Insulation of the roof of the bathhouse. Bathroom insulation with harmless materials Expanded polystyrene finishing of the steam room

Insulation of a building, and especially a bathhouse, plays an important role during operation. To extend the service life and avoid troubles, it is necessary to insulate the floor in the bathhouse. You will also have to take care of protecting the walls and ceiling from the cold. Each structure is considered separately, since they are used to perform the work. different technologies and materials.

Why insulate the floor

Thermal insulation layer is necessary to prevent heat loss from the room. The microclimate in the bathhouse is characterized high humidity and temperature. In the absence of proper insulation, several problems arise in this case:

  • The heat quickly escapes. It becomes difficult to light the sauna. At the same time, the consumption of firewood or other fuel increases greatly. Carrying out all the necessary measures during construction will save money.
  • The material of supporting structures is exposed to simultaneous moisture from the inside and cold from the outside. This combination has an extremely negative effect on both concrete and wood. In this case, operating costs increase again, but due to repair costs.
  • The bathhouse cools down quickly. Drafts may get inside. Cold air causes spoiled rest or illness.

Proper insulation of the floor in a bathhouse with your own hands allows you to prevent problems, ensure an optimal indoor microclimate and not spend money on the services of professionals.

What materials to use

Water will become a problem when insulating the floor. Many materials are not intended for installation in conditions high humidity. This applies to insulation with high absorption capacity.

For example, it is not allowed to use mineral wool to perform the work. This effective insulation capable of absorbing water. When wet, cotton wool stops performing its intended tasks, wrinkles, settles and loses its shape.

  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (or penoplex);
  • penoizol, etc.


Foam balls do not absorb moisture, but manufacturers “forget” to mention that water can accumulate in the spaces between them. In the first winter, the insulation crumbles into individual particles. This is caused by the fact that water freezes inside the foam, expanding in volume (it is the only substance on the planet that expands when cooled).

To prevent problems, insulation of the floor in a bathhouse with foam plastic is carried out using additional materials:

  • Vapor barrier. Mounted from the side warm air. Prevents the effect of steam from the bath on the insulation. Available in the form of films or membranes. To more effectively retain heat in the bath, special foil membranes are used. They not only protect the foam from getting wet, but also reflect heat back into the room.
  • Waterproofing. Fixed on the cold air side. Prevents atmospheric or ground moisture from entering the insulation. Films and membranes are used as a hydrobarrier. To insulate the floors in a bathhouse on stilts, moisture- and wind-proof membranes are chosen. They prevent drafts.


The material is a close relative of foam plastic, but without its disadvantages. It costs more, but is distinguished by high strength, quality and resistance to moisture. The thermal insulation properties of these materials are the same.

The choice between them is made depending on the installation method and the expected load. When installing heavy furniture and laying insulation under the screed, extruded polystyrene foam is preferred. It definitely won’t wear out under load (if you choose the right brand for strength).

Insulating the floor in a bathhouse with penoplex allows you to do without vapor barrier and waterproofing. They should be used whenever possible (especially in areas with the highest humidity), but this is not a necessary measure.

Insulation under the screed

If the bathhouse is built of brick, most likely the ceilings are made of reinforced concrete. Also, sometimes there is a need to make a floor on the ground. In this case, insulation is performed under the screed. When using this technology, the load on the insulation increases, so you should follow the following recommendations:

  • choose material grade PSB-S 35 (foam plastic) or EPPS 35 (penoplex);
  • the thickness of the screed is prescribed 30-50 mm (when using the “warm floor” system - more);
  • when using polystyrene foam, the screed is reinforced with wire mesh with a diameter of 3-4 mm and cells of 50 by 50 mm.

If it is necessary to insulate the floor on the ground, then the base is not only leveled, but also compacted. The floor pie in this case looks like this:

  • compacted soil;
  • sand-gravel mixture or medium-sized sand (20-30 cm);
  • concrete preparation from skinny concrete B7.5—B12.5;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • screed with reinforcing mesh.

The concrete floor consists of the following layers:

  • reinforced concrete slab;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • screed (with or without reinforcement).

Insulation of a bathhouse begins with clearing and leveling the base. All the cracks in concrete floor needs to be covered up cement mortar. After this, special leveling mixtures can be used. A line is drawn on the wall to mark the finished floor. This is required in order to control evenness.

Waterproofing is placed on the prepared base. It is mounted with an overlap of 10 cm (including on walls), gluing the joints with a special film.

Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam is laid on glue. The solution is applied only along the edges and to several points in the center. When purchasing glue, it is important to check that it does not contain solvents or other substances hazardous to the insulation. The slabs are installed with the seams bandaged (in a staggered manner). A gap of 1-2 cm is provided between the polystyrene and the wall, taking into account the expansion of the material during operation; this space is filled damper tape. Before pouring the screed, the slabs are secured to the base using disc dowels.

Installation on joists

Insulation of the floor in the bathhouse screw piles(or for wooden structure on any foundation) is most often performed between joists or beams. Unlike the previous method, here you can choose insulation with less strength, since the material does not take the load from furniture and people.

Expanded polystyrene is mounted between wooden joists floor or between floor beams. Cover pie wooden bath in this case it looks like this:

  • subfloor boards (or plywood, DSP, OSB);
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation between load-bearing wooden beams;
  • vapor barrier;
  • clean floor.

The insulation is simply laid between the beams. There is no need to use glue or dowels. But it is necessary to fill the gaps between polystyrene and wood with sealant or polyurethane foam.

Proper insulation of the bathhouse will ensure a comfortable microclimate and extend the service life of the building. An increase in construction costs in this case leads to savings in operation.

Frame buildings require thermal protection, especially when it comes to a bathhouse with a steam room, since the temperature in this room must be high for a long time. Careful thermal insulation, made by yourself, will minimize heat loss.

Materials for thermal protection of frame baths

Choosing insulation for frame bath, it is necessary to take into account not only the thermal insulation characteristics of a particular material, but also its ability to withstand significant temperatures at a constant elevated level humidity.

In addition, the insulation for a bathhouse building, when heating the room, should not emit toxic compounds that negatively affect the health of people receiving the procedures.

In order to improve the thermal insulation parameters, insulation of a frame bath, such as in the photo, can be done using the following materials:

  1. Mineral wool. Its slabs consist of thin fibers, which are obtained by melting rocks or waste from metallurgical enterprises. In the process of weaving a large number of these fibers, air is retained between them, due to which the products have excellent thermal insulation qualities. As a result of the peculiarities of mineral wool production, the material can withstand very intense heating despite the fact that it performance characteristics don't change. Such slabs retain heat-saving properties in conditions of high humidity and do not collapse.
  2. Reed slabs. They are natural and environmentally friendly heat insulators. Their thickness is 15 centimeters and this parameter is very convenient when building frame structures.
  3. Insulation made from sawdust-gypsum mixture. To make it, you need to mix 10 parts of dried small sawdust with 1 part of cement (gypsum). Insulating a frame bath from the inside using this mixture has a significant advantage - affordable cost and excellent thermal insulation (read: " ").
  4. Foamed synthetic products– polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, etc. They have a number of advantages, including low price, immunity to moisture, ease of installation, low weight, and low thermal conductivity. But these synthetic insulation materials cannot be installed on elements of a bathhouse building, where exposure to high temperatures, therefore, they are used to thermally insulate walls located away from the stove. They are placed in the dressing room, rest areas or washing area.

Arrangement of vapor barrier

Before you start work, you need to know how to properly insulate a frame bath in order to do it efficiently. Regardless of which material was chosen as insulation, when laying it in the cells of the frame, it is necessary to ensure reliable vapor barrier (more details: "").

If you do not cut off the insulation from the bathhouse atmosphere with its high humidity, it will absorb water as the steam cools, which will certainly lead to the most undesirable consequences:

  • a wet thermal insulator will significantly increase its own thermal conductivity and heat will quickly move from the room to environment;
  • the porous structure will not allow the material to dry quickly, which means mold may appear and the frame of the building will begin to rot.

Thus, when a frame bath is made, the walls are insulated using high-quality vapor barrier.

  • aluminum foil will not only protect the insulation from moisture, but will also reflect thermal energy;
  • polyethylene film;
  • glassine is environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

It is undesirable to use roofing felt, as it begins to smell unpleasant when heated. When installing a vapor barrier, you should not allow even the slightest gaps to remain between pieces of material. The tightness of the joints is ensured using metallized tape, or by overlapping adjacent sheets.

Insulation of frame building walls

They begin to equip the thermal protection of a frame bathhouse building simultaneously with the construction of its walls. The fact is that the use of this technology assumes that the heat insulator is also a structural material. When building a panel bathhouse from insulation with your own hands, its layers are laid out between the load-bearing elements of the frame. A vapor barrier is installed on top of it.

At the end of the insulation work, the result is something like a pie, in the center of which is located thermal insulation material, sheathed with inside vapor barrier, and with external waterproofing.

