St. Nicholas of the spring. St. Nicholas of spring, spring (summer) Why does St. Nicholas have two holidays? Nicholas the Wonderworker is a great saint. He is known and revered not only in Russia, but also in Western Europe. There is an opinion that Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most revered

One of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy. He is considered the protector of the common people, the patron of navigation, trade and agriculture. The memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker is honored with two major holidays, one of which falls on May 22 and is associated with the transfer of the saint’s relics from Myra Lycian to Bar (Italy) in 1087, and the second - December 19 - is the Day of the Death of Nicholas and is celebrated as the day of discovery Church of the new heavenly patron.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant was called the Wonderworker for the innumerable number of miraculous healings and resurrections from the dead he performed, for his ability to tame and subjugate the elements of the sea, and for other miracles that occurred even when praying to him. The love of the people and the enormous authority of Saint Archbishop Nicholas are inextricably linked with his bright faith, as well as with sensitivity to the requests of people, with his quick and merciful help.

On St. Nicholas Day
I want to wish you well,
For help and support
It was from the Holy One to you.

He will hear all prayers
In difficult times it will strengthen you,
Believe, truly love,
He will reward you with happiness.

Today is St. Nicholas Day,
May the holiday bring you only light!
I wish you good health,
Let your soul sing for joy!

Let Nikolai make his dreams come true,
May your life seem like magic!
Let happiness shine in your eyes,
And every moment will be filled with goodness!

Happy St. Nicholas Day and the beginning of summer! We wish the warmth of this happy holiday warmed your soul so that God's mercy would not leave you and your home, and our intercessor, Nicholas the Wonderworker, would help you in all your endeavors.

On the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
We wish you great miracles,
Let your wishes come true
Let happiness grow to the skies,
May Nicholas the Holy Pleasant
Will bring great joy
And to everyone who firmly believes in miracles,
May you be lucky!

Nikolin's day is warm
And the church bell sings.
You pray to the Wonderworker,
May he protect you all your life.
On Nikolina's day, good wishes to you
Let happiness come into the house,
Let faith in the Lord Christ
Your soul will be pure.
God bless you
Nikola will protect you from troubles.

Today, on St. Nicholas Day,
Wishing you health and joy,
I also want to wish you happiness,
So that you never know grief and misfortune!

Let May rage in your heart and soul,
Love and tenderness flow over the edge,
Let Saint Nicholas help you in life,
And let him inspire you to good deeds!

Congratulations on Nikola's Day
And I wish that the Saint
Was always by your side,
He led me by the hand.

Let advice whisper in your ear,
May it always help
Faith in your good heart
To always be firm.

The main thing is to pray from your heart,
Don't give up, don't complain
And then great happiness
Waiting ahead, of course.

Nikolin's spring day
Let the hearts love
May will fill us.

May our prayers
The heavens will hear
Nicholas Saint to us
Will give miracles.

Let him give healing
He is to soul and body,
Will give love, hope,
Strengthens our faith.

It’s Nikola’s day for you
I wish you happiness
May good deeds be done
The saint blesses.

On St. Nicholas Day,
I wish you happiness.
May May bring joy,
Nikolai will be nearby.

May the Saint always help,
Don't let sadness gnaw at you
Let him help with advice,
Let him give all the answers.

Contact him in prayer
With a pure and open heart,
He will always hear you
And he will send help from above.

Spring is coming, bringing warmth,
The despondency is long gone
Now we want Nikolin's day
I wish health to all my family,
Congratulations to all Nikolaev,
Trouble and grief - they don’t know,
To live and prosper in abundance,
And it’s a joy to meet happiness!
Let comfort reign in their family,
Let the relatives bring love,
And keep you warm in the cold,
Always enjoy life!

On Nikola's day I wish you,
So that no troubles happen in life,
Let Nikolai protect
Your every dawn of life.

And if there is a road ahead,
First you pray to him,
Let him take away the anxiety with his hand,
May all hopes come true!

