In what month should peonies be replanted? How to replant peonies in the fall so that in the spring they will delight you with abundant flowering. Preparing the site for transplantation

Or in May. Dig up the bush, trying to capture as much soil as possible on the roots. Prepare a hole on the site, it is better small size. Add nutritious, loose soil there. At the same time, avoid adding fresh organic matter; it is better to use rotted compost, manure or complete mineral fertilizer.

In summer, watch especially carefully. Cut off the first buds that appear after transplantation. And water the bushes daily.
If the plant does not take root well in a new place, choose another planting place for them towards the end of summer.

The roots of the flower may break off when you dig up the bush for replanting, since they are very fragile in the spring. Collect cuttings and fragments of roots and plant them in a bed of loose, nutritious soil, so you will get additional bushes in the future.

Take charcoal, crush it and process sections of broken roots. In August, you can carefully transplant them to another, more comfortable garden bed, remembering to water regularly.

But the best thing is peonies. The place on the site where you will transfer the flower should be sunny and open. Close proximity is undesirable groundwater to prevent root rot.

Prepare the planting site 3-4 weeks before starting work. Dig a hole, fill it 2/3 with a mixture of peat, humus, sand and garden soil taken in equal parts. Add 220 g double superphosphate, a jar wood ash and a tablespoon of iron sulfate.

The peony rhizome is dug up very carefully. Since the roots penetrate the ground to a depth of 0.5-1 meters, this will have to be done for a long time. Do not use a shovel, it is better to take a pitchfork and dig the rhizome in a circle, then pull it out of the ground, holding it on both sides with shovels. Leave the plant in the shade for 2-3 hours to avoid root breakage.

Now you need to divide the peony to get a division and a part of the rhizome measuring about 10-15 cm. Remove small and rotten sections of the root. It is better to do this with a knife or a sharp wooden wedge. Start by dividing into 2-3 parts, and then smaller. Before planting, the divisions can be placed in a container with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect.

Plant the bush in the prepared hole, sprinkle the top with soil taken from. Make sure that the layer is no more than 5 cm, and then water well. Remember that a young plant needs to be looked after regularly, constantly watered, loosened the soil, removed buds, weeded, sprayed for pests, etc. In the second year of life, peonies bloom rarely, delighting with an abundance of inflorescences a few more seasons later, in the summer.

Peony, with its large noble flowers on tall stems surrounded by lush foliage, it is especially loved by gardeners. Sooner or later, every gardener is faced with the task of replanting a peony bush, and then it is impossible to do without certain knowledge and a competent approach to the matter. And even those who already consider themselves adept at caring for plants do not always know how to properly replant peonies, because a peony, like any other garden flower, has its own transplant secrets. Therefore, first things first.

Peonies flowers description

Peony is a monotypic representative of the family, numbering about forty species. For the most part they are herbaceous, but there are also tree-like peonies, which are subshrubs or shrubs. Almost all modern varieties are descended from peony officinalis and peony lactiflora. The herbaceous peony is a plant up to one meter high with several stems. The large, powerful peony root has cone-shaped thickened shoots. The leaf arrangement of the peony is regular. The dark green and sometimes bluish leaves are pinnately divided or trifoliate. Single flowers with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm with five or more petals come in white, red, pink, cream and even yellow color. The peony fruit is a star-shaped multi-leafed plant in which large, dark, shiny peony seeds ripen. Peony blooms in May. Today, breeders are busy creating hybrids of herbaceous peonies with tree peonies. The tree peony reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters, its leaves are bright green, double-pinnate; there can be from 30 to 70 flowers on one bush at a time, and each of them reaches a diameter of 20 to 25 cm. The petals of the flowers are corrugated , dense.

