Currants: diseases and treatment, pest control. Diseases of black currants What is wrong with black currants

In recent years, quite a lot of currant varieties have appeared that are quite resistant to certain diseases. But, if resistance to certain diseases increases, then at the same time there is an increase in the susceptibility of bushes to other pathogens. There are no varieties yet that are absolutely resistant to most of the most common diseases.

Black currant plumpness

Description of the disease. Incurable viral disease of currants. Most often it affects black currants. White and red are more resistant, although some varieties (especially older ones) can be affected by the virus. The source of infection is the bush itself, infected planting material, and garden tools that were not treated before pruning. The virus overwinters in the conducting tissues of the bush. Its carriers are bud mites, aphids, gall midges, berry bugs, spider mites and other pests. The virus is not transmitted through soil or water. The disease is extremely dangerous, it causes degradation of varietal qualities and leads to degeneration of currants. Therefore, its second name is currant reversion.

Signs of defeat. A sign by which it can be determined that a bush is infected even before the full picture of the disease appears is the loss of the typical currant smell of the buds, leaves and berries.

External signs of the disease appear in the spring when the leaves bloom and currants bloom. The leaf opening is delayed, they become three-lobed instead of 5-lobed, with large, sparse teeth along the edges. The emerging young leaves are small, dark green, with thickened veins; they do not develop further.

A characteristic sign of doubleness, by which the disease is determined, is the structure of the flowers. Typically, black currant petals are fused, round, and white. Diseased bushes have separate-petalled flowers that become purple in color. Petals, stamens, and pistil are deformed, and scales are formed instead, resembling tentacles extended forward. Flower brushes become longer and also acquire a dirty pink or purple. Berries from such flowers either do not set at all, or a small number of small, ugly fruits appear. Bushes that are sick with double bloom bloom late.

In the photo there is a currant bush that is sick with terry disease.

On diseased plants, a lot of thin and short shoots appear that do not have a currant smell.

The first signs begin to appear 1-2 years after infection. Before this, the bushes have a normal appearance, although the currant smell becomes weak, and the yield is somewhat less than that characteristic of the variety; a few berries are ugly in shape. Over time, signs of terry disease increase, and the disease develops very gradually.

Sometimes there is an incomplete picture of the disease, in which the tips of the shoots or individual branches are affected. The upper leaves are underdeveloped, small, dark green, three-lobed, asymmetrical. The berries on such branches are small and fewer than on healthy plants, and sometimes the fruits are not set at all.

Control measures. Terry is incurable. If signs of the disease are detected, diseased bushes are removed and burned, otherwise the entire plantation can be infected. In place of removed bushes, currants cannot be planted for 5 years, not only black ones, but also red and white ones. The fight against the virus is ineffective because it does not destroy plant tissue, but invades the cell, as a result of which it loses its normal functions and begins to produce a virus. To kill it, you need to kill the cell, and this is impossible without killing the entire bush.

Prevention of disease.

  1. If there were diseased plants on the plantation, then before pruning the remaining bushes, garden tools must be treated with alcohol or strong solution potassium permanganate.
  2. Pest control. They carry the virus with saliva to healthy crops.
  3. There is a recommendation to use healthy planting material. But by the appearance of cuttings and seedlings it is impossible to determine whether they are healthy or infected with terry. Infected 2-year-old seedlings look quite healthy; only the smell, which is rather weak for black currants, can be alarming. The disease manifests itself only during the growth and development of bushes. To prevent the disease, varieties resistant to terry are planted: Pamyat Michurina, Dubrovskaya, Binar, Nara, Primorsky Champion, Lia Fertile, Zhelannaya. The black currant varieties Zagadka, Odzhebin (Swedish variety), and Alexandrina are not resistant to the disease. Of the red currants, the Red Cross and Shchedraya varieties are very susceptible to terry.

Green mottle

The photo shows a currant leaf affected by green mottling.

Description of the disease. A viral disease of currants, the causative agent of which is the cucumber mosaic virus. Affects all types of currants. The disease spreads quite slowly in plantings. The source of infection is about 60 species various plants, including weeds, as well as infected planting material. Its main carrier is aphids.

Signs of defeat. When black currants bud, pale green dots appear on young leaves. In summer they turn into watery streaks stretched along the veins. Sometimes, instead of strokes, pale green spots appear, which occupy large areas of the sheet and are very clearly visible in transmitted light.

In red and white currants, instead of light green streaks, pale yellow spots appear near the petiole. The spots can be large, but are always located in the central part of the leaf. The leaves are severely deformed, wrinkled, and their edges curl down. Most often, with yellowing of the leaves on red and white currants, young shoots dry out.

In young bushes and rooted cuttings, the first signs appear the next year after planting. If currants are propagated by seeds, the disease appears in the same year.

The bushes begin to lag behind in growth, the yield decreases.

Control measures. Green mottle is incurable. When the first signs appear, the bushes are uprooted and burned.

Disease prevention.

  1. Control of weeds that are affected by the virus (bindweed, sow thistle, woodlice, quinoa). Pumpkin should not be planted next to bushes, as it is also susceptible to the disease.
  2. Destruction of aphids in the garden.

Glass rust

Description of the disease. The causative agent is a pathogenic fungus. Its spores overwinter on sedge plant remains, withstand severe frosts, and in the spring they are carried by the wind to currants. Affects ovaries, berries, leaves. All types of currants and gooseberries are susceptible to damage. The disease is very common in the North-Western regions and middle lane. The disease progresses especially strongly in wet years, when 70-78% of leaves and 40-45% of ovaries on black currants and 57-68% on red currants are affected.

Signs of defeat. At the end of May and beginning of June, yellow, slightly convex spots appear on the leaves and petioles on the upper side. Sporulation of the fungus with goblet-shaped depressions appears on the lower side. As the spores mature, they scatter, causing a new infection. Affected leaves and ovaries fall off by mid-summer.

How to treat the disease.

  1. Autumn processing tree trunk circles, collection and destruction of affected leaves.
  2. In the spring, before the buds open, they are treated with 3% Bordeaux mixture or HOM. When buds open, treatment is carried out with a 1% solution of drugs.
  3. Before the buds open, they are treated with nitrafen (if you can find it, the chemical is not commercially available). The drug is effective against many diseases and pests, but it cannot be used after sap flow begins. Spray the branches and water around the perimeter of the bushes.
  4. When the first signs appear, they are sprayed with Topaz, Skor, and the biological product Fitosporin.

Folk remedies for fighting glass rust. The most popular of them is spraying with an infusion of tobacco dust and garlic. The mixture is prepared as follows: 200 g of tobacco dust is infused for 3 days in 2 liters of water; A glass of cloves is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and left for 3 days. Then everything is mixed, household ingredients are added. soap as an adhesive, add hot pepper on the tip of a knife. The bushes are sprayed with this solution until the buds open.


  1. Mowing sedge within a radius of 500 meters from the site.
  2. Planting fairly resistant currant varieties. There are no varieties that are absolutely resistant to rust yet, but there are those that are very weakly affected by the disease. From black currants these are Sevchanka, Selechenskaya 2, Bylinnaya, Veloy, Kipiana. From red - Detvan, Beloved, Dana; from white - Smolyaninovskaya, Minusinskaya white.
  3. During the season, preventive spraying of currants with biological products (Gamair, Alirin B, Fitosporin) is carried out.

