Born in the year of the fire horse. Year of the Horse: what year of birth and characteristics. Horse element Tree

As is already known, the Horse is the most noble of the animals conquered by man. Having united with the power of the Horse, man over many centuries overcame difficulties, conquered long distances and wide spaces.

In the Chinese horoscope, the Horse has an excellent reputation. Although the representative of this sign is slightly arrogant, the Horse has been a reliable friend of man for many centuries, carrying him into the abyss of battle, or enjoying a pleasant country walk with him.

People born under the sign of the Horse are extremely sociable, they prefer and love social life, and dream of being invited into a pleasant company. They are very well-read, talkative and eloquent interlocutors. A horse knows how to enjoy life and give itself pleasure.

The Horse will spend his young years in difficult conditions, he will leave his family early, trying to quickly establish himself in life, even despite all sorts of difficulties, he will try to live independently. site/node/3080

At the beginning of life, these people may have emotional and financial problems; they will often need to start from scratch, even to the point of having to sell everything they have acquired and start a new business. In maturity, the Horse will achieve peace of mind and balance in life, having already fully learned the wisdom of defeats and victories, as well as the price of perseverance. The Horse's old age will be peaceful and calm.

Next year of the Horse is 2026!

Characteristics of the Horse

Chinese character name: Ma

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Seven

Time of day: 11:00 - 13:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Leo

Element: Fire

Positive traits of the Horse:

The horse is decent and honest, hardworking and enterprising, diligent and ambitious, witty, with a wonderful sense of humor.

Negative traits of the Horse:

These people can be a little restless and impatient, sometimes belligerent, too preoccupied with themselves, and susceptible to mood swings.

Years of the Horse with the elements

The horse is famous and popular among others, especially since it knows how to attract attention. These people are very realistic and pragmatic, not at all selfish.

If they are financially independent, then they are happy with their life and do not ask for anything more. They are always lucky with money, and living with them is interesting, their life is exciting and full of adventure.

The horse is an excellent worker, she is very productive in her work and is ambitious in her life plans, hardy, but sometimes she lacks patience. site/node/3079

Women of this sign are very passionate people, she lives guided by the feelings of her heart, which sometimes takes her far, so this can be reflected in her appearance.

They are sensitive, sometimes impatient and always thirsty for love, constantly in search of the grandiose victories that they can count on. They love to instantly attract attention, they also fall in love at first sight - a man’s smile, his interested glance in your direction, and now she is already in love.

Zodiac sign compatibility horoscope

fire Horse

Earth Horse

Metal Horse

Water Horse

Wooden Horse

fire Horse

Earth Horse

Metal Horse

Water Horse

Wooden Horse

fire Horse

Earth Horse

Horse - male yang principle, sign of the third triangle, element of Fire

Horses are characterized by an inexhaustible thirst for life and passion. The horse has a bright personality, it does not play well in a team, and draws attention to itself. Sufferes without travel and movement, loves freedom of movement, adventure, freedom of expression. Representatives of this sign often experience difficulties in mutual understanding; it is more difficult for them to find harmony in a partnership, because they are not inclined to accept someone else's point of view. The horse appreciates what it has earned itself. She is thrifty and loves a comfortable, wealthy life. She is especially partial to fun and holidays, entertainment outside the home and cheerful companies of friends. She is loved in society for her cheerful disposition. The horse is talented and stands out with his clothes and style. She needs complete independence. She is in good health and physically resilient. The horse must work on himself to achieve what he wants and improve his social status. Many representatives of this sign succeed in this. A special year is considered the year of the Red Fire Horse, when representatives of this sign go through trials, it happens once every 60 years. This year, representatives of the Horse sign should not go beyond spending, and should not plan important changes in their usual way of life, such as moving, divorce, marriage, having children, etc.

Positive qualities of the sign

The cheerful character of the Horse is popular in society. The horse thinks very quickly, is dexterous in business, and is very receptive to new things and knowledge in general. Insight borders on telepathy. A horse can adapt to any demands of a partner, but it itself will never lose personal independence, especially in financial matters. He loves and knows how to earn money, organizes a decent life for his family.

Negative qualities of the sign

The horse is fickle and arrogant towards other, weaker individuals. Prone to immaturity and dependence on people. In relationships she is often rude, but also overly trusting. Stubbornness prevents the achievement of high results and high status in society. Often spoils his reputation with independent opinions and harsh arguments.

In the year of the Horse a lot of active energy is released. Fatigue is increased, it is more difficult to bear mental stress, so the likelihood of conflicts is high. But diplomacy and collective wisdom will help overcome the challenges of this energetic and change-rich year. Active year for the Ox, Dragon, Sheep (Goat) and Rooster. A busy year for the Horse (especially the year of the Fire Horse), Rat, Snake and Pig. Neutral year for the Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Dog.

Celebrities of this sign

Socrates, Aldous Huxley, Hieronymus Bosch, Rembrandt, Roberto Rossellin, Dmitry Likhachev, Theodore Roosevelt, Daniil Andreev, Vladimir Lenin, Roosevelt, Nelson Mandel, Ivan Bunin, Isaac Babel, Thomas Edison, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Georgiy Danelia, Neil Armstrong, Jimi Hendrix , Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand. Actors: Harrison Ford, Bob Hoskins, Vera Alentova, Margarita Terekhova, Lyudmila Savelyeva, Jackie Chan, John Travolta, Emir Kusturica, James Belushi, Leonid Yarmolnik, Helene Barkin, Helena Bonham Carter, Rachel McAdams, Ashton Kretcher.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Horse

The most active element of the sign, which is characterized by inconstancy in relationships. It is difficult for a Fire Horse to remain faithful, and it is impossible to keep it by force. She needs complete freedom, only then will she be able to make the right choice and form a prosperous, happy relationship with her partner. She has striking appearance and physical beauty. Confuses the concepts of passion and love, which causes difficulties in partnerships.

Yellow Earth Horse

The Earth Horse has a calm character, it is easy to find a common language with her, she tends to listen to people and take into account the opinions of others. Lack of self-confidence prevents you from achieving well-deserved heights. She is attached to home and family, which makes her different from other representatives of the sign. All difficulties around her are overcome easier and more fun, thanks to the constant optimism and practicality of the Earth Horse. Representatives of this sign should rest more often - this is the key to longevity and health.

White Metal Horse

The Metal Horse always knows where to have fun. She is always invited to the best parties, she is always looking for love and lives an active, rich life. The element of metal allows you to combine fun and a business career thanks to the self-discipline that is amazing for this sign. Loves new places, interesting people and cultural events.

Black (blue) Water Horse

A psychologist by nature, the Water Horse is endowed with the gift of healing souls and helping people find themselves. Independent and self-reliant, the Water Element Horse needs complete freedom to express its feelings. She is pleasant and courteous in communication, but cannot boast of constancy in love. But if she finds a response to her feelings and aspirations from her partner, she will be able to make a free choice towards a relationship. Life with a Water Horse is full of mysterious coincidences, a comfortable and emotional atmosphere in the house.

Green Wooden Horse

The element of wood gives the Horse intellectual superiority along with the desire for equality in partnerships. The Wooden Horse knows how to hear the true needs of a partner, find common ground with him and will provide support in difficult times. A horse of the wood element will not be overly assertive in order to achieve what he wants. Her mind will allow her to construct the future in such a way that she will achieve her goal in any case, but perhaps through the wrong hands in other circumstances. There is never a dull moment with her. She is as fickle as all representatives of this sign.

If the Horse decides that there is a need to acquire a new skill in order to successfully continue his career, he will persistently engage in self-education until he achieves perfection in the required area of ​​knowledge. It is typical for a person born in the year of the Horse that he will try to solve any problems that come his way, and not just avoid them, as many other people do.

Horses are sometimes inclined to make hasty promises in business, despite the fact that they intuitively understand the importance of calculating the risk of a possible operation. A good partner for such people is someone who can prove to them the need to be more careful by insuring transactions, as well as paying special attention to detail in contracts and business obligations.

Most people born in the year of the Horse have good health and are excellent for physically demanding work. They also have the necessary potential to be a worthy leader who inspires others, but at the same time they need to learn to restrain themselves, especially when the situation becomes uncontrollable, and a hasty decision in this case can leave them in a hopeless situation.

