directed towards improving the qualifications of teachers...

Of course, it is important to preserve the depth and fundamental nature of domestic education. Essay writing has already returned to school, and more attention has been paid to humanities subjects. But only school hours from school curriculum here it will clearly not be enough we need projects in theatre, cinema, television, museum venues, on the Internet that will be of interest to young people and will attract the attention of young people to the domestic classical literature, culture, history...

Over the next two years, the number of modern children's technology parks in Russia will increase to 40; they will serve as a support for the development of a network of technical clubs throughout the country...

How the already successful declared himself Education Centre for talented guys "Sirius". I believe that we need a whole constellation of such platforms, and I would recommend that the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation think about creating in the regions based on best universities and schools, centers for supporting gifted children.

But at the same time, what would I like to draw your attention to? Our entire education system should be based on a fundamental principle: every child and teenager is gifted, capable of succeeding in science, creativity, sports, profession and life. Discovering his talents is our task, this is the success of Russia.

About ecology

Next year, 2017, has been declared the Year of Ecology. I instruct the government to prepare programs for the conservation of unique natural symbols of Russia, such as the Volga, Baikal, Lake Teletskoye in Altai. Throughout the country, we need to start cleaning up contaminated areas and eliminate the landfills that the surrounding areas of many populated areas have become.

On economic growth, financial stability and inflation

Two years ago, we were faced with serious economic challenges, with an unfavorable situation on world markets, with sanctions that tried to force us to dance to someone else’s tune, as our people say, to neglect our fundamental national interests. However, the main reasons for the economic slowdown lie primarily in our internal problems. First of all, this is a shortage of investment resources, modern technologies, professional personnel, insufficient development of competition, and flaws in the business climate.

Now the decline in the real sector has stopped, and there has even been a slight industrial growth...

We will continue to provide targeted assistance to those sectors of the economy that are still facing negative conditions.

We have ensured macroeconomic stability and maintained financial reserves. The gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank did not decrease, but even increased...

We expect that by the end of this year, inflation will decrease significantly, it will be below 6 percent... This means that next year we can actually achieve the target of 4 percent. These are very good preconditions for achieving significant growth on the basis of a healthy economy.

However, I want to emphasize: stabilization does not mean an automatic transition to a sustainable rise. If we do not solve the basic problems of the Russian economy, if we do not fully unleash new growth factors, then we may be stuck near the zero mark for years, and that means we will have to constantly squeeze in, save, and postpone our development until later. We cannot afford this.

About agriculture

Every cloud has a silver lining, our so-called partners imposed sanctions, and we retaliated. Well, we helped our agricultural producers in the domestic market. But they should not forget that this cannot and probably will not continue forever, and the consumer needs a competitive environment in the market. So this favorable situation that has developed today must, of course, be taken full advantage of.

The export of agricultural products gives us more today than the sale of weapons. Just recently, we probably couldn’t even imagine this...

About entering global markets

We are already purposefully changing the structure of the economy, updating existing industries and creating new ones, creating modern companies capable of operating in global markets. We need to continue to move in this direction systematically and aggressively.

What is needed is not abstract scenarios in which little depends on us, but a professional, verified forecast of development. It is necessary to clearly define what contribution to economic growth will be made by improving the business climate, launching large investment projects, increasing non-resource exports, supporting small and medium-sized businesses, and other measures, and what the role of regions and individual industries will be.

I instruct the government, with the participation of leading business associations, no later than May of next year, to develop a substantive action plan until 2025, the implementation of which will make it possible to achieve economic growth rates above world rates at the turn of 2019–2020, and therefore to increase Russia’s position in the global economy.

About noisy corruption cases

Unfortunately, it has become our practice to raise information noise around so-called high-profile cases. And often this is the fault of the representatives of investigative officers themselves, law enforcement. Dear colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to this and say that the fight against corruption is not a show, it requires professionalism, seriousness and responsibility. Only then will it produce results and receive conscious, broad support from society.

