Living room design. Modern living room - design, choice of furniture for the interior

More often large quantity the family spends time in the living room, so interesting things should prevail here color solutions and calm shades. They change every year fashion trends for interiors. But the leader among them always remains the classic, captivating with its luxury, elegance and ease of design.

Modern living room design 2017

There are some requirements for the design of rooms.

The main requirements for modern repair work, as well as style and design are:

  1. Comfort – all family members should feel comfortable in the room; there should be no sharp corners or unnecessary objects in the environment. There should be enough space for everyone to have a pleasant time, then the family will be more united and friendly.
  2. The functionality has at least important aspect rather than simplicity and comfort, because modern life practically filled with various gadgets that make life easier not only in a large metropolis, but also in a private home.
  3. Attractive appearance rooms and halls develops aesthetic taste and gives pleasure, a person wants to spend more time in a cozy home.

Ultra-modern living rooms: photo 2017

Most often, fashion trends involve the use of bright furniture, which becomes the main accent in the room. It is complemented with pastel wallpaper or painted walls, light and flowing tulle, as well as discreet decor. A mandatory point is the placement in the living room of paintings depicting nature, animals or a photo collage depicting family members. Looks interesting decorative tree, on the branches of which there are photographs of relatives and friends.

Such a stylistic decision can add a lot of warmth and comfort to a family atmosphere and bring people closer together.

Living-dining room design: photo 2017, modern ideas

The abundant chandeliers in the middle of the room in the apartment are a thing of the past. Today, a lot of attention is paid to lighting, because there is a wide variety on the market. lighting fixtures– from chandeliers, sconces, to spotlights and LED strips, capable of dividing a room into different zones and illuminate the area needed at the moment.

Beautiful light decorations in the form of stone on one of the walls, diluted with furniture from natural materials, give a complete feeling of unity with nature and allow you to keep up with modern ideas. If stone finishing may seem rough, then experts suggest using liquid wallpaper, which is applied different ways, allowing you to achieve different relief shapes.

The remaining walls should be painted in calm pastel colors, then the space and interior will seem complete and not overload the subconscious.

Living rooms in a modern style: photo 2017

Concern for the environment extends not only to compliance with the rules of behavior with nature, but also to fashion trends and ideas for interiors. Eco-friendly furniture that is made without using chemical elements and formaldehyde, harmful paint, allows you to buy it even for small children and allergy sufferers. Natural wood, bamboo and cork are leading the market for environmentally friendly products.

Even the color scheme is close to natural - various shades of green, brown, blue are often used, which dilute and complement black, white and pastel, with a hint of coffee.

Buyers are constantly becoming more picky about manufacturers, carefully studying the composition of the material and possible toxicity indicators, thereby forcing them to be more attentive to raw materials and the finished product, without saving on production. Properly made dummies of natural materials do not cause harm to a person in the room. They allow you to be more careful with environment and preserve the beauty of the planet for our descendants.

Each part of the room, as well as its design, has its own nuances:

  1. For the ceiling, the most interesting ones will be modern tensile structures. They not only allow you to achieve perfect smooth surface, hiding minor flaws, but also making interesting decorative effects– starry sky, using randomly located Spotlights. Usage wooden beams will be most appropriate in a Provence or rustic style living room, creating the impression of coziness and a homely atmosphere of warmth.
  2. The simplest and most effective type of wall decoration, which does not lose its relevance, is painting them white. On such a background you can easily place any decorative elements. The room will visually increase and expand, creating the effect of a large space or a long dining room.
  3. It is better to design the floor using boards from natural wood or cork bark. If you do not have enough financial resources to make such a decision, a high-quality laminate, the color scheme of which is close to natural, is offered as an alternative.

A harmonious combination of dark laminate and light walls significantly increases the space in the room, fills it with light and adds overall harmony. In rare cases and often in country houses it is practiced to use tiles for flooring, it is not style or trend that plays a role here, but practicality. Cleaning in this case will be much faster, and much less time and effort will be spent on it.