There are varieties with simple, semi-double and double flower shapes in raspberry, red, white, lilac and pink colors. The tree-like bush blooms for about two weeks, and if the weather is cool, even longer. Tree peonies are attractive in the garden because they retain their decorative value even after flowering due to the unusual shape of their leaves and fruits. Tree peonies are mostly frost-resistant, and if you still have to cover them with spruce branches for the winter, then for two reasons: because of the likelihood of a snowless winter and because of pecking flower buds crow.

When to replant peonies

Preferable for peonies autumn planting. Plants can be replanted and divided starting from September to October and even November. However, it is undesirable to divide either too early or too late. With an early transplant, replacement buds may be underdeveloped, and with a late transplant, you can lose young tender roots that begin to develop in September-October, when the soil temperature drops. If you couldn’t replant the peony bush in the fall, then replant it in the spring, when the ground is still full of moisture and the bushes are just emerging from winter.

In summer, it is generally better not to touch peonies; roots pulled out of the ground can get sunburn, bake in the sun. and it will not be easy for the flower itself in the heat. When transplanting, some part of the roots is damaged and it will not have the strength to recover.

Reasons for replanting peonies

The reason to change the site for your peonies may be the excessive lushness of the bushes. When a plant grows over the years, it begins to interfere with the neighboring inhabitants of the flowerbed; it needs to be replanted, rejuvenated, or completely transplanted to a new, larger one. free place. A good reason for replanting can be a long growing season of a plant in the same place. Redevelopment on the site can also cause the movement of peony bushes. For example, if it is planned to grow potatoes in their previous place of growth, or build a gazebo, or dig a well. There can be a lot of reasons, the main thing is to remember that “moving” is not the peonies’ favorite event.

Which peonies are suitable for propagation?

Too old peony bushes, which are more than 8 years old, must be destroyed. You need to replant 4-5 year old bushes, moreover. Now you need to divide the peony, separate a part of the rhizome measuring about 10-15 cm, remove small and rotten parts of the roots. It is better to do this with a knife or a sharp wooden wedge. Let's start by dividing into 2-3 parts, and then smaller ones. Ideally, each planting unit (division) should have at least 2–3 buds on the root collar, and the root length should be at least 15 cm. The best planting unit is considered to be a large division with four to five buds and large (up to 20 cm) one- two roots. Delenki with 1 regenerating bud can also be planted, but you need to wait longer for them to bloom. Before planting, they can be placed in a vessel with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Preparing a site for replanting peonies

Every plant needs its own “favorite” place. Varietal peonies love light and open areas. Light shading is acceptable during hot midday hours. A peony planted in dense shade will be weak and it will be very difficult to wait for it to bloom. Wild peonies (maryin root, milky flowering peony and Caucasian species) are not so demanding of light. You can even plant these plants under the crowns of trees.

Selected areas of land must be well ventilated, otherwise stagnant air will provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, do not place peonies near buildings, tall bushes, or trees that will interfere with free air circulation.

So, to replant peonies in the fall successfully, you need to prepare the hole in advance. She did it about a month before the expected landing. It should be 50 centimeters long and deep. Bottom landing pit loosen and enrich with peat or compost. A layer is poured on top fertile soil. It is made of complex fertilizers consisting of superphosphate, bone meal, wood ash, iron sulfate and potassium nitrate. A layer of mineral elements from the soil must be applied to at least half of the planting hole.

Replanting peonies in autumn

The replanting scheme differs from planting in that the bush must first be dug up and divided into parts. We remind you that you can replant a flower for the first time no earlier than 4-5 years after planting. Such divisions will grow and bloom better. And if the bush begins to bloom worse and gets sick more often, after 10-12 years of growth in one place, then it is recommended to move it to a new place.

Before planting peonies near it, spill water. The roots of the plant are able to penetrate up to 80-90 cm in depth, and they are quite delicate. At a distance of 40-50 cm (about 40 cm is a 4-5 year old specimen, the older it is, the greater the distance), dig the ground around the bush about two bayonets, loosen it and try to remove it from the ground using two shovels. Gently wash the rhizomes from the soil with a stream of water. Cut off the above-ground part at a height of 4-6 cm, and place it in the shade for 3-4 hours so that the roots soften a little.