Columnar rust

The causative agent is a pathogenic fungus. Overwinters on Weymouth pine and Siberian cedar, infects in the spring berry bushes. Plantings located near coniferous forests are especially affected.

Signs of defeat. Signs of the disease begin to appear in mid-summer. Yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves on the upper side, which can then merge. On the underside, rusty growths appear - these are pads with fungal spores, which subsequently stretch into hairs or columns. Diseased leaves turn yellow and fall off, leaving the bush bare.

How to spray currants against columnar rust.

  1. In the spring, spray three times with copper-containing preparations. The first treatment is done when the buds open, the second - 10-14 days after the first, the third - 2 weeks after the second. If the weather is very rainy, then carry out the fourth spraying after 12-17 days.
  2. Spraying with Fitosporin three times with an interval of 10-15 days.

Traditional methods of fighting the disease.

  1. Spraying with a mixture of infusions of tobacco dust and garlic.
  2. Spraying with soda solution. 3 tablespoons of soda pour 10 liters of water, add liquid soap. Spraying is carried out at the onset of the disease. It is also necessary to treat the leaves on the underside, where the spores ripen.


  1. In early spring, before the snow has melted, they pour boiling water over the bushes.
  2. Timely cutting out all diseased and damaged branches.
  3. In areas prone to severe spread of the disease (lowlands, forests), varieties resistant to rust are planted.

Powdery mildew

Signs of defeat. A white cobwebby coating appears in the form of spots on the leaves of diseased currants, which spreads very quickly. After 3-5 days, the plaque thickens, acquires a brown-gray tint, becomes felt-like, and spores form in it. After they disperse, droplets of liquid remain (hence the name). The leaves stop developing, turn brown and dry out, and the shoots become deformed. The berries become covered with a felt coating and become unsuitable for food.

The photo shows currant berries affected by powdery mildew.

When widespread, young growth develops poorly, becomes thin and deformed, and the yield is greatly reduced or completely lost. The disease significantly reduces the winter hardiness of currants.

Treatment of currants.

The disease is very difficult to completely eradicate.

  1. At the first signs of damage, spraying with copper-containing preparations (HOM, Ordan) is carried out. Bordeaux mixture is ineffective against powdery mildew. Before spraying, remove all infected berries, leaves, and shoots.
  2. Treatment of plantings with colloidal sulfur and preparations based on it (Tiovit Jet). Treatment can be carried out 3-4 days before picking berries, since sulfur and its derivatives are not toxic to humans.
  3. Spraying with Skor, Quadris, Tilt. With the constant appearance of powdery mildew on varieties susceptible to it, 4-fold treatment with these drugs is carried out. ! spraying after the leaves bloom before flowering; 2nd - immediately after flowering; 3rd - after picking berries; 4th 10-14 days after the third. If the summer is very wet, then 15-17 days after the last spraying, another treatment is carried out.

When treating with any preparation, it is necessary to spray the leaves from the underside. The disease is very difficult to eradicate. The pathogen quickly develops resistance to fungicides, making them ineffective. To prevent this from happening, spray with a new drug each time.

Folk ways to combat powdery mildew.

  1. Spraying with iodine. 10 ml of 5% iodine solution (sold in a pharmacy), diluted in 10 liters of water. Spray twice with an interval of 10 days. Effective when initial stage disease when the spider web just appeared.
  2. Mustard infusion. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard are dissolved in 10 liters of boiling water, left for 1-1.5 hours. The treatment is carried out with a cooled infusion.
  3. Spraying diseased currant bushes with a very strong solution of potassium permanganate. Carry out 3-fold treatment with an interval of 5 days.
  4. Ash-soap solution. 1 kg wood ash pour 10 liters of boiling water and leave for 24-48 hours. Then the infusion is filtered, 50 g of soap is added and the diseased bushes are sprayed. The treatment is repeated after 7-10 days. The method is effective only at the very beginning of the disease.


  1. Moderate pruning of infected plantings and, at the same time, complete cutting out of all unnecessary weak young branches, especially in the lower part of the bush, since powdery mildew begins from the lower branches and primarily affects young leaves and shoots.
  2. Preventive “blue” spraying in the spring when leaves bloom with preparations containing copper.
  3. In early spring, before the buds open, spray with a concentrated solution of urea (700-800 g of urea per 10 liters of water).
  4. 4-fold treatment during the growing season with biological products (Fitosporin, Gamair, Alirin B, Planriz.
  5. Planting varieties resistant to powdery mildew. Among black-fruited varieties - Riddle, Zvezdnaya, Selechenskaya, Yadrenaya, Rita, Sevchanka. From the red one - Svetlana, Krasnaya Andreichenko, Jonker Van Tets. From white - Dessert, White squirrel, Cream.
  6. Mandatory reduction in doses of nitrogen fertilizers.


Anthracnose on currants.

Description of the disease. The causative agent is a pathogenic fungus. Overwinters on plant debris, damaged bark and young shoots. Affects all types of currants and gooseberries. On black, as a rule, only leaves are affected, on red and white - leaf petioles, stalks, young shoots and berries. It develops especially strongly in damp but hot summers and in the southern regions. In the middle zone it appears in mid-summer; in the south it can be observed as early as May. In dry summers, anthracnose damage is minimal. Spore carriers are pests. Fungal spores are easily spread by wind.

Signs of defeat. First, light brown glossy spots appear on the affected leaves, which then turn brown and merge with each other, affecting large areas of the leaf plate. The leaves curl upward, dry out and fall off prematurely. First of all, the old leaves in the center of the bush are affected, then anthracnose spreads to younger leaves. At severe illness currants may lose all their foliage by August.

Brown-gray small ulcerated depressions appear on the affected petioles, young shoots and stalks. Small black, glossy spots appear on the berries. Affected fruits fall off without ripening. The growth of annual shoots slows down greatly and they grow poorly.

Anthracnose is a dangerous disease of currants.

If leaves are damaged on red and white currants, the bushes drop their foliage, even if there are only a few spots of anthracnose on it.

The winter hardiness of affected plants is sharply reduced. In cold winters, up to 50% of bush branches can freeze. Productivity is falling sharply.

How the disease is treated.

  1. If the damage is minor, remove the affected parts manually.
  2. Spraying 4 times during the summer with preparations containing copper. The first treatment is carried out before the buds open. Then, at intervals of 10-14 days (depending on the weather), 3 more treatments are done.
  3. Cleaning up fallen leaves and plant debris.
  4. Careful weeding of currant rows.
  5. In the early stages, biological products (Fitosporin, Alirin B) help well. The same preparations are used to spray bushes when berries are damaged. Biofungicides are not dangerous to humans and the crop can be harvested 2-3 days after treatment.
  6. Autumn treatment of the soil around plants with the biological product Trichoderma.

Folk remedies they are ineffective against anthracnose and if the disease appears on currants, chemicals must be used immediately.