In order for the living room to be stylish and harmonious, it is necessary to correctly use not only design secrets, but also rely on colors and shades:

  1. The most interesting colors lately have been grey, black and white in a reasonable mixture. A trio of natural wood furniture, lightly varnished, will create harmony in a similar color trio.
  2. If the dominant color in the room is white, it is better to complement it with upholstered furniture in coffee shades, without obsessive yellowness.
  3. Dominant grey colour will be more relevant in an office, dining room or hallway, because it adds rigor and restraint.
  4. Risky, but at the same time interesting option is the application dark furniture on a white or milky background. This feature has become a trend for this 2017 season, and does not lose its relevance. Contrast always creates an atmosphere of mystery and order, so often business and busy people prefer this style.
  5. To spend comfortable time in the living room, it is better not to skimp on buying upholstered furniture, because it is the highlight of the interior and most often catches the eye. It is much more pleasant to relax from a hard day at work in a soft sofa or armchair than on a hard chair or pouf. Creative personalities They prefer a bean bag chair filled with foam balls; it perfectly relaxes and brings incredible bliss after a hard day.
  6. The leader among the wide variety of upholstered furniture is the corner sofa; it can not only accommodate a large number of vacationers, but will also serve as an excellent place for guests to relax, and the presence of internal niches will make it possible to hide certain little things.
  7. Some types of poufs can not only serve as a place to sit, but also, thanks to the ability to transform, turn into small tables. This is very convenient if you are going small company over a cup of aromatic coffee.

Stylish living room interior 2017: modern ideas (video)

In conclusion, we note that a mandatory piece of furniture in the living room should be a small closet that can accommodate various items hidden from external eyes. Such furniture should be in harmony with the rest and create a single, holistic picture. As you can see, there are many options for arranging a living room. There is plenty to choose from - and the choice is yours!

What are modern living rooms like? What living room design is trending today? About this and much more in this article. Using numerous photos as an example, we will look at current and modern solutions, which will help you decide on the interior style, color, choice of furniture and decor.

Modern living room design. Photo of laconic design

Is there a single style or popular trend in the modern living room? I don’t think any designer will dare to do this, because design, like fashion, is changeable. Modern styles - loft, minimalism, hi-tech, art deco, Scandinavian, European modern, contemporary and others, have ceased to be a household name and have become only trends in design. In other words, one living room can contain features of many modern design trends and this will be in order. Design in direct accordance with the laws of one style is becoming increasingly rare. If we try to name the trends in living room design and interior design in general, we can distinguish three characters: moderation, extravagance and a return to the classics or ethno in a modern design.

Modern design living room and its characteristic features

Moderation and restraint are becoming more and more common in the modern living room. This applies to the background and decoration in general, the choice of furniture and upholstery, and more detailed elaboration of the decor. The fashion for beautiful patterned wallpaper is being replaced by plain walls, decorative plaster, natural textures and materials, from stone and wood, to concrete walls and imitation brick. It all started with minimalism and was caught up in the wave of Swedish design, a play on other modern styles in the contrast of simplicity and luxury. You can't call restraint boring. This living room design is not only elegant, but also in its interior it is easier to emphasize the advantages and bright accents. Against the neutral walls in the living room photo below, the design is enlivened by sunny pops of yellow and blue.

Modern wallpaper design for living room photo

Design modern wallpaper changes with the interior and design trends. In a modern living room you can find not only one-color, soft, classic paper and textile ones, but also highlighting the wall with expressive wallpaper, bright and colorful. A combination of several types of wallpaper different designs as in the photo - a bold technique. But the designers didn't stop there. Wallpaper in a modern design is glued to the ceiling, even in fragments, and is combined not only with plain wallpaper, but also with other materials for decorating the living room. This emphasizes areas, for example behind the sofa in the photo, table or TV. This is suitable for those who love bold modern living rooms and creative design, or want to inject a classic with some modern energy and liveliness. These experiments require a professional approach, otherwise there is a possibility of ruining the living room design.

