Door frame assembly. Self-installation of platbands on interior doors Cashing at 90 degrees

Platband is a door element that performs decorative function, covering the seam between the doorway and the frame. The quality of its installation depends on appearance doors, so you need to approach this process responsibly.

Types of platbands

Platbands differ depending on the material from which they are made. They can be made from:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal

Each of the materials used has its own characteristics. Metal platbands are made of aluminum or steel.

Plastic ones have a wide choice color solutions. They are cheap and can be installed using liquid nails. Plastic casing is flexible, so it is successfully used on uneven walls.

MDF trims have their own nuances when fastening. When using nails, you need to make blind holes for them so as not to damage the material during the nailing process.

The shape of the platbands can be:

  • flat;
  • curly;
  • rounded.

Flat and rounded ones can be purchased at any store. Figured ones are usually made to order.

Depending on the installation method, the following types are distinguished:

Mounting methods

Attaching platbands with your own hands can be done in two ways:

How to install platbands depends on their type and material of manufacture. So, telescopic ones are attached only to liquid nails. You can install the rest in one or another way.

Installation features

Installation of cashing is carried out after installing the door and finishing the walls of the room, but before installing the baseboard. If the box is placed correctly and is flush with the wall, then nailing the platbands with your own hands will not be difficult.

If cashing needs to be attached on both sides of the door, then start with the one where the hinges are located. In this case, when fastening, one feature must be taken into account. It is impossible to install the platband flush with the door frame, because the fittings will interfere. Therefore from the corner door frame make an indent of a few millimeters. This distance is maintained when attaching the horizontal and second vertical strips. Installation of platbands on doors with reverse side produced without this indentation.

Joining of platbands

The vertical and horizontal strips must fit together correctly to ensure attractiveness. doorway. The platbands can be secured by joining them together at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees.

Cutting an angle at 90 degrees is used when the form of cashing interior doors flat, that is, it is a rectangle in section. It doesn’t matter whether the joining seams are located horizontally or vertically. After sawing, the sections are processed acrylic paint or varnish. The 90 degree angle is also suitable when decorating with a capital - a decorative element that gives a luxurious look to the door.

An angle of 45 degrees is used when installing figured and rounded platbands. It ensures perfect joining of horizontal and vertical planks. You can make such an angle using a miter box, a jigsaw or an ordinary hacksaw, drawing a cut line.

Tools for work

Installation of platbands is carried out using the following tools:

  • pencil, square;
  • roulette;
  • miter box;
  • hammer, nails.

Instead of a miter box, a jigsaw or hacksaw is quite suitable.

Installation process

Do-it-yourself installation of platbands begins with measurements. It is necessary to correctly and accurately measure the height of the opening. This can be done with a tape measure, then transfer the measurement to the bar or apply the cash to the opening and actually mark the place where you need to make a cut on the inside of the corner. The external angle is determined as follows. TO inside add the width of the casing and mark a place on its outer side.

Do the same with the second vertical bar. You should not blindly transfer the opening height values ​​obtained when measuring the first casing. The distance from the floor to the top of the opening may vary.

In order to correctly mark a horizontal bar with your own hands, the vertical ones are attached to two nails: one is nailed near the floor, and the second is at a distance of a meter from the first. The vertical strip is pre-prepared by cutting at 45 degrees on one side. It is applied to the installation site, placed behind a vertical bar where there is no saw cut, and in fact the angle that needs to be made is marked.

After marking and filing the corners of the plank, you need to nail it with nails or glue it around the perimeter of the doorway. A fastening step of 15-20 centimeters is used for doors that are often used. For balcony or storage doors, 50 centimeters between nails will be enough.

Elimination of defects

If this is your first time installing platbands with your own hands, then not everything may be perfect. The cracks formed as a result of improper sawing can be hidden with wood putty or a wax corrector, selecting the required color.

Telescopic trims

Telescopic trims are installed on interior doors using special slots and grooves, which are provided at the manufacturing stage. Their peculiarity is that fastening is possible only on a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, gaps will be noticeable, and the appearance of the doorway will leave much to be desired.

