Methods of transmitting someone else's speech exercises. Methods of transmitting someone else's speech. Direct and indirect speech lesson plan in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic. I. Organizational stage

Answer the questions:

1. How is direct speech characterized as a way of conveying someone else’s statement?

2.What is the difference between indirect speech and direct speech?

3.What is improperly direct speech? What is its similarity to direct speech? With indirect?

4.What are the conditions for replacing direct speech with indirect speech? Is replacement always possible?


Exercise 112. Copy the sentences, adding the missing punctuation marks. Find direct speech and indicate what it conveys: 1) the statement of another person; 2) the words of the author himself; 3) unspoken thought, etc. Note where the words of the author himself are located (introducing the sentence in relation to direct speech). Pay attention to the word order. Determine the lexical meaning of the verbs in the author's words. Determine the lexical meaning of verbs in the author’s words (verbs of speech, statements, thoughts, feelings, movements, etc.).

I. 1. Tell me how it was that I asked the old woman. (M.G.) 2. Then one of the people guessed and shouted loudly: “Don’t touch him.” (M. G.) 3. Isn’t Vasya already dead? I thought - the music stopped so suddenly. (Ast.) 4. This boy’s music was written by my fellow countryman Oginsky in a tavern - that’s the name of our visiting house - Vasya continued. I wrote it at the border, saying goodbye to my homeland. He sent her his last regards. The composer has been gone for a long time. But his pain, his melancholy, his love for his native land, which no one could take away, is still alive. (Ast.)

II. 1. I looked at her and thought: How many more fairy tales and memories remain in her memory? (M.G.) 2. It will be! said Pavel. I won’t give in anymore... (M.G.) 3. When it was already completely evening, the grandmother made the final conclusion. I knew it! So I knew... How many times did I tell the elder Kolcha: Don’t buy this mare, don’t buy it! (Ast.) 4. You had the right to call me to the barrier, said Pavel Petrovich, but this is nothing. According to the condition, everyone has one more shot. (T.)

Exercise 113. Find indirect speech in the following sentences. Orally rearrange the sentences so that you get direct speech.

1. I argued to Smetanina that artists should learn the sense of colors near the sea. (Paust.) 2. Petka felt that Vaska was telling the truth both about the nuts and about the hedgehog. (Guide.) 3. Yegor quickly read the note and told the guys that he would do everything, that he would go to the city in just a week, and until then he would definitely go to Ivan Mikhailovich himself. (Hyde.) 4. Ivan Mikhailovich himself did not know where they would build it, but as for the pipes, he explained that there would be none at all, because the plant would run on electricity. (Hyde.) 5. He told his mother that he was simply lost, and his mother believed him. (Guide.) 6. Since then, Zilina’s words have passed that he is a master. (L.T.)

Exercise 114. Rearrange the sentences so that you get indirect speech.

1. I said: “I will soon go to Leningrad.” 2. I said: “You will soon go to Leningrad.” 3. I said: “He will soon go to Leningrad.” 4. You said: “I will soon go to Leningrad” 5. You said: “You will soon go to Leningrad.” 6. You said: “He will soon go to Leningrad.” 7. He said: “I will soon go to Leningrad.” 8. He said: “You will soon go to Leningrad.” 9. He said: “He will soon go to Leningrad.”

Exercise 115. Is it possible to replace direct speech with indirect speech in the following sentences? If not, why not?

1. “Daddy,” came a quiet voice, as if seeking protection. (Cor.) 2. “That’s right, young lady,” explained the coachman, indifferently striking a match on the irradiator. (Cor.) 3. “What! You can hear and see the grass growing!” - Levin said to himself, a slate-colored wet aspen leaf noticeably moving near a needle of young grass. (L.T.) 4. “But what can I say? In a word - a hero! - Grisha seemed to be thinking to himself. (Furm.) 5. “That's right... that's right... that's right...” - the answer rolled with a roar. (Furm.) 6. “What a wind! - I thought. “You can break all the trees that way.” (Hide.)

Exercise 116. In the following sentences, determine how someone else's speech is conveyed.