About the digital economy and science

To reach a new level of development of the economy and social sectors, we need our own advanced developments and scientific solutions. It is necessary to focus on areas where the powerful technological potential of the future is accumulating, and these are digital and other so-called end-to-end technologies that today determine the appearance of all spheres of life. Countries that can generate them will have a long-term advantage, the opportunity to receive enormous technological rent. Those who do not do this will find themselves in a dependent, vulnerable position. End-to-end these are those that are used in all industries, these are digital, quantum, robotics, neurotechnology and so on...

I propose to launch a large-scale system program development of the economy of a new technological generation, the so-called digital economy. In its implementation we will rely precisely on Russian companies, scientific, research and engineering centers of the country. This is a question of national security and technological independence of Russia, in the full sense of the word - our future. It is necessary to take an inventory and remove all administrative, legal, and any other barriers that prevent businesses from entering both existing and emerging high-tech markets...

A powerful factor in the accumulation of scientific and technological reserves necessary for economic growth, for social development, fundamental science should also serve. Its task is twofold: to assess, predict future trends and propose optimal solutions to meet the challenges we face. IN scientific field, as elsewhere, we will develop competition, support the strong, capable of delivering practical results. This must be taken into account and Russian Academy sciences, all scientific organizations. We will continue to build a research infrastructure that will allow us to solve large-scale scientific problems...

At the same time, it is fundamentally important to support our talented young Russian scientists, there are many of them, so that they create their own research teams and laboratories in Russia. A special line of grants will be launched for them, designed for a period of up to seven years. For these purposes, as well as for the development of scientific infrastructure and the opening of new laboratories, in 2017 alone, an additional 3.5 billion rubles will be allocated to the already declared resources for science.

About external pressure, enemies and friends

Everyone is well aware that in recent years we have been faced with attempts at external pressure... Everything has been used - from myths about Russian aggression, propaganda, interference in other people's elections to the persecution of our athletes, including Paralympic athletes...

Everyone is quite tired of custom-made information campaigns, the invention and planting of incriminating evidence, and mentoring teachings. If necessary, we can teach anyone ourselves. But we understand the extent of our responsibility and are truly sincerely ready to take part in solving global and regional problems, of course, where our participation is appropriate, in demand and necessary.

We do not want confrontation with anyone, we do not need it: neither us, nor our partners, nor the international community. Unlike some foreign colleagues who see Russia as an enemy, we are not and have never been looking for enemies. We need friends. But we will not allow our interests to be infringed upon or neglected. We want and will be in control of our own destiny, to build the present and future without other people's prompts and unsolicited advice. At the same time, we are committed to a friendly, equal dialogue, to establishing the principles of justice and mutual respect in international affairs. Ready for a serious conversation about building a sustainable system international relations XXI century. Unfortunately, in this regard, the decades that have passed since the end cold war, were wasted.

In his address, V.V. Putin announced the main tasks for 2017 in the healthcare sector:

"Dear Colleagues!

The meaning of our entire policy is to save people, to increase human capital as the main wealth of Russia. Therefore, our efforts are aimed at supporting traditional values ​​and family, demographic programs, improving the environment, human health, and developing education and culture.

You know, I can’t help but say a few words about what’s really happening, what we have here, what we’ve achieved. Natural population growth continues.

In 2013 - demographers have this concept of “fertility rate” - it was 1.7 in Russia, which is higher than in most European countries. For example, I’ll say: Portugal - 1.2, in Spain, Greece - 1.3, Austria, Germany, Italy - 1.4, in the Czech Republic - 1.5. This is data for 2013. In 2015, the total fertility rate in Russia will be even higher, slightly, but still higher - 1.78.

We will continue changes in the social sphere so that it becomes closer to people, to their needs, and is more modern and fair. Social sectors must attract qualified people, talented young people, so we are raising the salaries of specialists and improving their working conditions.