  1. Annual spraying of bushes with preparations containing copper.
  2. Use varieties that are resistant to anthracnose. Black currant - Lazy, Sevchanka. Red - Generous, Svetlana. White - Belaya Potapenko, Yutenberg.
  3. Before planting, cuttings are disinfected by immersing them in a solution of copper sulfate for 5 minutes, then washed with water. The seedlings are sprayed with the same solution.
  4. Proper nutrition. Foliar feeding in summer they increase the resistance of currants to diseases in general and to anthracnose in particular. Use a phosphorus extract, or prepare a complex fertilizer: 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate, 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate, immunocytitis 1 tab, water 10 l. Spray the leaves from the top and bottom sides.

Septoria or white spot

The disease is caused by a pathogenic fungus that overwinters on young shoots, plant debris and bark. It affects black currants very strongly, and to a lesser extent red and white ones.

Signs of defeat. Leaves, buds, and sometimes berries are affected. The first signs appear at the beginning of summer, the peak of development occurs in the second half of summer. Very small round or angular red-brown spots appear on the leaves. They quickly enlarge, lighten in the center and become white with a brown border. Black dots appear in their center - this is the sporulation of the fungus. Over the summer, several generations of spores are formed.

Elongated spots with a brown border and light in the center appear on the petioles and stems. Subsequently, the stains are pressed into the wood and form small pits.

Small flat dark spots appear on the berries, and the fruits dry out.

With septoria, the leaves dry out and fall off en masse, the bush becomes depleted, and the buds do not open. The yield of affected bushes is greatly reduced.

How to deal with white spotting.

  1. Collecting and burning affected leaves, berries, shoots.
  2. Three-time treatment with copper-containing preparations during the summer. The first spraying after the leaves bloom, subsequent sprayings at intervals of 12-15 days.
  3. Treatment with systemic fungicide Bayleton.

Prevention. If the bushes suffer from a disease every year, then feeding with microelements at the beginning of the growing season helps increase resistance. Also, they are treated with the immunostimulant Zircon.

Tubercular disease or drying out of branches (nectria necrosis)

Tubercular disease is an insidious disease of currants that can infect the entire garden.

Signs of defeat. The spores fall on young 2-4 year old shoots and germinate into the wood. The mycelium feeds on cell sap. Brick-red dots (sporulation pads) appear on the bark, which gradually darken and dry out. The bark on the affected branches dies, the tips of the shoots, and sometimes entire infected branches dry out and die. The young growth dies, the currant grows poorly and does not lay flower buds (since in red currant they are laid at the border of older and younger wood).

Control measures must be taken immediately, since the disease enters the garden through red currants and can then spread to all bushes and fruit trees(apple tree, plum tree, cherry tree).

  1. Cut all affected branches to the base. If the bush is severely damaged, it is uprooted, even if there are healthy shoots on it. All cut branches are immediately burned, as the fungus can still develop on the dead wood for some time and disperse the spores.
  2. Treatment of plantings with Topsin-M. The drug has a contact-systemic effect, penetrates the wood and kills the mycelium. Apply once per season, as addiction to it quickly develops.


  1. Using healthy planting material, without damage to the bark, bare and drying tips of the shoots.
  2. Spraying with preparations containing copper. When infected, this remedy is ineffective, since the mycelium penetrates deep into the wood. But as a preventive measure, copper-containing preparations perfectly protect shrubs from disease.
  3. Removing all branches located close to the ground. They are often damaged during soil cultivation and serve as a potential entry point for the pathogen.

This is what marginal necrosis of currant leaves looks like

This is not a disease as such, but a reaction of currants to excess chlorine in the soil. Occurs on all types of currants and gooseberries.

Signs of defeat. The edges of the leaves become light brown or ashy in color and dry out. There is a sharp border between dried and healthy tissue; the leaves do not curl, but acquire a lighter shade. The symptoms are similar to those of potassium starvation, but distinctive feature excess chlorine is that the leaves do not wrinkle or curl and there is a clear boundary between the healthy and affected parts. With a lack of potassium, the leaves wrinkle and curl upward, but do not fall off; there is no clear boundary between healthy and diseased tissue.

Control measures. Immediate feeding with ammonium nitrate. It is necessary to ensure that the fertilizer reaches the roots quickly, which can be achieved by abundant watering after application or deep incorporation of the fertilizer.

Proper care of currants significantly increases its resistance to any diseases.

Black currant is a berry of our strip, so it is grown in almost every area. Diseases and pests prevent blackcurrants from fully developing.

The harvest of both the current and next year may suffer, because the placement of buds is laid in the spring and summer with increased shoot growth in the current year.

And what a shame when a bush dies from an invasion of pests or disease! What to do to save the berry bush?

To defeat pests, you need to know each of them by sight in order to select effective measures fight them.

This article selects the most common pests and diseases of black currant with detailed description and photographs to visualize the process.

Diseases of black currant.

For gardeners and gardeners, the ability to recognize blackcurrant diseases is of paramount importance, because many currant diseases are so similar to each other. It's quite easy to make a mistake. Let's start in order.

Terry black currant.

It is almost impossible to cure a plant from this disease. Severely affected bushes do not bear fruit at all. One of the main signs is ugly, irregularly shaped flowers. Therefore, it is convenient to identify the disease during the flowering period. Terry growth gradually spreads throughout the bush, so you can see both healthy and diseased branches on one plant.

photo of a blackcurrant bush affected by doubleness

How to deal with black currant terry?

Because the effective method they have not yet come up with a solution to combat this scourge, great importance has prevention. First of all, destruction kidney mite, which is the carrier of the disease. The affected bush must be removed from the garden as quickly as possible, uprooted and destroyed.

Under no circumstances should cuttings be taken from such a plant for propagation. Cuttings should only be taken from healthy plants that have not shown signs of disease over the past 3-4 years.

Currant anthracnose.

Symptoms: In the second half of summer, on some bushes, small brown spots first appear on mature leaves - these are fungal spores. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size, then the leaves turn brown and dry out and fall off prematurely. This is a fungal disease called anthracnose.

Not only leaves, but also petioles and young shoots are susceptible to anthracnose infection. The fungus spends the winter on fallen leaves. Can be spread by irrigation water and insects.

Fungal spores are especially active during periods of prolonged rain. During this period, the fungus can cause significant damage to currant bushes, especially if they are densely planted.

Experts believe that blackcurrant varieties are less affected by anthracnose: Primorsky Champion, Zoya, Koksa, Belorusskaya Sladkaya, Golubka.

How to deal with currant anthracnose?

First of all, remove and burn all fallen leaves. It is also important to regularly thin out the bushes; a thickened crown is favorable for the development of fungal diseases. Be sure to dig up the soil under the bush.

For spraying, 1 percent Bordeaux mixture and special antifungal agents. Spraying must be done immediately at the first signs of anthracnose infection; in addition, currant bushes must be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture after harvesting. For a more effective effect of the drug, it is necessary to capture the lower part of the leaf.

To improve the processing quality, add 50 grams of laundry soap to this solution by first grating it and dissolving it in small quantity water. This ingredient will allow the copper sulfate solution to better adhere to the blackcurrant shoots.

In addition, nitrafen has a wide spectrum of action and is effective against most pests. Such as aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers. Helps in the fight against fungal diseases: septoria, rust, powdery mildew.