1. Zhilin told how it happened with him and said: “So I went home and got married! No, apparently this is not my destiny.” (L.T.) 2. He wanted to go to her and ask if she had seen Petka; but he was detained by Ivan Mikhailovich: “When did you guys run to Aleshino? Saturday or Friday? (Hide.) 3. When at home they were asked where they were and what they were looking for, they proudly answered: “We are looking for clay.” (Guide.) 4. “...There is a package for you too. Only your father ordered you to hide it and not touch it until he returns.” (Hyde.) 5. “Probably goats,” he thought, bringing the binoculars to his eyes. But, having looked closer, he gasped and, grabbing the telephone receiver, shouted at the battery to stop shooting. (Hide.)

Exercise 117. Using forms of indirect and direct speech, as well as introductory words and sentences, compose and write sentences, including the quotes below.

Sample: ““Woe from Wit” is an extraordinary phenomenon, the product of a strong, powerful talent. (Bel.) 1. As V. G. Belinsky wrote, ““Woe from Wit” is an extraordinary phenomenon, the product of a strong, mighty talent.” 2. “Woe from Wit” is an extraordinary phenomenon, the product of a strong, mighty talent,” wrote V. G. Belinsky. 3.B. G. Belinsky wrote that “Woe from Wit” is an extraordinary phenomenon, the work of a strong, mighty talent.”

1. “.... Folk speech has its own freshness, energy, picturesqueness, and folk songs and even fairy tales have their own life and poetry...” (Bel.) 2. “The people have their own literature - beautiful, inimitable; but it is not a fake, it is sung from among the people themselves.” (L.T.) 3. “A real folk song does not pursue external simplicity, form, but is able to speak from the heart in the simplest and, therefore, beautiful words.” (M. G.) 4. “In his (Pushkin’s) poems, our living Russian speech was reflected for the first time, our truly Russian world was revealed for the first time.” (Good)

on the topic “Other people’s speech”, 8th grade

Test tasks are based on the following materials:
1. Testing and measuring materials. Russian language: 8th grade. M.: VAKO, 2010.- P.53.
2.T.B.Karpova, E.A.Bazhenova, L.R. Duskaeva. Russian language in tables, tests and forms of the OGE and the Unified State Exam: textbook. - Perm University - Perm. - P.100-101
1. Find the error in the quotation.
A) Chernyshevsky, exiled to Yakutia, prophetically wrote: “In a little while the Yakuts will live like human beings.”
B) Chernyshevsky wrote that “in a little while the Yakuts will live like human beings.”
B) Chernyshevsky wrote, “that in a little while the Yakuts will live like human beings.”
2. In which sentence are punctuation marks placed incorrectly?
A) Kolya whispered quietly: “No one will find us here.”
B) The proverb says: “What goes around comes around.”
C) “I know how to speak briefly about long things,” Chekhov once said about himself.
3.Find a sentence with a speech error.
A) Terkin told his fellow soldiers that I am not proud.
B) The teacher praised Vanya and said that he did well.
C) Vasya looks with envy at the children running from the mountain. (A. Serafimovich)
4. In which sentence are punctuation marks placed incorrectly?
A) A passerby asked if I knew the way to the pier.
B) “One of these days I’m leaving for Moscow,” he said. “I’ll be back in a week.”
B) “Twenty,” Verochka counted and added with a sigh: “How long!”
5.Which sentence does not violate speech norms?
A) I was told that I had to fill out documents.
B) He said something that no one expected.
B) Blok, addressing Russia, writes that I don’t know how to feel sorry for you.
6. There are missing words in the quote. (Missing words in quotation). Indicate the sentence in which the punctuation marks are placed correctly.
A) L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “In art, simplicity, brevity and clarity are the highest perfection of form.”
B) L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts, and not memory.”
C) A.N. Tolstoy said: “The Russian language is, first of all, Pushkin.”
7. Mark the sentence that corresponds to the scheme: “P” - a.
A) “Are you the master’s son? – the stranger asked him. (M. Lermontov)
B) “I had a much better opinion about the Circassian women,” said Grigory Alexandrovich. (M. Lermontov).
B) And my mother once told my father: “This is all your anarchic upbringing.” (K. Paustovsky).
8.Indicate sentences in which direct speech is correctly formed.
A) He asked affably: “How long have you come to Yalta?” (A. Chekhov)
B) “If I fire a pistol,” I told him, “then run to the shore.” (M. Lermontov).
B) A bass voice sounded right next to my ear: “Hey, move aside!” (Yu. Yakovlev).
9. Indicate the sentence in which the quotation is framed using introductory words.
A) Shakespeare said: “Charity is the surest sign of greatness.”
B) According to L. Tolstoy, “knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired by the conditions of one’s thought, and not by memory.”
C) “The word is man’s most powerful weapon,” said Aristotle.