The outer layer of the cake will be represented by decorative finishing inside the bathhouses, and outside - façade cladding. Both of these layers will not only provide additional thermal protection, but will also serve as a structural element that will enhance the strength of the entire building.

Among professionals the best option It is considered to be the laying of two layers of heat-insulating material into the bath frame. In this case, it is advisable to make the first of them from tile insulation, and the second from roll insulation. As a result, such a thickness of the walls of a frame bath can reliably protect the premises from heat loss.

In the process of laying insulation Special attention you need to pay attention to the fact that most materials have different sides- external and internal. To distinguish them, pay attention to the recommendations of product manufacturers.

Thermal insulation of the wall next to the stove

For wall frame and insulation located close to sauna stove, you need to create additional protection to prevent them from being affected by high temperatures. Best choice To solve this problem, some experts consider the use of asbestos sheets and slabs.

But since there is an opinion that asbestos is harmful to human health, it is advisable to choose more modern options, including needle-punched mats, isolon, basalt fabrics and others. All of the listed materials can withstand temperatures of several hundred degrees and therefore are able to ensure absolute fire safety.

Fireproof protection is installed in one of two ways:

  • decorative trim on top;
  • directly onto the vapor barrier layer.

Install a vapor barrier using polyethylene film It’s pointless, because it will melt near the sauna stove. The best solution There will be the use of aluminum foil, which is glued with heat-resistant foil tape to ensure tightness.

Thermal protection of ceilings and floors

In a frame bath building, heat loss occurs not only due to the walls, since a considerable amount of thermal energy leaves the room through the ceiling and flooring. Accordingly, the procedure for insulating a frame bath includes their thermal insulation.

The insulation is laid at the stage of floor installation, observing certain order actions:

  • pre-prepared and compacted soil is poured concrete screed;
  • create a waterproofing layer from dense polyethylene film or roofing felt;
  • lay slabs of heat-insulating material;
  • install external waterproofing;
  • another layer of concrete base is poured.

When insulating the ceiling, they use the method that is used when laying a heat insulator into the walls of a frame bathhouse building:

  • a vapor barrier is fixed on the ceiling;
  • lay thermal insulation material;
  • attach the second layer of vapor barrier;
  • do the final cladding.

There is one difference compared to the procedure for insulating walls, when there is no gap left between the vapor barrier and the sheathing - when thermally insulating the ceiling, there must be free space. Due to the presence of a gap decorative finishing the ceiling will dry out faster, because during the operation of the bath it is constantly exposed to hot vapors.

Bathroom insulation with foam plastic

If you decide to make thermal insulation using this material, then you need to equip the room with high-quality ventilation, since it does not allow steam and air to pass through. The fact is that when you build a foam bath with your own hands, they cannot insulate the steam room due to the negative impact of high temperatures on it (read also: " "). Besides cheap material may contain toxic compounds.

  • Internal thermal insulation of the bath
  • Bathroom floor insulation with foam plastic
  • Wall insulation
  • Thermal insulation of ceiling and roof

Unlike other buildings, the insulation of a bathhouse consists of stages that play their role. For example, if you can save a little money in order to insulate a house or apartment, then this option is not suitable for a bathhouse. After all, if you arrange it incorrectly thermal protection, then the structure simply will not fulfill the tasks assigned to it, and the benefits of the bathhouse will decrease several times.

Bath insulation scheme.

Internal thermal insulation of the bath

Insulation of the bathhouse must be carried out at the construction stage, since thermal protection in the bathhouse should be done in any significant place. After construction, it is simply impossible to gain access to some areas, as a result of which insulation should be considered at the development stage.

It is necessary to begin insulating a bath structure from the foundation, then comes the supporting structure, floor, wall surfaces, ceiling and roof.

Insulation diagram of a bathhouse inside.

Almost all work is performed indoors. The choice of materials for insulation is also important in this matter.

The insulation of the foundation of a bathhouse is practically no different from the insulation of the foundation of an ordinary building. The most important thing is that it does not contain a huge number of holes and cavities. Moreover, the base should not allow cold to pass through to the floor.

Basically, the foundation for a bathhouse is thermally insulated using materials that are moisture resistant, tolerate temperature changes well and cope well with biological pests. Most suitable option is foam insulation.

Why foam plastic? At the moment, plinths, blind areas, and foundations of various structures are insulated with polystyrene foam. As for the bathhouse, the installation of foam plastic is done according to certain rules.

After the concrete strips have hardened, waterproofing must be applied to their outer part, onto which foam plastic is attached, 5 to 10 cm thick. The products are glued in a checkerboard pattern, and then they are covered with a layer of plaster, warm or regular.

