Modern methods of growing table grapes

Growing grapes - not so much difficult task, as is commonly believed. Large bunches of juicy fruits will decorate your vineyard if you strictly follow the basic rules, taking into account the advice of experienced winegrowers.

Vineyard Photography

Why doesn’t every gardener manage to grow good grapes on his plot so that they do not freeze during the winter, do not rot in the summer and bring a bountiful harvest of decent quality? The fact is that the cultivation of this crop must be taken seriously.

First of all, you should choose a suitable grape variety that will feel comfortable in your region. Eg, grape growing V middle lane gives good results only when used winter-hardy varieties With early dates maturation. Among the new varieties you will find many excellent options that are resistant to fungal diseases, pests and severe frosts, with high yields and the ability to ripen even in cloudy short summers.

Video about growing grapes

Chokeberry varieties tend to require more sunlight and warmth than light grapes, although there are also quite hardy black varieties.

Pay special attention appearance seedling upon purchase. See if there are any mechanical damage on the plant, signs of drying out or strange spots? Healthy grape seedlings should have at least three well-developed roots and a shoot about half a meter high. In order not to doubt the quality of planting material, buy seedlings in a nursery, and preferably in a container - this way the plant will take root better.

It will be easier for a novice gardener to plant a ready-made grape seedling, especially if you want to create a vineyard from scratch. Experienced winegrowers can easily cope with cuttings, but those who are not afraid to experiment can try it.

The photo shows grape seedlings

When starting to create a vineyard, it is important to take into account climatic features: if the region has little snowy winters and severe frosts, it would be preferable to plant grapes in trenches or holes, but if there is enough snow in winter, but the summer is too short and cold, it is better to plant seedlings. In the pits root system will be reliably protected from freezing, and in the ridges the roots will receive more heat during the summer months.

You can plant grapes both in spring and autumn, depending on what planting material you choosed. Let's consider the most common and simplest option - autumn planting grape seedlings into planting holes.

The photo shows grapes planted

Stages of planting a grape seedling:

  • choose a well-lit, level place for planting, where there are no drafts or excess moisture;
  • dig up landing hole according to the size of the root system, depth from 0.2 to 0.5 m (for clay soil less, for sandy - deeper);
  • mix the soil from the pit with organic and complex mineral fertilizers;
  • Place a layer of gravel at the bottom of the hole and place branches or planks on top;
  • install a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm to water the grapes through it and fertilize the soil;
  • form a small mound of prepared soil on top of the layer of gravel and branches;
  • before planting, dip the roots of the grape seedling into a solution of clay and rotted mullein (clay is twice as much as mullein);
  • cut the shoots into a couple of buds and dip in melted paraffin;
  • place the seedling in the hole, straightening its roots;
  • fill the hole with the remaining soil and compact it carefully;
  • water the grapes warm water;
  • mulch the hole with compost or rotted manure.

Photo of watering grapes

If you are going to plant several grape bushes, leave at least one and a half meters between them. It is recommended to place plants from south to north.

For correct formation grape bushes need to install a strong trellis. The most simple design consists of two metal or wooden pillar with several rows of wire between them. As they grow, the vines are carefully tied to the wire, giving them the desired direction.

Grapes in the photo

In the first three years, pay especially much attention to planting: carefully loosen the soil two days after rain or watering, do not allow the leaves to wither and the soil to dry out from lack of moisture, and destroy weeds. Beginning with fourth year, it is enough to water the vineyard three to four times a season during the most important phases of development.

Periodically you should feed the grape bushes through drainage tubes and on the leaves, and treat pests and diseases with suitable fungicides. Carefully inspect the plants more often in order to start the fight against dangerous enemies of the grapes in time and prevent the destruction of the entire vineyard!

Video about grape growing technology

Every autumn after leaf fall, spend grape pruning. With the onset of the first night frosts, remove the vines from the supports, staple them to the ground, and treat them with a solution copper sulfate and cover plastic film. In the spring, do not rush to open the grapes until frosts and sudden temperature changes stop.