5 B
8.A B

▫ What is this all about? What's the point if the mechanism is revealed? What's next? Ah..., yes, ``the results of the work will help develop strategies...``
▫ Oh, dear Svetlana Alexandrovna! I would be glad to share this joy with you, but I am too familiar with all such offers on the Internet, and therefore I simply advise you not to delude yourself in this regard. Most likely, all the nominees for this competition passed the qualifying round and similar proposals were sent to everyone. Almanac The Russian Bell, no matter how famous and beloved it is presented, is unknown to almost no one, but to make it famous, we need authors like you who will agree to certain financial investments for the publication of their work. At the same time, I note that instead of a fee, you receive a receipt for the transfer of the agreed amount to the editor’s account. Since the amount will be quite reasonable, this will not upset you very much, but if you calculate the total contribution to the common cause, you will see that the amount collected will be enough to publish at least two such almanac supplements. Under these conditions, you will be able to open your own publishing house and live large, while holding literary competitions on the Internet, with which you will attract the writing people seeking recognition into your networks.
▫ I don’t want to spoil my mood.... ` If Irina Timofeevna is pickling cucumbers, then it’s better not to go into her yard - she will completely scold her, spit on her, chase her with dogs, and even go out of the gate herself, prop up her building and start bawling all over the street , will shake your relatives along the ascending and descending lines. There is no greater offense for her than to be disturbed while doing such a profound matter. ..Irina Timofeevna was pickling cucumbers, doing her most serious work, didn’t see anything around, didn’t want to know. /////// Yes, perhaps, she didn’t really know who came after whom, who was who’s enemy, what someone needed, who was sick with what - for her this was a minor, trivial matter. . Well, they came, well, they left - what's the problem? “Don’t fool me,” she said with a chorus, “I don’t understand your account.” Loaded one - in front of Denikin's men and in front of Denikin's men. I found some sign. Tell me the numbers, I won’t remember. Did they, these same Denikinites of yours, obscure the sun, or what? No, brother, my calendar is correct, you won’t destroy the garden. He is always on time.`
▫ Over the years, more than ever, you understand more acutely that the most valuable thing in a person is his health. God forbid you turn into a vegetable and become a burden to your loved ones. Only the current state of Russian medicine does not contribute in any way to improving the health of citizens. You go through a commission and suddenly find out that you have a whole bunch of ailments that definitely need to be treated. In this case, a referral to a paid clinic, where after tests it is revealed that you immediately go to bed in a coffin and wait for the hour of death. But, of course, exclusively for you and only for today, your last hope remains - medicines from their personal pharmacy. And it’s okay that these are dietary supplements (no one died from them). There is no more effective remedy for your illness, so take it, don’t skimp on your health. And in general, if you believe doctors, then there are no healthy people today by their definition.



Theoretical block.

Written works:

Cards with educational exercises;

Cards with control exercises;

Creative written work.

1 - phonetic analysis

2- analysis by composition

3- morphological analysis

4- parsing

Progress table.


job numbers

strengthening exercises





cards with educational exercises

cards with control exercises

creative works

Public speaking on a socially significant topic.

1. Theoretical block with consolidation exercises.

Read the material for the test section and complete the exercises for it.

Methods of transmitting someone else's speech. Direct and indirect speech.

Direct speech - this is an accurately reproduced speech of someone else, conveyed on behalf of the one who spoke (wrote) it.