A Horse in love is usually an emotional adventurer, and spends most of his time not only on light flirting, but also on searching for new opportunities within a love relationship. This romantic conqueror does not need people who will yield to his physical pressure, although he loves easily conquered hearts, he quickly loses interest in them, and if he is not interested, he is again on the road, in search of a new relationship. This sign of the Chinese horoscope is so famous for its changeability in relation to others that, for example, in China they believe that a woman born in the year of the Horse will not make a good wife or life partner. However, it should be noted that if your chosen one was born in the year of the Horse, then the relationship is unlikely to be boring and monotonous - in such a relationship there will be exciting, reverent and tender moments that are worth living for.

To charm anyone, people born in the year of the Horse need only show all their tenderness and affection. However, it is very difficult for them to focus on just one partner, but if he or she can do this, then it will be possible to take commitments seriously and enter into a long-term relationship. Horses need to learn to move through life carefully, choosing their mate carefully, and their relationship with their partner will become much better once he or she has gained enough experience.

Horse people are often indiscriminate in matters relating to intimate life, but usually this side of their nature becomes insignificant if they are faced with a strong and energetic partner who is capable of taming them. Of course, here a lot depends on the partner, who theoretically should not object to the will of the Horse and indulge its desires in every possible way - the only pity is that theory often diverges from practice.

Celebrities born in the year of the Horse: Alexander Kuprin, Nikita Khrushchev, Vladimir Lenin, Leonid Brezhnev, Lisa Chaikina, Alexander Yakovlev, Alexander Dovzhenko, Ivan Bunin, Pyotr Kapitsa, Isaac Newton, Ingmar Bergman, Frederic Chopin, Sean Connery, Kevin Costner, Cindy Crawford, Clint Eastwood, Garrison Ford, Paul McCartney, Nelson Mandela, Rembrandt, Barbra Streisand, John Travolta, Mike Tyson, Antonio Vivaldi, Robert Wagner

, Metal Horse, Water Horse.

The Fire Horse is just a hurricane, it is unique. Her violent, irrepressible character does not give her a moment of peace. Her life is full of work and social activities. Life is always in full swing around her, she has enough time and energy for everything. This Horse is an orator, a tribune. She will not leave anyone indifferent, she is capable of raising and leading the masses to any cause. The Fire Horse is a clear leader, a leader and is not ready to cede supremacy to anyone. She perceives advice or wishes with hostility and as an attempt to take her away from business. Many people adore the Fire Horse for its positive energy and sense of humor, but qualities such as hot temper and rudeness quite often spoil this impression.

A shocking, enterprising Horse, endowed with excellent intelligence and great personal magnetism. She tries to change what she wants through willpower and coercion. Being the most daring of all lunar signs, in her race to the goal she can forget about caution.

This is a double fire sign (Fire is also the main element of the Horse), and such a person will be easily excitable and hot-tempered. The Fire Horse is easily confused; she is too unstable to perform repetitive tasks. She is quirky, witty and charming, but her endless stream of brilliant ideas makes her incredibly fickle. The Fire Horse is multifaceted; it requires spice and variety in life. The greatest pleasure comes from living a double or triple life or mastering several interesting and profitable professions.

He loves to travel and act, anticipates new trends, works most effectively if he is involved. Rarely recognizes someone's control, even from superiors. Capable of insisting on her own, constantly trying to surpass herself.

The Fire Horse loves to compete and loves the thrill. She can accurately assess any person and situation at first glance, and knows how to interact with anyone. Capable of solving delicate and complex problems, but, alas, loves to argue and behaves recklessly. And with her speed and reactions, she will never give up without a fight - and you can bet on her winning.

Fire Horse according to the Chinese Horoscope

The Fire Horse is impulsive by nature, its initiative and excitability sometimes go beyond all limits. These people are Active, versatile and passionate, they need strong emotions to prove to themselves that they are still alive. If something comes into their head, then all their indestructible will will gather into one fist in order to reach the desired goal. Fortunately, they have a talent for getting out of difficult situations.

They are inventive and have the gift of unraveling intricate problems, and the difficulties they encounter only stimulate their development and growth. However, they often lack consistency and perseverance. People born under the sign of the fire horse themselves very quickly get tired of their own plans. When their goal is achieved, it immediately loses its attractiveness.

In love and personal life, the search for pleasure often turns them into unnecessary and unfaithful. They are constantly attracted to everything new. The Fire Horse spends its energy without thinking, and when it is in love, it will stop at nothing and achieve the desired result.