By following the technology for growing grapes given in this article, you can create your own vineyard and enjoy delicious, juicy fruits every year.

Grapes are a valuable food product; they are the only plant that is studied a whole science– ampelography. Breeders around the world are constantly working to develop new grape varieties. After all, its fruits are suitable not only for food, but also for the production of juice and wine. There are many technologies for growing grapes at home. In this article, we will look at several of them.

Cultural grapes Favorite (table)

Basic technology for growing table grapes

Grapes are a very heat-loving plant. But if you do not live in the southern regions, do not despair, this does not mean that you cannot grow it. You just need to choose the right variety, and follow all growing technologies.

Grape seedlings are planted - in early spring, after the snow had melted and the ground had already warmed up a little. Before planting, carefully inspect the plant. If there are dead roots, they should be removed.

In order for grapes to grow well, you need to initially take care of correct landing into the ground. He is not picky about the soil. But if you plant grapes in infertile land, then you should dig a meter-long hole, then fill it with black soil, fertilizers and sand. If you are confident in the fertility of your land, then you need to dig a hole 70 cm deep, no more. If there are high places on your site groundwater, you need to take action. You should dig a hole at a depth of 1.5 meters and compact the ground with crushed stone. If water accumulates on the soil, then it is worth making drainage grooves so that the water does not create swamps near your bushes.

Generally accepted technology for growing table grapes

Modern technology Growing grapes is not much different from the previous rules of planting and care. The only thing that gardeners strongly recommend is to pay attention to new pest control products and modern means plant nutrition. Just as before, the hole for grape seedlings should be prepared in the fall. To do this, put black soil mixed with manure into a hole prepared in advance, and cover it for the winter. a small amount soil.

Properly formed table grape bush

Grapes are a sun-loving plant. In the shade it can develop quite quickly, but the likelihood of fruiting is very low. If you are planning to grow grapes near your house, then try to choose a southern wall for this, or at least a southwestern one. In this case, the grapes will receive a sufficient amount of sun, and at night, they will be warmed by the wall that has warmed up during the day.

Before planting the seedlings, the grape roots are soaked for two days in warm rainwater. Grapes are planted to a depth of no more than 0.5 meters. After planting, the soil should be compacted well and then watered generously with warm water. The upper part of the grapes must be hilled. This plant is planted in the soil when the air temperature does not drop below +10 degrees.

Sometimes, a seedling does not take root in the soil. This can happen for many reasons:

  • the soil at the planting site is affected by gray rot;
  • the cutting has dried up;
  • the cutting did not have time to fully develop before pruning;
  • not enough moisture.

Modern technologies for growing grapes recommend planting a grape seedling with a vine of a two-year-old plant. This will increase the survival rate of the plant in the soil. To do this, take a vine 1.5 meters long, roll it into a ring and place it in a planting hole.

If you are planting grapes on open area, then you need to make supports for your plant. Gardeners recommend, for convenience, to make a single support for all bushes. Bushes of different grape varieties should be planted at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. But between the rows, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 2 meters.

The soil under the grapes should be fertilized with lime and mineral fertilizers, but without mixing them, as you can burn the roots.

By summer, the seedlings have already become sufficiently strong and grown. Now you need to form a support for the grapes. To do this, you can use pegs and stretched wire. Later, after 2-3 years of fruiting, the support will need to be replaced with a stronger one. To do this, you will need a two-sheet trellis, with it all the bushes will have good support and receive enough sunlight.

The soil under the plant, especially in the first year of life, should be regularly loosened and weeds removed.

When the time approaches the first frost, young shoots of grapes must be covered without pruning.

Grape pruning technology

If the grapes are not pruned, they will produce less yield and eventually go wild. This procedure must be carried out every year, and it does not matter what age your plant is. Gardeners recommend pruning grapes in the autumn. This will help better prepare the bush for winter frosts, and in the spring it will make it easier to care for the plant; as a result, you will get a large harvest in the fall. In spring, pruning is carried out in March, before the first eyes appear. If you do this later, the plant may not have time to recover from pruning, because this plant’s healing processes have been slowed down. But the result of this may be a decrease in yield if the bush is incompletely destroyed. You can prune grapes when the air temperature is not lower than +5 degrees.