Sentences with direct speech are divided into two parts:author's words Anddirect speech.

SAMPLE: The captain shouted: “Swim!”

Direct speech is in QUOTES!

A: "P".

"P", - a.

"P, - a, - p."

“P, - a. - P".

A: “P!”

"P!" - A.

"P? - A. - P".

"P! - A. - P".

A: “P?”

"P?" - A.

"P! - A. - P!"

( ex. 392) Construct diagrams for these sentences.

1. “What is our best city?” - Manilov asked again. 2. “Petersburg,” answered Themistoclus. 3. “Really, stay, Pavel Ivanovich! - said Manilov. “Look at the clouds.” 4. “How did our city seem to you? - Manilova said. “Did you have a pleasant time there?” 5. “It’s a very good city,” Chichikov answered, “and I spent a very pleasant time.” (N.G.)

( ex. 393) Copy the sentences using the necessary punctuation marks.

1. The silence was broken by this unknown person, saying good afternoon in a low voice, the handsome Stepan Bogdanovich. 2. Yes, we are atheists, answered Berlioz, smiling. (Bulg.) 3. But this is a joyful school2 the driver said the teacher lives here. (Paust.) 4. Why should I go to the right? The driver asked with displeasure where do you see the road 5. Please don’t be smart, I told my uncle now bring the hare’s sheepskin coat here (P.)

Dialogue . Each line of dialogue usually begins withnew line; is placed before the replicadash , and quotes are not placed.

He crawled closer to the broken bird, and he hissed right into his eyes:

- What, are you dying?

“Yes, I’m dying,” answered Falcon, taking a deep breath. - I lived a glorious life!.. I know happiness!.. I fought bravely!.. (M.G.)

Sentences with indirect speech. Replacing direct speech with indirect speech.

Sentences with indirect speech serve to conveysomeone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, and not the one who actually said it. They convey only the content of someone else's speech, but cannot convey all its forms and features. They are complex sentences consisting of two parts (the words of the author and indirect speech), which are connected by conjunctionswhat, as if to or pronouns and adverbswho, what, which, how, when, why, etc.

Translation of direct speech into indirect speech

Direct speech

Indirect speech

Declarative sentence

Unionswhat, it's like

Incentive offer


Interrogative sentence:

With an interrogative pronoun or adverb

No question word

Interrogative pronoun or adverb


1st person pronoun (I, we)

2nd person pronoun (you, you)

The face of the addressee of someone else's speech

(exercise 398) Replace sentences with direct speech with sentences with indirect speech, write them down.

SAMPLE: The teacher asked the student: “You ready for an answer? -

The teacher asked the student if he was readyHe to the answer.

1. The forester said: “Before the hunt you need to have a good rest.” 2.We met friends and asked: “Where are you going?” 3. The teacher asked the person on duty: “Please bring some chalk.” 4. I asked my friend: “Are you going to the disco today?” 5. The grandmother asked her granddaughter: “Read this letter to me.”

(exercise 400) Rearrange each sentence so that it contains an indication of whose message it is; do this using: 1) introductory words; 2) indirect speech; 3) direct speech.

1. A good book is a real holiday. 2. Reading carefully and quickly is a very important skill.

Quotes and punctuation marks with them. Quotes - these are verbatim(exact) excerpts from the statements and writings of someone, given to confirm or explain one’s thoughts.

V.G. Belinsky wrote:“Pushkin’s verse is noble, elegantly simple, nationally true to the spirit of the language.”

N.G. Chernyshevsky rightly believed that“The development of language follows the development of national life.”

V.G. Belinsky wrote:“Pushkin’s verse is noble, elegantly simple...”

In A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” the leitmotif of the entire work is the following lines:

The battle is holy and just.

Mortal combat is not for glory,

For the sake of life on earth .