Combining a living room with a kitchen as a modern trend

The general combined layout is gaining popularity. It's not always about modern fashion, and also that the area of ​​most apartments is not large. This is not always the right decision, but if it was originally intended or the redevelopment allows, then the total area will provide more space for life and imagination in the arrangement. The design of a modern kitchen-living room in the photo demonstrates all the wealth of choice and possibilities for a design project. Whether or not to zone the two areas of the living room and kitchen depends only on the design. They are visually separated by flooring, wall color transitions, and a kitchen counter can serve as a separation. On the other hand, the unity of the composition increases the volume. Some modern design projects have a single floor not only in the kitchen and living room, but also combine it with the corridor, hallway and even bedroom, as in the photo of the living room.

What about the balcony? - you ask. And he falls under the combination, if possible. This is not new for modern design, but quite a few interesting things have been invented in its design today.

Bright solutions in the design of a modern living room

Individuality is the main feature in the design of a modern living room. In the photo we see many examples of how this can be achieved. It is not necessary to saturate the entire living room with bright colors; it is enough to be able to present a few creative elements decor and decorate the room in a single harmonious image. Modern design is not afraid of rich colors and rich tones. The brave ones use them in decoration, but here it is important to really love the color with which you “paint” the walls of the living room; others focus on unusual furniture with colorful upholstery, design items, anything, even the refrigerator in the photo below. It is not the only one that adds expressiveness to the living room. The design was incomplete without that play of black and white ornaments, patterns and contrasting materials from soft carpet to stone and tiles. Other colorful solutions in the photo:

Modern minimalism or classic in living room design in the photo

The design of a modern living room is not always a departure from the classics; more precisely, it is its rebirth in new images and roles. In the photo we see modern living rooms, where carved wooden furniture harmonizes in a minimalist interior as it adds luxury and sophistication. Parquet flooring, stucco molding, picturesque wallpaper with floral patterns, even a Persian carpet - all this finds its application in design. The modern living room is universal, there are no clear canons for the choice of materials and their use, this is its charm. The design of the living room is based only on the taste of the owners, their preferences in design, lifestyle, and hobbies.

A modern living room is incomplete without soft sofa. The modular sofa is becoming increasingly popular. The variable design allows it to adapt to any living room interior. Fabrics of calm tones, often without patterns, are still in fashion. Leather and rich colors are used if it is necessary to highlight the furniture in the overall picture.

Modern living room and decor

When is such variability in fashion and the use of objects not only different styles, but also different eras, decor and decoration is not as easy as it might seem. To make the living room harmonious, designers are looking for any clue to connect images and interior items, creating a unified atmosphere. Such a binder can be color, a single material (the same fabric in upholstery and curtains), even similarity in shape. In the photo, the living room is decorated with a black plant pot of an unusual round shape and a lamp of a similar shape with a black lampshade. This color echoes the chairs. We see warm beige-brown shades in the sofa, carpet and paintings. Glass table does not stand out, but on the contrary becomes invisible. These and other photos of a modern living room on our website will help you choose the desired design and implement it in your home, creating the cozy living room of your dreams.

The living room is the central place in the house. Its arrangement sets the ideological style of the entire interior. The very name “living room” implies receiving guests, but at the same time, this room is an indicator of a cozy home and a warm atmosphere, where the owners will find a lot of hobbies.

How to arrange a modern living room? Decorating the TV area, windows, arranging books, decor - ordinary people always face the same tasks. We have prepared for you best options, which will be especially relevant in 2017.

Living room design 2017: main trends

In the era of technology development and Internet resources to modern man you just need a comfortable and atmospheric space. And the living room of 2017 should be the personification of exactly the kind of calm and comfort that tired minds so need from a constant overabundance of information and stress. And the most difficult, but very important task is to maintain a balance between the latest super-fashion trends and a sense of style, taste, and individuality. Let's try to figure out how not to miss this fine line.

Living room interior 2017: modern ideas

1. A striking experiment - individual uniqueness in style and decor

This expressive living room in tropical style– a great example harmonious combination colorful accents, delicate contours of classic shapes and natural materials, such as textured wood.