In autumn, it is not recommended to prune grape vines while the leaves remain on the bushes. The longer the foliage lasts, the better the plant's resistance to winter frosts. As soon as the leaves fall from the bushes, you can start pruning. Shoots for pruning should be carefully selected. For example, if this is a young plant, then pruning consists only of shaping the shape. WITH perennial plants, we need to do things differently. Before pruning, you need to inspect the bush. Remove all dried, diseased, and excess shoots. Every year fruit links grow on the bushes. They include a branch, and one or two fruiting vines. The fruiting link is formed in such a way that the replacement knot is always below the fruiting frog.

No more than three shoots should be formed on a knot, and it is important that the top shoot is inside, lower, from the outside. Every year, the arrow, which has already borne fruit, is cut off and replaced by new shoots that have formed on the link.

Innovative technology in growing table grapes

IN modern world, new ways of developing grape farming continue to emerge. Modern technology for growing grapes allows the crop to be grown in almost any region and on any soil. Grapes can be grown even in the northern regions of Russia. A polycarbonate greenhouse helps them with this. When building a greenhouse, an opening roof is required. In this case, when it is already warm outside, the grapes will be nourished by direct sunlight. The roof is not opened until June, and closed in the fall so that the grapes have time to ripen. Just like in open ground, it is necessary to monitor the bushes, trim, fertilize, hill up, weed the beds in time, get rid of weeds and diseases, and of course, water. After harvesting, weak shoots will need to be pruned.

Growing grapes in a greenhouse

It is not necessary to build a whole greenhouse. You can use polycarbonate sheets or polyethylene film. In this case, in the spring, already in April, it will be necessary to cover the grapes with prepared insulation, and open it only in June. Preparations for winter should begin in mid-October. To do this, they dig a trench 0.7 meters deep, and put polyethylene on the bottom to get rid of excess moisture which can lead to mold development. The grapes themselves are covered with polycarbonate sheets.

Growing table grapes from seeds

Having tried extraordinary variety grapes, you are thinking about growing the same in your garden. This can be made from seeds. This method of growing grapes is rarely used. It is much more convenient to grow this plant from cuttings, or seedlings. Moreover, growing grapes in this way may disappoint with the results; perhaps the berries will not be as tasty as you expected. But if you like to experiment, or want to bring new variety grapes, this method is just for you. Start preparing seeds for planting in December, so you have seedlings ready for summer.

You should know that not every seed is suitable for growing grapes. For this purpose, seeds from new varieties are best suited. These varieties are characterized by increased resistance to diseases. Before planting, the seeds require preparation and processing. It is necessary to select large seeds, giving preference to beige, brown and dark brown colors. Collected material, needs thorough washing. After this, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth bag (a bag made from nylon tights will do), the canvas is wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator or other cool place. The temperature in the refrigerator should not exceed +3 degrees and not fall below 0. Periodically, the seeds should be removed and washed. The planting material is kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 months, until it cracks.

It is necessary to select large seeds of beige, brown and dark brown color

The cracked bones are taken out of the refrigerator, washed, placed on a moistened gauze cloth, and placed in a warm place for two days. After this time, white roots will appear on the seeds, which means that they are ready to be planted in the ground.

To plant seeds, prepare planting material. Take the pots, make holes in the bottom, and lay 10-12 crushed stones. Next, take soil from the garden, humus and sand, mix it all and put it in pots. Now you can plant the seeds. They are planted shallowly, just a centimeter into the ground, and placed on a windowsill, closer to sunlight.

