The best designs of country houses. Interior of houses in modern style

Are you concerned and interested in the interior design of a private home? Then Dekorin will help you decide what the interior of a private house should look like today. modern style! Read on about popular and fashion ideas, enjoy photos of beautiful living rooms, kitchens and other rooms.

Design of a private house: planning stages

Planning a private or country house- a capacious and serious matter that is better to entrust to professionals. The first priority is, of course, architectural plan construction. If you are planning your dream home from scratch, then you have the opportunity to provide convenient layout and the availability of the rooms you need. After all, this, first of all, a private house and different from a city apartment!

In the interior design, it is very important to take into account the lifestyle of all family members, their household preferences, hobbies and interests. So, in your home, in addition to the usual set of living spaces, such as a bedroom, wardrobe, kitchen, dining room and living room, the following may appear: a sports and play area for children, Gym, swimming pool, sauna, workshop, fireplace room, office or library, wine or cheese cellar and many others.

Of course, at the architectural planning stage it is necessary to think about interior design of a private house to adhere to stylistic unity in architectural elements, interior decoration and the facade of a private house.

By the way, private house facade design is another important planning stage. Currently, a variety of finishing materials and design possibilities allow you to create a unique house facade in any style, which will also perform an aesthetic and protective function.

Russian noble estate, alpine chalet, Italian house, American cottage and many other styles today can be embodied both in the decoration of the facade and in the interior of a modern private house.

Features of the design of houses in a modern style

The main principles for developing the architecture and interior of a private house in a modern style are:

  1. Individuality based on the preferences of future residents:
  2. Experimenting with advanced finishing materials:
  3. A complete rejection of style canons.

All this became the basis of such an architectural style as functionalism, in which a set functional zones and premises are determined appearance, and the materials are the structure of the building.

Now such people are beginning to manifest themselves more and more clearly and persistently. modern trends like bio-tech, eco-tech or organic architecture. Their basic principles are the desire to unite man and his living space with nature, smart use natural resources, the desire to adapt to the features of the landscape, rather than clearing space for construction.

Undoubtedly architectural style it is advisable to supplement interior design in the same style. The basic principles and features remain similar to those of architecture. Modern interior design of a private house is simplicity of form, cleanliness of space, use of natural natural materials in decoration and decoration, light monochrome color solutions.

Interior design of a private house– trends 2017

What should the interior of a private house in a modern style be like? The secret to creating such a space is to competently and harmoniously combine architectural style with the latest technologies, finishing materials, ultra-modern household appliances, furniture and lighting.

Below we will introduce you to the TOP 5 trends of 2017 that distinguish modern design interior of a private house. Some of them are easy to bring into existing interior, thereby quickly and without large financial costs transforming your home, decorating it according to fashion trends.

  1. Integration of the interior of a private house with the natural environment - “open space”

The rhythm of life in a modern metropolis, the development of technology, Information Systems absorb us and alienate us from nature. Self-discovery, solitude, relaxation and rest - this is what we expect to get from housing. Especially if private or Vacation home located in a picturesque natural area. Thus, an interior in the style of a united space allows you to integrate the landscape outside the window into an interior solution that will change depending on the time of year.

  1. Windows in the interior of a private house

In the modern design of a private house, windows play a very important role. A large number of types and varieties of windows are used in modern interiors: panoramic, ribbon, sliding and tilting, attic, often windows that occupy the entire wall of the house. Owners of private houses are not limited in the choice of shape, size and design window openings. So, to ensure that the interior of a private house is filled with daylight and the surrounding landscape as much as possible in 2017, use the widest possible windows.

  1. Finishing materials for the interior design of a private house (trends 2017)

The triumph of natural, natural finishing materials in modern interior design continues! This year, designers are gravitating towards rustic styles such as Scandinavian, country and craft decor. Here is “Terracotta” - clay floor tiles, as if she had sneaked into the interior from the terrace of an Italian country house. As if burned by the bright sun, it brings warmth and comfort to the modern interior of a private home.

Another forgotten finishing material that has returned to today’s interiors is cork. Designers recommend boldly and actively using it in wall decoration. A color variety and the uniqueness of its textures can easily be replaced decorative plaster, and the tactile sensations from it are much more pleasant!

As for the color scheme in the interior decoration of a private house, all shades of “green” have become the leader, and dark green is the favorite of this palette.

  1. The use of drawings and patterns in a modern interior

Another trend brought from the Scandinavian style was the use of colorful patterns on tiles, curtains, furniture upholstery, carpet, etc. However, you shouldn’t overdo it with bright patterns: just pick 2-3 bright objects and your interior will come to life and sparkle.

  1. Interior decor of a private house “a la luxury”

Decor is a targeted intervention in the design of a room, but its power is great. By adding some trendy elements to the interior of a private home, you can change the mood and appearance of your living space.

Decor in the style “ jewelry”, crystal or its imitation, transparent furniture and a scattering of pearl details, an atmosphere of chic, elegance, airiness of space - this is what you should strive for when decorating the interior of a private house in a modern style!

Metal decor is a must-have for 2017. Gold, silver, and other metals also remain relevant and can be used in decorative objects: vases, lamps, wall clock, as well as in furniture and surfaces. However, this year designers advise abandoning copper.