Plant blackcurrant varieties resistant to anthracnose.

Currant columnar rust.

Symptoms Yellowish spots appear on the upper side of the currant leaf. And on the underside, in these places, orange-yellow growths with spores form, which then become like yellow hairs.

This is a fungal disease associated with Siberian cedar and Weymouth pine. If these plants themselves are affected by rust, then the spores scatter over nearby growing plants, and currants are very sensitive to them.

How to deal with columnar rust of currants?

Spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture 3 times per period: the first when the leaves bloom, the second when the buds separate, the third after flowering. If the currants are severely affected by rust, 10 days after the third treatment, another treatment is carried out.

Produces timely raking of diseased fallen leaves and burning them.

Goblet rust of currants.

Symptoms. At the end of May - beginning of June, black dots appear on the currant leaves on the upper side, and large yellow “pads” with goblet-shaped depressions appear on the lower side. This indicates that the currants are affected by goblet rust.

The spores overwinter on an intermediate host (sedge). In spring, rust spores attack currants, causing orange and yellow spots to appear on the leaves. The affected berries are deformed, they dry out and fall off. With strong development, up to 40-50% of black currant berries die.

How to deal with currant glass rust?

A 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture will come to our aid.

Gray rot of currants.

Symptoms Gray rot is caused by a fungus that overwinters on plant debris. The disease appears in the second half of June, when the first wave of shoot growth ends.

Growing shoots, zero and first order, begin to wither, and this process begins from the top, then the entire shoot dries out and in wet weather is completely covered with a gray coating similar to mold - the mycelium of the fungus.

On leaves, the disease manifests itself in the form of shapeless large light brown spots on the edges of the leaf blade. Subsequently, the spots crack, and in humid weather a gray coating forms on them.

The disease manifests itself most strongly in dense plantings - where they are not sanitary pruning, as well as with a large density of shoots inside the bush. The development of the disease is promoted by excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers.

The wood suffers mainly in white currants, becoming covered with lumps of mold.

How to deal with gray rot of currants?

Carry out sanitary pruning annually - you need to leave 10-12 shoots of different ages on the bush. Immediately after flowering, remove weak shoots from inside the bush.

In autumn, cut out and burn damaged shoot tips. Dig up the soil under the bushes, covering fallen leaves and berries. In early spring, before the buds open, the bushes can be irrigated with hot water (60–65°).

Treat the plants and the soil under them before and after flowering, as well as immediately after harvesting, with an infusion of ash (3 kg per 10 liters of water). You can use a solution of soda ash with soap (50 grams of soda + 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of water) or a soap-copper emulsion (150 grams of soap + 20 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

Alternaria blight or black spot on currant leaves.

Symptoms black currant leaves are covered with small grayish-black spots. When the disease occurs, the fungus affects leaves, cuttings, stalks, green shoots, and berries. Gradually, the spots stretch along the edge of the leaf blade or on the shoots. The latter become distorted, turn black, dry out, resembling burnt and charred ones.

Favorable conditions for the development of Alternaria fungi are wet weather, heavy dew and thickened currants. The pathogen's spores can persist in the soil and even overwinter on affected plants that were not removed last year during autumn harvesting.

The disease provokes plant depression, poor ripening of branches and their freezing in winter.

How to deal with black spotting of currant leaves?

Treatment consists of spraying Nitrofen with a sprayer at the beginning and end of the season on bare branches. In addition, before flowering and after harvesting the fruits, 1% Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin, Previkur, Acrobat, Ridomil are sprayed.

A mandatory procedure will be the removal and incineration of all litter, leaves and berries. It is necessary to loosen the soil under the currants. In new plantings it is better to use varieties with increased resistance.

Pests of black currant.

Great currant aphid

Symptoms Aphids are visible to the naked eye. These are small light green insects that are usually located on the underside of the leaf and suck the juices out of it. Young apical leaves of the plant are especially affected. They are curled and wrinkled.

How to deal with large currant aphids?

The difficulties in controlling aphids on black currants are that aphids on currants settle exclusively on the tops of young shoots. The juice from which she feeds. And as a result of the activity of aphids, the leaves on these shoots curl. Thus providing aphids with protection from both unfavorable natural factors. The same goes for plant protection products.

Therefore, the most effective and in a fast way get rid of aphids on black currants. This is the cutting off of twisted apical shoots. And dispose of them in a bucket with soapy water. After the torn curled leaves lie in the bucket for 5 hours. The solution along with the leaves can be poured into a cesspool.

Curling leaves on black currant

In addition to the mechanical method of fighting aphids on black currants, there are many folk ways to get rid of aphids on black currants. Because they don't like aphids strong odors, then from traditional methods An infusion of garlic or onion peel helps a lot. But if the pest invasion has already gone too far, then only chemistry will save you. You can spray the bushes with a 0.2 percent solution of anabasine sulfate with the addition of laundry soap.

A soap solution also helps very well in the fight against aphids. Seventy-two percent laundry soap weighing 300 grams. divide into 5 parts = 50 g. grate it on a fine grater. Fill in 3 liters. water, leave to brew for a day, stirring occasionally.

Take 2 liters of water and add 300 g. ash and boil for 20 minutes, then cool and strain.

Then mix 3 liters of soap solution with 2 liters of ash solution and bring the total volume of liquid to 10 liters. All effective remedy It’s ready against aphids, you can safely spray currants and more.

There is a variety of currant Lama that is not affected by gall aphids under any circumstances. It also has high resistance to kidney and spider mites.

The variety is drought-resistant, winter-hardy and high-yielding. The only drawback of this variety is that the berries are not quite large as we would like.

Currant bud mite.

Symptoms The currant bud mite is common and quite difficult to get rid of. It settles in the buds of the plant. In the spring, as soon as they appear on the branches, you will notice that some of the buds are greatly enlarged. And as soon as the buds begin to unfold, irregular leaf primordia are visible.

Such buds soon dry out, so you won’t get a harvest from the affected bushes. Each damaged kidney contains several thousand mites. These pests are unpleasant not only because they destroy the buds of the plant, but also because they can carry a serious currant disease - terry disease.

The bud mite harms black currants throughout the entire growing season. It is possible to determine the infestation of a bush with a currant mite in the summer, at the end of June - beginning of August. The upper leaves on such bushes change color, becoming darker, leathery and glossy.

Wind or birds help ticks spread to other bushes. If there are a lot of mites on the plant, then you may be left completely without a harvest. Therefore, the currant mite is rightfully considered the most dangerous pest of black currants.

How to fight kidney mites?

If you were able to notice a pest infestation in early spring, until the tick leaves the kidneys, then the best way The fight will be to cut out diseased shoots and burn them immediately. During the period when the first flower clusters appear, you can spray the bushes with a suspension of colloidal sulfur (75 grams per 10 liters of water).

If you fail to notice, another way to combat the currant mite is a hot shower.

Before the sap begins to flow, the currant bushes are spilled with very hot water, the mites die immediately. But it is best to carry out this procedure several times. Pests won't like the smell of garlic either. When inflorescences begin to appear on the branches, the plants are sprayed with garlic infusion. The smell will force insects to hide in the old place, the affected branches can be cut out and the entire plant can be saved.