Installation telescopic platbands with your own hands it is possible on doors with different opening widths. This is achieved due to the fact that the slot can not be completely inserted into the groove if the opening is larger than intended standard size. If it is smaller, then the protrusion can be filed down.

For openings with very thick walls, the width of the uncovered area is hidden using telescopic extensions.

Installing trim on interior doors with your own hands is not a complicated process. Knowing the installation process and types of cashing, you can choose suitable option in each specific case.

Doors are important detail any room, since they provide protection from unwanted penetration, retain heat and sound insulation. In order for the design to cope well with its functions and last longer, you need to know how to assemble the door frame if you cannot turn to professionals for help.

To understand exactly how a door is assembled, it is necessary to study its structure and components. These include:

  • lintel - a “ceiling” strip located on top of the structure;
  • loop beam - side part, loops cut into it;
  • the recessed part is the opposite of the hinge part, it closes with the door when closing, and the counter side of the lock is installed into it;
  • threshold - a beam located below.

Necessary tool

In order to assemble the door frame with your own hands quickly, you need to prepare in advance the tools that will be needed during the work process. In addition to the components of the box, the following accessories are needed:

  • a simple pencil, tape measure, square and level;
  • electric jigsaw or circular saw;
  • perforator;
  • drill or bit;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • screws, mounting foam, fastenings;
  • necessary accessories.

How to take measurements

To collect high-quality construction, it is important, otherwise the door will not fit into the frame. There are several rules for taking measurements at home:

  1. First of all, the doorway is measured; the external parameters of the frame should exceed it by 70 mm. As for the internal parameters, a gap of 3 mm around the perimeter should be maintained between the door leaf and the edge of the frame.
  2. There is a separate rule for the gap located below; its height can be from 10 to 15 mm. This is necessary to ensure air circulation in the room, which is especially important for closed rooms like a bathroom or storage room. When installing sliding doors, it is necessary to take into account that profiles will be installed.
  3. Often, when building baths, owners do not big gap at the bottom of the door, this is acceptable, but, in this case, it is necessary to carefully measure the door threshold with a level in the corners.

These parameters are mandatory; if a discrepancy is found, the doorway must be expanded or reduced. It is easier to work with artificial openings made of plasterboard.

Assembly methods

The door frame installation guide depends on how it is assembled. Designs come with or without a threshold and with different nuances securing parts.

How to assemble a door frame at 45° and without a threshold

Typically, MDF products are installed according to this scheme. detailed instructions to make a box using this method:

  1. To eliminate unevenness, you need to trim the box blanks.
  2. The loop and false beams are sawn in the upper part, at 45 degrees inward. For work, it is better to use tools with fine teeth or a hacksaw, this will help avoid damage to the finish. When working with products made from eco-veneer or laminated MDF, it is best to saw from the reverse side, so that possible cracks remain on it.
  3. After processing the side parts of the box, you can proceed to sawing the lintel. It is sawn on both sides at 45 degrees inward. It is important to measure everything carefully so that when assembled the parts form a right angle. Do not forget that a gap of 3 mm must be maintained. Measurements can be made either using a tape measure or by placing the timber directly against the doorway, making notes with a pencil.
  4. Next, you need to adjust the loop and trim beam in height, from the bottom, to the beginning of the cut corner. If there is no threshold, it is enough to add two gaps to the height of the door, 3 mm + 10-15 mm. After hanging, the door should close tightly enough, without obstacles to opening, and not touch the floor.
  5. Once all the components are sawed down, you need to move on to assembling the parts. It is easier to work by placing them on the floor. For safety, it is better to use a small diameter drill. Self-tapping screws must be for wood; they are also screwed at an angle of 45 degrees. When fastening the parts, they must be pressed tightly against each other, since the screws stretch the parts.
  6. After assembly, the structure must be tried on in the doorway; if the calculations are accurate, it will fit into it without any problems.

The measurements must be checked several times. If a mistake is made and the door frame turns out to be too small for the door leaf, you will have to purchase new material.