Water the planted seed regularly, feed it with fertilizers and loosen the soil. If you plan to grow grapes at home, then after they have grown by 10 cm, you need to transplant them into a pot and move them to the balcony. If you plan to plant a crop in open ground, then you can leave the seedling in the old pot until transplanting. You can plant grapes in the ground at the beginning of June; by this time they should have grown about 30 cm. Before planting, it is worth hardening off the seedling. To do this, the plant is periodically exposed to fresh air.

Italy is by far the wine country with the largest number of vineyards.
In general, modern viticulture works using forms Agriculture that maximize production in qualitative and quantitative terms (by influencing plant densities, number of clusters per square meter, total leaf area, limiting environmental impacts as much as possible to reduce processing, pruning and harvesting costs.

Italian viticulture is characterized by a remarkable diversity of subclimatic environments, grape varieties, rootstocks and local traditions, which have contributed to the proliferation of numerous growing and pruning systems.


A form of reproduction that does not require support. Exist various shapes breedings called Trees, which vary depending on the type of pruning, (short, very short, long, mixed). The most common form is a tree-shaped pot with a 30-40 cm trunk, from which 3-4 branches emerge, each with 1-2 pagans of 2-3 brushes. The distance between the bushes is very small, from 1x2m to 1x1m: small space occupied by each individual bush allows for a very high plant density, 10,000 plants 1/ha.


This form of cultivation is suitable environment, in which grapes have limited development. The trunk is about 100 cm high, and on it is placed a vine with 10 buds, bent horizontally along the direction of the row, and a vine with 1-2 buds, which is intended for next year. However, this form of breeding requires supports with poles at least 2 m high above the ground and 5-6 m apart, and 3 lines of wire, one of which must be extended at the height of the fetal head.

Depending on some variables (vigor, soil fertility), planting sizes vary from 1.2-2.2 m between rows and 0.80-1.5 per row; plant density varies from 2800 to 8000 plants 1/ha.

Inverted Guyot

Developed from Guyot, it consists of a trunk up to 2 m high with 1-2 branches and 1-2 buds for renewal. It presents a wide range of possibilities and options that make this shape suitable for different types lands. Requires support: pillars 3.5 m high above the ground, 8 m apart; at least 5-6 strips of wire, two of which keep the fruit vines arched, while others higher up support the vegetation (Fregoni, 2013).
Planting areas are 2.5-3.5 m between rows and 2.0-2.5 m in a row, plant density is 1200-2000 plants 1/ha; Trimming is identical to Guyot.

Horizontal Cordon

A horizontal cordon consists of a trunk 60-100 cm high, which extends horizontally along a row (1-2 m), on which 2-4 buds are left at a distance of 15-30 cm.
The trellis consists of posts 2-3 m high above the ground, spaced 8-10 m apart, which support 3 strips of wire, one at the height of the permanent cordon (1.2 m) and two higher ones to support vegetation.
The planting plan varies from 2-3 m between rows to 1.5-2 m per row; plant density varies from 1600 to 5000 plants 1/ha.


This form of growing grapes has many advantages: high adaptability, reduced labor costs, easy mechanization and the possibility of application even in existing vineyards.
A trellis with a height of 1.60-1.70 m is folded horizontally along the row, forming a horizontal board supported by wire; above, there are two strips of parallel wires. Since the fruiting vines are not expected to be tied up, they will bend downwards with clusters while the vegetation rises higher: this creates a clear distinction between the production area (bottom of the cord) and the renewal area (top of the cord).
Planting densities vary depending on the type you want to do; in particular, the density ranges from 1600 to 2400-3500 plants 1/ha.

Double curtain

It is a highly mechanized breeding system originating in the United States in the 1960s. This double curtain system creates two vertical walls that fall into adjacent rows. Doubling the irradiated wall allows the plant to increase photosynthesis. The trellis consists of piles with a height above the ground of 2-2.2 m, spaced 3.5-6 m from each other; two supports are fixed on them at a height of 1.80 m, at the end of which two large-diameter holes are made: the vine rises vertically, slides along the arms, and then is tied to the outer part of the trellis, where two permanent pagans are formed.
The planting dimensions are 3.80-4.20 m between the rows (so that there is enough width for the passage of cars), on a row they are 1-1. The plant density reaches 2000 plants 1/ha, but in hilly lands the density can be increased to 4000-5000 plants 1/ha.
This form of propagation provides productive brush area outside the trellis; makes it easier to prune grapes.