If you still want to save blackcurrants from bud mites, take 100 grams of laundry soap, grate it and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of warm water. Next, add 100 ml to it. vegetable unrefined oil. Mix everything well until smooth.

Then you need to add 10 liters of water to this mixture and mix everything thoroughly so that the water combines with vegetable oil. Fill the resulting mixture into a sprayer and spray the currants immediately after preparing the solution. This solution must be used within 1 hour after preparation.

Willow scale

Symptoms Scale insects infect shoot trunks. Stray larvae appear around the time of currant flowering. The larvae stick to the shoots, become covered with a shield and begin to draw juice from the plant. This leads to drying out and death of the entire shoot.

How to deal with willow scale?

In early spring, bushes affected by scale insects are cleaned with cheeks. If this does not help, the shoots are cut out and burned. After flowering, you can spray the currants with a 50% solution of karbofos at the rate of 20-30 grams per 10 liters of water.

Currant leaf gall midge

Symptoms The first sign of the presence of gall midges is the upper leaves rolled into a tube, which gradually turn brown and dry out. The gall midge larva lives in rolled leaves and feeds on their juices.

How to deal with currant leaf gall midge?

As soon as you notice similar damage on currant bushes, you should immediately cut out the infected shoots and burn them. The larvae overwinter in the ground, which is why it is so important to dig up the soil under the bush in the fall and cultivate the soil under the currant all summer. You can spray the bush with chlorophos or complex means for pest control.

Spider mite.

Symptoms The first signs of blackcurrant damage by spider mites are the appearance of a large number of white spots on the leaves. As shown in the photo below.

Damage to the bush by terry and spider mites

These pests are very small, measuring only about 0.5 mm. But having multiplied quickly under favorable conditions, I can completely destroy the bush. Favorable conditions for spider mites are hot and dry weather. And also the dustiness of the currant bushes.

How to deal with spider mites on black currants?

The first and most effective method is mechanical. As in the case of aphids, we tear off the affected leaves and put them in a bucket with a soap solution. We wait a couple of hours until the tick dies and pour it out.

From the chemical and biological spectrum, acaricides will help in the fight against ticks.

Acaricidal agents are divided into:

  • Insectoacaricides. Means that destroy ticks and insects. These include inorganic sulfur preparations and organophosphorus compounds.
  • Specific acaricides. These include drugs containing bromine (bromopropylate), sulfur (propargite), heterocycles with nitrogen.
  • Acarofungicides. Substances that have a detrimental effect on ticks and pathogenic fungi.

When treating blackcurrants for spider mites, attention should be paid to the ambient temperature. Because at an air temperature of + 21 ° C, it is necessary to carry out three acaricide treatments with an interval of 8 days.

And at 30 °C, the number of treatments increases up to 4 times, and the interval decreases to 5 days.

Because acaricides are toxic not only to ticks, but also to humans. To put it mildly, it is not worth treating your plants with such preparations after setting berries.

Among the folk remedies that will work in the fight against spider mites:

  • wormwood, datura, dandelion, yarrow, calendula, celandine;
  • you can make a solution from finely chopped onion and garlic, diluted with water and infused for 24 hours;
  • An infusion made from potato tops has proven to work well in the fight against spider mites.

The only disadvantage of such infusions is that they will have to be treated with them 2 times more often than with acaricidal agents. But on the other hand, it is completely safe for human health.

The currant bush does not seem tender and unprotected. It easily tolerates the cold of winter, temperature changes, waterlogging and drought. However, all this does not remain without consequences. Here is a list of the main problems of this plant; currant diseases in the photo look quite convincing:

  • Anthracnose. Signs: small brown spots with tubercles appear on the leaves. They gradually grow, spreading throughout the entire plant, and the bush dies. Moisture also contributes to an increase in the focus of the disease: rain or fog.
  • White spot, septoria. The leaves turn white and small dark spots, fungal spores, appear on them. It happens that you can notice signs of this disease on the fruits. Black currants are most often affected.
  • Glass rust. This disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow-orange pads that spread to the leaves and flowers of the bush. It is believed that black currants are more susceptible to this disease.
  • European powdery mildew. A white coating appears on young leaves, like a thin cobweb. It mainly affects red currants.
  • Sferoteka (another type of powdery mildew, American). It can affect the entire plant: young leaves and shoots, berries and ovaries. A thin white coating appears, which thickens over time. Leaves become deformed and die.
  • Reversion (terry). The plant is completely affected, changes in the shape and color of leaves and flowers are noticeable. The flowers dry out, but do not fall off for a long time. There are no fruits at all. Mostly black currants suffer from this disease.
  • Striped mosaic. Where the veins run on the leaf, a duplication of their pattern appears in yellow or orange.

Both diseases and pests pose a threat to currants.

Currant pests:

  • moth, it lays eggs on currants, the emerging caterpillars entangle the leaves with cobwebs, feeding on them;
  • sawfly, its larvae completely eat the leaves of the plant;
  • leaf gall midges are mosquitoes, for them the young leaves of the plant are a real delicacy;
  • spider mite, so named because it entangles leaves with cobwebs and feeds on their juice;
  • the goldenrod is a larva that feeds on the pith of currant stems;
  • bud mite, it is the mite that transmits terry disease, a dangerous disease of currants;
  • aphids suck juices from both young leaves and stems;
  • The moth is voracious; its diet includes gooseberry and currant leaves, which it completely eats.

Is not full list. It includes only the most common and dangerous diseases and pests. One more conclusion can be drawn: despite the close relationship, black and red currants may have “their own” diseases:

Black currant diseases

It is interesting to note that some diseases of black currant are similar to those that affect grapes and gooseberries. These are powdery mildew, terry, glass rust, septoria. The same pests that threaten black currants pose a threat to gooseberries.

Red currant diseases

Red currants have a number of advantages over black currants: they are more productive and unpretentious, and their main advantage is that they are resistant to diseases. But even this does not save it from many of them, including European powdery mildew.

Currant treatment for diseases

Every gardener needs to carefully examine the plants in order to early stage notice the first signs of any possible disease. Leaves of the plant that have withered and fallen must be collected and burned. Under this condition, you can easily cope with the disease.

Treatment of currant diseases begins with the removal of damaged leaves and branches. The next important step is to dig up the soil around the plant's trunk. Further actions will depend on the specific reason why the currants are suffering.

  • Anthracnose. A currant bush affected by this disease must be treated with fungicidal agents. Many gardeners use copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or phthalan for spraying every 10 days. These drugs are suitable for both preventive purposes and treatment.
  • Septoria. Spraying with copper sulfate, 40 g per 10 liters of water, helps against this disease.
  • Glass rust. It is necessary at the time when the leaves bloom, flowering begins, and when the ovaries appear, spray the bush with fungicides, or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • Powdery mildew. The bush itself and the soil under it should be treated with nitrophen or a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. Spray every 10 days.
  • Spheroteka. 300 g of iron sulfate per 10-liter bucket of water, mix and spray the bush. There is another method that works at the very beginning of the disease: 50 g of soda ash + 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water. You need to process the currant bush several times.
  • Terryness. At an early stage it is very difficult to determine. And when it becomes clear what kind of disease is plaguing the currant bush, it’s already too late. And in order to avoid the spread of the disease to healthy bushes, the diseased plant should be dug up and burned.
  • Striped mosaic. Another disease that is almost impossible to treat. Therefore, the plant is uprooted and burned.

