Healing Light read online by Barbara. Chakra indications. Important nuances on multidimensional perception

It was during the healing sessions that I first began to consciously observe auras. Not only did I have the opportunity to observe people directly, but I also had the incentive to do so. Over many hours of practice, I observed the dynamics of different people. This was a real privilege, since ordinary human ethics discourage such behavior. I am sure that any of you have found yourself in a situation where, having become interested in some stranger on the subway or in a cafe, you watched him, and he almost immediately caught your eye and unequivocally made it clear with his whole appearance that it was better for you to stop look. So first of all, how did he know you were watching? He sensed you through the energy field. Second, why did he interrupt you? People get very nervous when people look at them. Most of us don't want others to know our dynamic powers. We are ashamed of what another might see in them upon closer examination. We all have flaws, and we all try to hide at least some of them. In this section I will talk about how our personal experiences, including our problems, are reflected in the aura. I will relate this to body psychotherapy and to the character structure determined by bioenergetics. But first of all, let me begin with the development of the child, considered on the basis of psychotherapy.

Much research has been done on human growth and development. Erik Erikson is famous for his work describing the stages of growth and development according to age. None of these studies mention the aura because it is unknown to most people working in the field of psychology. However, by observing the aura, much information can be obtained about the psychological make-up of a person and about his individual growth process. Development in the aura at any stage of growth is directly related to psychological development at that stage. In fact, this development from the auric point of view can be seen as a natural consequence of what is happening in the auric fields. Let's look at how our energy field typically develops from birth to death.

Chapter 8


To cover the scope of human experience from birth to death and beyond, I will use both psychological and metaphysical concepts as sources. If metaphysics doesn't suit you, please take it as a metaphor.


To describe incarnation we must resort to metaphysical terms. Incarnation is an organic movement of the soul in which higher, subtle vibrations or aspects of the soul, continuously emanating, descend through the subtle bodies of the aura into the denser ones and, ultimately, into the physical body. These coordinated energies are used by the individual in its growth throughout life.

Each major stage of life is associated with new, higher vibrations and the activation of different chakras. Thus, at each stage the personality gains access to new energy and consciousness for its expansion. Each stage represents new areas of experience and knowledge. From this point of view, life is full of exciting discoveries and challenges for the soul.

The process of incarnation is controlled by the higher “I”. The model of this life is located in the seventh layer of the aura, at the ketheric determining level. It is a dynamic pattern that constantly changes as the individual exercises freedom of choice in the process of being and growing. As the individual grows, he reveals his ability to maintain higher levels of vibration/energy/consciousness descending into his vehicles, aura bodies and chakras. Thus, it itself penetrates into ever larger realities as it progresses along the path of life. Humanity progresses as does the individual. Each generation is usually capable of holding higher vibrations than the previous one and the entire humanity moves according to its evolutionary plan towards higher vibrations and expanded realities. This principle of progression of the human race is mentioned in many religious texts such as the Kabbalah, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and others.

Before the process of incarnation was conceptualized, it was discussed by Madame Blavatsky, later by Alice Bailey, Phoebe Bendit and Eva Pierrakoz. According to Pierracose, the incarnating soul meets with its guiding spirit to plan the future life. In this meeting, the soul and leader consider the tasks it will need to complete in spiritual growth, the karma it will need to face, and the negative belief systems it will need to clear through experience. This life's work is usually defined as the task of the individual.

For example, a person needs to develop the ability to lead. Entering physical life, he finds himself in situations where leadership is the key result. Each individual's circumstances will be very different, but the focus will be on leadership. One person may be born into a family of hereditary leaders, such as a succession of respected presidents or political leaders, while another may be born into a family where there were no leaders and the leaders were viewed as negative individuals who needed to be overthrown and rebelled against. A person’s task is to settle this disagreement in a balanced and calm manner.

According to Eva Pierrakoz, the amount of instruction a soul receives from its guide regarding its future life circumstances depends on its maturity. Parents are those chosen ones who will provide the necessary experience of the environment and physical environment. This choice determines the combination of energies that will subsequently form the physical vehicle in which the soul incarnates to carry out its task. These are very precisely chosen energies, and they will supply the soul with exactly what it needs to accomplish the task. The soul takes upon itself both the individual task of cognition (for example, the knowledge of leadership) and the “world task”, the fulfillment of which brings a gift to the world. The plan is so unique that, by fulfilling an individual task, a person prepares for the fulfillment of a world task. An individual task makes the soul free, releasing energies that are subsequently used to carry out the world task.

In the example above about leadership, the individual needs to know this quality before taking on the role of a leader in her chosen field of activity. She may feel timid, remembering the long line of predecessors who were brilliant leaders, or her reaction may consist solely in the perfect inspiration to move along the leader's path. Each case is special, very individual in accordance with the uniqueness of the soul that has come to know.

The plan of life provides for many possible realities, allowing free will to have a wide range of choices. Woven into this fabric of life is the action of cause and effect. We create our own reality. This creation arises from many different parts of our being. Creation is not always easy to understand simply on the level of cause and effect, although much of our experience can be understood from this point of view. You literally create what you desire. What you want is stored in the conscious, subconscious, superconscious and collective consciousness. All of these creative forces combine to create experiences on many levels of our being as we move through life. What is called karma, to me, is long-term cause and effect, also manifesting on many different levels of our being. Thus, our creation comes from an individual and group source and, of course, within large groups there are small groups, all woven into the great tapestry of the experience of creative life. From these positions it is easy to look at the richness of life with the admiration of a child.

After “planning” the soul begins to gradually lose awareness of the spiritual world. In accordance with the plan, an energetic connection is formed between the soul and the fertilized egg. At this time the etheric womb is also formed, which protects the incoming soul from all influences except that of the mother. As the body grows in the mother's womb, the soul gradually begins to feel involved and the consciousness gradually becomes connected with the body. At one moment the soul suddenly becomes aware of this connection; a strong flash of consciousness energy descends into the forming body. Then the soul again loses consciousness only to gradually reawaken into physical consciousness. This strong flash of consciousness corresponds to the time of contractions.


Birth occurs at a special time for the incoming soul. At this moment, the soul is separated from the etheric womb that protected it and for the first time comes under the influence of the environment. For the first time, she finds herself alone in the sea of ​​energy that surrounds us all. This field is in contact with it. The greater and stronger fields of the celestial bodies also influence the new energy field of the soul for the first time at the time of birth. And of course, it is at this time that another new field begins to influence the sea of ​​energy, which complements the great one and enriches it. It was as if a new note had sounded and complemented the already existing symphony of life.


The process of gradual awakening into the physical world continues after birth. The child sleeps a lot at this time; the soul inhabits its higher energy bodies. It allows the physical and etheric conductors to closely engage in the work of building the body.

In the early stages of life, the child carries out the task of becoming within the boundaries of the physical senses and the three-dimensional world.” I have seen many newborns struggle with this process. They still have some awareness of the spiritual world, and I have seen them make an effort to break away from the images of spiritual peers and parents and transfer affection to new parents. The newborns I observed had their head chakras wide open (Figure 8-1). They made an effort to squeeze themselves into the confines of a tiny baby's body. When I saw them leaving the physical body, they often seemed to be spirits residing in higher bodies about 12 feet high. They made incredible efforts to open the lower root chakra and connect with the earth. Here I will give as an example the case of a boy who was born a month later than expected. After a very quick birth, he developed a fever. Doctors performed a spinal tap to check for encephalitis. The puncture was made in the area of ​​the sacral chakra. The child struggled, trying to distance himself from his two friends and the spirit of the woman who did not want to leave. In his struggle, he opened up and connected with the earth in the presence of his leader. Then he lost contact with the leader, saw his friends and the woman, and fought bitterly between two worlds. At that time, he felt more attracted to the spirit of that woman than to his physical mother. In his resistance to incarnation, he threw energy out of the sacral chakra to the right to avoid the growth of roots extending straight down through the root chakra. He succeeded in part because of the hole in his aura left after the spinal tap. After resistance, he reconnected with his leader and calmed down, opened the root and continued the process of entry. I tried to heal him. At first he took something, but later refused. Every time I tried to channel energy into his aura, he became excited. He knew about my approach and did not let me get close to him. I tried to close the gap in the seventh layer of his aura and redirect the energy down. He didn't allow it. I came up to him even when he was deeply asleep. When I approached to a distance of about one step, he woke up and began to cry desperately. It was a hard fight, and he didn't want anyone to help him in it. One of the secondary physical problems caused by this primary struggle was a bowel problem due to the constant overexertion of the solar plexus chakra from screaming and crying. This problem remained with him after he made the final choice in favor of staying on the physical plane. This child's astrological chart clearly indicates that he is a potential leader.

So, the incoming soul often enters and leaves the body through the head chakra while working to open the root chakra to establish itself on the physical plane. At this stage, the root chakra looks like a very narrow funnel, and the head chakra looks like a very wide funnel. The remaining chakras resemble small, shallow Chinese tea cups, with a narrow band of energy extending into the body towards the spine (Figure 8-1). The general field of the baby is amorphous, shapeless, and has a bluish or grayish color.

When a child fixes his attention on a physical object, the aura strengthens and becomes brighter, especially around the head. Then, as attention weakens, the color of the aura also weakens; however, some experience is stored as aura color. Every experience adds something to the aura color shade and enhances her individuality. Thus, the work of building the aura continues throughout life and in it one can discern the whole life experience person.

After birth, a strong energetic connection between mother and child remains. This connection is sometimes referred to as germ plasm. It is strongest at birth and then persists throughout life, becoming less obvious as the child grows. Thanks to this non-physical umbilical cord, the child maintains contact with his parents for years. Often one is aware of the other's injuries, although on a physical level they may be separated by great distances.

The child's field is completely open and vulnerable to the atmosphere in which he lives. The child feels what is happening between his parents, regardless of whether they show their behavior “openly” or not. The child constantly reacts to his energetic environment in accordance with his temperament. He may have vague fears, fanaticism, whims or illnesses. All the child’s chakras are open in the sense that they do not have a protective shell that would protect them from incoming physical influences. Because of this, the child is very vulnerable and impressionable. Thus, even though his chakras are not as developed as those of a teenager, and the energy entering them is perceived in an uncertain way, all or it penetrates directly into the child’s field and he must do something with it. /For a comparison of the chakras of a child and a teenager, see rice. 8-2/.

Around the age of seven, a protective film forms around the chakra openings that filters influences coming from the universal energy field. The child is no longer as vulnerable as before. This stage can be defined as the growth and individuation of the child. She is close in time to clearing her mind.

Many times we would see a small child sit on the lap of his mother or father. At the same time, it is protected from external influences by the parent’s field. Because of this vulnerability of children, I am very conservative about allowing children to be in therapy groups with adolescents. The teenager will have no idea what the child is feeling until he regresses to his level of vulnerability. I have seen parents unwisely subject their children to unnecessary physical shock when guiding their to group therapy, thinking it will be beneficial, or giving in to peer pressure. The rage of a teenager shakes a child's systems like a physical shock, and sadness and depression envelop him like a fog.

In addition to physical nutrition, breastfeeding provides the baby with ethereal energy. Each nipple has a small chakra that supplies the baby with energy. Remember that a child's chakras are not developed and therefore do not metabolize all the energies necessary to sustain life from the universal energy field.

Early childhood

As the child grows and the second chakra develops, his emotional life is enriched. He invents his own fantasy worlds, begins to feel separated from his mother, and those worlds help create such separation. In those fantasy worlds are the visions of a child. He will direct amoeba-like projections from his etheric body onto the objects of those domains. The more important the object is for the construction of a fantasy world, the more energy/consciousness of its field the child will surround it. The object becomes a particle of “I”. When this object is forcibly removed from the child's hands, it destroys the field and causes emotional and physical pain to the child.

Starting from the age of two, the child sees his parents as belonging to him: “mine, my dad, my mom,” etc. stand out in the aura red-orange and bright pink colors. The child learns to interact with others and learns the fundamental quality of love. As far as the field is concerned, the child is able to separate from the mother's field, but the etheric umbilical cord continues to connect them. This is how the process of separating individuality and gaining independence begins. The child creates a fantastic space, lives in it, but still remains connected to the mother by the etheric umbilical cord. He can still look back and see that his mother is nearby. That space appears to the clairvoyant to be primarily composed of blue or etheric level energies. In this space, the child prefers to play alone, or, having allowed a friend into it, carefully watches him, not allowing that space to be too excited. At this stage the child does not have a strong enough ego to maintain real clarity in his relationships with others. He makes an effort to find his uniqueness and at the same time still feels a strong connection with all that exists. Personal objects promote individualization. Personal energy space helps to implement it. And when another child enters the room of a five- or seven-year-old child, the owner struggles with the desire to connect with the other and preserve the appearance of his “I”. Therefore, he tries to maintain control over personal items that help him to determine himself and who are surrounded them with his energy/consciousness. The effort here is to recognize and maintain one's individuality and at the same time feel connected to another individual.

Around the age of seven, the child begins to introduce a lot of golden energy into this space. The space becomes freer, wider, he is now less connected with his mother and more open to others. With a strong sense of self, the child now begins to see his similarities with other people. He now allows “others” to express themselves more fully in his personal space. The guest is allowed to create various energy forms in him. This enriches fantasy life, making it more and more “fun” and “alive.” Children enter the “team” stage. One of the reasons that contributes to this is that around the age of seven, all chakras have a protective film that filters out many of the energetic influences coming from the energy field. The child feels safe because he is truly in his aura bodies.

Exercise for the perception of physical spaces

Adults also fill their space with energy. These spaces are saving islands for people in their lives. Try to feel the physical spaces people create. You can learn a lot from these spaces about yourself and their owners. Just start tuning into the spaces you enter regularly. Visit your friend's room. How do you feel? Are they pleasant? Do you want to stay or go?

If you have children, go into their rooms. Feel the difference in the energy of each room. How does it relate to your child? What does she say about him? Is the color of the room suitable for him, or is it something you imposed on his space? Think about it.

Try this in the stores you visit. I cannot be in certain stores because of the energy emanating there.

Now do a little experiment with objects. In a small group of people (preferably those you know little about), arrange their personal items and choose the one that attracts you. Hold it in your hand. How do you feel? Heaviness, warmth, affection, unfriendliness, sadness, happiness, safety, fear, health, pain? Do you catch any images? Tune in to them for a while. Discuss your impressions with the owner of the item. I am sure that some of what you “captured” is true. Practice and you'll do better next time.


IN adolescence/between seven years and the time of puberty/mental abilities mainly develop in parallel with the development of the third chakra. At this time in the aura appears more yellow - the color of the mental. Although the child is in school during this period, his mental energies are usually used to strengthen his fantasies. Here deep teleological impulses and connections with the ancient development of humanity begin to appear. The child turns into the king of India, into a princess, into a sorceress. These are deep idealistic impulses that reveal the aspirations of the soul and most often relate to the world task of the soul. These archetypal forms contain the individual's deep spiritual aspirations, goals and inspirations, reflected in play in the yard and school playgrounds. It is now that the first three centers of the earth plane - physical, emotional and mental - work together to express the first phase of the soul's incarnation.


The task of adolescence, as with all stages of growth, is to find your “I” and remain true to yourself in the chaos of physical and emotional changes, good aspirations and painful denials.

When a child reaches puberty, great changes begin to occur throughout the body and the surrounding energy field. More green color is added to the individual's aura and personal space. The space is filled with the “vibrations” of friends. As the heart chakra opens to new levels of sensation and eros and love emerge from the depths of the psyche, the field is filled with the beautiful color of a rose. The pituitary gland (third eye chakra) is activated, and the body begins to enter a state of maturity. These changes affect all chakras. New high vibrations are sometimes welcomed and sometimes repulsed because they open up new aspirations and new vulnerabilities that the individual has not previously experienced. When the entire field is destroyed and the chakras are completely unbalanced, whereas at other times you will flow harmoniously. So the individual goes through great changes in emotional reality, and his actions reflect this turmoil. One moment he is a child, the next he is an adult.

