Steve Jobs died from. Steve Jobs' fatal mistake and illness

Neither Jobs himself nor Apple provided accurate information about the causes of the illness and his well-being. In conversations with reporters, Jobs refused to specify details regarding his health and noted that he and his family would be “very grateful for the respect shown” to his personal life. He considered his health to be his personal matter, which should not concern anyone else.

Disease history

Repeated rumors about Jobs' illness appeared in 2008, after his speech at WWDC. Apple representatives then said that Jobs was the victim of a “common virus” and was taking antibiotics. Despite this statement, rumors spread that his emaciated appearance was due to the effects of cancer treatment.

Representatives Apple I often had to answer questions about Steve Jobs’ health at official conferences. The answer was almost always the same: “This is a private matter.”

The Apple CEO was seen getting out of his car near the Stanford Cancer Center. He looked haggard and thinner.

Myself Steve Jobs I also didn’t like to talk about my health. At one media event, Jobs ended his presentation with a slide that read “110/70”—blood pressure. While showing this slide, he stated that he would not answer questions about his health.

In January 2009, Apple reported that Jobs had been suffering from “imbalance” for several months. A few days later, in an Apple memo, Jobs wrote that last week he "learned that my health issues are more complex than I thought." So he announced he was going on six-month leave until the end of June 2009. Jobs devoted this time to rest and his health. But despite the vacation, Jobs was involved in "major strategic decisions."

Liver transplant

In April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant at the University of Tennessee Methodist Hospital in Memphis. The need for a transplant was due to pancreatic cancer. This type of cancer metastasizes to many organs and in most cases affects the liver. The doctors were pleased with the result of the operation and made “excellent” prognoses.

In January 2011, a year and a half after Jobs returned from a liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been granted medical leave.

As during his previous medical leaves, Jobs was actively involved in the life of the company. He spoke at the iPad 2 launch on March 2, introduced iCloud at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 6, and spoke to the Cupertino City Council on June 7.

In August 2011, many publications published photographs of Jobs, which showed that he had lost a lot of weight and needed a wheelchair.

Distant target

Steve Jobs battled cancer for more than 8 years and was able to live longer than some doctors predicted. Treatment for pancreatic cancer is extremely difficult task. The official cause of death is pancreatic cancer. But doctors note that among other causes of death founder of Apple can be both failure of the transplanted liver and life-threatening side effects taking immunosuppressants.

Journalist Walter Mossberg, who knew Steve Jobs well for the past 14 years, wrote in The Wall Street Journal about visiting Jobs at his home while he was recovering from transplant surgery at home in Palo Alto. After talking, they decided to take a walk. After the operation, Jobs walked every day, always setting himself a longer-term goal for walking.

The journalist recalls that Jobs this time “wanted to get to the nearby park at all costs.” At the same time, as Mossberg writes, he looked sick. On the way to the park, Jobs suddenly stopped. “He was clearly feeling unwell. I offered to return home, making it clear that I did not know how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation and could vividly imagine the headlines of tomorrow’s newspapers, which would definitely write “Helpless reporter allowed Steve Jobs to die while walking.” He laughed, but refused to return , and after a short rest we continued our walk towards the park,” recalls Walter Mossberg.

Over the past few years, doctors and specialists, based on rumors, have stated that Steve Jobs had six weeks to two years to live. Steve Jobs, one of the key figures in the computer industry, died from a serious illness at the age of 56. Neither Jobs himself nor Apple provided accurate information about the causes of the illness and his well-being. In conversations with reporters, Jobs refused to specify details regarding his health and noted that he and his family would be “very grateful for the respect shown” to his personal life. He considered his health to be his personal matter, which should not concern anyone else.

