What week does the 3rd trimester begin? Third trimester of pregnancy: size and weight of the fetus, condition of the pregnant woman, necessary tests. What happens to the fetus

The third trimester of pregnancy is a very important period for any expectant mother. At this time, important changes occur in the fetus’s body, because very soon the baby will be born and begin to breathe, eat, move and explore the world around him on his own.

And it’s not easy for the expectant mother. It is in the last months of pregnancy that the belly becomes so large that difficulties can arise even when performing the simplest actions, such as putting on shoes or getting out of bed after rest.

First of all, you need to decide which week the third trimester begins. If we conditionally divide the entire period of bearing a baby into three equal parts, then the final part falls on 27-40 weeks. This principle of separation is accepted by many specialists.

However, other doctors believe that the third trimester of pregnancy begins at 24, 26 or even 28 weeks. In doing so, they are guided by other considerations, for example, the end of the period of major development of the child’s organs or the beginning of the time when the fetus is considered viable in the case of premature birth. You can find out how many weeks each trimester is “allowed” in a particular medical institution at an appointment with a doctor.

Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child

What happens in the third trimester

In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size. The stomach becomes bulging. It becomes more difficult for a woman to move and perform usual actions, because her large belly makes it inconvenient for her to bend over, turn, or walk quickly.

The photo shows the burden women have to carry during this period.


Despite some difficulties, in the third trimester of pregnancy a woman feels much better psychologically, because a baby born at this time has every chance of survival.

Nevertheless, saving the life of a newborn, especially one born at the very beginning of the final trimester, up to 32 weeks, is possible only with the use of special equipment. Therefore, the expectant mother is not recommended to make long trips to remote areas during this period.

A woman’s body is gradually preparing for the process of childbirth: the pelvic bones soften and move slightly apart, and the volume of discharge from the mammary glands increases. The important stage of choosing a maternity hospital and collecting all the necessary things and documents that will be useful in the maternity hospital begins.

Fetal development

The fetus continues to develop and every day becomes more prepared for birth. The longer the pregnancy, the better developed the respiratory, digestive and other systems of the baby’s body.

On the seventh calendar month During pregnancy, the fetus’s body is characterized by a number of changes:

  • Sense organs are actively developing. The fetus is able to clearly taste the amniotic fluid, sense certain odors, and respond to external lighting and various sounds. He may express his dissatisfaction with the bitter taste of amniotic fluid or too loud music with strong and decisive thrusts.
  • The process of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues.
  • The cerebral cortex is being improved.
  • Pain receptors are developed, so the baby can feel pain.
  • The baby's autonomous metabolic regime is formed.

At the eighth month of development, the condition of the fetus can be characterized as follows:

  • The baby becomes less active, because he is already quite cramped in the uterus.
  • As a rule, at 8 months the fetus has already assumed a head-down position in the stomach.
  • The size of the fetal brain during this period is ¼ of the mass of the adult brain.
  • The urinary system is formed, which means that the fetal body can produce urine.
  • The original lanugo fluff disappears on the body.
  • The cornea of ​​the eyes begins to take on a light blue tint.
  • The baby's skin gradually smoothes out, but retains its original lubricant.

In the ninth month of development, new changes occur in the fetal body:

  • The baby's lungs become more mature and are almost ready to work independently.
  • Brain neurons are surrounded by a special protective myelin sheath.
  • The cartilages of the nose and ears become stronger.
  • In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.
  • Original feces - meconium - have already formed in the intestines.
  • Nails become long and begin to protrude beyond the edges of the fingers.
  • Many babies start growing hair on their heads in the ninth month.
  • The epithelium has already formed in the intestine.
  • The stomach is able to begin producing enzymes that are necessary for the normal digestion of breast milk.
  • The skin tone becomes light pink.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the female body is subject to the following changes:

  • The size of the uterus, and therefore the abdomen, increases significantly.
  • A woman’s total body weight during the entire 3rd trimester increases by 4 kg or more.
  • Periodically, so-called Braxton-Hicks training contractions are felt.
  • Due to the increase in uterine pressure on bladder a woman often visits the toilet in small quantities.
  • Some women experience shortness of breath, which is associated with an enlarged abdomen and increased pressure from the diaphragm on the lungs. Closer to the date of birth, when the fetus gradually descends into the pelvic area, shortness of breath may stop.
  • A large belly can make it difficult for a pregnant woman to fall asleep at night, so insomnia is a common symptom of the last months of pregnancy.
  • Periodically, weakness and a feeling of fatigue may occur.
  • The mammary glands almost constantly produce a small amount of thick substance - colostrum.
  • Closer to the expected date of birth, symptoms of swelling of the legs or other parts of the body may appear, even in those women who have not previously noticed such symptoms in themselves.