I note that the competition in medical and pedagogical universities- most recently it was almost zero - but it is growing confidently. In 2016, there were 7.8 people for teaching specialties, and after admission in 2016, the total competition for budget places in medical universities was already almost 28 people per place. May God grant health and success to all young specialists in their work in the future.

I remember well how at one time I discussed with my colleagues projects for the development of high-tech medical care, as well as a network of perinatal centers, which we did not have at all. Now, in 2018, there will already be 94 of them in Russia.

And today our doctors save newborns in the most difficult cases. And according to these indicators, we have also taken the position of the leading countries in the world.

At the end of 2015, the infant mortality rate in Russia was 6.5 per thousand live births, and in the European region of the World Health Organization the figure was 6.6, that is, we were already a little better. Based on the results of 10 months of 2016, Russia reached the level of 5.9.

Over the past ten years, the volume of high-tech medical care has increased 15 times. Hundreds of thousands of complex operations are performed not only in leading federal centers, but also in regional clinics. If in 2005, when we started this program, 60 thousand people in Russia received high-tech medical care, in 2016 it will already be 900 thousand. We also need to move on. But still, compare: 60 thousand and 900 - the difference is significant.

Next year we need to put in place mechanisms for sustainable financing of high-tech care. This will make it possible to further increase its availability and reduce waiting times for operations.

In general, it must be said frankly that problems in healthcare remain in general; there are still a lot of them. And above all, they concern primary care. Its development must be given priority attention.

Citizens are often faced with queues and a formal, indifferent attitude. Doctors are overloaded, it is difficult to get to the right specialist. There are often cases when clinics are equipped with the latest equipment, but medical workers simply do not have enough qualifications to use this equipment.

Starting next year, regular retraining of doctors will be organized at federal and regional medical centers and universities. At the same time, with the help of an educational certificate, a specialist will be able to choose where and how to improve his qualifications.

We will continue to increase the level of healthcare informatization in order to make it convenient and simple to make appointments and maintain documentation. It is necessary to free doctors from routine, from filling out heaps of reports and certificates, and give them more time to work directly with the patient.

Also, with the help of information technology, the efficiency of control over the market of vital drugs will be significantly increased. This will make it possible to get rid of fakes and counterfeits, and stop inflated prices when purchasing medicines for hospitals and clinics.

Over the next two years, I propose to connect all hospitals and clinics in our country to high-speed Internet. This will allow doctors, even in a remote city or village, to use the capabilities of telemedicine and quickly receive advice from colleagues from regional or federal clinics.

I would like to draw the attention of the Ministry of Communications to this. The Minister assured us that this task is absolutely realistic and achievable.

I just said this from the podium, the whole country will now watch this closely.

Taking into account its geography, huge, sometimes difficult to access territories, Russia also needs a well-equipped air ambulance service. Starting next year, the air ambulance development program will cover 34 regions of the country, which will receive funds from the federal budget.

First of all, this is Siberia, the North, the Far East. For these purposes (the deputies know about this, this was also your initiative) in 2017, 3.3 billion rubles will be allocated (this should pass in the second reading) for the purchase of aviation services as part of the air ambulance development project.”

Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly on December 1, 2016 with his annual Address. According to tradition, the Message was read out in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Dear members of the Federation Council! Dear deputies State Duma! Citizens of Russia!

Today, as usual in Messages, we will talk about our tasks in the economy, social sphere, in the internal and foreign policy. This time we will pay more attention to the economy, social issues and domestic politics.

We have to solve all these problems in difficult, extraordinary conditions, as has happened more than once in history. And the people of Russia have once again convincingly proven that they are capable of responding to difficult challenges, defending and defending national interests, sovereignty and the country’s independent course.

But here is what I would like to say, dear colleagues, in this regard. I’ve already said this publicly several times, but I’d like to repeat it today.

Citizens have united - and we see this, we must say thank you to our citizens for this - around patriotic values, not because they are happy with everything, that everything suits them. No, there are enough difficulties and problems now. But there is an understanding of their reasons, and most importantly, confidence that together we will definitely overcome them. Willingness to work for Russia, cordial, sincere concern for it - this is what underlies this unification.