Written works

Cards with educational exercises

1. Direct and indirect speech. Write down the sentences and build diagrams for them.

1. Having put the knapsack away, the old man took off the wooden bracelet from his left hand and, handing it to me, said: “Take it, captain, take care, it will bring you happiness.” 2. “Wait, captain,” said Dersu. 3. “What are we going to do?” - I asked Dersu. 4. “Don’t, don’t, captain!” - he spoke fearfully and hastily. 5. “Now,” I thought, “the path will lead somewhere.” (V. Arsenyev)* Underline the verbs in the imperative mood.

2.Direct and indirect speech. Write it down using punctuation marks.

And how is your health? Thank God, I won’t complain, said Sobakevich. And indeed, there was nothing to complain about, it was more likely that iron could catch a cold and cough than this wonderfully formed landowner. Yes, you have always been famous for your health, said the chairman, and your late father was also a strong man. Yes, There was only one bear walking around, answered Sobakevich. I think the chairman said, you would also knock down the bear if you wanted to go against him. No, I won’t knock him down. Answered Sobakevich, the dead man was stronger than me. (N. Gogol)

3.Direct and indirect speech. Insert the words of the author into these sentences using different verbs. Write down the suggestions.

1.Get in the car! I'll ride with the breeze! 2.Where does our river begin? It is imperative to get to its origins. 3.Quiet! Do you hear the nightingale pouring?

4.Direct and indirect speech. Write this text as a dialogue.

Well, now tell me what you are writing now. I'm writing a book. A story? Not really. Novel? No. She's completely2 can't be called a novel. Oh, I know you write essays. Hardly. So apparently it will be something (auto)b...graphic. To write it, you need to talk about the people you met during your life. So what do you write in the end? A book. (V. Soloukhin.)

Cards with control exercises

Choose one card and complete the tasks for it.

Test “Methods of transmitting someone else’s speech”, option 1. (c.) Place punctuation marks, build a diagram.

Holidays! the children shouted joyfully.

Chernyshevsky saw the development of national life as the reason for the development of language.

Pugachev told Grinev You are to blame for me.

What's your temperature? asked the doctor.

Why shouldn't I go right? asked the driver. Where do you see the road?

Remake sentences with indirect speech and introductory words from these sentences.

The doctor asked: “What is bothering you?”

Eyewitnesses said: “The man himself threw himself under the train.”

“Beauty requires sacrifice,” the hairdressers answer.

Test "Methods of transmitting someone else's speech", option 2. (cf.) Place punctuation marks, build a diagram.

When will you go to the library? Mom asked.

V.G. Belinsky wrote Pushkin’s verse is noble... true to the spirit of the language.

Petya exclaimed. What a gift!

As the policeman told you, do whatever you want.

Who is Plyushkin? asked Chichikov.

Doctors say that smoking is harmful to the lungs.

Of course, reading carefully and quickly is an important skill.

Test "Methods of transmitting someone else's speech", option 4. (cf.) Place punctuation marks, build a diagram.

Sveta shouted joyfully. The snowdrops have blossomed!

M.V. Lomonosov believed that the Russian language is not inferior to any European language.

Where does the bus go? We asked the driver. We need to go to the city center.

Sergei whispered beautifully with delight.

Scammer! answered Sobakevich.

Replace these sentences with sentences with direct speech.

Students know that reading quickly and carefully is a useful skill.

The teacher asked which of the guys was on duty.

The teacher said, of course, Sergei will go get some chalk.

Kolya said, of course, his brother is a welder.

3. Written works of a creative nature.

1) Public speaking on a socially significant topic.

Content must meet a number of requirements:

1. The content of the speech should take into account modern achievements of science and practice

2. The content must be related to the most important practical and educational problems.

3. The material of the speech must be presented logically and demonstrably.

4. The content of the speech should be novel. This refers to novelty, first of all, in the form of presentation, novelty of interpretation, interpretation of facts, originality of the speaker’s assessment of the subject under discussion.

5. The speaker must show a personal interest in the issues, tasks and their solutions being discussed. The audience always has a good sense of whether the speaker is connected with life, whether he is talking about issues that he himself is thinking about, or whether his speech is based only on general considerations, on second-hand material, and he himself is personally far from the subject of discussion.

Compositional logical parts any performance:

1. Introduction, or introduction.

2. The main, or main part of the speech, which is

presentation of the main material on the topic.