Now the individual repeats all the stages of growth he has passed through, but with some differences. The first three stages characterize the self as the center of the universe. This is “mine, my dad, my mom, my friends,” etc. Now it is an “I - you” relationship. The self is not alone, and the well-being of the self now depends on its interactions with the not-self. This is partly due to the fact that the individual is no longer “owned” by love objects as he was in relation to his parents. children or toys. Now his well-being depends on the balance in his actions, thanks to which he causes love for himself (at least he thinks so). This creates mental tension between him as he is according to his ideas and him as he should be. This, of course, has already happened in relationships with parents, but it obviously only appeared now, since a loved one can always give preference to another and often does this openly.


At the end of adolescence, the chakras and energy models of the individual are completed. All chakras reach maturity. At this time, a person tries to establish himself and no longer be subject to change. Some are able to accomplish this, and their lives stagnate in safe, complete models of a clearly discernible and limited reality. Most people, "shocked" by the results of their life experiences, see that reality is not so easily defined, and continue a lifelong search for meaning that leads them through constant change to deeper experience and fulfillment.

At the maturity stage, the “I-thou” model expands to the family framework, which creates its own energy form. More energies flow through the throat chakra, facilitating this personal giving. The time comes when the “I - you” framework can expand to accommodate the individual and the group. The heart can open to reveal not only love for one's spouse and children, but also love for humanity. A beautiful lilac color appears in the aura. This subsequently develops into integration with others and with group consciousness. When the third eye opens to higher vibrations, a person begins to see the unity of all things and at the same time is able to see in that one the unique destiny of each soul.

Old age

As a person approaches old age and death, energy bodies can reach even higher vibrational levels. As the white light passes through a person's being, bringing him closer to the spiritual world, his hair becomes bright white. Now, in addition to the “I-thou” relationship, a very deep personal relationship with God is added. The lower earthly energy that the lower chakras have metabolized is diminished and continually replaced by higher subtle energies that relate more to the spirit than to life on the physical plane. The personality is preparing to return home to the spiritual world. When these natural processes find understanding and acceptance in the psyche, then a person’s personal life is filled with peace and love. All the development that has taken place over these years is reaching its completion. The solar plexus chakra is especially harmonized. A person is able to increase the depth of his perception, which makes life a subject of growing interest and rich experience /despite the weakening of physical strength/. Unfortunately, our culture does not honor or utilize this great source of wisdom and light as other cultures do, such as the American Indian culture, where elders are given the authority to make decisions that affect the entire community.


According to Phoebe Bendit, at the moment of death, when a person leaves the earthly plane through the upper head chakra, a shining ray emanates from the crown of the head. This experience has often been characterized as passing through a tunnel connecting life and death. It is seen as a long dark tunnel with a bright light at the end. This experience can also be defined as the soul passing through the main force flow of the body along the spine and leaving into the bright light of the upper head chakra.

At the moment of death, the soul is greeted by former, now deceased friends and its spiritual leaders. At this time, the soul very quickly and clearly reviews its entire life so that there is no mistake about what happened, what choices were made, what lessons were learned and what were left for the next incarnation. This is followed by a celebration of the completed task and some time spent in the spiritual world before taking on the next incarnation. In cases of death due to prolonged illness, I have often observed that the person is calmed and surrounded by white light for some period of time after death. It seemed that they were being treated in a special kind of hospital “on the other side.”

I watched two people who spent a couple of days in a near-death state. Both were dying of cancer. The lower three bodies were destroyed and ejected as opalescent misty clumps. The three lower chakras were also destroyed, with long threads of energy emanating from the solar plexus. The upper four chakras were wide open and looked like gaping holes. They were no longer protected. Those leaving spent a lot of time outside the body. Apparently they were somewhere with their spiritual leaders. When they were in their bodies, there were many spirits in the room. Once I saw Azrael guarding the gate. When the person was in severe pain, I asked Azrael why he didn’t help her die. He said, “I haven’t received any instructions yet.” /Azrael is the angel of death, he seems to me very strong and beautiful, and not terrifying, as some sources characterize him/.

Heyoan on death

My mentor spoke about the process of death, and here I would like to quote him. First, he argues that we have misunderstood death, that it is a transition from one state of consciousness to another. Heyoan says that we are already dead if we remain in oblivion of who we are. Those parts of ourselves that have been forgotten are blocked from reality, and to restore them we enter incarnation. Therefore, he says, although we fear death, we are already dead, and in the incarnational process of reconnecting with our higher self we actually become more vital. He says; the only thing that dies is death itself.

Throughout life, we isolate ourselves from those experiences that we want to forget. We do this so successfully that we don't remember much of our experience. We begin this process of shutting out in early childhood and continue throughout our lives. The fenced-off parts of our consciousness can be seen in the auric field as blocks, which will be discussed in the chapter on psychodynamics. Heyoan says that the real death has already come in the form of that inner wall.

“As you know, the only thing that separates you from anything is yourself. And the most important thing is that death has already occurred in the fenced-off parts of yourself. This will probably be the clearest definition from our perspective of what human beings regard as death. This is isolation and separation. This is oblivion. Death is the oblivion of who you are and what is what. In fact, you incarnated to animate particles that were already in that state that you call death, if you use that word at all. Those particles are already dead.

The process of death, which we call the transition to greater awareness, can be seen as occurring in an energy field. We will now describe this to help consider the process of death in relation to the aura. The field is washed, cleansed, and all chakras are opened. When you die, you go into another dimension. Disintegration occurs in the three lower chakras. The three lower bodies disintegrate. Those of you who have witnessed the death of people have seen an opal tint on the hands, face, and skin. As the individual dies, this opal, pearly color appears and beautiful opal clouds spread out. Clouds are lower energy bodies that serve to connect the components of the physical body together. They are scattered. They blur, the chakras open, and threads of escaping energy appear. The upper chakras are large open passages to other dimensions. So this is the stage of death where the separation of the energy field begins. Its lower parts begin to separate from the upper parts. And then, for about three hours until the moment of death, the body is washed, baptized, the spiritual baptism of the body occurs, when the energy, like a fountain, rushes up the main vertical force flow. A fountain of golden light shoots out and all the blocks are cleared. The aura becomes white and gold. How is this preserved in the memory of the dying person? You've already heard about this. A person sees how his whole life is washed by those streams. This is auspicious. There is a corresponding energy phenomenon - the washing of the aura. All blocks disappear. The entire forgotten experience of a previous life is revealed to consciousness. Thus, the entire history of life flows through consciousness, and with the passing of a person, consciousness also leaves. It is the breaking down of many walls that serves to bring about transformation in this particular life. This is an important integration.

By breaking down the inner walls of oblivion, you remember who you really are. You connect with your higher self and experience its light and fullness. So, death, contrary to popular belief, is a unique experience. Many of you have read about people who were declared clinically dead and came back to life. They all talked about a tunnel with a bright light at the end. They talked about meeting an amazing creature at the end of this tunnel. Many reviewed their lives and talked about it with that creature. Many claimed that they themselves came to the decision to return to the physical world to complete their studies, although the place they came to was so attractive. Many of them no longer feared death, but looked upon it as a great deliverance for finding peace.

So, your wall separates you from the truth that what you call death is actually the penetration into the light. The death you think you must go through may be found inside your wall. Every time you are separated in any way, you die a small death. Every time you block the flow of your amazing life force, you create a small death. So, at the time you remember the separated parts of your being and reunite with them, you are already dead, but you come back to life. When you expand your consciousness, push aside the walls that separate you from the world, the wall between the spiritual and physical realities disappears. Thus death disappears; it is nothing more than the removal of the wall of illusion at the moment when you are ready to move on. And your new self-definition corresponds to a greater reality. You are still the individual self; by leaving your body you will retain the essence of “I.” You can experience this essence of self in the future/past meditation described in Chapter 26. Your physical body dies, but you move to another plane of reality. You retain that essence of “I” that is outside the body, outside the incarnation. And leaving the body, you will be able to feel yourself as a point of golden light, you will still feel yourself.”

Chapter 8 Review

1. When does the soul take on a body?

2. What is the importance of the moment of birth for EPC?

3. What are the two main differences between the chakras of an infant and an adult?

4. How does a child’s development manifest itself in the aura?

5. In terms of aura, why does a child cry when someone takes something away from him?

6. Why does a child like to be in the aura field of an adult?

7. What main changes occur in the aura at the following stages of development: the period before birth, the moment of birth, infancy, early childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity, middle age, old age, death?

8. At what age does the incarnation process end?

9. Describe the death according to the testimonies of observers with TBI.

Food for thought

10. Discuss the relationship between EHR and an individual's personal space.

11. Discuss the impact of personal limitations on EHR.

Chapter 9


When a person reaches maturity and his chakras develop, each of them reflects certain psychological patterns operating in his life. Most of us react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our feelings and stopping our natural energy flow. This interferes with the development and maturation of the chakras, causing inhibition of harmonious psychological functioning. For example, if a child has been rejected many times in his attempts to express love to others, he may stop expressing it. To do this, he may try to stop the inner feeling of love that accompanied its manifestation. To do this, he will need to stop the flow of energy passing through the heart chakra. Stopping or slowing down this flow affects the development of the heart chakra. Over time, this can also cause physiological problems.

This applies to all chakras. By blocking any of his experiences, a person thereby blocks his chakras, the functioning of which is disrupted over time. The chakras are blocked, clogged with stagnant energy, their rotation becomes uneven or reversed (counterclockwise), and in case of illness they are severely distorted or even destroyed.

When the chakras function normally, each chakra is “open” and rotates clockwise, metabolizing specific energies from the universal field. The clockwise rotation, which brings energy from the UEP into the chakra, evokes an analogy with the right-hand rule in electromagnetism, which states that a changing magnetic field around a wire will induce a current in it. If you grasp the wire with your right hand with your fingers pointing in the direction of positive magnetic rotation, the straightened thumb will automatically indicate the direction of the induced current movement. The same rule is true for chakras. If you place your right hand against the chakra with your fingers curling clockwise relative to the outer edge of the chakra, your thumb will point toward your body in the direction of the incoming flow. This is how we designate the chakra that is “open” to incoming energies. If, on the other hand, the fingers of your hand are positioned counterclockwise relative to the chakra, the thumb will point outward, in the direction of the outgoing flow.

Most people I observed always had three or four chakras spinning counterclockwise. As treatment progressed they usually opened up more and more. Since not only energy exchange, but also the perception of energy passes through the chakras, they accordingly tell us about the world around us. By “closing” the chakras, we prevent the flow of information. Therefore, if our chakras rotate counterclockwise, we release our energy into the outer world and identify it with this energy. In psychology this is called projection.

The imaginary reality that we project is associated with the “image” of the world that was created in childhood. Since each chakra corresponds to a special psychological function, the projections of each chakra will be reflected in the corresponding psychological aspect, and for each person they will be very individual, because everyone’s life experience is unique. Thus, by determining the state of the chakras, we can determine long-standing and current problems in a person’s life.

John Pierrakoz and I correlated disturbances in the functioning of each of the chakras with one or another psychological disorder. Any distortion of the chakra, which can be determined using a pendulum, will indicate a violation in the corresponding psychological area (for work with a pendulum, see Chapter 6). Thus, by determining the state of the chakras, we can make a psychological diagnosis of the patient. In addition, I work directly with the chakras to bring about psychological changes. And vice versa - we found that the psychological models described by doctors correspond to a certain dislocation, shape and color of the human energy field.

In Fig. Figure 7-3 shows the location of seven main energy centers - chakras, important for diagnosing psychological conditions. They are divided into mental, volitional and sensitive centers. For good psychological health, all three types of chakras, corresponding to reason, will and emotions, must be balanced and open. The three chakras, located in the head and throat, govern the mind; The chakras at the front of the body govern emotions; their counterparts located behind control the will. Table 5-1 lists the psychological functions of the major chakras.

Let's look at the main areas of psychological functioning of each chakra. The first chakra, the coccygeal center (1), is associated with physical energy and the will to live in physical reality. This is the seat of the first manifestation of life force in the physical world. If the life force is fully functioning through this chakra, the person has a strong will to live in physical reality. When the life force is fully functioning through the lower three chakras, combined with the powerful current moving down the legs, there is a clear and immediate assertion of physical potency. The tailbone acts as an energy pump on an etheric level, helping to direct the flow of energy up the spine.

This assertion of physical potency, combined with the will to live, gives a person a sense of strength and vitality. “I am here and now” - it is firmly established in physical reality. Strength and vitality emanate from him in the form of vital energy. He often acts as a generator, reviving those around him by recharging their energy systems. He has a strong will to live.

If the coccygeal center is blocked or closed, much of the physical vitality of the life force is blocked and the person is inactive in the physical world. He is not "here". He will avoid physical activity, be inactive, and possibly sick. He will be missed physical energy.

Pubic center (chakra 2A) associated with love for the opposite sex. When this center is open, it facilitates the exchange of sexual and physical pleasure. A person who has this center open is likely to enjoy sexual intercourse and is likely to be orgasmic. However, for a complete orgasm of the body, all centers must be open.

Sacral center (chakra 2B) associated with the reserve of sexual energy of the individual. When this center is open, a person feels his sexual potency. If or he blocks this chakra, then despite all his sexual strength and potency, he will be weak and disappointed. He may not have much of a sex drive and will tend to avoid sex and deny its meaning and pleasure, leading to a weakening of this area. Since orgasm bathes the body in vital energy, the body will not receive this nourishment, as well as the psychological nourishment from connection and body contact with another.

Relationship between chakras 2A and 2B. These chakras function in pairs. At the point between them, in the heart chakra, located in the spine, the life force manifests another very strong impulse - the desire for sexual union. This powerful force breaks through the barriers between two people and attracts them to each other.

So, the sexuality of any person is connected with his vitality. (Of course, this is true of all centers: blockage of any one of them results in blockage of the vital force in the corresponding area of ​​the body.) Since the pubic part of the body is the source of vitality, blockage of any center in that area will cause a decrease in physical and sexual vitality. For the vast majority of humanity, sexual energy moves, charges and discharges through these two sex chakras. This movement revitalizes and cleanses the body with an energetic bath. It clears the body system of clogged energy, waste products and deep tension. Sexual orgasm is important for the physical well-being of an individual.





Center at the top of the head

Integration of the whole personality with the life of humanity and its spiritual aspects

Center in the middle of the forehead

Ability to visualize and comprehend mental concepts

Center at the back of the head

Ability to apply ideas in practice


Base of the neck

Self-affirmation in social and professional environments

Between the shoulder blades

Ego will or desires directed towards the outer world


Aperture center

Healing, the pursuit of health

Sacral center

Center of sexual energy

Coccygeal center

The focus of physical energy, the will to live


Throat center

Acceptance and assimilation

Heart center

Heartfelt feelings of love for other people, openness to life


Solar plexus

Intense pleasure and expansiveness, spiritual wisdom and awareness of universal life, one's role in the Universe

Pubic center

Love for the opposite sex, exchange of physical, mental and spiritual pleasure

Mutual penetration into deep contact through sexual interaction is one of the main ways for most people to overcome the “separateness” of the ego and experience unity. When the union is done with love and respect for the individuality of the partner, it becomes a sacred experience, culminating from the original evolutionary urges of mating on the physical level and the deep spiritual yearnings for union with the Divine. It is the marriage of both the spiritual and physical aspects of two human beings.

For those who have already achieved such union and moved on to other stages of the spiritual path, some spiritual disciplines, such as Kundalini yoga and the tantric tradition, argue that such release is no longer necessary for the well-being of the individual. (Most people do not fall into this category.)

Many spiritual practitioners use meditation to contain, transform and redirect sexual energy through various energy channels, moving it in a vertical force flow up the spine and transforming it into higher vibrational energy, which is subsequently used in the construction of spiritual energy bodies. This is a very powerful and potentially unsafe practice and should only be performed under the guidance of a teacher. Gopi Krishna in his book Kundalini talks about the transformation of physical semen or sperm into spiritual energy or Kundalini. Kundalini, or spiritual seed, is used for transformation in many spiritual practices.