At the same time, people expect that they will be provided with ample and equal opportunities for self-realization, for implementing entrepreneurial, creative, and civic initiatives; they expect respect for themselves, for their rights, freedoms, and for their work.

The principles of fairness, respect and trust are universal. We firmly defend them - and, as we see, not without results - in the international arena. But to the same extent we are obliged to guarantee their implementation within the country, in relation to each person and the entire society.

Any injustice or untruth is perceived very sharply. This is generally a feature of our culture. Society decisively rejects arrogance, rudeness, arrogance and selfishness, no matter who all this comes from, and increasingly values ​​such qualities as responsibility, high morality, concern for public interests, willingness to hear others and respect their opinions.

This year's election campaign also showed this. You know that the initiative to return to the mixed model of elections of State Duma deputies was supported in the 2012 Address. This was a fundamental step towards public opinion.

I believe that the course for development political system, institutions of direct democracy, to increase the competitiveness of elections is absolutely justified, and we will certainly continue it.

The role of the State Duma as a representative body has grown. In general, the authority of the legislative branch has strengthened. It must be supported and confirmed by deeds. This applies to all political forces represented in parliament.

But, of course, the United Russia party, which, by the way, is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary today, has a special responsibility. The party has a constitutional majority in the State Duma and is the main support of the Government in parliament. And we need to organize our joint work in such a way that all promises and obligations made to citizens are fulfilled.

It was the citizens who determined the results of the election campaign, chose the path of creative development of the country, and proved that we live in a healthy society, confident in its fair demands, in which immunity to populism and demagoguery is strengthened and the importance of mutual support, cohesion, and unity is highly valued.

We are not talking, of course, about some kind of dogma, about ostentatious, false unity, much less about coercion to a certain worldview - all this, as you well know, happened in our history, and we are not going to go back to the past.

But that doesn't mean that juggling in beautiful words and, hiding behind arguments about freedom, someone can offend the feelings of other people and national traditions.

You know, if someone considers themselves more advanced, more intelligent, even considers themselves smarter than someone else in something - if you are like that, but treat other people with respect, this is natural.

At the same time, of course, I consider a counter-aggressive reaction unacceptable, especially if it results in vandalism and violation of the law. The state will react harshly to such facts.

Tomorrow we have a meeting of the Council for Culture - we will definitely discuss issues that cause broad discussion, we will talk about the principles of mutual responsibility of representatives of civil society and artists.

But I want to especially emphasize: both in culture and in politics, in the media and in public life, in polemics on economic issues, no one can prohibit free thinking and openly expressing one’s position.

I repeat, when we talk about solidarity and unity, we mean the conscious, natural consolidation of citizens for the sake of the successful development of Russia.

Is it possible to achieve meaningful strategic goals in a fragmented society? Is it possible to solve these problems with parliament, where instead of effective work there are competitions of ambitions and fruitless bickering?

Is it possible to develop with dignity on the shaky ground of a weak state and a weak-willed government controlled from the outside that has lost the trust of its citizens? The answer is obvious: of course not.

Recently we have seen many countries where such a situation opened the way to adventurers, coups and, ultimately, anarchy. Everywhere the result is the same: human tragedies and sacrifices, decline and ruin, disappointment.

It is also of concern that in the world, even in the seemingly most prosperous countries and stable regions, more and more new fault lines and conflicts are emerging on political, national, religious, and social grounds.

All this is superimposed on the acute migration crisis that, for example, European and other countries are facing. We know well the consequences of so-called great upheavals. Unfortunately, in our country in the last century there were many of them.

The coming 2017 is the year of the 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions. This is a good reason to once again turn to the causes and very nature of the revolution in Russia. Not only for historians and scientists - Russian society needs an objective, honest, in-depth analysis of these events.