Caring for peonies transplanted in autumn

If you take proper care, beautiful and lush peonies will bloom in your flowerbed or garden in the spring. Transplanting in the fall is very important aspect. During this period, the plant takes root as much as possible and has more chances to please in the spring abundant flowering. In the absence of rain, water the bushes, trying so regularly that the soil does not have time to dry out. It is best to do this not on the leaves, but at the root. You can trim the stems again in October. In most cases, peonies are not covered for the winter, but in the northern regions they are still covered with a layer of leaves.

Replanting peonies in spring

But what to do if the peony root was purchased in the spring? Typically, the roots of a plant planted in August begin to grow actively in the spring, when the snow has not yet melted. Therefore, the sooner the root should be planted, the better.

You can use a pot or box that will be located on a cold veranda or balcony. Optimal temperature for root germination is +2 degrees. When shoots appear, the plant is provided with good lighting and fertilizing (until it is transplanted into the garden on permanent place). The place for planting peonies should be sunny, without close proximity to trees. If a peony grows in the shade, it will not bloom.

For peonies, soil moisture and good drainage are important. From excess moisture, the roots begin to hurt and rot. Fertile and loamy soils are best suited; peat soil is not suitable at all. The roots of the plant can reach a meter, so the hole should be dug at least 70 cm in depth and the same in diameter. The bushes should be located at a considerable distance from each other, because over time the bushes grow greatly.

The rhizome needs to be replanted so that the buds are covered with a layer of soil 5-7 cm thick. If planted deeper, the peony will not bloom. After planting or replanting, the soil is pressed down and covered a little with sawdust or compost.

Caring for peonies transplanted in spring

In the first year, it is better not to let the young plant bloom. Flowers are picked. This is done in order to strengthen the root system of the plant. You need to fertilize the soil before planting. Peonies do not require feeding for the next 3-6 years. You just need to loosen the soil and weed the weeds. There is a pattern in the splendor of flowering due to watering. Peony loves moisture, but loves it in an original way. If you water it well all summer, it will bloom brighter and more powerfully only in a year. A peony can tolerate a little shade, but never dry soil.

Pests of peonies and their control

Each flower is exposed to various diseases, some more, some less. Peonies belong to the latter. They are not very susceptible to disease. This is a big plus for the plant. The most common disease of peonies is ringed mosaic of leaves and gray mold. Rust is less common. The peony buds themselves are eaten by bronze beetles; they should be collected by hand every morning. The plants are sprayed against the diseases listed above. You can use one percent Bordeaux mixture or other copper-containing preparations. It is best to spray in the spring, before the buds form. Subsequently, after 10 days, repeat it again. Also, sometimes there is a need to treat bushes from harmful ants or beetles. Already in mid-autumn (October), peonies need to be cut to ground level. Remove the stems and water the remaining part in the soil with water.

As you can see, you can choose any time to replant peonies in the garden, and with sufficient care, these beautiful fragrant flowers will bloom perfectly and delight you.

When to replant peonies if the bushes have grown or there is a construction project planned, or some other redevelopment of the site? Some people are so sorry to touch their bushes that they have to adapt to the flower “regime”.

Peonies are flowers that the less you disturb, the better they grow. Next to it is a photo of my most long-suffering bush, which will bloom for the first time in 8 years!!! years. I planted it in the spring, as soon as I bought the rhizome. In the summer, we urgently needed to install water supply through the front garden. Although there was plenty of space for a trench, for some reason the peony ended up in the excavator bucket. I successfully got it out and after all the work I put it back in place.

This year it didn't bloom. On next year While I was away, workers had to dig a trench for the telephone cable. and again the peony ended up on the road. Here, of course, no one began to save him; they simply dug up the ground. then we walked around with a tractor. In general, I have already said goodbye to my peony. When two years later in the spring I discovered shoots. I didn’t touch him, I waited. It didn’t bloom for two years, but this year it was all covered with buds.