How to assemble a door frame with a 90 joint yourself

The simplest assembly option, which a beginner can handle, is also often used when working with wood-fiber materials. How to assemble with a 90 degree joint step by step:

  1. The side beams are adjusted to the height of the doorway, taking into account all the gaps. They will reach to the very top of the doorway.
  2. The upper part is fixed between the loop and the false part, so it must be shortened by as much as the width of both side beams. After connecting, the three parts should fit snugly into the width of the opening.
  3. After preparing the components, you can proceed to assembly. Holes for self-tapping screws are made in advance to avoid cracks in the wood; they should enter from the sides, at an angle of 90 degrees.

Assembling a door frame with a threshold

Structures equipped with thresholds are usually installed at the entrance to houses, as they retain heat and make the box more durable. Even though a new part is being added, assembling the parts is not difficult. The first steps are identical to those performed during the installation of boxes without a threshold. The lintel and side beams can be installed at angles of 45 and 90 degrees. The threshold is always set at a right angle. Step-by-step instructions for assembling a box with a threshold:

  1. The threshold beam must be sawn exactly at a right angle, observing the width, from one side part to the second, you can also focus on the formula: door width + 6 mm gap. To correctly determine the height of the threshold, it is necessary to place the structure in the door leaf.
  2. Next, you need to carefully cut down the thrust quarter on the false and hinged beams, to the height of the bottom board, to securely fasten the threshold. Measurements must be taken accurately, otherwise you can simply ruin the material.
  3. Once the components are prepared, you can proceed to connecting them, also tightening them tightly so that the parts do not fall apart. When working with entrance doors It is better to use galvanized screws.

Door frame tenon connection

A less common method of connecting box parts can be done without using self-tapping screws, however, to ensure strength it is best to use galvanized nails or special assembly adhesive.

The principle of this method is that at the junction of the components, it does not matter whether they are placed at a right angle or at 45 degrees, they are cut out tenon joints. One of the parts has the connection itself (tenks), and the second has grooves machined for it, into which it is tightly inserted.

Installing a frame in a doorway

This stage is best performed with an assistant, since door block can be heavy, especially if the door is used with a slab core, which can lead to operational difficulties. The structure is installed in the doorway in several stages:

  1. The structure is inserted into the opening and secured in it using wedges. Then, its position is completely aligned so that it stands perfectly relative to the horizontal and vertical axes. Once the exact position is determined, holes for dowels are drilled in the opening itself and the frame.
  2. When the structure is tightly fixed in the opening, you can begin preparing the door for hanging. First of all, the hinges are screwed to it, and the second part is fixed to the hinge beam. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the height, since the door will not be level. If everything is done correctly, after you hang the canvas, all the gaps will be respected.
  3. Then the box is fixed, this can be done using polyurethane foam, it is also used when filling the gaps allowed between the beam and the opening.
  4. As soon as the work is completed, you can proceed to installing telescopic or simple platbands, casings and other accessories.

Errors during installation and assembly of the door frame

Not everyone can produce correctly without making mistakes. The most common of them:

  1. Incorrectly selected tools and screws, which can damage materials or make the structure fragile. For example, doors made of fiberboard have a fibrous structure and a different density, unlike PVC, which means that different fasteners must be used.
  2. Insufficient vertical alignment of the door can cause the door to open or close on its own.
  3. Inattention when observing the direction of opening doors.
  4. When working with polyurethane foam, it is important to consider that it tends to expand; if you apply too much, the box may bend.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions to experienced installers; only an experienced installer can give good advice and warn against possible errors. If the steps are performed incorrectly, you have to purchase new material, which is not profitable and takes a lot of time.

Doors are often purchased in a disassembled state, when the leaf is separate, and the door frame is generally just a set of profile timber. True, you shouldn’t be afraid of this, since the process of assembling a door frame with your own hands is quite simple.

Door frame installation tools

  • rotary miter box,
  • hammer drill and screwdriver,
  • hand saw,
  • carpenter's level and plumb line,
  • Bulgarian,
  • pry bar, nail puller, hammer,
  • set of hardware.

Preparatory work

So, you already have a model of your future interior door and have prepared the tools. Now, in order to install a new door frame, you need to dismantle the old doors.

To do this, first remove the platbands, and then, trying not to harm the wall, remove them using a hacksaw, pry bar, etc. the necessary tool old door frame.