Ceiling trellis

A breeding system used in Italy only in the southern regions, especially for the production of table grapes. Increases yield by 10 -15%. The vines have a height of about 2 m and from each of them 3-5 pagans begin to grow in a horizontal position, which rest on a mesh with a cell of 50 by 50 cm made of wire fixed on supports.
Planting varies: 4x4m (625 plants/ha) with fresh soil and vigorous vines, and 3x3m (1111 plants/ha) on dry soils in warm climates.

The head of the agronomic department of the KISSON trading house, Yuri Kirillov, told the story. He also outlined the main trends that are currently observed in viticulture in the Odessa region (development of viticulture).

According to Yu. Kirillov, viticulture in the region is concentrated where it is possible to organize stable irrigation, but most winegrowers work in the Belgorod-Dniester region.

IN last years Unfortunately, fewer new vineyards are being planted than old ones are being uprooted. The fact is that planting a vineyard is a big investment, which, after the devaluation of the hryvnia, few people can afford (conditions for growing grapes). And you can “hit the jackpot” with grapes on average once every 5 years, but the rest of the seasons, winegrowers are forced to work hard. “Most often, the limiting factor is the limited funds for investments - not only capital ones, for example, for planting a vineyard, but even for current ones, for example, the purchase of fertilizers,” says Yu. Kirilov.

Nowadays, vineyards are usually planted by those who already have experience in growing crops (at least on the scale of a garden or dacha), who love and know well grapevine. At the same time, when planting new vineyards, farmers are actively experimenting with new varieties, formation schemes and other specific agricultural technologies, studying the best practices of other wine-growing countries, for example the USA, Argentina, etc. (grape growing technology). All this has one goal - increasing productivity.

When choosing table varieties, winegrowers try, firstly, to have the entire assortment of flowers requested by the market (black, white, and pink), and secondly, they choose ripening periods that would ensure profitable sales (grape growing conditions). Therefore, recently, everyone who has enough funds for the appropriate investments is trying to organize the cultivation of grapes in closed ground (film greenhouses - Ed.) in order to have the earliest possible products, which traditionally fruit and vegetable growers and winegrowers sell at a premium price (growing technology grapes). Among the varieties that are now gaining popularity, Yu. Kirillov named the raisin variety, the planting material of which has fallen significantly in price recently and has become available to a wide range of farmers.

When choosing technical varieties winegrowers are guided by indicators of acidity and sugar content, looking for grapes that would provide the maximum sugar content in the conditions of the Odessa region (grape growing technology).

In terms of vine formation, more and more winegrowers, according to Yu. Kirillov, are practicing the Californian method, the labor intensity of which is significantly lower than with traditional domestic technologies. The essence of the Californian method is the formation of grapes on a Y-shaped trellis according to a planting pattern of 2x3 or 3.5 m in row spacing (grape growing technology).

According to the head of the agronomic department of the KISSON trading house, the company works closely with gardeners who grow peaches and grapes, and conducts many experiments on growing different technologies. “Often it is investment in viticulture that is the limiting factor in production. Therefore, we are testing technologies for minimal and medium investments, intensive production,” said Yu. Kirilov and added that the KISSON trading house helps winegrowers with advice, consultations and preparations. (grape growing technology)

According to the leading agronomist of the KISSON trading house, winegrowers in their assortment give preference to the growth regulator "Rival", which is added to stimulate the growth of vines in autumn period; “Planter” (applied by sheet); "ROST-concentrate" is also used as an anti-stress agent.