Solar plexus (ZA chakra) associated with the great satisfaction that comes from a person’s awareness of himself as a unique link connected with a single chain of the universe. A person whose chakra FOR is open, looking at the starry night sky, can feel like a part of it. He is firmly established in his place in the universe. He is the center of a distinct aspect of the manifestation of the universe, and awareness of this endows him with spiritual wisdom.

The functioning of the solar plexus chakra is directly related to the emotional life of the individual, since the mind or mental processes serve as regulators of emotional life. Mental control of emotions brings them into order and determines reality accordingly.

If this center is open and its functioning is harmonious, a person’s life will be emotionally fulfilling and controllable. However, if this center is open, but the protective membrane on it is damaged, uncontrollable flows of emotions will arise. A person can fall under the influence of external astral sources and can get lost among the stars of the universe. After some time, he may feel physical pain in this area caused by overexertion of the chakra, and incur illness such as adrenal fatigue.

If this center is closed, it blocks feelings. The person will not be aware of the important significance of emotions that reveal the existence of another dimension. He will not be aware of his universal uniqueness and his great destiny.

This center serves as a link between the heart and sexuality. If the sexual center is open and the solar plexus is blocked, their functioning will be separated, that is, sex will not have a deep connection with love and vice versa. Love and sex are interconnected when a person is aware of his “root” presence in the physical universe and the long chain of the human race that built the body that he now possesses. We should not underestimate how physical beings we are.

The solar plexus center is very important in relation to the interconnection of people. When a child is born, the etheric umbilical cord continues to connect him to his mother. This thread represents human interconnectedness. Whenever a relationship between two people arises, threads are stretched between their chakras. The stronger the relationship, the stronger and more numerous these threads will be. When a relationship is interrupted, the threads gradually become unraveled.

In relationships between people, threads also develop between other chakras, but the threads of the third chakra reproduce the relationship between the child and the mother and are very important for analyzing the interaction during treatment. Interaction analysis is a method of determining the nature of your interactions with other people. Do you interact with them like a child interacts with his father? Or as an adult with a child? Or do you interact like adults? This type of analysis reveals a lot about your personal relationships with others. The nature of the chakra threads you formed in your first family will be reflected in all your subsequent relationships. In a child, the child-mother threads represent the direct relationship between the child and the mother. As he grows up, he will most likely develop child-mother ties between himself and his partner. As he gets older, he gradually transforms the child-mother threads into adult-adult threads.

Center of the diaphragm (3B chakra), located behind the solar plexus, is associated with a person’s aspirations aimed at physical health. If a person is attentive to his body and inclined to maintain its health, this center is open. It is also known as a healing center and is associated with spiritual healing. They say that this center is very well developed among doctors. This is also a volitional center, like the one located between the shoulder blades, but it is usually smaller than other volitional centers (the exception is people with healing abilities). This center is connected to the solar plexus, and if the solar plexus center is open, it is usually open. If a person has an open heart center, thanks to which he realizes his place in the universe and the fact that he is as appropriate in it as any lily, “grass in the field,” such self-awareness will manifest itself on the physical level as physical health. Overall health - mental, emotional and spiritual - requires that all centers be open and balanced.

As you read the following descriptions of the chakras, you will see that the two aspects of each of them operate in pairs and it is more important to balance them than to try to open just one more widely.

Heart chakra (chakra 4A)- this is the center that controls the feeling of love. The energy flow of unity with all life moves through it. The more this center opens, the more our ability to love the ever-evolving cycle of life increases. When this center is more fully functioning, we love ourselves, our children, spouses, family, animals, friends, neighbors, fellow countrymen, humanity and all creation on this earth.

From this center we extend threads to the heart centers of those with whom we have a loving relationship. You've probably heard the phrase "heart strings" which refers to these threads. Feelings of love moving through this chakra often bring us to tears. Once we have experienced this open loving state, we realize how often we have missed it before, and we cry. When this chakra is open, a person is able to see the uniqueness of his fellow man. He can see in each individual its uniqueness, inner beauty and light, as well as negative and undeveloped aspects. When this chakra is closed, it is problematic for a person to give love without expecting anything in return.

The heart chakra is most important in the healing process. All energies, before exiting through the hands or eyes of the healer, pass through a vertical force flow through the roots of the chakras and through the heart chakra. In the healing process, the heart transforms the energies of the earthly plane into spiritual energies and the energies of the spiritual plane into energies of the earthly plane for use by the patient.

Chakra 4B, located between the shoulder blades, is associated with the will of the ego, or with the external will. From this center we act in the physical world, we go towards what we want.

If this center rotates clockwise, we will have a positive attitude towards the completeness of what is happening in life and we will see other people acting to fulfill that completeness. We will feel agreement between our will and the Divine will.

If this center rotates counterclockwise, the opposite will happen. We will have the mistaken belief that the will of God and other people is opposed to our will. It will seem that people are preventing us from fulfilling our desires. To get what we want, we will compete with others instead of seeing them as our helpers.

Creating an image of the universe as a stage of hostility in which strong aggressors will survive sometimes leads to the belief that “not getting your way means ultimately jeopardizing your existence.” A person acts from a position of strength and tries to ensure his safety by controlling others. Such a person needs to realize that through his aggressiveness he is creating an atmosphere of hostility, and then try to see how he can survive without dominating anyone. Seizing such a chance will ultimately lead to a vision of a peaceful, fertile and secure universe in which human existence is sustained as one.

This center can be overactive. Its vigorous clockwise rotation may be accompanied by a narrow or counter-rotation of the heart chakra. In this case, the will of a person is not negative; it simply takes upon itself to perform the function assigned to the heart chakra. The lack of ability to trust and love, that is, to pass more energy through the heart chakra (4A), a person compensates at the expense of his will. A strong flow of energy flows through chakra 4B, located between the shoulder blades. Such a person acts mainly from the impulses of the will, rather than love, or from external rather than internal force. It is because of this distortion that a spouse is often considered “his property” rather than an equal half.

Throat chakra (5A) associated with a person’s responsibility for fulfilling his needs. The newborn is given the breast, but to be satisfied he must suck. The same principle is observed in everything. As a person grows up, the satisfaction of his needs depends more and more on himself. A person reaches maturity and this chakra functions correctly when he stops blaming others for his failures and satisfies his own needs and desires.

This center also reveals the degree of a person’s ability to take advantage of what comes to him. If the rotation of this center is opposite, a person will not take what is given to him.

Usually this is interconnected with the individual’s ideas about the environment. If he sees the world as a negative and hostile place, he will treat everything around him with prejudice and suspicion. He will expect hostility, violence or humiliation rather than love and support. By forming a negative force field with his prejudices, he will attract negative influences. That is, if he expects violence, he carries this violence within himself and therefore attracts it according to the law of rapprochement of similarities.

When a person opens his throat center, he gradually increases the energy supply until there is enough of it so that the throat center is constantly open. At the same time, shortly after the center is revealed, he may just as actively accept negative income due to his belief that such income will arrive. If he can get through this, connect with the original core of himself and regain inner trust, he will rediscover his throat center. This process of opening and closing continues until all false notions of acceptance are replaced by faith in the fruitful care of the universe.

The aspect of assimilation (adjustment) related to to the 5B chakra, which is sometimes defined as the professional center, associated with the awareness of one’s belonging to the social, professional environment and to one’s loved ones. If a person is not doing well in this area of ​​his life, then he may well hide this discomfort with pride to compensate for his lack of self-esteem.

This center on the back of the neck is usually open when a person is successful in his work and is satisfied with it as an aspect of his life. If a person has chosen a profession that is interesting to him, fulfilling and requires his best qualities, this center will be in full bloom. The person will be accompanied by professional success and the support of others. Otherwise, he will not give his best effort. He will not have success, and he will hide this lack of success with pride. Secretly, he “knows” that things would be “better” for him if only he was willing to put in the effort and get a more interesting job. As a rule, such a person has neither one nor the other, and he continues to defend himself with pride in order to avoid the true despair hidden inside. He knows that he is truly unlucky in life. Perhaps he will play the role of the victim, complaining that life has not given him the opportunity to develop his great talent. This pride must be eliminated, and pain and despair must be experienced and also eliminated.

In this center we will also find the fear of failure, due to which we miss chances to move on and achieve what we want. This also applies to personal friendships and social life in general. By avoiding contact, a person avoids revealing himself and feels, on the one hand, the fear of not being accepted, and on the other, defiant pride, such as “I’m better than you; You’re not good enough for me.” Since our feeling of rejection comes from within and we project it outward, we consequently begin to avoid others in order to avoid this rejection. Taking the chance to get the profession you aspired to, making contacts and opening up your feelings in them are ways to get rid of such feelings and, thereby, open this chakra.

Center in the middle of the forehead (chakra 6A) associated with the ability to visualize and understand mental concepts. This is where a person’s ideas about reality, about the universe, his vision of the world and his relationship with it are concentrated. If this center rotates counterclockwise, the mental concepts of such a person are disordered, ideas about reality are incorrect and, as a rule, negative. Then a person projects them outward and creates his own world through them. If this center is clogged and weak, a person's creative ideas will be blocked due to insufficient energy flow through this chakra. If this center rotates intensively counterclockwise, a person is able to generate strong ideas, the nature of which is negative. If this is accompanied by intense activity of the executive center located at the back of the head (chakra 6B), it can have a destructive effect.

There is a healing process for identifying our negative beliefs and images. As these concepts manifest in the energy system and become dominant, the center may begin to spin counterclockwise even though it would normally spin normally. This healing process causes the image to manifest. Thanks to him, a person can clearly understand and see the nature of this image. After the session, the center will change rotation to positive. This opposite movement can be detected by the doctor due to the instability of the patient's sensations that accompany counterclockwise movement. It will become obvious to the attending physician that the situation is abnormal. For example, the chakra may even exhibit chaotic movement, this tells the doctor that the patient is very worried about problems associated with his ideas about reality.

Mental executive center (chakra 6B), located at the back of the head, is associated with the implementation of ideas formulated through the 6A chakra. If the volitional executive center is open, a person's ideas will be embodied in appropriate actions aimed at materializing ideas in the physical world. If it is closed, the person will experience difficulties in implementing his ideas.

Particularly unlucky is someone whose front center (6A) is open and the back is closed. There are many creative ideas, but they never seem to come to fruition. This is usually accompanied by excuses that express reproaches to the outside world. Such a person, as a rule, simply needs to learn step by step to carry out what he wants to accomplish. In the course of such sequential work many feelings will appear: “I cannot stand and wait so long”; “I don’t want to accept responsibility for what is happening”; “I don’t want to experience this idea in physical reality”; “I do not accept this long process of transformation, I want it to happen without such great job"; “You do the work, and I will be the idea man.” Probably, in this case, the initial knowledge of how to take simple steps in the physical world towards achieving the chosen goal is missed. Such a person may resist being in physical reality and may be in the awkward position of a beginner.

If this center rotates clockwise, and the ideological center vice versa, the situation is even more deplorable. In this case, even if a person’s ideas do not correspond to reality, he will nevertheless implement the distorted ideas with some success. For example, if you believe that this world is a disgusting place where “it’s every man for himself, so just take what you want,” and you have the ability to do so, that is, your executive volitional center is functioning, then you you will act like a criminal. In this case, the heart is probably also clogged. Your life will confirm your ideas to a certain extent. You will be successful until you are caught. Or you may be trying to do something that is not possible at all in the physical world. Or you can become a blind executor of another person's ideas, whatever they may be.

Center at the top of the head (chakra 7) refers to the connection of a person with his spirituality and the integration of his entire being - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. If this center is closed, the person probably does not have a direct connection with his spirituality. He probably does not have a “cosmic sense” and does not understand what people are talking about when they talk about their spiritual experiences. If this center is open, a person can often experience his spirituality in a form that suits his personality. This spirituality is not defined by dogma and is not conveyed in words. It is rather the state of a being who has emerged from worldly reality into infinity. This state is beyond the physical world and creates in the individual a sense of unity, peace and faith, giving it an awareness of the purpose of existence.

Review 9 chapters

1. Describe the psychological function of each chakra.

2. Based on what you have read, explain what is meant by open and closed chakra.

Chapter 10


There are several methods for determining the state of the chakras. First you need to find out which practice will be most simple and acceptable for you,

I consider the best initial method for diagnosing chakras to be using a pendulum. Using a pendulum helps heighten sensitivity to energy flow because the pendulum acts as an amplifier. I find that the best pendulums for this purpose are pear-shaped pendulums made of beech wood, one inch in diameter and one and a half inches long. Their energy field is diffuse, easily permeable and also pear-shaped.

If you have developed some degree of sensitivity in your hands, or the joy of touch, you can feel the energy flowing in and out of your chakras with your hands. This will help you learn to distinguish between energy flows - freely flowing or blocked, strong or weak. You can determine the same thing about an acupuncture point by simply touching it with your fingertip. Once you develop this kind of perception, you may even experience a certain physical sensation of response in your own body that will give you the information you need.

Over time, after your subtle perception has developed to a higher level, you will be able to simply look at a chakra and see how it spins (regularly or irregularly) and what color it is (dark and cloudy, blurry and weak, or clear). , bright). You will also be able to see if the chakras are distorted and why. Over time, you may be able to distinguish them on each layer of the auric field.

But first, let's try to use the pendulum.

Exercise for diagnosing chakras using a pendulum

To explore the front chakras, have the patient lie on their back. To explore the back chakras, ask him to lie on his stomach.

To determine the state of a chakra, place a pendulum on a cord about six inches long over the chakra and clear your mind of any preconceptions about the state of the chakra. (This is the hardest part and requires practice.) Make sure the pendulum is as close to your body as possible without touching it. Your energy flows into the pendulum's field to charge it. This combined field of the pendulum and your energy interacts with the patient's field, causing the pendulum to move (see Figure 10-1). It can move cyclically, tracing a circle over the body. He may move erratically. The swing and direction of movement of the pendulum indicates the strength and direction of energy flowing through the chakra. Dr. John Pierrakoz discovered that the clockwise movement of a pendulum determines a psychodynamically open chakra. This means that the sensations and psychological experiences coiled up in and flowing through this chakra are well balanced and complete. If the pendulum moves counterclockwise, this chakra is psychodynamically closed, which indicates one or another problem in the corresponding psychological aspect. This means that the sensations and psychological experiences carried by the flow of this chakra are unbalanced due to the blockage of energy and the patient's negative experiences are likely associated with this.

The diameter of the pendulum's rotation depends on the chakra and the amount of energy flowing through it. It also depends on the amount of energy of the healer and the patient on the day of the session. If a pendulum goes around a large circle, a lot of energy passes through it. If the circle is small, less energy flows.

It is important to remember that the size of the figure encircled by the pendulum does not determine the size of the chakra, but only indirectly indicates it. The diameter of rotation of the pendulum is determined by the interaction of all three fields - the patient, the doctor and the pendulum, as mentioned earlier. If both people have low energy, all the chakras will appear smaller. If the energy is strong, the chakras will appear large. One should focus on the relative comparison of chakra sizes. Health is achieved through balancing all chakras, aimed at creating a flow of energy passing through them. Therefore, in a generally healthy state, all chakras will have approximately the same size.

There are many combinations of basic clockwise and counterclockwise movement patterns that indicate different psychological states. Table 10-1 defines the various forms of pendulum motion. Although this table may seem a little complicated at first glance, it is actually very simple. The pendulum's movement ranges between the size of a fully open chakra (clockwise movement, 6 in diameter), +6, and a fully closed chakra, which moves counterclockwise, -6. I have rarely observed movement larger than 6 inches in diameter unless a particular chakra was overactive or significantly open after a spiritual experience that opened most of the chakras. This movement reached +10 (clockwise with a diameter of 10 inches).

Exceptional is the state of a completely motionless chakra (N), over which the pendulum shows no movement at all. In this case, either the chakra changes its rotation, or the person has so overexerted, suppressed or blocked a certain psychological function associated with this chakra that it has stopped rotating altogether and does not exchange energy with the universal energy field. If this condition persists for a long time, it will almost inevitably lead to illness, since the body cannot function normally, being unable to use the energy coming from outside (see below about the relationship between diseases and the state of the chakras).