If her fasteners If you can't turn them out, you can simply saw them through with a sander. After this, it would be useful to carefully examine the wall to determine whether it needs to be strengthened.

If you find many cracks on the surface, and the surface begins to crumble under slight impact, then for reliability of installation and durability new door you will need to carry out additional concrete works to strengthen doorway.

We take measurements and assemble the box

Without exaggeration, this part of the work when installing a door frame can be called one of the most important. Here you will need to accurately calculate the length of the racks, as well as the upper lintel with or without a threshold (the lower bar in modern doorways, as a rule, is not done). The width and height of the door frame should ideally be smaller sizes doorway by 2-3 cm, so that the gap between the bars and the wall is no more than 1-1.5 cm.

Sometimes it happens that the opening dimensions are much more sizes doors and, accordingly, boxes. If the difference is relatively small, then a block of appropriate thickness can be filled across the entire width of the opening. If the discrepancy in size is significant, then the opening is filled with bricks, or part of the wall is sheathed with plasterboard. But in any case, to avoid unnecessary expenses and effort, dismantle in advance old door, measure the dimensions of the opening, and buy a new door in accordance with them.

There are several options for assembling the box, but the two most popular of them are with fastening the beams at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. For each of them different measurements are taken.

Advice. In some cases, when arranging the interior, it will be justified to use it - where there is not enough space for classic drop-down doors.

We fix the bars at an angle of 45 degrees

Length of vertical bars in in this case consists of the height of the door opening, the thickness of the upper lintel, the threshold (if any) and the size of the required gaps at the top and bottom. The latter are usually taken at 3 mm. Naturally, both vertical beams must be equal in length.

The lengths of the lintel and threshold are calculated by adding the width of the door itself, the thickness of each vertical beam and the same gaps. Remember that to fasten door frame elements at an angle of 45 degrees, you need to thoroughly calculate the dimensions, make the necessary markings, and then cut the timber.

The connection is fixed with a pair of screws into pre-drilled holes. The screws are screwed into the bars at an angle of 45 degrees, and if drilling is not done in advance, wood profile It might just crack.

We fasten the bars at an angle of 90 degrees

In this case, the horizontal profile of the door frame will overlap the vertical one. Accordingly, the dimensions of the vertical bars will be determined as the height of the door itself plus a pair of 3 mm gaps at the top and bottom.

This is for the option with a threshold. If the latter is not present, then instead of 3 mm of the bottom gap you will need to add a whole centimeter, i.e. 10 mm, so that the door does not cling to the covering on the floor.

The width of the threshold and the upper lintel will be calculated as the sum of the width door leaf, double thickness of vertical beam and a pair of 3 mm gaps. In addition, so that the protruding part of the profile on which the door rests when closing does not interfere with connecting the bars to each other, it will be necessary to make landing holes.

That is, the narthex - the protruding part along the edges of the horizontal bars - will simply need to be cut to the width of the vertical profile. To do this you will need a minimum of tools:

  • hacksaw,
  • carpenter's hammer,
  • chisel.

Accordingly, with a hacksaw you will need to carefully make a cut to the width of the protruding part of the profile, and then using a chisel and a hammer, simply chop off the unnecessary piece of the profile and clean the surface. Fastening is carried out similarly with self-tapping screws at an angle of 90 degrees.

Installing hinges

This is also a fairly simple, although important, step in installing a door frame:

  1. Decide how the door will open (inward or outward) in order to choose the side on which you will need to hang the hinges;
  2. Place the door leaf and frame on a flat surface;
  3. Measure 20 cm from the top and bottom edges of the door leaf and make marks for installing hinges;
  4. Attach the hinges to the end of the door leaf at the marking site, trace them along the contour, and then carefully draw them along these lines with a sharp knife;
  5. Next, in this place, using a chisel, you will need to make a recess with a depth corresponding to the thickness of the loop so that the latter does not extend beyond the structure;
  6. Mark the place in the made recess for the screws, drill the corresponding holes and secure the loop;
  7. Inserting hinges into a door frame using a router

  8. Do the same on the door frame with the second side of the hinges.

How to eliminate gaps after installing doors and give them an aesthetic appearance? For these purposes, specialists use platbands. Their main function is to hide defects and cracks that appeared during installation. Installing interior door frames is a responsible process that requires experience and dexterity from the master.