Cabinets made of oak and walnut imitate aged teak. The highlight of the living room is a coffee table with a diagonal three-color layout.

Bright velvet, jacquard, and embroidery organically highlight the neutral background. And the diagonal pattern on the Roman blind is an ideal complement to a similar coffee table layout.

An armchair in pastel colors balances the bright palette, and all the objects are in perfect harmony with each other, absolutely consistent with the classic lines.

An original floor lamp on a teak stand radiates a soft glow around the seating area.

And the final completion of the living room interior were two paintings at the head of the sofa - the author’s abstraction, made using the technique of mixing pencils and watercolors, imitating a tropical garden.

Valuable accessories played a special role in the decor, filling the space with the exotic spirit of wanderings and travels.

2. Alternative ideas: the predominance of green in a marine style

In the interior of this living room, the starting point was ceramic tile on the floor with pronounced green tint. It is not at all necessary to radically change the interior, including the floor, it is enough just to play wisely on the shades and choose a harmonious style. In our case it turned out to be ideal sea ​​style in a palette that was non-standard for him - instead of the traditional blue, the designer used green paints. Why not?

Other details can be seen in the marine theme: the pattern of the curtains is associated with waves, the sofa is trimmed with rough rope, and even the green piping on the beige pillows plays a role.

Modern comfortable design does not exclude old things. Don’t be afraid to complement the overall interior composition with them, because this has a special charm.

An unusual table in the shape of sea foam is a unique living room item.

3. Creativity and creativity

If you like non-standard, interesting design solutions, we suggest taking a look at the next few photos.

The deliberately chaotic arrangement of objects, quite bold wall decoration, original furniture and romantic decorative elements seem to be created for creative people who so desperately need that very special atmosphere!

5. Comfortable high-tech and cozy minimalism

Today, the laconic style of minimalism or creative high-tech, beloved by many, has ceased to be conservative and strict. He, as before, can be self-sufficient and harmonious in addition cozy items and accessories, comfortable textiles and soft floor coverings.

A home theater against the backdrop of a colorful but rather laconic interior creates an intuitive atmosphere of the presence of the main characters and immerses you in the fascinating and fantastic world of the film industry.

Cozy minimalism envelops the space with an extraordinary atmosphere, creates ideal conditions for spiritual dreams and serious reflection, and allows you to abstract from the city noise and everyday bustle.

Luxurious cushioned furniture and a neat, nice rug on the floor is one of the main conditions for a warm home.

A decorative panel on the wall, a fashionable lamp or a bright, stylish chair of an unusual shape will ideally complement a monochrome light background.

Open the windows wider, giving more freedom and freedom to the space. Today's minimalist style, in addition to the usual blinds, allows you to decorate windows traditional curtains calm shades. This technique delicately and unobtrusively combines cozy classics and creative high-tech. Modernity allows us to move away from the strict rules of minimalism, gives free rein to irrepressible design imagination, involving us in the world of new ideas and non-standard solutions.

The minimalist style has always been, is and remains a real salvation for small rooms, including the living room. More light, simple shapes and a minimum of decor - an ideal scenario for a compact room.

6. Important detail– wall decoration

Unobtrusive vertical pattern on a light background – optimal choice for a room with a fairly low ceiling.

Today, more and more often, designers use wallpaper with an interesting, expressive print as decor for only certain areas of the living room. This visually increases the space.

An important factor when choosing wallpaper for the living room is the degree of illumination. Obviously, light walls are the most suitable option for poorly lit rooms. They will add transparency and radiance to the space. But accent wall With beautiful graphics- much more interesting solution. Add a few supporting printed pieces for balance.

Different but organic wall designs are a new trend for 2017. In this way, the living room can be visually divided into zones.

The geometric pattern on the wallpaper is, as always, relevant and beautiful.

Photo wallpapers in the interior of a modern living room are gaining their “top momentum”, because today the imagination of designers is so amazing with its ideological content and extraordinary thematic focus that, at times, a magnificent wall painting becomes the main object that attracts the gaze of others.

Vertical stripes are definitely the first effective way visually raise the ceilings.