Any elliptical movement of the pendulum indicates a right- or left-sided imbalance of energy flow in the body. The determination of direction refers to the sides of the patient's body, that is, the movement of the pendulum is inclined towards the left (+EL) or right (+ER) side of the patient's body. It also indicates that one side of the body is stronger than the other. The right side (+EP, -EP) represents the active, energetic, “masculine” nature (yang). The left side (+EL, -EL) represents the passive, receptive, “feminine” nature of the personality (yin). If the pendulum goes around the ellipse, leaning to the right, the masculine aspect of a given personality is more developed than the feminine. Such a person may be “overactive,” that is, active in situations where receptivity is more appropriate. This is directly related to the area of ​​psychological functioning that is governed by a particular chakra that exhibits elliptical movement.

If the elliptical movement of the pendulum is inclined to the left (+EL, -EL) of the chakra, the person will most often be passive in situations related to certain psychological aspects that this chakra rules. For example, if the volitional center located between the shoulder blades (4B) is passive (elliptical movement with a bias to the left), the person will be unable to achieve what he wants. When energetic action is needed, he will remain passive and wait for someone to do everything for him or give him what he needs. He will also not be able to stand up for his rights and for himself. False humility is often presented as an excuse for passivity, but in fact a person is afraid to be active often because of his ideas about activity as aggression.

Ideas about aggression come directly from childhood experiences. For example, a child might live with a very aggressive father who suppressed or humiliated him whenever he tried to get what he wanted. This convinced the child that such attempts are not a very good way to get what he wants. Children are very creative, and the child may have looked for other methods to achieve what he wanted, or at least get something to compensate for it. What was obtained in this way was accepted by the child as natural behavior. As long as it works well in his life, he will follow this line of behavior. Unfortunately, habits are difficult to break, and finding new methods requires effort because the activity is then viewed primarily negatively. Usually, under passivity lies the opposite aggressive component of the personality, the tendency to give unlimited vent to feelings and take what you want. If it is repeatedly identified in treatment sessions, the person will eventually be able to integrate his healthy aggression with other components of his personality. This work of activation must be combined with work that turns passivity into healthy receptivity.

The more distorted the circular motion of the pendulum over a chakra, the more severe the psychological distortion. Extreme deviation to the left or right determines the movement of the pendulum at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical axis of the body (PZ, L4 in Table 10-2). The wider the pendulum's swing, the greater the amount of distorted energy. For example, the P6 movement, blocked in the 4B chakra, indicates that a person will rudely and aggressively take what he wants, not in accordance with the circumstances.

The same rule applies to the analysis of vertical (parallel to the vertical axis of the body (B)) and horizontal (perpendicular to the vertical axis of the body (D)) deflection of the pendulum. The vertical movement of the pendulum indicates that a person is discharging energy vertically, this is manifested in his tendency to avoid personal interactions. Horizontal movement indicates that the person is holding back and blocking energy flow and feelings to avoid personal interactions. For example, the reading of the B5 pendulum in the ZA chakra indicates that a person is vertically oriented (spirituality) and avoids personal relationships with other people. He defines his place in the universe in terms of spiritual beliefs and rejects the aspect of unity with others. The G5 pendulum indicator in the same chakra will indicate that the person has no connection with anyone, either on the spiritual or on the human level. This can lead to personal isolation. Such movement may give way to a state of immobility (N) due to suppression and containment. In this case, intensive psychodynamic work is necessary.

When an individual focuses his psychological work on any aspect of his being, either by himself or under the influence of external circumstances, it is possible that the corresponding chakra or group of chakras will exhibit chaotic or asymmetrical movement (+ESF, -ESE). This will cause the pendulum to swing chaotically, usually in an ellipse with a displaced axis of rotation. For a beginner, such a movement may be difficult to fix, but if the pendulum is held over the chakra longer, a shift in the axis can be noticed. The pendulum will outline ellipses similar to those shown in the last two figures of the table. Observing such movement, the doctor must know that many changes are occurring in the patient. This is a time favorable for effective work with the patient, but at the same time it is necessary to provide him with time and opportunities for self-transformation. If, during this period of important individual changes, he can free up a few days from work and spend them in a calm mode, this will help him complete everything in the best possible way. I have often seen this happen to people who were doing intensive work on their transformation while in solitude for about a week.

As the doctor gains experience in working with the pendulum, he records more and more “qualities” in his observations. The speed at which the pendulum rotates indicates the amount of energy passing through the chakra. With practice, the healer gains the ability to “grasp” such qualities as stiffness, tension, energy, depression, sadness, suffering, peace and clarity. Fast and narrow rotation, for example, indicates fatigue, tension and depression. Thus, by developing high sensitivity to the qualities of energy entering through the chakras, the doctor can obtain a lot of information about the patient’s condition. He will be able to tell how stable the chakra is, approximately how long it has been in this state, whether it has changed, etc. The chakra can be open for 20% or 80% of the time, and a sensitive doctor can determine this.

During intensive healing work, the chakras go through different phases as they open. Changing a person's beliefs redirects the rotation of the chakras. A closed chakra with a large diameter (-6) can decrease in diameter, change the direction of rotation, increase in diameter in harmonious rotation and become +6. Or, say, the -6 chakra in the solar plexus can change rotation to +6 within just five minutes. This change will not last long, but if a person continues to work on it for a long time, each time the chakra will remain open longer and longer. This will increase the overall duration of harmonious functioning, and the person will feel well more often. After some time, the chakra will stabilize in an open position and will rarely close. Then work usually continues with the next inharmoniously functioning chakra, which is an obstacle to a person’s well-being.

I have often found that when chronically closed chakra opened during the course of treatment, this was compensated by a short closure of the other chakra. At first, a person cannot remain in a new “open” state without resorting to some extent to an imaginary “defense.”

Single case analysis

Let's consider a specific case of changing the configuration of the chakras. Based on the example of a woman who twice came to the Phenicia Pathwork Center (Phonesia, New York) for intensive work on herself during a week-long course. The first time was in 1979, the second in 1981. The second time she came with her new husband, and they did very intensive work together. Chakra measurements were taken before the work began and after the week-long course was completed. All data was taken when the woman was in a very calm state for some time. They are shown in Table 10-2. Figures will help you read them. 7-3 and tables 9-1 and 10-1.

As can be seen from these data, the centers of reason function most harmoniously, then the centers of sensations, and the worst of all - the centers of will. This means that a woman has a beautiful mind that functions well, especially in awareness of reality (6A) and in the integration of individuality with spirituality (7).

Her mental center of executive will (6D) has a right-sided bias most of the time, indicating that she prefers to be active in a situation where receptivity is more appropriate. This is due to the consistent implementation of her ideas. She decides what to do and carries out her plans step by step, not taking into account that perhaps now is not the time for this. When she first arrived, this center of hers was aggressive. By the end of the first course of treatment, he had calmed down and most often remained motionless. This state of peace did not remain and did not change towards harmonization, as often happens over time. When she returned two years later, the center was again aggressive and remained so after the second course. At the time of her last reading, she was still having problems with being overactive in implementing her ideas. This chakra was the only one that did not change; all the others were balanced by the end of the second year.

She also had difficulties with the other volitional centers, each of which ceased to function for some time. When she arrived in 1979, chakras 5B, 3B and 2B were not functioning normally. That is, her negative activity manifested itself as pride (chakra 5B), self-destruction (chakra 3B) and suppression of sexual energy. She suppressed her sexual power by splitting the energy flow through the 2B chakra into four parts (the pendulum clearly recorded four separate circles), and used it in a negative way in quarrels with her ex-husband. After the first course, the only improvement in the functioning of the will was the transformation of pride into the positive activity of the professional aspect (5B). There was still an overactive element here that took the place of pride to compensate for feelings of inadequacy in this area. When she returned for a follow-up course two years later, she still had the same problems related to the will, which were resolved during the second intensive course, and all the will centers began to function normally.

Barbara Brennan(born February 19, 1939) is a famous American healer, spiritual leader, author of the popular books “Hands of Light” and “The Light Outgoing,” translated into more than 20 languages. She was a NASA research scientist at the Goddard Space Fly Center, where she received a master's degree in atmospheric physics from the University of Wisconsin. Thanks to natural gift and chance, Barbara deeply studied human energy and practiced using her own energy to provide healing effects to many patients whose illnesses were not healed by Western medicine. A significant role in her training was played by Eva and John Pierrakos, who organized self-transformation systems called Pathwork, based on the ideas of Wilhelm Reich. Dr. Brennan has a research center and has many students from the United States and Europe trained in healing diseases through the transfer of energy through the hands.

Barbara Brennan is the author of the Brennan Healing Science (BHS) method. BHS is a specialized scientific model in the field of complementary medicine. Brennan Healing Science is taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Divisions of the school exist in the USA, Europe and Japan. The training process is a highly specialized 4-year course, designed for permanent work throughout the year. To move from one course to the next, students must meet a large number of requirements, including certain healing skills, psychological and spiritual knowledge, self-improvement and constant personal growth, anatomy and physiology courses and much more. In addition, during the last year, students must prepare a scientific project in the field of healing and defend a case describing long-term practice of working with a client.

The work of a Brennan Healing Science practitioner combines a special method of healing technique - the method of “laying on of hands”, as well as psychotherapy, which together allows us to gain deeper insight into the essence of the problem that is causing anxiety to a person. Human illness is seen as a symptom, a signal that indicates the need to reconsider and change certain aspects of his life. The main task of the healer in this approach is to guide and support the client on the path of personal transformation and recovery. In the process of working together with the client, behavioral stereotypes learned in early childhood are revealed that he is not able to overcome when entering into relationships with other people. Having overcome the prejudices imposed on him in childhood and acquired the ability to adequately perceive objective reality, a person begins to gradually change his entire life. The energy techniques used by the healer allow one to cleanse, restore, strengthen and balance the energy system of the human body. This gives the client the strength to overcome the changes occurring in his life at this time.

Barbara Brennan's method assumes that every person has an energy field. The human energy field is closely connected with the physical body. Any disease is reflected in the field. More precisely, first of all, the disease manifests itself at the level of the energy field, and only subsequently descends to the physical level. By working with the client's energy field, the healer can influence the disease process on a physical level. One of the main differences between Brennan Healing Science and other techniques is that it works not only at the energy field level, but also at the “intention” level. This is an even deeper level. It can be imagined as a “rod” on which the entire energy field is, as it were, strung, to which it is “attached”.

The etheric body (the name comes from the word “ether,” denoting a state intermediate between energy and matter) consists of the finest lines along which energy flows spread. The body looks like a "sparkling network of light rays", which can be compared to the glow of a blank television screen. The etheric body is organized in exactly the same way as the physical body: it even has anatomical formations and all the organs of our earthly physical body.

The etheric body represents a well-defined structure of lines of action of forces, or an energy matrix onto which the material substrates of the physical body are attached. The physical tissues of the body exist insofar as they are supported by the field vital energy. Consequently, the biofield is primary, and not the gross matter of the physical body.

For example, the matrix of a green leaf appears in a plant much earlier than the leaf itself appears. The growing leaf seems to fill an existing template or form.

The network structure of the etheric body is in constant motion. The clairvoyant’s gaze can see the movement of light blue highlights of light along the lines of the etheric body, penetrating into the physical body. The etheric body surrounds the physical body at a distance of 5 mm to 5 cm and pulsates with a frequency of 15 - 20 times per minute.

The color of the etheric body changes from light blue to gray. Bright blue color is associated with a more subtle structure of the etheric body than gray. This means that a more sensitive person with a delicate body will most likely have a blue first layer of aura, while a tougher person with an athletic build will most likely have a gray color. All chakras of the first layer have the same color as the etheric body. They can also vary in color from light blue to gray. Chakras look like swirls of light, from which the etheric body is built. At the level of the physical body, the observer perceives all the organs of the human body (though they have a bluish tint). Just as in the case of a green leaf, the human etheric body is a matrix that determines the growth of cells in the tissues of the physical body (that is, cells grow along the lines of the etheric body, which appears before the cells). If someone managed to separate the etheric body from the rest of the organism, then the observer would see a figure consisting of flickering luminous lines of a bluish color.

Observing a person's shoulder in twilight light against the background of a white, black or dark blue wall, one can see the pulsation of the etheric body. The pulsation begins at the shoulder and moves down the arm in waves. If you look closely, you can see the empty space between the shoulder and the hazy blue light. After this comes a layer of bright light, which spreads, gradually weakening as it moves away from the physical body. It should be noted that the moment you fix your gaze on this cloud, it immediately disappears, since it moves very quickly. The pulsation will move lower down your arm while you keep your gaze on your shoulder. Try again. Then you may be able to catch the next pulsation.

Emotional body (second layer)

The second auric body, the next, even thinner layer compared to the etheric body, is called the emotional body and is associated with feelings. This body approximately follows the contours of the physical body. Its structure is more mobile than the structure of the etheric body, and does not repeat the structure of the physical body. The second layer looks like a cloud of light in constant motion. The emotional body is 2.5 - 8 cm away from the surface of the skin.

The emotional body penetrates into the denser bodies that it comes into contact with and surrounds. The colors of this layer vary from bright transparent shades to dark dirty ones, which depends on the clarity or, conversely, confusion of feelings and the state of energy that generates them. The emotional body is clear and transparent when it is charged with the energy of love, excitement, joy or anger. Confused feelings and confusion make the emotional body dull and dark. When feelings are cleared through communication, psychotherapy or other influences, the color of the emotional body becomes bright, light and transparent.

The emotional body is painted in all the colors of the rainbow. Each chakra also looks like a swirl of color surrounding it. The following list lists the chakras of the emotional body and their color:

Red, red-orange, yellow, the color of young grass, sky blue, indigo, white.

The emotional body looks like colored clumps moving between the frame of the etheric body and going slightly beyond its limits. At times, a person throws out clots of light from the emotional body into the surrounding space.

Mental body (third layer)

The third body of the aura is called mental. This body goes beyond the emotional and consists of an even more subtle substance associated with thinking and mentality. the mental body appears to the observer as bright yellow rays emanating from the head and shoulders and spreading around the entire physical body. If the owner of this body is concentrated or thinking hard, then the third layer expands and becomes brighter. The thickness of the layer (i.e. its distribution above the surface of the skin) ranges from 8 to 20 cm.

The mental body is structured. It consists of our ideas. Most often the mental body is yellow. You can see mental images inside it. They look like cloud-like clumps of varying brightness and shape. These images have additional colors superimposed on them by the influence of the emotional body. The color of a particular clot depends on the emotional coloring of a given mental image. The more clearly an idea is formulated, the brighter and clearer the corresponding clot of energy in the mental body. Habitual thoughts become a very powerful force that can turn our lives around if they become well filtered.

This body is very difficult to imagine, perhaps because people began to develop the mental body and consciously use the intellect only recently.

Astral body (fourth layer)

The astral body is amorphous and consists of clouds of colored light, more attractive in appearance than the clouds of the emotional body. The astral body usually has the same colors as the emotional body

body, but it is permeated with charming pink love. The astral body is located at a distance of 15 to 30 cm from the physical body. The chakras of the astral body, like the chakras of the emotional body, are painted in all the colors of the rainbow, but are more permeated with the pink color of love. The heart chakra of a loving person on the astral level is full of pink.

When people love each other, a beautiful pink arc appears between their hearts, which is very clearly visible to an experienced observer. A beautiful pink glow is added to the golden pulsation of the pituitary gland. When people enter into one relationship or another, threads stretch out from their chakras that connect these people. The longer and deeper the relationship, the stronger and more numerous the threads become. When a relationship is interrupted, the threads are torn, sometimes causing unbearable pain. The period of “completion of relationships” is usually a period of disconnecting threads at lower levels and attaching them to oneself.

At the astral level, a wide variety of relationships and interactions between people take place. Between them in space, myriads of clots of energy fly in the form of light clouds. Some of these clouds are very pleasant, some less so. This difference is very noticeable. For example, you may feel awkward from the presence of some person in the room, although he may not even suspect that you are here. But this is at the level of ordinary consciousness. At other levels, a lot of interesting things happen at this moment. For example, two people who pretend not to notice each other are having a very heated dialogue on the subtle plane.