Congratulations: 46 in verse, 6 in prose.

This celebration is associated with the transfer of the relics of the archbishop from the town of Myra to a place called Bari. In Russia, this date is called Nikola Veshny, linking the Christian holiday with spring and long-awaited changes.

This saint was born in a Greek colony in Asia. His birthplace was the town of Patara. His parents had a large fortune, were believers and zealous Christians, and were actively involved in charity work.

As a boy, Saint Nicholas spent a lot of time reading church books and regularly visiting church. And when he grew up, he studied to be a priest and entered the church, where the father-rector of the monastery was his uncle, the famous Bishop of Patara.

After the natural death of his mother and father, Nicholas the Wonderworker gave his entire fortune to those in need, and he himself became a bishop in Myra. Today this city is called Demre, and this place is located in the Turkish region of Antalya.

The fair and honest archbishop was greatly revered by the people. For my long life Saint Nicholas performed many miracles. Information about his following deeds has reached our days:

  • rescued unjustly convicted people from prisons;
  • fought against paganism;
  • denounced and converted heretics;
  • protected the city of Myra from hunger with the help of sincere prayer to the Lord;
  • by the power of prayer he rescued crews of sinking ships from trouble;
  • answered all the requests and questions of the suffering.

Nikolai Ugodnik died, having lived for many years, as a “deep” old man. The true date of his death is not known. Historians believe that this happened around 341–351.

Who is the patron of this amazing and famous saint?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is recognized as the patron saint of children, and in Europe is even called the prototype of Santa Claus. He is also favorable to travelers, all sailors, merchants and those who need a real miracle for healing.

Why is St. Nicholas called the Pleasant?

The saint received this name for his pleasing service to God. Nicholas the Pleasant prayed with such strength and faith that even after death his relics remained untouched by decay. They streamed myrrh, and hundreds of believers were healed from this grace.

May 22 - St. Nicholas Day - the Wonderworker is glorified and honored in a variety of churches and parishes. Believers on this holiday try to give up meat and eggs, setting tables with fish dishes.

Previously, when Agriculture was more developed; on St. Nicholas of the Spring, Christians organized mass processions with strings of icons and images. Believers participated in a prayer service, asking for mercy and rain. Usually, religious processions ended in fields or near water wells. It was believed that the merciful Nicholas could help in the fight against drought and bad weather.

Today on this day you can visit the temple, where a service will definitely be held. You can also pray at home, asking Nicholas the Pleasant for help in some matter.

In the evening you need to get together with the whole family for festive table and conduct a general prayer of thanksgiving to the saint for his intercession. This Christian celebration is not associated with tragic events, so you can celebrate easily and cheerfully.

On the day of memory of Nikola Veshny, there is no need to do anything for yourself personally. Since the saint gave everything to people, believers on such a day should give something to charity, give alms or money for the construction of a church. Help for orphans and orphanages, as well as poor families, is welcomed.

The legend of the holiday

St. Nicholas is glorified on May 22 and December 19. On St. Nicholas of the Winter, it is customary to give each other gifts. And during the spring celebration, you can limit yourself to beautiful greeting cards and verbal wishes of happiness, goodness and peace.

Saint Nicholas is revered by all Christians. He is very often remembered during daily services and given a special place in the Christian hierarchy of saints.

There is a legend that when one peasant got stuck with his cart in the mud, he asked St. Kasyan passing by for help. But he refused, citing the fact that he was in a hurry to the Lord. When Saint Nicholas passed next to the peasant, he helped him pull the cart out of the ditch and appeared to the Lord covered in mud. There the saint was asked why he got so dirty and delayed, to which he replied that he was helping a man. Since then, Nicholas the Pleasant has been praised twice a year, and the Christian Saint Kasyan once every four years.

