Hat party in kindergarten. Scenario. Teach children to share joy with others. What kind of helper are you?

Natalia Khomenko

Spring holiday scenario« Hat competition»

Target: To activate and unite the creative expressions of children and parents, to reveal their initiative, to cause an emotional upsurge.

Tasks: To develop the creative imagination, musical abilities of children, self-confidence, cultivate interest in theatrical activities, a sense of mutual assistance and teamwork. Invite parents to participate holiday taking on the role.


Mary Poppins


Jury 3-4 kindergarten employees

Conditions: all children participating in the entertainment hats, made together with parents.

Evaluation criteria hats:

Aesthetic perception of the image,

The originality of the idea

Compositional solution

Artistic expressiveness of the work,

Creative individuality.

Nominations competition - hat fashion show:



"The most flowery hat» ,

"The funniest hat» ,

"Family hat» ,

"Sports hat» .


"The biggest hat» ,

"The smallest hat» ,

"The most original hat»

"The most fabulous hat»

"The most mysterious hat»

"The most elegant hat»

"The most creative hat»

People's Choice Award

To the sound of music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs

Ved. What day is today spring!

He brought us here for a show.

To represent the bright and grandiose,

Cheerful and serious!

The song Mary Poppins from the film is playing "Mary Poppins"

Mary Poppins appears: And what kind of performance brought you together?

I love happy holidays

Are you probably rejoicing at the arrival of spring and welcoming it today?

Ved. No! Dear Mary!

Mary: Are you not happy about spring and don’t like spring?

Ved. What are you, what are you! We are very happy about the arrival of spring and love it very much, we even know a lot about spring.

Children recite poems:

Again the young spring is spinning in a waltz,

Promises sunny and warm days she.

Wherever it goes, traces will remain -

First spring flowers. (Sasha K)

I'll tell you about spring

About the silence of the night.

About sunsets and dawn,

And about the rainbow arc. (Sasha S)

Comes into its own,

She's walking, she's in a hurry.

Blooms, smells fragrant,

Beautiful spring. (Seryozha B)

It will fog up with fog,

It will glisten with dew,

The sun will sparkle in the sky,

It will rain like rain. (Sasha Z)

By the murmuring stream,

rustling leaves,

Lonely poplar

Grew up young. (Grisha)

In the shade of the forests, among the bushes,

The lily of the valley turns silver

And beckons and calls

Its dope is fragrant. (Kira A)

Children sing « Spring song»

Ved.: This is how much we know about spring

And we are really looking forward to it

And we gathered today for hat festival, to show what craftsmen we and our parents are, inventors, dreamers and masters

Mary: Very interesting, can I stay with you for holiday? I also love holidays and hats(this is what I have elegant hat)

Ved.: Of course you can, but we have one thing condition: You, Mary, need to come up with some kind of competition or dance. And we continue our holiday.

On our beautiful spring holiday,

We hats let's imagine without any doubt.

Of course they will be different

Cheerful and mischievous, more serious and stricter,

They don't look alike!

Our task is to choose the best ones.

Show me now your hats are top class!

Children stand in a circle and to the sounds of a song "Fashionista" walk around the hall and through the center go to their parents, showing off their hats.

Mary: Yes, the task is not easy! All the hats are very wonderful!

really, how much there are different hats here, so funny and beautiful! and the girls are like hats are good! I tell you this from the heart! All the princesses are just a sight for sore eyes! Applause of admiration for you from the audience!

contest. You need to pick up your hats,

And pass along the row,

When the end of the row is reached,

They need to be sent back (Whose team will complete the task faster) (To the sound of music)

Child: We can’t sit still

We love have fun!

We are not too lazy to joke in the morning,

We could dance all day (Olya Z)

Ved.: And we Mary are also ready to please you, we have prepared a dance for you

Children dancing « Spring dance»

Mary: Oh, what great fellows, mischievous, nimble, fast, and hats - hats just a miracle, but unfortunately I have to go, goodbye kids! (leaves)

Ved.: And you guys and I will still play

Contest"Move item to hat and don't drop it»

(to the sound of music "Song Shapoklyak" from the m/f a shapoklyak bursts into the hall without hats).

Ved.: Hello, grandma!

Shapok: What kind of grandmother am I to you! YAYA SHAPOKLYAK, the most charming and attractive lady!

Ved: Guys, does this lady look like Shapoklyak?

I also think not. Prove that you are not an impostor!

Caps: Exactly (Bragging) my purse, have you seen this? (releases the rat)...Lariska

Ved: Well, I scared you! Indeed, Shapoklyak had Lariska. Where is yours hat?

Caps: I was in a big hurry, I holiday to you

hat fell off my head and rolled somewhere!

I heard that you have a lot here hats, I’ll probably pick up some for myself (he begins to look for himself hat, the presenter intervenes)

Ved: No, no, dear, you must first, us have fun....

Play or dance with us.

Caps: Here's another... Well, okay, I can play with you and check how fast and dexterous you are.

Contest"Dress hat» several chairs are placed in a circle on them hats, they walk around the chairs to the sound of music, the music stops, you need to take hat and sit on a chair, on the trail. once 1chair and the hat is removed.

Then contest carried out with parents.

Caps: On the head Anyone can wear a hat, and you try "wear it on your stomach" Contest

(Team members, boys, sit on the floor one after another. The first participant puts hat on belly, and, leaning on his hands and feet, covers a distance of 3-4 m. Then he gets up and takes hat, runs back to the starting place and passes the baton to the next player.

Can dads do it again?

Competition with dads

Ved: Well done Shapoklyak, amused, and we are not born with bast, we will show you ours hats, just don’t touch them, the children and their parents did this, and if you I'll like the hat, then you will ask me to tell you how it was made.