Wallpaper can be a bright spot in the living room design. Combine them with dark furniture.

Black and white contrast always looks stylish.

Wallpaper today, however, as always, plays a significant role in interior design. With their help, you can play with space, maneuver with accents, and create stunning effects. Modern varieties- an abundance of textures and prints. There are excellent budget and exclusive materials for eccentric interiors.

7. Wall accent and lighting effects

8. Current textiles

It is obvious that the cell, in various interpretations, has not lost its position over the past 10 years. A new trend in design is combining a checkered pattern with a stripe in one color palette. It looks quite experimental and original.

Patchwork on the upholstery creates a cozy climate in the house.

Graphics in a duet

In modern textile interiors, fresh shades of blue and turquoise combined with gray and beige tones are incredibly popular.

9. Transparent furniture

A small living room would benefit from a touch of weightlessness in the design. Transparent furniture made of plastic or glass will successfully cope with the task.

10. Podium for the living room

An innovative technique was used for this living room, placing it on a podium, thereby harmoniously defining its boundaries. The effect is greatly enhanced by the combination of white and gray plaster for the purpose of zoning.

11. Coffee table: original replacement

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of retro items. Thus, in a compact living room, an antique suitcase successfully performs two functions: aesthetic - as an unusual coffee table and practical, where it is very convenient to store all sorts of little things that often clutter up the space.

12. Not a sofa, but armchairs

Another great option for saving space is to use armchairs instead of a voluminous sofa. This design of a small living room looks much neater and more organic. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to follow the traditional rules for organizing a recreation area and buy a sofa.

13. 3D Illusion

Looking at the photo below, you are surprised by the next design techniques. The architectural outlines and the receding road create a 3D optical effect, being an endless continuation of the space. And together with LED backlight this illusion seems even more realistic.

14. Mobility of objects

A compact table on wheels is an excellent option for frequent home gatherings with friends and social parties. It can be moved at any time, freeing up space for the dance continuation of the holiday.

15. Another bonus to comfort

Someone will want to leave the living room, in which the pillows are main script decor? Hardly! A stunning wow effect is created by soft pillows that randomly walk along the wall, being the same continuation of the “soft” composition on the sofa.

16. Additional light

17. Lighting design

In a large living room you can experiment with light. Choose an original, large enough chandelier that will provide intense, uniform lighting.

18. Perspective

Mobile objects that attract the eye will help you play with the interior: large mirrors that successfully reflect beautiful details, original paintings. By assigning them a different place, you can delicately but noticeably change the usual environment.

19. Expressive print

20. Fireplace in the center of the hearth

Living room 2017: new designs

The invasion of nature into a fairly austere interior is always welcome in creative design. This significantly refreshes the space.

Externally different objects, united by a single style decision, add some irony and cheerful enthusiasm to the living room.

The lighting of this living room plays a significant role in the lighting scenario.

Artistic design

Snow-white abundance

In fact, the living room is a kind of front part of your home. And its design can tell a lot. The sense of taste, style, energy and mood of the owners is primarily personified by this room. That is why it is so important to pay more attention to the arrangement of the living room. And the 2017 trends described in this article will help you stay up to date with new products and add modernity to your interior.

The living room is the most important room in an apartment that must meet many requirements. Not only the residents of this house, but also their guests should feel comfortable and cozy here. The right interior will tell you about the owners of the apartment: about their passions and hobbies, about travel and preferences in art. Active people value simplicity and sophistication combined in one style. Designers quickly caught on to the trend towards this kind of eclecticism and proposed an interesting solution: mixing several styles at once. They took a little from, added, and a little. And the resulting mixture was called “modern style,” which is ideal for decorating a living room. By choosing it, you will be able to show all your artistic skills, place accents and achieve amazing results. At the same time, your living room, acquiring stylish and modern features, will remain cozy and suitable for a relaxing holiday.

Living room design in a modern style

Before starting renovations, evaluate the size of the room. Modern style prefers freedom, so it does not fit well with small rooms. If the living room itself is too small, then remove the wall. In this case, you will get something similar to, where the separation of different ones occurs not due to walls, but with the help of color, light and other techniques.