Tests and examinations in the third trimester of pregnancy

Along with visiting a doctor to monitor the progress of the pregnancy, the expectant mother will need to undergo some examinations and tests in the 3rd trimester.

The list of mandatory types of examinations in the third trimester includes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • ultrasonography fetus;
  • examination of the cervix to assess its condition;
  • determination of blood glucose levels;
  • vaginal smear to detect bacterial and other infections;
  • Cardiotocography is a study of the activity of the heart in the fetus.

It should be noted that ultrasound in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is usually performed at 32-34 weeks, since it is at this time that signs of possible placental insufficiency can be most reliably detected. Also, during the examination, the doctor will tell you how much the baby weighs, how it is developing, and, if necessary, specify the sex of the fetus.



Main hazards and risks

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother may face the following dangers and risks:

  • Bleeding. The sudden appearance of blood may be due to placenta previa, placental abruption, excessive abdominal tension due to physical activity, intimacy, or even a severe coughing attack. IN in this case You must urgently contact a medical facility. Depending on the specific situation the doctor may decide to continue the pregnancy or to carry out childbirth. Bleeding can be not only external, but also internal, which more often occurs with placental abruption, so if you experience pain in the abdominal area, even in the absence of visible bleeding, you should go to the doctor.
  • Lack of fetal movement is also a fairly serious symptom. If fetal movements are not felt at all for several hours or become less frequent and weak, you should immediately go to the hospital. The main reasons for the cessation of movements are entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck, leakage of amniotic fluid, and dysfunction of the placenta. If measures are taken in time, the child can be saved by stimulation premature birth or holding caesarean section followed by performing resuscitation measures for the baby.
  • Premature birth. The onset of contractions may indicate that the mother’s body, for some reason, cannot bear the fetus before the due date. Therefore, when the first signs of a possible onset of labor appear, it is necessary to urgently arrive at the maternity ward, where specialists can assess the situation and make a decision on early delivery.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the third trimester of pregnancy, any woman should already have an idea of ​​what symptoms indicate the approach of labor and the onset of labor. The so-called precursors of labor include a whole group of symptoms. When one or more of them appear, you need to prepare for the fact that in the next day or two or even within a few hours you can expect the baby to be born.

A few days before birth, the baby is located closer to the cervix, i.e. in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the stomach changes shape - it goes down. This is one of the most distant harbingers of childbirth.

One of characteristic features approaching labor is also the release of the mucous plug. At this moment, a woman may detect a relatively large amount, at least 2-3 ml, of mucus on her underwear. This indicates that the cervix is ​​preparing for the upcoming expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Urination and frequent trips to the toilet may also become more frequent. This occurs due to compression by the fetus, which has moved to the lower abdomen, bladder and intestines. In addition, in this way the body cleanses the intestines of excess feces, so that there is nothing unnecessary left in the digestive tract at the time of birth.

Lower back pain that appears or intensifies suddenly may also indicate impending labor.

Trimesters are a common word in the pregnancy lexicon. But expectant mothers constantly have questions: how to determine the beginning of each new period, from what week does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin (after all, it brings the crucial stage of childbirth closer)? Let's figure out when it occurs, how long it lasts and how it differs.

Starting points of pregnancy

I can’t even remember when they first started dividing the “interesting situation” into trimesters. Obstetricians take the first day of the expectant mother's last period as the first starting point. But conception could not occur exactly on this day, so the actual gestational age will be 2 weeks later than expected.

Further division into trimesters is used. But it does not happen mechanically, through mathematical calculations. The basis is the fundamental changes occurring in the woman herself and the embryo. Thus, each of these periods has its own nuances in the course of gestation and development of the baby.

The division into three trimesters is used to make it convenient to monitor the pregnant woman. For example, in the first triad it is prohibited to take most medications, and by the third trimester there are no longer strict restrictions in this sense. In addition, it helps to carry out official procedures (applying for maternity leave).

From the first to the ninth: division into trimesters

Sometimes (but extremely rarely) doctors use a simplified scheme when calculating the gestation period of a child. They simply divide the maximum waiting time for a baby by 3. It looks like this: 42:3 =14. It is not difficult to guess that in this situation last trimester will start at 29 weeks. If we express this in months, then the third trimester starts from the 7th month.

Much more often, another method of breaking down pregnancy trimesters by week is used - a table. You can see it below. When compiling it, we took as a basis characteristics and critical moments during pregnancy (when the fetus is vulnerable and there is a threat of developing pathologies and even interrupting pregnancy).