Bathroom floor insulation with foam plastic

Scheme for insulating a bathhouse floor with foam plastic.

If we talk about the internal thermal insulation of a bathhouse, then we should not forget about concrete floors. At the heart of the structure is the foundation, then there are concrete plates ceilings and waterproofing layer. Next comes insulation, reinforced with a screed using a reinforcing mesh, then comes the turn of tiles or other floor covering.

When choosing a thermal insulation material, polystyrene foam comes to the rescue again. Its installation does not represent complex process. Foam boards should simply be laid on top of the waterproofing, then there are subsequent layers, in other words, reinforcing mesh, adhesive and tile covering.

Insulating the bathhouse floor has undeniable advantages. For example, the thickness of the material is on average 10-15 cm, but it can sometimes reach 25 cm. Moreover, the foam prevents steam from escaping outside the steam room. In other words, foam plastic is the best material in order to properly insulate the floor in the bathhouse.

By the way, this material is suitable for thermal insulation load-bearing structure, and for the floor.

Wall insulation

Thermal insulation of bathhouse walls is the main task during construction, since they account for the highest thermal effects and loads. Accordingly, the thermal insulation material must fully cope with them.

Scheme of insulating bathhouse walls with foam plastic.

Not so long ago, moss was used to insulate walls, although at the moment sawdust is in great demand. However, the most universal material To insulate the walls of the bathhouse, foam plastic is used again. You can insulate a steam room with polystyrene foam both from the inside and outside, but insulation with outside is more preferable.

Insulation of the steam room from the street is done in two ways:

  1. Option. The foam is attached directly to the wall using special dowel nails, after which it should be plastered.
  2. Option. This is siding, in other words, a frame is made using profiles, which is lined with foam plastic. Advantage this option is what's between outer wall and foam can be used to lay mineral wool.

You can also insulate the steam room with inter-crown insulation, which is laid between the log houses. As for the internal thermal insulation, it is also influenced by the finishing; for example, natural lining retains heat well. But we should not forget that at the moment bathhouses are built not only from solid wood, but also from brick, and accordingly, the thermal insulation of these buildings is completely different from the insulation of wooden steam rooms. The outside can be covered warm plaster, and insulate the inside with foam boards. The room under the steam room should be best insulated.

Thermal insulation of ceiling and roof

Thermal insulation of the ceiling is made with the same foam boards that are installed in ceiling structure, on top of which goes finishing material. For thermal insulation of roofs, they are mainly used foam boards or polyurethane foam.

In other words, using polystyrene foam you can insulate any structure, including a bathhouse.

Insulating a bathhouse with foam plastic: choosing materials for insulation

Insulating a bathhouse with foam plastic is one of the popular ways to insulate a bathhouse. Foam boards should be laid on waterproofing, followed by reinforcing mesh, adhesive and tile covering.

Is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with foam plastic: floor, ceiling, foundation

Foam plastic began to be used as insulation in the mid-20th century. The foam consists of expanded polystyrene. When foaming, air bubbles form. Due to the large number of air bubbles, polystyrene foam is considered an excellent thermal insulator. But is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with foam plastic? Let's figure it out together.

Is it possible to insulate polystyrene foam and a bathhouse?

Polystyrene foam as insulation: pros and cons

Foam plastic is loved by users not only for its good thermal insulation properties. It has a number of advantages:

  • long service life (with good conditions up to 50 years, with temperature changes of 20);
  • high hydrophobicity (does not absorb more than 0.2% moisture per day, one might say, a good waterproofing agent);
  • does not emit toxic fumes and is not destroyed at temperatures of -60 - +95°C.
  • safe as it is allowed in Food Industry for packaging some food products, for making toys for children;
  • price, but you should be wary if they offer to purchase a very cheap option;
  • does not create an environment within itself for the development of various microorganisms, does not rot;
  • easy to install, as it is light in weight and easy to cut.

But despite all the good looks, polystyrene foam has a number of disadvantages that manufacturers are constantly struggling with:

  • highly flammable;
  • when ignited, releases toxic fumes;
  • crumbles;
  • mice love to live in the material;
  • does not allow air or steam to pass through.

Indeed, when burned, the material emits fumes that are harmful to humans. But manufacturers claim that modern material is made with the addition of a special fire-resistant substance, which helps it become self-extinguishing. It can ignite spontaneously only at a temperature of +420 °C; for example, spontaneous combustion of wood begins at a temperature of +270 °C.

Insulating a bathhouse with foam plastic is not as scary as it seems at first glance.