Decorating a living room in modern style implies conciseness and amazing integrity. All items must be perfectly combined with each other. Furniture, appliances, accessories - everything should form a single ensemble. This style feature will require maximum effort from you, but without correctly selected elements you will not be able to implement the project and create a living room in a modern style.

Main features of modern style

Combining several trends at once, this style has developed its own requirements for the materials used, the arrangement of furniture, geometry and the room itself. When planning the interior, they must be taken into account.

Main features of modern style:

  • active use of chrome parts, as well as plastic and glass;
  • perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • furniture that combines various functions;
  • modern technology;
  • smooth furniture facades;
  • lack of bulky cabinets;
  • use of the most modern materials;
  • a complete combination of all elements with each other.

The design of a living room in a modern style hides a long selection process behind its apparent simplicity. finishing materials, furniture, accessories. In the end it turns out stylish interior, which looks like a single whole. This composition does not involve rearranging objects.

Color palette

The most popular color already for a long time counts . It's all about two of its features, which are so attractive to owners of apartments and houses. White color goes well with all other colors and shades. It won’t be difficult to find a “match” for him, which means that you can decorate the room without studying color schemes. In addition, white has another undeniable advantage - it visually increases the size of the room. And this is very important, because decorating a living room in a modern style requires a spacious and “light” room. You can achieve the desired effect using a background color.

As an additional (and sometimes primary) color, designers use beige and yellow, silver and black, brown and gray. But strict and restrained colors determine only the main direction, and bright and even “flashy” shades will help to place accents. Designers recommend highlighting some objects and even areas using blue and scarlet and red, light green and orange, lilac and purple. But they must be used as carefully as possible.

Decorating a living room in a modern style

Please pay attention Special attention windows, which should be large and transparent sunlight. It is best to give preference to solid glass; they will emphasize minimalism in the interior. You can decorate them with light translucent curtains. No ruffles, bows, complex or attention-grabbing patterns.

The flooring can be either stone or wood. The interior of the living room in a modern style accepts everything possible options. But parquet in natural colors is considered especially relevant. Light colors that visually enlarge the space can deprive it of homely warmth. Parquet or laminate will bring it back.

But the ceilings in such interiors should definitely attract increased attention. They can be finished with stucco, cornices and complex transitions. Also welcome multi-level ceilings with built-in soffits. The ceiling itself should fit perfectly with. Perfect option- stucco molding and lamp made of glass and metal. But keep in mind that the chandelier should not evoke associations with retro style.

But the walls can simply be painted in the chosen color. Also often used. Sometimes the living room walls are covered with wallpaper. Avoid drawings and patterns; wall decoration should be as simple as possible. If you need to expand the space using not only light shades, then pay attention to. But this well-known technique should be used with caution so as not to oversaturate the room with light.

Choosing furniture for a living room in a modern style

To create the perfect and harmonious interior, you need to choose the right furniture. Modern style is aimed at “unloading” space, which means that bulky cabinets and huge tables will have to be abandoned. Living room design in a modern style involves the use multifunctional furniture. Sofas and

Modern look living rooms, characteristic of the design of typical city apartments, has become generally accepted today, that is, traditional. This style is very popular when creating designs. different rooms, including the living room: current trends and new trends in the field of design dictate their requirements for style and its methods of implementation.

A living room decorated in a modern style should be free and at the same time cozy.

The design of the living room should set you up for rest and relaxation, so this room should be quiet.

General trends in modern design

Living room interior: photo in modern style, 18 sq. m

Successful decoration of a living room according to modern design canons includes the following rules:

  • natural play of tones and shades; even colors can be diluted with accents on bright spots;
  • creating free space for lively recreation;
  • intensive use of new design techniques;
  • the mandatory presence of a sofa as the main element of the room;
  • moving elements should also be used as interior elements;
  • independence in decorating the environment.