Fashion show of the first 7 hats with performance

Ved: These are the ones we have hats...there will be more, can we play some more now?

Caps: And here's another competition for the most accurate, "Knock down hat» (3-4 children each, 2 teams, hats are put on skittles, they need to be knocked down with the ball)

Wow, clever guys

Ved: we are very strong, dexterous, skillful, we love to sing songs, play and of course dance! And now we will show you our Shapoklyak hats

Ved: And here's another one hats. (the 2nd seven comes out performance hats.)

Caps: Hats simply amazing...I would put everything in my wardrobe

Ved: Wait, that's not all

Fashion show of the third 7 hats with performance

Shapoklyak admires hats, we give give her a hat and she leaves

Caps: Goodbye, kids, it’s time for me to run! It was interesting with you, you amused me. Thank you! Bye!

Presenter. Now invite your parents to funny"dance of friendship"

(during the dance, girls dancing with scarves go to change clothes)

Presenter: Do you know that previously in Rus' there was a headdress - an old kokoshnik, the girls themselves decorated it with embroidery and semi-precious stones, and now our girls dance in kokoshniks "dance with scarves"

"Dance with Scarves" to the sound of a song “There was a birch tree in the field”

Announcement of results and presentation of gifts


"Hat Festival"

holiday script for children

senior preschool age,


Thrones for the competition participants, a bell, a red riding hood, Balloons, hats (caps) for the game "Quick Hats", mugs with saucers for the game "Find a Pair", treats for children.

(Near the central wall of the hall there are elegant chairs - thrones for girls participating in the competition. Children in elegant, original hats, caps, baseball caps stand at the entrance to the hall. The Queen of Hat addresses everyone present.)

Queen of Hat:

Fanfare, sound louder

I am glad to see all the guests today.

Come quickly to the elegant hall,

The beginning of the hat parade awaits you.

Dance composition “Five February Roses”

Spring has come again

Again she brought a holiday

A joyful holiday, bright and gentle

Holiday of all our dear women

We are the mothers of our smiles

Let's collect it in a huge bouquet

And a merry beautiful holiday

For mothers, we will start now

Why can't you see the girls?

How long can you wait for them here?

Continue this holiday

Oh, friends, we forgot

What is this holiday for them too!
That's not how we invited them!

The girls are waiting for the words of others!

The best, the cutest

The kindest and most beautiful

We invite girls

And we welcome you solemnly!

(continuation of the composition)

Queen of Hat:

Greetings my friends! I admire your outfits, especially your stunning hats. There is no such splendor and diversity even in my Hat Kingdom!

The curtain is open and that means

That the spring ball has begun on stage

And we must add that he

All: Dedicated to our dear mothers.

1 girl: Let's start having fun! Let there be smiles on faces!
2nd: May our spring holiday lift the spirits of everyone here!
We need to seriously take part in the holiday!
Both at the beginning and at the end I wish you happiness!
3rd: The program is dedicated to our mothers, our mothers!
And grannies - busy ones, and little sisters - laughing ones!
We will now read the poems, dance and sing together!
Boy: I could even eat my mother’s birthday cake for joy!
All: What - oh - oh?
Boy: I could bake for my mother for joy!
Honestly, honestly, without deception!
Everything is for the joy of dear mother!
4th: Mothers, grandmothers, now we want to congratulate you,
We are also happy to congratulate the kindergarten teachers!
Congratulations to Ekaterina Gennadievna (Tatyana Nikolaevna),
Elizaveta Yuryevna (Anastasia Pavlovna) with special excitement!
5th: Many songs have been sung about mommy.
We are warmed by kindness like the sun!
6th: We just want it again and again
Say your kind word to mom!
7th child: Let our mothers hear
How we sing songs
You, our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!

Children sing the song “Mom’s Smile”

Today is women's holiday,

We congratulate you now,

Good mood

And we will give joy to everyone.

Let's collect the bouquet quickly

For your dear mother!

"Dance with Flowers"

Queen of Hat:

Queen of Hat:

Smiles everywhere, spring flowers,

We invite everyone to the beauty contest!

Of course, we still have to grow up to become mothers.

We wish our girls good luck on their journey!

Our spring beauty contest is dedicated to the kindest, most tender and most beloved holiday - March 8th! It is attended by girls who, together with their mothers, created these miracles - hats.

Queen of Hat:

Look how beautiful they are! With such gallant gentlemen as our boys, you always need to be on top! The jury has a difficult job - to choose the most charming girl.

First competition "Grace"

Queen of Hat: Our first competition is over. The jury has a difficult job ahead of them, because all the participants are simply charming! In the meantime, the discussion is ongoing, the guys continue their congratulations!

Sketch “What kind of children are these days, really”

M - I’m thinking, I’m guessing,
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

D - Why do you need all this?

M - For a specific answer!
TO adult life Preparation...

D - You came up with this cleverly!

M - Yes, I feel bad for my mother,
There are no problems in life.

D – Yes...we have a lot of problems...
Not an easy position - mother.
It would be easier for her
Without children like us.

D – Ugh! What nonsense!
She will be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring it in a glass?
Just imagine now
A mother without children at all!

M - At home - quiet... cleanliness... Beauty!

D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children he is not alive!

M - But, I’ll say it straight,
Mom is having a nice rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solve problems for children,
Write an essay,
For various tricks
Either scold or punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Without regrets nerve cells,
Keep the kids in bed!

D – And hear, falling asleep,...
You are so beautiful
Honestly, I say honestly
Mom, I love you so much!...