What are the types of platbands?

The construction market is represented by a wide range of overhead strips. They differ in:

  • functions performed: constructive, decorative;
  • color scheme;
  • shape: flat, rounded, curly;
  • texture: simple planks, carved frames made according to templates;
  • sizes;
  • installation method: overhead, telescopic;
  • materials: wood, metal, aluminum.

Finishes should be selected based on personal preferences, as well as taking into account the features of the interior and the exact installation location. When purchasing platbands, it is important to choose the right material. Any type of raw material has its pros and cons.


Ten years ago, this type was the only option for decorating a door. But, despite the improvements in the construction industry, it is still in demand today. The main advantage is versatility: wooden planks suitable for any type door design .

They may differ from others in their appearance. Depending on the taste of the consumer, the decor can be carved, with figures of various shapes.

The disadvantage of wooden door frames is the need to update them. But this is not a reason to refuse them. Modern platbands are made in such a way that they can be restored, puttied, and painted without any problems.


Most people compare this material with fiberboard. On the one hand, they are similar in properties. On the other hand, in the production of MDF we use Newest technologies, providing more high quality material.

MDF trims are suitable for outdoor installation wet areas

MDF is a medium density fiberboard. In terms of environmental friendliness, it is the same as wood. And veneered MDF is even difficult to distinguish from it externally.

Overlay strips made of MDF are preferred due to their low cost and durability. But when choosing, you must take into account that it has poor moisture resistance. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it in rooms such as a bathtub or toilet.


Such planks are made of durable plastic, which is not subject to changes under the influence of climatic factors. During operation, they do not fade or melt. In addition, they do not require special care. Wet cleaning once a week is all that is required of you.

Plastic platbands are highly moisture resistant

Due to its low price and good moisture resistance plastic trim found a wide range of consumers. However, there are negative points.

The disadvantage of this decor is the small selection of models, as well as color range. Typically sold in white and several shades of brown. Platbands of other colors are made to order.

Methods for cutting platbands

It depends on how carefully the craftsman cuts the components of the structure. appearance cashing out. You can cut using several methods using:

  • electric miter saw;
  • miter boxes, hacksaws.

To make the cut as smooth as possible, without chips or roughness, experts recommend using a professional electric saw. In this case, the device must be in good working order. If saw blade crooked, dull, or there will even be a slight runout of the bearing, the result will be far from the desired one.

Using a professional saw you can get a perfectly even cut

However, you need to know that even high-tech equipment famous brands allows for minor errors. There are certain tolerances for them: the cut angle is 0.3-0.7 degrees, the joint inaccuracy is from 0.1 to 0.5 mm.

Those who refuse to buy an electric saw can use a factory miter box. It is a tray made of metal, plastic or wood. With this tool, products are cut at different angles: 90, 45, 30 degrees.

Home craftsmen most often use a miter box

For overlay strips made of different materials select the appropriate hacksaw. Metal and plastic frames are cut with a hacksaw for metal, wooden frames with a hacksaw for wood. From the right tool depends on the quality of the work performed.

Methods of fastening platbands

Installation is carried out by finishing liquid nails, self-tapping screws, “beaks”.

Using finishing nails

This type of fastener is widely used due to a number of advantages:

  • stealth;
  • ease of installation;
  • no experience required.

For work, use thin nails about 4 centimeters long and up to 1.5 millimeters in diameter. The distance between them should be 50 cm. Points are marked on the slats with a simple pencil.

After fixing, the nails can be puttied to match the color of the wood, so that the nails will not be visible

At the marks, nails are driven in so that they fit 20 mm into the box. If the caps are narrow, then they can be left or, if desired, trimmed with side cutters. The resulting small depressions are masked wax pencil suitable color.

The disadvantages of working with finishing nails are:

  1. Difficult to dismantle. Due to the peculiar structure of the head, it is almost impossible to get nails.
  2. Less strong connection than regular nails.
  3. By selecting this method fasteners, also keep in mind that such nails are intended for finishing where there is no bending load.

Liquid nails

This method is ideal for MDF framing. It is performed quite simply and does not require specific skills or dexterity.

Liquid nails are used to install MDF trims

Liquid nails are applied on the reverse side decorative element and attached to the wall. For the glue to set, you need to hold it for a few minutes and then secure with tape.

This type of fastener is good because it leaves no marks on the outside rack However, the fastening strength is not as high as when using conventional nails.

Fastening with self-tapping screws

This method is characterized by reliability. It is used for wooden products.

Wooden trims secured with self-tapping screws

Even a beginner in construction can handle a self-tapping screw. To do this you just need to follow the instructions:

  1. Find self-tapping screws with a diameter of 6 millimeters and a length of 2 centimeters.
  2. Place marks on the front side of the planks 50 cm wide from each other.
  3. Drill small holes in the marked places, and then drill them out a little. This will hide the screw heads.
  4. Screw in the screws. If desired, they can be disguised under putty or decorative overlays.

Fastening with beaks

“Beak” is the name given to the casing, which in appearance resembles the Russian letter “G”.

This method is very simple. It lies in the fact that the most large plot The parts are placed in a recess specially designed for this purpose and snapped into place.

The disadvantage of fastening with “beaks” is the gradual delamination structural element . Under the influence of the fastening itself, the planks begin to collapse at the joints. As a result, there is a need for additional fastening with glue.

Docking methods

There are 3 mounting methods.

Docking at an angle of 45˚

During installation, it is impossible to do without trimming the areas where the individual parts of the kit are connected. Trimming at an angle of 45˚ is most often used. It is ideal for any type of finishing, successfully hiding areas of cuts.

Joining at an angle of 45˚ hides areas of cuts

The platbands are connected at an angle of 90 degrees. The top trim board is placed between the right and left sides.

Docking at 90˚ with imitation jumper

This installation method is used to create unusual design interior

Great for historical simulation

Installation instructions for wooden trims

You can finish the door not only with the help of a master, but also with your own hands. To avoid mistakes, strictly follow the algorithm.

Stage 1. Preparatory work.

Using a construction knife, clean the surface of the doorway from protruding polyurethane foam. Then walk with an even strip along its entire perimeter, look at the position of the wall and the box. Existing problems will be resolved during installation of the frame.

Step 2: Mark the location of the trim strips.

Overlay strips are installed in such a way that rounded corners the door frame remained visible.

Platband installation

And the straight lines from the side of the extension should coincide with the corners of the decorative element.

Pay special attention to ensure that the platbands do not interfere with the operation of the hinges and the door lock screwdriver. Attach the strips and use a pencil to make marks above the box above the joint angle at a distance of approximately 3 mm. The marked places show the height of the vertical and width of the horizontal decorative elements at the lower connecting corners.

Sometimes during installation, the extensions receive numerous damages. To hide them, experts advise placing marks on the door elements two millimeters below the corner. If there are no defects, then install the planks flush with them.

Stage 3. Attach vertical strips to the marks and place marks on them required height .

After measuring the platbands, number them and put the numbers on the wall in the appropriate place. This will prevent them from being mixed up during the work process.

Step 4. Trim the vertical parts of the structure at an angle of 45˚.

The cut should be smooth, without chips. When cutting, consider the width of the cut, as in some tools it can be up to 3 mm. Therefore, make an appropriate indent from the label.

Vertical planks are trimmed taking into account the width of the cut

Step 5. Attach vertical and then horizontal elements.

The vertical strips are fixed first, and then the horizontal ones.

Installation instructions for plastic trims

To make your own plastic trim, strictly follow the diagram:

The fittings make the joints look beautiful, so there is no need to use sealant to close the gaps.

Aligning the plane of the platband with the wall

Our builders do not always adhere to standards, so many shortcomings appear. One of the most common are curved walls. What to do when the wall and the box are not parallel to each other?

If the error is very small, then solving the problem is easy. To do this you need:

  • Press the decorative strip against the box and measure the size of the gap that appears between it and the wall. If it is no more than 3 mm, then the deficiency can be eliminated without special construction work.
  • Find a narrow lining. It should be the same thickness as the gap. Place it on the workbench of a saw or miter box. The lining will lift one side of the casing during cutting.
  • Press the overlay strip as tightly as possible to the work table, cut the end at an angle of 45 degrees and with a slight slope in relation to the surface. This way the joint of the overlay strips will be sealed and no sealant will be needed to fill the gaps.

The situation is worse if there is a large error between the wall and the door frame. Then you will have to eliminate it in one of the following ways:

  • Disassemble the wall, make a niche for the frame if the frame is deeper than the surface of the wall. To do this, attach the overhead strips to the box and draw lines along them along the wall. Then, using a grinder, cut through this line and make grooves around the entire perimeter of the door. Constantly check their depth. If the niche turns out to be deeper than necessary, seal it with cement mortar.
  • Correct the defect using a plane if the purchased wood planks turn out to be too thick.

Installing finishing is a troublesome task, but you can sacrifice anything to create home comfort.

Doors, despite their apparent simplicity, are very demanding to install. The slightest mistake can lead to disastrous consequences. Incorrectly taken dimensions or cuts made will be impossible to correct, and you will have to do everything all over again using other materials. Cracks formed due to an erroneous sawing cannot be eliminated using sealant.

Even if this disguises external defects, the structure will not be durable due to loose fit to the surface. As a result, the load on the bars increases significantly, and the service life of the door is reduced. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to assemble the door frame with your own hands, strictly following the step-by-step instructions. It is important not only to perform all installation work correctly, but also to carry out all installation work very carefully and accurately.

The frame base must match the door parameters (width and height) in order to provide full coverage and support to the structure. An important nuance relative to the canvas is the purpose of the room for which it is intended. Because ventilation requirements will depend on this. In steam rooms and baths, doors must provide reliable thermal insulation, so the opening is sealed as tightly as possible.

The bathroom, on the contrary, needs to be well ventilated so as not to accumulate excess moisture and no mold appeared. Therefore, the gap between the frame and the door should be a little wider. And also required good ventilation for premises in which gas equipment is installed.

To provide reliable protection to prevent heat leakage, a rectangular frame is constructed from four bars, which will serve as a frame for the door. The vertical posts will become hinged and recessed elements, and the transverse ones will become the upper support and threshold.

For free movement of the door leaf, the gap between the door and the posts should be about 3 mm. In cases where air flow into the room is necessary, the box is assembled from three bars, and a gap of about 10–15 mm is made at the threshold site. A standard distance of 3 mm is left along the vertical posts and the lintel.

The box with the threshold assembly is slightly higher than without it. The difference is about 20 mm. It is important to take this nuance into account so that you do not have to shorten the door. Because it is possible to adjust the canvas only if it is made of wood.

The gap between the door frame and the opening must be at least 10 mm on each side so that the structure can be easily installed and fixed.

Required Tools

You can install a door frame with your own hands using various tools; many owners have some of them, but what is missing will have to be rented or purchased.

  • Miter box. A device that allows you to cut timber at different angles.
  • Pencil, tape measure, construction tape.
  • Acrylic paint on wood.
  • Polyurethane foam for sealing the box.
  • Chisel for making cuts for hinges.
  • Hammer, drill, screwdriver.
  • Nail puller, crowbar, hammer. For dismantling work.
  • Miter saw, hacksaw and utility knife.
  • Building level.


If the doors are not installed in a new room, but the structure is replaced. Then you can install the door frame yourself only after the old one has been removed. The door frame is dismantled in the following order:

  1. The platbands are removed and the elements of the box are disassembled.
  2. Fasteners and anchor bolts are unscrewed.
  3. The strength of the opening is checked and, if necessary, it is strengthened.

It is worth disassembling the door frame very carefully so as not to damage anything and thereby increase the amount of installation work in the future. If it is necessary to replace the door frame, it is recommended to dismantle it in advance so that there is time to prepare the opening. It is almost impossible to remove the door frame without damaging it. Therefore, after removing old components, you will need to install new ones.

How to assemble a door frame?

The assembly diagram will help you make a door frame from blanks correctly.

The box must be enlarged with the help of extensions if the width of the wall is more than 70 mm, and platbands are installed on both sides.