Living room decoration: photo in modern style

When decorating the interior design of even a small living room in a modern style, you should rely on such qualities as convenience and compactness, since the interior in this style looks tasteful, and it is possible to combine even the most incompatible materials.

Advice! Don’t get attached to traditional designs: you can safely use your imagination and personal desires.

When decorating a living room in a modern style, it is preferable to:

  • the presence of different geometric shapes;
  • separateness of compositions;
  • maximum unoccupied zones;
  • the latest solutions in color;
  • combining different textures;
  • application the latest ways registration

Beautiful living rooms in a modern style, photo

To create a unique interior for a small living room in a modern style, you should carefully consider the following main points:

  • The basis for creating an interior for a modern living room is the presence of a large amount of space. Today, the trend is the layout of the living room, visually divided into zones, without walls and partitions.
  • All elements used in interior design are grouped according to purpose and application.
  • When lighting a room, there must be enough light, so different lighting devices are used in the interior.
  • When selecting furniture, it is important not to clutter the room. At the same time, the color and shape can be very diverse.

  • Living room interior photo in modern style (photo)
    Advice! Don't forget about original accessories that should be placed in unexpected places. They can combine both modesty and wealth, have an unusual texture and bizarre shape (vases, candlesticks, wall panels, mirrors, figurines, etc.).

    If your room is small and dark, you might want to think about ways to brighten it up. Spot lighting will help you with this. You can also use a sconce or floor lamp as decoration. Especially such little things are good for maintaining the overall style.

    Living room interior: photo in modern style

    It is worth noting that a large chandelier should not be hung in a small living room. You also need to pay attention to the fact that in a modern style it is better not to use crystal chandeliers - they are more suitable when decorating rooms in a classic style. Give preference to unusual and outlandish forms.

    Remember! Chandeliers with metal elements look especially good.

    Living room interior 16 sq.m: photo in modern style

    Modern styles

    Existing methods for decorating a living room in a modern style, as in the photo, may adhere to such trends as hi-tech, techno, modern, art decor, loft, minimalism, vintage and kitsch.

    Each direction has its own purpose, mainly, each element should do its job to the maximum, be appropriate and look simple in the overall design.

    Interior of a living room in a modern style, photo

    Scandinavian style interior

    When creating this style, it is worth considering that it lacks richness and pomp, so the living room will look warm and cozy. The interior uses simple elements, without pretentiousness, but at the same time, notes of modernity are preserved.

    Simple decor focuses on creating a cozy, no-frills living room.

    When registering in Scandinavian style use light colors. The walls should be soft pastel colors; when choosing furniture, you should give preference to natural materials, ideally wood. Small accents can be done in dark colors.

    Lighting used in the interior should be artificial, using frosted, dim glass.

    Interior of a modern living room in an apartment, photo
    Advice! When decorating a living room in a Scandinavian style, the main emphasis can be placed on a wooden stove, wicker baskets made of wicker, and glass vases with simple patterns.

    Pay attention to the materials used: they all must be natural. This applies not only to furniture, but also to upholstery, bedspreads, and flooring. Everything should look natural, this main principle of this style.

    Industrial style

    This style of decorating living rooms came from America, where industrial premises began to be converted into residential ones. Characteristic of this style is the presence of uncluttered spaces, which are easy to obtain even when creating a living room interior of 12 square meters in a modern style, and through redevelopment.

    Interior of a modern living room, photo

    In this case, there may simply be no walls in the room; the space can be divided into zones by using contrasting colors and lighting. You can also use glass partitions.

    Advice! You can combine industrial details with modern elements. Chrome parts and modern household appliances are combined with rough bricks and a floor made of untreated planks.

    When decorating an interior in a loft style, there should be a lot of light in the room. This is an ideal design style for those who have a very dark apartment. There are no curtains in the room, and windows are installed almost to the entire height of the walls.

    Living room interior: photo in modern style in a private house

    Minimalist style room

    The main combination in this design style is the combination of simplicity and the use of a minimum number of things.

    Advice! When using accessories, remember that they must have a clear shape.