I also have gorgeous white peonies, but they bloom later. I generally replanted them with small “stubs” of rhizomes after vandal digging of the neighboring garden. So when should you replant peonies and how to do it correctly?

When can peonies be replanted?

Peonies, like all perennial flowers, have to be replanted at some point. The bush gradually grows, a large number of roots grow, they are not so much cramped as they lack nutrition. and no matter how we feed the plants, we get fewer and fewer flowers until they stop blooming altogether. In addition, often old bushes are especially susceptible to various diseases and infections. But it should not be brought to such a state. Still, after three to five years, try to find time and replant and plant your peony bushes.

When is the best time to replant peonies?

Best time transplanting and propagation of these flowers is in early autumn. the first mid-September, when it is no longer hot, there is no such heat during the day. and there is still a long time before frost. Then the root system has time to take root well and accumulate strength to form buds for the next year.

Autumn replanting is good. that the flower will take root in a new place in more comfortable conditions. Moreover, it is the flowers transplanted in autumn that bloom faster. But the most important thing is that it has formed suction roots, thin, thread-like, through which it feeds.

In summer, it is generally better not to touch peonies; roots pulled out of the ground can get sunburned and baked in the sun. and it will not be easy for the flower itself in the heat. When transplanting, some part of the roots is damaged and it will not have the strength to recover.

Is it possible to replant peonies in spring?

It’s possible, but as soon as the snow melts. so that the flower begins to bloom before the onset of hot days. Spring begins the most rapid growth peony leaves and you need to replant as carefully as possible. In principle, it is practically no different from autumn. The only thing is, don’t expect flowers in the first summer.

How to replant peonies correctly

Will be better. if you immediately prepare holes for planting the cuttings. To do this, you need to prepare a place that is not flooded with rainwater, in sun or light partial shade. Apply fertilizers in advance too. Just under no circumstances should it be fresh manure. You can use a complex fertilizer for flowers.

When the soil for replanting is ready, you can dig up the bushes. To do this, retreating from the bush, you need to dig around it with a shovel, at full bayonet level, and only then carefully tilt it. There are old, huge bushes that require two or three people to deal with, so to make it easier, replant early.

Under no circumstances should a peony be pulled out of the ground by its stems. This way you can tear off all the buds that are attached to the stems and connected to the roots. It is better to first scrape off all the soil from above and on the sides and then it will be much easier to completely pull out the rhizome. But it still cannot be done without damage. The roots of peonies are quite fragile and those that are thinner break off and remain in the ground. but they can also be used as divisions if there are buds there.

After the bush is dug up, it must be washed with water so that the condition of the roots and buds can be seen and how many parts it should be divided into. Usually one or two buds are attached to each stem and then the rhizome goes. Do not try to leave a large division; the size does not depend on the quality of flowering and growth rate.

After dividing the rhizome, the cut must be treated with crushed activated carbon or a piece of wood so that bacteria do not begin to develop in these places. If you notice a lot of damage on the roots. then it’s better to soak it all for half an hour in the drug Maxim or another fungicide.

All that remains is to place all the divisions in the prepared holes; yes, you should not bury the plant, otherwise the peony will not bloom. The optimal depth is 7-9 cm. After the rhizome is planted, fill it with soil and lightly pat it down, be sure to water it.

That's basically all about the time of transplanting peonies. Try to keep an eye on them and care for them, although they are considered unpretentious, they will thank you for your time spent on them.

Subscribe to my video channel. In the fall there will definitely be a story about replanting peonies.

In the territories of Eurasia and North America. Their homeland is China, where peonies began to be bred more than 2 thousand years ago.