Disease history

In 2003, Jobs' serious illness became officially known. Doctors diagnosed him with pancreatic cancer. This disease is considered fatal. The chance of living at least another 5 years is 10%. Jobs was included in the list of “lucky ones”; he was diagnosed with an operable form of cancer - a rare type of this disease known as neuroendocrine islet cell tumor. Jobs initially resisted the idea of ​​conventional medical intervention and following special diet. But in July 2004, he still underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy (“Whipple procedure”). Then the tumor was successfully removed. Jobs did not require chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

In early August 2006, Jobs gave a speech at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference. His appearance led to rumors of a possible recurrence of pancreatic cancer. He looked "thin, almost skinny" and unusually "lethargic." However, journalists who saw Jobs in person said that he “looked good.” In addition, Apple representatives said that “Steve’s health is good.”

Repeated rumors about Jobs' illness appeared in 2008, after his speech at WWDC. Then Apple representatives said that Jobs was a victim of a “common virus” and was taking antibiotics. Despite this statement, rumors spread that his emaciated appearance was due to the effects of cancer treatment.

Representatives of Apple often had to answer questions about the health of Steve Jobs at official conferences. The answer was almost always the same: “This is a private matter.” The Apple CEO was seen getting out of his car near the Stanford Cancer Center. He looked haggard and thinner. Steve Jobs himself also did not like to talk about his health. At one media event, Jobs ended his presentation with a slide that read “110/70”—blood pressure. While showing this slide, he stated that he would not answer questions about his health.

In January 2009, Apple reported that Jobs had been suffering from a “hormonal imbalance” for several months. A few days later, in an Apple memo, Jobs wrote that last week he "learned that my health issues are more complex than I thought." So he announced he was going on six-month leave until the end of June 2009. Jobs devoted this time to rest and his health. But despite the vacation, Jobs was involved in "major strategic decisions."

Liver transplant

In April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant at the University of Tennessee Methodist Hospital in Memphis. The need for a transplant was due to pancreatic cancer. This type of cancer metastasizes to many organs and in most cases affects the liver. The doctors were pleased with the result of the operation and made “excellent” prognoses.

In January 2011, a year and a half after Jobs returned from a liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been granted medical leave. As during his previous medical leaves, Jobs was actively involved in the life of the company. He spoke at the iPad 2 launch on March 2, introduced iCloud at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 6, and spoke to the Cupertino City Council on June 7.

In August 2011, many publications published photographs of Jobs, which showed that he had lost a lot of weight and needed a wheelchair. Steve Jobs battled cancer for more than 8 years and was able to live longer than some doctors predicted. Treatment of pancreatic cancer is extremely difficult. The official cause of death is pancreatic cancer. But doctors note that other causes of death for the Apple founder may include failure of the transplanted liver and life-threatening side effects of taking immunosuppressants.

Journalist Walter Mossberg, who knew Steve Jobs well for the past 14 years, wrote in The Wall Street Journal about visiting Jobs at his home while he was recovering from a liver transplant at home in Palo Alto. . After talking, they decided to take a walk. After the operation, Jobs walked every day, always setting himself a longer-term goal for walking.

The journalist recalls that Jobs this time “wanted to get to the nearby park at all costs.” At the same time, as Mossberg writes, he looked sick. On the way to the park, Jobs suddenly stopped. “He was clearly unwell. I offered to return home, making it clear that I did not know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and could vividly imagine the headlines of tomorrow's newspapers, which would definitely write “Helpless reporter allowed Steve Jobs to die while walking.” He laughed, but refused to return, and after a short rest we continued our walk towards the park,” recalls Walter Mossberg.

Sometimes people wonder why I don't like charlatans and am against various alternative treatments. After all, they great harm they won't bring it. I'm against it because of the zero sum rule, if you do one thing you don't do something else (). When being treated with fuflomycins, you do not take the necessary drugs; by applying a cabbage leaf from the head, you... And to illustrate this, I want to tell the story of Steve Jobs and his “spiritual teachers” who encouraged him to refuse cancer surgery.