The winter holiday dedicated to St. Nicholas the Pleasant also has its own legend. During his lifetime, the saint learned that in his city there was a poor man who decided to terrible sin. To get out of poverty and marry off his two daughters, a man decided to send the third girl to a brothel. Then Nicholas the Wonderworker snuck into the poor man’s house at night and threw him a bag of gold. The poor man could not believe his luck and married off his eldest daughter. Then Nikolai Ugodnik snuck into the poor man's house with a bag of gold for the second time, and the man performed a wedding for his middle daughter. The poor man was wondering who his benefactor was? Therefore, for the third time he tracked down the bishop and rushed after him to thank him for his unprecedented generosity. And then he married off his third daughter. Since then, on December 19, the custom of giving gifts and small souvenirs has been established, which are secretly placed at night near the fireplace or Christmas tree.

During his earthly years, this saint performed many incredible miracles and accomplished a huge number of good deeds. He did not refuse to help either believers or pagans, prompting them to repent and instructing them on the true path.

Believers know that May 22 is St. Nicholas Day. They go to services with joy, remembering the intercession of the archbishop. And they believe that even after death the saint protects them from heaven, gives them protection and hope for the healing of ailments. An amazing person and popular saint among the people, he is equally known both in Russia and abroad. Many temples and churches were erected in his honor. He is known not only by Christians, but also by people of other faiths. The saint is remembered and glorified by all Orthodox and Catholic believers.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker spring holiday May 22

The Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker takes place three times a year.
Dates are fixed, unlike some others church holidays. So, on August 11 it is customary to celebrate the birthday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker; December 19 is the day of his death, and May 22 is the transfer of the relics from Myra Lycia to Baria. This event happened back in 1087.
In other words, there are only three holidays, which are popularly called Nikola Winter, Nikola Autumn and Nikola Vershny (that is, spring) or Nikola Summer. Nicholas the Wonderworker has been revered since ancient times. When praying to him, he helped sailors, merchants, unjustly convicted people and children. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker spring holiday May 22: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was born back in the year 270
The place of birth was the city of Patara, which was located in the region of Lycia and Asia Minor. It was then a Greek colony. Nicholas's parents were wealthy people, but they believed in Christ and did not forget to help poor people. From childhood, the saint spent a lot of time in church and completely devoted himself to the faith. When Nicholas's parents died, he distributed his inheritance to the poor and continued his church service. Later the saint ascended the episcopal throne in Myra. Nowadays, this city is called Demre and it is located in the province of Antalya, Turkey.
The people liked the newly-crowned archbishop and loved him. After all, he was kind, fair and sympathetic. In addition, Nicholas also became famous for his miracles. Thus, he saved the city of Myra from hunger, prayed and also helped sailors, and brought those unjustly imprisoned out of prison. The exact date of death of Nicholas the Pleasant is not known, between 345 and 351, having lived to a ripe old age. His relics were incorrupt and initially rested in the cathedral church of Myra. They streamed myrrh, and the myrrh healed the believers. Later, in 1087, part of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker was transferred to the Italian city of Bari. A few years later, the remaining part of the relics was transported to Venice, and only a small particle is kept in Myra to this day.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!
Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

St. Nicholas of Summer is a holiday that Orthodox Christians celebrate every year on May 22. The closest to the labor of peasants in Rus', Nikolai Ugodnik is revered as a national saint. This day is accompanied by many signs and traditions.

May Day is associated with the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. He is one of the most beloved and revered saints among Orthodox Christians, to whom they turn with a variety of requests for help.

Signs of the holiday

On the day of the celebration, peasants began to take their horses out to distant pastures, shear sheep, and plant potatoes. All this was accompanied by prayers and thanks to the saint, who looked after the animals and prevented the crops from dying.

The lovers revered him as their patron, and on the day of St. Nicholas the Summer they offered prayers to the holy elder for the search for love and blessing for the wedding.

If it rained on the day of the holiday, the peasants considered it good sign, which promised a rich harvest and the absence of drought. Wet weather between 22 May and 10 June was also considered lucky omen, because it was precisely by the period of the Foreland that our ancestors determined what the summer would be like.