By appearance the plant can be a tree or herbaceous subshrub, or. Peony stems grow up to 1 meter in height. The branches are large, strong, thick. They have trifoliate leaves, the color of which, depending on the variety, can be from green to purple. The flowers are large, located at the ends of the branches, their diameter can reach up to 20 cm. Root system powerful. At home, mainly herbaceous types of peonies are grown.

The most popular varieties of peonies for growing:

  • Peony Adolphe Rousseau. Large variety with a compact bush, the branches of which extend 100 cm in height. The leaves are trifoliate, large, colored dark green tone with a red tint. The flowers are large, the petals are dark red and alternate with yellow stamens. The buds open in early summer.
  • Peony Alexander Fleming. A large bush with strong stems that branch slightly. The flower is full, large, diameter 12 cm, petals are colored pink tone. They have a delicate aroma. The flowering period begins in late spring or early summer, depending on the weather.
  • Peony Alice Harding. The bush is short, the height of the stems reaches only 50 cm. The branches are spreading. The flowers are large, full, the petals are colored white tone with pink edges. The flowering period begins in early summer and lasts 2 weeks.
  • Peony Barzella. The bush is medium in size, its height reaches 70-80 cm. It has large flowers with a diameter of up to 25 cm. The petals are painted in a soft yellow color; when the bud is fully open, pink inclusions are visible in the center. The flower in the middle is empty and has a pleasant lemon aroma. The stems are thick, erect, strong. The variety is characterized by abundant flowering; one bush can have up to 50 buds.

unpretentious plants, but you need to carefully select a place for them. The bush must be protected from wind and draft. It is not recommended to plant peonies close to your home. Since the heat that comes from the building will overheat the bush and roots. The soil should be fertile and well-drained, and the location should be on a hill. Lighting should be constant, with shading for 2–4 hours a day.

Peonies do not tolerate swampy soil well; being in water for a long time, the roots rot, which leads to the death of the bush.

Therefore, watering should be moderate throughout the spring and autumn period. When buds begin to form on the bushes, it is necessary to ensure that the soil around the bush does not dry out completely, as this can lead to the death of the flowers. The rest of the time, the plant is watered once every 7–10 days, depending on weather conditions.

Plant nutrition:

  • Adult bushes need feeding.
  • Young, recently transplanted peonies are not recommended to be fertilized abundantly.
  • You can add organic and mineral fertilizers containing calcium and phosphorus.

Peonies can be transplanted in spring or autumn period. After the peonies bloom, the best period for planting and replanting them will be September. At this time, the heat subsides, and new buds form on the bushes. The bush is dug up, divided into several parts and planted in prepared holes. Autumn replanting of peony guarantees abundant flowering in the spring.

Transplantation in spring is more difficult:

  • There is no specific month, as the whole process is adjusted to the weather.
  • When the first sunny days begin and the snow has almost all melted, the bush can be removed from the ground along with the lump.
  • IN spring period The bush cannot be divided, and the roots cannot be washed or the soil shaken off. After winter, the roots are weak and brittle and any wrong movement can damage the bush.
  • A bush with an earthen lump is placed in a pre-prepared hole with loose soil mixed with nutrients.
  • Rotted compost is suitable for this.
  • Stronger fertilizers and fertilizing are not recommended during this period.
  • The transplanted bush must be watered regularly so that the soil around it does not dry out too much, but also avoid excessive moisture.

Bushes need to be prepared for winter. 5-7 days after the end of flowering of the entire bush, it is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. When cold weather sets in, cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant. In regions where the temperature drops below -15 degrees in the winter months, it is recommended to insulate the bush autumn leaves or sawdust.

Peonies reproduce by seeds, roots and. Only breeders propagate these plants using seeds. This is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process in which the resulting plants do not retain the characteristics and external data of the mother bush.

When propagating by root cuttings, it is necessary in mid-summer to separate the part of the root on which the dormant bud is located.

This piece is planted in a previously prepared hole for rooting. By autumn the roots should take root. The disadvantage of this method is that such bushes bloom only 5 years after planting.