This is our common history, and we need to treat it with respect. The outstanding Russian and Soviet philosopher Alexei Fedorovich Losev also wrote about this. “We know the whole thorny path of our country,” he wrote, “we know the agonizing years of struggle, lack, suffering, but for the son of his Motherland, all this is his own, inalienable, dear.”

I'm sure that absolute majority our citizens have precisely this feeling of the Motherland, and we need the lessons of history, first of all, for reconciliation, for strengthening the social, political, civil harmony that we have managed to achieve today.

It is unacceptable to drag splits, anger, grievances and bitterness of the past into our lives today, to speculate in our own political and other interests on the tragedies that affected almost every family in Russia, no matter which side of the barricades our ancestors found themselves on then. Let's remember, we are one people, we are one people, and we have one Russia.

Dear Colleagues! The meaning of our entire policy is to save people, to increase human capital as the main wealth of Russia. Therefore, our efforts are aimed at supporting traditional values ​​and family, demographic programs, improving the environment, human health, and developing education and culture.

You know, I can’t help but say a few words about what’s really happening, what we have here, what we’ve achieved. Natural population growth continues.

In 2013, demographers have this concept of “fertility rate”; in Russia it was 1.7 - this is higher than in most European countries. For example, I’ll say: Portugal - 1.2, in Spain, Greece - 1.3, Austria, Germany, Italy - 1.4, in the Czech Republic - 1.5. This is data for 2013. In 2015, the total fertility rate in Russia will be even higher, slightly, but still higher - 1.78.

We will continue changes in the social sphere so that it becomes closer to people, to their needs, and is more modern and fair. Social sectors must attract qualified people, talented youth, so we are raising the salaries of specialists and improving their working conditions.

I would like to note that competition for medical and pedagogical universities (most recently it was almost zero) is steadily growing. In 2016, it was 7.8 people for teaching specialties, and after admission in 2016, the total competition for budget places in medical universities was already almost 28 people per place. May God grant health and success to all young specialists in their work in the future.

I remember well how at one time I discussed with my colleagues projects for the development of high-tech medical care, as well as a network of perinatal centers, which we did not have at all. Now there will be 94 of them in Russia in 2018.

And today our doctors save newborns in the most difficult cases. And according to these indicators, we have also taken the position of the leading countries in the world.

At the end of 2015, the infant mortality rate in Russia was 6.5 per thousand live births, and in the European region of the World Health Organization the figure was 6.6, that is, we were already a little better. Based on the results of 10 months of 2016, Russia reached the level of 5.9.

Over the past ten years, the volume of high-tech medical care has increased 15 times. Hundreds of thousands of complex operations are performed not only in leading federal centers, but also in regional clinics. If in 2005, when we started this program, 60 thousand people in Russia received high-tech medical care, in 2016 this will already be 900 thousand. We also need to move on. But still, compare: 60 thousand and 900. The difference is significant.

Next year we need to put in place mechanisms for sustainable financing of high-tech care. This will make it possible to further increase its availability and reduce waiting times for operations.

In general - I must say frankly - problems in healthcare remain in general, there are still a lot of them. And, above all, they concern primary care. Its development must be given priority attention.

Citizens are often faced with queues and a formal, indifferent attitude. Doctors are overloaded, it is difficult to get to the right specialist. There are often cases when clinics are equipped with the latest equipment, but medical workers simply do not have enough qualifications to use this equipment.

Starting next year, regular retraining of doctors will be organized at federal and regional medical centers and universities. At the same time, with the help of an educational certificate, a specialist will be able to choose where and how to improve his qualifications.

We will continue to increase the level of healthcare informatization in order to make it convenient and simple to make appointments and maintain documentation. It is necessary to free doctors from routine, from filling out heaps of reports and certificates, and give them more time to work directly with the patient.

Also, with the help of information technology, the efficiency of control over the market of vital drugs will be significantly increased. This will make it possible to get rid of fakes and counterfeits, and stop inflated prices when purchasing medicines for hospitals and clinics.