Ethereal double (template) (fifth layer)

The fifth layer is called the etheric double because it contains all the forms that exist in the physical plane in the form of a template or drawing. Most likely this layer looks like a photographic negative. It is located at a distance of 15 to 60 cm from the surface of the physical body. If a person gets sick, his etheric body is deformed. In this case, the task of the etheric template is to support and update the first layer of the aura. In addition, in the fifth layer, sound creates matter. It is this type that is particularly affected by sound treatment. The fifth level appears as clear or transparent lines on a cobalt background. The layer drawing is very reminiscent of an architectural project, although executed in a completely different dimension.

For example, to construct a sphere in Euclidean geometry, you must first select a reference point, and then draw the end of the radius along all 3 dimensions to obtain a sphere. However, in ethereal space the process of constructing a sphere is the opposite. In emptiness, countless planes come together, which make up empty space among themselves - the volume of the ball.

Thus, the layer of the etheric template of the aura organizes the spaces in which the structures of the first layer of the auric field - the etheric body - are located. The template forms a lattice system (structured energy field) on which the physical body is built up. Thus, the fifth layer of the energy field contains in the form of a negative all the forms that exist in the plane of the physical body. However, this negative does not exist on the plane of the photographic film, but in the form of a formative space. To better visualize this, we can use a comparison with metal casting molds: certain configurations of voids into which metal is poured and given its final shape. Likewise, the template of the etheric layer creates the shape of our physical body and all its organs with the help of the formative voids of space. These forms exist in minus space, an empty field in which the structural lattice of the etheric field is formed. And along the lines of this lattice the tissues of the physical body are located.

By focusing only on the vibrational characteristics of the fifth level, it is possible to achieve its isolated perception. The fifth layer of the auric field has the shape of a long and narrow oval. this oval contains all the structures of the field, including chakras, body organs and body shapes (limbs, etc.), but as if negative. The structures appear as transparent lines on a dark background. By tuning into the frequency of the fifth layer, you can also perceive all other forms around you. This happens when vision switches to the desired frequency range.

Celestial body (celestial) (sixth layer)

The sixth layer is the emotional aspect of the spiritual plane. it is 60 - 80 cm from the surface of the body. This is the level at which we experience spiritual ecstasy caused by meditation and other techniques. When we enter this state, we realize our connection with the entire Universe, we see light and love in everything that exists, we immerse our whole being in the element of light, we feel that we are made of light and we ourselves are a part of it, we feel our unity with God, this means that our consciousness has risen to the heights of the sixth level of the auric field.

Unconditional, selfless love occurs when a connection is made between the open heart chakra and the open heaven chakra. Such a flow of love connects human, earthly love for our fellow human beings with the spiritual ecstasy characteristic of spiritual love, which goes beyond the boundaries of physical reality into other worlds. The combination of these two states gives rise to true, unconditional love.

The celestial body appears to the gaze of the seer as a shimmering, beautiful light, painted in pastel colors. like mother-of-pearl, this layer shimmers, opalescent with golden-silver light. The shape of the sixth layer cannot be clearly defined: the celestial body simply emits light, just as a candle flame emits it. Within this radiance, even brighter rays can be discerned.

Kether or causal body (causal) (seventh layer)

The seventh layer is the mental aspect of the spiritual plane, also called the kether template. it is located at a distance of 40 to 105 cm from the surface of the physical body. When we reach the seventh level, we realize our unity with the Creator. The seventh layer has the shape of an egg and contains all the auric bodies associated with the real embodiment of the individual, with all its hypostases. It is a highly structured template. It consists of weaves of golden-silver threads of light, so rigid as to maintain the integrity of the entire aura. The seventh body is the essence crystal cell structures of the physical body and all chakras.

If you tune in to the frequency of the seventh level, you can see a beautiful golden “flickering” light. the field pulsates at the seventh level with such a high frequency that this pulsation is perceived as a flicker. Under the feet, the length of the field is minimal, and above the head the crown is up to 90 cm high. If a person has high energy, then the crown can rise even higher. the outer surface of the seventh layer looks like an eggshell. its thickness ranges from 6 to 12 mm. it is very strong and stable and protects the aura in the same way that a real shell protects a chicken. This is the strongest, most stable layer of the auric field. it can be compared to a standing wave of light with a complex shape that oscillates at an extremely high frequency. looking at it, you can even hear a whistling sound.

The golden layer of the causal body directs the main energy flow, which moves along the spinal column and is the main source of energy that nourishes the entire body. As the flow passes along the spine, it contacts the bases of all chakras and connects all energies into a single whole,

which circulate through the chakras. Thus, it turns out that the entire auric field lies, as it were, in a wicker basket of energy flows. This design demonstrates the power of golden light, the divine design that holds the entire field together.

Under the “shell” of the kether layer there are also stripes of past lives. These are colored belts woven into the wall of the “shell” along its entire length. The belt located near the neck represents the past life that you experience in your present life. Jack Schwartz talks in detail about these belts and teaches how to determine their meaning by color.

The Keter layer is the last auric spiritual level. It contains a person's life plan and directly relates to the current incarnation. Beyond the boundaries of the seventh layer is the cosmic plane, which cannot be seen from the point of view of a single incarnation.

Barbara Ann Brennan


by Barbara Ann Brennan

A New Paradigm for the Human Being in Health, Relationship, and Disease




Barbara Ann Brennan

New Examples of Human Being in Health, Relationships and Diseases

translation from English - St. Petersburg. OVK, 1994

The book talks about the art of healing through physical and metaphysical methods, describes the energetic and karmic causes of diseases, the processes of diagnosing transtemporal injuries, and the nature of spiritual healing. The author talks in detail about the differences in energy fields in accordance with the character of the individual and about effective ways to expand consciousness.

Love is the face and body of the Universe. She is the connective tissue of the Universe, the material from which we are created. Love is the experience of wholeness and connection with the Universal Divinity.

All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which creates fear and self-hatred, which ultimately leads to illness.

You are the master of your life. You are capable of more than you realize, including curing yourself of a “hopeless disease.”

The only real "hopeless disease" is simply being human. Human existence is not “hopeless” in general, since death is a transition to another level of existence.

I want to inspire you to step outside the normal “boundaries” of your life and begin to see yourself differently. I want to inspire you to live on the cutting edge of time, being born into a new life every minute.


Now is a new era, and, as Shakespeare said, “there are many things between Heaven and Earth unknown to man.” This book is addressed to those who seek self-knowledge of their physical and emotional processes outside the structures of classical medicine. It talks about the art of healing through physical and metaphysical methods. It opens up new dimensions for understanding the concepts of psychosomatic identity first introduced to us by Wilhelm Reich, Walter Canon, Franz Alexander, Flanders Dunbar, Burr and Norfrup and many other researchers in the field of psychosomatics.

The book describes healing experiences and the history of scientific research into the human energy field and aura. It is unusual in that it combines psychodynamics and the human energy field. It describes the differences in energy fields according to personality functions.

The book goes on to identify the causes of diseases based on metaphysical concepts and associated with energetic disturbances in the aura. The reader will also find in it a description of the nature of spiritual healing in relation to the healer and the patient.

The book is written on the basis of the subjective experience of the author, who has scientific training as a doctor and psychotherapist. The combination of objective knowledge and subjective experience forms a unique method of expanding consciousness beyond the boundaries of objective knowledge.

For those who are open to this approach, the book will provide very rich material for study, experience and experiment. For those who have general objections, I suggest that they ponder the question: “Is it possible for this new perspective beyond logical and objective scientific experimentation?

I highly recommend this book to those who are concerned about the phenomenon of life on the physical and metaphysical levels. It is the work of many years of dedicated effort and represents the evolution of the author's personality and the development of her special gifts in healing. The reader will enter an enchanting realm filled with wonders.

Ms. Brennan deserves respect for her courage in sharing her subjective and objective experiences with the world.

John Pierrakoz, MD, Institute of Intrinsic Energy, New York City

Barbara Brennan is a practicing healer, psychotherapist and scientist. She was a NASA Research Scientist at the Goddard Space Fly Center, where she received her MS in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Wisconsin. For fifteen years she studied and worked with the human energy field and participated in research projects Drexel University and the New Century Institute. She studied bioenergy therapy at the Institute of Psychophysical Synthesis. Society of the Integral Personality, Internal Energy at the Institute of the New Century. She studied with both American and Native American healers.

Barbara regularly conducts training courses in working with the human energy field, healing and channeling. She has conducted sessions in many parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. She maintains her practice in New York City and East Hampton, New York. Barbara is a member of the Pathwork Community in Foenicia, New York.


Joseph A. Smith illustrates for Time, Newsweek and Harper's. He illustrated Erica Jong's book "Witches". He is a painter and sculptor and professor of fine arts at Pratt Institute, New York.



I affirm that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest incentive to scientific inquiry.

Albert Einstein
Chapter 1

Over the years of my medical practice, I have had the opportunity to work with many wonderful people. I will tell here only about a few such meetings, thanks to which the life of a healer is filled with meaning.

My first patient, on an October day in 1984, was a woman in her thirties named Jenny. Jenny is a vivacious schoolteacher who stands about five feet five inches tall. She has big blue eyes and dark hair. Her friends call her the "lavender lady" because she loves the color lavender and always dresses in lavender. Jenny earns a part-time job growing flowers and preparing lovely floral arrangements for weddings and other special occasions. By that time she was already married to a successful advertising agent. A few months before we met, Jenny had suffered a miscarriage and was now unable to have children. Based on a series of studies and the opinions of several doctors, it was decided to perform a hysterectomy as soon as possible. Pathological cells appeared in the uterus, where the placenta is attached. Jenny was scared and shocked. She and her husband hoped that when their financial situation improved, they would be able to have children. Now it seemed impossible.

In August of that year, during her first visit to me, Jenny did not tell me anything about her medical history. All she said was, “I need help. Tell me what you see in my body. I have an important decision to make."

During the healing session, I scanned her energy field, that is, her aura, using my subtle perception. I "saw" some abnormal cells on the lower left side inside the uterus. At the same time, I “saw” the circumstances surrounding the miscarriage. The pathological cells were located where the placenta was attached. In addition, I "heard" words that described Jenny's condition and suggested a remedy to help her. I found out that Jenny needs a month's rest. She needs to go to the ocean, take certain vitamins, follow a special diet and every day be alone with herself for at least two hours and practice meditation. She will heal herself for a month, and then return to the world of conventional medicine and undergo all the examinations again. I was told that this would complete the healing process and that she, Jenny, would not need to return to me. During the course of treatment, I received information about her psychological state that did not allow her to heal herself. She blamed herself for what happened, which created additional stress that prevented her body from healing from the effects of the miscarriage. I was told (this turned out to be more difficult) that Jenny should not see other doctors for at least a month, since they, by making different diagnoses and insisting on a historectomy, only increased her stress. Her heart was breaking - she wanted to have a child so much. She left me with some relief and said that she would think about everything that happened during the healing session.

When Jenny came to me again, the first thing she did was hug me tightly and express her gratitude in a sweet poem. Her medical examination data were normal. She spent August on Fire Island babysitting her friends' children. She followed a diet, took vitamins and spent a significant part of her time alone, engaged in self-healing. She decided to continue this for a few months and then try again to get pregnant. A year later, I learned that Jenny gave birth to a healthy boy.

My second visitor that October day was Howard, the father of Mary, who had been treated by me earlier. Mary had a pre-cancerous condition that cleared up in six sessions and has now been in good health for several years. Mary herself is a nurse and runs a medical organization she created that provides advanced training courses for nurses and distributes them to hospitals in the Philadelphia area. She became interested in my work and regularly refers patients to me.

Howard had already been visiting me for several months. He is a retired worker; Our collaboration with him in his healing brought me great satisfaction. The first time he came to me all gray, he had constant pain in his heart. It was even difficult for him to walk around the room - he was tired. After the first healing session he turned pink and the pain went away. After two months of weekly sessions, he could dance again. Mary and I worked together, combining laying on of hands healing with herbal treatments recommended by a naturopathic doctor to clear platelets from the arteries. That day I continued to balance and strengthen his field. The improvement in his condition was obvious to both doctors and Howard's friends.

My next patient that day was Ed. He first came to me with complaints about his wrists. The joints in his hands and wrists were increasingly weakened. In addition, during sexual intercourse he experienced pain during orgasm. His back had been weakened for some time, and now he was so weak that he could not lift even a few plates. During the first healing session, I “saw” in his auric field that at the age of approximately twelve years he had an injury to his tailbone. At the time of the stroke, he was experiencing severe anxiety due to sexual experiences, which became increasingly intense during puberty. After this incident they decreased and he could cope with them.

His tailbone was displaced to the left and could not move normally, pushing cerebrospinal fluid along its normal course. Because of this, the balance of the energy system was completely disrupted, and the entire system was weakened. The next stage of this degeneration process weakened the lower back, then the middle, then the upper part. Whenever he became weak due to insufficient energy flowing into any part of his body, another part of his body would try to compensate. The joints of his hands were subjected to excessive stress and eventually they gave way. This loss of strength continued for more than one year.

Within a few months, Ed and I successfully healed him. First, we worked with the energy flow - we returned the tailbone to its place and adjusted its functioning, then we increased the flow of energy and balanced it in the body. Little by little, Ed regained all his strength. By that day, the only symptom he had left was slight weakness in his upper wrist. But before I did that, I rebalanced his entire energy field. I then spent extra time channeling healing energy into his wrist.

My last visitor that day was Muriel, an artist and the wife of a famous surgeon. This was our third meeting. Three weeks before, she came to me with a severely enlarged thyroid gland. In that first meeting, I again used my subtle perceptions to gain information about Muriel's condition. I “saw” that the thyroid gland was not enlarged due to cancer and that it would only take two healing sessions in combination with the medications the doctors prescribed for her to make the enlargement go away. I saw that there would be no need for surgery. She confirmed that she had already been to several doctors who had given her medication to reduce her thyroid. They said the medication would shrink her thyroid somewhat, but she would still need surgery and it was possible she had cancer. The operation was scheduled to take place a week after our second meeting. I had two healing sessions with her a week apart. When she went to the surgeons, the operation was no longer necessary; the doctors were very surprised. She returned to me the same day to ensure that she was fully restored to health. And so it was.

How do all these seemingly supernatural phenomena occur? What am I doing to help these people? The method I use is called laying on of hands, faith healing, or spiritual healing. This is not at all mysterious, but a purposeful process, although it is often associated with great difficulties. It involves working to balance the field that surrounds each of us, which I call the human energy field. Everyone has an energy field, or aura, that surrounds and permeates the physical body. This energy field is closely related to health. Subtle sensory perception is a method by which we perceive what is inaccessible to ordinary senses. Thanks to it, you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch objects beyond normal perception. High-sensory perception is “seeing” in which your mind perceives an image without the aid of normal vision. This is real perception and is sometimes called clairvoyance. HTV reveals a dynamic world of flowing, interacting fields of vital energy that surround and permeate every object. For most of my life I have been “dancing” with this living sea of ​​energy in which we reside. My “dance” allowed me to discover that this energy supports and nourishes us, gives us life. With the help of this energy we sense each other; we are made up of her, and she is made up of us.

My patients and students ask: when did I start seeing energy fields surrounding people? How did you understand that they can be used as a tool? What does a person experience who is able to perceive something that is inaccessible to ordinary senses? Is this perception unique to me, or can it be learned? If so, how can you expand the boundaries of your own perception and will this be useful in life? To fully answer these questions, I must go back to the very beginning.

My childhood was very ordinary. I grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. There was no one in particular to play with, and I spent a significant part of my time alone. I spent whole hours alone in the forest, sitting motionless and waiting for the animals to run up to me. I learned to blend in with my surroundings. It was only much later that I began to realize the importance of those moments of silence and waiting. In these moments of forest silence, I entered a state of expanded consciousness and could perceive what lay beyond the boundaries of ordinary human experience. I remember that, without looking, I knew where this or that animal was. I could feel his condition. Walking through the forest blindfolded, I felt the trees long before I touched them with my hands. I discovered that trees are much larger than we realize. They are surrounded by fields of vital energy, and I felt these fields. Later I learned to see the energy fields of trees and small animals. I discovered that everyone was surrounded by an energy field similar to a candle flame. Over time, I noticed that everyone is connected by these energy fields and that there is no part of space in which there is no energy field. Everyone, including me, lives in a sea of ​​energy.