Pests. Spraying the currant bush with insecticides helps against most insects. And this is done in several stages. The first is before the buds open, the second is after flowering.

Prevention of currant diseases

Of course, every gardener understands that preventive measures are always better, they are cheaper, require less time and effort, and also prevent deformation of the bush if the disease progresses, and do not have a negative impact on productivity. And first of all, this is not the use of any chemical or organic products, A correct landing, pruning and feeding currant bushes.

Prevention of currant diseases is a whole range of measures:

  • It is necessary to remove parts of the plant damaged by disease or pests in a timely manner, and it is better to do this at an early stage, before the entire bush is infected.
  • Correct and timely pruning. Sanitary cleaning of the bush will make sure that the plant does not thicken, this reduces the likelihood of diseases many times over.
  • Moderate watering. Large amounts of moisture contribute to the spread of diseases and attract dangerous insects.

Digging up the soil around the plant trunk. Thanks to this, those pests that remained in the ground after winter are destroyed. Grow healthy bushes and get good result sometimes it's the same thing. Therefore, you should always monitor the condition of the currant bushes in your area and, if necessary, help the plant in time.

Video: protecting currants from pests

One of the most healthy berries is currant. It is consumed not only fresh, but also dried, frozen, and canned. To get a rich harvest, you should know what currant diseases exist and how to deal with them.

Currant diseases and pests

There are a variety of pests and diseases of currants, and the fight against them comes down to timely processing, as well as proper care of the plant.

With proper care and timely treatments, the plant will delight large berries and stable, high yield.


Having noticed spots on the bushes and a change in leaf color, gardeners begin to look for what currant diseases there are and begin to fight them.

One of the most common pathologies is anthracnose. This is a fungal disease that affects all types of currants. At a temperature of about 14 degrees the fungus is activated. This is manifested by changes on the leaves of the plant: yellowish-green spots appear. Gradually they acquire a brown color. Then the spots merge, and the leaves look as if they were burned. Then they begin to curl up with their edges and fall off, exposing the lower parts of the shoots. If the fight against currant diseases in the spring and during the growing season is started in a timely manner, then damage to the bushes by anthracnose can be avoided.

Fungal infection can occur in different ways. It is most often carried by insects and wind. At high humidity the fungus spreads quickly, damaging all existing shoots. The disease destroys the bush in just three years.

So as not to appear fungal diseases currants, the fight against them should begin in the spring. When the buds swell, it is necessary to treat the plant with 3% Bordeaux mixture. After flowering, re-treatment is carried out with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. After harvesting, the plant is treated with copper oxychloride.

To prevent the fungus from spreading, all fallen leaves are collected and burned, and the soil under the plant is sprinkled with ash.

To combat diseases and pests of currants in spring and late autumn, after the leaves fall, you can spray the bushes with a 3% Nitrafen solution. In summer, use a solution of copper sulfate (diluted according to instructions) and one percent colloidal sulfur. Treatment is carried out before and after flowering, and then after picking berries. When spraying, it is important to ensure that the solution gets to the lower parts of the plant.

To reduce the likelihood of infection with fungal diseases from the ground, the soil under the bush is dug up to a depth of at least ten centimeters. Be sure to regularly remove weeds. Thickened plantings must be thinned out.

Powdery mildew

To receive high yields berries, you should know what blackcurrant diseases are and how to combat them.

One of the most common diseases of black currants is powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease that rarely affects red and white varieties.

Powdery mildew appears in late spring - early summer. The disease is characterized by formation whitish coating on the underside of the sheet. At the same time, the upper surface begins to noticeably brighten. These are the first manifestations of the disease.

When wet warm weather the fungus actively moves from one leaf to another, affecting all young and then old shoots. The leaves become corrugated and become smaller. Shortening of internodes is noted. The shoots begin to dry out and the berries fall off.

The fungus overwinters well on the affected leaves.

To avoid infection, it is necessary to treat the plant and the soil underneath it every two weeks with a solution of copper sulfate with the addition of laundry soap, as well as other means:

  1. 20 grams of vitriol are diluted in ten liters of water. Add 150 grams of laundry soap to this solution.
  2. Dilute 50 grams of soda in 10 liters of water and add 50 grams of laundry soap.
  3. Three kilograms of ash are diluted in ten liters of water. The product is infused for a day, then the composition is filtered and used to treat plants.

To combat powdery mildew, you can use various special preparations offered in country supply stores.

To prevent re-infection, all leaves are removed from the plant, fallen leaves are removed, and affected shoots are pruned. All parts of the plants are burned.


The fight against diseases and pests of red, white and black currants comes down to preventive treatment of bushes and timely detection of any changes in the appearance of leaves, shoots, and berries. This will help you quickly respond to an emerging disease.

One of the dangerous diseases of currants is septoria, or, as it is also called, white spot. This type of pathology is characterized by the appearance of yellow-brown spots of angular shape. Gradually, the edges of the formations acquire a brown tint, and in the center the color becomes white. Black dots form on the upper side of the leaves - these are spores. Appearance the lesions can be seen in the bottom photo. Currant diseases and the fight against them are eternal problems for gardeners. Success lies in identifying changes early and responding quickly. If you delay treatment of septoria, then by the end of summer all the leaves will fall off and the bush will die.

To combat septoria, plants are treated according to the same principle and with the same means as for anthracnose.


You can see what other types of diseases affect plants in the photos given in the article. Currant diseases and the fight against them concern all gardeners. The latter should be carried out from early spring to late autumn. This will help avoid a variety of fungal diseases, including rust.

Proper care of currants, pest and disease control are important components of successful cultivation of plants on garden plot. As you know, bushes can be affected by a disease such as rust. Currants are characterized by the most different types rusts, among which the most common are columnar and goblet.

The columnar type is found on those bushes that are planted close coniferous plants. This type of fungal infection is characterized by the appearance of small orange pads on the underside of the leaf. Threads of spores then form from these cushions. In autumn, the leaves of the plant are completely covered with orange fungi, the foliage falls off, and the shoots are not prepared for wintering.

Blackcurrant diseases and the fight against them are a constant concern for gardeners. To cope with columnar rust, planting rules must be followed. The bushes are located away from coniferous plants. If the disease suddenly appears, then all leaves and affected shoots are removed and burned. During the growing season, to prevent and treat rust, they are treated with Bordeaux mixture: before the buds swell, the bush is treated with a 3% solution, and after picking the berries - with a 1% solution.

Another type is glass rust. This type The fungus infects bushes in early summer. When goblet rust occurs, yellow-orange pads appear on shoots, flowers, and leaves. When parts of the plant are damaged, leaves and ovaries fall off.

Usually this fungus gets onto currants from sedge. Therefore, as a preventative measure, it is recommended to mow sedge within a radius of 500 meters.