Harmful substances are released by the material when it melts, and not when heated in a bath. It is difficult to answer whether the manufacturers are telling the truth, and how to distinguish modern material from old batches. But practice has shown that insulation can be used for some parts of the bathhouse.

Is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with foam plastic and how?

You can use insulation to insulate some parts of the bathhouse. But you should refrain from insulating the steam room with it, since the temperature in it can rise to 95 ° C, and in the sauna even higher. And foam plastic can begin to collapse at temperatures above +95 °C, so even 90 °C will be critical for it.

It is not recommended to use polystyrene foam for insulation wooden baths from the inside, the fact is that the walls will be insulated from heat and the dew point will shift between the insulation and the wall. This will lead to premature rotting. Therefore, insulation is carried out only on the outside or along internal partitions.

According to user reviews, the bathhouse, insulated from the outside with polystyrene foam, has become more comfortable, the temperature in it quickly rises and in winter does not drop below +10. The only thing you should not forget about is the vapor permeability of the foam. To prevent the walls from getting wet, it is necessary to install a ventilation system in the bathhouse.

We recommend insulating baths made of stone, brick or blocks with foam plastic. Wood itself is a good heat insulator. Moreover, a wooden bathhouse is capable of accumulating heat, that is, accumulating and retaining it for a long time.

Which parts of the bathhouse are advantageous to insulate with foam plastic?

Since foam plastic is not only good heat insulator, but is able to additionally protect the surface from moisture; it is often used to insulate the foundation of a bathhouse.

How to insulate the foundation of a bathhouse?

Polystyrene foam is excellent for foundation insulation. But we must not forget that the insulation crumbles and is afraid of mechanical damage. To protect it from the outside, it is necessary to make a protective partition from boards or bricks.

Foam plastic is optimal for insulating the foundation. It does not allow water to pass through and the foundation will be reliably protected.

Polystyrene foam has proven to work well as insulation for the foundation of a sauna on loamy and clay soil. Since moisture does not get inside the material, it will protect the base of the bathhouse from moisture and heaving in spring and winter. But you should not use insulation when the level groundwater higher than usual and flooding cannot be avoided. Moisture getting under the foam cannot evaporate and the foundation will begin to collapse.

The thickness of the foam for insulating the foundation of a bathhouse is chosen according to your region, so for the middle part of Russia 50 mm is suitable. In the corners of the structure, thicker material of 100 mm is used, since heat loss in the corners is the highest.

Progress of foundation insulation work:

The foundation is first excavated and cleaned of dirt. Apply a primer made of bitumen mastic and a waterproofing agent, for example, liquid rubber, to the wall. The coating is left to dry for 1–2 hours.

The foam is attached directly to the foundation wall using bitumen mastic or adhesive composition polymer based. The slabs begin to be laid from below, and they must rest on a hard base. If the foundation is just being built, then a protrusion is specially left for the foam slabs. For the old foundation, gravel is added on which the slab will rest.

The joints and the part that is glued are lubricated bitumen mastic entirely. On sale you can find foam boards with an L-shaped lock. These are easier to glue together and the protection will be more airtight.

When the slabs are laid, they are once again covered with bitumen mastic and a protective partition is made. It's easier to install boards, but they will rot quickly, so use brick. A half-brick wall is made from it along the entire foundation. Among modern materials, geotextiles have performed well. It is simply rolled out along the foam and the protection is ready. But the price of geotextiles is high.

The entire structure is buried on the side with soil and a concrete blind area is made on top. Making such insulation is labor-intensive, but the bathhouse will be protected reliably.

Is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with foam plastic floors?

Since polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture, it is often used to insulate floors in saunas. If you close the material in a screed, there will be no mechanical effects on it, and the floor will be warm.

Insulation under concrete screed

Part of the soil is removed and a sand cushion of 10–15 cm is filled in. It is leveled and compacted. Then gravel is poured, which must be hammered into the sand. Next, lay down PVC film or roofing felt, they will serve as a waterproofing material.

It is not difficult to insulate floors in a bathhouse under a screed with polystyrene foam, but the result is a structure with high heat-insulating properties.

How to insulate sauna floors using joists

We do not recommend insulating floors along joists, on top of the subfloor, in a steam room, but in other rooms (dressing room or rest room) a similar option is appropriate. For insulation, you can even use the material in crumbs, because it will be laid between the finishing and rough boards and there will be no load on it.

Even a beginner can lay foam boards along the joists.

The rough joists are covered with waterproofing, possibly with PVC film, and polystyrene foam is laid on top. Place it between the joists. A finishing floor is installed on top.