Jobs had kidney stones. And his kidney problems indirectly led to the discovery of cancer. In October 2003, he accidentally met with his urologist, who asked him to do a CT scan of his kidneys and ureter. Five years have passed since the last tomography. The new scan did not reveal any problems with the kidneys, but showed a shadow in the area of ​​the pancreas, and the doctor told him to sign up for an appropriate examination. He didn't.

But the doctor was persistent and persuaded him to go for an examination. “Steve, this is really serious,” she said a few days later. “You need to do this.” She sounded agitated enough for him to comply.

He was examined early in the morning, and after studying the image, doctors met with him to tell him the bad news: it was a tumor. One of them even advised him to get his affairs in order - a gentle way of communicating that he may have only a few months to live. That evening they performed a biopsy, passing an endoscope down her throat and into her intestines to stick a needle into her pancreas and extract some cells from the tumor.

Powell (Jobs' wife) recalled that her husband's doctors almost cried with joy. It turned out to be an islet cell tumor, or neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas, which is rare but grows more slowly and is therefore more likely to be treatable. This type of disease occurs in only 5% of pancreatic cancer patients. He was lucky that the tumor was found so early - as a side result of a routine kidney test - meaning it could be surgically removed before the cancer had a chance to spread.

(My comment: survival rate for this type of cancer at this stage with surgical treatment is 98%)

What did Jobs do? One of the first calls he made was Larry Brilliant, whom he had met at an ashram in India. "Do you still believe in God?" - Jobs asked him. Diamond said he believed, and they talked about the many paths to God that their Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba had told them about. Then Diamond asked Jobs what happened. “I have cancer,” Jobs replied.

Art Levinson, a member of the Apple board of directors, was chairing a meeting of the board of directors of his own company, Genentech, when he mobile phone rang and Jobs' name flashed on the screen. After waiting for a break, Levinson called Jobs back and heard the news about cancer. In the past, he was involved in biological research into cancer tumors, and his company produced cancer drugs, so he began to act as a consultant. As well as Intel founder Andy Grove, who once defeated prostate cancer. Jobs called him that Sunday, he immediately got in his car, drove to Jobs's house and spent two hours with him.

To the horror of his friends and wife, Jobs decided to refuse surgery to remove the tumor, which was the only accepted treatment. “I really didn’t want my body to be cut open, so I decided to see if something else would work,” he told me years later, with a note of regret in his voice. In particular, he adhered to a strict vegetarian diet with big amount fresh carrots and fruit juices. To this diet, he added acupuncture, various herbal remedies, and periodically some other treatment methods that he found on the Internet or that were advised to him by people from different parts of the country, including a medium. For a time he was under the care of a physician who ran a natural medicine clinic in southern California that emphasized the use of organic herbs, juice diets, frequent colon cleanses, hydrotherapy, and emotional release.

Friends urged him many times to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. “I talked to Steve when he was trying to heal himself with God knows what, some stupid roots, and I told him he was crazy,” Grove said. Levinson said he "begged" Jobs every day and was terribly upset that he "couldn't get through to him." These disputes almost ruined their friendship. “You can’t do that with cancer,” Levinson insisted when Jobs discussed diet therapy with him. — It is impossible to get rid of it without surgery and without toxic chemicals" Even nutritionist Dean Ornish is a pioneer in the field of treating diseases with alternative methods and special food- during a long walk with Jobs, he began to convince him that sometimes it is more correct to turn to traditional methods. “You really need surgery,” Ornish told him.

Jobs also decided to postpone the surgical treatment offered to him by one of the leaders in the treatment of this particular type of tumor, the head of the department of surgical oncology at Stanford University, Dr. Jeffrey Norton. He warned that only surgery can guarantee recovery.

Steve continued to persevere for nine months after his diagnosis in October 2003. “He had this ability to ignore what he didn’t want to face,” his wife explained. “That’s the way he’s built.” Did it concern personal issues related to family and marriage, professional issues issues related to technical developments and business issues, or issues related to health and cancer - sometimes Jobs simply refused to act. Powell involved all the people close to him in the campaign to convince Steve, including his sister Mona Simpson. Finally, in July 2004, he was shown a CT scan that showed that the tumor had grown and possibly metastasized. It forced him to face reality.