For me, this was not an exciting discovery, but an observation as natural as, for example, seeing a squirrel on a tree branch gnawing on an acorn. I have never deduced any theories about the structure of the world from these observations. I thought that all this was completely natural and known to everyone, and then I forgot about my observations.

My youth came and my walks in the forest stopped. I became interested in how the world works. In search of patterns, I explored everything, trying to understand the structure of the world. I went to college, got a master's degree in atmospheric physics, and then spent a number of years studying research work at NASA. I then trained as a counseling psychologist and it was only after working in this capacity for several years that I began to see colors around a person's head. It was then that I remembered the forest observations of my childhood, with which my subtle perception, that is, clairvoyance, began. These delightful moments of intimate childhood experiences ultimately led me to the ability to diagnose and heal critically ill patients.

Looking back, I see that my abilities have been purposefully developed since childhood. It was as if some invisible hand was guiding me step by step through the stages of my life's journey. It is very similar to studying at school - the school we call life.

Forest observations allowed me to push the boundaries of my sensory perception. Then studying at the university helped develop logical thinking. Having acquired the knowledge necessary to work as a psychological consultant, I was able to better understand and empathize with people. Finally, spiritual education (discussed later) provided sufficient justification for my unusual observations that my mind was able to perceive them as real. And then I set about creating a belief system to explain these observations. Subtle sensory perception and the human energy field gradually took an important place in my life.

I firmly believe that they can become a part of everyone's life. To develop TCH, it is necessary to enter a state of expanded consciousness. There are many methods for this, the most common of which is meditation. There are different forms of meditation available, and it is important to choose the one that suits you best. Later in this book I will describe some recommended forms of meditation for you to choose from if you wish. In addition, I discovered that you can enter a state of expanded consciousness while jogging, walking, sitting fishing, or on a sand dune watching the waves roll in, or in the forest, as I did as a child. Do you have a similar activity, whatever you call it - meditation, daydreaming or something else? The most important thing is to take the time to listen to yourself, the time when you calm your noisy mind constantly talking about what you need to do, how you could win that argument, what you should have done, what is wrong with you and etc., etc. When this continuous chatter stops, a whole new world opens up before you - a world of enchanting harmony. You begin to merge with your surroundings, just as it happened to me in the forest. And at the same time, your individuality is not lost, but on the contrary, it blossoms.

The sensations of a person in a state of expanded consciousness can also be described as merging with the environment. Let's return to the example of a candle and its flame. Usually we consider ourselves a body (i.e. wax and wick) with consciousness (flame). In a state of expanded consciousness, we also perceive ourselves as the light of this flame. Where does the light begin and the flame end? It seems that there is a border between them, but let’s take a closer look - where is it? The flame is completely permeated with light. Is it permeated with room light (a sea of ​​energy) not emitted by a candle? Yes, - then where does the light of the room begin and the radiation of the candle end? It is known from physics that the light emitted by a candle spreads unlimitedly: it goes to infinity. So where is our final limit then? My experience of HFW, which occurs in a state of expanded consciousness, suggests that there is no limit. The more I expand my consciousness, the more my HSP expands, and I gain the ability to see what existed before, but went beyond the limits of my perception. With the expansion of HTV, more and more new aspects of reality come into my field of vision. At first I was able to see only the roughest fields around objects, the border of which was about an inch from the surface of the skin. Having gained some experience, I was able to see that the field extends further, but seems to consist of a thinner substance, or less intense light. More than once I decided that the boundary had been found, and each time, after some time, I began to perceive a field extending further. Where is the limit? I've come to the conclusion that it's better to just talk about layers: flame layer, then flame light, then room light. It becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish each successive limit. Perception of the outer layer requires an increasingly expanded state of consciousness and an increasingly acute HPT. As your consciousness moves into broader states, the light that was previously seen as dim becomes brighter and clearer.

Over the years, gradually developing my perception, I wrote down my observations. Most of these observations occurred during the fifteen years that I worked as a consulting psychologist. A physicist by training, at first I was quite skeptical about my “vision” of energy phenomena around people’s bodies. But these phenomena persisted even if I closed my eyes to drive them away or moved around the room. So I decided to explore them more closely. And so began my journey, which led me to worlds whose existence I had never known before, and which completely changed my perception of reality, people, the universe and my relationship to it.

I saw that the energy field is closely related to human health and well-being. An unhealthy state of a person corresponds to an uneven flow of energy and (or) its cessation, that is, stagnation of energy - this is evidenced by darkened colors in his energy field. In a healthy person, the field is uniform, and bright colors shimmer freely in it. Each disease has specific colors and shapes. TCH is of great value for doctors and psychologists. With the help of HPT, I learned to identify both physical and psychological problems and find ways to solve them.

TCH allows one to directly see the mechanism of psychosomatic illness. HTV shows that most diseases begin in energy fields, and then time and a person’s habits take their toll, and energy disorders turn into serious diseases of the body. Often the source or cause of this process is associated with psychological or physical trauma, or a combination of both. HST shows how the disease begins, so it can also be used to see how to reverse the process.

By learning to see the field, I also learned to consciously interact with any kind of object. I could manipulate my own field by acting on the field of another person. Soon I learned to bring the unhealthy energy field into balance, thus restoring human health. Moreover, I found that I was receiving information about the source of the patient's illness. This information seemed to come from a higher intelligence - or, as I usually believed, from myself.

Obtaining information in this way is called channelization. This information came in the form of words, concepts, or symbolic images that appeared in my mind as I brought the patient's energy field into balance. I always did this in an altered state of consciousness. I have learned to obtain information by combining several methods that use HTV (i.e., channeling, or seeing). I correlated the information coming to the mind in the form of a symbol, concept, or direct verbal message with what I saw in the energy field. One day, for example, I clearly heard: “She has cancer,” and saw a black spot in her energy field. The size, shape, and location of this spot were consistent with the computed axial tomography image. This combination, when obtaining information using HTV, gave excellent results, and I describe the condition of any patient with very high accuracy. I also receive information about what the patient himself should do to promote his healing. Typically, the course of treatment includes a series of sessions and lasts several weeks or months depending on the severity of the disease. This includes changing the patient's habits, working to balance the patient's energy field, and working on the trauma that caused the disease.

It is important that we think about the deeper meaning of our illnesses. We need to ask: what does this disease mean to me? What can she teach me? We can say that illness is simply a signal from our body that means something like: “Wait a minute: something is wrong. You are not listening to your whole self and are ignoring something very important to you. What is this?" Thus, one should look for the cause of the disease, associated either with sensations (psychology), or with a worldview, or even with unconscious changes in one’s condition.

To restore your health, it is much more important to work on yourself and change your lifestyle than to simply take pills prescribed by your doctor. If you yourself do not change, then over time a new problem will arise to return you to the source, which was the cause of your previous illness. I found out that the path to treating a disease lies through its source.

Typically, influencing this source requires changes in your life, ultimately aimed at making your life more closely connected with our inner essence. This leads us deeper into ourselves, to what is sometimes called the higher self, or the divine spark within us.

Chapter 2

This book is written primarily for those who are interested in self-awareness, self-discovery, as well as a new method of healing that is now widespread, healing by laying on of hands. This work reflects an in-depth study of the human aura and its connections with the psychological and physical aspects of treatment. A lifestyle focused on health and self-development is discussed in detail. The book is written for professional doctors, therapists, healers, clergy and for all those who would like to improve their physical, psychological and spiritual health.

This book emphasizes that self-healing means self-transformation. Any illness, psychological or physical, will lead you to self-exploration and discoveries that will completely change your life from the inside out. This book is a guide to healing yourself and others.

It can be used by professional doctors from any field of healthcare. It is also a textbook that students can use in classes under the guidance of an experienced healer. The exercises suggested here are aimed not only at healing and its practice, but also at self-healing and self-discipline, at establishing balance in life and at calming the mind. All this helps to sharpen the perception of energy fields and teaches you how to work with them. You will need first-hand experience and testing of this practice with a qualified healing teacher. Mastering subtle sensory perception (SCP) requires not only study and practice, but also personal development. It involves internal changes that will expand your sensitivity so that you can learn to differentiate between internal “noise” and the influx of subtle information that can only be perceived by a calm mind.

If you have already begun to perceive levels beyond ordinary cognition, this book can be used as confirmation of this experience. Although everyone's experience is unique, there are common stages that people go through during the process of perceptual expansion, or channeling as it is often called. These confirmations will encourage you on your journey. No, you're not going crazy. Some may hear sounds “out of nowhere” and see otherworldly light. All this refers to the beginning of amazing changes in your life, which may occur in an unusual, but very natural way.

There is much evidence that many people are now raising the five senses to supersensory levels. Many are endowed with a certain degree of subtle perception without the need to realize it. Most people are able to develop it much more with serious study. Perhaps transformations in consciousness are already occurring and many people are developing new perceptions in which information is received at a different and perhaps higher frequency. I have developed this perception, and you can do the same. This development of mine was a slow, very organic process that took me into new worlds and almost completely changed my personality. I believe that this process of developing sensitive perception is a natural evolutionary step for the human race into a new stage of development where we will need deep honesty towards others. Our feelings and personal ideas will no longer be hidden from others. They are still connected through our energy fields. When everyone learns to perceive this information, we will become much more understandable and clear to each other than we are now.

For example, you can know when a person is very angry. It's simple. Thanks to HTV, you can see a red haze around an angry person. To deeply understand what is happening to him, you can focus not only on the current cause of anger, but also on how this anger relates to the experiences of childhood, to the relationship of this person with his parents. Beneath the red haze, a gray, dense, fluid-like substance may appear that reflects deep sadness. If you focus on the gray matter, you may even be able to see the childhood episode that caused this deep-seated pain. You will also see how anger damages the physical body. You will see that a person habitually reacts angrily to certain situations in which perhaps crying would be a more useful emotion. Using HTV, you can choose words that will help such a person calm down, connect with a deeper reality, and find a solution. However, in another situation, you may see that anger is exactly what is needed to improve her health.

An experience once gained will never be repeated exactly. Our lives change unexpectedly for us. We comprehend the connection between cause and effect; we see that our thoughts affect energy fields, which in turn affect our body and health. We then realize the opportunity to redirect our life and health. We see how our perception of reality is created through this field. HTV can be the key to understanding how to help shape our reality if we want to change it. HTV becomes a medium through which we find ways to penetrate into the depths of our essence. This is the bridge to our soul, to our inner life, to the divine spark in each of us.

On a journey through the world of subtle perception into the world human energy field I want to encourage you to change your personal “model” of yourself. You will see how your actions and belief systems influence and help create both positive and negative reality. Once you see this, you realize your power to change what you don't like and affirm what you would like. This requires great courage, individual search, work and honesty. This path is not easy, but, without a doubt, it is important. The book will help you along the way by showing you new sample relationship not only to your health, but to your entire life and to the universe in which you reside. Spend some regular time understanding this new relationship.

I have divided the book into parts that mainly present information about the human energy field (HEF) and its significance. The first part examines the place of the energy field in our lives. What does this phenomenon, long described by mystics, have to do with us? In what area of ​​life is it applicable? What is its use? Case reports demonstrate how this phenomenon can change the face of our reality. For example, Jenny realized that before she had children, she needed to take time to self-medicate. Jenny took her life and health into her own hands (which they were in anyway) and at will replaced the proposed unfavorable future with a happier one. This kind of knowledge can lead us to a better world - a world of love born of deep understanding, a world of sisters and brothers, where through this understanding those who were considered enemies become friends.

The second part deals in more detail with the phenomenon of the energy field. This phenomenon is described here from the point of view of history, theoretical and experimental science. Having elaborated on this, I then move on to describe HRE from my own point of view, combining observations with findings presented in the literature. From this information, a model of EHR is developed, applicable both in psychological work and in spiritual healing.

The third part presents my findings regarding the connection between EPC and psychodynamics. If you have not been interested in psychotherapy or self-improvement before, you will find a lot of information about self-disclosure in this section. This will help you understand not only what drives you, but also how it moves you. This information is very useful for those who want to go beyond the usual boundaries of psychology and physical psychotherapy and gain a broader view of man and his energetic and spiritual reality. These chapters specifically address the application of the phenomenon of the human energy field in practical psychodynamics. Pictures are presented illustrating changes in the EPC in accordance with a person’s intentions. For those interested in self-development, this chapter will open up a new realm in which the reality of your daily energetic interactions will take on new, profound meaning. After reading the book, you will be able to find practical ways to use the dynamics of energy fields in your relationships with loved ones, children and friends. It will help you better understand your relationships with your work colleagues.

Some of the chapters in this part are very technical and the casual reader may wish to skip their material (chapters 11,12,13). You can refer back to them whenever you have specific questions about the operation of the EHR.

The fourth part of this book discusses the general effect of expanding our perception - how it is reflected at various levels of the personality. The areas of possible expansion of perception, its experience and implementation are described here. I also provide a theoretical basis for these experiments and characterize the wide range of their application. The expansion of perception not only has an individual effect, but it also changes all the known structures of human life.

To become a professional healer, extensive training in didactic, practical and individual work is required. Anyone who wishes can become skilled in healing and channeling.

Part 5 describes the process of spiritual healing. I call it spiritual healing because it is always connected to our inner spiritual nature. This part presents the experience and technique of healing related to EPC. It contains drawings illustrating changes in the aura field during healing. Healing techniques on various layers of the EPC are described in detail there. Here the information of expanded perception presented in Part 4 is compared with healing, which will help you approach healing yourself and others very effectively.

Since most of these techniques are not easy to learn, you may need to learn them in class. Such written explanations serve to familiarize the student with the material being studied, but they do not purport to teach technique. Before you become proficient in healing, you must receive direct instruction from someone who can perform that healing. Having your experience validated by a qualified healer is very important. If you want to become a professional healer, you must learn from someone.

Part 6 examines in detail the case of David's healing, in which the patient took an active part in the healing process. It shows how a patient becomes a healer. Then in Part 6 I turn to practical self-healing techniques and offer next steps for those who want to practice healing, showing how to restore and maintain balance in your life. This is followed by descriptions of the stages of development of a healer, which lead to the questions: What is health? Who is a healer?

Chapter 3

I believe that it is very important for a healer to have thorough technical training: counseling techniques, anatomy, physiology, pathology, massage techniques, as well as some knowledge of acupuncture, homeopathy, diet and herbal medicine. These methods almost always accompany healing with the laying on of hands, either through the healer himself or through other medical professionals working with the particular patient. The healer must have some knowledge of these methods to understand their relevance and make the healing holistic, and be able to cooperate with other people involved in the healing process. Various other healing modalities may be indicated through the healer's channels. In order to better interpret the information received, the healer will need to know anatomy and physiology. Above all, the healer must be able to work with other health professionals to help the patient heal.

In the course of my studies, I received a regular Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics and a Master of Science in Atmospheric Physics from a state university. For five years I worked at NASA with meteorological satellite equipment. I trained for two years in bioenergetic counseling, one year in massage therapy, two years in anatomy and physiology, two years specializing in altered states of consciousness, particularly deep relaxation techniques, one year in homeopathy, three years in internal energy training, five years studying at Pathwork Helpship and I studied with various healers throughout the country for several years. In addition, I have worked with people and their energy fields individually and in groups for over 15 years. Since I was already a practicing counselor, people could contact me about healing. At first they only received an assignment from me. More and more people came to me for healing rather than counseling, and gradually the therapy practice became a healing practice. Finally, I had to turn over the work of psychological counseling to those who specialized in it, and began to accept people only for healing.

During these years, I also participated in various experiments to study the human energy field. Only after all this did I feel qualified enough to practice healing in New York City and teach classes and workshops myself.