3. Conclusion, or conclusions.

At the same time, you should also observe a number of purelymethodological rules :

1. Complex issues should receive a complete turnaround in the plan.

2. Questions that are well remembered in the plan can be indicated by one or two phrases, or even individual words.

3. The speaker has the right to consider some questions in more detail, others in general terms, and others to omit altogether. But at the same time, a justification must be given for why some issues are considered and others are omitted.

4. Issues that are close to each other should be combined if possible.

Write a short statement about an issue that you think is important.

Drawing up a comparative profile of two familiar faces.

K. Bryullov “Portrait of sisters A. A. and O. A. Shishmarevs.”

Karl Pavlovich Bryullov lived a short life. But he did so much for Russian and world art that it is impossible to overestimate this contribution! His brushes include beautiful portraits and watercolors, a wonderful painting on a historical subject"The last day of Pompeii"and finally, he took part in the work on the painting of the largest Russian temple in St. Petersburg -St. Isaac's Cathedral.In 1821, at the age of 22, after twelve years of study, Bryullov graduated from the Academy with the highest award - a large gold medal. At that time, gold medalists received the right to travel abroad for improvement, and they were entitled to a corresponding cash pension. The Society for the Encouragement of Artists sent Karl and his brother Alexander to Italy. In May 1923 they arrive in Rome. Karl remained in Italy for 12 long years, until 1835.


What is being compared?

Alexandra Afanasyevna

Olga Afanasyevna.

Pose, hands.

She turned her head towards the audience, leaned her elbows on the railing with one hand, and held a small white silk handkerchief in the other. Graceful and slender. Graceful hands.

She tilted her head slightly to the left, holding a white silk handkerchief in one hand and a whip in the other.
Frozen in place. Angular, reserved, looking like a teenager. Small, neat hands.


Subtle facial features. Surprisingly pretty, feminine (very pleasant).

Expressive ruddy face. A sly, mysterious smile.


Wide open, friendly, radiant.

Squinted, kind.


Expressive, addressed to the audience, kind.

Focused, affectionate.


Small, short, neat.

Slightly sharp, medium in size, straight.


Mouth, lips.

Small, graceful; bright scarlet lips.

Small mouth, thin lips, stretched out like a thread.


Dark, tightly styled and combed smoothly.

Dark, slightly curly hair styled in curls.


Dressed in an amazon - a women's long dress of a special cut for riding.

Dressed in amazon.


Romantic. Open and free in conversation.

Dreamy, reserved.


Artist's attitude.

Writes out every detail.

Writes out every detail.

Essay sample:

Karl Pavlovich Bryullov is considered one of the best portrait painters in Russia of the 19th century. The artist’s brushes include a number of portraits that give us an idea of ​​the people of that era.
In one of the master’s paintings, “Portrait of the sisters A. A. and A. O. Shishmarev,” we see two girls about to go on a horseback ride. This motif made it possible to depict the figures of girls in motion, descending the steps.
They are dressed in amazon riding dresses. Hot horses stand at the porch, barely able to control their tempers. A dog runs next to the girls and constantly accompanies them from their walks. At first glance, it is clear that the girls are sisters. One of them is the eldest. They both have very similar dark eyes. They are young, interesting and very attractive; their elegant appearance indicates that the girls are from a wealthy noble family.
In the picture, the elder Alexandra is graceful and slender. She holds a handkerchief in one hand and leans her elbows on the railing with the other. The younger Olga froze in place with a whip in her hand. She looks like a teenager. This is evidenced by an expressive, ruddy face with a sly, mysterious smile. Her hair is dark, slightly curly, and styled in ringlets. And Alexandra’s surprisingly pretty, feminine face with wide eyes reflects her reserved and modest character. Her wide, radiant eyes turn towards the audience with kindness.
Olga is dreamy, her gaze is focused and affectionate. She is more cheerful, airy, respects her older sister, letting her go ahead.
The whole picture is full of energy, movement, youth. The artist, revealing the beauty of the female image, conveys not only the external charm, but also the inner world of the girls.