Jobs underwent surgery on July 31, 2004, at Stanford University Medical Center. He did not undergo the full Whipple procedure, which involves removing large parts of the stomach and intestines, as well as the pancreas. Doctors considered this possibility, but settled on less radical method- a modified “Whipple procedure”, when only part of the pancreas is removed.

Unfortunately, the cancer has spread. During the operation, doctors discovered three metastases in the liver (which is why they later had to undergo a liver transplant). If the operation had been done nine months ago, they might have been able to catch the cancer before it could spread. But Steve Jobs again refused to remove the liver (and do a transplant).

Steve Jobs was lucky twice: he accidentally discovered a tumor on his early stage, the tumor turned out to be of a favorable type (low malignancy). Alas, having succumbed to the persuasion of pseudo-healers and “spiritual teachers,” he made a mistake and paid for this mistake with his life. Apparently, he himself realized his mistake, because he hid the fact that he refused the operation and found metastases, and missed this in his speech to Stanford students. Those close to him noted that Jobs lived the last 8 years of his life with regret, guilt and remorse for delaying his surgery for 9 months after his cancer diagnosis. According to Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, the Apple mastermind ended up greatly regretting the decision he made several years ago to forego potentially life-saving surgery in favor of alternative treatments like acupuncture, nutritional supplements and juices. His initial reluctance to have the operation was apparently incomprehensible to his wife and close friends, who constantly urged him to do it."

"We talked about it a lot," says his biographer. “He wanted to talk about it, about his regret. ... I think he believed that he should have let himself be operated on sooner.

Vicious circle.

The refusal to perform a partial resection of the liver during the first operation led to the fact that the metastases in it grew so much that five years after the cancer was discovered, the liver had to be removed and a new one transplanted. And Jobs found himself in a “vicious circle.” The fact is that to prevent rejection of a transplanted liver, it is necessary to suppress the immune system. And decreased immunity increases the likelihood of new metastases in patients who have had neuroendocrine tumors. New tumors, unfortunately, arise in the transplanted liver or other organs with a 75% probability within 2–5 years. Thus, a neuroendocrine cancer that is favorable for treatment at an early stage becomes extremely resistant to treatment with liver transplantation.

Steve Jobs - outstanding man, who made a huge contribution to the development of the computer industry. His story is a story that, without higher education built a powerful empire. In just a few years, he became a multimillionaire.

Judging by his lifespan, the gap between the date of birth and death of Steve Jobs is not very long. But he will be remembered as one of the best managers in the world, and people will forever remember him as an irrepressible visionary.

Jobs' medical history

For a long time, there were only rumors about Jobs' illness. Neither Steve himself nor Apple provided any information because they did not want interference in their personal lives. And only in 2003 did information appear that Jobs was seriously ill and the diagnosis was terrible: .

This disease is fatal, and most people live with this diagnosis for no more than five years, but with Jobs everything was different. And after a short resistance to medical intervention, Jobs finally had the tumor removed in 2004. Then he did not have to endure either chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

But already in 2006, when Jobs spoke at a conference, his appearance again gave rise to many rumors about the disease. He was thin, even too thin, and there was no trace left of his former activity. The same rumors began to spread two years later, after his entry into WWDC. And then representatives of Apple commented that this was an ordinary virus, and Jobs still considered this his personal matter.

And already in 2009, Jobs took a leave of absence for six months, but did not stop participating in the company’s affairs. It was pancreatic cancer that caused the liver transplant performed in April of the same year. This operation was successful and the doctors had excellent prognoses.

But January 2011 changed everything again, and not in better side. Jobs took another sick leave. And, as during previous holidays, he took an active part in the work of the company.