Becoming a healer is not an easy task, just as it is not easy to become good at anything. Both technical and spiritual training are needed here. A person must go through voluntary trials, transforming the weak aspects of his personality and developing creative concentration, aspiration and motivation. The healer may perceive these trials as coming from outside, but in reality they are not. The healer himself creates them in order to see if he is ready, if he is able to manage the energy, strength and clarity that he develops in his energy system as he grows as a healer. This energy and power must be used with purity, honesty and love, for cause and effect always appear in every action. You always get back what you put in. This is called karma. When the energy flowing through you as a healer increases, then your power also increases. If you invest that power negatively, you will eventually experience that same negativity coming back to you.

As my life unfolded, the invisible hand guiding me became more and more tangible. At first I couldn't see her clearly. Later, I began to observe spiritual beings as if in visions. Then I began to hear them talking to me and feel their touch. Now I accept the fact that I have a mentor. I can see, hear and feel it. “He” says that he is neither male nor female. “He” says that there is no gender division in his world and that beings on his level of being are whole. "He" says his name is Heyoan, which means "The Wind that Whispers Truth Through the Centuries." He revealed himself to me gradually and organically. The nature of our relationship evolved daily as I was led to new levels of understanding. As you read, you will see how it was laid out. Sometimes I just call it a metaphor.

In this book, I will share with you some more obvious examples of leadership and its power. Here I want to show you simple forms of its influence.

The most basic type of guidance is done every day and often manifests itself in the form of discomfort throughout the day. Heyoan says that if we simply listen to this guidance and follow it, we will rarely get sick. In other words, by paying attention to the discomfort you feel, you return to balance and through this to health. This discomfort may manifest itself in your body in physical fitness, such as physical discomfort or pain; it can manifest on any level of your being - emotional, mental or spiritual. It can manifest itself in any area of ​​your life.

Heyoan asks: "Where does discomfort manifest itself in your body/life? How long have you known about it? What does it tell you? What should you do about it?

If you honestly answer these questions, you will discover how much you have neglected the best tool you have for keeping yourself healthy, happy and wise. Any discomfort in your body/life is a direct indication of how you have become out of alignment with your true self.

Following guidance at this simplest level means resting when you are tired, eating when you are hungry, and eating what your body needs. This means controlling or changing life circumstances that bother you. How well were you able to structure your life to do this? It's not easy, isn't it?

As you become more attentive to your personal needs, listening to the internal messages that come to you in the form of discomfort, you will become more balanced and clear, and through this, healthier. The practice of listening will also lead you to the phenomenon of direct or verbal guidance. You may begin to receive very simple verbal instructions from an "inner" voice - a voice that you hear within yourself but recognize as coming from outside. In realizing following guidance there are two important points. First, you will need to practice receiving guidance first with yourself before you can receive it with others. Second, the information or instructions you receive may be very simple and seem completely insignificant at first. In fact, it may seem that following any of them is a waste of time. I came to the realization that there is a reason for this. Subsequently, when analyzing important information concerning the life of another person, or special information regarding a specific disease, the professional healer will encounter information that seems meaningless, irrelevant, or simply erroneous. This is possible, but most often it is caused by the functioning of the rational mind. Information passing through a clear channel often goes beyond the comprehension of the rational mind of the person receiving it. It is then that he will need a lot of previous experience to remember how information that previously came in, which seemed meaningless, later, when all the information was collected, turned out to be very useful and understandable. I now find that within an hour of healing and channeling, I receive information in a non-linear manner that during that hour builds up a clear picture that provides more information than would be expected in normal rational or linear perception.

As you look closely, you will begin to recognize guidance through the overall pattern of your life. Why did one event follow another? What did each of them bring you? It is no coincidence that I trained first as a physicist, then as a consultant, and then as a healer. All this training prepared me for my life's work. My physics training gave me that underlying structure with which I could explore the aura. Counseling training has given me a foundation in understanding psychodynamics regarding energy flow in the auric field, as well as the opportunity to observe the auric fields of many people. Without this study I would not have been able to put this material together. When I was at NASA, I certainly didn't realize that I was studying to become a healer. I had never heard of such things and was not interested in diseases. I was interested in how the world functions, what drives it. I looked everywhere for the answer. This thirst for knowledge has been one of the most powerful factors leading me through life. What thirst do you have? What are you aiming for? Whatever it is, it will lead you to what you need to do to complete your work, even if you don't yet know what that work is. If something comes easy to you and you find it joyful and wonderful to do it, do it by all means. This is the guide. Allow yourself to move freely in the dance of your life, otherwise you will hinder your guidance and your progress. Sometimes the guidance is more obvious to me than at other times. One period of my life was so beautiful and rich that thanks to it I overcame many difficulties. At the time I was a consultant in Washington, DC. During the sessions that I gave to people, I began to see what can be defined as past lives. I saw the person I was working with in a completely different environment and in a different time frame. Whatever the scene, it somehow related to what was happening in that person's life. For example, a woman who was afraid of water drowned in one of her past lives. Moreover, she found it difficult to ask for help in this life. In that life when she drowned, no one heard her cries for help when she fell out of the boat. This difficulty was more relevant to her present life than her fear of water. However, I didn't know how to properly handle all this information. I began to pray for guidance. I needed to find a trustworthy person or group of people who could handle this information professionally.

The answer came one evening while I was relaxing on the shore of Assateaguebu Island, Maryland. It was a rainy evening, so I covered my head and sleeping bag with translucent plastic sheeting. In the middle of the night, I heard someone calling my name and woke up. The voice was very clear. “There’s no one here,” I thought, looking at the cloudy sky. Then I suddenly realized that I was looking at plastic film over your head. With a powerful wave of my hand, I threw it aside and was left in awe at the sight of the twinkling stars stretching above me. I heard celestial music spreading in the heavens from star to star. I took that experience as an answer to my prayers. Shortly thereafter, I discovered the Foenicia Pathwork Center, where I enrolled and received the education I needed to interpret past life information and other extrasensory material for the next nine years of my life.

When the time came to start a consulting practice in New York, I knew it because the inner urge to do so was so strong. An office space was available and I wanted to change my life, so I wrote for guidance. Having received clear consent, I accomplished what I wanted. Gradually, consulting practice turned into healing practice. As mentioned earlier, this happened “automatically” when people began to come to me seeking healing. I then received a direct verbal instruction to stop the practice and focus on studying and writing this book to gain a larger audience. Making these changes is not easy. Every new change offers me a challenge. It seems that every time I establish a “quiet” life, it is time to change, and therefore grow. What comes next I don't really know, but I do know that I will have guidance every step of the way.

There is a child in every human personality. Everyone can remember being a child, feel the inner freedom of a child and perceive life in a simple way. This inner child is very wise. He feels connected to all life. He knows love without a doubt. This inner child hides as we grow older and try to live only with our rational mind. This limits us. To begin to follow the guidance, this particular child must manifest. To develop the ability to receive and follow guidance, you must return to the loving, trusting wisdom of your inner child. We all want freedom - it will be found through this child. By giving this inner child more freedom, you can begin a dialogue between the adult and child parts of your personality. This dialogue will integrate that free and loving part of your personality with that of a sophisticated adult.

While reading this book, you will hear the speech of a child and a healer (consultant) physicist. This will help loosen your fixed reality and expand your experience. Such dialogue is the door to a miracle. Hear it within yourself and support it.

We are all guided by spiritual teachers who speak to us in our dreams, through our intuition, and ultimately, if we listen, they speak to us directly, perhaps first in writing, then through sound, voice or concept. These teachers are full of love and respect for us. At some point along the way you may also be able to see their or contact them directly like I did. It will change your life, for you will discover that you are deeply and holistically loved, just as you are now, in this moment. You want this love and you are worthy of it. You wish health, happiness and fullness of life. You can create it. You can understand this process step by step to change your life and make it fulfilling. There are many paths to this fullness. Ask to be guided in the direction you need, ask for the path to follow now, and you will receive guidance. If you are dangerously ill or have family difficulties, willpower problems, depression - or are overcoming difficult situations in your chosen field of activity - you can begin to change now, in this very moment. You can align yourself with your deepest longing, and you need to bring this greatest good to yourself and others. Just ask for help. You will be heard.

Chapter 3 Review

1. What kind of technical training does a healer need? And why?

2. What is simplest form guidance in your life?



Miracles do not contradict nature, they only contradict what we know about it.

Based on the book Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan.

Barbara Brennan - energy healer, possessing sensitive perception (sees energy fields around people, animals, plants and receives information about their problems - sees dark spots, receives semantic clues). Initially - a scientist (!), heh. The track record is impressive:

“Barbara Brennan is a practicing healer, psychotherapist and scientist. She was a NASA Research Scientist at the Goddard Space Fly Center, where she received her MS in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Wisconsin. She has studied and worked with the human energy field for fifteen years and has participated in research projects at Drexel University and the New Age Institute. She studied bioenergy therapy at the Institute of Psychophysical Synthesis.”

Moreover, he adheres to the idea that illness/illness is a lesson, a consequence of a person’s experiences and worldview. This is the attractiveness, because “pure schizoterism” without the inclusion of psychology causes bewilderment. I quote:

“It is important that we think about the deeper meaning of our illnesses. We need to ask: what does this disease mean to me? What can she teach me? We can say that illness is simply a signal from our body that means something like: “Wait a minute: something is wrong. You are not listening to your whole self and are ignoring something very important to you. What is this?" Thus, one should look for the cause of the disease, associated either with sensations (psychology), or with a worldview, or even with unconscious changes in one’s condition.”

And in general, the whole process of healing, collecting information, interpreting unconscious symbols and colors is very close to me as a practicing psychologist. For example:

“For example, you can know when a person is very angry. It's simple. Thanks to HTV, you can see a red haze around an angry person. To deeply understand what is happening to him, you can focus not only on the current cause of anger, but also on how this anger relates to the experiences of childhood, to the relationship of this person with his parents. Beneath the red haze, a gray, dense, fluid-like substance may appear that reflects deep sadness. If you focus on the gray matter, you may even be able to see the childhood episode that caused this deep-seated pain. You will also see how anger damages the physical body. You will see that a person habitually reacts angrily to certain situations in which perhaps crying would be a more useful emotion.”

Part 1. The structure of the human energy field.

Let us omit the evidence presented, research in the field of energy research, fields, aura and other things. And the greatest interest is in the structure of the field and working with it:

"I watched seven layers in the course of his work as a consultant and healer. At first I could only see the lower layers, the densest and most accessible to observation. The longer I worked, the more layers I could perceive. The higher the layer, the more expanded consciousness is necessary to perceive it. In order to perceive the higher layers - the fifth, sixth and seventh - I had to enter a meditative state. After several years of practice, I began to see even beyond the seventh layer; I'll talk about this briefly at the end of the chapter."

“Thus, the first, third, fifth and seventh layers have a specific structure, while the second, fourth and sixth consist of fluid-like particles that do not have a specific structure. They flow through the structure of the remaining layers, taking their shape. Each subsequent layer permeates all previous layers, including the physical body. Thus, the emotional body extends beyond the etheric body, permeating both the etheric and physical bodies. In reality, each body is not just a “layer” at all, although we may perceive it as such. It is, rather, an expanded form of our “I”, which contains other, more limited forms.”

“From a scientist's point of view, each layer can be considered as a level of higher vibrations, occupying the same space as the levels below and extending beyond them. To perceive each subsequent layer, the consciousness of the observer must move to the level of a new frequency. So, we have seven bodies simultaneously occupying the same space, each of which expands beyond the previous one. These bodies are not used in our “ordinary”, everyday life. Many people mistakenly believe that the aura is like an onion on which you can separate successive layers. This is wrong."

"Exists vertical flow energy that pulsates up and down the field spinal cord. It extends beyond the physical body above the head and below the tailbone. I call it the main vertical force flow. In the field there are rotating cone-shaped vortices called chakras.”

This is a general idea, although there is nothing new here yet, let’s continue:

“Each layer of the aura is associated with a chakra. That is, the first layer is connected with the first chakra, the second with the second chakra, etc.”

Based on descriptions of layers and chakras (each layer has its own chakra - nothing complicated). Evolution from the bottom up, naturally. One could argue with some of the formulations and descriptions, but this is not our task, I’ll leave it here as it is (I just summarized and tabulated, but the material is one-on-one).

Picture of the location of the chakras (7 major and 21 minor chakras):

This is all clear; any pioneer knows about chakras and their structure. Let's look at the nuances:

“For example, the fourth chakra actually contains seven chakras and the higher frequency chakra frames the previous one. This chakra arrangement is similar to a collapsible glass. Each chakra on a higher layer penetrates further into the auric field (towards the edge of each auric layer) and is somewhat wider than the one below it. Energy is transferred from one layer to the next through corridors at the tops of the chakras. For most people, these corridors are blocked.”

Summary table from a book about the physical location and structure of the chakras:

7 crown 972 Lilac-white Brain Upper brain, right eye
6 Head 96 Indigo Pituitary (mucus-forming) Lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, nervous system
5 Throat 16 Blue Thyroid Bronchial and vocal apparatus, lungs, digestive tract
4 Heart 12 Green Thymus (goiter) Heart, blood, circulatory system
3 Solar plexus 10 Yellow Pancreas Stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system
2 Sacral 6 Orange Sexual Reproductive system
1 Support System 4 Red Adrenal Spinal column, kidneys

As you might guess, I took this particular book for the abundance of such amazing illustrations:

In all these “bodies” the devil will break his leg, for example, I recently did, there is a table there. As you understand, the general structure is approximately the same (there are 12 layers, but 7 are enough for this land), there are some discrepancies in the details - but these are already difficulties in translating into the language of people...

Body Description Structure Distance from f. body
Space plan The two levels above the seventh that I can see today are the eighth and ninth levels They are associated with the eighth and ninth chakras, located above the head. Each of these levels appears to be crystalline and consists of very subtle and high vibrations. These levels follow a general pattern of alternating substance (eighth level) and form (ninth level), in which the eighth is primarily a fluid substance and the ninth is a transparent copy of whatever lies beneath it.
Kether determining or causal body (seventh layer)

The seventh level is the mental level of the spiritual plane, called the ketheric determiner. Raising our consciousness to the seventh level of the aura, we recognize our unity with the Creator.

In addition, in the shell of the ketheric determining level there are also layers of the past life. These are colored hoops of light that circle the aura and can be found throughout the surface of the shell. A circlet in the head and neck area usually contains information about a previous life, which, by working with, you can clarify the circumstances of your current life.

The kether level contains the plan of life, and is the last level directly related to this incarnation.

The outer shape of this aura body is ovoid and contains all the aura bodies associated with the individual's current incarnation. This body is also a highly structured template. In my vision, it appears to consist of the finest and very strong threads of golden-silver light that permeate the entire form of the aura. It contains the golden mesh structure of the physical body and all chakras.

the pointed end is located under the feet, and the flared end is located about three feet above the head. If a person is very energetic, it can expand even more. The outer edge actually appears to me like a shell, about a quarter to half an inch thick. This outer part of the seventh layer is very strong and elastic, it prevents penetration into the field and protects it, just like the shell protects a chicken.

It contains the golden mesh structure of the physical body and all chakras.

At this level, all chakras appear to be composed of golden light.

70 - 100 cm
Celestial body (sixth layer)

The sixth level is the emotional level of the spiritual plane, called the “celestial” body.

At the level of this body we experience spiritual ecstasy.

The celestial body appears to me as a beautiful flickering light, painted mainly in pastel colors. Its light has a golden-silver luster and opal tones. Its form is less defined than that of the etheric level, and appears to be similar to the flame of a candle. Unconditional love occurs when there is a connection between the open heart chakra and the open “heavenly” chakra. at 60 - 70 cm
Etheric defining body (fifth layer) This layer resembles the negative of a photograph. It is the shape of the layer that determines the physical body. The etheric layer of the energy field borrows its structure from the etheric determining layer, which, as already mentioned, is the template form for it.

To a clairvoyant, the shapes of the layer appear as clear, transparent lines on a cobalt blue background, much like architectural blueprints, except that these blueprints exist in another dimension. The form seems to be created through the filling of the background space.