M - Yes...hmm-hmm...sounds nice...
What about this prospect? -
Just raised children...
Got married quickly...
Do you want to relax now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

D - So what? Play again.
Answer grandma
They sat down, stood up, ran,
All the toys have been collected again,
Workout at the stove
A cartload of domestic fuss,

M - Why do they need to live like this?

D - Complete aerobics!
Hurry up to get everything done.
There's no time to grow old

M - No! I still doubt it
So many nerves and worries!
I'm becoming more and more convinced:
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to raise them,
And educate, teach,
Don't get enough sleep at night,
To worry day and night
If you are sick, get treatment
If you are guilty, you will be spanked,
And help with studies,
And feed and dress...

D - What is the difficulty? I don't understand!
I dress up dolls!

M - Well, I compared! Wow - it gives!

D - Children are troublesome people!
But they are for mom
More important than everyone else, I’ll say it straight out.
For mothers, children continue.
And honor and respect!
And great love.

M - And care again and again...

D - So, my friend, calm down!
Worries are fun!
While you raise the kids
You won't get bored for a moment.

M - Yes-ah, I got an answer -
The meaning of life can be seen in this.

D - The meaning of life is seen in
So that the kids full house!
Every mother has a child!
That's it - Well, it's better to have two at once!

D - So that mommy gets bored
I didn't have a headache.

Queen of Hat: I see that everyone is ready for the second competition, which is called “Smile”.

Our participants will sing ditties for us.

Hey, girls are laughing,

Start singing - let's sing some ditties!

Sing quickly

To amuse your guests!

Second competition "Smile"


We are Samara girls,

We won't get lost anywhere.

If necessary, we will dance,

If necessary, we will sing!

Embroidered a sundress

She pricked her fingers.

You don't follow me

Naughty boys!

I'm a fighting girl

I will remain combative.

Oh, and it will be bad for that,

Who will get me!

I don't need to blush

I was born this way.

Like a cherry, it glowed

Oh, dear friend,

Oh, dear friend,

Don't spare your legs.

Let the music play for us

And we'll dance more merrily!

While mom is at work,
To decorate your face,
Her red lipstick
You can paint your lips.

And also in my mother's closet
You can take her shoes.
And secretly from my mother in the group
Show off your heels.

I put on sandals

On high heels,
I hobble along the path.

All my knees are bruised.

I will surprise everyone in the world
I know, there's nothing to hide!
I will grow up and become a Lady.
I will continue the business!

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad

And now we ask you

So that you clap for us

Like a birch tree, it has risen!

Queen of Hat: Well done girls! Everyone was cheered up! And now the third competition – dance! Participants must demonstrate their dancing abilities. And all the guys will help them with this!

We can't sit still,

We love to have fun.

We are not too lazy to joke in the morning,

We could dance all day!

Third competition "Dance"

Dance "Country"

Queen of Hat:

Alina (Polina), Katya (Nastya), Vika (Anyuta), Dasha,

How good our girls are!

Boys, come on, don’t yawn

Invite the girls to the waltz!


Queen of Hat: (shows the children his hat):

Guys, while you were dancing, I found this hat. I wonder who lost it?

(Old Woman Shapoklyak in a red cap enters to the music.

In her hand she has a purse, from which the rat Lariska is peeking out.)

Old woman Shapoklyak:

I am a little girl,

I'm carrying a purse,

Kefir, cottage cheese and gingerbread,

Pancakes and sausage

Hello kids!

You recognized me?

I am Little Red Riding Hood!

Queen of Hat:

What a strange Little Red Riding Hood! She reminds me of someone. Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Oh, where am I going? I forgot! Tell me, guys! Ah, I remembered, I remembered! I'm going to Piglet's for his birthday to eat honey. Well? You don't know him, do you? There’s such a little patch in front, and in the back there’s such a motor! Lives on the roof, in a hut, on the fifth floor. Phew, that's a good idea!

Queen of Hat:

Little Red Riding Hood, what does that delicious smell come from your purse? Isn't it sausage?

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Sausage, sausage! Help yourself, my dears!

(Shapoklyak takes the rat Lariska out of her purse by the tail and scares everyone.)

Queen of Hat:

We recognized you! You are not Little Red Riding Hood, but the harmful Old Woman Shapoklyak! We found

your hat.

(Shapoklyak takes off the red cap from his head and puts on his hat).

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Just think, they found out! Once in my life I wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood, I dreamed about it all the time. And it didn’t work out. Sit here and smile! I wish I could be invited to the party!(Teases the children, gets angry, stomps his feet.)

Stump boys,

Girls are revelers,

Cheburashka - blotter,

Hurray - holster,

There's a hole in my pants!

Well, girls and boys, admit it,

How are you doing?

Children: Okay!

Old woman Shapoklyak:

That's bad! I don't like it when it's good! And I also can’t stand well-mannered children. My favorites are the most exemplary hooligans, the best fighters! I love guys who can do good dirty tricks.

Queen of Hat:

What are you talking about, Shapoklyak! After all, today is a holiday, everyone is having fun. And you come up with some dirty tricks. Let's be better friends and play.

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Okay, so be it, let's be friends!

(Old woman Shapoklyak shows a balloon.)

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Look how beautiful my ball is! I give it to you!

(The Queen of Hat takes the ball.)

Queen of Hat:

Oh, what beauty! What an elegant, shiny, bright ball! Now we'll play with him!

(Shapoklyak sneaks up, pierces the ball and laughs loudly).

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Ha ha ha! What, did you play with a ball? That's the same! You will know Old Woman Shapoklyak!

Queen of Hat:

Oh, and we believed you and wanted to make friends with you.