Gardeners may observe yellowing of currant leaves. Moreover, if yellowness does not appear due to autumn leaf fall or due to violations of agricultural practices, then this may indicate a disease such as mosaic.

When examining a leaf, you can see veins or stripes yellow tint located along the main veins. You can see what the lesion looks like in the photo. Blackcurrant diseases and the fight against them should be known to every owner personal plot. It is necessary to take all measures to eliminate the affected bushes. It is better to dig up diseased plants and burn them. This action will prevent the virus from spreading to healthy bushes.


Proper care of currants in the spring, combating diseases and pests will help you get good harvest in summer.

Among the most common pests are aphids. It usually settles on the underside of the leaf. During their life, the aphid sucks the juice from the plant. Aphid damage to the leaf is visible. They are characterized by tubercles on the upper side, which acquire a brownish color.

Aphids are carried from one plant to another by garden ants. To prevent the appearance of the pest, it is necessary to begin the fight by destroying the ants. They feed on the sweet juice secreted by aphids. To kill colonies, you can use boiling water or special drugs from ants, sold in garden stores.

After destroying the ants, you can begin eliminating aphids. There are many most different ways pest control. Some use various preparations sold in specialized stores, while others remove aphids folk ways. One of these is the following remedy: take tobacco, sorrel, yarrow, dandelion and potato tops in equal parts and mix. Then two glasses of the mixture are steamed with a liter of water. The composition is infused overnight, and in the morning it is strained, and it can be used to treat currants against aphids.

Proper care of currants in the spring, fighting diseases and pests using traditional methods help preserve the plant and harvest. Folk remedies are safe for beneficial insects and pets.

Treatment of plants with the product presented above is carried out at least five times per season with an interval of two weeks.

Gooseberry moth

The moth has light green larvae. They are very nimble and try to fall from the leaves to the ground. The moth usually appears when the berries begin to ripen. The larvae develop for about a month, then fall to the ground and go into the ground until next year. As the moth develops, it severely damages the plant.

The fight against currant pests and diseases, photos of which you see in the material, must be carried out correctly.

You can overcome the moth by destroying the affected tassels with berries. You can find out exactly where the pest is sitting by looking at the web.

If there are a lot of moths, then you can treat the bush with tobacco infusion (half a glass is poured with a liter of boiling water and left overnight). To destroy the pest in the ground, it is necessary to dig up the soil under the currant bushes in late autumn.


The currant glass pest is one of those that is difficult to control. Caterpillars penetrate deep inside the shoots, eating away the core. In this way, they gradually eat their way down to the roots of the plant.

When plants are affected by glassware, the leaves become smaller and individual branches may die. They must be removed and burned. If the pest caterpillar is severely damaged, the currants are uprooted and the bush is completely burned. The fight against diseases and pests of black currant consists of timely treatment of the bushes.

Nectria drying of shoots

Red and white varieties of currants are characterized by a disease called nectar drying of shoots. Allows you to see what red currant diseases look like, photos. The fight against fungus should begin in early spring, from the moment the buds swell.

The disease is manifested by the formation of orange dots on shoots and branches. Gradually they grow and turn into large brown bumps. When the fruit begins to ripen, the affected areas turn black. When young shoots are damaged, the shoots dry out and die.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, you can lose the entire bush. When the first signs of damage appear, the currants are cut off and the affected parts are burned. The cut areas must be treated garden varnish or Bordeaux mixture.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and fallen leaves and promptly fertilize the plant. With proper care, the plant is not afraid of any diseases.

Spider mite

This pest begins to actively attack currants with the onset of warm days. In April, spider mites crawl out of their wintering places and make their way onto the branches. The pest can be found on the underside of leaves. Upon examination, a web is visible on which the tick sits.

In the process of its life, it actively absorbs currant juice. This is manifested by the formation of light spots on the upper side of the leaf. With severe damage, the plant dries out.

To cope with spider mites, you can use Akarin (diluted in the proportion of 1 gram per liter of water) or use folk remedies. One of the best is considered to be an infusion of garlic or onion peel.


When the buds form, gall midge activity begins. During this period, females lay eggs on the surface of leaves. After hatching, the larvae feed on currant leaves. This causes premature yellowing and leaf drop. You can fight gall midge by treating the bush with Ditox solution (400 grams diluted in a liter of water).

Currant processing in early spring

To prevent and control white currant diseases, timely processing is carried out. The best time To start spraying, it is counted until the sap flows.

Spring spraying begins with hot treatment. This helps the bush to fully develop.

To carry out hot spraying, you need to take water heated to a temperature of 80 degrees and pour it on the bushes. One bush will need about three liters of water.

After the shower, weakened and damaged branches are pruned. Also, the ends of all branches that have become frostbitten over the winter are trimmed.

During processing, all buds and branches that are affected by the mite are removed. After this work, the soil under the bush must be cleared of all cut branches.

To prevent the penetration of pests from the ground, it is necessary to dig up the ground about ten centimeters, and water it on top with any preparation for pests and fungal diseases. This can be a Bordeaux mixture or any other product that can be bought in a specialty store.

Treatment for diseases

In the spring, at the time of bud break, it is necessary to spray the bushes with various solutions that will prevent the development of currant diseases.

After a week, treatment with Bordeaux mixture is carried out according to the instructions. For preventive purposes, you can also treat with “Fundazol” (according to the instructions).

As the plants develop, they are treated against aphids and other pests that appear on currants. It is best to treat the bushes once every two weeks with products designed to combat various pests. This will serve as good preventative protection against pests.

During the growing season, about three treatments of currants with antifungal solutions are carried out. This could be Bordeaux mixture, HOM or any other product. Folk remedies have also proven themselves well in processing currants. Ash, infusions and decoctions of dandelion, garlic, onion peels, and yarrow help well against the pest. Among these means, special attention is paid to ash. It not only helps fight some pests, but also perfectly protects against fungal and viral diseases currants


Many gardeners grow a variety of currant varieties on their plots. Unfortunately, this plant gets sick very often and is attacked by pests. To protect the bushes, it is necessary to carry out timely treatments and properly care for the plants.

If currants cannot be cured for some reason, the plant is dug up and burned. All crumbled parts are also collected and burned. This is necessary in order to protect other currant bushes from infection. In place of the damaged plant, another one is allowed to be planted no earlier than three years later.

Many varieties of white currants are susceptible to diseases or pests. Below are descriptions of white currant diseases with photographs. Having studied them, you can promptly recognize the pest and take measures to treat the plants.



White currants can suffer from cercospora blight. Another name for the fungal disease is brown spot.

Symptoms include:

  • brown spots with a light center and a dark rim;
  • plaque formation on both sides of the sheet;
  • the leaves dry out and fall off.


Treatment consists of spraying with Bordeaux mixture (1%) or Cuprosan (0.4%) before flowering, immediately after flowering and after harvesting. It will also be necessary to treat the soil.

Other events:

  1. Destroy fallen leaves promptly.
  2. Thin out bushes for better ventilation.
  3. Till the soil in rows and between rows.
  4. Apply mineral fertilizers, this will increase the plant’s resistance to cercospora.

Nectria drying of shoots

This is a fungal disease, the first sign of which is the appearance of orange dots on the branches. Subsequently, they turn into reddish-brown tubercles, and the currant shoots dry out.