If a door frame is being assembled from MDF, all fastening work must be carried out with preliminary drilling to avoid cracks and chips in the product.

How to file a door frame at 45 degrees?

Elements with a round cross-section are sawn at an angle of 45◦. In order to make the correct cut, use a miter box or miter saw with a rotating table.

Door frames can be assembled with your own hands without the use of special tools. In such cases you can desired angle saw off without a miter box, using a ruler and protractor for marking.

During installation, the structure is secured using self-tapping screws, which are screwed in at an angle.

Assembling the box at an angle of 90 degrees

With this option, assembling the door frame is easy and quick.

  • It is necessary to saw off the required size of the racks and the horizontal crossbar at a right angle.
  • Select the extra part of the vestibule.

  • Place the box elements on the floor, level them and secure them at the ends with self-tapping screws (2 each).

In order for all sides to remain parallel to the door frame, you can attach the door and check how it will stand in the opening. Connecting the door frame at 90 degrees is considered by specialists to be a fast installation technology.

Assembling a box with a threshold

There is no significant difference between installing door frames with and without a threshold. Thresholds have recently lost their relevance. But despite this, such a system has many fans. This is explained by the fact that it is stronger and more reliable than a structure without a lower transverse bar. Such systems can withstand significant loads and are suitable for installation massive doors made of wood. Thresholds are considered prerequisite for bathrooms. Regardless of what type of design is chosen, anyone can assemble an interior door frame.

  • Vertical and horizontal planks are prepared in advance.
  • Cut at 45 or 90 degrees.
  • The prepared elements are placed on a flat surface.
  • The racks and crossbars are alternately fastened using self-tapping screws.

How to install a door frame correctly?

The door frame is installed after preliminary checking that it matches the dimensions of the opening in the wall.

  • If everything is suitable, the door frame is installed in the opening.
  • Using a hydraulic level, check the verticality of the racks and the horizontality of the crossbars.

  • Wedges (about 15 pieces) are installed along the entire perimeter of the structure. Door frame spacers add strength.

  • Make markings for attachment points. Holes are drilled along it on the bars and walls. Many experts attach the door frame to the wall in the places where the hinges and the lock strike plate are located. This allows you not to compromise the integrity and appearance of the product.

  • The door frame is fastened with anchor bolts, which are inserted into the holes and tightened with a screwdriver or wrench(depending on the type of fastener). The structure should be fastened very carefully.

  • Screw on the hinges and hang the canvas. At correct installation opening and closing the door will be easy.

  • The gap between the block and the wall is filled with polyurethane foam.

The counter metal plate of the lock is installed on different stages: during assembly or when the structure is already fixed. The second method will be more correct and accurate.

  • Cover the doors and mark the location of the tongue or magnet with a pencil.
  • Use a chisel or a feather drill to make the required hole. It doesn't need to be too deep, the main thing is that the tongue fits and holds the door.
  • A sample is made according to the size of the counterplate and installed, securing it with self-tapping screws. There is no need to mount the element very deeply, this will ruin the appearance.

  • The gaps are filled with sealant.

What else is important to know?

Not every person will be able to install a door frame efficiently the first time. But don't despair. Because many flaws can be eliminated.

  1. If there is an unsightly seam, you can close the joint between the laminate and the door frame with a plinth or a special flexible threshold.
  2. If the box does not fit into the opening, then the racks and cross bars you can trim it a little.
  3. Platbands allow you to beautifully seal the gap between the door frame and the wall. If their width is not enough, you will have to plaster and decorate the gap.
  4. To install an interior door frame in concrete wall or made of brick, it is impossible to do without a hammer drill. If you are installing a door frame made of MDF first on the slats, use a drill to make holes and only then work with a hammer drill.
  5. Attach the door frame to wooden wall much easier than other materials. In this case, a hammer drill for drilling holes is not useful. You just need to screw the door frame to the wall using anchors. The main thing to consider is that over time wooden buildings may cause significant shrinkage.
  6. To facilitate the installation process, special mounting systems door frames. Thanks to them, the structure can be placed in walls made of any material without using wedges and spacers. This kit includes fasteners hidden installation, detailed step-by-step instructions and diagrams. Using the system, even a beginner can insert a door frame.