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Come on, don't worry so much! I have a lot of these balls! And now, guys, I want to see how dexterous and agile you are. And my game is called "Quick Hats".

Game "Quick Hats"

Two teams of six people play. Opposite them are two bright toys. The participants standing first, in the hands of elegant hats (caps). They run to the toys, run around them, return to the team and pass the hats to the next players. The team that completes the task faster wins. The game is played 2-3 times.

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Guys, are you here in your kindergarten Is life fun?

Children: Yes!

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Well, then, guys, stand in a circle. Shapoklyak, have fun playing with me!

(Children play the game “If life is fun.”)

Game “If you have fun, do it this way”

Participants stand in a circle, sing a song and perform funny movements as shown by the presenter:

(clap hands)

If you have fun, do it(hands on waist, squat),

If life is fun, we will smile at each other(turn in turn to the neighbor on the right and left, and smile),

If you have fun, do it(jump up)

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Guys, I had fun with you,

I forgot about the pranks!

Now I’ll go to the neighboring kindergarten,

To have fun with the guys there.

(Old woman Shapoklyak leaves.)

Queen of Hat:

And now our girls are waiting for the last competition.

We will all play together,

Treat our mothers to tea.

We'll look for a couple

Match the cup to the saucer.

The fourth competition “Find a Pair”

Participants are given paired saucers and cups. Players move freely around the hall to cheerful music. The Queen of Hat says: “One, two, three! Find a pair!” Participants run up to each other and place cups on saucers of the corresponding color. The game is played several times.

Queen of Hat:

Our lovely girls, participants of the competition, prepared a musical gift for everyone:

Dance "Fashionista"

Queen of Hat:

An exciting moment has arrived. The jury summed up the results of our competition. Are you wondering which girl was the winner?

I will now tell you one secret:

There are no losers in our competition!

All the girls are so beautiful.

Wonderfully charming!

Success awaits all girls -

We will give awards to everyone!

(The Queen of Hat awards the participants.)

Queen of Hat:

All the girls are just a sight for sore eyes!

From the audience - applause of admiration for you!

(The Queen of Hat takes the “sweet cap.”)

Queen of Hat:

I have this magic cap.

It contains a surprise for you -

A sweet prize for all the kids!

As soon as you return to the group

From the cap, everyone will help themselves!

Queen of Hat:

Everything was wonderful and beautiful, We will tell everyone's hats...

Children and parents: Thank you!

(The holiday ends with a “Round Dance of Hats”, in which children, parents and teachers take part.)

There were a lot of different hats here,

So funny and beautiful!

Everyone looked good in hats!

I tell you this from the heart!

Children sing the song “Celebrate the holiday with songs”

Queen of Hat:

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home,
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

Before organizing a hat party, think about whether you might want to set a special theme. For example, if the birthday will take place at the dacha or in country house- you can indicate in the invitations that you are expecting guests in country hats, or in sports-type headdresses. For a bachelorette party, the ideal theme would be romantic hats (or crowns), mini hats. If it’s difficult to decide on a theme, then ask guests to come wearing funny (crazy) hats or simply don’t indicate anything.

"Hat Festival" summer entertainment scenario for different age groups in kindergarten - site for parents and educators

Adult characters:

Queen of Hat


Participants of the holiday: Children of different age groups

Attributes for games: Sports skittles (10 pcs), small multi-colored cardboard hats (10 pcs), 2 medium-diameter balls, 1 small-diameter ball, large hat box (with sweet prizes)

Celebration progress:

(Children, accompanied by the cheerful song “We Are Together,” performer K. Sitnik, enter the hall, showing each other their hats, and take their seats)

Leading. Hello guys!

Hello, dear adults!

It’s not in vain that you came to the holiday!

Let's reveal the secret of beauty without hiding.

The unusual collection will now be shown.

We are holding the Hat Festival for you!

And I am glad to inform you that the Queen of Hats herself came to our holiday today with her retinue. Meet!

(Slow, mysterious music sounds, the Queen of Hat enters, girls in hats (5 girls preparatory group) -the entourage performs a slow dance with hats)

Queen of Hat: I greet you, my friends! I admire your outfits, especially your stunning hats and bonnets. There is no such splendor and diversity even in my hat kingdom. It's all so wonderful!

Guys, do you know that the hat was invented for warmth, that is, to cover the head from cold, wind, snow and rain. The first hats were made from animal skins. Then, in the process of development of society, the hat began to mean power and strength, belonging to the upper class. All kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, princesses, kings and nobles wore headdresses - crowns, tiaras, all kinds of hats, which were considered luxury items and were decorated with feathers, precious stones, diamonds. Common people walked around with their heads uncovered.

Time passed, images changed, the modern woman stopped wearing hats, preferring headscarves, scarves or nothing at all. Now the hat in all its glory can be seen on catwalks and in magazines. Although the hat is so beautiful and impressive...

Let's start the holiday soon!

But, before we start our holiday, I want to know which guys came to us today. I will ask, and you will answer “YES” or “NO”. Begin:

Did the guys come to us as friends?


Are elders respected?

Are kids being bullied?

Do you like nature?

Are the trees being destroyed?

Do they shoot from slingshots?

Do they drag cats by their tails?

Do they shout in class?

Are they silent during the holidays?

Well done! Friendly and attentive guys came to the party!

Leading: Queen of Hats, please listen to how our guys can read poetry!

(POEMS are read by children of the middle and senior groups of kindergarten)


1. June has arrived - the beginning of summer.

All the meadows turned golden.

There is so much sun in it,

So much light

That the snow seems like a dream to us.

2. We forgot about blizzards,

About winter cold and frost.

The trees are all green

And the garden came to life Red roses.