Dividing a bush is the simplest and most common way to propagate peonies:

  • Bushes are selected that are mature and have bloomed profusely for 2–3 years in a row.
  • At the end of summer or beginning of autumn, when the heat subsides, you can begin the process of propagating peonies.
  • The bush is dug in at a distance of 20–25 cm and carefully removed from the ground.
  • In this case, it is necessary to cut off all stems and branches at the root. The earth is carefully cleared away.
  • The roots are washed, the bad ones are removed and the old ones are trimmed.
  • It is necessary to divide the bush carefully so that 3-4 eyes remain on the separated root.
  • For disinfection, the roots can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Peonies can be infected with gray rot. Such diseases can appear on plants due to improper care, excess moisture and nitrogenous substances in the soil. The bush and all plants growing nearby are treated with special treatments. In some cases, bushes are transferred to more appropriate place or seated.

More information can be found in the video.

Peony is one of the most beautiful garden flowers. Its bright buds, among the dense greenery of carved leaves, delight the owners and their guests. How to breed peonies cultivated plant, began more than two thousand years ago, in China. IN modern gardens They mainly grow herbaceous peony, which is loved by summer residents for its rather large buds and bright, varied colors. And even when the flowers fade, the foliage of the bushes retains its attractiveness. How to replant peonies to bloom next year? We invite you to find out the answer in this article.

How to replant peonies to bloom next year?

The best time for transplantation is the second half of August - September. By this period, the rhizome is already actively producing shoots that appear during transplantation good collateral survival in a new place.

Location. Prepare the hole in advance, as the flower does not like it if the soil is not stable. The hole is prepared for two weeks before transplantation. Small pebbles are poured onto its bottom as a drainage layer. A mixture consisting of earth, sand and humus, taken in equal quantities, is poured on top. Additionally, a glass of ash is added to the bucket of the mixture. The mixture must be prepared in the spring in order to ripen by the time of planting. Then you need to pour a bucket of water into the hole and leave it for a week.

Trimming. In autumn, the peony bush is tied into a bunch and the leaves and stems are cut off, leaving about 20 centimeters from the rhizome. You need to dig up the soil around the bush and water it well. Digging is done the next day.

The soil. The root system of an adult plant goes to a depth of 90 centimeters, so when digging up a rhizome for replanting, you need to be very careful. In order to dig it up, use a pitchfork, since you can crush the root with a shovel; the peony will hurt for a long time. If the transplant is carried out in the fall, then the root is cleaned of the soil, and if the soil is acidic, then it is also washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When replanting in spring, the soil is not removed; on the contrary, the larger the lump, the better.

Watering. In the prepared hole, the rhizome is placed in the middle so that the young roots can straighten well and subsequently feed the entire root. The flower is watered, and then covered with earth, so that a hole is formed in which water will accumulate.

The buds of the plant should not be underground, more than 3-5 centimeters, otherwise they may rot. If the peony takes root after deep planting, then there is a high probability that one large bush will grow without buds. Whether the peony will bloom next year depends on the presence of buds and their quality. When dividing a bush, it is important that each planting root has at least three buds. The more buds, the better flowering for next year. You can plant a tuber without buds, but then flowering will occur only after three years.

Peonies blooming next year - what not to forget?

In the first month after planting, the peony is sick and needs to constantly loosen the soil. After the leaves begin to gain strength, peonies are spudded. In the first year after transplantation, peonies do not bloom, but they grow and develop especially actively in well-lit areas. Flowers are afraid of drafts and planting in lowlands, as the roots can rot due to excess moisture.

Peonies bloom especially wildly if planted in alkaline soil. It is necessary to fertilize the soil annually, since an adult bush consumes a large amount of nutrients. So, now you know how to replant peonies, to bloom next year? By planting peonies correctly, regularly fertilizing and caring for them, you can achieve abundant flowering and large buds.

See also video:
