Treatment with urea in the fall. Why is it necessary to spray the garden with urea in early spring and how to do it

Winter hibernation has ended. Nature wakes up and comes to life. The buds on the trees swell and bloom. And if wild crops cope with their problems themselves, then garden crops need help. Every gardener wants to have a plot that is attractive in all respects. And so that it is not just beautiful, but bears fruit well.

For everything to be as desired, the garden must be healthy, and it must be helped in this. You should start providing assistance to your brainchild in early spring, when various pest larvae that can live on the tree (in the bark or under the roots) are still sleeping.

Spraying as a way to care for the garden

One of the methods proper care behind the trees is to spray them. It helps get rid of pests and at the same time can be used as plant food. For this process to be beneficial, it must be carried out throughout the entire season: from spring to autumn. This method can be divided into spring, summer and autumn seasons. Let's look at all three methods in turn.

  1. Spring spraying. In the spring this is done in order to protect garden plants from all pests. Among other things, this will help get rid of insects and fungal diseases. Spring treatment should begin before the buds appear and as soon as the snow has melted.
  2. Summer. In summer, the method is used to feed plants and trees. In this case, mixtures are used that are easily absorbed through the leaves. Very rarely, treatment is carried out in the summer to kill insects.
  3. Autumn. In the fall, the procedure is performed as a disease prevention. If, for example, a crop is exposed to a disease during fruiting, then, unfortunately, nothing can be corrected. And only in the fall can you try to influence it by spraying in order to next year the result was positive.

Knowing how many times the procedure is performed and why, you need to know how to carry it out.

Means used

Here fixed assets used by gardeners:

Copper sulfate is used for disease prevention, insect control and disinfection. It is used in early spring when the buds have not yet opened.

The use of iron sulfate differs from the use of copper sulfate, since in addition to everything, this chemical fertilizer can also be fed vegetable world your garden with iron. Apple, plum and pear trees love it very much. Iron sulfate is an important element for plant growth and fruit quality. This element is very important not only for trees, but also for people.

Bordeaux mixture protects fruit crops from pests. Use the mixture when unopened flowers have already appeared. The mixture is a combination of copper sulfate and quicklime. It is important to know in what proportions to dilute it.

One of the most common sprayings is use of urea(urea). It is used both as pest prevention and as fertilizing. An important point is correct application substances, since in pure form it cannot be used. Therefore, it is diluted with water in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

What is urea and how to use it

Urea belongs to the class nitrogen fertilizers , as it contains up to 46% nitrogen. The fertilizer is quite highly concentrated. During application, the fertilizer in the soil turns into ammonium carbonate. This is facilitated by the action of soil bacteria on urea. And in a couple of days the resulting ammonium evaporates. To prevent this from happening, the soil must be sealed to prevent loss of essential substances.

Urea is suitable for all types of soil. If the soil is wet, then it is better to use saltpeter. In this case, nitrogen is not washed out. The soil should still be covered to protect it from washing out.

Spring spraying of the garden with urea and other possible substances (for example, iron and copper sulfate) – the key to a rich harvest garden trees. With the onset of spring, the temperature increases in algebraic progression. While the probability of plant disease is geometric. For example, it could be a monilial burn or purpuric spot. To protect your own garden, experienced gardener turns to urea.

This product can prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that cause these diseases. It will realize effective fight s and their larvae that survived the cold winter in the bark of trees. For example, treating apple, plum and pear trees with urea during their flowering period will solve the problem of the appearance of leaf roller caterpillars, aphids and apple blossom beetle.

Urea, which is also called urea, in addition to everything else, helps rapid growth and plant development, as a result of which it can be used on any soil and for any fruit trees.

Period of garden treatment with urea

Treat fruit trees early spring period much easier than after color. In May days, pollinated urea will not be able to reach the upper branches of plants due to dense young foliage and will not destroy foci of infection on the tops of trees. The result will not be visible. If the garden, in general, consists of trees that allow urea to penetrate through young foliage (for example, pears and plums), then late spring or even summer treatments will also be very effective.

Early spring spraying of the garden with urea is also aimed at combating severe spring frosts. The nitrogen contained in urea will slow down the tree's metabolic processes for a couple of weeks and will not allow young foliage and delicate inflorescences to bloom prematurely. Thus, frosts, which can cause irreparable damage to fruit trees, will pass by. This property is especially useful for gardens consisting of early ripening varieties of trees such as peach, plum or apricot.

Practical tips and recommendations for spraying the garden with urea in spring

Urea is granules of organic nitrogen-containing fertilizer, white in color, odorless, easily soluble in water. Unlike other nitrogen fertilizers, it is safe for plants even in large doses (accidental overdose).

Points not to forget:

During the flowering period of fruit trees and after the ovary, the second and third treatments with urea are carried out, respectively.

VIDEO: how to properly spray the garden with urea in the spring?

Then we invite you to watch a video on the topic of spraying your own garden urea in spring:

Spraying with urea in spring - this is a sure and simple way to protect your garden from pests and diseases, and at the same time feed them with easily digestible nitrogen.

In early spring, summer residents have a lot of worries and chores, because in addition to preparing the soil and whitewashing the trees, they also have to spray the garden.

Many experienced gardeners believe that the first spring treatment of the garden should be carried out with urea (urea). Why? Let's figure this out.

Spraying with urea in spring: what does treating a garden with urea give?

Early spring treatment of the garden with urea is a comprehensive solution that works in several directions at once.

  1. Treating trees with urea protects them from pests.
  2. Protects against many diseases, including such dangerous ones as scab.
  3. Early spring spraying with urea is an excellent top dressing that saturates your garden with easily digestible nitrogen from the first days of warm weather.
  4. Treating trees with urea prevents their early flowering. In case of spring frosts, this works perfectly and avoids color loss.

Spraying trees with urea in spring: when to do it

If you find it difficult to determine the time to spray with urea in the spring, then simply follow the following rule. When ants begin to appear in the grass under the trees, it is time to begin preparing to treat the garden with urea. After all, after the ants, aphids inevitably appear, and soon the time comes for other pests. It is important here not to “miss” the moment when you can protect the trees with urea.

  1. Spraying trees and shrubs with urea requires preliminary preparation. Under trees and bushes, you need to dig up the ground, remove excess or diseased branches, and be sure to whitewash the trunks.
  2. You also need to take advantage of the weather. The day should be sunny, but not hot and, if possible, windless.
  3. Spraying with urea in the spring requires compliance with safety precautions: garden treatment is carried out in a respiratory mask, goggles and gloves.
  4. If your garden suffers greatly from pests, then to increase the effectiveness of urea you need to add copper sulfate to it. In this case, for 10 liters of water you need 700 g of urea and 50 g of copper sulfate. Moreover, this solution is completely harmless to both trees and shrubs. Therefore, treating the garden with urea and vitriol should be done generously. Do not skimp on the solution, because it not only protects the trees, but also fertilizes the soil. The garden can be treated a second time during flowering, and a third time after the ovaries have formed.
  5. Try to coordinate the weather so that after spraying there is no precipitation for several days. If it does rain, the treatment of trees with urea must be repeated.
  6. If your garden does not have problems with diseases and pests, then it is not necessary to prepare a urea solution. Urea can be applied as a root fertilizer. Just pour dry urea into the hole with a tree or shrub and water it generously.

Spraying with urea in spring: video instructions

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with how the garden is treated with urea in the spring. In this video, an experienced gardener talks about how to properly spray with urea, how to properly make a solution that will ensure productivity and protect against pests and diseases.

In spring, in gardens (especially “old” ones like our SNT), it is more than desirable to carry out early spring treatment with protective chemicals.

  1. Early spring spraying should be carried out as soon as the snow melts, before the beginning of the growing season, i.e. before buds open.
    • It should be borne in mind that when the soil thaws, when it is still highly saturated with moisture, it is necessary temporarily limit walking in the garden so as not to compact the soil and destroy its structure
  2. In our climate zone, this moment occurs at the end of March - beginning of April - after the average daily air temperature is +5˚С.
  3. Spring spraying is aimed at protecting the garden from:
    • Fungal infection;
    • Scab;
    • Spotting;
    • Putrefactive diseases;
    • Pests living and overwintering in the bark of a tree (scale insects, apple honey worm eggs, fruit mites, aphids, apple moth caterpillars)
    • also prevents the formation of mosses and lichens.
  4. Important in spring remove all sources of infection from the garden: remove all plant debris, cut out all dried and diseased shoots (infected shoot tips), disinfect and paint over all wounds and ulcers on trunks and branches.
  5. There are a great variety of means for cultivating a garden in early spring. More accessible, affordable, effective and harmless:
    • Copper sulfate;
    • Bordeaux mixture;
    • Urea (urea);
    • Inkstone.
  6. There is no clear leader among the drugs under consideration, because their actions are aimed at certain types of threats during a certain period of time of use.