3. June has arrived.

"June! June!" -

Birds are chirping in the garden.

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fly apart.


The berries are ripe in the gardens.

In the bright red sky

The sun is walking in the clouds.

5. And in the nests there are lump chicks

They opened their beaks, they were scared.

They won't let you sleep day or night

They are their parents.

6. Haymaking occurs in July,

Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

7. is a ray of sunshine,

Warm rain from under the clouds.

8. Summer - bright flowers

Unusual beauty,

9. Summer is a warm river,

A flock of clouds in the sky.

10. Summer! Summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings!

Leading: Dear Queen of Hats, but these are not all surprises for you, look how our littlest children will perform a song for you - the game “That’s how the sun rises”

Queen of Hat: Well done boys! They delighted us with their poems and cheerful dance.

Oh, what is this? My magic hat notifies us that a fabulous guest from the kingdom of hats has arrived. Let's greet him with loud, friendly applause!

(The “Hymn of Dunno” sounds, Dunno runs out)

Dunno: Hello friends! From all the shorties of the Sunny City, a big greeting to you!

Queen of Hat: Guys, do you recognize our guest? (Yes) Who is he? (Dunno)

Dunno, I want to compliment you - among all the hats in the fairytale kingdom, yours is the biggest and brightest!

Dunno: Yes! Thank you! I don't just love my hat, I'm very proud of it! But I see the guys dressed up too. Everyone has such different hats...

Leading: Yes, Dunno, you correctly noticed that our guys have different hats, but there are these modern, sports ones, and they are called “baseball caps.” And for you, Dunno, the guys have prepared a surprise - the modern dance “Road to the Sun.”

(The song “Road to the Sun” (Spanish: “Wizards of the Courtyard”) is played. Children middle group. perform modern dance)

Dunno: Oh, what a good dance, thank you guys!

Well, since you love hats, baseball caps and panama hats so much, I suggest you play with me. I taught this game to almost all the short guys in Sunny City. Do you want me to teach you too?

GAME "Catch the ball with your hat"

Queen of Hat: Thank you, Dunno, for interesting game.

Dunno: And thank you! Have fun playing! But guys, can you solve riddles? (Yes!)

1. “I’m sitting astride, I don’t know who I’m riding. I’ll meet an acquaintance, I’ll jump off and greet him.” (A cap)

Well, that was an easy riddle, but the next one...

She will cover any girl's hair, and she will also cover short hair for any boy. Protection from the sun. That's what it's made for. (Panama)

Queen of Hat: Now it's my turn! Listen here:

I carry fields on my head, but this is not land at all. (Hat).

Dunno: And we have a surprise prepared for you guys - a dance with hats

The foxtrot sounds, children senior group(4 couples) together with Dunno dance a dance with hats.

Queen of Hat: Thank you guys! Wonderful dance! Dunno and I conferred and decided to conduct an attraction with you called “Knock the Hat Down.”

Game - "Knock the Hat Down" (with pins and hats)

Dunno: These guys are great, dexterous, skillful, wow, and they played great...!

Queen of Hat: We can’t get along without hats; it’s an important part of a person. The hat will help us in summer heat to hide from the scorching sun and with the help of a hat you can express your mood.

Tell me, guys, what is it like for you today? (Fun! Good!)

Well, then I propose that we all perform together dance to a song called “GOOD MOOD.” (lyrics by N. Ososhnik, music by V. Ososhnik)

Queen of Hat:

There were a lot of different hats here,

So funny and beautiful

Everyone looked good in hats

I tell you from my heart,

I have this one,

Magic chest

It contains a surprise for you,

A sweet prize for all the guys!


Come on guys, don't be shy

Help yourself from the chest, everyone.

(distribution of treats to the cheerful song “We Are Together” by K. Sitnik)

Queen of Hat:

Everything was wonderful and beautiful,

We'll tell the hats to everyone.

All: Thank you!

music director of MBDOU kindergarten No. 47

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, Russia

Hat Festival / photo reports of methodologists / publications of the competition "best event - 2013" / competitions / community of teachers of the dow "pro"

Zaripova Natalya Nikolaevna,additional education teachersecond qualification category CDT "Azino" Kazan

The script is dedicated to the holiday of March 8

"Hat Festival"

Objectives of the event:

1. Evoke an emotional response, bring joy.

2. Teach children to share joy with others.

3. introducing children to the world of Fashion.

The presenter “Queen of Hat” stands in the middle of the hall.

Queen of Hat: Fanfare, sound louder,

I am glad to see all the guests today,

Come quickly to the elegant hall,

The beginning of the hat parade awaits you.

(Boys in hats go out to cheerful music, and girls in hats - “orchard”; “butterflies”; “flower meadow”; “needlewoman”. They stand in the center of the hall and sing.)

Song: “Our dear grandmothers and mothers.”

Queen of Hat: Let's start our holiday,

And this means

That the spring ball has begun on stage,

And we must add that he,

Dedicated to our dear mothers.

It shines again

Everyone squints in the sun,

After all, spring is on the streets.

1 child: We are early this morning,

The sound of drops woke me up,

What's happened?

This is a holiday,

Mom's holiday has arrived.

2 child: Today is a special day,

How many smiles there are in him,

Gifts and bouquets,

And holiday cards.

3rd child: A song about mom,

We'll sing now

Mom dear,

Loves us deeply!

Song: “Three Wishes.”

(children sit on chairs)

Queen of Hat: Smiles everywhere, spring flowers,

We invite everyone

For the holiday of beauty,

Of course, we still have to grow up to mothers,

We wish our girls

Good luck on your journey.