If you are trying to find out what week the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, then use the following information (this is the most detailed classification):

  • the first trimester is weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;
  • second - 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28;
  • third - 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 29, 40, 41, 42.

However, keep in mind: in medical practice it is accepted that an obstetric month is exactly 4 weeks without any remainder. If we count, guided by this rule, it turns out that the 3rd trimester begins already from the 24th week. In this case, its duration is limited to 16 weeks, which makes it the longest.

There are classifications in which the start is 26, 27 or 28 weeks. In reality, this does not in any way affect the course of pregnancy. The main thing is that the birth occurs during this period, and the division is purely symbolic. Doctors themselves use the word “week” much more often than the concepts “trimester” or “month”.

Read also:

Thus, you are convinced that to give an unambiguous answer to the question “The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is how many weeks?” It's simply impossible. If your gynecologist used this word, then simply clarify what he meant, from which specific week he considers the final stage.

Waiting for a happy ending: what changes happen in the 3rd trimester?

When pregnancy reaches the finish line, the expectant mother’s body is intensively preparing for the climax - childbirth. In the period from 28 to 30 weeks, the fetus develops rapidly. Its weight reaches 1500 g, and its height becomes about 39 cm. This creates additional stress on the pregnant woman’s kidneys. At this time, the babies' lungs begin to prepare for independent breathing.

Week 31-33 is coming. The pregnant woman will have an ultrasound, and she will even be able to capture the photo of her little one’s face in her mother’s tummy. The baby is gaining significant size. He already weighs about 2 kg, and his height is 43 cm. The body carries out “training” every now and then - pain occurs, reminiscent of contractions. The uterus continues to enlarge, the woman finds it difficult to breathe, and has difficulty falling asleep.

By 34-36 weeks, almost all fetal organs are already formed. In fact, he is ready to leave his cozy “home” and be born. The remaining time he will only gain weight. Because he no longer has enough free space in the tummy, it moves less. The baby weighs approximately 2.3 kg, and his height is within 48 cm. He is already making breathing movements, can distinguish taste and smell, hairs appear on his head, and his body is covered with lubricant, which will help him move along the birth canal.

Finally, the hour “X” comes - 37-42 weeks, the period when childbirth will occur. Woman and nature have fulfilled their mission: the baby can exist separately from the mother, he is ready to make his parents happy with his appearance.

Attention: in the last weeks before childbirth, late toxicosis sometimes occurs - edema develops, blood pressure rises, protein is detected in the urine and increased weight gain occurs. The expectant mother should be very careful about her diet. After all, if the child gains too much weight, this can provoke difficulties during childbirth and become the reason for prescribing a cesarean section. If during this period the woman’s weight increases significantly, this will also negatively affect delivery and can lead to problems with veins or blood pressure.

Is it really important for a pregnant woman to know exactly what week the third trimester of pregnancy begins? Of course, this is not an end in itself! Such information will simply help her choose the optimal behavior regimen (rest more, eat right), and prepare for childbirth in a timely manner. Naturally, every pregnant woman has her own due date. For some, the 3rd trimester will take 12 weeks, and for others, 16 weeks.

In the third trimester, the child actively grows, learns to swallow, suck, see, and touch. His brain develops, and periods of sleep and wakefulness appear in his intrauterine life. At this time, the expectant mother should gradually prepare for childbirth. In some cases, birth occurs as early as the third trimester. Children born ahead of schedule, are viable, but require long and persistent nursing.

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    When does the third trimester of pregnancy begin?

    The third trimester begins at 26 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the baby's movements intensify. But sometimes, distracted by everyday activities, the mother may not pay attention to these tremors. Fetal movements must be counted throughout the day. The minimum number should be ten pushes per day. If there are fewer movements or they are too active, this indicates that the baby is experiencing discomfort.

    Some pregnant women at this stage suffer from headaches, leg cramps, pain in the back and pelvic area. Fetal kicks may cause pain under the ribs. This pain is relieved by lying on your side.

    A pregnant woman can gain weight by the beginning of the third trimester from 5 kg to 8.6 kg.

    At 24–26 weeks, an ultrasound examination is performed. The purpose of an ultrasound is to exclude defects of the nervous system and determine the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid. This is also necessary in order to examine the placenta and find out the gender of the unborn baby.

    The woman goes for a clinical blood test, which examines the level of hemoglobin, and takes a general urine test, which checks the functioning of the kidneys.

    The pregnant woman will have to have an ECG (electrocardiogram) to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

    Fetal growth by 26 obstetric week reaches 31–32 cm, and its weight is 700–800 g.