The croaking of frogs carried good news - a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables was expected.

On the day of the holiday, prayers to the saint have great power, and everyone can ask St. Nicholas the Pleasant for healing of ailments, love and forgiveness of sins.

The alder blossoms on this day promised financial well-being: if the tree blossomed in someone’s yard, the family did not have to worry about their well-being.

It is undesirable to use scissors and sharp objects for needlework on the day of the holiday.

Traditions of St. Nicholas Day

On the night before the holiday, families baked a treat consisting of pies and porridge, and large bonfires were lit in the fields. This was done before driving the cattle to summer pastures and was a kind of ritual that protected living creatures from harm.

On this day, peasants performed a ritual that protected livestock from the encroachment of wolves. They did this with the help sharp knife, which was stuck into the threshold of the house or into the table. A stone was placed in the oven, which was covered with a pot, and the words of the conspiracy were uttered:

“My little cow, nurse and waterer, stay at home, don’t show your nose, and the hungry wolf bites his sides, and don’t look at my cattle.”

Our ancestors went out into the field early in the morning and washed themselves with dew. This tradition protected from adversity and illness, increasing health for the whole year.

After washing with dew, people went to their homes, stood facing the sun and asked Nikola for a rich harvest, prayed and praised the Wonderworker, who listened to everyone’s requests.

Traditionally, on the day of the holiday, everyone in the family did something useful. Work and prayers were considered a good sign. The ancestors believed that Nikola Letniy watches over everyone and notes diligent and hardworking people, helping them overcome difficulties.

After visiting the church, the peasants washed themselves in the bathhouse, offered prayers to the saint, and then put on clean clothes and bowed three times, making the sign of the cross, saying:

“Father Nikola, turn your gaze to my family and protect them from evil. Help us with our work so we can live the winter carefree.”

Every housewife started general cleaning so that the house is clean and attracts the attention of the saint. On this day, the cattle received many delicacies, they were groomed, thorns and insects were removed, they were cleaned and the bedding was changed. The chickens were allowed to peck porridge cooked with butter so that they rush and don’t get sick.

Men for protection poultry they drove poles into the ground, decorated with strips of multi-colored fabrics. This tradition, according to beliefs, provided protection from predators who tried to get to the settlements in order to feast on available prey.

We ended the celebration of St. Nicholas of the Summer with a family dinner. Numerous relatives gathered at the table and were treated to what God had sent.

On this day, requests for help are never refused. It is believed that refusal brings seven years of troubles to the family, so everyone considered it their duty to give to the poor and needy. This was done not so much out of fear of misfortune, but out of one’s own free will. Nikolai Ugodnik always helped those in need, and believers tried to adhere to the same behavior.

Spend this holiday with your family and be sure to offer prayers to the Wonderworker. Your sincerity and desire to get rid of troubles will definitely be rewarded. We wish you Have a good mood, health, well-being, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

22.05.2017 04:41

The Assumption Fast begins with the Honey Savior. The wonderful celebration included both Christian and...

In Russia, Nicholas is considered the most revered saint. It is in Russia that everyone knows about him, even those who have nothing to do with the church in any way. Orthodox Christians remember Nicholas almost every week. But for some reason, it is in Russia that he is more often called the protector of all the poor and their first assistant. People can turn to Nicholas with any of their troubles, and he will intercede before the Almighty, help in trouble, and rescue them from it. Probably for this reason they began to call Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is loved and has always been loved. Evidence of this is the icon in every home. But for what merits is he so loved? And all for his kindness, sympathy for the suffering and help to those in need. Spring Nicholas Day, May 22. After all, the transfer of saints from the cities of Myra to Bari is associated with this date. The date we celebrate St. Nicholas Day (spring) is May 22.

Spring Wonderworker Nicholas,
Help us in every matter,
You are the patron of happiness and goodness,
We are always glad to see you.
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
I wish you good health and good luck in everything,
May it always come true,
May fate generously reward you.