TD "KISSON" is a company for the distribution and production of a number of preparations for agriculture, which are used on a wide range of vegetable, fruit (including grapes) and field crops. The assortment of Trade House "KISSON" includes organo-mineral fertilizers based on humic acids; dry powdered humates; organic fertilizer based chicken manure; chelated microfertilizers; complex fertilizers for leaf application and through a drip irrigation system; macrofertilizers; microbiological preparation "Baikal-EM", growth stimulants, etc. Many of these drugs are used in organic farming as an alternative to chemical fertilizers.

Passionate plant lover and experimenter Muscovite Ya.G. shares his experience about growing grapes in a room and how to form them. Salgus:
“Indoor viticulture is still a far from explored area; here you can experiment a lot. For a beginning amateur gardener, this activity will not allow you to get bored and will help you develop a rare and wonderful quality - the need to learn the unknown.
Today there are more than 4 thousand varieties of grapes, choose 1-2 varieties among them for indoor viticulture - difficult task. I experienced in indoor culture 3 varieties: “Kish-Mish unique” (greenhouse), “Muscat Thracian” (domestic variety; early, productive, with medium clusters, needs short pruning; berries are medium-sized, yellow-green with a pearlescent tint, with a muscat flavor) and “ Chasselas Doré" (an old French variety; early, productive, with a semi-dense cluster of medium size; requires long pruning per shoot). I purchased the last two from an old lover of indoor viticulture; unfortunately, they are rare now. I have been growing these varieties for several years. I think they will feel great on glazed loggias and balconies. For indoor keeping, I advise, if possible, to select varieties from more southern growing areas. But don’t take large bushes - it’s better to take cuttings and root them at home - then the plants quickly get used to new conditions and subsequently develop well.
Grapes are a light-loving plant; only southern and south-eastern windows are suitable for them in the house. On other windows the vine develops normally, but the grapes bloom and bear fruit very rarely. One of the most important conditions Successful cultivation of grapes in the house is to ensure that during the growing season the plant is not moved from place to place and is not turned to the light with the other side. Many beginners’ failures with grapes are associated with these moments.
Winter is a very important time for grapes. It is best to place the plants in a cellar or basement with a temperature of 0...+2 degrees. If this is not possible, during the dormant period (without leaves), it is quite acceptable to keep the grapes at a temperature of 10-16 degrees. In this mode, you should only spray occasionally upper layer ground and reduce lighting to a minimum.
There were times when my bushes began to grow in early January and by March 8 we were tasting fresh grapes. Despite such an early growing season, the plants felt great and developed powerful crowns during the spring and summer. You just need to remember to apply fertilizers in a timely manner.
Grapes bear fruit on the current year's shoots, so pruning is a necessary agrotechnical technique that is resorted to annually, regardless of the age of the bush. Without pruning, the grapes quickly grow wild, their leaves and fruits become small. Pruning of grapes is mainly carried out during the dormant period. There are short (2-3 eyes left), medium (5-7 eyes), long (8-10 eyes) and very long (10-15 eyes) pruning of grapes; The choice of one pruning or another depends on the variety.
When growing grapes in a room, it is important what shape the bush will be. Since at home the area is limited, the most successful, in my opinion, would be a fan (Fig. 1) or cardoon (Fig. 2) form on a low stem. It is better to tie up grape shoots in their own home garden I use ordinary hemp twine for this: its rough surface provides an excellent opportunity for the tendrils of the shoots to firmly attach to the support.
In addition to pruning, for the successful cultivation of grapes, two more agrotechnical techniques must be used: pinching and pinching.
Pinching involves removing or shortening the side shoots of grapes so as to preserve one or two bottom sheets. The development of a large number of stepsons in grapes leads to thickening of the crown, shading of leaves, inflorescences and clusters, which weakens the growth of the central vine and slows down the ripening of fruits.
Pinching is the removal of the upper young part of the shoot in order to temporarily stop its growth. This technique increases the flow of nutrients to the inflorescences, as a result of which the yield increases and the sleeping buds awaken. After pinching, bunches of grapes with well-developed berries are formed."

The answer was prepared by E.Yu. Ziborova.

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