It took Steve Jobs eight years to fight cancer. This is much more than many other people manage. But all this time he fought for his life, participated in the management of the company and was surrounded by loved ones. He was a persistent and strong man.

Steve Jobs' last words

After his death, a message left in hospital ward. Steve Jobs' last words before his death reach the deepest corners of every person's soul. He wrote that the wealth that many considered the personification of success, for him was just a fact to which he was accustomed. And he had few joys outside of work.

He was proud of his wealth and well-deserved recognition while being healthy. But in a hospital bed, in the face of death, it lost all meaning. And then, lying in the hospital and waiting to meet God, Jobs realized that it was time to forget about wealth and think about more important things. And he considered these things to be art and dreams. Those dreams from childhood.

And Steve considered Love to be the greatest treasure that needs to be protected throughout life - for a loved one, for family, for friends. Love that can overcome time and distance.

Steve Jobs died of cancer

But everything ends someday. In Santa Clara County, California, Jobs' death certificate was issued by the health department. From it, people learned why Steve Jobs died. The death certificate of the head of a huge American corporation, Steve Jobs, lists the date of death as October 5, 2011. The official cause of death was respiratory arrest, which was caused by pancreatic cancer. He was only 56 years old.

The place of death was identified as Jobs' home in Palo Alto. The occupation in the same document sounds like “entrepreneur”. A day later, Steve Jobs' funeral took place and was attended only by family and friends.

The death of this truly great man was a shock to people all over the world. He is buried in the Alta Messa cemetery, and only the date in his biography will remind you of the year in which Steve Jobs died.

Steve Jobs before his death

Their last days Jobs spent time here in Palo Alto. His wife Lauryn and his children were with him. And, already knowing that he did not have long to live, he met only those people with whom he really wanted to say goodbye.

His close friend, a doctor by profession, Dean Ornish, visited a Chinese restaurant in Palo Alto with Steve. Jobs also said goodbye to his colleagues and often communicated with biographer Walter Isaacson.

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Jobs also left a will for Apple management. He has been working on new product releases for the past few months. So we will still see new products that Jobs planned to release.

» died on October 5, 2011 from complications of pancreatic cancer, he was 56 years old. The average life expectancy for this form of cancer is 3-6 months, but Steve Jobs successfully fought the disease for twenty years.

Steve battled pancreatic cancer for two decades.

Pancreatic cancer is a rapidly progressing malignant tumor that leads to death.

In this regard, twenty years of life lived with such an oncological disease can be considered for a long time for anyone battling this type of cancer; and in order to simply live through them, it was necessary to choose the correct strategy to combat the disease in all respects.

It is common knowledge that Steve Jobs chose alternative and natural treatments to treat his illness.

There are two types of pancreatic cancer.

A more aggressive form, which Jobs did not have, attacks cells and tissues that produce enzymes and remove toxins from the body.

The cancer that Jobs suffered from destroys the hormone-producing cells of the pancreas. Life expectancy for this disease is usually from 3 to 6 months on average. However, Steve lived with him for twenty years! However, it appears that he did not undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

But before that, Steve lived twenty years with progressive cancer!

Let's think about this. Prominent doctors who treat pancreatic cancer say that the prognosis of the disease that Jobs suffered from usually allows patients to live from 3 to 6 months, but Steve managed to live for 20 years! What is Steve's latest mistake?

To answer this question accurately, we must determine two main causes of cancer:

  • General slagging of the body
  • Micronutrient deficiency

The term “general slagging of the body” means that the body is overloaded with toxins that are not eliminated for a long time.

This is why cleansing the elimination system, especially the colon, liver and kidneys, remains a surefire way to stay away from cancer-causing toxins.

When the body is unable to get rid of toxins through consumption clean water, good nutrition, cleansing, fasting and constant physical exercise, toxins fill the cells of the body, causing the first diseases and cancer.