    Below are discussed in more detail the methods of preparation and use of the above products:

A mixture of carbamide (urea) and copper sulfate (to uncover)

The most effective drug.
This mixture not only destroys pests, but at the same time serves as a fertilizer for fruit trees throughout the summer if spraying was carried out in the spring
1. Spraying trees with urea is more aimed at fighting viruses and fungi; a small amount of copper sulfate in its solution will have the main anti-insect effect.
2. Method of preparation. The complex of components is designed for 10 liters of water. It includes 700 g of carbamide (urea) and 50 g of copper sulfate. First, pour urea into a clean bucket and fill it with water. Stir the solution well until completely dissolved. In a separate container in small quantity(preferably hot) water (200-500 ml) dissolve copper sulfate powder. Pour the blue vitriol solution into the bucket with urea while stirring. The spray mixture is ready. Be careful. The mixture is toxic. Do not spray trees when it is windy. Use a respirator, mask, goggles to protect your respiratory and vision organs from harmful effects.
Note. Treatment with concentrated solutions can be carried out no more than once every 3 years on wood that matured last year (otherwise, it is advisable to reduce the concentration by half). "Shock" doses must be applied over the years epiphytoty(spreading infectious disease plants to large areas (farm, district, region) for a certain time.; epiphytoty in gardens usually manifests itself in the form of mass phenomena of late blight, scab, aphid invasion...).
3. Do not mix urea with simple superphosphate, lime, dolomite, or chalk.
4. The advantage of spraying with urea is the inhibition of vegetation, i.e. later flowering and, as a result, reducing the risk zone of flowers falling under late spring frosts. The buds of the fruit trees that we sprayed will wake up 1-1.5 weeks later than the rest, untreated ones. Subsequently, the treated fruit trees will catch up, even overtake their untreated counterparts, but will be stronger and healthier.
5. When spraying fruit trees, it is also necessary to spray the ground and last year’s leaves under the tree. By the way, the treated leaves will rot faster, since urea stimulates the decomposition of organic matter very well. In addition, spores of harmful fungi and pests under trees will be destroyed.
6. Many gardeners scatter fertilizer such as urea in the snow or in the rain. This fertilizer dissolves well and moves along with the layers of receding snow. Thus, the fertilizer is simply washed away. Therefore, it is better to apply fertilizer locally along the perimeter of the crown in the form ready solution to a depth of 30-40 cm (make a hole with a drill or shovel).

Bordeaux mixture (to uncover)

Old proven method
To carry out blue spraying of trees on dormant buds, you need to take 400 grams of lime and 300 grams of copper sulfate per bucket of water. It is very important to follow the rules for preparing the solution: first, the vitriol is diluted in hot water, then add as much cold water so that you get about 5 liters in total. Lime is also diluted in 5 liters of water, filtered, after which you need to carefully pour the copper sulfate solution into this solution in a thin stream. Into the prepared mixture blue color Do not add water; Bordeaux mixture must be used on the day of preparation.
To make the finished Bordeaux mixture sticky (so that it is not washed away by rain), you can pour a soap solution based on laundry soap into it. The more concentrated the soap solution, the more sticky the film it forms. Just keep in mind that the total amount of the prepared solution for spraying Bordeaux mixture with laundry soap must correspond to the recommendations indicated on the packaging - 10 liters.

inkstone (to uncover)

Helps in the fight against diseases caused by bacteria and fungal spores (apple and pear scab, lichen, moss). After early spring spraying, the tree bark becomes elastic and somewhat soft, and the moss and lichen will disappear during the season.
Iron sulfate is one of the most important microelements; if it is deficient, plants' leaves turn yellow and young shoots die. The treatment is carried out before the buds open, otherwise the young leaves of the plants may be seriously damaged. The recommended dose when spraying with iron sulfate varies from 50 to 100 grams per 10 liters of water. Interestingly, the manufacturer does not write this information on the packaging, and amateur gardeners have to find it in other sources.
Attention! Iron sulfate must not be mixed with lime. Based on slaked lime, it is allowed to prepare a mixture only with copper sulfate.