    Skills acquired by the child:

    1. 1. Sees and hears perfectly. A sharp sound or noise frightens the baby. A pleasant sound for a child is the beating of the mother's heart.
    2. 2. Constantly breathing. No air enters the lungs, and the liquid is absorbed into the blood and does not cause harm.
    3. 3. Brain cells responsible for thinking are actively developing.
    4. 4. A wake-sleep cycle appears.

    Features of fetal development each week and recommendations for pregnant women

    Each week of pregnancy is characterized by changes in the development of the fetus and requires the expectant mother to follow certain recommendations (diet, care).

    Week 27

    The 27th week of pregnancy is characterized by the active development of the child and new sensations of the pregnant woman. The baby's immune and respiratory systems improve. Sometimes a pregnant woman feels the baby hiccup.

    Because of high pressure uterus on a woman's bladder, when she laughs or sneezes, urination may occur.

    During this period, you should consume those foods that will be included in your daily diet after the baby is born. In the third trimester, the child's taste is formed. If the food remains the same, then after pregnancy you can notice how the newborn baby drinks breast milk with pleasure.

    During this period, cholesterol levels increase. It is very important for the placenta, as it is building material, through which hormones are produced. Progesterone is produced at the expense of cholesterol. It is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, the safety of the child and the release of tension in the uterus.

    During this period, the weight gain of the pregnant woman ranges from 5.2 to 9.2 kg.

    At week 27, you should undergo a second scheduled ultrasound and pass all the necessary tests.

    The baby has already reached 32–33 cm in height, and his weight ranges from 800 to 900 g. How does a child develop:

    1. 1. Muscles are actively developing, the skeleton is strengthening.
    2. 2. Able to roll over from side to side, push, and stretch. These actions can be seen on ultrasound.
    3. 3. Surfactant is formed in the lungs, which helps to breathe.
    4. 4. Meconium forms in the intestines.
    5. 5. The child identifies certain smells and sees light behind the walls of the abdomen.
    6. 6. The baby begins to feel pain.
    7. 7. The final stage of development of the cerebral cortex is underway.

    Week 28

    The child at this time is already quite large. He becomes cramped inside, and his active movements begin to subside. The child is often in one position, but continues to push. At this time, the foundations of the psyche and character traits of the unborn child are laid.

    During this period, a woman may develop stretch marks on her stomach, chest and thighs. The skin needs to be given Special attention, lubricate with stretch mark cream. At week 28, veins in the mammary glands may become visible, and drops of colostrum may be released from the breasts.

    At this time, a number of rules should be observed:

    1. 1. You need to eat little, but often. The child will not like it if the stomach and intestines are full. All movements of the baby will be especially noticeable.
    2. 2. Don't eat heavily before bed. If this happens, the baby will be very active, but he needs more sleep than a pregnant woman. You can eat two hours before bedtime.
    3. 3. Eliminate diets. The baby is also active, but due to a lack of nutrients and protein. Your own nutrition should be agreed with your doctor. If malnourished, the baby may be born with low weight and small organs.
    4. 4. Eat only fresh food. Foods prepared for one day can provide the child with nutrients without toxins.
    5. 5. During meals you need positive emotions, which promote active absorption of nutrients. After childbirth good mood will affect the baby's lactation and sucking activity.

    At this time, it is necessary to undergo a glucose tolerance test. If the Rh factor is negative, you need to do an antibody test. This test shows the presence of antibodies in the mother's blood to the child's blood.

    A pregnant woman at 28 weeks gains weight from 5.4 to 9.8 kg.

    A child at 28 weeks is 33–34 cm tall and weighs 900–1000 g. He can already:

    1. 1. Distinguish the taste and smell of substances entering the mother’s body. At this time, babies prefer sweet taste.
    2. 2. Blinking due to blurring of the eyelids.

    Week 29

    The most important thing this week is to keep a close eye on your weight gain. It should not be more than 10–12 kg. If a woman has gained more than normal, then she needs to understand why this is happening, whether there is swelling.

    Monitoring the discharge is another important task for the expectant mother. The discharge should be milky or clear in color, without strong smell, and their consistency should be uniform. If they appear bloody issues, then you need to contact a gynecologist. This condition may be a symptom of placental abruption or premature birth.

    Some pregnant women may feel hot this week due to their increased metabolism, which increases the workload on the heart. Some may experience a decrease in blood pressure and increased heart rate.

    The child grew to 35–36 cm and weighed 1100–1200 g. What happens to the fetus:

    1. 1. Reacts to noise by blinking and flinching.
    2. 2. At this time, the baby has learned to distinguish musical sounds, so you can start listening to good music.
    3. 3. Eyelashes appear.
    4. 4. Using a stethoscope, you can listen to the baby's heartbeat.
    5. 5. The expectant mother feels the child’s mood: joy, frustration, calm, excitement, hunger and satiety.

    Week 30

    By week 30, the belly had grown well, and the usual gait had changed. Weight gain in a pregnant woman ranges from 5.9 to 10.2 kg. The main weight is made up of the grown uterus, amniotic fluid, and placenta.

    Starting this week, registration of maternity leave for working pregnant women begins.

    By week 30, the baby had grown to 36–37 cm, and the weight was 1200–1300 g. How the baby develops:

    1. 1. The child feels maternal affection. You should stroke your belly and say nice words.
    2. 2. Developing nervous system and psyche.
    3. 3. The child likes it when his mother walks or does gymnastics - he calms down.
    4. 4. The fat layer is actively developing and substances necessary for life are stored: iron, calcium, protein, etc.

    31 weeks

    A pregnant woman at 31 weeks may experience heartburn, although she has not suffered from it before. Heaviness appears in the lower abdomen. This happens due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the diaphragm and stomach.

    After 31 weeks, special monitoring is necessary for those who have uterine fibroids and scars after cesarean section.

    You should continue to eat right, avoid salty, fried, spicy foods, as they strain the kidneys.

    At this time, venous expansion in the legs is possible. Back pain cannot be avoided either. All this happens because the back muscles are resting and preparing for childbirth.

    The weight gain of a pregnant woman should be from 6.1 to 10.6 kg.

    At week 31, the baby finally takes the correct position: upside down. Those pregnant women whose baby has not yet turned over can go through a set of exercises that will help him get into the correct position.

    At this time, the child’s skin turns pink, the capillaries are no longer visible through the integument. This week it grows to 38 cm, and its weight becomes 1400-1500 g. The child continues to develop:

    1. 1. Preparation for life after birth occurs, internal organs and all systems are improved.
    2. 2. Muscle mass grows.
    3. 3. The body begins to round due to increased fat tissue under the skin.

    Week 32

    By week 32, the pregnant woman gains weight: from 6.4 to 11.3 kg.

    You should be careful throughout your pregnancy viral diseases. In the last stages, you especially need to monitor your health. By penetrating the body, viruses can harm the health of the child and accelerate the aging process of the placenta.

    A child at 32 weeks hears how the mother’s body works and distinguishes the mother’s voice from any other. The child begins to grow hair, nails grow, wrinkles smooth out, and plump cheeks appear. Almost all the baby’s organs are formed, the head and torso are proportional.

    The baby’s height at 32 weeks reaches 39–40 cm, and weight – 1600–1700 g. What happens to the child’s body:

    1. 1. The child continues to roll over into the correct position.
    2. 2. The brain actively grows along with the head.

    Week 33

    The stomach continues to increase in size, the uterus rises higher and higher and puts pressure on the stomach. The burning sensation does not leave the woman. Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath are added to this condition.

    Some pregnant women may notice swelling in the ankle area. All this is directly related to the pressure of the uterus, which impedes the outflow of blood through the vessels, and the blood retains water in the legs. To avoid swelling, you should place a cushion or pillow under your feet, drink at least three liters of water a day, and exclude salty and spicy foods from your diet. You should stand or sit less.

    Normal weight gain up to 33 weeks: 6.8–11.9 kg.

    During this period, the woman undergoes Dopplerography, which shows whether the fetus is sufficiently saturated with oxygen and nutrients, and CTG, which helps to exclude intrauterine hypoxia.

    The baby’s height at 33 weeks is 41–42 cm, and weight is 1700–1800 g.

    By this time the child:

    1. 1. Accepted cephalic presentation.
    2. 2. Accumulation continues subcutaneous fat.
    3. 3. The lungs begin to secrete surfactant, which helps the baby born in the seventh month to breathe independently.
    4. 4. The brain, large cerebral cortex and cerebellum are actively developing.
    5. 5. Activity appears at a certain time (day mode has appeared).

    34 week

    The mother's body is preparing for childbirth. Many hormones are released into the blood that promote joint elasticity. This is necessary for the easy passage of the fetus through the birth canal. A pregnant woman experiences frequent urination due to pressure from the uterus on the bladder. If a pregnant woman is bothered by swelling, she should consult a doctor to rule out the formation of gestosis. At severe swelling The pregnant woman is required to undergo inpatient observation.

    The normal weight gain is 7.3–12.5 kg.

    At 34 weeks, the baby has gained the required weight, the skin has become paler, and the functioning of the kidneys is improving.

    The baby already weighs 1900–2000 g, and his height is 42–43 cm. What happens to the fetus:

    1. 1. Frequent heartbeat in a child, the norm is 120–140 beats per minute.
    2. 2. The child learned to distinguish between light and dark.
    3. 3. The baby has mastered variable activity with his mother. When mom is sleeping, he kicks and rolls over, and if mom is awake, he becomes quiet.
    4. 4. Metabolism is actively formed.
    5. 5. The adrenal glands of a child are the same as those of an adult (they shrink after birth). They produce a steroid hormone (androgen-like substance that stimulates lactation).
    6. 6. Bone tissue is actively growing.

    Week 35

    The pregnant woman's breasts have already increased sufficiently in size and are ready for feeding. You should replace your usual bra with nursing underwear. The uterus had grown to such an extent that it was compressing the woman’s stomach and lungs. At the end of the 35th week, the stomach will drop, and the pregnant woman’s breathing will become easier.

    By the 35th week, a pregnant woman gains weight from 7.6 to 13 kg.

    From the 35th week, a repeat blood test is taken: for AIDS, syphilis, biochemistry. At the appointment, the doctor will take a smear from the vagina to identify microbial flora.

    The pregnant woman will again undergo an ultrasound examination, where the condition of the placenta, the weight and height of the fetus, its presentation and the quantity and quality of water will be assessed.

    Due to the tightness inside the abdomen, the baby moves more constrained. Based on the protrusions on the woman's belly, she understands which part of the body the baby is showing.

    The child’s height is already 43–44 cm, and his weight is 2100–2300 g. How the fruit changes:

    1. 1. Nails have almost formed on the phalanges of the fingers.
    2. 2. Subcutaneous fat, which is responsible for thermoregulation after birth, continues to accumulate.
    3. 3. Muscles become stronger.
    4. 4. A child is able to gain 30 grams per day. This makes him plump.
    5. 5. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

    Week 36

    If previously a pregnant woman visited a gynecologist every month, then from 36 weeks until birth it is recommended to go to the doctor every one to two weeks.

    At this time, the pregnant woman’s body prepares for childbirth. You should not be nervous and anxious, you need to relax, read books, and meditate.

    The pregnant woman's weight increased this week to 7.9–13.6 kg.

    At 36 weeks, the baby is 44 to 45 cm tall and weighs 2400–2500 g. What a child can do:

    1. 1. Started breathing through my nose. Until this time, breathing was carried out through the mouth.
    2. 2. Learned to distinguish shades of taste.
    3. 3. I began to remember what I heard: poems, music that were heard more than once.

    Week 37

    The uterus has already reached its peak growth, its weight is one kilogram, and its volume is about 5 liters. The uterus puts even more pressure on the bladder, causing shooting pain in the legs and perineum, back pain and hardening of the abdomen. Some women show the first signs of imminent delivery:

    1. 1. Removal of the mucus plug. This is a yellowish, streaky discharge from the vagina.
    2. 2. Lowering of the abdomen.
    3. 3. Loose stools.

    At week 37, control of the baby’s movements is necessary; they should be at least 10 times a day. It is worth remembering that due to tightness in the abdomen, the child moves less.

    Mom gained weight by 37 weeks from 8.2 to 14 kg.

    During this period, the baby is ready to be born, but the body still continues its development.

    His height this week is 46–47 cm, and his weight is from 2700 to 2800 g.

    How the baby changes:

    1. 1. The lungs mature due to the production of cortisone.
    2. 2. Meconium has accumulated in the child’s intestines. It will come out after birth on the first day.
    3. 3. The baby's skin has become lighter.
    4. 4. The fluff that covered the body disappeared.
    5. 5. The development of the central nervous, endocrine and immune systems continues.
    6. 6. The heart works well and blood circulates.
    7. 7. The baby improves breathing movements.
    8. 8. Hair appears on the head.

    Week 38

    At this time, labor is approaching and training contractions may occur. You can easily calm them down by taking a warm shower and changing your position. Real contractions are more painful and there is nothing to calm them down.

    By this time, a pregnant woman gains weight: from 8.6 to 14.5 kg.

    At week 38, the baby's height is about 47 cm and weight is up to 3 kg. The baby is already starting to prepare for birth:

    1. 1. The lungs are completely ready for independent work.
    2. 2. Begins to descend into the pelvic area.
    3. 3. The baby learned to relax due to the mother’s ability to quickly calm down at any time, anywhere.

    Week 39

    Anything is contraindicated this week physical exercise, as it induces labor.

    At this time, the pregnant woman loses up to two kilograms in weight. This happens due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

    On average, a woman gains weight by 39 weeks from 10 to 15 kg.

    The baby continues to gain weight. The 1.3 cm thick umbilical cord may become knotted or wrapped around the baby's neck, but there is no need to worry about this.