Create your own essay: based on a painting by K. Bryulov or you can describe two of your familiar faces.

A narrative essay with elements of description (reasoning).

Your task: write down a story in which you either need to describe someone or something (a friend’s appearance, area, time of day, etc.) or speculate about what happened in the story. The text must consist of at least 8-9 sentences.

28.03.2017 4920 512 Gabitova Marina Vladimirovna

Quiz on the topic
“Methods of transmitting someone else’s speech: direct speech, indirect speech, methods of quoting.”
1. Match:
A) transmission of words of two or more persons; 1- direct speech;
C) transmission of someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker,
and not the one who said it; 2- indirect speech;
C) verbatim excerpts from statements,
Works to confirm your thoughts; 3- dialogue;
D) accurately reproduced someone else's speech. 4- quote.
2. Indicate a sentence with a quotation, formatted as direct speech.
A) Belinsky wrote about Pushkin’s verse, which is “noble, elegantly simple, nationally true to the spirit of the language.”
C) Pushkin’s verse, as Belinsky wrote, “is noble,..., simple, true to the spirit of the language.”
C) Belinsky wrote that “Pushkin’s verse is noble, elegantly simple, true to the spirit...”
D) According to Belinsky, “Pushkin’s verse is noble, elegantly simple, true to the spirit...”
E) Belinsky wrote: “Pushkin’s verse is noble, elegantly simple, true to the spirit of the language.”
3. Indicate the sentence that corresponds to the scheme: “P, - a, - p.”
A) Hey, good man, the coachman shouted, Tell me, do you know where the road is?
C) The proverb says that tea tastes better in good dishes.
C) And the grandmothers repeat in chorus How our years fly by
D) He needs to be taught a lesson, she thought, and this will be science for him.
E) Listen, the man told him, do you know this side?
4. The indirect question is conveyed in the sentence:
Q) We asked the librarian what we should read about Australia.

E) The teacher asked us to bring Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” tomorrow.
5. Match.
A) Forecasters reported that the temperature is expected to drop tomorrow.
C) “Tomorrow a sharp drop in temperature is expected!” - weather forecasters reported.
C) Tomorrow, according to weather forecasters, bad weather is expected.
D) Weather forecasters received a message about worsening weather.
E) “And the weather is getting worse and worse...”
1- method No. 1; 2- method No. 2; 3- method No. 3; 4- method No. 4; 5- method No. 5.
6. Indicate the sentence corresponding to the scheme: “P”-a.
A) Seryozha stood up and said I’m leaving today
C) The proverb says that tea tastes better in good dishes
C) He shouted menacingly. Why did you come here?
D) Don’t touch him, Dubrovsky shouted.
E) It was your daughter who asked the caretaker.
7. The sentence corresponds to the scheme “P, -a. - P?"
A) Now I thought the path would lead somewhere
B) The captain said Take this talisman, it will bring you happiness
C) Stop, brothers, stop, the Monkey is screaming, Wait a minute
D) Sorry for disturbing you, a boy asked me. Could you tell me how to get to the pier?
E) Wait, the captain said to Ders.
8. Find a diagram that matches the sentence. I think he said that people live differently than we do.
A) “P” - a. B) “P! –a.-P.” C) “P?-a.-P” D) “P,-a,-p” E) A: “P.”
9. What transmission method is used in the following text:
“Where do you live, boy?” - “Here is my house. Right by the road.” - “Are your parents at home?” - “No, but they will be there soon.”
A) dialogue; B) monologue; C) direct speech; D) indirect speech; E) quote.
10. Find a diagram that matches the sentence The master asked Do you know when the working day begins
A) A: “P?” B) “P!-a.-P?” C) “P, - a, - p.” D) “P?” - A. E) A: “P!”
11. Indicate the number of missing punctuation marks in the sentence. The restrained sobs of the mother made the child wake up and, looking at her and the grandmother standing next to her, the child also began to cry.
A) 5; AT 4; C) 3; D 2; E) 1.
12. Indicate the missing punctuation marks in the sentence I told you, he exclaimed that the weather will be bad today
A) quotation marks, comma, comma, quotation marks, period.
B) quotation marks, comma, dash, period, exclamation point, quotation marks;
C) quotation marks, comma, dash, comma, dash, exclamation mark, quotation marks.
D) quotation marks, period, quotation marks, comma, exclamation point.
E) quotation marks, exclamation mark, dash, comma, exclamation mark, quotation marks.
13. Indicate a sentence in which direct speech is an incentive sentence.
A) “It’s not the same again!” exclaimed Pyotr Vasilyevich.
C) “Oh, in vain you contributed to their wedding!” - Bopaye said to her brother with a sigh.
C) At noon, the wide steppe resounded with cries: “They’re taking me away!” They're taking me away!"
D) He jumped up and shouted: “Doctors! Send for the doctor!”
E) “Never!” - Shokan even shuddered with indignation.
14. Select sentences from the previous task that correspond to scheme A: “P!”
15. Establish correspondence between sentences and diagrams.
A) What will you give me? Grisha asked by the sea. A big shell would be nice.
B) Old Taras marveled and said Not Ostap, but a good, good warrior.
C) Wait, Seryozhenka answers, she’s busy
D) Put it in its place said mother, who saw everything in the mirror.
E) Yes, you didn’t read this, he suddenly exclaimed. You didn’t read this at all.
1- “P, -a, -p.” 2- “P! -a.-P!” 3- “P? –a.-P.” 4- A: “P”. 5- "P", - a.