Is it possible to mix urea and vitriol? How often should you fertilize? What is affected by an excess or deficiency of one or another element? The answers to these questions can be found here:

  1. Don't try to flood the plants as much as possible. big amount drugs. Process selectively.
  2. Do not forget about a sense of proportion when treating the garden with urea (urea).
  3. Do not spray with copper sulfate in rain or extreme heat.
  4. Liquid consumption is on average 2-10 liters per young/adult fruit tree.
  5. In order for the solution to settle better on the bushes, add 2 tablespoons of sugar or 30 grams of soap.
  6. Spraying the garden with urea should be carried out within a clearly defined time frame. The urea itself should be stored in a well-ventilated area. Its shelf life is no more than 6 months.
  7. Products purchased in stores must have appropriate quality guarantees from manufacturers.

Urea, or carbamide, is a chemical compound called carbonic acid diamide. The substance is represented by white crystals, soluble in polar solvents in the form of water, ethanol and liquid ammonia. If it is necessary to use urea together with other fertilizers, pH values ​​must be taken into account.

Properties of urea

This amide nitrogen fertilizer is the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer known. The granular form has excellent physical characteristics, including non-caking and remaining friable even after long-term storage. Ideal for root and foliar feeding, and is also part of the most effective complex fertilizers.

When applied to the soil, urea dissolves and turns into ammonium carbonate, which is an unstable compound that decomposes in air to ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia. The resulting ammonium is gradually absorbed by garden and vegetable crops, after which no acidic or alkaline residues remain.

Indications for use

Urea is recommended to be used as the main fertilizer on any type of soil and for a variety of fruit and berry plantings and vegetable or green crops in the garden. As a rule, urea is used in the following cases:

  • nitrogen starvation, which is manifested by a lag in growth and development, yellowing of leaves, weak flowering, absence of ovaries;
  • insufficient formation of fruits, as well as deformed appearance fruits or their shedding.

Cultivation of the garden and fertilizing of garden crops should be carried out in the morning or evening hours. Standard instructions for preparing the solution involve dissolving 30-40 g of urea in 10 liters of water. Features of application and application rate depend on the type of soil.

It is important to remember that spraying fruit and berry plantings with urea can slow down the growing season, which helps protect the ovaries from death in early spring. That is why such an event is recommended as one of the mandatory ones when cultivating early ripening stone fruit varieties. Spring treatment of garden plantings against diseases and pests with urea must be carried out in a timely manner.

Preparation for processing and processing

During the spring flowering of apple, plum and pear trees, it is recommended to treat the plants with urea. Such an event is very effective in preventing damage to garden plantings by caterpillars of the leaf roller, aphids, copperhead and apple flower beetle. Before treatment, plants should be properly prepared.

Immediately before processing it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning and remove all diseased or affected areas of the bark by scraping them with a spatula or wire brush. Such preliminary preparation will be able to ensure direct contact of the solution with the affected area or cluster of pests during the spraying process.

Fertilizing gardening plantings

Urea, or urea, is deservedly one of the most popular and valuable fertilizers, which is due to the high content of easily digestible forms of nitrogen. This type of fertilizer can be applied separately or combined with other nutritional compounds, and used for root and foliar feeding precisely during those periods when the garden crop needs this activity most.

After determining the type of soil, you should turn your attention to the botanical characteristics and stage of development of the crop.

Fertilizers are applied at the sowing or planting stage directly into the furrows or planting holes. However, in that case prerequisite is the use of a soil layer, which will help avoid a decrease in indicators as a result of direct exposure to ammonia.

For foliar feeding vegetable crops a nutrient solution is used based on 9–15 g of granules diluted in 10 liters of water. As a rule, 55−60% of the volume of urea required for plant nutrition is added to autumn period, and the remaining 40-45% should be applied in the spring.

Urea has also proven itself very well as a fertilizer for seedlings of most garden crops. In this case, the standard solution is used approximately two weeks before planting young plants on permanent place. Thus, urea is the most effective and affordable product in terms of cost and use.