Ceiling insulation with foam plastic

Often the ceiling of a bathhouse is insulated with foam plastic. But to use insulation, you must follow a number of rules:

  • high-quality steam room ventilation;
  • the pipe is well insulated;
  • vapor barrier has been completed.

Place polystyrene foam on the second layer between the ceiling joists. The first layer can be expanded clay or a mixture of clay and sawdust. The vapor barrier must be of very high quality, otherwise wet steam will get under the foam and remain there. But if you do everything correctly and efficiently, heating the bathhouse will be easier, since the warming up time will be reduced by 2 times.

Polystyrene foam is a good insulation material. But like any material, it has pros and cons. Knowing the disadvantages, you can prevent them with some design features heat pie. We answered the question: Is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with foam plastic? Then the reader decides for himself.

Is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with polystyrene foam: pros and cons

Is it possible to insulate a bathhouse with polystyrene foam, and if so, what parts of the structure? How to insulate the foundation, ceiling, floor in a bathhouse with polystyrene foam. Step by step description works

Bathroom insulation with foam plastic

Foam plastic is considered one of the most inexpensive modern synthetic insulation materials. The structure of the material consists of microscopic air bubbles in a thin polystyrene shell. It is used for thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings in bathhouses.

Features of bath insulation with foam plastic

In addition to high thermal insulation characteristics, among the main advantages of this insulation are:

  • Durability. Under conditions of constant exposure to an aggressive environment, the material lasts about 20 years. At normal temperature and humidity, the service life is almost 50 years.

In addition, foam plastic does not require additional processing, is easy to cut, quickly installed, and does not rot.

Bathroom insulation technology with foam plastic

Instructions for insulating the foundation of a bathhouse with foam plastic

Styrofoam - optimal material for thermal insulation strip foundation brick bathhouse on clay soils. We carry out work in the following sequence:

  1. We remove the layer of soil around the base to the depth of freezing.

Rules for insulating the floor in a bathhouse with foam plastic

This material is not used for thermal insulation between logs in a bathhouse due to high temperatures. It is safe to insulate only the ground floor under cement screed.

  • We level and compact the soil.

Such flooring will conserve heat as efficiently as possible and will not succumb to the aggressive effects of humidity.

Specifics of insulating bath walls with foam plastic

It is strictly forbidden to insulate the walls inside a steam room with this material for several reasons: the insulation cannot withstand high temperatures, due to air tightness, the dew point shifts, which leads to the formation of condensation in the room. However, polystyrene foam is suitable for external insulation of walls of brick structures.

  1. Attach corner brackets to the wall.

Since this material is easily damaged by mechanical action, the insulation of a bathhouse from the outside with foam plastic must necessarily be accompanied by high-quality waterproofing and installation of a protective cover.

Features of insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with foam plastic

It is known that the highest temperatures in the bathhouse are under the ceiling. Therefore, it is prohibited to use this material for its thermal insulation. The only one possible variant insulation is the laying of foam plastic sheets as the second layer of the insulating “pie”. For example, on top of a compacted mound of clay or expanded clay. However, even in this case, much attention must be paid to vapor protection and ventilation. For these reasons, it is better to replace polystyrene foam with a safer insulator.

Proper use of polystyrene foam to insulate a bath will allow you to minimize energy losses by up to 70%. By following the instructions given, you will be able to independently insulate the foundation, floor and walls in brick bath as efficiently as possible.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a bathhouse with polystyrene foam

There is a lot of debate about the safety of using polystyrene foam to insulate a bathhouse. You can find out where this material can be used effectively from our recommendations. A step by step instructions will help you understand

There is a lot of debate about the safety of using polystyrene foam to insulate a bathhouse. You can find out where this material can be used effectively from our recommendations. And step-by-step instructions will help you understand technological processes and complete them yourself.

Features of bath insulation with foam plastic

In addition to high thermal insulation characteristics, among the main advantages of this insulation are:

  • Durability. Under conditions of constant exposure to an aggressive environment, the material lasts about 20 years. At normal temperature and humidity, the service life is almost 50 years.
  • Moisture resistance. Polystyrene foam practically does not absorb moisture.
  • Structure stability. The insulation can withstand temperature changes from -60 to +95 degrees without collapsing or releasing toxic substances.
  • Biological neutrality. In addition to the field of thermal insulation, it is even used in the food industry and the production of children's toys.
  • Relative cheapness. This material has a low price compared to other synthetic heat insulators.
  • Light weight. Due to this, it is widely used for insulating bathhouse ceilings.
In addition, foam plastic does not require additional processing, is easy to cut, quickly installed, and does not rot.