When the body is overloaded with toxins, the following appear: symptoms and diseases:

  • Allergies
  • Immune system deficiency
  • Inability to fight colds and infections
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Gluten intolerance
  • Furunculosis
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Depression
  • Mental and emotional disorders

Almost every health problem that people go to the doctor for presents warning signs that you're not taking good care of your body.

If these health problems are left without proper attention for a long time, they continue to spread to other parts of the body, and sometimes lead to the development of cancer.

Lack of microelements occurs when there are insufficient vitamins and minerals in the daily diet. Get rid of packaged, processed foods and instead buy whole foods that your body can actually use to their advantage.

Organically grown products are the best for the body because they contain the least amount of toxic chemicals. Some of the most nutritious and beneficial foods for your body can be grown in your own garden.

The best and in a safe way To obtain vitamins and minerals is to eat natural foods.

I think we can say with confidence that Steve Jobs, for most of his life, ate a healthy diet and periodically detoxed his body.

Moreover, we know that he used excellent alternative methods treatment. Twenty years is a long time to battle cancer, but Steve had an optimistic outlook on life and suffered no pain or illness for most of those years.

So what can we learn from the above?

Follow a natural diet and take care of yourself in all aspects of your life. These include physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.

Steve Jobs was well aware of the importance of this approach and it helped him not only maintain control over various aspects of his life, but also live twenty happy years despite pancreatic cancer.

Foods that protect against cancer

Cruciferous vegetables and dark leafy greens include: cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese kale, kale and spinach.

These excellent vegetables contain anti-cancer components that destroy potential carcinogens (toxins) found in the body. They actively work to prevent cancer formation. You should try to include a variety of vegetables in your daily diet, either raw or steamed with stewed garlic and a small amount olive oil.

It is necessary to consume berries from the strawberry family: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries; Cranberries and other berries are also useful. A study from The Ohio State University Medical Center found that all strawberries work equally well in preventing cancer, and they can even reduce the size of malignant tumors. These results were published in the June issue of the journal Pharmaceutical Research. ()

Organic fruits and vegetables are good for your health: To ensure you're getting enough whole foods in your diet, use a color system. Eat five to seven raw or steamed vegetables and fruits of different colors.

Garlic- Best eaten raw. Garlic supplements, as well as eating the entire plant, are ineffective. The first cancer studies examining the properties of garlic were described in the 1950s, when researchers injected mice suffering from cancer intramuscularly with garlic's valuable active ingredient, known as allicin. Mice injected with allicin continued to live for a subsequent 6 months; mice without allicin injections lived only 2 months. Since then, numerous studies have proven the undeniable effectiveness of garlic in the prevention of various diseases and cancer. ()

Another active ingredient in garlic, allyl sulfur, has also been shown to be effective in preventing cancer. A large study of middle-aged women from the Iowa Women's Health Epidemiology Center showed excellent results.

Women who regularly ate raw garlic had a 35% reduction in their risk of developing colon cancer.

Laboratory studies of the properties of green tea have shown that its active components, called catechins, inhibit the growth of cancer cells by destroying toxins before they can lead to tumor formation. In studies of the skin, liver and stomach cells of mice, catechins from green and black tea helped reduce tumor size.

To date, studies conducted on people drinking green tea have proven equally promising. In one such study, 18,000 men consumed green tea in their daily diet; At the end of the study, their health indicators were compared with similar indicators of people drinking other drinks.

More than fifty percent of tea drinkers were found to be less likely to develop throat and stomach cancer, although some were smokers and did not always eat a healthy diet.

Produced in the body under the influence sunlight This is the only way to absorb this vitamin most effectively. Contrary to popular negative opinion, sun exposure and tanning have a wonderful effect on our health. However sunburn cause serious damage to the skin. To avoid “burning”, you should not lie in the sun for a long time.


In conclusion, let's think about wise saying, which Steve Jobs often quoted. Perhaps we can use this wisdom for our own lives:

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your voice. Have the courage to follow your heart. They know exactly who you really want to become. Everything else is secondary!