16. Indicate the sentence that corresponds to the pattern “P? -a.-P?”
A) What are you sad about, my dear daughter asked the king.
B) You dance the mazurka with her, he said in a solemn voice, she confessed to me.
C) When will you arrive, she asked. How long do I have to wait?
D) And when he arrives, she added, don’t accept it.
E) They must have seen a bad dream, he continued more and more affably and affectionately.
17. Indicate the sentence with indirect speech.
A) The prince then tells them, “Good luck to you, gentlemen.”
B) I told her: Do you want to go for a walk in the garden?
C) The prince quietly stepped on the horse’s skull and said Sleep, lonely friend.
D) The caretaker announced that the horses sent from the village were waiting for him.
E) Suddenly they tell me A man is asking you.
18. The sentence follows the pattern “P!” - A.
A) We decided to continue, the assessor, with your permission, to stay here overnight.
B) They were released before the verdict, the janitor said. They will be announced tomorrow at nine in the evening.
C) Mom mom suddenly he screamed.
D) You know the grandfather, the mother says to the mother.
E) To my question whether the old caretaker was alive, no one could give me an answer
19. Indicate the sentence from the previous task that corresponds to the pattern “P,-a.-P.”
20. The melody grew, rose, raged, and then it rushed like the wind to the tops of the trees. Missing commas
A) 3; AT 4; C) 7; D) 6; E) 5.
21. What amazed the silent visitors to the branch was (1) that the choristers (2) scattered in different places (3) sang very smoothly (4) as if the whole choir was standing (5) with their eyes (6) on the invisible conductor. Indicate the numbers in place of which you need to put commas.
A) 1,3,4; B) 1,2,3,4; C) 2,3,4,5; D) 1,2,3,4,5,6; E) 1,2,3,4,5.
22. I have never listened to such songs on a dark night (where does such tenderness come from?) right next to the singer’s chest. (Tsvetaeva) How is the proposal complicated?
A) direct speech; B) indirect speech; C) plug-in design;
D) appeal; E) an introductory word.
23. The indirect question is conveyed in the sentence:
A) Let's try to determine whether this combine is so good in operation.
B) Morozka, leaning over the railing, looked at the streams of raging water.
C) We ardently argue that the upcoming conference will become a fateful event in the history of the country.
D) Mother was delighted to meet, kept kissing Masha and asking if she was healthy.
E) Maratik thought about how upset his parents would be when they learned about his escape.
24. Choose a sentence from the previous task in which indirect speech can be replaced by direct speech. Write down the resulting sentence.
25. Abai – wisdom, conscience, soul of the Kazakh people. (Mukhtar Auezov) Formalize the quote in several possible ways.

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