There is a wonderful holiday in May,
St. Nicholas day,
He is bright, specially beautiful,
Long awaited and loved by people.
May this holiday give you a miracle,
Fill the soul with joy, warmth,
May it be long and beautiful life will,
May love always live in your heart.

They say that on the day of spring Nicholas,
Dreams will certainly come true,
I sincerely wish you
Happiness, joy, prosperity and love.
May life always be wonderful
Filled with boundless happiness, kindness,
May the sun shine clearly for you
Let there be joy in your heart and peace in your soul.

St. Nicolas day!
The glorious holiday has arrived,
Everyone in the world is waiting for this holiday,
After all, he gave us joy.
He has come - open the doors wider,
Along with the May warmth,
The Wonderworker took away all failures and losses from us,
Made the house a full cup.

On the spring day of St. Nicholas,
With all my heart I wish you,
So that all worries bypass you,
So that your loved ones always love you.
So that children don't get sick,
And you are the happiest in the world,
To be lucky in all matters,
Live with a smile on your lips.

A wonderful holiday has come to us,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
I wish you to find happiness,
On the day of spring St. Nicholas.
May he give you many miracles,
May peace reign in your home,
May happiness rise to the skies
May today and yesterday be more beautiful.

Today is the brightest holiday,
Nicholas of Spring is an important day,
Be warmed by the blessing of the Lord,
Words from kind people.
May the Wonderworker give you full
Will give joy, happiness, love and beauty,
Let him sow have a wonderful life seeds,
Let him fulfill his cherished dream.

On St. Nicholas Day, I want to wish you miracles,
And so that they don’t forget to make a cherished wish,
May spring Nikolai help you in everything,
Protects your soul from dark thoughts.
Let the house be a full cup,
So that there are no obstacles on your path,
The Holy Spirit, I know, will definitely not forget you,
Let tears shine on your cheeks only from happiness!

Let St. Nicholas of the spring help in everything,
Let him always guide you on the true path.
He is also next to you in this bright hour,
He asks the Almighty for forgiveness for you.
Let your thoughts be bright, let grace reign in your heart,
Let the atmosphere of kindness in the house always swirl.
Let all worries and sorrows go away forever,
I wish you never to be sad in your life!

Let Saint Nicholas of spring give you magic,
Let him add more warmth, love and understanding,
Let the holy prayer heal the soul,
Let only the beautiful reign in your soul.
Let the horizons of a new life light up in full,
Only new heights and depth of life await!
Let happiness and faith in the heart accompany you,
May your Guardian Angel illuminate your path!

May Saint Nicholas save you from life's problems,
May your days never be darkened by anything.
Let the smile on your face sparkle with joy only,
And on this holiday let magic happen to you!
I wish you peace, happiness and warmth,
May beauty and grace come to your home forever.
Let every breath and look be filled with love,
Let your eyes shine brighter with joy!

Let Saint Nicholas of spring give magic,
There is nothing better than the miracle of kindness in life.
Let wonderful impulses inspire your soul,
Just let your eyes sparkle with joy!
Let your hopes be fulfilled, let faith live in your heart,
Let Guardian Angel bring you only good news!
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you,
Once again I wish you all the best!

Let Saint Nicholas of the spring perform his magic,
There is nothing better than God’s forgiveness of your sins.
Let him pray to the Almighty to forgive you,
I wish you all earthly blessings in this bright hour.
Let time stop at least for a moment,
Let God's enlightenment descend on you.
Let more pleasant miracles happen to you,
Let purity and love enter the soul more often.

On St. Nicholas I want to wish you,
You don’t know the brightest of things, grief, troubles.
Let only pure joy knock in the heart,
May your holy soul be healed by prayer.
Let the holiday be bright, warm and simple,
Let us bow to the Holy Face and be silent for a while.
May the Lord bless your path forever,
Let comfort and kindness reign in your home.