However, with so many advantages, this material has a significant drawback - it burns, releasing toxic substances. Many manufacturers add special non-flammable polymers to it and claim that such foam melts and does not support the combustion process. Judging by technical specifications such foam, the melting point of the insulation is about 95 degrees, and spontaneous combustion is more than 490 degrees.

If we talk about the level of heat conservation of polystyrene foam in bath rooms, then a standard 6 cm layer of insulation can replace 10 cm mineral wool, 20 cm of wood, 0.5 meters of foam concrete, 0.8 meters brickwork, 2 meters of concrete. Due to these characteristics, the material is very popular for external thermal insulation baths

It is necessary to buy polystyrene foam from well-known and trusted manufacturers. Cheap and uncertified material may contain toxic substances.

Bathroom insulation technology with foam plastic

If you decide to use this material for thermal insulation, then you need to take care in advance high-quality ventilation premises. Polystyrene foam does not allow steam and air to pass through at all. Also keep in mind that they are strictly forbidden to insulate the steam room from the inside due to exposure to high temperatures. It is often used for insulation brick baths, since the tree itself has high thermal insulation characteristics and at the same time “breathes”.

Instructions for insulating the foundation of a bathhouse with foam plastic

Polystyrene foam is the optimal material for thermal insulation of the strip foundation of a brick bathhouse on clay soils. We carry out work in the following sequence:
  1. We remove the layer of soil around the base to the depth of freezing.
  2. We prepare a mixture of molten bitumen and gasoline in equal parts.
  3. We clean the walls and open them with the prepared solution. You can also use a primer.
  4. After drying, apply liquid rubber to the surface with a brush or fuse rolled bitumen with a burner. This is necessary for waterproofing.
  5. We fasten the foam boards from the bottom up, fixing them with bitumen-polymer mastic.
  6. The joints between the elements are also additionally lubricated with an adhesive composition.
  7. After complete coverage with foam, we apply a second waterproofing layer.
  8. We make a protective wall from bricks, boards or geotextiles. It will protect the insulation from the gravity of the soil.
  9. We install a blind area.

Please note that for installing foam boards, you can use polyurethane or other glue that does not contain toluene, acetone and gasoline.

Rules for insulating the floor in a bathhouse with foam plastic

This material is not used for thermal insulation between logs in a bathhouse due to high temperatures. It can only be safely insulated on a ground floor under a cement screed.

During the process we follow these instructions:

  • We level and compact the soil.
  • Fill in a layer of fine gravel about 10 cm and compact it thoroughly.
  • We make a mound of sand of the same thickness on top and compact the layer.
  • We lay a waterproofing film. You can even use polyethylene for this.
  • We install foam plastic slabs about 20 cm thick, fastening them with polyurethane glue without solvents or bitumen-polymer mastic.
  • Re-lay a double layer of waterproofing.
  • Pouring concrete with admixture foam chips or expanded clay with a layer of 5 cm.
  • After complete drying, we lay a mesh of metal reinforcement.
  • We pour another 5-centimeter layer of concrete with a slope towards the drainage area and wait for it to dry.
  • We lay floorboards.
Such flooring will conserve heat as efficiently as possible and will not succumb to the aggressive effects of humidity.

Specifics of insulating bath walls with foam plastic

It is strictly forbidden to insulate the walls inside a steam room with this material for several reasons: the insulation cannot withstand high temperatures, due to air tightness, the dew point shifts, which leads to the formation of condensation in the room. However, polystyrene foam is suitable for external insulation of walls of brick structures.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Attach corner brackets to the wall.
  2. We insert 6-8 cm thick foam plates between the corners.
  3. We glue the sheets together with a special adhesive solution.
  4. We carefully cover the top with waterproofing mastic. You can also use slab and roll materials for this.
  5. We mount special guides on the corners.
  6. We attach galvanized sheathing to the corners.
  7. We install the facing covering.
Since this material is easily damaged by mechanical action, the insulation of a bathhouse from the outside with foam plastic must necessarily be accompanied by high-quality waterproofing and installation of a protective cover.

The material is also used for thermal insulation internal partitions in the bath. However, they cannot insulate walls bordering the steam room or washing compartment.

Features of insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with foam plastic

It is known that the highest temperatures in the bathhouse are under the ceiling. Therefore, it is prohibited to use this material for its thermal insulation. The only possible insulation option is to lay foam sheets as the second layer of the insulating “pie”. For example, on top of a compacted mound of clay or expanded clay. However, even in this case, much attention must be paid to vapor protection and ventilation. For these reasons, it is better to replace polystyrene foam with a safer insulator.