Over the next two years, I propose to connect all hospitals and clinics in our country to high-speed Internet. This will allow doctors, even in a remote city or village, to use the capabilities of telemedicine and quickly receive advice from colleagues from regional or federal clinics.

I would like to draw the attention of the Ministry of Communications to this. The Minister assured us that this task is absolutely realistic and achievable. I just said this from the podium, the whole country will now watch this closely.

Taking into account its geography, huge, sometimes difficult to access territories, Russia also needs a well-equipped air ambulance service. Starting next year, the air ambulance development program will cover 34 regions of the country, which will receive funds from the federal budget.

First of all, this is Siberia, the North, the Far East. For these purposes (the deputies know about this, this was also your initiative) in 2017, 3.3 billion rubles will be allocated for the purchase of aviation services within the framework of the air ambulance development project (this should pass in the second reading).

Dear Colleagues! Everywhere throughout our large country, children should study in convenient, comfortable, modern conditions, so we will continue the program of reconstruction and renovation of schools. We should not be left with school buildings that are in disrepair, dilapidated, and lack basic amenities.

It is finally necessary to solve the problem of third shifts, and then second shifts. And of course, additional efforts need to be directed toward improving the qualifications of teachers. You know that since 2016, a program to create new places in general education organizations has been implemented. This program is designed for 2016-2025 - 25 billion rubles are provided.

By the way, you and I know well that this is primarily the responsibility of the regional level. But we decided to support the regions in this important area. In total, between 2016 and 2019 it is planned to create 187,998 new school places.

At the same time, the most important thing that worries parents and teachers, the public is, of course, the content educational process how much school education meets two basic tasks that Academician Likhachev spoke about: providing knowledge and educating a moral person. He rightly believed that the moral basis is the main thing that determines the viability of society: economic, state, creative.

But teaching hours from the school curriculum alone will clearly not be enough here. We need projects in the theater, cinema, television, museums, and on the Internet that will be of interest to young people and will attract the attention of young people to Russian classical literature, culture, and history.

The school needs to actively develop creativity, schoolchildren must learn to think independently, work individually and in a team, solve non-standard problems, set goals and achieve them, so that in the future this will become the basis of their prosperous, interesting life.

There are a lot of experiments being carried out here at school, both abroad and here. We must, of course, be very careful with these experiments, but we certainly need to move forward. It is important to cultivate a culture of research and engineering work.

Over the next two years, the number of modern children's technology parks in Russia will increase to 40; they will serve as a support for the development of a network of technical clubs throughout the country. Business, universities, and research institutes must join this work so that the children have a clear understanding: they all have equal opportunities for a start in life, that their ideas and knowledge are in demand in Russia, and they will be able to prove themselves in domestic companies and laboratories.

As the educational center for talented children “Sirius” has already declared itself successful. I believe that we need a whole constellation of such platforms, and I would recommend that the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation think about creating centers for supporting gifted children in the regions on the basis of the best universities and schools.

But at the same time, what would I like to say here, and what would I like to draw attention to? Our entire education system should be based on a fundamental principle: every child and teenager is gifted and capable of succeeding in science, creativity, sports, profession and life. Discovering his talents is our task. This is Russia's success.

Dear Colleagues! I see in the younger generation a reliable, strong support for Russia in the turbulent, complex 21st century. I believe that this generation is capable of not only responding to the challenges of the time, but also participating on equal terms in shaping the intellectual, technological, and cultural agenda for global development.

It is no coincidence that many schoolchildren and students today participate in volunteer projects; they are actively developing in such important areas as caring for the sick, supporting the elderly, people with disabilities, education, sports, culture, local history, search movements, caring for nature and animals.

A special feature of our time is the widespread involvement of citizens in a variety of charitable events. Calls to in social networks, the media to raise funds for the treatment of patients, to help children quickly receive a response, and people do it sincerely, selflessly, as a response to the dictates of their hearts.

Sometimes you are even surprised how people with little income quickly respond to their inner need to help those who especially need it.