Furniture, like Decoration Materials, aged in Scandinavian style and made from natural materials, holds its position. Its simplicity can be decorated by placing a knitted cashmere blanket in a chair or throwing natural sheepskin on a hard chair. But the new trend for 2017 is sofas and armchairs made of rich green velvet. This ensemble can be complemented with a transparent coffee table and your interior will become elegant, noble and stylish.

Whatever architects and designers incline us to, no matter what trends appear, listen to your heart and focus on your lifestyle - then the interior design of a private home will always remain relevant and modern.

Finally, Dekorin presents you with a selection of photos of interiors in a modern style for inspiration!

Everyone's interior modern house from - it's always a separate, fascinating story. After all, the project embodies the most modern interior design ideas, and also reflects the interests and hobbies of customers. We can say that each house, whose interiors were designed by the Green spouses, has its own character. In some cottages, every item, be it a modest desk or a white lampshade, exudes coastal lightness. Another house is characterized by rustic simplicity and breadth. Of course, there are also full feelings self-esteem interiors with attics, vaulted ceilings and luxurious furniture.

In accordance with modern ideas and trends of 2015, the interiors of houses from the Design Studio of Ruslan and Maria Green are often eclectic. Designers connect internal space at home elements of several styles with the same virtuosity with which the artist mixes watercolors. In studio projects, you can often see how, for example, the element is added to. Designers skillfully combine Provence and Art Nouveau, futurism and... At the same time, the artistic talent of Ruslan and Maria Green is fully revealed in both classical and modern style directions.

Our designers have very high evaluation criteria for their work. All elements of the furnishings inside are selected so that the result is a seamless harmonious composition, in which not a single item would seem superfluous.

In the photo: New 2015. Attic design c gable roof loft style

Much attention is paid rational planning, issues of space ergonomics, color and light design. Behind each of our private home interior projects is great job on creating planning solutions, developing visualizations, choosing suitable furniture and decor. At the same time, our studio prices are very moderate, since they fully correspond to the current market situation.

The modern interior style reflects the current design trends, so it is rightfully considered one of the most popular trends. It is optimally suited for furnishing cottages. Original interior houses in a modern style emphasize the good taste of the owners. Areas designed in this way will delight you with comfort.

Owners of private houses often choose a modern style to decorate their homes. Today, people first of all want to fill their home with harmony, coziness and comfort. They're tired of complex shapes and ornate lines, so oversaturated style trends are gradually becoming a thing of the past, giving way to laconic design. Spacious modern style houses look very impressive, tranquility and exquisite simplicity reign here. Such interiors reflect the inner world of a family. The rooms, decorated according to the principles of modern style, feel warm, so it is a pleasant place to spend time with loved ones.

Distinctive feature modern style is functionality and simplicity. This interior is primarily focused on convenience, but this does not make it any less beautiful. The special aesthetics of the style lies in the simplicity of lines and geometry of shapes. The laconicism of the composition allows you to concentrate on the main thing - comfort. Looks especially good country house in modern style, because this design echoes the philosophy of life outside the metropolis. There is no place for fuss and worries.

Modern style in the interior of the house: features of the design direction

Today it is almost impossible to decorate the interior of a house in monostyle: directions are mixed, assimilated, and new trends are created on their basis. If we talk about modern design, it combines several current styles. Such interiors display features of minimalism, modernism, hi-tech and even kitsch. The ability to experiment with solutions allows you to create an interesting picture. Modern design gravitates towards contrasts, but does not tolerate defiant eclecticism. Cottages designed in a modern style are vaguely reminiscent of houses in the fusion style, where it is customary to combine incompatible elements. However, if in fusion interiors main criterion- originality, even if it contradicts comfort, then modern design is looking for a “golden mean” between these categories. Modern interiors look unusual, but at the same time harmony is important here. Elements of different styles are subordinated to a single composition, which helps create a special atmosphere in the house.

Unique modern style in the interior of the house expressed through contrasts. They are present in a combination of materials, color solutions, accessories. A house designed in a modern style can be filled with necessary equipment, without fear that it will violate the design concept. The style involves the use of innovation, but it is important not to overdo it, because otherwise you can get a high-tech interior. Modern style, with all its craving for original solutions characterized by a certain restraint. He does not tolerate ostentatious luxury, but at the same time he does not accept flashy extravagance.

Interior of houses in a modern style: design principles

Making out interior of houses in modern style, designers pay great attention color scheme. This style direction has no restrictions in color, but it depends on the right choice color palette The perception of the interior depends. Preference should be given to light colors; a beige shade or coffee with milk is suitable as the main color. Pastel colors should be diluted with accent spots. Auxiliary colors should not only be bright, but also fresh: for example, you can use details of blue, purple, red, green.

Modern interiors are characterized by a combination of materials. Often natural wood here they are combined with glass and metal. There are also parts made of stone and plastic. Zones designed in a modern concept should be light. Usually private houses in a modern style boast an abundance of natural light, as every room has big windows. However, it is important to choose the right artificial lighting system. Often in modern interiors you can find systems that allow you to adjust the lighting. This provides additional convenience: you can set the mood for a particular zone. The style is focused on comfort, therefore, when furnishing rooms, you should give preference to laconic and functional models.