Our spring hat festival is dedicated to the dearest, most tender holiday, March 8th. But only girls who, with their mothers, have created a miracle - hats - take part in it.

(The Queen of Hat introduces the contestants)

Queen of Hat: Look how beautiful they are! With such gallant gentlemen as our boys, you must always be on top. Admire our charming girls.

Nomination "Acquaintance"

The girls will tell you about themselves:

What are their names

Who are their parents

What kind of relatives are there?

What are their hobbies?

What do they dream about

The nomination is over, you met the participants. And now a musical break. The boys will congratulate their beloved mothers on the holidays.

4th child: I really feel sorry for my mother

I will help as best I can

I'll collect all the toys,

I will sweep and wipe away the dust.

I’ll pour a little water into the basin,

I'll make some soapy foam.

I'll wash all the handkerchiefs,

And if I find socks,

And my mother will praise me,

He will say: “You are already big,

How did I not notice

What a helper you are.

Queen of Hat: Take the musical from the boys.

Song: “About Mom”

Queen of Hat: And the next congratulation will be from the girls.

5 child: I’ll kiss my mother deeply,

I’ll hug her, dear one,

I love her very much

Mom is my sunshine!

6 child: And in a moment of sadness,

I'll sing for mommy,

Let the song tell

How I love her!

7 child: Let every word

Carries my love

Warms the heart

From very gentle words!

Dance: “Button”

Queen of Hat: The Hat Festival continues

And we move on to the next task:

Nomination "Grace"

Participants are invited to walk along the catwalk showing off their hats. Please note that each hat is unique and has its own name.

(Music plays, girls dance and show off their hats)

Queen of hats: ( Comments during the demonstration) Applause for the participants in the hat parade.

o Butterflies were spinning in the air

And they lowered themselves onto their hats.

Blue, green, red.

Different, different,

Butterfly wings flicker

They decorate their hats.

o People were surprised -

Fruits like on a platter

On girls' hats

Our laughter.

o Our girls love to work,

They are lazy, no good.

They have balls on their hats,

The candy wrappers are rustling,

Bright, shiny,

Collected candy wrappers

And they decorated the hats.

o In honor of the spring holiday,

On the hats of our beauties,

Flowers bloomed - marvelous beauty!

Applause to the participants.

Queen of Hat: Our second nomination is over. All the participants are simply charming. Let's continue our congratulations.

8th child: A spring song,

We will give mom

Spring streams,

Sing along with us.

Song: “Once, palm”

Queen of Hat: Now listen to “We Never Play Naughty.”

9th child: I help my mother

I cook soup in the sandbox,

I'll wash the cat in a puddle,

How, Mom, I love you!

10th child: And I’m on the wallpaper in the hallway,

I’m drawing a portrait of Mommy,

My brother will help me too,

11 child: I'll wear my mother's dress,

As soon as I cut the length,

Everything will suddenly become clear,

I love only my mother!

12 child: We will not argue in vain,

We will tell our mothers,

That their children are simply beautiful,

After all, we never play pranks.

All: After all, we never play pranks!

Queen of Hat: I see that everyone is ready to continue our holiday, and the third nomination will be called “Smile”. What's a dance without a smile?

Ira, Sasha, Nastya, Dasha,

Our beautiful girls

Hey guys, don't yawn,

Invite girls to dance.

Dance: "Waltz"

Queen of Hat: And now a musical break,

Accept your grandmother's congratulations from her loving grandchildren.

This song is dedicated to you, dear grandmothers!

Song: “Grandma! »

Queen of Hat: Guys! Do you love your grandmothers? So let's dress them up to be beautiful.

Game: “Dress up Grandma”

Queen of Hat: Well done guys! Vekh was surprised and pleased with his dexterity and skill. Our holiday called the “Hat Parade” has come to an end.

Weight girls are so beautiful,

Wonderfully charming

Success awaits all the girls,

We will give awards to everyone.

(Girls Awards)

All the girls are just wonderful

The audience gives you applause and admiration.

Nadezhda Sapegina
Scenario for the holiday “Hat Day”

holiday script« HAT DAY»

Target: Create a joyful mood in children, promote mental, aesthetic, physical education preschoolers, develop curiosity and the ability to be surprised.

Celebration progress:

QUEEN HAT: Greetings, my friends in my hat kingdom! I'm the queen hats, I am simply amazed by your amazing hats, such splendor and diversity hats not even in my kingdom. All this is wonderful! But it was not by chance that I gathered you together today; we will arrange a wonderful and unusual hat festival. Besides you, I invited fairy-tale characters who love to wear a wide variety of clothes. hats, (children remember the heroes of fairy tales who wear hats) .

Do you hear? Magic music notifies us that the first fairy-tale guest has already arrived. Let's greet him with loud and friendly applause.

(music from the cartoon about Dunno plays)

Dunno: Hello friends! On behalf of all the short people of the sunny city, a big greeting to you!

QUEEN HAT: Dunno, among everyone hats fairytale kingdom is your biggest and brightest.

Dunno: Yes! I just adore her, I’m very proud of mine hat. But I see that the guys are also not averse to showing off hats. Look how everyone dressed up! Since you love so much hats, I suggest you play the game.

attraction "CATCH HAT BALL"

QUEEN HAT: Thank you dunno for the interesting game, stay on our holiday.

QUEEN HAT: The music tells everyone to clap, someone is still in a hurry to join us.

(The song Shapoklyak plays) .

SHAPOKLYAK: I hope I'm not late, I hope you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Shapoklyak: Do you want to play with me?

Children: We want!


(for each line, girls perform certain movements to lyrical music)

In a fairy tale, there lived a princess, and this is what she thought about herself.