How to insulate a bathhouse with polystyrene foam - watch the video:

Proper use of polystyrene foam to insulate a bath will allow you to minimize energy losses by up to 70%. By following the instructions given, you will be able to independently insulate the foundation, floor and walls of a brick bathhouse as efficiently as possible.

What is required from a bath insulation?

If you have already answered your question: “to insulate or not to insulate a bathhouse” in favor of “insulate”, you will have to conduct a serious study of the insulation materials existing today, their characteristics, prices and ease of working with them, study reviews about them. Find out which one Suitable for floors, some for walls and ceilings.

First, let's look at the main challenges facing thermal insulation material for the bath:

  1. Resistance to high temperatures - the bathhouse is a zone of high temperatures and the heat insulator should not lose its qualities when interacting with them;
  2. Non-toxicity - under the influence of all factors in the bathhouse, the insulation should not emit substances that have a harmful effect on the human body;
  3. Moisture resistance - the thermal insulator should not absorb moisture, and also should not lose its insulating properties in conditions of high humidity;
  4. Durability - you are unlikely to want to replace insulation more often than necessary;
  5. Environmental friendliness - the insulation should not contain substances that interact poorly with human body harmful to human health;
  6. Price-quality ratio - this is how it is now customary to evaluate any product on the market, no matter what it relates to.

Brief overview of existing materials on the market

In the old days, it was customary to insulate baths using various natural heat insulators - tow, jute, felt, moss. But the use of these substances is fraught with the appearance of various kinds of insects, mold, fungi, and dampness. In today's construction, there are a number of new generation thermal insulators that can be used for insulation. Reviews about modern insulation systems speak for themselves.

Penoplex - extruded polystyrene foam. Modern material, consisting of air and foamed polystyrene. Due to the combination of its properties, it is very popular as a thermal insulator for various rooms. In a bathhouse, it can be used to insulate the floor, as well as all rooms except the steam room.

Basalt wool - modern insulation based on basaltic volcanic rocks. 90% consists of air. It has very high heat resistance and is completely non-hygroscopic. It is resistant to high temperatures, highly environmentally friendly and absolutely non-flammable and non-toxic. It can be used for thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls in a steam room.

Expanded clay is a modern insulation material that can be successfully used to insulate the floor of a bathhouse. Also, to insulate the ceiling, a method is used when the attic is filled with expanded clay. It is obtained by firing natural intumescent clays, which gives it its special porosity. Excellent thermal and sound insulator. Bulk substance, produced in the form of oval granules various sizes. It has an extremely low specific gravity, which makes it indispensable when it is necessary to reduce the load on the structure. It is added to concrete, thus “diluting” its excess weight. Perfectly absorbs excess moisture.

The list of possible insulation materials is impressive and we present only a few, especially popular ones.

Main characteristics of penoplex

Reviews about it are very favorable. We can say that today penoplex is one of the most used thermal insulators both for baths and for any other types of premises. This happens due to the combination of its following qualities:

High thermal insulation properties;

  1. Environmental friendliness;
  2. Moisture resistance and heat resistance;
  3. Non-toxic;
  4. High resistance to compressive loads (which is important when insulating the floor);
  5. Light weight (which makes it easy to install);
  6. Well amenable to mechanical processing;
  7. Resistance to mold and mildew;
  8. Resistance to temperature changes;
  9. Affordable price;
  10. Durability.

The disadvantages of expanded polystyrene include the following:

  1. Has low strength;
  2. When burned, it emits highly toxic smoke, which can cause serious damage to health or even death;
  3. Destroyed by some chemical solvents.

As we can see, the list of useful qualities of penoplex largely corresponds to the above list of necessary characteristics of insulation for a bathhouse. It can successfully insulate the floor in a steam room. It is also ideal for thermal insulation of walls and ceilings in all rooms except the steam room. Insulating the ceiling and walls in a steam room with penoplex is not recommended - its properties are lost at temperatures from -50 degrees to 75 degrees Celsius.

To insulate walls, steam penoplex can only be used if a foil layer is placed behind it, protecting it from exposure to excessively high temperatures. Thermal insulation of the steam room ceiling with polystyrene foam is strictly not recommended- contact of the material with the pipe is possible, which heats up to 200 degrees Celsius, which can create a fire hazard. Therefore, for these tasks, as a rule, they use basalt wool, which is a completely non-flammable material.

But The floors in the steam room can be safely insulated - penoplex is ideal for this. Just be sure to choose a brand of material with high compressive strength - remember that when insulating the floor, such loads will be constant.