It looks like a narrowed oval containing the entire structure of the body, including the chakras, organs and body shapes manifested in the negative. All of these structures appear to be composed of hollow transparent lines on a dark blue background.

Copies of chakras in “negative” Comes out at 45-80 cm
Astral level (fourth layer)

At the astral level, there are many different interactions between people. Large clumps of various shapes move between them.

The astral body is amorphous and consists of “clouds” of more beautiful colors than the “clouds” of the emotional body.

The astral body contains the same spectrum of colors as the emotional body, but they are usually permeated with the pink light of love.

The chakras have the same octave of colors as the colors of the emotional body, but each of them is permeated with the pink light of love.

The heart chakra of a loving person is filled with pink light on the astral level.

Exceeds 15-30 cm
Mental body (third layer) The third body of the aura is the mental body. It goes beyond the emotional and consists of even more subtle substances associated with mental processes. This body is a bright yellow light emanating from the head and shoulders and spreading around the entire body. This is the structure of our ideas (conceptions). In its field one can see thought forms that appear as clots of varying brightness and configuration. These thought forms have additional colors that are superimposed on them, emanating from the emotional level. Color represents a person's emotions associated with a particular thought form. The clearer and more complete the idea, the clearer and more complete the thought form associated with that idea. Thought forms From 7 to 20 cm beyond f. body
Emotional body (second layer) The second auric body, more subtle than the etheric body, is most often called the emotional body and is associated with feelings. It only approximately repeats the outlines of the physical body. Its structure is more fluid than the structure of the etheric body, and it does not duplicate the body, but appears as colored clouds of subtle substances in continuous fluid movement.

This body permeates the denser previous bodies. Its colors vary from bright light shades to dark cloudy shades, depending on the clarity of sensations. High-energy sensations such as love, excitement, joy, or anger are intense and obvious; mixed feelings are dark and cloudy.

The emotional body, as a rule, is represented in the form of color clumps moving in the matrix of the etheric field and somewhat extending beyond its limits.

Chakras are like vortexes various colors, corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

1 - Red

2 - Red-orange

3 - Yellow

4 - Bright herbal. Green

5 - Sky blue

6 - Indigo

A person can throw out colored clots of energy into the space around him.
Etheric body

The etheric body ("ether" - an intermediate state between energy and dense matter) consists of tiny energy lines, "like a sparkling plexus of light rays" and reminiscent of stripes on a television screen. It has the same structure as the physical body, containing all the parts of the body and all the organs.

The mesh structure of the etheric body is in continuous movement. A clairvoyant can observe how bluish-white sparks move along his energy lines through the entire dense physical body. The etheric body extends beyond the physical body for a distance of a quarter to two inches and pulsates at a frequency of 15-20 cycles per minute.

The color of the etheric body varies from light blue to gray. Light blue is associated with a more subtle form than gray. By observing someone's shoulder in dim light against a white, black or dark blue background, you can see the pulsations of this etheric body.

Chakras look like funnels, consisting, like the entire etheric body, of a light grid. It has the same structure as the physical body, containing all the parts of the body and all the organs.

A table of my production according to the descriptions from the book, I just structured everything more conveniently. It's not a bad model, is it? Try to figure it out. We remember that everything described is the author’s internal experience and only a model. This is not reality as such. I would say the opposite - the model creates reality. If you take this model, then all these bodies will be “seen”; if you take another one, the same thing. This only serves to develop your own model (and for those who simply don’t have one, to find something to rely on in order to go further).

In addition, Barbara writes that it is not a fact that all clairvoyants perceive all layers and are able to distinguish them from each other. Higher bodies require a high frequency of vibration. Most often, work is done with the lower three to four bodies.

“More often than not, our emotions, thought processes, and interpersonal feelings are jumbled together. We are not very good at distinguishing between them. Some of these mixtures even appear in the aura. The mental and emotional bodies often seem to act as one disordered form.”

It turns out that the perception of bodies depends both on the therapist/healer (his level of consciousness, balance) and on the client (as in the example - the mental and emotional bodies are welded and mixed). So don't be too rigid about this methodology.

Part 2. Stages of development.

The most interesting material is the description of the development of the energy field in accordance with the stages of development. We know that in psychology there are very accurate and understandable models of human development, for example E. Errickson, T. Leary, which we use. This model significantly complements them from an ambiguous point of perception.

The table was compiled by me based on the original text.

Stage. Process.
Before birth After conception, the soul, which has the intention of playing, gradually loses its spiritual consciousness and becomes associated with the body. A flash of energy of consciousness at the moment of contractions.
Birth The soul enters the environment for the first time.

The formation of the soul within the boundaries of the physical body. Wide open head chakras. Great difficulty in hiding the root chakra (grounding). The remaining chakras are not developed; they receive energy from their mother through milk.

The baby's field is amorphous, shapeless, bluish or grey colour.

Strong energetic connection with mother. Openness and vulnerability

Early childhood

Development of the second chakra: emotions, worlds, fantastic perception. Any object (toy) can become a particle of “I” (“I” extends to the object).

Red-orange and hot pink aura. He is connected to his mother by an etheric umbilical cord.

The energy of space is blue, and by the age of 7 there is a lot of golden energy, the chakras acquire a protective film that filters energy from the field.


From 7 years to puberty. Development of mental abilities.

Development of the third chakra, a lot of yellow color appears in the aura (mental color).

Youth Find your “I”. A lot of green appears in the aura and personal space. Opening the heart chakra. With the unfolding of eros and love comes the beautiful color pink. Growing up and, in connection with this, big changes in all chakras and the field.
Maturity The chakras are completed. More energies flow through the throat chakra. A lilac color appears in the aura. Integration with group consciousness, opening of the third eye. Vibrations are rising.
Old age The vibrations of energy bodies increase, lower energies decrease, and more subtle, spiritual energies appear. The solar plexus chakra is harmonized. White light.
Death The exit of their body is through the crown. Disintegration of the three lower bodies. Washing, purification and exit. Remembering yourself. Summing up the game.

Part 3. Psychological functions.

Chakras and psychology. I leave a summary table and illustration with all the details.

On my own behalf, I would like to note that the nuance that aroused interest was that I work in pairs(for example, 2A and 2B - these chakras, working in union, create sexual desire). One chakra is strong-willed, the other is sensual. Analogies come with structure and dynamics. One chakra gives happiness (sensual), the other - efficiency (volitional)... But this idea requires further development, it is just an assumption.

“When the chakras function normally, each chakra is “open” and rotates clockwise, metabolizing specific energies from the universal field.”

“Most of the people I observed always had three or four chakras spinning counterclockwise. As treatment progressed, they usually opened up more and more.”

“So if our chakras spin counterclockwise, we release our energy into the outside world and identify with that energy. In psychology this is called projection.”

The main chakras and their corresponding psychological functions.


7 Center at the top of the head

Integration of the whole personality with the life of humanity and its spiritual aspects

6A Center in the middle of the forehead Ability to visualize and comprehend mental concepts
6B Center at the back of the head Ability to apply ideas in practice


5 B Base of the neck

Self-affirmation in social and professional environments

4B Between the shoulder blades

Ego will or desires directed towards the outer world

ZB Aperture center Healing, the pursuit of health
2B Sacral center Center of sexual energy
1 Coccygeal center The focus of physical energy, the will to live
Throat center Acceptance and assimilation
4A Heart center Heartfelt feelings of love for other people, openness to life
BEHIND Solar plexus Intense pleasure and expansiveness, spiritual wisdom and awareness of universal life, one's role in the Universe
2A Pubic center Love for the opposite sex, exchange of physical, mental and spiritual pleasure

Negative emotions.

“From an angry person a dark red color emanates. When anger is expressed, the aura throws out flashes like lightning or sparks."

“Fear in the aura corresponds to a white-gray prickly color; remember - “white with fear.” It looks very unpleasant and has a repulsive smell. Envy appears dark, dirty green, and sticky; "Green with envy." Sadness is dark gray and heavy, like in cartoons depicting people with dark clouds above their heads. Frustration and irritation are most often colored in dark reddish tones (red with anger), but they stand out primarily for their uneven vibrations, which hit the other person’s energy field, causing him very unpleasant sensations.”

That same “foolish optimism”:

“She continued to gesticulate and talk cheerfully, throwing out soft pink and white clouds, bright yellow energy radiating from the sides of her head, covering or masking the troubled gray area between her eyebrows. She literally convinced herself that she was happy, masking the gray color with yellow /mental/ energy. When I described to her what I saw, she immediately stopped creating the “false” pink cloud. The gray area in the head has returned to its original shade."

Drug exposure.

“Drugs such as LSD, marijuana, cocaine and alcohol are detrimental to the clear, healthy colors of the aura and, like illness, create an “etheric mucus” in the aura. The aura of a person who has often taken LSD and drank alcohol is a dirty green-brown color. The dirty green spot moving downwards and not being released was related to his mixed, blind, secretive feelings of anger and pain."

Part 4. Energy blocks and protections.

We see 6 types of blocks:

  1. Depression (suppression of feelings, exit).
  2. Compaction (accumulation, suppression of energies).
  3. Chain mail (protection).
  4. Armor (containment, freezing).
  5. Energy depletion (slowing down of energy flow).
  6. Energy leak.

Everything is quite simple and clear.

With energy protections everything is even simpler:

  1. Porcupine - distance, “prickliness”.
  2. Leave
  3. Outside oneself - leaving, leaving the body.
  4. Verbal denial is the use of the mind and mental constructs for defense.
  5. Oral absorption is energy vampirism.
  6. Hook - to hook the aggressor onto it.
  7. Mental capture is, on the contrary, an attack.
  8. Tentacles - seek to capture your essence.
  9. Silent reflection.
  10. Verbal arrows are sharp, painful blows.
  11. Combination.
  12. Hysteria is an explosion into the surrounding space.
  13. Boundary containment - removing yourself from unpleasant situations in order to remain intact.
  14. Demonstration of willpower.

Part 5. Aspects of character structure.

The first table shows the division into “character types”. I'd say it's a little too rough, but it's better than nothing. I would add a clarification that a person with a pure type does not exist, there is always an accentuation, but all of these types can be present either completely or partially. And the second table links physical characteristics and chakras to these types.



DEVELOPMENTAL RETARDATION Before and during birth Breast period Early childhood Period of independence Puberty period
INJURY Hostile mother(s) Abandonment Seduction Betrayal Control Forced feeding and excretion Sexual refusal Cardiac
LIFESTYLE Be together Perseverance Flaunting Restraint betrayal concealment
SEXUALITY Sex to feel the power of life, fantasy Sex for intimacy and contact


fickle Homosexual fantasies

Impotence Strong interest in pornography Sex with contempt
FLAW Fear (cowardice) Greed Deceit Hatred Pride
REQUIREMENT OF RIGHT TO: Existence Education and improvement Support and encouragement Independence Feelings (Love/Sex)
PRESENT ILLNESS Fear/Anxiety Passivity (fatigue) Feeling defeated Voltage Insensitivity
NEGATIVE BIAS "I'll be broken"

"I'll make you give it to me."

"I do not need."

"I will be defeated." “I like it the other way around.” "I will not Give Up."
MECHANISM OF NEGATIVE PROTECTION Association of other separations Need for refusal

giving up positions

Freedom of obedience Sex and love
Strong restrictions Own needs and “standing on your own feet” Faith Be Self-Confident Be Free Open Spiritual Connections The connection between the heart and the genitals
PHYSICAL STRUCTURE Elongation Right/Left Imbalance Thin Sunken chest Wide fit Heavy top Head protrudes forward Stiff back The back is narrowed towards the pelvis
TENSION IN THE BODY “Ring” tension Lack of coordination Weak joints Lethargy Muscle cramps Delay Upper half bloated Lower half spastic Tightness Spastic Tension Carapace Chainmail
CIRCULATION IN THE BODY Cold hands/feet Cold chest Cold legs/pelvis Cold buttocks Cold basin
ENERGY LEVELS Hyperactive Ungrounded Hypoactive Low energy Hyperactivity followed by collapse Hypoactive (Energy Absorbed) Hyperactive (High Energy)
LOCALIZATION OF ENERGY Frozen in the center In the head Mostly exhausted Upper half of the body Boiling inside On the periphery At a distance from the center of the body
MAIN FUNCTIONING CHAKRAS 7th 6th front 3rd front 2nd rear Asymmetrical 7th 6th front 2nd front Aspect 7th 6th 4th back Aspect 6th front 3rd front Volitional centers 6th front
PSYCHODYNAMICS OF OPEN CHAKRAS Spirit Mental Will Spirit Mental Love Mental Will Mental Feelings Will Will Mental
ENERGY PROTECTION SYSTEMS Pulling back “Porcupine” Passing by Oral absorption Verbal denial Hysteria “Hook” Mental “grip” Hysteria Silent gestation "Tentacles" Demonstration of strength/will Holding boundaries

Part 6. Hands of light.

“So illness can be seen as a lesson you teach yourself to remember who you are.”

How does a person get sick? It is clear that if a problem/block/breakthrough occurs in one of the bodies, then all lower ones, according to the matryoshka effect, are distorted, right down to the physical body.

Very interestingly, Barbara also describes a method of “moving back in time” and finding the cause of an illness or problem.

It is also used to contact the Mentor and receive information from him.

Important nuances regarding multidimensional perception:

As I developed my ability to “see,” I discovered that pictures come in two forms. One is symbolic, the other is literal. When you observe a symbolic picture, you simply see an image that has meaning for your patient. In a literal painting, you see images of events or things.

For example, when you see a symbolic picture of, say, a blue car driving down the road, you don't immediately say, "Oh, what does that mean?" You simply watch the car drive down the road and let the scene unfold in front of you. In this process, you collect information bit by bit and gradually build a picture that can be understood.

About energy use:

“Remember that you are channeling, not radiating. This means that you raise your vibration to the desired energetic level and then simply connect to the universal energy field and allow it to flow (similar to plugging an electrical plug into a wall socket). If you heal differently, you will get tired very quickly. You cannot radiate enough energy from your field to heal; you have to channel it."

So who heals? It is recommended to do the healing process in the presence of the Guides or even to let it into you during the healing process. Basically, the healer seems to be simply a conductor of the Higher Consciousness through his body. Raising the level of vibrations and allowing the flow to flow through themselves - Mentors do everything themselves.

“As your vibrational rate increases, your energy field around your body expands. You feel someone’s presence near you, perhaps more than one entity. Guides glide very gently through your auric field. The feeling is very familiar, pleasant and surprising. You rise to a state of angelic serenity. You are at peace with the universe. By sacrificing your creative power, you watch as the hands of the guides penetrate your patient's body through your etheric hands. You watch them stitch up a hernia in the diaphragm.”

Here's what I want to highlight:

  1. Maintaining your level of consciousness at a high level throughout your life and mandatory preparation (cleaning, tuning) before the session.
  2. Ask yourself why this person came to you? What brought him here? What can you give him?
  3. Next comes the process of work and healing. I won’t describe it because it’s less interesting. But there is a nuance in that the work is being carried out in evolutionary mode. From bottom to top - from lower bodies to higher ones.
  4. Get in tune with the patient’s mentors and receive information from them (you can at any time).

The meaning of aura color.

“Many people come to me and ask: “What color is my aura?” Then they ask, “What does this color mean?” Many people do aura readings, in which the reader can say: “Your aura is such and such a color, and it means such and such.” As you can see from this book, I don't usually do that. If someone asks, “What color is my aura?”, I usually ask, “On what layer?”

Here is a table with the colors of the aura at the soul level.

Color Usage
Red Passion, strong feelings. Mixed with pink - love. Light red - active anger. Dark red: hidden anger
Orange Ambition
Yellow Intelligence
Green Healing, healer, provider
Blue Teacher
Crimson Deep Connection with Spirit
Indigo Moving towards a deep connection with spirit
Lavender Spirit
White True
Gold Connection with God. Service to humanity, divine love
Silver Contact
Black Lack of light, or deep oblivion, intractable ambition (cancer)
Dark velvet Like holes in space, doors to other realities
Chestnut Carrying out an individual's task

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