- “I’m a princess from a distant fairy tale, look how good I am.”

I can stand up on my tiptoes and spread my arms out to the sides.

on me hat how beautiful she is! I'll show it to you now.

In this there's magic hidden in the hat, it helps me a lot.

I can bow so low.

Now I'll spin around a little.

And now I’m like a scarlet flower, reaching for the rays of the sun.

Deftly, like a spring swallow, I stand on one leg.

With my I'll play with my hat, I squat, and slowly stand up.

As if I would jump over a river, I boldly walk along a tightrope.

Again, like a princess, proudly, cheerfully, I look in the mirror with a smile.

Shapoklyak: All princesses are simple a sight for sore eyes! Applause of admiration for you from the audience!

QUEEN HAT: Thank you, dear Shapoklyak. Be our guest until the end holiday.

QUEEN HAT: Someone is in a hurry to visit us again, we will greet the guest from the heart.

(the phonogram of "cat songs" sounds)

CAT: (bows before the queen hats) Madam! mademoiselle! monsieur (bows to the children). I received an invitation to your the holiday hastened, I see the hat ball is in full swing Well, it was not in vain that you called me.

QUEEN HAT: Dear cat, we have long known that you are an inventor and an entertainer. I have no doubt that this time you have prepared something funny and interesting for us. Tell me, what do you have in your bag?

CAT: You are right, my queen. What could I bring to hat festival? Of course, hat! Admire how I have it. Beautiful, magical! (takes it out of the bag hat) And now, kids, I have a game for you


QUEEN HAT. You guys don't yawn! Clap and welcome your guests!

Phonogram "We are bandito - gangsterito." (robber enters)

Well, guests! that's it! How could I call you?

ROBBER: We always come ourselves with villainous deeds.

Come on, quickly, hooligans, empty your pockets.

QUEEN HAT: First of all, we don’t have hooligans here. And secondly, on holiday you're supposed to play and have fun. You're so wonderful hat, And ours fairy-tale heroes V the kids were having fun with their hats, played with them, and you? You are threatening them. This is not good.

ROBBER: OK! then let's play.

A game "Gather the items in hat»

ROBBER: Great, well done kids! I will never offend such wonderful children! I swear!

QUEEN HAT: Well, stay until the end of our holiday.

Well, guys, all the fabulous guests have arrived, and all we have to do is arrange a show hats. Guests! To the podium!

QUEEN HAT: Oh, guys, while we were playing, in one of my hats sweet surprises appeared. this means it's time to reward you. (distributes sweet prizes) .

QUEEN HAT: Everything was so wonderful and beautiful, we will say hats to everyone"Thank you! "

CHILDREN: Thank you!

PUSS IN BOOTS: And we say goodbye to you and return to fairy tales!

If you believe the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov - Holiday- is “a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of something. A day especially celebrated by custom..., a day of joy and celebration about something..., a day of games, entertainment...".
And if you ask, does the kindergarten need a holiday?
What can I say, it’s already clear. Of course, it is necessary, even necessary; for joy, fun, mystery. Without a holiday, a child’s life is unthinkable.
“If there are not enough holidays, you should invent them,” the Japanese say.
And then a great idea arose. This is an unusual holiday - Hat show. I would like to note that the idea appeared, one might say, by accident.
There is a tradition in our kindergarten: every year in November, a charity fair of toys and crafts made by the hands of real craftsmen: parents, children and teachers is held in the kindergarten hall.
We were faced with a problem: what crafts should we prepare? The idea was suggested by the children themselves. Shouldn't we make some crafts - “hats” from different materials! And then it started spinning and spinning! Active work on the project has begun.
The results of its fruitful creative work we tried to express in Hat Parade for parents and guests not only of our group, but of the entire kindergarten.

Fashion show scenario
"Fashionable hats and bonnets"

Good evening, dear friends, good evening, dear parents! What a wonderful day today!
We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy and beautiful hall! We are glad to see those who love holidays, beauty and fantasy!

Hurry up everyone here!
Check out our fashion theater!
You haven't seen anything like this, you didn't know,
What we will show in our hall!
The anticipation of the parade tickles your nerves,
Let every child in a hat be the first here!

There's a fashion show today! Every child who comes here to this extraordinary hall will have to present an unusual headdress. Today there are many trends in the fashion world, so each hat will be unique and beautiful.

We conclude this fashion show great job on a project on the topic: “We need different hats, all kinds of hats are important.” Both parents and children took part in its creation. Our parents are real masters! How much invention, creativity and imagination there is!
We invite our participants - lovely charming children, girls and boys - to come and show off their wonderful and original hats.

So, welcome! Our models! New items in the fashion world!

The passage of fashion show participants along an impromptu podium - path to the music "There is beauty in the world" lyrics. and music Yu. Antonova.

First model: We present to your attention the first participant. Margarita – the model is called “Lady Margot”.
The hat is in soft colors, there is a wild surge of imagination, an abundance of rhinestones, ruffles, and flowers. Only Ladies wore these.

The hat is just a sight for sore eyes!
What a miracle! It's so wonderful!
The product is unusual and beautiful!

Second model: she is demonstrated by Dima N.
Next to the Lady is the “Chess King”. On Dima's head is a cylinder with chessboard. The top hat is a tall hat for true gentlemen with high goals. Chess is a game for wise men and we hope that when he grows up, he will definitely become a “great, real” chess player.