    Sometimes antibodies penetrate through the placenta at this stage into the baby’s blood, which allows him to start the body’s immune process.

    The child has grown to 48–49 cm and already weighs 3200 g.

    How the fetus develops:

    1. 1. The head descends to the entrance to the pelvis.
    2. 2. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat ends.
    3. 3. The lungs are completely ready for independent breathing.

    week 40

    This week is the final week, the woman’s body is ready for childbirth. The cervix has become softer, the canal opens and the mucous plug comes off.

    The woman’s weight gain in recent weeks is 9.1–15.2 kg.

    This week, minimal activity of the baby is noticed, but movements, as in previous weeks, should be 10 times a day.

    At week 40, the baby’s weight is from 3000 to 3500 g, and his height is 50–55 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth. He pushes, and by the protruding places on his stomach you can determine his part of the body. The baby is cramped inside, he requires more oxygen and nutrients, which means birth is approaching.

    41 weeks

    A woman may experience nervousness associated with changes in hormonal levels and the upcoming birth.

    Before the birth process begins, amniotic fluid may break. They may leak, flow out in a stream, or completely pour out. When the water breaks, as well as when contractions begin, you should go to the maternity hospital.

    Before birth, the baby is actively moving downwards, overcoming many obstacles. To be born, he needs to overcome 12–15 cm.

    During this time, the child gains an additional 500 grams of weight and grows by 1 cm.

    42 week

    Many pregnant women who have not yet given birth become nervous. But 42 weeks does not indicate a post-term pregnancy. At this time, you should go to the doctor to rule out pathologies in the child’s development. Sometimes fetal hypoxia occurs due to lack of oxygen and nutrients. At the appointment, the doctor will listen to your heartbeat, check the condition of your cervix and measure your abdomen. Sometimes a woman is prescribed additional tests to check the condition of the child, whether the umbilical cord is entwined around the neck, and whether there are signs of hypoxia.

    If there are no contractions at the end of 42 weeks, then doctors induce labor.

The 3rd trimester is a difficult and very important period for both the expectant mother and the child. The feeling of calm anticipation gives way to impatience: I wish I could. At this time, the development of the fetus and its growth is gaining ever higher momentum, the baby begins to actively grow and gain weight, filling more and more space inside the uterus. In the 3rd trimester, internal organs and reflexes (sucking, swallowing, grasping, etc.) develop and improve, the baby begins to hear, see and touch. Periods of sleep and wakefulness appear in his life, his brain rapidly grows and develops. The child pushes and kicks more and more, he is already quite viable, although he is very small. If premature birth occurs, there is a very high probability that the baby will survive. However, nursing him will require a lot of effort, and the baby’s health will most likely be weaker than that of children born at term.

A growing belly in the third trimester causes the expectant mother more and more discomfort. Due to the pressure that the pregnant uterus exerts on all internal organs, heartburn, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids appear, sleep is disturbed, lower back pain and swollen legs. A pregnant woman has a fear of childbirth and a feeling constant fatigue. During this period, it is recommended to carefully monitor your condition, eat right, go for walks. fresh air, remain as active as possible if there are no contraindications or risk of giving birth prematurely. Yoga for pregnant women may be right for you. special gymnastics or swimming.

To reduce anxiety and brighten up the anticipation, most pregnant women attend courses for expectant mothers, actively prepare for childbirth (for example, choose a maternity hospital and a doctor), buy clothes for the newborn and in every possible way equip the house, turning it into a cozy nest.

Future mothers in their interesting situation are concerned about every little thing: how the baby is developing, whether he feels well, how he looks at one time or another, and much, much more. They often wonder about the timing of their pregnancy. There is especially great confusion with trimesters.

How to calculate correctly?

It seems that everything is simple: you just need to divide 42 weeks of pregnancy by 3 and you get 14 weeks for each decade. You can even simplify the calculation: 9 months divided by 3 means that the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins at 7 months. But it is quite difficult to determine on which specific day the beginning of this period will fall.

The fact is that gynecologists calculate the gestational age not in months, but in weeks. With this method of counting, there are exactly 4 weeks in a month, which is 28 days. Therefore, obstetric and calendar terms of pregnancy will always diverge. With the calendar method of calculation, the third trimester begins at week 29, and with the obstetric method, at week 27.

The division into trimesters is very arbitrary and is practically not used to determine the duration of pregnancy. Experts distinguish these three periods when describing fetal development. In the first decade, the baby’s main organs and vital important systems. During this period, the woman undergoes the first screening test for possible deviations in the fetus.