Fire Horse Man

A strong-willed, energetic man actively takes on solving any problems. For him, sitting still is an almost impossible task. Loves to overcome difficulties and difficulties. The Fire Horse is an impulsive man, so he does not delve into details, but immediately rushes into battle. He is often accused of selfishness; indeed, he rarely thinks about the feelings of others. Your own interests and personal gain always come first. This is the nature of a man of this sign; it is difficult for him to cope with his emotions; he prefers to act rather than think. However, this is a reliable person who will never let down anyone who hopes for his help. He is famous for his hard work and achieves great success in his professional field.

A man of this sign loves thrills, he is not interested in insipid, boring relationships. From the novel he expects fireworks of feelings and emotions, but with a calm woman he will quickly get bored. The Fire Horse is a hot-tempered and unpredictable man; his chosen one must be ready for any turn. Today - crazy passion and love, tomorrow - complete indifference. This is a very generous person, ready to shower his partner with all the treasures of the world. But she will have to deal with household chores herself. Too energetic and impulsive to get bogged down in trifles. Full of the most ambitious plans, his wife and children should support him in everything, and not interfere or distract him with requests for help with cleaning and preparing for lessons.

Fire Horse Woman

For this impulsive, emotional woman there are no obstacles or barriers. Acts boldly and decisively, does not pay attention to the opinions of others. For her, there are no, and there cannot be, really compelling reasons to abandon her plan. The Fire Horse is an energetic woman; if she sets a goal for herself, it means she will definitely achieve victory. She cannot be entrusted with routine duties; the need to perform monotonous actions instantly makes her depressed. Her bosses usually give her creative tasks, because she has a good imagination and a rich imagination. Therefore, he comes up with original ideas that greatly facilitate the work process.

In love relationships, he demonstrates a frantic temperament and gives free rein to his feelings without hesitation. She will not modestly wait for her chosen one to pay attention to her. The Fire Horse is a brave woman, so she will try to interest a man. Although fans don’t give her a pass anyway, she is such a spectacular person. She can be capricious and wayward, and does not consider it necessary to adapt to a man’s interests. For all her external beauty and natural sexuality, she is often left alone. Men get tired of her impulsiveness and eccentricity. But she doesn’t want to change, she’s too selfish and self-obsessed. However, she will try to become a good wife for a truly beloved man.

Having endowed them with such a patron as the Horse. Moreover, the element of Earth accompanies this symbol, thoroughly permeated with the male energy of Yang. This is a strong animal that can easily overcome any obstacles in its path and make human labor easier.

Personality qualities

These are sociable and inquisitive people. They can be the life of the party. They quickly and easily perceive and process information, highlighting the main thing. They know the value of praise and give it only if someone deserves it. Appearance is sometimes of fundamental importance to them. Therefore, looking after him is not only a pleasure, but also hard work every day.

After all, being constantly in the center of attention - both among friends and at work - is incredibly difficult. Considering 1978, no matter what Horse it may be, we can say that this is a gift for newborns. It was Zemlyannaya who managed to collect all the qualities most necessary for a full life:

  • Practicality.
  • Ability to concentrate on work.
  • The ability to finish what you start.
  • Loyalty both to the spoken word and to the person who is nearby.

Symbols of different elements according to the eastern calendar

Answering the question: “What year of the Horse is 1978?” - you need to figure out what their types are. After all, in addition to the basic qualities, each of them also has individual characteristics.

Career success

In 1978, what color does a Horse have? The answer is yellow, representing the sun, ripened wheat and gold. Such people reach heights in their careers. Their superiors listen to them and their subordinates respect them for their professionalism. However, it is almost impossible to prove anything if the opinion differs from their own. They will be convinced that they are right to the end. They will defend this with aggression and pressure. Having an analytical mind and the ability to calculate the situation in advance, laurels are predicted for anyone who is not afraid of work.

Perfect couple

Finding out which 1978 is the year of the Horse and its compatibility with other signs, we get the following scenario. Ambitious Tigers, who look heroic in her eyes, are suitable for an independent and self-centered nature. She tries to help them in everything.

The Cat will be an ideal friend, but the love of freedom of both will not allow them to build a strong relationship. The Earth Horse loves love and affection. It is important for her to hear tender words from her partner, and constantly. This is the only way to calm her down. She will love madly and stand up for her partner if only she receives the return in full. A woman who is successful in her career will achieve a lot in relationships if she only pacifies her egoism and becomes less demanding of her chosen one. Here is 1978 - what a year of the Horse!