    It is not allowed to decorate the interior of a small living room (with an area not exceeding 16 sq.m.) in a modern style with paintings with carved frames, various statues and other pretentious elements: such surroundings can fit perfectly into classic style, but not modern at all.

    Living room interior 12 sq.m: photo in modern style

    When arranging furniture in the living room, you should not crowd the space with different chairs and cabinets. Furniture should be kept to a minimum.

    Chairs can only be of a regular shape, and it is also worth considering the furnishings so that the furniture can perform several functions or have transformable properties.

    The interior design of a small living room in private houses in the minimalist style is as popular as before: it is preferable to decorate rooms in the loft, modern and Scandinavian styles.

    Living room in kitsch style

    To decorate a room in the kitsch style, you just need to have any bright idea that you would like to implement when creating the interior of a medium-sized living room (up to 20 sq.m.). A variety of solutions are suitable for this style, while the decoration of the living room will be attractive and at the same time unusual, since it will contradict other, more familiar trends.

    Often, living rooms created in this style look a little rough, but at the same time bright, rich and unusual.

    The main rule to consider when using the kitsch style is to combine a number of styles into one. These can be elaborate elements of the classics and delicate little things from the Scandinavian style.

    Here you can safely combine various colors and shapes. The furniture may be a little angular, but there can be round poufs in the room.

    Advice! When decorating a living room in a modern kitsch style, it’s difficult not to overdo it. color palette. Be careful!

    All accessories must be original. These could be designer paintings, a bright lampshade on a floor lamp with an unusual ornament, vases in flashy colors, and so on. Chaoticity and artistic disorder - this is the principle of decorating a room in this style.

    All elements used in the interior must be combined in an unusual way to attract interest. These can be paintings or hand-made products.

    Interior inspired by hi-tech

    Interior design of a medium-sized living room (18 sq. m or so) in a modern high-tech style is aimed at creating unique design using the latest techniques. The basis of the high-tech style is the open use of all details. With the help of various partitions, functionality is improved different zones living room.

    This style is characterized by the use modular furniture, metal elements.

    Advice! For harmony in the interior, it would be useful to use elements whose material can be made of both metal and of stainless steel. Copper or chrome-plated parts or accessories will become a real highlight of high-tech.

    But in pure form hi-tech style is not used in residential premises: it is usually combined with a variety of styles, since it itself does not provide a feeling home comfort and is more suitable for decorating a home office in a private home or office space.

    A win-win option for decorating a living room

    If you have small apartment or a studio, you should not only think about the interior of the living room, but also not forget about the kitchen combined with it, which can also be decorated in a modern style, as in the photo:

    Kitchen-living room interior in modern style

    Today, studio kitchens are especially popular. This option looks beautiful in both large and small apartments. Its main advantage is that you can make the space larger not visually, but actually larger. Therefore, if you decide to combine a living room with a kitchen, feel free to do them in a modern style.

    You can arrange the room as one color scheme, and divide into zones, designing each differently. A unified style looks best in small apartments.

    You will save space in the kitchen if you place the table in the living room. You can either dine at it yourself or set the table when guests come to you.

    Living room interior 20 sq. m: photo in modern style

    IN big apartment There are no such problems, so it’s very easy to be guided by any ideas and experiment with different styles, because, observing the main points when creating modern interior in any design, it is very difficult to narrow and spoil the space of a large living room.

    Interior design of a small living room in a modern style, photo

    Be sure to highlight the modern style of your living room with small accessories. Should not be taken as a basis traditional methods, don't be afraid to experiment. Instead of standard curtains, use roller or Roman curtains, and choose a bright, round fleecy carpet.

    In a modern style, it is important to use all new design technologies. This also applies to the equipment itself: for example, you can hang the TV on the wall, and not put it on the cabinet, as was previously customary.

    Using new methods and techniques for decorating a room even in small details, you will get a modern and beautiful interior apartment that will delight you and your guests.

    In any case, if you want to create a unique and modern living room style, you should consider the points described above that require mandatory attention. We invite you to look at photos of beautiful living rooms in a modern style that will inspire you to create your own interior design.

    Photo gallery (57 photos)