Trim and burn diseased branches. Disinfect the cut areas with Bordeaux mixture, and then cover them with garden varnish. Dig up the ground under the bush, removing grass and leaves. Apply mineral fertilizers. Plant young plants in areas well lit by the sun.

Powdery mildew

The causative agent of powdery mildew is a fungus. It is localized on shoots, leaves, berries, where a light gray coating subsequently appears. Then it gradually darkens. As the fungus multiplies, it sucks out beneficial substances from the bush. If measures are not taken, the plant stops developing and dies in winter.

The fungus overwinters on fallen leaves and other plant debris. At above-zero temperatures environment it begins to actively reproduce, spores are transferred to plants with the help of wind, insects, and water drops. The pathogen remains viable for up to 6 years.


Treatment of powdery mildew involves spraying the bushes with biofungicides that destroy strains of fungi. Can be used:

  • Fitosporin,
  • Topsin-M,
  • Topaz,
  • Fundazol.

Before use, first read the description of the drug and the processing procedure specified in the instructions. Spray the bushes black currant in dry, windless weather.

Copper sulfate (1%) is considered the safest for human health. A solution is prepared from it (1 teaspoon per 6-7 liters of liquid). Treatment of powdery mildew is carried out twice: at the stage of bud formation, and also after flowering (before the ovaries begin to appear).


A fungal disease that leads to the appearance of small red or brown spots on the leaves of black currants, in the center of which there are dark tubercles. Affected leaves and fruits wither and fall off. The fungus usually settles on green shoots, and its spores overwinter on fallen leaves.


As a treatment method, black currants are treated with Bordeaux mixture. The leaves are sprayed twice: immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear, and also after harvesting. You can use fungicides (Fitosporin, Previkur, Ridomil).

Collect and destroy fallen leaves. In the future, do not plant currant seedlings where shrubs with anthracnose previously grew.


Currant columnar rust

There are 2 types of rust - goblet and columnar. In the first case, the main symptom of the disease is raised orange spots on currant leaves. When infected with columnar rust, small clusters of orange dots appear.

Risk factors:

  1. Watering the bushes too much in the spring.
  2. The presence of a pond or swamp in close proximity to the bush.


Both types of disease are treated with fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin-M, Topaz, etc.). To get rid of rust, you need to carry out 4 sprays with an interval of 10 days.



The appearance on the leaves of small spots of an unnatural gray color with a brown border. Then spherical growths containing fungal spores form on the bush.


Treatment is the same as for anthracnose. You can spray the bush with Skor. Carry out the treatment twice - during the formation of buds and after flowering. To increase resistance to septoria, feed black currants with mineral fertilizers.



The causative agents of the disease are mycoplasma organisms. Characteristic symptoms are the appearance of irregularly shaped leaves, flowers, and berries. Fruits may not appear at all. In addition, many thin shoots with long internodes are formed.

Terry growth leads to degeneration of bushes; it is useless to fight it. Sick bushes cannot be treated; they are dug up and burned.

Striped mosaic

Striped mosaic is a viral disease, the pathogen spreads with the sap of diseased plants, aphids, mites, and also through garden tools when pruning diseased and healthy crops. A symptom of striped mosaic is the appearance of a bright yellow pattern around the main veins of the leaf.

A sick plant cannot be treated. The bush is completely uprooted, leaving no root particles, and burned.

Currant pests

The most dangerous pests of white currants are:

  • kidney mite;
  • spider mite;
  • fire butterfly;

Description of kidney and spider mites given above. Let's consider measures to combat aphids and moths.


Aphids are insects 1-2 mm in size, color varies from green to gray and white. They feed on the juice of leaves and fruits, as a result the bushes begin to wither and die. More than a dozen generations of aphids can change over the summer. When attacked by a pest, characteristic swellings (galls) appear on the leaves, which have a reddish color.

Control measures

If the lesions are small, wash the leaves with cotton swabs. You can spray the bush with a stream of water. In case of extensive lesions, tear off leaves with galls and tops of shoots with aphid colonies and burn them.

Then treat the bushes with one of the insecticides (Aktara, Karbofos, Vofatoks, Rovikurt). Special attention pay attention to reverse side leaves. Carry out the first spraying before the buds open, the next after the first leaves appear, the third in mid-summer (no later than a month before picking the berries).

Moth butterfly

The insect is a butterfly with a body length of up to 1-1.5 cm and a wingspan of up to 3 cm. The caterpillars are yellowish-white, then become grayish-green. The butterfly lays eggs inside flowers; one individual can produce up to 200 eggs. The emerging caterpillars eat seeds and berries.

Control measures

They consist of spraying the bushes before and after flowering. The following insecticides are used: Actellik, Kinmiks, Fufanon.

During the berry ripening phase, only biological products can be used:

  • Fitoverm,
  • Lepidocide,
  • Spark-bio.

The following agricultural practices will help:

  1. In late autumn, you need to dig up the ground around the bushes and hill up the plants (height - up to 10 cm).
  2. After flowering, the currants are unplanted.
  3. Before flowering, you need to mulch the soil around the currant with peat compost.
  4. The soil can be covered with a film, which is removed after the berries bloom.
  5. Manually collect caterpillars and damaged berries.

Kidney mite

Kidney mites have very small size, reaching a length of 0.2-0.3 mm. They feed on plant sap, causing the leaves to dry out. The first sign of blackcurrant damage is swollen buds. If one of them is broken, glassy eggs will be inside.

Control measures

Black currants can be treated with acaricides (Nissoran, Apollo) only after harvesting. Spraying the bushes with boiling water helps against bud mites; this is done before the buds appear or in late autumn.

Spider mite

Signs of pest damage to black currants are the appearance of yellow dots on the leaves. The leaves become marbled, and then turn yellow and dry out. If there are too many colonies, a thin web appears on the plants.

Control measures

The bushes are treated before the beginning of the growing season using Trichlorometaphos-3. If necessary, repeat the procedure before and after flowering.

Spraying with mustard infusion gives good results. For 10 liters of water take 200 g mustard powder and leave for 10-12 hours. Then strain the infusion and sprinkle the currants.

White currant varieties resistant to diseases and pests

In order to prevent the spread of diseases and pests among garden and berry plants, it is recommended to plant varieties of white currants that have stable immunity.

These include:

    1. White squirrel (Russia). Resistant to frost, not affected by powdery mildew.
    2. Ural white (Russia). It is characterized by high winter hardiness and drought resistance. Resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose.
    3. Belaya Potapenko (Russia). The variety has an unusually high survival rate. Practically not affected by diseases.
    4. Smolyaninovskaya white (Russia). Tolerates adverse events very well weather, the variety is resistant to fungal diseases.
  1. Dessert (Germany). It tolerates unfavorable weather conditions and frost quite well, and is rarely affected by diseases.
  2. Prygazhunya (Belarus). It tolerates harsh winters well and has strong immunity to disease.

Regularly pay attention to the condition of the plants so as not to miss the first signs of disease. In this case, it is necessary to treat the bushes with fungicides. Let's look at descriptions of some other white currant diseases.