Third model: ITS title is “A Fairy Tale”.
Dasha M. presents it simply superbly. The hat goes perfectly with the character of the hostess, and there is harmony in the whole image,
Wow! What an outfit!
Everyone was happy to try on such a hat!
Original! Fashionable! New!
Beautiful! Not an easy update!
And the main thing is on the hat here
Overseas flowers are blooming!
Timofey's model is a model of a master, scientist, judge.
She suits him amazingly. No wonder Timofey’s family chose this particular hat. Our Timofey is smart, inquisitive, and we are sure that as an adult he will rightfully wear such a hat.
The master's hat is heavy,
labor, teachings and knowledge are invested in it

Fourth model: This model exclusive in itself. But it has a name “Jolly Guys”.
Perhaps when our twin brothers (Vanya and Misha) grow up, they will become circus performers. The hats match their look. Take a closer look, they are as similar as two peas in a pod. For example, in a circus act they will perform tricks: if one of them falls under the floor, the other will immediately jump out of the hall. With the help of a hat you can easily make yourself unrecognizable.

Fifth model: And these models are fraught with magic. They are unusual, fabulously mysterious.
Denis has a “Wizard” hat on his head. Dasha in the Fairytale Fairy hat.
There is no modern crown,
originality is her secret
The hats are luxurious and really decorate the face. A wizard has a difficult job, to make our lives fabulous, happy. After all, it’s not for nothing that wizards create miracles, so let magic fill our world with warmth, kindness, joy, and a smile.

Sixth model: Introducing the following participants in our parade: Maxim. Julia.
How wonderful that these models remind us of the forest! This “Lesovichok-borovichok is hurrying to us with his charges. There is a nest on the hat, in which a tiny cute bird is hiding, and next to it there are little fly agaric girls in bright hats. These models uniquely remind us of the sacraments, the rustling of leaves, sun rays, about the blowing wind.
If you like the style -
place an order at the salon!

Seventh model: The presented models amaze us with their extraordinary beauty, warmth, joy, and happy moments. Dasha's hat is called the “Cheerful Ball”.
It shows many bright colors, multi-colored balls.
The hat is festive, cheerful,
Tempting, honey.
She is the most colorful of all,
and more noticeable among others!
And “The Little Prince” walks nearby. - Kirill.
Appearance also speaks for itself: unusualness, mystery, dreaminess, kindness. We really hope that our children, when they become adults, will always remain children at heart.

Eighth model: Check out our youngest parade participants! Their hats are unique, original, inimitable, a real miracle!
Polina’s hat is simply a sight for sore eyes, it evokes admiration!
Charming, sweet,
even Pierre Cardin himself would envy such a model.
And Dima’s hat is a true masterpiece, created by a real master – his mother.
This is "The Brave Little Tailor". The hat features details of various accessories for work. Perhaps this is the future Yudashkin or Slava Zaitsev, who will open his own “hat workshop” in the near future.
This is a luxurious, extravagant, catchy hat. Greeted by the hat!

Ninth model: Maxim’s model continues the forest theme - “Forest Magician”.
We see the hat of a forest artist who diligently shows the miracles and life of forest inhabitants.
The fashion designer showed great talent,
Developed a forest option.
And next to it is just a wonderful model “Stargazer”! He predicts the destinies of both individuals and all nations.

Tenth model: Vanya, Danya P. We rightfully called these models “The Musketeer Model”.
These are reliable protectors of the king and queen. The constant element is the feather, the appearance of which speaks of status. Musketeers removed their hats only in front of ladies and royalty.

Eleventh model: Meet! Our little modest girl Sonya.
This hat is knitted. IN modern life it is especially relevant and always in fashion!
This hat might come in handy!
You can go out in public in it, and maybe even get married!

And the show of fashionable hats ends with a group of cowboys: Egor, Vadim, Ilya. They came from either Texas or Mexico.
“Cowboy hat.” - Probably every man in childhood dreamed of being a cowboy. This is a great decoration. Wide-brimmed hats are an indispensable attribute of cowboys. These are dashing riders. The hat has always been and remains the main means to achieve a goal. And we are confident that our boys, growing up, will become real cowboys, courageous, strong, and brave.
The image of the legendary cowboy is ideal for all guys.
On Ilya's hat is the Sheriff's star. This policeman is the protector of the people.

I would especially like to note that our teachers also did not stand aside. And they created extraordinary hats - hats - hatters! They don't even have a price!
(to the music of the Paul Mauriat orchestra, teachers demonstrate models that they also made with their own hands)
Olga V. - Model - Malvina,
The hat is unusual and exclusive because it is multifunctional. During the day it perfectly protects from wind and cold, and in the evening it serves as an excellent addition to an evening outfit.
Lyudmila F. – Model “Bouquet of Daisies”.
This model creates the appearance of a woman, a lady - tender, airy, graceful, bright. In general, the appearance of a beautiful lady
There's a wonderful bow on this hat
Sharma is your guarantor
The model is elegant and new
For any celebration
Tatiana. B..- Model - “Charm”.
And this hat seduces, seduces, captivates and dizzy. She evokes so many emotions and feelings! We can safely assume that this is a glamorous hat from a famous couturier.
What a color! Marvel cute!
Admire, guests, how beautiful it is!
And she looks like a film star!

Presenter: So, original idea“Show of ladies' and men's hats” has come true! Dear friends, there will always be hats and bonnets, because they are an amazing creation of humanity; at all times were considered a fashionable accessory not only for women, but also for men. They were and remain an invariable sign of sophistication and exceptional taste, the embodiment of female coquetry and the elegance of men.

The hat has always been and remains the main means to achieve a goal. And at all times there were two goals: to drive a man crazy and to defeat his rival on the spot. And just such a small piece of clothing as a hat was the main weapon.
Hats are fun! And we really hope and will be glad that we brought you true pleasure and pleasure.

The happy eyes of the children spoke about the main thing: the holiday was a success!