In the second decade, the baby grows and develops in the mother’s tummy, its organs become more perfect. The baby begins to move - slowly at first, but as he grows, these sensations can become quite painful. At 21-23 weeks, the expectant mother undergoes a second screening test. In most cases, the doctor performing this test can determine the sex of the baby.

The third trimester no longer allows the mother to lead the same active life as she had before pregnancy, and her thoughts are occupied with completely different things. Therefore, at 30 weeks a woman goes into maternity leave to take a closer look at your health and your baby’s, as well as preparing for childbirth. At the last ultrasound at 31-33 weeks, you can clearly see the baby’s face, and modern technologies allow you to print his first photo.

Baby development

The time of final formation has come for the baby. internal organs and life support systems. Only the immune and respiratory systems and, of course, the brain continue to actively develop. Lack of oxygen is very harmful for him - hypoxia. Most often it is caused by anemia in the expectant mother. With this disease, the amount of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the distribution of oxygen throughout the body, is significantly reduced.

During this period, the baby begins to produce surfactant - a substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together during the first breath. If there is a deficiency of this substance in the child’s body, he is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. Surfactant deficiency is observed mainly in premature infants.

All glands work in active mode, producing hormones necessary for the body:

  • pancreas - insulin;
  • thyroid - thyroxine, triiodothyronine and calcitonin. The latter is responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body;
  • pituitary gland - melanotropin, thyrotropin, somatropin, etc. The third of these hormones is responsible for the growth of the baby: with its deficiency, dwarfism develops, and with excess, gigantism develops.

The third trimester is a time for external changes in the baby. Now he is almost the same as he will be at birth. Parts of his body are developed proportionally, his face is formed, hair and nails are actively growing. You can already see eyelashes and eyebrows. The baby opens his eyes from time to time. Of course, not very widely - after all, it is still in the amniotic fluid, and you can’t see much there. Sometimes, when amniotic fluid is swallowed, the baby may experience hiccups - a pregnant woman feels these light but frequent tremors very well.

The baby can turn towards the light, which it sees as vague spots. In addition, he can react to external sounds - for example, actively pushing during loud music or conversation in a raised voice. Experts say that the baby remembers the melodic compositions that he listened to in the womb. After birth, he will calm down and fall asleep faster if he turns them on again.

Most often, experts recommend that mothers and babies listen to classical music - it has a beneficial effect on the baby. Mozart is the first among the great composers of past centuries - it is not known why, but his works surround the child with psychological comfort, promoting the development of creativity, intelligence and attention in the child.

Woman's condition

When the third trimester begins, a woman may feel that her pregnancy is chronic, and now it will always be so. But soon it will all be over - the time for giving birth and meeting your baby is steadily approaching. In the meantime, you need to patiently endure all the inconveniences of your situation. During this period, constipation, heartburn, and shortness of breath may become more frequent. Insomnia causes a lot of trouble for many people. In addition, Braxton-Higgins contractions cause a little concern - they are also called training contractions. In this way, the body prepares for real contractions and the upcoming birth. But there is no need to worry - these uterine contractions do not mean that the pregnancy will end soon. For some, they may appear at 20 weeks.

The main dangers during this period are the following problems:

  • anemia - it causes fetal hypoxia, and for the expectant mother it is fraught with disruption of the immune, respiratory and digestive systems;
  • gestosis is a late toxicosis, which is characterized by edema and high blood pressure.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s belly becomes noticeable, significantly increasing in volume. This may require additional costs for a new wardrobe. Preference should be given to things made from natural materials. This is especially true for underwear - synthetics should be banned for the entire period of bearing the baby. This an important part wardrobe should be made exclusively of cotton.

It would be nice to follow these rules throughout your pregnancy, but in the third trimester they are especially important.

  1. It is necessary to carefully monitor your weight - too much gain can significantly complicate the birth process. If this has already happened and the number of kilograms acquired exceeds any norm, you must introduce fasting days.
  2. In general, nutrition for a pregnant woman is a very important component. During this period, everything fried, smoked, salty, sweet and flour should be excluded from the menu. It is worth eating more vegetables and fruits.
  3. You should get into the habit of counting the number of times your baby moves.
  4. Just in case, you should always carry your passport and exchange card with you - childbirth can begin at any moment and take you by surprise. At home, let the collected bag with the things necessary for mother and baby in the maternity hospital wait for its time.

In the third trimester, you can put aside worries about the baby - even if he wants to meet his parents ahead of schedule, he will be quite viable. Of course, in the beginning you cannot do without doctors and special equipment - an individual box with a controlled temperature, etc. However, for the most part, such cases end quite optimistically, and premature babies are no different from their less hasty peers.
